GKE A T CENT RA fa F AIR, . FOB Tiiß SANITARY COMMISSION. Ojjtct of the Committee on Labor, Incomes and Retainer. .Yo"*Jl8 South Seventh Street, PUiladelphii, Apr -1 Hi 185 4. Tho Cocmitteo rat ' LABOR, ISCOMES and Rcvn-* XEES " invite co-op n .ntor. wuh t'loin in the partic ular work for which they have been appoint, d. As no portion of the peoplo on more pai.iotte than tin working men and women of the country, it is but, just and proper that they should alike have a a op portunity to contribute to the obi-.-ts of tbc Fair.— ; 'lite most equable plan for aeomtq .'.-hing ibis, r.r. l, at the same time the easiest ore, i ttsk far tho contribuch u of a SINGLE J AY'S LABOR from all class es in the eoomuuity. Matty will contribute a day | of their labt.r willingly wiio Aould no f übecrib>e j Ueir money. To reach every department of indust ry and . art will be a work of great labor, but if attained, will be productive of immense results. < The success of the plan will dehen l upon the j hearty co-operation of e.cry >'e ment of influence Vi.ii bin our fin.;. , and wc it, fie.: , th" guapl.atts iA tho indii.-tit.il interests, ami till others, to tike hold with us in furthering this great work of patri- ; -tißni and humanity.' • '"be r>nnutEtec i< charged with the following du- • *y, to wit: FIRST. — To obtain the contribution of " 0:13 day's \ labor" or earning', from every artisan and laborer, foreman, operative and employee ; president, rush er, teller and clerk of every incorporated and unin corporated eom'oany, railroad and express companv employing firm, Lank, manufactory, iron wrks, < i works, mill, mine an 1 public otliee : from every p:i vate banker an l Lr ,>r, iinporter, auctioneer an ' merchant ; clerk, agent and salesman ; design , finisher an l c.rtist ? publisher, primer an i mechanic; from every government officer, contractor an i em ployee ; grocer, butcher, baker and dealer; farm, r, horticultuiist n I producer , from every mantiia maker, rtiiliinc, an 1 female operative, every indi vidual engaged in turning tho s i!, ten ling the loom or in any way eurniriL' a livelihood, or buii 1- ing a fortune within the States ol I'eunsy Ivunio, N. Jerscv and Delaware. SECOND* —To obtain die rorifrih iti in of one day's '"Revenue." from all the great employing establish merits, firms, corporations, cump'ttnivs, railroads and works. Timiri- —To o'.tain the c.mtribu'.ion of one day's income from every .ifi-uud person, and person of for tune—male and female—living upon their means, and from all clergymen. lawyct.-, j hyycians, dtn :ts. editors, authors and professors ; alLother per sons enaaged in tie learned or other profecsians. Much ot thi3 work must im performed by the per sonal infiuenc™ and efforts of ladies and gentlemen associated, or to be associated villi the Committee in carrying out this plan. The Committee feel the responsibility of the work tli?y have under...ken which, t - bo su-"p ful, will require a ve-y p-.-rfc t r.iini6--.it'oa their plan, and they therefore call iqron all earnest people, to assemble t'r.on-civ-.'.-tog'.:• •r in every town, tmvn ship, aqd court/, and for.a -rg.sniz irions cf ladies and gcntleriK 11 to co-op.*r:ito w ;ih them ia this great work at. I la: or of lro In tho monufnotu - ing coun ties. tho 'ord and oil region •. and in the ivgricitltnr fi districts —espe-itilly, let (here i.e organizations in the largo tovuu, so that the young people may have uu-opportuußy thus to render assist inca to their rel atives r.r. 1 Li ads .'ig-i.itig the battles of their coun try in the armies i toe nation. The work of tLi O muiitlee rosy be pr recule l where no other c'."rf em be made for trie Fair, as in the mines of the coal regious. A day's earnings of die miners, an i a d ty's prndtt :t of the mines, em ! • obtained, where n?i poitabh* a. ri. Ie c ••• 1 e j>rour ed fir tr.tus}i<ir; -; ia. Indeed ihore is no; ;t . section ot ih'uies ...tore t.;o day's labor may not he obtained, ii organization can Le furtucd to re""h them. Tlie Comuiitlccennn t close without urgi tg upon all I'roprietors of Ii- ibli'bii irds. the doty of tail ing prompt uc-i energetic action to Secure tb : iieit efit of tho day ,75- z fr m all within their con trol. The Committee deem u unnecessary to do T ITS, th in thus to 1 reset the subject to the people of the three Stales 'mtd. T*i the corning campaigns of our armies, the labors of thz "Sai:i* .ry Cam mission' ■ wiil be greatly augmented* By the first of Jane 70(1,000 iceu— tie of the 1 irgart armies of mod- 1 urn times —wiii be •>;; ru ::g ,u ihe iI.H I. So large' a force, scattered over re :i ? . ••*.•':; 1.-h the men arc nnaceltinatcd, must nci-csnrtiy carry r.i-ng with it a large amount o. st.kni ~f • dig and loath, to ay nothing of tin. g iil.er-.--I L irrois of the batt'e fiel 1. These suSfi rincs, if is oar bound' n dipv. as ni-n and Ciiristiatis, t.> relieve A r- it anl enlighten.: 1 jieople, enjoy iiig ih ble -ings of a governm-iit > ; their own making cannot re torn z-si 0. c e t.i m; u Buffering to m ir.taiti its t. rhorily, ar I we w.l ! not. heileve that no "CLE AL' Cr.S i'ilAL FA IB," drawing irs prodo from tha <1 ry.- y'i.itcs ; Pennsylvania, an l New Je;.- y and tware. -0 t --lluent in all minnral, agricultural at: i ir.dust lul wealth, shall fall behind any similar cfiorf wh; :i has yet been mac . for tho relief of tho Ntah.i.s chil dren As it 13 desirable rtto:•1 i' •1- cir'al ars ; o .further authority thin A'.'; cir-.i'ar xiJ! pe neee saryjor any employin ' Jirm or romp ury nor a. y respectable committee oj ladies and trentletnen to j proceed Hi once, i:i thr ,r o rk if t a.'.; committee; . 1 it is b'lped that t:r.d?. *rg iniz t'i.ins ws'l snri:-/ ; up in nli the towns ami busy regisns of the .States 1 of Pennsyh-New Jersey and Delaware, Subscript tors will b thankfully acknowledged in ' the newspi;y*fs • fPhil idel; hia : a i it is *.-r;* ; s'rible that t ::-y eoniiner.ee s,. n, as i-#:h fzr.-h * c."knowle Igmcnt wiil stimulate e7ort iu ether locali ties All suhscribtion- will be nd lrcss l to ,JG VO W CI.AG//OI(N, Trn surer, office of tbc '-Committee j on Labor, Incomes and Revenue," No. 113 South Seventh S'rer-t. Philadelphia* IV All needful help* in Circulars nnd Posters ! will he ferwarle 1 to puGes ap; '*. g far them.— Direct to Chairman of the Commit toe as above. I . JMOFTGOEERY n(>ND, (Jhairinan JOHN IV < EAG//ORN. i'reas irer. Rev E V. 11l ITER,Corresponding Soct'jf. MfGREGOR .r. MITCHi'USON, Secretary. HON OR AHE V SI EMBER - His Excellency, A. <f. Cf"RTIN, G iv. of Penna. | His Excellency. JOEL PARKER, Gov. of N J. ill Rxtellency, TV M?*C AN N O.V. Gov. of Del. Htm. ALEXANDER HENRY, Mavoi of Phila. ! Hon. JOSEPH R. INGERSOLL, Panna* Hon. JUDGE CARPENTER, Xe.v Jers v, Hon JUDGE HARRINT !'l ON. Dei-iirare. Maj-Gen. GEO. G. MEADE. Aruiv of Potomac ! COMMITTEE. * Right Rev. Bishop Potter Mrs. Rev. E. W. llutte-, Most Rev. liisimp Wood* Chairman. ; Rev. Bishop Sim;- in. Mrs George M. Dallas I Rev. Dr Brainard. Sirs. John Sergeant. Rev. W. P. Breed. Mrs. J ilin M,' Seott. Rev. E. W. llutter, Mrs* General Meade. Rev. Isaac Looser. Mrs J E igar Thomson. | hamr.sl M. button. Mrs, Jo- • j :i Harrison, ,fr. John El gar Thomson. Airs. Robert W. Le.ib.iug Commodore R. Ft. ,tkb • Mrs. T, Montgomery Bond Frederick Fralcy. Mrs. George F. Weaver j John Bingham, Mrs Geo. W. Harris. George Williams. Mrs. I". A. Drex I. ) Tlcv W. Stiidd.iro's. D. D. Mr, M. Eeiley. Professor Henry C -ppee. .Mrs J . 1 W. Forney. • has. Pendleton TuP.M D M'-g, Samuel A. Crozer. Dr Walter Williamson. Mrs. Erm.'i Turlev. ' 1 Hoa. Oswald Tbomp„n. Mrs. .1 Hon. j. r. Ludlow. s Susan O'NeilL V, r> ' Rrw ne. Mifis Sal lie Scott. ''"l Dougherty. Muss I.ouisa E. Clagborn. and 99 ot'ueis and 35 otocrs j COMMIT I'FF. FOR A DAY'S LABOR CHE/T CKSTRAI, SAHITARV PAIR. Committee on "'Labor Incomes and Revenues " Office No, 113 S. SEVENTH ST. JOHNT W. CLA'tii'lßN, TrCo^Ul'Gr. This Committee has a special woik. to wit • to ob tain a day's "labor" a day's "in- me." and a day's "revenue," from every citizen of the throe States' of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, for tho benefit of our sick and wounded t<> l tiers. The Committee is now fully organized at the above address-, and calls ior the eo-operati >n of ail cl isses in the community. We want to show what tho industrial classes tan do for their soldiers ! thejveople can do in their separate trades What Pennsylvania can do ! vow ' l ew Je fi > y can do ! What Delaware can do ! " hat each county can do ! S c' ll .v and town can do ! * hat each profession can • What eacn tr.i J e cai. do ' What each occupation can do ' Wtaat each inan.Aactory can do,! can do IMt UlSUr: '" tu:e coul ud railroad What each m'r.e c • , Jo ! What each workshop can do ! w hat each family can do ' "t each roan em do ' W1 i each v.oaian can uo ! Wh i? each boy 11 J girl candu! We want to show the world what American free men are ready to do for their soldiers ! Th s is a great work and the time short! The way to do so is to ORGANIZE ! Org; raze m yi;r work .-.ops—in your families. Let the men organize, r Let the women organize. Let iha trades organize. Organize everywhere. Let the workmen giro with their employers, the employer*' with their workmen. it is easily,done. It the workmen will authorize th r < u;j h yers to deduct one day from their week's and month's earnings, ami the employers will add to it .1 day of their profits, iiio whole sum will ho ac k; iwL-dge together to the credit oftho est ;;tdi.-h meat. V.'c *"y to all, go to work with us at once in tais I great woik. Jlurry forward your eonlribw'ions ; Every acknowledgement will stimulate others to ! follow y .ur example j Circulars wiih butl instructions will be rent upon applications, by mail or otherwise, to the undersign ed. To work ! to work ! E MONTGOMERY BOND, Chairman. Mrs. E W. HITTER. Chairwoman of Ladies' Committee. M J MITCHESOX, S- .retary. Manufacture cf Woolen Goods 1 CHAPTER 1. The M inuf.iclure of Woolen Goods, boib in the ; household and in iiie factories, has become of _great ia;portance on a.-eountofjits forming at present our principal articles, clothing. The nature of our cli mate make it nceccssary, and the scarcity of Cotton has greatly increased the value of woel and Fabricks made Irom it • and being engaged in the business of miking Cfirh as I Flannel, an 1 also .oil Carding, and ( loth Dressing, wc have thought a few remarks with regard to handling Wool, and the p'oper pro cess of Manufacture, might be of service to the coun try, an! a benefit: ourselves The first process with tho farmer who intcn 1; to m .ke Lt- wool into lo'is for .spinning an i weaving at home, after washing an I shearing, is a-soring the qualities. ThD we do not expect a farmer to do as perfectly as a regular manufacturer, but by trying he will approximate towards it, and bo amply paid lor the little pains required, by haying an even thread and smoother fabric. The fleece should bo ; whole and be spread out on a table —the coarsest wool will be fourd on the skirts ot tho fleece, and | can easily be distinguish erl by looking closely to the fibre Two qualities from endh fleece will perhaps be close en .ugh for ordinary purposes, Lul s the saecp in our country differ much in their gradis of wool—tho roar.-p put of one may do to go wi:h the fiac :art oi another, and thus make three or four qualities out oi toe lot if it is going to the manu factory or to market, the fleece should Bit lie torn, but after ren -ving the tag-locks, should be rolled up compactly, rktn out ei.le Not less than one jound rl lard, fresh but* r r,r oil should be sent with every ton pounds <:-f wo -! to tho ea r dir.g mucliioo. ihe nex: th ng of importance is of conr e to be well card' •, lor which we will bo entirely res; onsi i'.cr . but in tire matter of spinning and veaving, wo have anc.tner cau'ion to a id, I'ltiess ti.e yarn is evenly tvy:sl *j, and beat tip evenly in t! e loom, <he clothshrinks unevenly in fulling—making some pla ce.- w tile ad other/narrow, and if tiro finisher suc ceeds in pressing out the wtineles, the cloth will re sume its contort; >;i again when made into n gar i:erit, and the tm.'c!) it.ic is sometimes wrongfully bi anted tor a. toe' •; becoming Ltn'crnjaired on a man s btt"k. it is c: - fiv avoid- 1 by giving tbc wheel ir equal nitm'erof turns to a giveii length of thread drawn top We fin 1 this difficulty iiierc tsing ' ' Lite ye: -a,an i have cone to tie conclusion that ■ • •-••me '■( th" tj in:.' rs do t. t Utrp better time it tlmir pianos than on their spinning wheels - s should h ite dreadlully to listen to th ir mnsie. AS every .on? .{ !•;!.•. R . 'T •.! !'O CM ployed to the i est advantage, and er ry ounce <! material be appropriated * • the best purpose, on account of our war. we propose to write some other eh qfiers r.n our branch of bn-iness a r * thi is read nfii ienfly to be rem nbered. and - endeavor to do our work nt-o enough for :i ba.utorjl skirt or :t d- cfoi's coat, an i make i o.v-rrs stout c - ugh to .a farmer through :t years camp .;n at least. JNti II.AM & WRENCH. 110-tr. RA DRV, CASir-, v. A Bit-.ur ORD ( a May 2.b4 i MiIKC'ANTS!iM Al'i'it.VlSM>2llS I'. Tb ur..b rsignci. b.aving been appointed Mcr m tile appraiser for the- County of Wyoming for the year id' 4. hereby certifies the following I,be a r rect list of Rat ai.ers in forcig ; Mer- fi.iriis", vri'h their names, class -ad rate in ti several toaibj-s i i wit ; Cr \SS BHAISTMa. K. Bunnell 9'0.00 1 1 Jno. i. Brown 10.0" I 2 E. Merritt 12,;YJ Old NToX 14 II X F C M tthewsiin 7 0" • Jn. *\ 'lbs .v .-'on 7. I 1-1 E X .-j. I'rear 7,0 14 t! irdncr Ingham ■% Co 700 14 W. Eriggs 7,0J A VTOV. i 1 J V. Carr- nter, 7,00 FACT $. II Amo- Leeroer / 00 11 Chauneev .- i twihA 7,U'J rortKsTi.v. 14 Peter Me'.pioen 7.00 1 I Hiram Hitchcock 7,1k! 14 G. 11 Burgess 7.0t) 1.1.M0X. 14 Gilbert iirown 7,00 y rnoii'ANv. It Wm. H. Barnes 7,00 14 11. Eovo 7.00 12 Jennings & Brother 12,50 MESH ART EV. 14 I>. ilankinson 7,00 3'i Ftcriing 4 Loomis 10 00 I 3 hi I is Venn y 10,00 (4 Jacob Hail ,T 7.00 KiruoLso*. 13 William- A Birgo lO.ffl 13 N. P. dVilcox 10,00 14 S I, Tili'.uiy 7 "0 12 O. L. Hallstcad 12*50 II Ein'-ia Wright 7,00 NORTH BRANCH. 14 William Garey 7.00 NoHI HMORELAND. 11 Pool & Carey 7,00 11 Howard & Winters 7 HO 1-1 11. Keeler 7,0y Tt: Roro. 14 C P. Miller 7,00 13 T L. Ross <fc <fo. 10 00 12 Mott it Wright 12,50 14 E. WheeJock 7.00 15 Jno. iVctl 7.00 14 C. M. Koon 7,U0 14 Geo. Leigh ton 7,00 WINDHAU 14 11. S, Graves 7,00 WASHINGTON. 14 G. W. Furinan 7 00 14 I'. W. Zimmerman 7,00 14 Frank (J. Bunnell 7,00 An appeal will be held at the Court House in the B r. ugh of Tu irk hanuock, on l'ridav, the £2d day ol July, A . D. 1 AG. C. L YAUGIIN. 5 Mercantile Appraiser. AL IHTOKS NOTICE. In matter of.lie Estate of Elisha Harris late of Falls township, Wyoming Couu ty deceased. The undersigned having hern appointed by } lB Auditor to make a general distribution of the" fund raited by the sale of the real estate of said Elisha I arris derei.st'd, amongst the heirs and all that are legally entitle..' to nnv portion of said fund, will •''■ fen t to tlie dut;es of hi? said appointment at his 0..u-e ini the I'orougi: of Tunkhanr.o. k Pa. on Wed t.d iay./tin e Ist i ..1, ;tt one o'clock intho afternoon, ! '| wm ht me and place; all persons having any iaims upon said fund are r- quired to present them or bo Uebarcd I ruin touting in said fund. T". V. EOSS Auditor. Tnnkhannock April 23th 1864, Administrator's Notice. N OTICE is hereby riven that letters of A linin . .ration in the cer of the estate of Jacob P. Flummerfelt, lato o. Jleshoppen, 1) e'd, have been issued to John FluuiinerMt. All persons in debted U sail estate aro t. • itiod to tuiko payment and all persons having claims uga.nst said estate are requested to present the same duly authenticated to tho undersigned at tho House < f iaiuuol T Fium merfelt, in Tun diannock Township. SARAH M FLUMMERFFLT ) .. , i JOH.V FfT'MMERFELT, \ Adm r - ' JUST lIECEIVED, —from — PHILADELPHIA Gxt 3X; or 15L,. A F l* L L ASSOR TME X T 0 F j v. x ® DRESS GOODS, j SHAWLS, SASSiMEfiS, Olo"tlaiixgr 7 Shoe s , Hats, I Jraucn tixiote. ■ _______ ' NOTIONS. <we. d.c , adapted to this Season' which will be sold at the VERY LOWEST MA KET PRICE for Cash er Country Produce, at the Store of John Weil. Tu nklia rnot k N" J. :1 CC. HC4. Treasure) a" Sale of Unseated Land it; IV y oming County. "JVyOTIGE is iiereby given, that under and by E\ virtue of th- Several Acts of assembly of tho Commonweal;h of Pennsylvania, passed for the col lection <f taxes on unseated lands, the Treasurer of W turning County, will, on the second Monday (to wit. 13th) .Tun; A.I). 1864, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkiiai nock, expose to Public sale, the following tacts and parts of tracts of unseated land, for the taxes and costs on thein respectively. .Sale to comuseuce at one o'clock P. Si. EATON, 36 of Eddy Georcrc, Eaton 51,02. 66 '• Thouitis Elizabeth ' 1.70. 100 " We-hurt William, " 2,60. " Halloivell John, •' 1.28 140 " Thomas Joseph, " 3.64. 210 " Lewis David, " 6,24. 32-3 " Ro. < Th'tmas, " 9.3tj. 1,5) Bridge J i nes " 1142. 450 Fisk Wiliiatns, " 11.42. 439 l'ow'.es Samuel, " 11.42. ' ! 200 of Hoof James, F'xlls, 5,20. I'uIiKSTOS. 4"0 Betterton William, Fork-ton, 4ud Bo>v van Soloinou '• 14 01, 4-tO Barker or Bart -n Julia " 13.80*. 4tt: Brcley Jlantiah, " t p'oi. 300 of I". • nan Joseph " 10.33. C4!"i I'artlet: Jo -i .-1, 14.01*. 4C6 Bird or Ba: II;. Jaiuin ' 1101. ■JO', of Bryce John, " 0.19 423 t iymer D<nicl, '• 14.76 100 of ('-ritig- r James, 11 3,4 4. 406 Carman S.amue!, ' 1401. 406 Cannon Ni-hols " 1401. NOG of Carin.-n John, ' 10.48. l('t) " < rtstnan Fredruk, " 3,14 D'O '• Campbell lbihcrt, " 3'43. j 408 Iteb-ng Peter. " 14,01. 403 Deiang Simon. " 14.01*. 4"7 I), long WilFum, " 14,01. 4t'7 ItebuigJun, •' 14.01. 3U; i f Dewilt Aaron, " h; j~p 205 "■ Dtivi,' An ir w, *• 7,11. I •' Dewi.t 1 tmmas. - " 10.43. 4aO Denuison ihuoim, " . 15.18. 10' i Fish i huiF.as, " 14 01. 4.6 Fowl, r Edwards, " 15,03. 437 Fry John, u 15,12 •3 0 1 ish .B.scjih, " 14.8,4. 4ii'i tJ.i-e Dnnicl, " 14 td. 150 of Grout Paul, " " !'l 439 llal; XViOh-n. " jVl'-" 459 Hal; lUII -arah, '• 406 Kin! ill TV; li.iui, " 14.01. 77 of King S-i aue!, " 269 4'M) Knox deb a. t; 13,60 499 Knox Samu'-l, " 13.5t). 180 of Law Willam, " 6 19. 428 -i. 'er-- t; • " 117'. ; J iio of McLam: din J hn, " 10 33 200 " SI Lai.ghlia James, " 6 90.* 2''o " Slor-c iviiliam, " 61)0. 4)9 Sftizry Amos, " 15.18. 300 of Still r Mary, " 10 33. •1i i) Hker -Ir-hn." " 13.80. 410 Patton Isaac, '• 1-4*l4*. 487 Kepii (<,; " 15 12. 4"2 Hansh w Ri.-h ,r I, '• 13 95. 200 of Stephen* Anna, " 6,90 4)0 Stephens Simon, " 15,16. 325 r.f White S imu -1, " 11.17. 304 " V hitc Robert. " 10.50. 400 White James, " 13.60- 4'io Whito John, " 13,50. 420 Yarriiigtou John, " 1-1,45. LElloX. 96 of Harvey George, Lemoo, 2.50. 143 " Ramsey II &II Trumbell '• 2,94. 55 ') Ramsey Henry, " 1.44. 106 " Hunter Patrick, " 2.74. 64 •• Hunter Jaincs, " 1,76. 125 '• lluti'er P.t Joseph, " 3,24. 99 " Hunter I*. Samuel 11 2.53 51 " Hirtman Henry, " 1,34. 43 " Fry Joseph, Meshoppen, 1,12. 92 " Fry James, " 2,40 KONRCE. 400 Allen Samuol, Ylonroe, 25.60. 439 Bett r lon Jacob, 28 10. 406 Bradley Hannah, " 25.'97. 32! of Baily Daniel, " 20!d4. 40t) Cam- hell dimes " 25,60 400 Campbell Margaret " 25.60. 389 of Dougherty Richard, " 24.83. 406 Downing Reuben, " 25,97 4! 6 Davis Jonathan jr. " 25.97. 400 Derbyshire John, " 25^60. 405 Delany Maynar.i, " 25 91. 376 of Delariv Fanny, " 24.07. 400 E.-py <<■ urge, " 25 60. 173 of Good Thomas, ' 1107. 400 Galllup Eunice, '• 25 60. 403 Gridley Daniel " 2610. 4t)o Harmison Wallace, " £ 25,60. 439 Hermans William, " 28.i0. 275 of M'Ku'ght David, " 1761. | 400 McCoy Ephriam, " 25.60. 410 Nash Phineas. " 27,22. 431 Rainier Asher. " 271.53. 409 Pierce John, '• 25,96. ! 400 Paimcr William, " 25.60. 423 Renimgton John, " 27,33. i 439 Bcn-hdw Ann, " 28.10. j 439 Renshaw John, " 28,10. 383 of Stewart Mary, " 24,82 439 Stephens Simon, " 28,10. 413* Smith Peter " 26,74. 406 Tripp John, •' 25 97 496 Todd John, " 25^97.' 126 cf Wyllia Geo. £. John " B,oj. no p. tii a RANCH. 410 Bark lev George. Nor;-h B*anch, H. 43. 130 of F;itt!e Samuel, " 3,64. 400 Cove! Matbew, " 11,20. 362 of Corel Oralia, " 10,14. 410 Davis Huldah, " 11.48* 300 of Fih Jabcz, " 8.38. 400 Fish Sarch, " 11,20. 410 Hagarman John, " 11,43. 410 Hall James, 11,43. 410 Johnson Jacob, " 11,43. 410 Johnson Jofcoi.la, P " 11.43. 410 Johnson C) istianna, " 11,48. 200 of Lenox William, " 5,60, 325 " Mason Abraham, kl 914. 410 M-Cray P.obcrt. " 11*43. 410 " M'-Cray Shriik'l, " 11,48. 225 of Phipps Thomas, i{ 6.28. 42) " Fritz Christopher, Nicholson, r,IT.- 138 " Harvey George, " 4,88. TUNKHANNOCK -63 " Harvey Job, Tunkhannock, 1.64. 441 " Ilepler George, " 11,46. 150 " Thouipso i William, " 3,88. 143 •' Thompson Samur I, " 3,76. 90 of Hampton Samuel Washington, 2,34. 61 " Hampton Samuel. " 1,53. JAMES L. MULUSON Trnamrer, Treasurers o£Bco, > Teak Marsh 31 , 1564 ) ' Hell's Sbccific Pills— in sll C-.is**?. ' | can be relied on ! Never fall to cure ! l)o not j tauscnte! Are speedy in action! No change of Ji- Ict required! Do not interfere with business pursuits' i I Can to used without detection! Upward of 200 ' ure>- tills month —seme of thorn very severe a?e. Over one hundred physicians have used them in tlivir ; practice, and all speak well of their cflicaey, and npprovo of their composition, which ia entirely vege table, and hnriulcss on tbo pyatcm. liun Iro i., of • ■ certificates can be 3'jwa. Dki.l's Spfcif; ' Pills arc the original and only ! genuine Specific l'ill. Th y are adapted f>r male j and fcinalc, old or young, and the only reliable reme !y for effecting a jierinaocut and speedy cure in all cases of Spermatorrhea, or seminal Weakness, with all its train of evils, such as I retheral and Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or Inroluntu rilv Emission, Incontiuucnee, Genital Debility and j Irritability, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power, Nervous Debility, Ac, Ac., all of which arise princi pally from Sexual Excesses or Self Abuse, or s iuie constitutional derangement, and incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling t\ ; unties of married life. In : all sexual diseases, as Gonorrhea. Gleet, and Striet { ores, and in Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, they act as a charm ! Belief i 3 experienced by tak ing a single box. Sold by all the principal druggists. Price SI They will be sent by mail securely sealed, and confideu ially, on receipt of the money, by J BRYAN, M D... No. 76 Cedar Street Tew York, Consulting Physician for the treatment of Se ninal, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will | send, free to all,'the following valuable work, in sealed envelope: Tut; IH'-'TiJi'iH Tjiocsaxd — Dk BELL'S TREA TISE on Self-Abuse, Premature decay, Impotence i and Loss of Power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal Weak ! ncss, Nightly Emissions, Genital Debility, Ac., Am, a pamphlet of 61 pages, containing important advice to the afllicted, and which sliou'' be read by every sufferer, as the means of cure in the severe .t stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. Impokt vn'ce to ladif.? — Dr. Harvfy's fbmale Pll.r.s havj never yet failed in removing dif/aultics ari-ing from ob.-li .. -tier. or stoppage of iiatu/e, or in restoring the system to perfect health when Suffering rirom Spinal affections, Prolapsus, Uteri, the Whites, ior other wcakuct-hof the Utr-rinc Organs Toe Pills , are perfectly harmless on the constitution, and may | be taken by the most delicate female , without eaus j ing distress —the same time they act like a charm 1 by strengthening, invigorateing and restoring the J system to a healthy e-mJiliou, and by ringtog on | the monthly period with regularity, no matte- from in' t caucs.the obstruction may arise. Tu-y sln.u: 1 ! however, NO ; be t; ken during the*first three or four i months, of pregnancy, t tough saie at any other I t me. as miscarriage would be theiesult, Each box contains 60 Pills Price -SI. Dm HARVEY'S TREATISE .a djseaie* of Fe males. Pri or: <ncv, -M.. arriage, Barrenness, Sterili ty. Reproduction, and Abases o r Nature, ind j emphatically the Luetics Pri.ate Medical Ad viser, a pamphlet ol hi pages, sent free to any 1 address Fix cents required t !| pay postage, j The Pills and book will be sent by mail when tic - j sited securely sealed, and prepaid, by J.BRYAN. M. lb, trcnerui Agent No 76 Cedar a* . New York, i Fold by all tbo principal drug Jan 20, l c 6-l v-3-n-23-ly U S. 10-40 Bends. Tb'-e Bonds ate is-ued un lc? the A'-t of Congress ; of March Bth 1-55, which provides that all Bond ! ies-cd under this A.-t shall he EXEMPT FROM j TAX 4TIOX b y or under any state or municipal aa ! tii rity. Subscriptions to the-e Bonds are received ' in I'aitca States mt-t - notes of Ni. na! Banks. ' They are TO BU . MED JN COIN, at the ph-asure of the t> ..ount. a any peri'd nut less Hum ten nor trior than forty years from their dale and until thc-ir redemption FIVE PER CENT IN TEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of ! cot over one hundred dollars annually and r n nil ■•ti.sr I>n Is sea.i-annua.iy. The interest is payai le on the first days of March aad September in each year. Subscribers will re-civ either Registered or Cou pon Bonds, a they may prefer. Registered Bonds are recorded on the books of tho 1. S Treasurer, and can be transferred only on tho owner's order, — Coupon Bonds ar f able to bearer, and are more convenient for commer. ia! uses. Eul-v-nhcrs to this loan will have the option of having their B< n Is draw intet- st from March Ist, by payin - the accrued interest in coin—(or in United States or the n- tes of National Banks, adding fifty ;er ceu*. from premium,) or receive them drawing interest from the drte of subscription .m i depose; — as theses Bond are Exempt from Municipal or State Taxation, thair value is increased from one to three per cent '' per annum, according to the rate of tax levies in' various parts of the country. At ihe present rate of premium on gold they pay Over Eight per Cent Interest in currency, Jind are of equal convenience as a per- ! manent jor temporary investment. It is believed that no securties offer so great in- 1 dur ements to lenders as the various descriptions of J U.S. Bonds. In all other forms of indebtedness, the I faith or ability of private parties or stock compa- j nies or separata communities only is pledget for! payment, while for the debt of tho United States j the whole property of the country, is holden to se- j cure the payment of both principal and interest In j coin. These Bonds may Le subscribed for in ruins from j 850 up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus made equally availablo to the smallest len der and the largest capitalist They can be convert- I ed into money at any moment, an 1 the hoi ler will j have the bene-t of the interest. It may be useful to state in this connection that ' the total Funded Debt of the United States on ; which interest is payable iu gold, on the 31 day of j March, 1864. was -5763, 965, 000. The interest on | this debt for the coming fiscal year will b# §45,927, > 176, while the customs revenue in gold for the cur- i rent fiscal year, ending June 30th, 1554, has been ; so far at tho rata of over 8100,000,000 pef annum ' It will be seen that even the present gold reve nue of the Government are largely in excess of the wants of the Treasury £bx tlge payment ofguld in terest, while the recent increase of tho tariff will ; doubtless raise ths annual receipts from customs on tho srno amount of impartations, to §l3O 000,000 per annum. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan i agents wore not issued from the United State irens ury until March 26, hut in the first thiee weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN MILLIONS A WEEK. # Subscriptions will be received by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa- Second National Bank ef Philadelphia, Pa. The National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa AND BY ADD NATION AD BANKS wbicn are depositaries of Public money, and ail REsI'ECTACLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the National Depositary B mks ) will furnish further ' information on application and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO BUBSCRIBIRS | 3? 19* : I IMPORTANTtoFEMALES {( V; P ROCL M \ r 1 0 N ! TO THC L.ADIKS ! Both Married and a i n gI e > THE OLOFST REGULATOR FOR FEMALES. DR CHEESE MAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediati ly relieve, without pain, all dlstttrb anc of the poriulio si.-.lie ,e, wliclh r arising t: :n relaxtiuo or .-u| . u. 'I Ley act - io a .-m.rm * reinvi ing the [ aius tli.it r ■ omj- toy dill, -ult oi im molcrate mcuit runt ion, nu i are the only sale and reliable ryiacdy for Flushes. Sick Headache, Pains in tho Loins, B i.ik and Si its. Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, Spafui.-, Broken Sleep,, aud other un pleas, ni aul u ng. reus effects of un unnatural condition of the M-xual functions. Ds the worst ea-tss of Flair Albus or Whites, they ef fect a speedy -cure. DR. (MI HE-EM VX'S FEMALE PILL* Have lieen used OVER A QUARTER OP A CEN TL ltY. They are offered a.- toe only s ife mesne of renewing inti-rrupi -1 iuj.:.:t . aa'.ion, out L iJ •• nu*l bear in nnnd that there is one condition of the fc niole systtri in vrh-eh the I'iJts canto ' K c la o.a milhoat producing u I'liVL'LlAb' R7:SULT. The condition reft ■ to is J'RE< .VANCY— Hie result, MISCARRJA'irJ, SuJt '>• the irrcsisl ibl* tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions ion normal condition, thai t ccen lac pro duct ire puicer of nature cannot resist it THEY CANNOT DO HARM in any oth >r v iv. D R .C UE E E M AN'S FEM AI. E TII.LS Are the only .Medicine th it M IKi.i ED AND SIX GLE LADIES hava; relied up n fr manv years. <u can roly upon now. B,i V.'Ai ' E OF I All TA- T/OiVS i These Pills form tbe Piu st Pre/ oration ever put forvrtwd with IMMK DIATD and PETK SFSTEXT SUCCESS. DON F BE DFDUV IBI Take this auvcrti. merit to your Druggist, and tell him tii.it vou vant the U L'NT and most EEUABLF. FEM ALU MEDIC IMF IN TIIE WORLD , which is comprised ia I DR. CIIEESEMAX'S FEMALE PILLS Ml Ti.ey lave receive I. ami arc now receiving the e: ion of tho most eminent Physicians in Jjiier int. EXPLI' IT DIRECTIONS wi'h each p.- --the price. One Jollar per Box, coniaiaiug from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, prompt; I by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any autliou l Ag nt, in current funds. GGLD BY DRUGG.3TS GcNZBALIY. IIUTCMIINGS A IIILLYER, PnorniF.Ton's, SI Cedir Streat, - c.e York. ' ef v./. i in Tar Giann ck, bv -T. W. Lvni-. in M H'trose, i._v Aide Turrcll, in ;><.r;ir.t. n by L S. X E. C. Fails ,ia L*aet...ryvi!ie by 11 Drug *L s The greatest improvem > *nt yet In the ffetvin* L , ~- cliine art. V Mirio-itj worth acirg. * i'ie:w>e scc-i fur circular v. ;5 sample of sewing. I These Imrc.nr 1 MachLi ave est; urxi; lh i j ckxt of thrc .il and siik. a- I n akc tiie lociutil' a aliko <m i oth - icj. They require no invt.ru -tion to operate y exccp. •• the printe i dtro.-ti us-' No . u.iDge iiif.'wing :n one ..i ■; of gooils io another. And no taking a; art to cb -tt. or oil Our NI.-.v >l.\m factouy is r; or complete with U1 its iaa v hiiiery and tools enti < Iv new, and i- :Rr. rapidly turning out M ichiite which form.it rv .;•! rKKTECTIoS fit finish ate Hot surp.is.-cd i'C any tnanufaetu-c in tiie world. X B.—SliottM an* Machine p-ovo un: itisfactory, i' can bo rcturreu and a, oy refunded. .Agents wanted in counties n-.t canv.-sscd hyoui own agents. FISKLE & LYftN. S. M. CO. No. 538 BROAD IFAY, NEW YORK April 13 1-63, v3-n33- WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewina-Machines. o The Cheapest and Test. OVER 150.000 OF THESE WELL-ESTABLISHED SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. 4®-S:si> fob CntccLAß, L.vjiiEa' Almanac, Ac. AGENTS WANTED. . Aadresa WHFELER & WILSON Scirl >></-Muchitie Co. 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ~~A LA MODE. THE LATEST FROM X CAV YORK. 1 JRS. A. R.. STARK, TAKES PLE ASURE IN IVI •iga-u informing iicr friend -=, and the ladivfvgon er ally, that sim has received, and is Still rev iving a large ami wed selected I SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Cor. is!ing of I! VTS. HON \ UTS. RUinoXS, F'.DSSES, I I! V IIFILS, I/AtTLS, IIFAD -1)111 SSI-IS, and, iu short all*art 1 s usually found in a A I TT T TATT'TDV QmrUO D JuI JJ i Fj\ Xi JCt X IH c>ii >i. She snlicit' a call from all requiring GOODS in her tine, before purchasing clsewhe.e. Mrs Stark can ha found attlie hou-e formerly occupied by ii-n --ry Stark in the b..rough of Tunkhan- >■ k. ready ami willing to serve all who iu iv favor her with a call. i\IANTUA-MAK!NG. We hive secured the services of nn expr-' 33ni3SS-MA^" and at all times will be prepa r Dresses in the latc-t and , C(1 to hA. u.ul >M ib Soliciting your calls be' |ll , l , ncr ._ remain _ 4t , re -j?;■ M v- e hie where-, w -j r xoure, iaLsj ectfu'lv. i MLLii. 4- fi C' r Xli2> Ap.-L 1554 "- t ' .X" NOT A RUM DRINK A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED V E GET A RLE EX Til A CT. • ■ a pure T'l'VK, ■i:!AT WILL RELIEVE THE AI-TICTED, AND Not ntnkc Drunkard#* DR. acOFLAKR'S GERM N BiTTES, i' i ILI' Al<Ki) Ij i" DIL f • SI. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. : WILL EFFECTUALLY AND MOST CBRTAUfcT UliE ALL DISE SEB . ARISING fROM A DISORDER! D I,IVER. STOMACH OR KIDXKVS, msn. I* of ur < * rto suffering from Dy ji' psia u i L,i vcr Diseases, hud to wbuui thafol lowing questions apply —no guarantee BUUtLAND'S CiiR'MAN BITTER*/ WILL CURE Tiltjl. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASK Of MT Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease* of the Kidneys, and Disease* arising from a Disordered Storytell. OE-r.RVR THIS FOLLOWING SYMTTOIfS K ■mltrngfrom Disorders of the Digestive Organ*: Cons.qmtii.n, fnwat 1 Piles, Fulines or Blood. *• ' !lt ' H -d, A .idity cd iiie Stoiuach : Nausea, Heart burn. Jttsyi.t Ibr Food, Fullness or Weight ia the >tn.i- ii. Smr Eructations, wincing or Fluttering at the iu j. ■ Mmnacii, Swimming of the Head, Hur ror' an I I'liib uiui>ie: t'OMig. Fluttering of the Heart ink. tr '.r Suff<'i:i!irn< Sen.s tions when in a lyinr ; -tire. Dimness of Virion, Dots or Wets before the Sight, i ever nd Lull Pair, in the Head, Deficiency >1 iV.spira! Ayi.h of the an • Eye* Pain in the Side. Bar k. Chest, Lit if>s, .te., Sudden I■iitM.es of ii. :a, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Jm agititttga of Evil, ami grout Depression of Spirit*. PAIITICULAK NOTICE There are many preparations sold under the nam of JJUters, put up in quart Hollies, e jvi/.uunded if ; ,!>c Cch'skey or common rum. cos'inr frJk\ ! ! Its per ratio;:, the taste disguised lu Anise or < oriander Seed. , 1 ' c "'', ' ljL!t rs ' has soused and "Dll continue ' '' . can h- nr.td. hundreds to die M'f drum': ird. By lty-.tr use the system w *i contmu my Milder tfie influence of A idiotic Stimulants of the trend hind, the desire Jo*- Liquor i* mH. and 'cpt up, and the result Gall the 'hor ■ rors attendant upon a drunkard's and tie ith. t 'o desire and will have a Liquor iA.II' Ti ' u >>!i3sh. tke fothtring receipt, del One B . < !' l ' e . <;.. Han t.e mat. Bitt , 8 and mi* m i I lir ; c tUuacts of tiooil Urainty or Whis . " preparation Heat will tat < \ iin mettteiu-il tirlues and true excellent* av , rumerou.- Liquor Biiters in the market, at d milt |ot mochies*. You will hre all thi - i i Bitters in connection i citA <i -J.UOU art Tie o> L-yvor. a! a much less price it, an { ' te3e in tonor pr6j-an>!l, s uill cost you. IIOOI'!,AND'.S CiIRMA.V HITTERS WILL GIVE loC* A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE ltd' STIIONC; HEAI/I liv NELVES WILL GIVE YOU EJNNK AND ENKKGKTK; FEELINGS MILL ENABLE YOU TO SI.KKT WELL. AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT Y . :.EUW ELVER, BILK.US FEVER, t< 'J hose i-uffetiiig fr:>iu - . n i. iwn and Delicate Constitutions, i r whatever cause.*, either in MADE AND f'EMALC, V.ILL FIND IN iiOOn.AXD'S GBUdIAV HITTERS -4 RLiMJun i r ihat w.il rest >re theia to their u-jal health. Such , i- l eer, the esse in tWafis of instan-es. and * lnal 15 required to prove the ausertiou. From F.tc. J lie e ton Brora, It. J}. E J iter of the Lacycloptdia of . 'tipious Aiiowled&e, A D ■•in-'ii r.o di*;,< sed to favor or reeoamend P*t em Medicine* tr etier I. through distrust of tbe'T ingredients and effects, f yet krew „f no sufficiee't : r asons why a man mij n testify to the benefit's be j i.eliev ? himself to invc received from any siiuy 0 preparation, in the hope that he may thusconttibu'o j to the bcncfi" of chers. 1 d : the n:i.ro reatiily ii regard to TJo. find's ! Genaun iEtters, pecpsred by Dr.\: M Jiukson, of :t! ts city, cause 1 t prejudiced ago nst thcm'fir , many years, under the imprt- ion that thev were . hi-fly en ni hI t lot store. lam indebted to rev t. 'end j. >ert nhoomuk F,sq.. for the removal cf i this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement j to try them, when suffering from great ami longcaa- I tinuod debility. The use of three bottles ef tketa Bitters, nt the beginning of the pr sent year, wa* j followed by evident relief, and restoration to a ao ! gree of bodily an i mental vigor which I hud t ,t flt I : r SIX month" Before, an! hid almost despaired of * ' fcguiutng. 1 therefore thank.Cod and.lay friend for !;.-ectiiig me th- n.£them <i I ¥ , PntLAD'A. June 2.3, 1551. ' J NEWTOS Limw*. DiSEAhES GF KID NEY S AND BLADDER, In Y.miig or Aged, Male or Female, Speedily removed, and the patient restered to health. ' DEL ICA TE CHILDREN, Those suffering from MARASMUS, WMtim' awa v with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cured in a wry short time: one hmtle iu such eases, wi.i have , a uiost surprising effect. Having stiffering children as above, and wishing to mis- them, will never regret the day they caiumenj , ed With these Bitters. LITERAUY MEN, STUDENTS, And those working hard with their brains, should al ways keep a brfMo of Hooflaitd's HKtrrs near them, as they w ill find on h benefit livru Ms uae, to 1 u " nr| i nvigorating amlma depressing. IT IS NOT A LHlUOii STIMULANT, AND LEAVES NO PROSTRATION. AYTENTIOiv, SOLDIER*! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS." ! We call attention of all having relation* or friend* j in the nrrnv to the fact that " IIOOFLAND'S Qer j rnau Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the disease* ic ! v.xj 0.-ure* and privations incident to.e*pip j ii.'* in the publi-hed almo.-tdaiiy inthenes pni ers, on the arrival of the ck. it will be noticed , rftc.t a very large proportf n ;.r differing from debil ity. Every ca- .d that kind can' he readily cured I v Hoof and'i German Bitters. V.'eh ive c.i hesitu t-ii in stating licit, if the-" Ritiers were freely' used > niimrg our d Uers. hundreds of lives might be saved th .t. otherwise would he !o*'. Tiie prnprietors are daily receiving thankful lettgr* from sufferers ,u the aimjtnd hospitals who ha,ve been r-stor -d t.. health hy the U?c of thess DltteV*. t?eat to them bv tbeir > | BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIfH " Set* that ihf S'fT'ialttro of ( C. M. is t.n the WRAPPER of each Bt ftK* Price per Bottle T. . rn<a or Hal! d PZt U ll - . tw* the article . ibms that ' - "J y bf tlm wp-r'- and w *, e oiiored iu its pnicc, hot jtetitp to us, I ' . wl'il forward, securely by cxpan# Priisclfal Cihce aud NlaimfacttHryl 1 ARSHSTBEET, : JONES & EVENS, (SdccCiSarrfto U M JACKSON A Co ) Proprietors. Vjf FOR SALE by ai ' Mr™ I *® Toltcj 5l.l -•>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers