UNITED STATES - Internal Revenue. XTOTICE IS HEREBY -GIVEN THAT AN Appeal will be held for the Special Income Tax, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 22d and 23d days of November, 1564, For the County of Wyoming, at the Court House in Tunkbannoek, when all difficulties that may havo arisen lioiu improper assessments, will be adiu-ted. I aac 8. MONROE, Assessor 12th Pa. Dist. CatawissY, Nov. 9, 1804. MATRIMONIAL I LADIES AND GENTLEMEN if vou wish to rasrry, nddrcss the undersigned, who will send you without money and without price, val uable information that will enable you to marry hnppv nnd sprcdily, irruspective of ago, wealth or beAuiy. This information will cost you nothing, nnd if you wish to uiarry, I will cheerfully assist you,— t l letters strictly confidential Tho desired infor mation sunt by re urn mail, an l no questions asked, & Ureas Sarah B. Lambert, Greenpoiat, Kings, Co., New Fork y4-nl4-sine. STILL IN THE FIELD, MRS. BARDWELL Announce* to the Ladies of Tunkhannotk and vicini ty, that she has just received a tine HPS. 4 ' tuiaut of Fall ami Winter at her rooms opposite the Poai-office, where can be Jocad iu great variety, ail tho LATEST SWLES* —or — BONNETS. HATS, CAE.*, UEAI) DRESS US. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS CORSETS, and everything in the line of Millinery and Fancy t.-.'(/da, which she will soil at ttie lowest cash prices i. f REPAIRING promptly and acady done •rlnMtf. ■ Jst uf I'ersoits Draw n to Serve as Jurors November Terni 18CI GIIANU JlßorS. E\toS—Bcnj. Townseu l, Win: Benedict MEiioorASY- —Wm- Decker, Geo. A 5 .". Potter, Jr.? Vaughn. Washington I'cnj Ilartron, Henry Lyphtio, Thus. Kintnor, WINHHAM Kmer Hatfieli, Iliram Keener, Noethmukf.l.and. —Gen Ibirri.on, A. 0. Lutes J <fi lih nds, Kich'il Monriiug. Bu.IINTIIIM. Wi liam Ne:gh. fi'i.iyios —ilenrv Af.nhcw.-00, Champiin Gardner, ft NK Tp —John (ir.ihim. I'Al.LS.—Nalhnn Pliiln, .Su'H'.lion- Miner WenLn, D. K. Itrown. FUKKSTON.— Button Vose, John Ilinry. UvKitriKLO.—B F, lUiDrburgor. PKTtT Jl'Bofis. VoititsTov —Hiram Hitchcock, Elijah Fassett. John Hitchcock. Peter McQueen T V Lcroy. Rhaintrih. —C'lias. B;.!ie, Julius Skiff. Mr.nooi'ANV.— Michael Vi'altcrs, John Love Jr.. 17 W stunievant. 7S AsniNCToN —Lyman Ellsworth. E Jg.ir Brnrn hail, l.rwis (' ok. Joint Crawford, 1 ALLS Michael Walter, Peter Dershimer, D. C Post, M . g.n Filch. Tt iK. 'ir.- -Chas, T. Cairl, Jos. Graham, Dan! Nc -m.in, Jacob Shnrpe. Ji.r&uiii.h Ostcrhoul, I>.!tii. Bill. RATON. —Berj M Halt. John Nf v Hiram Rod la. NicUoLsos —Emb v Wright, C. I. J u-kson, E N Bacn, John Niver. Parley Bacon, Jos Stephtus. K. N Gritns, L. Harding. " Dittas Ju stiu. WlXDHASl;— ?bufcs\Garcy, Jas X. Gar v. Win. Riley. Myren .Stnrdev.mt Th'-s. J, Wright. CntNT ix —-Myron Dean, T. J. M ynanl, Z. S R''_> holds. N .nTHMOKri.A.vn n m . Ch.impin Mo.nrok.- JOS. Phenix. TI'.NK. BUBO — T. i>. St Uii.-r. 7'XXT*E" Robert Win lei a. T' PROFESSORS OF MUSIC AMATEURS. AND THE MUSICAL PUBLIC GENERALLY, I, A. \V< )\ DKK.M.AW roaaiGs t ah IPIIAN jji !.■ w.vrt aof.st. 821 ohuaji- WAY, llYTiogon ii im.' iho la.rgtst-stock of Futeign Music in New F.irk.wLfi-h bo import ■■ fro in Eurojie exprcsr ly fi> meet the teste and rcquiri met ts of the Aiaeri csn lovers of Music, rcrpcctfulty e .11? a'tent ion to lb< that be is nor. sapp ying Music o Everv Style at a Reducti in of mi \ n-i ivr r.-. i IVTV per vent, less than any oth r house iu tho I ui-.o i States. Private F'ainilies can bo supjdicd fjiost free ) fiv forweriting the cash to the above adJress Fhouldj the r iMouut of cash be forwarded exceed the cost o the Music, the balance will Le promptly returned in j- stage currency Dkaless an 1 Professors z.bould not neglect th<a opportunity ; they will be liberally dealt with. NII Any and every picco of Music (vocal or instrumental) published lit Europe and America will be sup] li.d to order, ii' a -eoinpaiad bv tfi-, tctii, ' Rcurcuiber tie: Address, I'. A. W I'.N'fiE R M A N N ¥ jraign and American Music Warehouse, 825 Broadway, New Y'ork, EYE AM) EAR IMF I MAR Y. (0u the S-jetre, Tirree Doors from Steele's Hotel. > WI UK ■ SHA U It I:, PA. r PIIIS INSTITUTION is now operiod nnd fur- J nisheil in the most costly style. Reception, Private and Ojier ting Rooms are large, convenient and well adopted The Surgi n! r.pnrtinont couiains th finest collection of instruments in the country, and thus his faculties will enable him to un et any and nil emergencies in practice. lie will operate npon all the various forms ot BLINDNESS. Cata rnet, Oceluon of the Pupil, Cross By s Closure of the Tear Ducta. Inversion ot thr Eyelids Pterygium Ac. Ac. And wilt treat ail iomis of fcor a, Eye (rnn üßPLids.u B PLids. Ojwceties of the Cornea, and Scrof ulous diseases of the Eye together with all the dis ease* to which iha Eye is subject. DEAFNESS—WiII trc.it ill tho diseases common hi thn organ Discharges from tho E ir, Noises in the Ear, Catarrh, diffi utt.v ot hearing, total Deaf ness even we.ere the Brum is destroyed. Will in sert au artificial one answering nearly a!! the pijr jioses of the natural. DISEASES OF THE THROAT.-All diseases eo in moil to the Throat and Noe will be treated GENERAL St RGEKY'.— He will operate upon Clubfeet, llair Lip, Clcit fullate, Tumors, Cancers Enlarged Tencils, Ac. Plastic operations L. ijeal >g new flesh into deformed parts ami general Sur gery ot whatever ehnrae er it may present. HERNIA (or RUPEURE)—He will jrfrtm "Ln- I Pration for the radical (cou.pl te) euro i f i.eruia, this is unquestionably a perfect cure, and is done wiih little or no pain. Out of siany huti dretl operated upon in Boston there has hen no '•ui r cs ' having met the iierfoct approbation of ' w ho have submitted to it. J"CIaL EYES—WiII insert artificial Eyes al Tfil ' l^le laot ' on ar " l expresion of the natur lIEDOHRiim M! ,V, ed n ' ,th I ' JC le:,et l ain > . , UOU >L, (Pics) -This troublesome dis ease is readily i .r. do weil to call. those suffering from it will i buibiiug upn' p'r'mL* Vllk "-"-Rtrrc with a view mailt of the Eve Eir ~I?aVn Bti,ure for the treat "xpericncc of more'than a Sur The Hospital and general practue T °l " ,n ufScicnt guarantee to those who I,e "' Wlll bc a t employ him. ' ,1, 0 he disjosed -Mai 9, 15641 -i., Tank- I E. & 11, T, ANTHONY & CO,, Manufacturers of Photographic Ma terials, WHOLESALE AND RELAIL, 501 BROAD WAY, N. Y. In rddition to our main business ot PHOTO GRAPH fC MATERIALS, we are Headquarters for the foil wing, viz : STESESCOPEs II i SffilQFIG VIEWS. * Of th-se we have an immense so*tme nt, including War Scar es, American and Foreign C ties and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, Xc Ac, Also, re volving Steres.oj.es, for public or jirivate exhibi tion. Our catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp . Photographic Albums, We were the first to introduce these into the Unit ed States, and we tnan factum immense qutntities in gteat va-iety, ranging in price It m 50 vents to 850. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others They will he sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, S jTFINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER—— carß photograph 4 . Our Catcloguo now embraces over FIVE THOU SAND different sub eets (to which a editions are continually firing made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, Ac., ii : about It'll Major-Generals, | 530 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, | 130 Divines, 273 Colonics, | 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, j 40 Artists, 2..-0 Other Officers ' 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers. j 50 Prom'nt Women, 13' i Prominent Foreign Portraits. 1 00 COPIES Ui WORKS OF ART, in -lading re: reductions of tho tnot eolebratad En gravings. Paiutiiigs,.Statues Ac. Catalogue sent on receipt of Stamp. An orier for One Dozen PIC TURES from our Catalogue will be filled on the re ceipt of 81,80 and sent by mail, Fitur. Photographers and others or,le.ing goods C. 0. D. will please remit twenty five percent of the amo with their order. E & II T ANTIfOvY & CO. Alannja'.hirers of Phofograyhic Materials. 5b 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The j'rices and Quaiiiy of our Goads cannot fail to satisfy, Nov 0 HW3- P'uy/s. AYERji cIIERRY PECTORAL, FOR THE HAITI) CURE OF o.>uglis, Colds, Inilucnzft, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consuin ption, and for the relief of Consump tive Patients in advanced stages < f the disease. S<> wide i>ti.r field of it? usefulness and SO num erous me the c.iS"S of it* cure?, thnt nlmr.st every ! se tion ■ f eoutiii.v fiboti! is iu persons puldu ly known who hav • l.ecn re tored from alarining >n 1 even lespemte li-. u-'iM OF the lurig-" by tts lIM Wliru ..nee tii- d. i'J -u; ;■!:.)ti ty ( \er every other rxpe>-t;i -r tnt is too Hpj.urent to escape ribservattnnpind where it- virtues are known, the public n. longer hesitate what nuii lote to employ for ihe distressing sn l d-'.ngerous affe.-tions of the j uitnoitary organs thn iiro ir.-i'lcift to cir c liuiate Uhilo many inferior retr.e iifs thrust ut '.n the cou.munitv havo ftiled and bven d;-. uric I, thi ii.r< gained friends by every 'trial conferred benefits on the ntUic! od they can never forget, and j-rolu -e cures too uuaicroas and too rctn.irk.itile to fie for? a<en Tiiose who require an r'/eruticc mcdi' ine to pt ri ■ v the blood will find A i I.IPS CttMP KXT.SAiISA PAKILL.V the rjmetl.v to use Try it ouce, and on will know its value Prcj.ured by J. C. AVER A CO.. Lowell Miss, and sold by Sam'. Stark Timkhanuo L. aud alt deal ers in ute everywhere, gIITSCi! Miss Vose iviil coinmence a 'select School iti Tunk •hnnr. .. k n Tuesday the 2D h of Novetubei and continue twelve weeks. TUITION. Common Enfilish Branches $d '■ 0 Higher •' •• 5,00. Drawing 2.G0 rren b m ! German, each, 2,U0 O.t 36;b, l~>t>3, (iodey-s Lady's Book THE Fashion Magazine of tho World. LiTERATV I.E. FINE ARTS, AND FASHION'S. Tint roost iiiagnifi -ent Steel engravings. DOUBLE i-'ASHION-PLATKS Wooil engravings on every subject that can interest ladies. Croebet knitting, Netting Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Parlor, Build (ir 4 anil the Kif hen. Everything, in fact, to make a COVU'LETK LADY'S BOOK. THE LA DIES'FA VOHI IE FOR 35 YEARS. N i Magazine has been able to complete with it None attempt it, GODEY'S RECEIPTS tor every department of a household, These alone ate worth the price of the B >ok. Model Cottages (ao other Mtgizine gives them) with dingnim a . DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG.— Another specialty with Go'loy ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth $3 a year, Other Magazines pub/ish oii worn out Music ; but the sub scribers to Go ley get it before the music stores Gardening for L.dies, Another peculiarity with Gudey. Fashions from Messrs, A T. Stewart A Co., of New Yum. the Millionaire merchants, ;ipj>ear in Gudey, the only Magazine that has them. Also", Fashions from the celebrated Brodie,of New York. Ladies' Bonnets. We give uiore of them in a year than any other Magazine. Iu fact, the La ly,s Book enables every la ly to be her own bonnet maker. MARION HARLAND, Aut ho r ess of 4 -Alone," • ■Hidden. Path," "ATosa Fide," yemesi q" and "Miriam writes for Godcy each month, and for no other Mag azine. We have also retained all our old and fa vorite eontributurs TERMS OP Godey'a Lady's Book lor 18G5. (From which there can be no Deviation ) The following are the terms of the Lady,a Book for 1865. At present, we will receive subscribers at the following rates. Due notice will l>e gi.en if we are obliged to advance, which .>ill d pond upon the price of peper. One copy, one year, $3,00 Two copies •' 44 5,50 Three 4< " 44 Four * 4 44 4 10,00 Five copies, onoyesr, nd an extra copy to the jierson sending tho elub, uiskiug six eop-es 14 00 Eight copies one year, and sn cx'ra copy to theperson sending the elulr. making nine copies 21 00 E!e\eu cojiies one yoar, aud an extra copy tt the j/crs.in send ug tho club, making twel.c copies 27 00 Additions to any of the above clubs, 82 50 each subscriber. Godcy's Lady's Book and Arthur's ll>ue Maga zine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of 84 50. We hare no club with any other Magazine or Newspaper. The muiiey must all be sent at onetime for any Club Cans In subscribers must send 24 cents additional for each sub-criber. Address L.AGODEY. X, E, Corner Sixth and Ch°stnut Streets, 1 'III LADE LI 3 HI A •' --nv LT 9-COOPER, ITIYSICIAN & SLKutv.. Ac.tvn Centre; Luzerne County Pa, ; Sterling & Loomis j the best and largest assortment of ' MERCHANDISE [ t<> be found in I lie country, and must of it was j purchased p:ev>u* to tlie LATE ADVANCE IN PRICES, which enables them to Sell Goods Much Be low present Hates. We have constantly on hand, /Salt bv the barrel, Fine Salt by the sack, and half barrel, Turks T .-land Salt for packing meat i lour, Sole Leather, Iron, Nails, Nail Rods, Tow Cork, and Cast Steal Carriage Bolts, Plaster, c jlDrx C3r<oo<dLs C 11 0 CE II I E S, Boots and Shoes, I hits and Caps ; Drugs, Dye Studs, Hardware, Wood en ware, Stoveware, Paints, I Oils, Crookerv, Liquors, Stationery, Wall Paper and Burieritig, (rintlstones, Wheelbarrows, Pegs & Lasts, Buftalo 7/obes, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Plated /Spoons Rosin, Tar &c., i I jWe give bcliiw n tVw of onr present prices sut'ject t< all changes of the market, viz.: | Salt §4 per barrel. Flour $l2 per barrel. Prints 25c to 40c per yard. Rest Brown Suirars 20 to 22c. ! j > _ 1 White Sugars 25 ets. per lb Ami everything not cnuuti rated, m same proportion. All ea-k is for p n t >le to call and -eo f< r themselves, as we tee? c u.fi lent that wc can jljegt their most sanguine i X; notations. S i iiPfJNG Sr LOOMIS. itlirgville, Pa., Oct. 5 ISo4—\4tilO JUT lIECIIYED, -rr.ou - PHILADELPHIA -ASP ©"W^STorris., 1 A F ULL A S S O ii T MK S T 0 F I rff) &jh/, s S3 V St e* iIuOODP •v? ,V ** - & DRESS ROODS, SHAWLS, CASSIMERS, Olo"tl2-i Shoes, slats, I iantn (DooK A. 1 -^> ' \OTIDN? 4 . ttr. &•* , adapted to this Season 1 i which will he sold at the VERY*LOWEST MA KET ' pit [CE for Cash or Country Produce, at iho Store of John Weil. Tankhanno k M ir.u 150, 1-7 D I\ (IlaM and W UKXCH, Manufacturers and Dealers lu wsaau'B ON WVA LUSI V G CREEK, jCAMPTOW, BRADFORD Co iu Foils Carded and Cloth Finished. MANUFACTURE CLOTH FCR CU3TCMERS ON SHARES OR AT THE FCLLCWINC PRICES PER YARD: Cassimer , Best Finish, fine 45 cents Plain Cloth, do 45 44 2;°.." a,i '' Alixel Cassitueres.4s 44 Tweeds, 32 44 Common Fulled Cloth, While Flannel. 2? 14 Ma filer lied Flannel, 32 '• Gray Flannel 25 14 Tho Gray Flannel made wtth taste ind very suits ble for Clothing- IIAUVEY IMG lIAM AMOS WRENCH nr Personliving at a distance can have roll crded eo as to t ke them home with them ; as a?tl f cx|iim tin ni< nd 'rip. Lost. On Friday last, somewhere between Skinnors Ed jdvan 1 'l'utikbannock, i ni'XTEB caskd w atch — Cylinder escapement —half capped Upon the iaee | are tho words -'Marine Time Observer-' 1 .$5,00 Reward ' will he paid any perso" finding said watch and leav j ing it at Sterling's Store, Wall's Hotel, or with the ! stage driver on the route. DO YOU WISH TO BB CUBED 7-DR BU CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFFIC PI LIS cuer in less tbvn 30 days, the worst cases of NEKVOI S NESS, Impotence, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness Insanity, and all Crinarv, Sexual and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause pro duced- Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, post-paid by mail, on receipt of an order. One Box v. ih per ' feet the cure in most cases Address JAMES S. BUTLER | • General Agent, 427 Broadway, New York r4nl 3tu: .T. C. BE CKKR . I . * A. MI'VGEO*, . POYSICUn . mmk \ CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCH SEWING-MACHINE I Were awarded 'ho highrnt Premiums or-r all Coiiiftelilo s at ihc f llnwing Stale and C unly Fails of ISG3. NEW YORE STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. Firs' Premium tor Mai ufaeturing Machine. First Premium fur M itbiiw Work. INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium for M idline for all purposes. : First Premium for Machine Work. VERMONT ST A TK FA IR. First Premium for Family M ichilie. First Premium for M nu*a.*turinc Machine. First Premium for M.sehitio Work. OHIO STATE FAIR First Pietuiuui for Machine Work. lOWA STAT F: FAIR. Fitst Premium for Fmi'ly M ichine I-'i ist Premium for M muiaciu ing Machine. F'irst Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. F'irst Premium tor Machine for all purposes. First Premium tor Machine Work. KENTI C'KY STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposes' I'lrst Premium 101 M chine Work MICHIGAN STATE FAIR, First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for M mufaeturiug Machine. Fiir-t Premium for Machine Work® PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR First Premium for M mufacturing Machine First Premium t>r Machine Work. OREGON STATE F AIR I'irst Premium for Family Michine. F'irst premium for Machine Work. CHITTENDEN Co. (VL)A gr'l Sno. Fi st Premium fur Family Ma. bine. F'n st IVuimuui for M mufaeturing M ichine. First Premium fer Machine Work* ' FRANKLIN Co (N. Y )IA lit. F'irst Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. CHAM PLAIN VALLEY (Vt > Agrl Soc. lIAMPDFN Cm (MASS )Agr'l So?. Dijdoinu "or Fniiii,' .Machine* Diploma tor M chine Work. WASHINGTON Co.(N. Y.)F.VIR First Premium t. • 'am•!v Ma-bine. QUEENS Co (N V. )Ag.'l First Premium for Family Machine. Fir.-t Premium .or Manufnctuiing Machine. F irst premium for Ma -bine Work. SARATOGA Co (N.Y)FA'It First Premium for Family M tchitie. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE (Pa.)FAIR First Premium for M idline for all purpose*. First. Premium tor Machine Work, GREENFIELD (O)l NluN F.MR. First Premium for Family M n-hine. First Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON Co (O)FAIIl. F'irst Premium fir Family Machine. F'irst P;..iuiii:ii for Ma -hide Work. M )N r i )ME J Y C i.( Pa )F A1 It. First Premium f"r M sliinc for till purposes. First Prem Util for Miceiiie Work, it AN Ji A iITN Co (CM )FAIR First Premium for Family Midline. First Premium tor M icfaitte Work. SAN DISTRICT (('.! ) FAIR F'irst Preiniuiu for Funilv Machine Fsist Premium or Machine Work The ftf-ave comprise. •.'. tho fairs at which the Gnopt 1: A BAKF.II MAC.VISSS were exhibited th's yea . Sales-ennms, 4!>. Broadway, \'jw Votk, 730 Chest mt St. Philadelphia NOTICE. F"or the Benefit of SoldlctV Orpans. II v an act of the Legislature of Pctuisy Icania np- J proved M iy y, 1 Hjf, (tie Goveiuni was au'lvim ed to receive the sum oi fifty thousand dollars, offer ed by the Pennsylvania Rui.road Company, "for the i iiucaiion and maintenance of destitute orphan chil dren of deceased soldieis and sailors" liio persons entitled to the benefits of this Act are the "children of either sex under tho ago of fifteen, resident in Pennsylvania at the time of the applica tions, and depen >ent U|MIII either public or private charity fur support, or on ihe exertions of a moth r or oth-r person desr.itlit- of means to afford proper eriuciitiou and maintenance, of fathers who have been kt led or died of wounds received IT of disease comrade I in the .set vice of the I nited States, " hot ti er i.i volunteer or tniiiti i regiments of this .State, o sn the regular aruir of tlw naval service oi the Put ieil Stales, but who were a: the time of entering fuch service, actual buna fide residents of Penusylva iu i" Such children will bo boarded, clothed and educa ted ; those under the age of six years, m any suitable school that will receive thorn on proper terms• and use over six years of ago, in one of tho State Nor mal Sobo. Is The uppticatiou tuu.-t be made "by the mother, if '* 111,1 • v guardian or next friend ." vhPorsous representing s>urb orphans a.s above de isribed can receive inform •tion, blauk forms, and all necessary assistance by application to either of the undersigned. P M OSTERHAFT Esq , R.v, C. S LANK, Ilev H THEIt PECK, Mrs HELEN M. NEU MAN, Miss RUoDA 6 CARET Superintending CoiaT.iltya for Soldier* Orphans in WyomingCouuty F&O3TS WEES THE SUBSCRIBER HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, fur severs! a If ¥ & 8 £ £ Y, Afk. where all of the most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT Or ORNAMENTAL TREES. Can be obtained. Being conv need from experience that his Trees and Plants will give far better satisfaction to the F'ruit-growers of Wyoming County th in -my grown in other localities, he confidently solicitsincir patron age He will make annual vi-its either in person or by bis agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only that his specimens may bo examined and his n.etnod of dealing lie tested. Al! orders by letter orotherwise, fur Trees, vines or pi nt* will be jcomptly attended to. H'3l-Jy. D HARKINS. AUCTIONEER. L. C* Conklin, of Tunkhnnnock Borough, Wvo tiling County l'a hereby gibe- notice, that he ha taken a license as public Auctioneer and tender h ; - services to the public in that capacity onr*>son able terms. L C. CONKLIN. October Ist 1864 GEO 8. TIJTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Tunkbonnock, Pa. Offi.e in Stark's Brick Block, Ttoga st r oet Pun am Clothes wringer. I IT HE 0.N1.T REM ABLE SELF-ADJU*TIi<G WRINGER. NO WOOD-WORK TO SWELL OR SPLIT. N THE Ft]] V F 'JO Gil OUT OF ORDER WARRANTED WITH OR WITHOUT COG-WHEELS. It to k the FIRST PREMIUM at Fifty-Seven; State and C aunty F'airsin 1863. and is without un ! cxccfttion the beat Wringei ever made. Patented in the United States England, Canada, and Au.-trai ia Agents wanted in every unu, and iu all parts of the world. Energetic agents can mak from 3 to 10 Dollars per day. Sample Wringer sent Express-paid on receipt of price. j No 2SO 50. No 1, $7 50. No F. fa 50. No A 89 50. Manufactured and sold, wholesale ami retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO No. 13 Piatt Street, New York, Clev jlan 1, Ohio, and Bentii igion. Vt. S. C NORTHROP, Agent. WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS,vis.— That Iron well galvanised will not rust; That a simple machine is better than a complicat ed one That a Wringer should bo eelf-adustinr, durabls, and ejjicient. That Thumb Screws tad Fastenings cause delay and trouble in regulate and keep in order ; That wood soaked in hot water will swell, akmnk and svlit; The wuod bearings for the shaft to run in will wear out; That the Putman Wringer, wi'b or without cog wheels, will not tear the clothes; Thatcog-wbeol regulators arc not essential ; Thai the Putnam Wringer has all the advantages and not one ot the disadvantages above named ; That all who have tested it, piuiiounce it the best Wringer ever male: That it will wring a Thread or a Bed-Quilt WITH OUT ALTERATION. Wo might fill the pa par with testimonials, but insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such there t> ; an I we „ay to all, test Putnam's Wringer Test it THOROUGHLY with ANY un I ALLother* anygCnof entirely sattsfactorv, return it Putnam Manufacturing Co : GI- NTLEMLN; / knowfr m practical experience that iron well galvanize with zinc will not oxidize or rust one particle The Putnam >V rinirer is as year perfect as jtossible and I can cheerfully rcc omend it to behest in use. Respectfully yours. JNO. W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. M inv years' experience in the gilvanizing nusi ness enable me to indoise the above statement in all particulars. New York, Jan , 19*54. JNO. C. LEFFERT.S 1 CO Beckumn St. We have tested Putnam's Clo'hes Wringer by practical working, and know that it will do. It is cheap; it is simple; it requires no room, whe her at work or at rosr ; a child can operate it ; it does it.-duty thoroughly; it sanies time and it saves weir and iear. We earnestly advise all who ha- e much washing to do. with all intelligent persons who have any , to buy this Wringer. It will pay for itself in a veur at most. He .N HOE .RACGRE LEY. A CAKI> TO TIIE SUFFERING. SWALLOW two or three hogsheads of" Burhu' "Tonic Bitters." " Sarsanirilla," "Nervous Aiit'doies " Ac., Ac., Ae . and after you are s-itified with the re-ult, th n trv one IM.X of OLD DOCTOR BUCtIAN'A ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS-and be restored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable -asant to take pn nipt an! salutary in their effect* on the hroten •inwn mid shattered ronsitution. Old and young can t ike them with a 'v .nfage. Imported and sold in the United Statesotdv by JAS* S. BUTLER No. 427 Broadwav, New York. Agent for the I'nitod States. P. S - A Box ol the Pills, seclin ly puked, will p mailed to any address on receipt of price, which b ONE DOLLAR, post paid—money refunded by itbe igent if entire safisfn lima is uot given vi 13w. Ayer's Pills ARE you sick, feeble and complaining ? Aro you out of order with vour s>stem deranged and your feelings uucouifoitable .' These symptoms are | often the preiule to serious illness. Some fit of I sickness is creeping upon you, and should tie aert ! en by n timely u-c of the rght remedy. Take Av ! er s Pills, an i cleanse out the disordered humors— ' puri'v the blood, and let the fluids move on unob ; -tructed iu health again. They stimulate the tunc i tiot.softhe body into vigorous activity, purify the system from the obstru- tiun- which make disease A cold settles somewhere in the b"dy, and deranges it* natural functions . These, if not relieved react upon 'hcniselves and th surrounding organs,produc i ing general aggravation, suffering ami derangement While in this condition, take Ay r's Pills an 1 see ' how directly they res'ore the natural action of the : svstem, mid with il the buoyant feelings of health ' again. What is true and so a parient in this trivi al and common complaint is also true ami in many 'of the deep seated and dangerous distempers. The I -ame pur.'aiive effect exjads them Caused by sim ! ihir obstructions ard derangements of the nitural | functions of the body, they are rapidly and many of I them surely < urea by the same means, N ne who ! know the virtue of tbc-o Pills will neglect to employ thorn whin suffering from ihe disorders they cure | . su-h as llcndach , Foul Stoui ich, Dvsentery, Bil- j ! ious Compiaiti's, indigos'ion. Dsr-ngeuient of the I Liver, 11 stiveness, Constipation, lle.-r burn, liheu- I i mutism, Dropsy, Worms and Suppression, when tak ; ; en in large dos -s. They nre Sugar Coated, so that the most sensitive can take t e.u easily, n i they are surely the best i purgative medicine yet discovered. Ay e r'e Ague Cure. i For the speedy and certain Cure ol Infermitten Fever, or Chilis and Fever, Remittent F'ever, Chili i Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical llcaluche or Bil j ions Headache, and Bilious Fevers ; indeed, for the whole class of diseases originating in biliar i derangement, caused by the malaria of miasma tic countries This remedy has rarely failed to cure the severest caes of Chills an I Fever, and it has this great ad vantage over other Ague medicines, that it ouuducg the coiuplaiot without injury to the patient. It contains no quinine or other dcliterius substance, nor does it produce quinism or any injuries effect ehitever Shaking brothers of the army and the e4i, try it and you will endorse these assertions, IwPrepared by J C Al' l 11 A Co., L well. Mass, dsold by Samuel Stark Tunshanttotk and all ! anders in medicine eveiywhere. COURT PROCIiAMATIOM- the Hon. WM FTLWEI.L. Pre* i % * dciit Judge . f the Court of Common Pleas anp j Court ot General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and \ the President Justice of the Court of Oyer and Xer j miner and tfeneri. I Jail Delivery, for the trial of cap ital and other offences, for the twenty-sixth Judicial District of Petin'a. S. Roberts, andN. 11. Wells Esqs. Associate Judge" of the Court of Common Pleas and I General Quarter Sessions of Ihe Peace, and Associ ate Justices of Oyer and Terminer an I General Jail Delivery of the County of Wyoming, bavo by their i precept to me directed, ordered 1 A GENERAL COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER AND GENERAL JAIL DELIVERY, to be held at Tunkhannock on Monday the 12-t day ! November A. I). 1864. N< tice is therefore herein' given to the Coroner, a'l Justices ot the Peace and Constables within the Coun ty of Wyoming, that they bo and appear in their pro per persons at the time and pbu-e above mentioned, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, retogtiiT.aneea and other remembrances, to do those things wiiich to their offices iu that behalf respective ly belong. Notice is also given that those who arc bound by recognizances to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Wyoming County, thatthey be hen and thoro to prosecute them o shall be iust. AIIIIIA GAY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Tunkhannoi k, Nov. 23. 1864. \ BUCKEYE MOWER Ai REAPER Farmers should secure one of these excellent Ma chines at once as the supply is limited, and we are confident thaf the demands for the above Machines ■ will be great tho coming season as the BUCKEYE, j is tho best Machine now in use, and is the best adapt | ed to rough, hilly, Hnd uneven ground, is the tn c s ; du able and is managed with tho greatest ease o 1 s thcr machines now in use. j For further particulars address THNT* Ayomt, NOT A RUM DRINK A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED V EG ETARLE EXTRACT A PURE TONIC, THAT WILL RELIEVE THE AFFICTED, AND Not make Drunkards. 03. HCCFUNS GERMAN BITTERS PREPARED BY ' L)R. C. M. JACKMW, PHILADELPHIA. PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY AND.MOST CERTAINLY URE ALL D]SE*SEIi ARISING FROM A DR>()ROEREI) LIVER. STOMACH OM> KIDJiKVS, Thousands of our citir.-ris are suffering froui Dyf pepsl a ana Liver Disea.es, ao<i to whom the fol lowing quefffiont* apply— v\e guiirunie*; ILOUFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS WILL CURE THEM. lIOOFLAX U'S LEHMAN HITTERS' WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease* oft the Kidneys, and Disease* arising from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting Jror.i Disorders qf the Digestive Organs: Constipation, inward Piles, Fullnes or Blood ro th. Head, Acidity ol the Stoma, h. Nausea Heart bur.. Circuit f.,r Food, Fullta-w or Weight in the- Stou.li. b. Sour Eructation*. Making or Fluttering at the l it of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ne and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering of the Heart Choking or Suffocating Sens .tiona when in a Ding posture. Dimness of V. ion, Dots or Wehs before the Sign', Fovt r and I u j| I..in in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin an Eye* Pain in the Side, Back Chest, Lit ibs, Ac., Suddar Flushes of Heat, Burning in the F iesh, Constant lai agiuiogs of Evil, and great Depression ot SpitiJ? l]( I 7'/?re are many preparations sold under the nam* of Hitlers, put up in quart Dottles, compounded of tue cheaptsl iihi</:cy or c imn on rum. costing from - ,J l " -R> cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed '1 lis class of Hitters has consul and irilf continue to cause as long us th. yean be sotd. hundreds to die the death of the drunk I d Hy thru- use the system is kept continually the influence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the irorst kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the result is'ulltU hor- aUendant upon a drunkard's and de ith F r those who desire and will have a Liquor Bitters, ice publish the following receipt. Get Oi e Hot tie llootliaii.l'* Be mm tiitt. rs and wii with Three Ctuai ts of d Brandy or Whis key, and the res at will be a preparation that will lar excel in medi inal virtues and true excellence any qt lie numerous Liquor Hitlers in the market, and wdt e. much less. You will hare alt the virtues of ll'.ofia il's ISiiters in connection with a good irtirle qt Liquor, at a much less price ihav. these inferior preparations will cost uou. HOOF LAND'S GERMAN HITTER WILL GIVE YOU AGOuD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, WILL GIVE YOU BRISK AND ENEKGEIIO FEELINGS MILL ENABLE YOU TO SI.EET WE1.1,. AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER. BILIOUS FEVER, Those suffering trom Biokcrt down and Delicate Constitutional From whatever causes, ei-her in MALE AND FEMALE, WILL FIND IN HOOFLAND'.k GERMAN BITTERS Si REMEDY That will rest .re them f-> their u>ual health. Such has been the case in thousands . f instances, and a fair trial is hut required to prove the assertion. From Rev. J New ten Brown, D P , Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. A! hough not dispose i to fiver or recommend Pat e;.t Medi. tnes if general, through distrust of their ingredients an i -finds, I yet know of no sufficient reasons whv a m m may not testify to the benefits he believes hlUiselt to have received from any simple prepara l ion. in the hope that he map thus cuiit'ibute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofland's German Bitters, prepmed by Dr. C M Jack.*.a. of ti is city, ia-cause 1 w* prejudiced aga nt them f r many years-, under the impression that luey were chiefly an aicolu-Sie mixture I atu indebted to mr friend Robert Sbo< maker, Esq., lor the icmova! of this prejudice by proper tests, ana tor encouragement to try them, when suflViing from great and loug con tinued debility. The use of three bottles of "these Bitters, at ti.e beginning of the pr sent year was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a de-. gree ot bodily nn . mental vigor which I had no'. iei* for sis mouths he-fore, an i had almost despaireikof regaining 1 therefore 'hank God and my fiiendfui directing me ♦<> the use of them Puh.au' A, June 23, FS(iI. J New to* Brow* DISEASES OF KIDNEYb AND BLADDE lit Young or Aged, Mule or Female, j Sneeuily remove ], and the patient restored to health LED JCA Th C HIL I)REN, j Those suffering troiu MARASMUS, w is'iag away I W! h scarcely any flesh on th- ir nines, ,<re cured in a very short time: one bot'le i,i su-h e::ses, wiil bay# a most surprising effect. RA]RE3VRA i Having sufferiug cbildreu as above, and wishing to raise thetu, will never regret the day tLey vuuiaieac - ed v.ith those Bitters LITEIfARV MEN, STUDENTS, And those working hard with th-ir brains, should *D ways keep a bottle ot llootlaid's Hitters near j them, as they will find much benefit from its use, to | both mind and bo Jy, i ivig. ruing and not depressing. IT IS NOT A LiaUOtt STIMULANT, AND LEAVES Nu PROSTRATION. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! AND illh MiibMlsuK fsULDiEUs. j We call attention of nil having rel.iDon* or friend j in the army to the fact th it 4> HOOFLAND'S Ger | man Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases in duced by exposures and privations inci lent to camp life In the lists, j üblished almost daily in the news papers, on the urriv I of the sick, it will be noti.Qd< that a very large prop rtioti are suffering from debil ; ity. Ex cry case of th ' kind can lie readily cured ;by Hoofland's German I i ters. We have no hesita . tion in stating that, if e Bitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundrt's of lives might he saved | that otherwise would lie lost The proprietors are daily receiving thankful Utters ! from sufferers in the army and hospitals, who ham beeu restored to health hy the use of these Bitters I sent to theiu by their friends. | BEWARE (IF COUNTERFEITS ' Sec- that tile S'giiaiim. ~| "(J. M. JACKSON" is on the WRAPPER f each Rottle. Price per Bottle 5.5 -eiita, or Unit Dnz. for St 1,00. I Should your nearest druggist nt hare the articl Ido not be put off by any of ttie intoxicating prepnra ! tions that may he offered in its place, but send to and wc ivill forward, securely pa Led. 'o/ esperss. Principal Dliice and Marulnctory, 0. -3 AE£H JONES & EVENS, (Suoce*ors to 0. M. JACKSON A Co ) Proprietors. FOR SALki by Stat.r ttt-i I'sicria I otrr.U th* IVi' -'k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers