Quarters -FOR— - ; - Bargains. ■ I WAR OR NO WAR, THE PEOPLE ARE BOUND TO HAVE mm ®ms. QL.MLLSIEAD AID SOS liave just received, and are constant ly receiving, a large stock of gouls, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Ready- Made Clothing, I Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Nails, Lime, Flour, Salt, Fish, Pork, Clover and Timothy Seed, Soap, Candles, Grind Stones Plow- Castings, aid everything usually kept in first class stores. GREAT BARGAINS —IN— Dry Goods. We are now prepared to exhibit all! the most popular varieties of Fall j and Winter. Dress Goods, Ladies j Clothes, shawls, Flannels, Hosiery, J Balmoral Skirts, Nubias, Hoods, I Sontags, Scarfs, Under Garments, &c. &c., all at very low prices. O. L. HALLSTEAD & SOX. WANTED. | All kinds of Farmers Produce.— Lumber, Uingles, Wool Socks, Sheep ' Pelts, Beef Hides, and everything! that will sell ; for which the highest market price will be paid. NICHOLSON. Jn'.y 20. 1863. Auction ft Auction!!! I.C Cvwi, licensed auctioneer uul r the lat aw of Congress, offers bis service to all persons hav njf property to sell by vendue or Auction TinV.biiio<* Mar.-!, 'to-!-1561 I C COXKLIV ! TEI mm SiWIl IMS. Oar LETTER A. FAMILY SEW TNG MACHINE Ii- fast gaining a world-wide reputation. It is be j yond dult the beat and cheapest and most beautiful of all Fumil f Serving Machines ret offered to the publib. No other Family Sewing MIIIIAO has so many useful eppliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell- 1 | ing. Tucking, Gathering, Ouaging, Braiding, Km ! broidering. Cording, and so forth. No other Family I Sewing Mmhine has so much capacity for a great i variety of work It will sew all kinds of cloth, ! and with nil kinds of thread. Great and recent im provements make our Family Sewing Machine most i reliable, and most durable, and most certain in ac j tion at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, ev en of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance, j how to use the letter A. Family Sewing Machine i j Our Family Sewing Machines ire finished in chaste | i and exquisite style. The Folding Case of the Family Machine is a piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful kind. It protects the machine when not in use, and i when about TO be operated may be opened as a spa- J j eious and substantial table to sustain the work.— I i While some of the Cases, made out of the choicest I ! woods, are finished in the simplest and chastest man- 1 ! •-er possible, others ire adorned and embeiished in , j the most costl v and superb manners. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Mn- ' chine in operation, so as to judge of its gieat capaci- j I ty and beauty. | It is fast bee ming as popular for family sewing j i as our manufacturing machines are for manufactur- j ing purposes The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk. | twist, thread, needles, oil, Jic., of the very best qual ity. Send for a PAMPHLET. j TIIE SIXGEIt MAX [/FACTORING COMPANY, j 45S Broadway, New York. ETjgT'l'hiladelphia Office, * 1 () Chestnut St. MRS. C. T. MARSH, \ ~, . _ ~ . j ! D. A. BARDWELL, ) A S I Bln Tunkhannock. —AND— ! Tin. Shop. THE subscriber has just received at his shop, over | iiankinson's Store, in MESHOPPEN PA., and will constantly keep on hand all the latest • IMPROVED COIN] Si'VES j Among which are the "CALORIC," MINER and j "UNION" patterns, with PARLOR STOVES and ! j Heaters of every description, which he offers for Ready 3P at prices that will defy competition His stoves are bought directly of the Manufactur ers at ALBANY, WILKLSBARRE. PROVIDENCE ' I andSCRANTON. He is therefore enabled to sell i | them at a small advance on the original cost TIB, SHEET-IRON, —AND- Copper Ware. all kinds on hand an lmale to order Also TIP, WAGON BOXES, AND SL IGII SIIOES FOR SALE. i The popular Cooking Stove, Forest Queen, i ; (Elevated oven) is now for the first, offered at 820 for 8 inch. 825 for 9 inch, I REPAIRING AUD JOBBING! 1 neatly and promptly done. HENRY STANSBURY. Meshoppen, Dec 17th. 1b62 vdnlSly. | j THE SUBSCRIBER IIAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for several years, a HOSB '££ Y, where all of ihe most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT {*• ORNAMENTAL TREES Can be obtained. Being conv.need from experience that his Trees and Plants wiil give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of W .touting County than any grown j in other localities, he eonfilently solicits their patron age. lie will make annual visits either in person or by his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only that his specimens may be examined and his method of dealing be tested. Al! orders by li tter or otherwise, for Trees, vines or pp nt# will be promptly attended to. r.031-ly. D HARKINS. j !HARDWARE & IKON HUNT BRO'S & BLAIR ; NOW OFFER FOR SALE I IRON, STENT., NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE ' RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS I BELLOWS, PLAIN A CONVEX HORSE-SHOES. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. 1 WROUGHT IRON, | BUILDERS' lAfIOVAfII. j CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, i BOTTS, N UTS. WASH ERS BELTTNG, i PACKING, i GRINDSTONES; 7 PLASTER j PARIS, CEMENT, IIAIR. SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., : i I A I.SO SASn, DOORS AND BLINDS i ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATHEER AND FINDINGS, FAIRBANK S SCALES. j t P-ruiiir.n. march 26. 1863 vln33—lv : < Fresh Gioind Plaster In (Quantities ' J antl at prices to suit purchasers, now forsake ; t Meehoppen oy L. Sluwttr J* | THE PLACE TO BUY xOIR STOVES !! IS AT THE ISCI©!.S©I STOVE, Tlx, COPTER AND SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY. WHERE MAY I'.E FOUND a large and well se lecte'l assortment of the most approved patterns. ! consisting of COOKING, PARLOR and HEATING ; STOVES, for wood or coal, and wi'.l be sold at low | prices. We would call the attention of the public, and I farmers in particular, to our NEW i LEVATED OVEN COOKING STOVE, for wood or coal, THE DACOTAH!! , which for economy, durability and neatness of design cannot be surpassed. It is m ole wit' extra HEAVY TOPS, COVERS and VENTILLATED CENTRES, and with front doors to slido. The oven aud flues j are unusally large, making it SUPERIOR TO AX Y STOVE OF THE * KIND | ever brought into this market. It cannot fail to j give good satisfaction. Those in want of a Good Stove i hould call and examine it before purchasing else j where. |TJW, COPPER & SHEET -IROH WARE of all kinds, ZINC, STOVE TIl'E, IRON WARE, j Ac., aiways on hand. Merchants supplied with goods on reasonable ; terni3. Roofing, guttering and all kinds of jobbing J will be promptly attended to. I OLD BRASS, COPPER, PEWTER, RAGS and j IRON, WOOD and LI MBER, SHINGLES, and ; most kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods j and wares i Thankful forpat patronage, we respectfully invite all in want of anything in our line to give us a call. "Live and let live." <2uiek saies and small proli.s is our motto. E. F. SNOW A CO Nicholson Sept. - 863. SIO,OOO Worth of Goods ARRIVING AT THE Mew Store! AT MILLTOWN, PA. Now is your time to jmrsliase SILK GOODS, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, <IUEENSU ARE, GLASSWARE, BOOTS ri; SHOES' HATS & CAPS, 1 And a Varietv of other Articles too i _ T * Numerous to mention, I Cheaper Than Ever I . C. SHERWOOD, | Has received direct trom the cities of ! PHILADELPHIA & NEW-YORK. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Assortment of Fall and Winter Goods ! {Purchased entirely for Cash) ever offered in MILL TOWN, which he is selling at 'UNCOMMON LOW PRICES! His /Stock, which he intends to keep always Full, embracese very thing wanted by the People in this Place, and customers can at all times rely on getting the Articles they may want, at /Satisfactory Prices. He is not to he undersold by any, and asks the Public to call and examine his ! stock. He would ask the LADIES ! ot call and Examine his Assortment ol i LADIES' DRESS GOODS! A N D FA N C Y A K T I C 1, K S , OF WHICH HE HAS the FIRST CHOICE. POSTSCRIPT. His stores at Newton Centre and ilwaukie —making three in all, are also in full blast, thereby ena bling him to keep up a complete is ortment in 3ach. C. SEERWC Oil Nov > ., !#•?. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE 1 OF A NERVOUS INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a caution to young men. and others, who sutler I rum Nervous Debility , Early Decay, and their kindred ailments-—supplying the means f self-cure. By ono who has cured him self after being a victinrof misplaced confidence in medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing apost, paid directed envelope, single copies may he had of the author, NATBAKJKI, JdAVr.un. Mq., Bedford- Kir.g* (Xunty Nw Y rli —*3 nlMys DEL.LAOK. & WESTERN RAILROAD. CIIA.2SJGn OX 1 TIME I ON and after Monday, November 23th 1561, Trains will run as follows : EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAINS I Leave Great Bend at 7:20 A. M. New Milford 7:39 44 Montrose 8:00 " Ibipbottom 9:23 " Nicholson 8:40 44 Factory ville 904 " Abington 9:20 14 SCR ANTON 10:00 ' Moscow 10:41 " Gouldsboro 11:07 " ToLyhanna 11:20 " Stroudsburg 12.32 P. M* Water Gap 12:46 •' Columbia 2:00 41 Delaware 1:23 u Hope (Philadelphia connection) •. 1:35 ' Oxford 1:53 " Washington 2:10 41 J unction 2:32 " Arrive at New York 5:30 44 , Philadelphia 6:50 44 MOVING NORTH. Leave New Y'ork from foot of Courtland Street PrOO A M. Pier No. 2. North River, 7:00 44 Philadelphia, from Kensington Depot 7:10 •' Leave Junction 11:15 44 Washington —..11:33 44 Oxford 11:50 4 Hope (Philadelphia connection)-. 12:14 I'. M. Delaware 12:43 14 Columbia 1:00 '' Water Gap .....1:16 14 Stroudsburg 1:30 44 . Tobyhanna 2:42 41 Oouidsboro 2:55 " Moscow 3.17 4 ' SCRANTON 4:10 " Abington 4:40 44 F actoryville 4:56 44 Nicholson 5:16 44 llopbottom .5:38 44 Montrose 6:00 44 New Milford 6:21 44 Arrive at Great Bend 6:40 44 These Trains connect at Great Bend with the Night Express Trains both East and West on the New York and Erie, and at Scranton with Trains on Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, for Pittston, Kingston and Wilkesbarre; and the Train moving South connects at Junction ••Uth Trains for Bethle hem, Maueh Chunk, Reading and Harrisburg. Passengers to and from New Y'ork change cars a Junction. To and From Philadelphia, via B. D. R. It., leave or take cars at Hope. FOl Pittston, Kingston and Wilkes-Barre, take L. A B. It. R. cars at Scranton. For Jessup, Arehbald and Carbondnle, take Omni bus at Scranton. ACCOMODATION TRAIN. MOVING NORTH Leaves Scranton 9:50 44 Abington 10:35 44 Factory ville 11 .-00 " Nicholson 1 1:30 44 llopbottom 12:05 P. M Montrose 12:45 4 * New Milford 1:20 44 Arrives at Great Bend 1.45 41 MOVING SOUTH Leaves Great Bend 2:10 P M. New Milfor.l 2:35 4 ' Mont rose in 3:05 -4 Ilopbotto 3:15 44 Nicholson 4:15 44 Factory ville 3:13 44 Abington 5:40 44 Arrives at Scranton 6:30 44 This Train leaves Scranton after the arrival of the Train from Kingston, and 0 meets at Great Bend with the Day Express Trains both East and West on New York and Eric. JOHN BRISBIN, Snp't. Superintendent's Office, £ Scranton, Nov. 25, 1861.) Del., Lark. & Western Railroad. TIIF, PASSENGER TRAIN i EAVES GREAT BKXl) AT 740 A M., AF- J ter the arrival at 6.30 a.in..of the CINCINNA TI EXPRESS from the West, connecting at SCRANTON, where it arrives at 10.10 a. m. with a j train on t.:e LACKAWANNA and BLOOMSBt'RG RAILROAD, for PITTSTON, WYOMING VAL LEY', KINGSTON and WILKES ISARRE and with the DELAWARE and HUDSON RAILROAD for PROVIDENCE, OLYPIIANT and CARCONDAI.E. At HOPE STATION this train connects by omnibus with the BKLVIDERE DELAWARE ILYTLROAD for PIIII.IPSBURG, TRENTON and PIIILADA.— At NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION, where it ar rives at 2.25 p. 111, the some train connects with trains on the CENTRAL RAILROAD of New .Jer sey, for ELIZABETH, NEWARK, NEW-YORK, F.ASTON. BETHLEHEM, ALI.ENTOWN, M AUCII CHUNK. READING and IIARRISBUKG. Passen gers by this train arrive in NEW Y ORK at 5.50, in PAILADELPIIIA at 7.00, and in HARRISBURG at 8 20 p. in The trains leaving foot of COURTLAND ST., NEW-YoKK, at 8.00 a in., and KENSINGTON DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA, at 710 a. in , connect wfth the Passenger Train of this road, leaving NEW HAMPTON J1 NOTION at 11.20 a. 111. and arriv ing at SCRANTON at 402 p. m . where it connects with a train on the LACKAWANNA and BLOOMS- Bl RG RAILROAD, and with the omnibus running to the DKLAWAREand HUDSON RAILROAD. This train arrives at GREAT BENI) at 6.10 p. m.. making a close connection with the mail train going West on the ERIE RAILWAY'. AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves SCRANTON af 10.10 a.m., connecting at GREAT BEND with the day Express train West on the ERIE RAILYY'Ay, Bv this trai l passei g.-rs ar rive at ITHACA, SYRACUSE, BUFFALO, Ac, tho sline day. Returning, this train 'caves GREAT BEND at 2.20 p. m , on the arrival of the Y ORK EXPRESS going East, and BUFFALO EX PRESS going West, and arrives in SCRATON at 5 30 p. m. JOHN BRISBIN, Superintendent. R. A. IIEXRY, General Ticket Agent. Scranton. June 15. 1863. THE LATEST USWS F ROM EU R OPE Is fully confirmatory of former reports that THE DUTCH HAVE POSSESSION OF HOL LAND. It is also authoritatively announced that o. s. mills has exclusive possession of the STOVE AND TIN-SHOP AT— TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing in the line of his trade can be had at the L 0 WEST LI VING PUOFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOKLI3NT&, AND P&KEQS? STOVES, with all the FURNU URI 1 FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to on short notice and on R E A S O N A B L E TERMS. RE PAiniN Cr , PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE. O. S. MTLLS fuDkhanuo k. Xov 4, 1963. \3ul3. The Latest Styles. —OF— SPRING & SUMMER j Bonnets, | and MILLINERY GOODS, have just been received at the establishment of LOUISA HEPBURM. on Tioga Street, opj<osite the Post-office, where nil! be found Ladies. Chilren. Misses, and Boy's FLATS, IIATS, nn.l CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS, i FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, and everything in the line of Millinery, which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tunkhannock,Oct 3 1362.—v2nll—lywil INT E "W CABINET O H.A." 3! R MANUFACTORY! The subseril)er has just opened a new Furniture Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock, next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store —where arc < kept on hand and manufactured to order: TABLES of nil sizes, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-seat, Flag-bottom, and common. BUREAUS of all stj-les. sizes, and vrit-es. BEDSTEADS, Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, ROOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can be iound in the largest furniture establishments in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can he bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment iu the counny, he so licit the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. 15.—01 d cane-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired. UNDERTAKING. —Having n Hearse of his own, and having had much experience, he will attend to j this department of the business on short notice, and in a satisfactory manner. AH 11AIIAM IIAAS. July 16, 1362 vlnlOly CEOCKERYTIT A Large Stock just Opened AT T. L. ROSS & GO'S., "WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WINDOW SHADE 3. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHADES. OF ALL STYLES. CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS. FIXTCRES AND ROLLERS, COMPLETE FIXTURES AND ROLLERS COMPLETE EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAIN'S. ALSO A Large Stock of White Goods: SWISS MI LS DOTTED SWISS Ml"?LIN. BRILLIANTS, JACONETS, LACES, BALMORAL SKIRTS, SPRING SKIRTS. GLOVES. | REAL ALEXANDRES KID And a Large Stock of YANKEE MOTIONS. Iron, Nails, White-Lead, Z.nc, Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty, Door-Locks, and a general assortment of BUILDER S'JHA R D W A R E, Fish, of all kinds, j Cash. Paid lor all kinds of Grain. Tunkhannock, March, 9th ISG4. FOR RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ASTS, B*N Bros ' MOTHS IN Fens WOOLENS, £C,, INSECTS ON PLANTS FOWLS, ANIMALS, AC. Put up in 25c.50c. aud SIOO Boxes. Bottles, and j Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, and Public in stitutions, Ac. ."Only infallible remedies known." „Freo from Poisons." "Not dangerous to tho Human Family." j "Ruts come out of their h< les to die." S'gUSold Wholesale in ail large cities. Sold by all Druggists as Retailers everywhere | ' £ !! BE WARS !!! of all worthless imitation j _ £ See that "COSTAK'S name is on each Box, Bot'l - and Flask, before you buy. LI?"ADXTRSSS IIENRY R. COSTAR I Principal Depot 452 Broadway, N. Y. i , by J W Lyman A Co. whi legale AR eta j . Tnr. peculiar taint or infection which we call SCROFULA lurks in rtyT VfL the constitutions of a i either produces or is produced by an cn feebled, Titiated state | of the blood, wherein jk> that fluid Incomes hi* I com P etPlU t0 i/iljßwrrni]the vital forces in their vigorous action, and leaves the system to fall into disorder and ,i C cay. The scrofulous contamination is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure nir, filth nnd filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, b the venereal infection. Whatever IK.- its origin, | if is hereditary in the constitution, descending t "from parents to children unto the third „„d fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit tho iniqui ties of the fathers upon their cliiidrcn." The diseases which it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In tho lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and Itcconic ulcerous sore*; in tho stomach and bowels, derangements which pro* dnee indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver corn* plaints; ou the. skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the Mood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you can not have health; with that •' life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot ha\e scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this alHicting distemper, and for the cure of tho disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other reinedv yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it docs com* | bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect I upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly I known and remarkable cures it has tnado of the following di.-cases : King's Evil Or Glandular Swellings, Turnon, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas, RO3O or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous depo:it3 in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgic, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the who!a series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual ca-cs may be found in AYER'S AMERICAN ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may Ui learned the directions fur its use, and some of the remarkable cures \\hi< b it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sec tions of the country, in oidcr that every reader may "have access to some one who can speak jo him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves it- victims far more subject to disease | ami its fatal re-ults than are healthy constitu j tions. llencc it tends to shorten, and docs great!/ shorten, the average duration of liuuiaii life, i'iie \importance of these consider:!.- | tions has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now oftci to the public under the name of AYER'S BARS M-AKIELA, although it is com posed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Si,sijariUa in alterative power. By j its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of tbes.- disorders, Purge out the fou" corruptions that rot aid fester in the llsivl; purge out the censes of disease, and , vigorous health will follow. Bv its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func tions, ami thus cxpHs the di.-temjiers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived ! many compounds of .Sorsupa .//, that promise inii'li and did nothing; but they will i.eiiiu-r - deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtue have 1 <iu-n proven by abundant trial, and tin rt 1 remains no question of its surpassing excellence < for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the same i name, it is a very different medicine from any other which ha- In en before the people, and is far more effectual ilsan any other which has ! ever been available to them. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Groat Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long used and so univer sally known, that we need do no more than j assure the public that its quality is kepi up to the best it ever has been, and that it may bo relied ou to do all it has ever done. Prepared by DR J. C. ATE* & Co., Practical ami Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggist* everywhere. ! 3. Stark, Tunkhannock ; T I>. Spring, Laeeyril.'e I Harding A Co.. Nicholson: E A J Frear, Facto;y | vlllo, and by dealers in Medicines everywhere. j Traveling Public! TO accommodate person, wishing to go by public conveyance from this place to any section, or re , turn, the unde signed continues to run a j X>£tily Line La ;t °* a and from Factorjrvillo Depot, leaving his hotel at 6 o'cl <k, a. ui., arriving at Factoryville in tiuie lor Trains to ©rent Beub, Srrantan, Unn-ljorfc, and PHILADELPHIA. Returning, leaves Factoryville on the arrivn of the New York, Philadelphia nnd AeeoMiotxta lion Trnin frotn Great Bend, arriving in Tunkhaa nock at 7 o'clock, p m. N. It.—All Express matter, packages and goodi will be conveyed to and from the l>epot. at reasonable rates ; the proprietor holding himself responsible tor the safe delivery of all such entrusted to his care. Towanda s)ae arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock, in. Eetumirg, leaves at 3 o'clock, p m Stages for IMtston, Wyoming, and Wilkesbarre, leave on the arrival of the Towanda stage, and re turning connect with the same. Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. in., connecting at Montroje with stages for Binghamton, Ac. Returning, conxiv. i* with stages for Pittston, Towanda, Ac. Persons wishing to be called for at their re*denre will be accommodated by leaving their names at th hotel of the proprietor. Horses and Carriages in readiness toforwardjpas* eugcrf at ail times. J iept?4-v2n7. T B. IfALI.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers