DjL LaCVA W, R. R Mu-mus Time ot' Traln June XI wot. I^ r rn a aKC. | ttlV fi *ovrHAKD A.-cam- Pawen ! ! PM>- | Accoin- j ger. j I l*f I um la- | tiuii. i . • r. >i r. m. ! la. m. p. >i. I STATIONS 200 6.40 Gre-.t Bend 7.40 2 10 1.45 621 New Miltord 759 2f? 100 6,00 Montrose °.20 12 25 5.13 H.pWtmu J4 3.R0 11.50 5.16 Ni-h.Dou V™ 4- 11,20 456 Fmtoryv.ltr 9-4 5.1.) 1* 5 4.40 Aldngton- •• • • 540 1040 4.42 t'lirk" "tiuniatt J *! ' 10 10 4.10 SORANTON , ' il A.'M .4.42 Groenvdle I 3L ''.129 Dunning lit S> j 1 ... 317 Moscow 11,02 n ... 254 Uanl ' 1126 j ... 240 (o'-thuwi 11.40 S ... 220 Firks • i ' 202 O.kUn-t 12.17 ■ ••• 146 11-uryvilli • 12.33 • ••• 1,5 SpraguMtil'e 124< "" s J •••• 1,24 Stroulshucg 12.54 ••••vt • ... I .ft 4 AY iter Gip 1.08 5 ■ 12 47 Mount Bethel 1.24 > ] ... 12,10 NMiunnka Ci unk-> 1.55 . ••• 12ft'2 I'.ri tgevillu 24 -... 11.51 <)* or.l 2.15 ■•■•U .... 11 Washington 2,2 ft -••• .... 112 ft New Haiupton •••• 2,45 •••• ... A- SI. •Change for Phil.- PM ••• The I'asaei gcr I' aiti Mrili*va* d New IJunpi'iu nt the orrivul of the Mail .tin whi Me,•* ■ NEW YORK at 9 OA M ttryl VN'I'NKA CHINK n 'he arrival of ihe Train xich Um.v PHILADELPHIA. 1 Kensington He ') t 7-tf> A. M At SCR A NTON this Train k s dose -untie -lions with 'runs on the LAGK* , V vNNA* Bl'<><>MSi.L'HG .1111 DELAWARE A •JIWjV R ilrouds, -rid at (treat Bend with the i: I'm in on the Erie U ilway going West Tnc I* isnepget T.a'itS'tu It ward I:res (Ire <t Ren I ilt-cr the arrival "t" the llineinnat tyras* lrui the West, connecting at Sermton rh Trains on th-- Lu k iwiDm an I Blooui'bnrg j T Def. Ware .1111 fiu-sm R.tlroads; at Mnnui.k-t • ;-t*-k with the train for Phi' nielphin, and at , iw H imptoo tvi,li Trains for AT--* York, the l<-~ | ,'h V*llev, il vrr'sburg. Ac. Pass ngers i>y tin* .a in .1 rrive <u Nt . York at f.50. 'n Philadelpeta j 6JO, ana in yI • r-bur at P- M. Th- Ac omm elation Train ■rthwar.i, connects it (treat Bend with the Day sn-ress going West, by vrhi-h passengers at '1 ica and Syracuse : he sum* I I>* S .ut'iwar, 1 <1 vc> (1 vt Rent after the arrival ot . Nov Ymk Exprcs •* hig F.ixt , All P Ksnorer Trams "o the Erie Railway i ji at Great Bend. W ATTS COOKE, Supt. K A. HEN RY, Gee. Tkt Agei t. A LA MODE. tIL I.Aii ST ROM NEW YORK. I IRS. A. il. ST \ll K, TAKES PLEVTRE IN ga n tniviiimg 'mr tiien is. and the ladies gen, hit she in r.ceived, ind is still receiving • g in 1 w ,1 s l-ete I as'.-rt incut o| Rl'UI NG AN r I) SUM MKK DS> i C o stiag of 11 ATS HON N ETS. It HUOX!, | n,s.i>-. s ua hern Laces. ea- ; lR ••?>!* t .s% arid, in short all art I usually fe tnii iu a | * * * 1 r\T rtp XT t'tro Ir> ) i ! ;\i.jii tiiii\ itii a o L un ii. ! fehe *nli-it.- avail irom all requiring Gll'll)* ill 1 hr lin-* 'e re pu • h-ia ng • Isvwhe.e. Mis Stark j can b final 11 til- h'us • formerly occupied by Hen- ■ ry St .rk in fie hr >ugh ot Tunkh.unlock, ready and 1 Willing to serve all who in ty favor her with a call. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the serviced of an experienced [ urLijasMAKEn, lat .ill tirii* s will be prepaicd to Fit ano Make iseio In* lit st in I most .-pproved maimer.— ! ,i -it ing your • .11.- before purchasing elsewhere, we ■ .uaia I'ear?. Rosi eetfullv. MRS A G STARK. 1 Atril 27. lSt4 llell's Slitcifit I*lll Warionted in all Cases, n be relied on! Never fail to cure! Do not •auseate ! Are speedy in action . So i'h*r,g ol iii t required ! Do not interfere wth business put soils ! !tn be used without detection! Cpward of 200 UP* this month—some of th-tn very severe ea.-cs ver one I>undred phy 1 ians have used them in their 'active, and all speak well of their etfiauev, ..nd •pprnve of their composition, wbirh is entirety v<-gc ihlv, and harmless tin the system, llun-ire ls el ertificife? van he .mown. Pki t's Specific Pills are the original and only genuine .Specific Pill. Tuey ire adai'ted f-r male and female, 01-i or young, and the only reliable route- P t,,r vff- •cling a permanent and speedy cure in all gouts •'Spermatorrhea, or r-eintmt! Weakness, with f ''all its train id evils, su h ius Uretberal and V Discharge'. GL-et.tbe Whites, Nightly or Involunta -ily Eni'-'r.n, In.-otitinuerve, 'enital Debility and Iri itai.iiity. Impotenve, Weal nvss nr Loss of Power Nervous lici-iliu, Ac , te , all of whn-h arise jirinvi pnlly from Sexu tl Ev-tesses or S ;lf A in<e. or .- > uie rons'itation.i! ilvr.ingetneut, and incapacitates the isaff' rer troin fulfilling the duties of married life In r.f! s- di'oasvr as Gonorrhea Gleet, an I .Strict nrcs, and in Diseases of the Bladder and Kidney-, ti.ey net as aeh irtn ! t.elief is cxperivneed by tak ing a singlg ho* St.M by all the principii! druggists Price SI They wdM.p s- r.t by mail se-urely s< ile.l, and cvDhdrii iai'y, ' receipt of the money by J BRYAN, M D., V 7t> Cedar few Y rk, C lsulring Physician f"r the treatment of Se :nnal, i.'rin trv, . c vxuaf. and Nervous Diseases, who will send, free t.. a:i, toe following valuable work, in , .# jic I env .done: Tut. Fiti . .1 I'hoisavd— l)n BELL'S TREA on Self Ai.use, Premature decay, Imp. 'j- v and LorS of Power, Sexual Diseases. Seminal We tiess, N"i/u'ly Eiii?*ioris. Genital Dehili'v, Ac., &.• a pum.ailot of 6! pigef lonlaining im, ortant advice to 'tivalfi' ted. till which -houl 1 be read by every suf-rer, as th mea a 01-u ein the severe t stages is j.lainiy eei forth 'thvo , tamps required to pay , po' go IVi* I.ITAHOK IAIIKS —DR. IIVRVFV'S PVUAI.B Pit.!.' 'i iv . never yet soiled in removing dilfi udies sri-'.ng Iroia ohetruetiot-, or slot jiagv of nature, or in resto -ing the sy.-teoi to perfect heatih when suffering rfgitn Spin if affect loins. I'roiapsus, I teri. toe Whites, ■tftor weakness It; I terire Otgans The Pills r perfeetl v hainn••>, .ri the v ustitution, and may be t ike'i by the ios delicate fein ilt without aaus ing lis res-—the same time they net lise a charm bv strength,, iiivigorsieiiig and restoring the' system to a .e.-ilthy conditio'-, and by ringing on 1 th - mon'htv n-rio.| with regularity, 110 matte- from j wh <t-VIUm the-'bsttuvtion ni • v arise. Tit y should! however. NOThetak n ing the first three orfour month', ot pregnancy, t mugh safe at any other ' t me. us arriage would he the esuit, t 80-h hox.-or.r'ins 60 Pills Prtee SI. Tin MXRVEY'S rlt EATISE on diseases of Fe males. P"-gn .ncy. M scarringe, Barrenness, Sterili ty. Re. r .duvtion. and Abuses o Nature, and emfhitieullv the Ladi -s Pri.ate Medical "Ad vis. r. a piinoh'et .16-1 pages, sent free to any &d l-es? Six cents required pay postage Th Pills -nd hook will be sent by mail when de sirs-! securely eeale and prepaid, bv J . BRY A , \f. it,, r?-tierai Agent „ L N.w York. I \Jf '7 *♦ -2IJ ;r'u-ipal druggitug. im IflU <HP-23-ly. | TBI MI SIVIIFR MICIIIIS. I Out LETTER A. FAMILY SEW INC MACHINE eniniiw a world-wile repu xtion > r • b - } voa |,il, i tie ,-bcpvs Hn ' 'dutiful j of ull F mil •' Sewing Mwefemei yet offered to the nohlic N" "ther Fulily Sewing Machine has so , man) u- ful applian -e* tW"ilenni)ing. liin.ling, Felt in r *Tu king, Gathering, Ganging, lit aiding, Em nrolienng, t'or.ling, and so forth N■> other Family Sewing Machine has so mm-h capacity for a great variety of woik It will sew ail kinds of cloth, an d with nli kinds ol thre id. Great an i recent iia- | provetnents make our Family Sewing Machine most j rcpthle, and most durable, and most certain in ae- | ion nil rates of speed. It makes the interlocked i stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, re el) id the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a glunco, how to use the l-ticr A Family Sewing Machine Our Family >ewiug Machines ure finished in chaste an I exquisite style The Folding" see of the Family Machine is a pice* of cunning woikiiiauthip of the m<>t useful kind. It protects the tuachii e when not in ne, and when about to be operated may i e epened as a spa cious and substantial table t sustain 'he work. — While sonic of the Caes, made out of the chinceM woods, are linislied in the simplest and ehast-st man ner possible, others ore adorned aml embelished in the most costlv an I superb in inner*. It is absolutely iiecesarv to see 'h- Family Ma chin- in operation, so is to ju Ige of its great capaci ty an I beauty. It i fast bee ming as popular for family sewing as our manufacturing machines are for manufactur ing purposes _ _ j L'he Lnti.-h Offices tre welt supplied with silk. I 'wi-r, thread, neeilci, oil, 4c., of the verv hert quul- : itv. Send for i Pahpiilkt. TIIK SINGER MANLFAUTI IU.VG COMPANY : 45S Broadway, New York. j Office, t* I O I he.tiiut St. | Mas. (. 1. Marsh, ) Agt's in Tunkhannoek. D A. Bauowkll, S C SSAUAV MM —AND— TIN SLAOP. Ta HE suliscriher uas just received at his shop, ovei ■ laiikiuis D*s Store, in PA., I an-i will constancy ktepou hand at! the latest IMPEDED coin; srrcs Among which arc the "CALORIC," MINER ant •'UN ION" patterns, with PARLOR SToVES an- Ucatcrs of every description, which he ffers for HEADY LKPCVY at prices th >t will defy competition His stoves ace bought diroetl vot tlio M inufactu er< at tLBANY, WILK- SBARRB. PROYIDENCI a ivi ANTON lie is therefore euahled to set them it a small advan e on the original cost TIN, BHEET-ISON, —AND - Copper I .ill kind* on hat ant tu.a-ie to order Also j lil\ IV ViKDi 'I ) \S, i 1 I)SLI GH- J SHOES FOK SI4LE. j The popular Cookin • Store, FOR st <1 h F I* (Elevated oven) is now fur the first, offered at •520 for ft inch, A25 for 9 ; uch. REPAIRING AND JOBBING . ueatU and promptly don HENRY STANSRI'RY j Meshoppen. Dec 17th, 1802— VjnlPly. ! MIOTS T' HE >riS?CKIRER HA< HAD IXSUCCKSSFUI operation, for several years a M'o ££&£¥> A TOWAWJ3A, where all of the most approv-d and rare kind* of miTJT Or ORNAMENTAL TP.SES l Can he ohtaiued. j Being ""HV need from experience thar hi* Tre-- | and Plants will give far better satisfaction to tin I Fruit-growers of Wyoming County th in any growr i io ottn-r loc.alnies, he conii tcwly solicitstheir patron- I i He will make annual visits either in person or h\ ' his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming C-- ! ail I asks only that bis spc -iuicns uiay be examine- I an-i his method of dealing be tested Ai' orders by 1 tt. ror otherwise, for Trees, vines or pj nrs will he promptly attended to. i.o.U-ly D IIARKINft. HARDWARE & IRON | HUNT EDO'S & BLHSR OtV OFFER FOR SLR i IRON, STE'L, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS. PLAIN A CONVEX HOR-E-SHOES. HAM MERED IIOKSK NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, Minis' umill, ,} CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) HUBS, SPOKES. FELLOES SKAT SPIX D L FS, CA RRT AG ES P RINGS. AXL ES PIPE P.OXF', SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NUTS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING, : GR.ND STONES; PLASTER PARTS, CEMENT, HAIR, S toVELS. WHITE Li A J FRENCH WINDOW G L ASS. Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH. POORS AND BLIND* ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEA THEER AND FINDINGS, FAT7?NTAK'R SCALES. •WANK %rNt St, 4A3 r l*m - IMPORTAHTTO FEMA LES PROCL M A T I 0 N ! TO THE LADIES J Both Nirrltil and Single. THE OLDEST REGULATOR FOR FEMALES. DU CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILL! Will immediately relieve, without pain, all disturb aiuc of the pcrii; lie -i?eharge, wheih-r arising tr.,m relaxt ion or suppr*siinii Thoy tit like a charm in removing the pains th at a.-roinpnny difficult o. im mo ierafe menstruation, and are the only safe and r .'liable remedy for Flushes Sick Headache, Pains in the Loin?. Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Net Vitus Tremors Mysteries, Spasms, Broken Sleep and other unpleas nt aud dangerous effects id in unnatural condition of 'he sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albu or Whites, thsy ef fect a speedy cure. DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Have been u?ed OVER A QUARTER OF A CEN TL RY. I'iiey are offered as the only safe means os renewing interrupted menstruation, l>ut Ladies must hear in mind that there is one condition of the fe male systmi in which the Pills cannot be taken mithout ■producing a PECULIAR RESULT.— The constt-tion r-ftr-.ed to is PREGNANCY — the result. MISCARRIAGE, Such isthr. irresist ible tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual t unci ions to a normal condition, tho t even the pro ductive power of nature cannot resist it TILEV CANNOT DO HARM in any nth ;r way. DR/CIIEESEMAV'S FEMALE PILLS Aretke on'y Me licine that MARRIED AND SIN OLE LADIES have relied upn for many years or an rrly upon now. BEWARE OP IMITA TIONS 1 These Pills to rut the Finest Preparation cter put farward with IMMKDIATD and PKt.- SI STENT SUCCESS. DON'T BE DECEIV ED. Take this advertisement to vour Druggist, in . tell him that vnu want the fiR&V and most RELIA 81. E FEMALE ME VIC IN E IN THE WORLD, which is comprised ia DR. CHEESEMAN' S FEMALE PILLS !!! They have received, and are now receiving the unction of the most eminent Physicians in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS wi'h each Box th< •rice, One Dollar per Box, containiug from 50 t fiO Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptyl, by remitting th .rice to the • Ivnpr-etors. or any authorized Ag. ni n current funds. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. HUTCHINGS I HILLY BR, PnorßiFTon'S, SI Cedar Street, - ew York Sold in Tunnhannock, by J. W. I.yman. it Mo i trose, by Aide Turrell, in So ran ton hy L. S.A E. C Fuller, in Factory ville by all Druggists FM Rats, Mick, Roaches, Akts, Bed BVA- Moths in Feus Wnot.uss, Ac,, [asters os TtANi Fowls, Animal*, Ar. Put up in ?sc. 50. aud SIOO Boxes. Bottles, am Flasks. St and $5 sites for Motels, and Publish -titutions, Ac. "Only infallible remedies known.'• ~Free from Prisons." "Not dagt rout to the Haaaa Family." "Rata coiue out at' their b lest* die." yteld Wholeeal' in till largeeities. .jf'Seld be all Druggists at Retailers every wbfc' tf~\ ! ! Btv. akk ! ! ! of all wortLleu imitaO: gT" S'ee that ,! Ci star's nr.;ue is eiieacb Bex. Rett and Flash, before you buy. Ad-trcai Heart F. Costa Principal Depot 481 Breeiwsy, N. Y Lf? Solo by J LymaL.Y Ce., whetesaie Rctal, -.jf K g-wt.Turhhsne- k Pa JIT RECEIVED, f ROM PHILADELPHIA -AND IXi ©wYoris., 1 At UI. L ASSOKT SI EN" T O F D^IpJSS GOODS, SHAWLS, CASSiMERS, OlotMng:, Shoes, Hats, iantir dSoobs, , s\ !btTIONS, Atr. die, adapted to this Reason' ! which will lie sold at the VERY LOWEST MA KET I PRICE for Cash ot Country Produce, at the Store of John Weil. j Tu i.khannoi k, Marh 50, 1E64- I YGH AN and WUEXC H, 111 aii ii fact ure rs and Dealers in ON' \V YA I .US INO CItKKK, i OAMPTO VVN, BRADFORD Co Pa Holla Carded and Cloth Finished. MANUFACTURE CLOTH FOB CUSTQMERB ON SHARES OR AT THE f OUOWING WHCES PEH YARD i Cassimer , Best Finish, fine 45 cents Plain Cloth, <io 45 " Gray arid Mixed Caxsimeres,4s " Tweeiis, 22 " Common Fulled Cloth, 40 " White Flannel. 22 " Mulder Red Flannel, 32 " Gray Flannel 25 " I The Gray Flannel made wtth taste md very suita bit for Clothing* HARVEYIMGHAM , AMOS WRENCH YW Persooliving at a distance can have roil ! carded so as to Uka them home with them ; tics ! aarttke expsese of a aecoed trip. 1 i aamwam M l i i THE EJKTEST SFSWS FROM EUR OPE Is fully confirmatory of former reports that TH K j DUTCH HAVE POSSESSION OF HOL- . LAND. It is also authoritatively annouueed that o. s. Mills ) has exclusive possession of the STOVE AND TIN-SHOP AT — TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing ik the. line ef his trade saa ba had at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. 1101 SF.-KEEPKRS will find at h'.s Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOKING, AND P&RXiGH STORES, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete Roofing & Guttering| j in all its branches, attended to o i short notice and ou j REASONABLE TERMS, XT E PAIRIN Or , PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY I>oNF O.S. MILLS k. Nov 4,1863. v3-nl3. Manufacture of WooKh Gooda ! CIIAPTF.K 1 Tho Manufacture of Woolen Goods, both in the household and in the factories, has become of great i portance on account ofjte forming at [ resent our principal article? of clothing. The nature of our cli mate make It neoccssary, and the scarcity of Cotton has greaS/increased tire value of wool and Fabricks made trout it - and being engaged in the business of making Clorh and Flannel, and also oil Carding. •nd Cloth Dressing, wo h.ivo thought a few remarks with regard to handling Wool, aud the p.oper pro ess of Manufacture, might be of service to tho coun try, and a benefit to ourselves The first process with the farmer who intends to j •uake his wool into rolls for spinning an 1 weaving '■ it home, after wnshingan I shearing, is assorting the ! •lalities. This we do iit e.vpect a farmer to do as I •rfcotly as a regular manufacturer, but by trying he will approximate towards it, and be amply paid or the little pains required, b> having an even thread and smoother fabric. ihe tieoce should be whole and be spread out on a table—the coarsest vool will he fourd on thfj skirU c>i the fleet e. itc. .-an easily be distinguished by looking closely to the fibre Two qualities from ca-ih fleece will perhaps oe close en<-ugh for ordinary purposes, but as the aher-p in our country differ much in their grades of woo! —the coarse paitofono tuny do to go with the finer pert of another, and tb"s make three or four; qualities out of the lot If it is going to the inanit- | factory or to market, the fleece should not be torn, .ut after removing the tag-locks, sh-uld berol'ed up ouipactly. skin out side Not less than one pound .fUrd, fresh butter or oil should be sent with every en pounusaf wool going to the carding machine. The iu x< lit ng of importance is of enure to be well carded, for whi. h tva will be entirely responsi ve . but in the matter of spinning and veaving, we hive another caution to ailil, Unless tho yarn is venly twisted, and beat up evenly in tl e loom, the iu'h shrinks unevenly : n fulling —making some pla ces wide and others narrow, and if tho finisher sitc i**<ls in pressing out the wrineles, the cloth will ro- its contortion again when made into a gsr oent, and the inecbauic is sometimes wrongful!\ •datued for a coat s becoming lantern Jawed on e •nan's back. It is easily avoided by giving thn wheel in equal nuiubor of turps to a given length of Thread .iriiwu out We find this difficulty incre i*ng of late rear?, and have come to the conclusion that it" some->f the spinners do not keep better time on their pianos than ot> their spinning wheels, we should nate lireadlullv to listen to their music. As every moment of labor should be employed to he best advantage, and every ounce of material l e appropriated to the best purpose, on account of our war, we propose to write some other cb 'piers on our j branch of business after this is read sufficiently to he { remembered, and *h; II endeavor to do our work nice enough for a baliuonl skirt or a doctor's icar, | and make trowser* stout enough to last, a farmer through a year'scampaign at least. INGHAM A WRENCH. Hour Factort, Canptowm, Bradford FO May 2/64 e K sOMsesl —AGAINST— FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE 1! ! Taken at this office, on all kind? of Town and Country pr.qierty, at the most rkasonablf Turn*, •ndforanv time from THREE MONTHS TO FIVE YEAR 5 —ei'her WITH or W ITHOUT PKEMHIM NtITI.S Is the company reliable 7 Will it promptly pay its honest losses? are tho important inquiries witii ■II in-urers. We answer: TUE LYCOMING CO INSURANCE COMPANY HAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FOR TWENTY-THREE YEARS.—IT HAS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OVER #2.400,(10 IT PAYS FROM *6O. TO 8125,00. LOSSES ANNUALLY. ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTCr ADJUSTED AND PAID. EACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED ANNU. NUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS OF THE COMPA NY THE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. THE CHARTER IS PERPETUAL. Beftreuces Hon. Wm. M. Pitt, Hon. A K Beckham, Henry Stark and Samuel Stark Esqg. oi this County ; Saver A Bros, of Susqueh..nna, and dcorge M Hollenback and others of ; uzerne Counti, jyhu insure in and have been paid losses by this, Company. HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. uami if tmraisiif The Partnership between 0. L. lIALLSTEAD A SON, is this day dissolved by tnutu il e nscnt. | The note? and accounts will be left in the hands of 0. L H'llstcad to settle and can be found at tho store formerly occupied by O. L. HalDtead A Son, with soars one to attend to the same. 0 L lIAT.T,STEAD. H P. HALLSTEAD. Nicholson. July 27th 1864 The ousiDess will be continued by Henry P. HwUst.ead aad Louis Hammel, uudcr the naiq* aud firm of | HALLSTEAD 4'HAMMEL. ; who will ba picased to retain the patronage of aJI who ive patroniaed tho old firm, and will be pleaa ed to see any who may favor us with a call. We are prepared to furn'sh EXTRA INDUCE MENTC TO THC-'K HAVING PRODUCE TO DISPOSE OF. will pay tha HIGHEST CASH PRICE fur the aama. HALLSTEAD A KiMMBL. ' IH4 ULWK IT The Latest Sty I —OF— SPRISTG & SUMMER Bonnets, and MILLINERY GOODS. have just leen received at the es'ablDhment el LOUISA HEPBURN. on Tioga -Street, opjn site the Post-offiee, where wi be found La iie?. Chil'en Miscs, and Boy's FLATS HATS, nnl CAPS; HKAD-DKESSKS. RIBBONS FLOWERS, ind TRIMMINGS, an I everything in thr line of Millinery, which will be sold at the loircit Cash Prices. Repairing promptly and neitl* done Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tnnkhannoek.Oct 3 1862—v2n1l lywil KT EI "W" O HA I R The subscriber h is just opened a new Furnitun Cai.inet an ! Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock next door to C. M. Tvoon's grocery store— whore art kept on hind an i in tnufaetured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles CI'AIKS Cane-seat, Flag-bottom, and common. 151 REALS ot all styles, sizes, and nrices. BEDSTEADS. Cottage and CUCIIIIOD. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, 8001 CASES, and indeed every thing whi.-h can be fouri •n the largos* furniture establishments in the country which he wii sell at prices as low as they can b- I'ousfht in any town outglde of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship ar> prices with any establishment in the country he so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane seat chairs, new-seated cr.u re paired. I NDEUTAKING.— Having a Hearse of his od and having had much experience, he will attean i this department of the business on short notice wn in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM IIAAS. Julv 16. 1862.- v'r> 9 a CROCKERY!!! A Large Stock just Opened AT T. L. ROSS GO'S., WALL PAPER. V. AI I, PAPER, WALL PAPER. W MmiW SHAPES. WINDOW SHADES. WIN DO A SHADES. OF ALL STYLES. ! CLOTH SHADES WI I II BORDERS CLOI II SHADES WI I II UOitDERs. J FIX TERES AND ROI.LER>. COM PLEI J I FIX H'RES AND ROLLERS'' COMPLEX* EMP.ROIDERED MFSLIN CHRI AINs. EMRKOIDEUEI) MUSLIN CURTAINS* I EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS ALBG j A Large Stock of White Goodm; SWISS MILS DOTTED SWISS MFSLIN. BRILLIANTS, J.tCON KTS, LACES, BALMORAL .-KIRTS, SPRING SKIRTS. GLOVES. REAL AI.R;A\I)HES K.IJ). Auil a Large St- ck <f YANKEE NOTIONS. 1 rn, Nails, \V Lite-Lead, Z no, Linseed Oil, (jrla.-s, Putty, Door-Locks, and a general assortment of BUI.ERSHARDWARE. j Fish, of all kinds. Cash X s EL id tor a.l kinds et Grain. Tunkhannock, March, Urh 18G4. , WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. The Cheapest and Best, I OVER 150.000 OF THEBF WELL-ESTABLISHED SEWING-MACHINE. A AVE BEEN BOLD. MSf voa CIECCLAX, LUIIIS' ALMAS AC, AC. AGENT* WANTED. Addreu WHEELER k WILSON Sciciny- MncAinc fa, 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. AUCTIONEER. 1.. C* Conklin, of Tunkhannock Borough, Wyo I rning County Pa. hereby gibe# notice, that he ha • ak< n a license a* public Auctioneer, and tender Lis services to the public ia that capacity, on re iaon , able terms. L C. CONKLIN. j October let. 1964, D It.**, W, I.ITTI.E ATTORNEY 7 YAT, j IX LAW, 0-e #x Ttega street, Tunkkaaae-k I/. S. 7 30 Loan. The Secretary of he Truasu- j rivts ootiee thet •übcription* will be received for Coup in Treenery botes pnyablc three year* from Aug. 15th, iggj with ••ri-HDuel interest at the rate of aevcu end throe tli roe-tent ha per cent per annum,—prinoiM both to be paid in lawful money. Theo notes will l.e convertible at the optiiew at the hoider at maturity, into six per cent, gold hear ing bonds, payable not loss than five nor more that twenty year* trora their date, at the Government, ,w*erfi oi nn I -IT J!'!!** iuH in denoaanationa of 800. £IOO, ♦•■>oo, 81,000 85,000. and ell eeh scrtptions mut be for fifty , io i Urt or — r^.f . f of fifty dollars. Tbc notes will transmitted to the -man frne of transfs.rt.ition charges as *>on after the ro.aintaf the originul Certificates of Deposit as thercanbe prepared. ' As the notes draw interest from August 15 ___ tons making deposits subsequent to that date mUme pay the interest accrued fioin date of nolo tedate of deposit. Parties depnsitnig twenty-fire thousand deler >nd upwards for these tintes at any one tiaae will h illowei a commission of one-quarter of one percent which will be pnid br the Treasury Department sp on the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified 10 by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No d -luct ions for commissions must bo made from the deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF TllfS LOAN'. IT IS a. NATICXAL SAVINUS DAXK, offering a higher ,te of iu'erest than any other, and thxhest stcurir.g irv savings bank wht. h pays its depositors it. ft . Votes, consider that it is paying in the best circuit in? medium of the country, and it cannot pay im •nvthfng better, for its own assets are either in gov ernment securities or in netesor bond* payable m government paper. Tt i>- equally convenient as a temporary or peiiaa rcnt investment. The notes can always be sokf fer •vi'hin a frnction of their a-e and accumulated tnle -est. end urc the best security with banks as collate-, rils for discounts- C IXVBRTIBI.E INTO A SIX PER CEXT 5-20 GOLD BoWt> In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is ow worth about three per cent, per annum, for the urrenr rate for 6-20 Bonds is not less than ninr. per • ent premium, and before the wartbv premium 11 sis percent, U. fe. stocks was over twenty p.r ent, It will be seen that the actual profit on this oan. at the present market rate, is not less than ten percent, per annum. i •ts EXEMPTION FROM STATE OR MDNICIPAL TAXATION But aside from all the advamages wc have anu ut-.rated,a special Act of Congress exempts all bond* ■ind Treasury notes from local taxation. On the average, th s exemption is worth about two percent t*r annum, occordipg to the rate of taxation in va rious parts of the country. It is lielieved that no securities offer so great ia lucemcnts to lenders as ihnse issued by the govern n*nt In alt oth.-r forms of indebtedness, the faith •r ability of private parties, or stock companies, or seperate communities, only, plelgedfbr payment, vhile the whole prof erfy of the rountr is held to <ecuretlie discharge of all the obligations of the 'nited States. Whilo the govnmnrent offers tho most liberal erms for its loans, it believe dibit the very strong st ai p>al will be to the loyalty and prtiiotisa sf he people. Duplicate ee'tifloates will be issue! for all de T' 1 '- P'""fy depositing must endorse upon he original ccri iric.ite the denomination of note* required, and whether they are to be issued in blanx r payable to order When so endorsed it must be eft with the officer receiving the deposit, to be for warded to th- Treasury Department. Subrcaipti.jris will be received by the Treasurer of 'he L nited States, at v> asoineton the several As istant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, aad ■p the -THST AND SF.CtND NATIONAL BANKS OP St'K ANTON. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OE TOW AN DA and by all National Banks which are repositariss of public money, nr.d ALL RHsPKCTBALE BANKS AND BANKERS trouglirut the couctrv will give further iuioriaatioa *' AFFORD EVERYFACILITY TO SUBSCRIBER* The greatcit in.provem nt yet in the Sewing lie •Lino art. A curiosity worth seeing. Dleaae send for circular with simple of sewing, these Improved Machin ssavc ONE NUXBRICII raw '■ent of thread and silk, and make the LOCKSTITSE ilike on both sides. They require uo instruction to operate perfeell j .xcept •• the printed directions*'' No hinge in sewing from one kiad sf goods mother. And no taking apirt to clean or oil. Our NEW MAXI; r ACTOR v is now complete with ail s lu iehtnery and tools entirely new, aad is already •sptdly turning out Machines which for BRAVTV aad -KRFECTIoK of FINISH are not surpassed by aay lanufactu'e in the world. N B.—Should anv Machine prove unsatisfactory t can t-e returned and money refunded. Ageuts wanted in counties not canvassed by en wn agents. HNKMI At LYO*. S. N. CO. No. 538 BROAD WAY, NEW YORK April 13 1863. v3-n35- Traveling Public! rO accommodate per* ng wishing teg by pubu conveyance from this place to any section, sr r urn, the uudersigued continues to run tt b fit .T I It *.- .a I * u Daily Line OF iI fr >• FAib'ryvills Depot, leiviqg his bet o'jl ick, a. tn , arriving at Factoryville m timet Trains to . t ; i. *• 4 .. •* e i \... T i | Q3rcdt Jicab, Srrautun, Urn-^Brk, ■ and PHILADELPHIA Returning, leaves Factoryville on the srri* of the New York, Philadelphia and Acc ouieda tion Ti tin from Great Bend, arriving ia '' tnkbaa nock at 7 o'clock, p m. N. i —All Express matter, packages and M>d *• he conveyed to and from the Depot, at asonsbl* ates; the proprietor holding himself rtff nsibla fsr he safe delivery of all such entrusted to hi> care. Towanda stage arrives at this hotel at 12/ Us* bq. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p m Stages for Pittston, Wyoming, and Wilkei b* rrt j eave on the arrival of the Towanda stage, a> d 1* ! urning connvct wth the st me. Montrose stage leaves ©n Tuesdays, Tharsd 7* Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. m., cojr.a.Huf •• K w * with stages for BlnghamUr., Ac. Rnaming, cn with stage* for Pittaton, Towanda, As. Persons wishing to be called for at their will be accommodated by leaving their aamea a hotel of the proprietor. Hon is and earriages It readisen t# ftrw* ' WBFV!* T IRFL FW!. l r. i. w/i35-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers