oarters , #♦/ % *, * **\X FOR— XL*5 .A . 1 Jargains. j WAR OR NO WAR, T!"L- RI'OPLE A HI: BOUND TO HAVE J £3©B§ ®Mf Q | G. j. HALLSTEAD AND SON •I I I •uive yisfc received, aud are constant " w eiving, a larga stock ofgocds, c us.j.ingof . I)i y Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hosierv, %/ ' Ready- Madc Clothing, | Books, Stationery, V'v ;J1 Paper, Findow Paper, Drugs, Paints, Oils, lIt ss, Sash,i Nails, Lime, Flour, S'alt, Fish, Pork, 'over aud Fimothy Seed, j Soap, Candles, Grind Stones! Plow- Castings, „:iu everything usually kept in first L: J stores. EAT BARGAINS Dry Goods. I v > c are now prepared to exhibit all *hc most popular varieties of Fall 1 Winter Dreis Goods, Ladies I lies, bhaw}§, Flannels, Hosiery, i loral Skirts, Ntihias, Hoods, j ags, Scarfs, Under Garments, v Ac., all at ver • low price-;. 0. L. II.\LL')T2.VD iDSON. * —— WAITED. AH- kinds of Farmers J 'rockioe.—' '•r -heuSh Wool Sc cks, glieep ! ACI:S, Ekef Hides, and,everything J tour •nfcit jrrine will be paid. XWHOTTW, JU!Y s>.. FSCL. ' *VT2 t . * m&wwm. Oar LETTER A.'FAMLLY MACHINE is FASTGI™P A worl L-vriio rep.UTAT>n. if Jh be yond Dift TKO bfc*and cheapest 'FCRIUJPST. beautiful J of ail Family Sowing MACHIW* J®t (WTED TM the , ' public. NO other Family SEWING MIDKI*O HALT so many useful appliances for 1 lemming, LIMAIPG, Bell ing, TucWSp*. Gatberiu*, Guaging, EM- | broidering, Cording, and SO forth. NA other Faiftily | Sewing Maohipe has SO muc AEIL jafcity for a great variety of %vo#K KKICM of elth, and with all kiridi&L |fcfeadi aud recent im provements main our RAFTFTYTBV. ING Machine most , reliable, and most durable, and most certain in 8 ' lion at all rates of speed. It makes the INTERLOPE J C stitch, which is the BOST.SLITCH known. Any one, ev en of the most ordinary capaeit^, '(FAN see fat a glance, how TY U-JI LH LETTER A- Family Sewing Machine.— Our Family •• re fihiShet! IN ELFFTSFE and, exquisite style. The Folding Case OT TIRE Family M.nhi'ne is a piece of cunning workmanship of the mi st useful , kind, FT protects the machine when not in use. AMI j when about to be operated may le opened a? a spa- : ! clous and substantial table to sustain the work. — ! I While some OF the Cases, . made out of the choicest 1 ' woods, are finished in the. simplest and chastest man- I I ner possible, others are adorned ;rl einbeliched in ' J the most costly ana superb manners. j It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Ma- • ! chine in operation, so as to judge of its great eapnoi- I ty AND beauty. It is fast BEE mirg as POPULAR' for family sewing | as our manufacturing'machines are tor inanulactui | ing purposes j The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk. : twist, thread, needles, oil, AE. ; of the very ' est qual i KY. j Send fur a PAMPHLET. THE SINGER .MANi'FACT'"RING COMPANY. 453 Broadway, New York, f Office, HIO Chestnut st. i in Tukh.,.uk.. j mmw —AND— j SUxojp. THE subscriber has just received at his shop, over llankiuson's Store, in MESHOPREN PA., and will constantly IN EP on hand all (be latest HEROVED COIN] SrVES Among which are the "CALORIC," Ml NER and "UNlON'' patterns, with PARLOR STAVES and Heaters of every description, which he offers for 3Ftea,cly i at prices that will defy competition llis stoves are bought directiv of the Manufactur ers at ALBANY, MTLKI SJIAEKE. PROVIDENCE and SCRAN TON. He is therefore ON.Uded to sell them at a small advance on the original cost TIU, SHEET-IRON, —AND- Copper Ware. all kinds on hand and made to order Also PIP, WAGON II.) X S, A\ T I) SLI G II SHOES FOR SALE. The popular Cooking Stove, Forest <£ uee n, (Elevated oven) is now forThe'first, "ffered -ut S'iOfbr S inch, S-5 for B uch, REPAIBIMSAWDJOBSKTSI neatly and promptly done. LENP.Y STANABUftY. Meahoppen, Dec. 17th, 1862— v2nl'Jlv. &_9hmmis& THE SUBSCRIBER HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for fevohirye.tfs, a 118 is SIK t, where all of the most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT 6r ORNAMENTAL TREES Can be obtaiued. Being conr. need from experience that his Trees an 1 Plants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wyoming County than any grown in other localities, ho confidently solicits their natrou age. " * He will make annual visits either in person or by his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co", and asks only that bis specimens may hie examined ani his method of dealing be tested. AL! orders by letter or otherw ise, for Trees, vices or pj: nts will be promptly attended to. noßl-ly. D. IIARKINS. H4RWABE & IRON J* I ?. 1 A ! '* I' HUNT SBO'S& BLKLR NOW OFFER FOIt SALE j * H(V IRON STELL, NAILS AND SPIKES, MINE I RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, 1 BELLOWS, PLAIN & CONVEX J J. L'-F-SIIOES, 11AM -51 Li. ED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, ! r . | j % ""FT ft T I 3UILDEHS' SABOWASH. Bl 301 u rex CAREEN- J" TEUS' TOOLS, I < (ALL WARRANTED.) I7TBB, SPOKES. FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BOTES, M IS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES; PLASTER .1 lixtu S ; F'":'I.?; IF L:'A 6 I ALISO t?ASW, - DOORS A Nil BUNDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED LGOFTDEA LEATHEER AND FINDINGS, u FAIRBANKuS feKIALKS. * :• ' O P.? M .Q Ser;.ntcn V#fHi ?* ? rl 1 M I FT-, TU3fcE „ I BUY STOV E, TIX. CO Pi' Ell A X DSIIK ET- IRON WAR E •m \\ ! :' \. ! WHERE MAY EE FOUND* large and well se lected assortment of Ike most appro vol patterns, consist*''* "f UtyuiviisU, PAULOif aivf HEATING FTO,V&?librwtflsof (ilil, ais'a \fiil ijtiofil at low i Wo v:ou!'i call the ajfeto!44pi~-ot tiie pubhe, and fanua#s in parti ul at-.'tin our . NEW LEVAXEP OVEN COOKING STOVE, for wool or en*!, THE DACOTAII!! 1 which Ur economy, durability and neatness of design cannot be -u; • isse I. It is made witb extra. HE \YY TUI'S, (.'OVERS aad YIiNTILLATED ChXTKES, and with front doors to slide. The oven and lines are unu.-aliy large, making it SUK'EKIOKTUANY STOVE OF Till: klNl) ever brought into this market. It cannot fail to give good satisfaction. Those hi want of a C-ood@tove haul l call and examine it before jturghasi.ijr else where. * '' . TJN, mm ware of all kinds. ZINC, NT(S Vk PrPE, IRON WARE. Ac., always on hand. Merchants supplied with goods on reasonable terms. Roofing, guttering and all kin Is of jobbing will be promptly attended to. OLD BRASS, COPPER, I'KWTER. RAOS and | I RUN, WO'il) and LIMBER, .SHINGLES, and most kinds of produce taken in exchange tor goods ' and wares. | Thankful for past patronage, we respectfully invite ! all in want of anything in our line to give Us a cull. "Live and lot live." Quick sales an 1 small profi.s I is our motto. ~ . E. F. SNOW & EO Nicholson Sept.- SG3, SIO,OOO IVort ho f oo(I s ARRIVING AT TIIE Mew g?Sto>:r©l AT MILL TOWN, PA. Now is your time to jmrsliase SILK. GOODS, DRY GOODS, HA HOW A ItC, fII?EESfSWAHE, GLASSW UIE, HOOTS A SHOES' HATS A CAES, And a Variety of other Articles too Numerous to mention, Cheaper Than Ever C. SHERWOOD, Has received direct from the cities of PHILADELPHIA NEW-YIF I The Largest, Cheapest and Rest Assortment of Fall ami Wiiit r Goods (Purchased entirely lor C;uh) ever offered in MILL TOWN, which he iff selling at UNCOMMON LOW PRICES! , i His /S'trick, which he intends to * keep always Full, einbracese very- ' tiling wanted by the People 'n this Place, and customers can at a'i times rely on getting the rticles they may want y tit /Satisfactory Prices. eis not to be undersold by any, and asks - the Public to call and examine his j * STOCK. e would ask the LADIES! <? '• ■ i}i /• V*v • .A | ot.eall and Examine his Assortment oi LADIES' DRELS GOODS! ' AN D I? AN O V V HTIO 1/ K S OF WHICH H E HAS the FIRST ( HOK E, p POSTSCRIPT. His storesuvt RWBO* ENTRE aud i N.WAUKIE —MiMftf thfee in all, are also in full bias t, thereby ena- j bling him to'keep up a complete ts- ! ortment ia each. i I C. EUERWC OF | Nov Pa. ,186 j | TffflHl HWIIFj. 01. VAUGHN • Auctioneer i J or the County of Wyoming wjill attend to the real or ! x? mural property on abort notice and rcaeonable ! em* •'' j •U. S. 10-40 Bonds. These Bonds are issued under the Act of Congress of March ||hj ISlMpHliitsh provides tb*| JJend issued utMeYrHis Act* shrill be FROM [ TAX YTION by or under any state or municipal au "tfuritj-. these Bonds are received, in orHWes They are Tt> BE REDEEMED IX COIN. f. the pleasure of the (government, a. any peri-d not less tluin tcnjwr mora than forty years from their due an 1 until their redemption FIVE J?£ll IN TER EST. WILL 111$ PAID IN 'COIN, on of not over ofte hundred doffurs annually enlNbnall other llouits somi-aiitiuudy, Theiii teres! arable oji the of Mareb aftd BerteqZcr dsfea-h year. * v ', '•>*s' JHHK Subscribers will Registered or Cou pon B(>Jda, as theyiuay prefer. Registereilj, Bods are recorded on the boots of the V. "S Treasnftr, and ewi Ije transterred oriy on tho <>vunj]'/ order Coupon Iroriils'arc payatte rb heir sr. and tire more convenient for common ial uses. Subscribers to tbi.iai wilHiiyvy tbo- 'Option of having tbeir Bondsiiraw interest from March Ist, by p.iyin the H'ljrfierest in: lT (or 111 finite! States or the n >tes of National Ranks, adding fifty per cent, from jrremium.j or receive them drawing interest from the drte of subscription ani deposet — as tbescs' Bona are ' , ■*" Exempt It om Municipal or State Taxation, their value is increased from one to three per cent per annum, according to tfie rate of'tax levies in various, partsof tho country. At the present rite of premium on gold they pay Over Eight per C t Interest HI currency, and are of equal convenience as a per m <ncut or temjiorary investment. It is believe J that no eecur'ties offer so great in ducements lo lenders as the various descriptions of U S. Hinds. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties .or stock compa nies or separate communities only is pledge- for payment, while for the debt of the T'..ited States the whe' property of the country, is holden to se cure the p yuieul of botu priucipal and interest In coin. These Bon is may be subscribed for iti sums from %50 up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus made equally available to the smallest len der and the largest capitalist They can be convert ed into m incy at any m uueut, and the holder will have ihe bene• tot the interest. It may be uselul to state in this connection that the total Funded Debt of the United States m which "ntercst is payable in gold, on the 3d day of March, 1364. was i ; 763, SJGS, Odd. The in'erest on this debt lor the coming fis -a! year will lie ||i,927, 1'26. while the customs revenue in gold for the cur rent fiscal year, ending June 30th, 1951, has bpen so far at the rite of over 3103,000, COW per annutu It will be seen that even the present gold reve nue of the Government are largely in excess oi th wants of the Treasury f r the payment of gold in terest, while the recent increase of the tariff will doubtless raise the annual receipts from customs on the same amount of itHpartations, to #l5O OOft.OOO per annum. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan agents were not issued from the United State > reas urv untii March '26, but in the find thiee weeks of April the subscriptions averaged luvrc than TEX MILLIONS A WEEK. Subscriptions will be received by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa- Second National Bank ef Phtladelfdiia, Pa. The National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. AM) BY ALfi NATIONAL RANKS whicn are depositaries of Pubic money, and ail REhI'ECTACLE RANKS AND RANKERS throughout the country, (acting a* agents ofthc National Depc-dtary Binks ) will furnish further information on application and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO .SUBSCRIBERS THE EAT EST WJKWS kROM EUROPE ! Is fully confirmatory of former rcixirts that THE ' 1)1 T< II HAVE POSSE3SIOX OF HOL LAND. It is also authoritatively announced that o. fei. Alills has exclusive possession of the STOVE AHD TIM-SHOP AT— TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing in tho line of his trade can be had at the LO WEST LI VINO PBOFITS.. HOT SE-KEEPERS will find at h'.s Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COO2T X3NTG-, AND P&HIQH STUPES,| with all the FLKNITUKE and FIXTURES complete i I Roofing & Guttering iu all its branches, attended to or short notice and on REASONABLE TERMS. R E FiYiniN Gr , PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE. | OS. MILLS ! funkhanno k, Nov 4, 1563.—v3-nl3. WHEELER & WILSON'S . HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. The Cheapest and Best. OVER 150,000 OF THESE WELL-ESTABLISHED SEWING MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. J®-BXSD ron CIECCLAB, Lasiis' ALMAX IC, Ac. AGENTS WANTED. Address WHEELER & WILSON t*?rrirrfj-Mncni)Xe Co. 704 o))6#toiit Street, Philadelphia. -"T- 1 TlicUiafest Style I til •fsßiif ti * -t - i. " I spMhg % flmuvruti Bonn ets, and j MIELIiN Ell V GOODS, V. have just been receive! Nt tlie establishment of LOU! ff. EPeUftf). - .-. ... ... on Tioga Street, op;.osite Iho Pi -t-flfib e, where rii ; b6 found I.adier. Chiireu oii-i Bmv'.- FLAT>. ; HATS, and CAPS; HHAD-DKKSSKS, RIBBONS FLUWF.RS, ami TRIM Ml St iS. ani ovcritf.iug i> the line of Millinery, nhi.h will Lc sold a! the lotre- Cash I'ricts. Repairing promptly- and neatly done. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tunkhanuack.Ocl 3 1362 v2til I lywil N E ' ~MT C- | -r-,AND ~ I CHAIR. • 'W -g iWMmk i I 6 % MANUFACTORY! The subs.-riber has jus? opanel a ne-v Furni'u.i Cabinet and Chirr Manufactory in Tankhainiuci., next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store— where are kept on hand and mat.ufa dure'! to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, aril s'y!e CHATI'S Cane-seat, Flag-! dt -a. and <■■■■.mon Bl RT' AU? of all-styles, sizes, an ! > rt -cs. RFPS I FADS, CoPage and .- >-:• n. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES, and indeed every thiig nL> h t m he fom-.i in tlie largest fumiiure estaldislimenis in the country . which he will seli at prices a.-: ! o>. tu- th- y c-n i > bought in any town outsi Iu of the citie-. Being sat isfied th.it he can compete, both in workmanship ,ui i prices with any establishment i:: the vouu y, he so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kip J - done in a neat, substaii tial and wurkiuatiHko manner. ,N. R. —Uid cune-seut chair.-, imv.-geattd ..ud re paired. UNDERTAKING. — Having a 11-arse of his own. and haiitig had mu h experience, lie will attend r.. this department of the business on -hart notice, r,.i in a satisfactory manner. AUG All AM HA AS. Jul v 16, 1362.—v1n-191y CMCKEI ffff! 1 A Large Stock just Ujauicd . (IT H WW | T. L. ROSS & GO'S., If". - A M A I T P APKR. V. AI L PAPrit. WALL PAPKR. w.'xnow shades WINDOW .SIIAI Ev WINDOW SHAPES. OF A!,L STYLE. GLOTII SHADES WITH HORDKRS ci.orii SIIADRS WI I II Ron > PFj;s\ ITX I I'RES AND R(LLFI'iS. COM Ii F'!' \] FIX IT'UES A.NIt Koi.LEito OOAJI I.F i i I KM HKOIDKItFD M ffSLI N GT'II IAIN'3 I EMBROIDKDKD MUSLIN j EMBROIDFKFI) MFSLIX CI'iiTAINS. AI .SO A I.arge Stock of White Goods; SWISS MUI/S DOi'T1:1) S\VISS MI -LIN. BRILLIANTS, JACONETS, LACES, BALMORAL SKIRTS, SPUING SKIRTS. I GLOVES, RI AL ALEXANDRE 8 KID And a Large Stock of YAHkEEWtbTSOfiS, Iron, Nails, White-Lead, Z.nc, Linseed Oil, Glass, Puttv, Door-Locks, and a general assortment of i t BUI LDERS'JIARDWARE, Fish, of all kinds. Ca,sil3. for all kinds of Grain. Tupkhannock, March, Oth 18G4. F.in RATS, MICE, ROACTIES, ARTS, BED Bros Mortis IN Ft KS WOOLENS, ,te,, INSECTS ON PI.VNIS ' t FOWLS, ANIMALS, AC , Put up in 25c 50 ■. aud SI 00 Boxes. Bottles, and t Flasks. S3 and S5 sizes for Hotels, smd Public in stitutions, Ac. "Only iutallille remedies known." 1 „Freo iroui INisons." ".Not d.ingerou* to the Human Familv,'( ' ."Rats come out of their hides to die.". j £7ff*6bkl Wholesale in :G1 largo cities, u ft, by all Druggists at Retailers everywhere • Bewabb ! ! ! of all worthless imitation J Lif'See that "COSTAH'S naiue is on each Box, Rottl and Pla.sk, before you buy. [ IILXBT R. COSTAH J IjtpPfritocipal Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y. J3TSold by J. Lyman. ?• Co., whoPsa'e v ay Ag- ot. TurkhitttdA P£ "-TC i' X v talpt tt ; infecuott which ye ealt SCROFULA lurlcs hi the constitutions of 8- multitudes of mu>. It ft \ either prod iires or is L j produced by au en t fcelled, vitiated state of the blood, wherein fluid becomes in- competent to sustain vital forces in their .jt> _.' rieoroTis notion, and Aft-,*' ,)tvcs system to -T into disorder and * decay. The scrofulous contamination is variously caused by mercurial dieease. low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure r.ir, fiitli and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venerea! infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the ronstitntion, descending " from pareifr to chiidreTt unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed; it seems to be tho rod of Uim who says, " I will visit the iniqui ties of the fathers upon their ehildrcu." The diseases -which it originates take various names, according to the organs if attacks. In tho ! lurigs, {Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and become ulcerous sores; in tha stomach and bowels, derangements which pro tlucc indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver com plaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. ! With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you "can not have health ; with that " life of the tie-.li'* healthy, you luffuo: have scrofulous dhcasc. Ayer's Sarsaparilla I is compounded from the most effectual anti j dotes that medical science lias discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of tho | disorders it entails. That it is far superior to | any other remedy yet devised, is known by all j who have given it a trial. That it does com | bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon tiiis class of complaints, is indisputably j proven by the great multitude of publicly I known and remarkable cures it has made of i the following diseases : King's Evil Of Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas, £o-e or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt : Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in the lungs, White | Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections. Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports ot individual cases may he found in AVER'S AMERICAN | ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies le d failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all get | tions of the country, in order that every reader i may have access to some one who can speak to j him of its benefits from personal experience, j Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus i leaves its victims far more subject to disease and it- fatal results than are healthy ton-iim | tions. llence it tends to shorten, and does j greatly shorten, the average duration of human ! life. The va-t importance of these considers tions lias ied us to spend years in perfecting a j remedy which is adequate to its cure. Thi9 i we no.y offer to the public under the name of i AYER'S S.VRSARARIELA, although it is oom | posed of ingredients, some of which exceed the I h st of .Sar tpariffa in alterative power. Be its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Targe out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in tho I blood; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow, liy its peculiar I virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func ; tions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or lurst out on any ' part of it. We know the public have lcen deceived hi | many compound- of tSarsajiarilla, that promise I much and did nothing; but they -will neither v * I deceived nor disappointed in tills. Its virtue have been proven by abundant trial, and there ; remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is ia ! tended to yeaclt. Although under the same J name, it i* a very different medicine from any other which lias been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which has ever beat available to them AYES'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long used anil so univer sally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may bo relied 011 to do all it has ever done, l'reparcd by DR. J. C. AVER & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists,, Lowell, Mass. Sold bv all druggists everywhere. > > c K i ui.l-.vuu... K ; I L>. coring, Laeoy viffo ifaril in; " Co.PXivliolsoii; E ,£ J Trearj F.u-toiy riile, and by dealers in Medicine? everywhere. Traveling Public! i—rrti f PO aeecitntiK.dafe person? wishing to go by public A conveyance from this place to any section, or re turn, the undersigned continues to ran a T 3D>£til37- JL.si.2io OF c? mm ®t ft © and fro in llcpot, IWJM his hotel at e':! ick, a. IU , arriving at Factory^-ilTo in time for Trains to ... (!3rcflt Scab, Brraiiton, slfui-|]fir!: ♦ u ami PHILADELPHIA. Returning, leaves Faetorvville on the trr'iin of tne New D>rk, l'hilidelphia nu<i Ace diiola tion Ti tin from Groat Reud, arriving iu inkhau no?k al 7 o'clock, p m. N.I —All Eapress matter, packages and >od with bo con.'uyoJ to ami lrcui the Jfisjivt. at a*' able rates; the proprietor lml ling himself rt f nsibl.-foF the safe delivery of all such entrusted to bi.- care, 'i'owniidri-fa ;e arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock, in. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, piu Stagos for Putston, Wgopitig, an t Wilkesbarre, leave on the afrival of theTownnau s'age, and re turning connect with the same. Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and •Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. in., connecting at Moutrcee with stages for l>i haniton, Ac. Returning, countots with stages for Pitlgtua, IVwanda, Jtc Person* wishing to be called for at their residence wilt h© aoeomtiio.lafed by leaving their names at I hotel of the i roprtelor. Her.*-* and Carriages in readiness to forwardpaas p.. M .uti t irtd jj-rl ' *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers