JUST RECEIVED, —FmoM— PHILADELPHIA —AND— 3Si ewYork, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CASSURERS, ClottLing, Shoes, Hats, Jfattcg <§ooH MOTIONS, Ate. Ate , adapted to this Season' which will be old at the VERY LOWEST MA KET PRICE, for Cash or Country Produce, at the Store of John Weil. .- Tunkhannock, March 30, 1864. FISH'S LAMP HEATING APPARATUS, . BOILING—FRYING—STEWING—STEEPING— WITM THE FLAMS TEAT LIGHTS TEX ROOM. • * * * By the flame of a common lamp, at the cost ot a cent's worth of oil, a verv comforubl breakfast can be cooked. * • — N. Y. Tribun• • # Simple in construction, easily keDt. in order, ready for use in a moment • * • con _' . venient to haTe on hand. * * * Druggist' a Cir cular. • * • # Fish's Lamp is one of the most pop ular novelties of the * * * utility of ft is unquestionable, a great saving is made in heat lag end cooking small articles, anJ can be made to , eock meals for a great many persons, which is actu ally done to the ambulance cars which carry the aick eeldiers. * * * Scientific American. • • Yor family use, hospital tent, bar raeke, picnics, fishing, nu>sery, or sick room, it is an article of comfort, beyond all p-nportion to its cost • • • Hall's Journal of Health. • • • • I have tried the apparatus and my wife and I proclaim the same a most valuable and indispensable article, ani ws now wonder how w? eould have so long done without it. • • * Ed. Coal Oil Circular. • * • • An economical contrivance for get ting up heat at short notice for nursery end general household purposes, * • one important point is the saving in cost over coal fires. * * * • N. Y. Evening Post PRICES FROM TWO TO SIX DOLLARS CAPACITY FROM ONE TWO FOUR QUARTS THRU ARTICLES COOIED AT ONE TIME WITH ONE BUHNER. - "eAiraoged for Kerosene or Coal Oil or Gae. A Descriptive Pamphlet of thirty pages furnished gratis. ALSO . THE UNION ATTACHMENT, Vs.: - . Price, 50 Cents' T*be attached to a Common Kerosene Lamp or Gas by which Water may be Boiled, and Feed 5 cocked; also arranged to support a shade. ■' - EVERY FAMILY NEEDS ONE WM. D. RUSSELL, Agent, No. 206 Pearl St., New York. ASSETS WAETXD. THE GKEAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY ai VESEY STREET, NEW YORK, Siaee its origination, has created a new era in the history of Selling TEAS In this Country. All oar Teas are selected by a Professional Tea taster, expressly and exclusively for ns, and we nev er charge over two cents (02 Cents) per pound above eest for original packages have but One Price to every one for each quality, and that price is always marked on each sample package at our store in plain figures. We issue a Monthly Price List of our Teas, which will be sent free to all who order it—we advise every Tea Seller to see it. It comprises a full assortment selected fer every locality in the States, Provinces' South America and the West Indies. In this list each kind is dividedointo Four Classes or qualities, namely ; Cargo, High Caago, Fine, Finest, that eve ry one may understand from description and the prices annexed that the Company are determined to Sitiersell the whole tea trade- guarantee to sell all our Teas in original pack ages at not ever Two Cents per pound above cost, believing this to be cttractive to the many who have heretofore been paying Enormous Profits. Our business is largely done on orders, which we always execute as well and promptly as though the himself giving true weights and tares, and Hays guaranteeing everything ; our responsi bility enabling us to do all we promise. Every : dealer can order his teas direct from the Company b " siness wifhin Fiv ® Hundred 1. w'fc T iork ' Cftn R "* turn Tea bought of "if they are not cheaper than they can buy else where, and the purchaser is disatisfied with his bar gain, wrthin fourteen day(l4.) aud have the money refounded to them. Those who are over Five Hnn- Slil! T thirty da ? s C 3O ), and the same PfiTtl6g6 extended to them. beesides these advantages the Company will pay. rivXxpenses both ways if the Teas are returned GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. • aoa 1 Vesy St., New York Registers Noticed tb?t°S?f iS n ,lerebyKi7ento * P erBODS interested, wat the following accounU have been filed in tha nh" T ™ khanno, ' k > nd Will be presen keM at T ns Court of Wyoming County to be held at Tunkhannock on the 18th, day of Anril ne.t * D-Ving'AdSSiVtlra""? tlj Eatl^oYq D Feb> 4th I °lß64^ mtfl,a TOWMhip dOC6MeJ - The Final account of Merrit W Smith a trator of the Estate of Joel Dibble late of Windham Township, deceased, Filed Feb'y 19tb 1864 Final account of Henry W. Fasset and Elizabeth Whitcomb, Administrators of the Estate of L K To " uh " > ' d ~*" ,d: Final account of Charles B. Reynolds Executor of the S rate of H B. Turuer 1 ite of Lemon TownshiD deceased, FiledFeb'y, 19th, 1864. Final account of Wm McKane Administrator of !i * of Abner J^ k sn late of Falls Township deceased Filed Feb'y, 26th, 1864. P ' J.nki^ CoUn i ofSarah B Morgan, late Sarah A- Jaukini'ut-* 1 ? 1^ 1 ° f Joe Jonklns " on °f Dae id B. Filed March i P' decaißed p' F; iP ftiri ■ Adminitr * t or of lUgMUr, Office, Tunkhan ) 1864 ■uch March 14th, 1864 \°' Pabris* 1 agister. t r r Auction!!! of i™*? 1 aoetlbn#Br under the late "UsSSsffifJS"" ® ™ MM L- C. OOHTLTF SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OP CERTAIN WRITS TO ME directed, I will expose to public sale at the Court House, in Torebanitoce Borodch,or t* 16, SAT of APRIL next, at one o'clock P M , all the de fendants right, title and interest, in that certain tract or lot of land, situate in Windham township, anc bounded on the South by land of the Heirs of Samuel HMyden Dec'd, on the South West by land of Win Taylor, on the North West by land of the widow of Ambrose Oarey Dec'd, on the South East by the Susquehanna River. Containing about three hundred and sixty acres, more or less , about two hundred acres thereof improved, wifh two trame dwelling houses, one Horse Barn, three frame Barns, one Shed, one Wagon House, with shed at ached, one Hog I'on. one Corn House, one Spring House, one Wrod Shed, one Saw Mill, one apple orchard, and other fruit treee thereon ; late the estate of the defendant in said write named. Se ced and taken in execution at the Suit of Wm. M. Piatt against James W Garey ; and alio at the auit ef the hlx'rs of N. Overfield Dec'd againat aaid defendant tt a! And will be (old for task only by AHIRA QAY, Sheriff, Sheriff's office, > March 21, 1864 $ SHERIFF'SSALET BY VIRTUF OP CERTAIN WRITS TO ME directed, I will expose to public sale at the Court House IN T! NKHANNOCK BOROUGH, on the 16th day of APRIL n xt, at one o'clock P. M., all the right, title and interest of the defendant in that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Nicholson, and bounded on tho East and South by land ol Wm. Driggs, on the West by Martin Creek, and on the North by the public high way near Tunkhannock Depot; containing about one half an acre of land, more or less ; all improved with two frame dwelling houses, ore Blacksmiths shop, ar d some fruit frees i hereon, late tho estate of def't in said writ named. Seised and taken in execution at the suit ofZiba Billings, now assigned to T. Hart against Mason Parker. And will be sold for cash only b\ AHIRA GAY, Sheriff, Sheriffs Office, > March 21, 1864, S SHERIFF'SSALET BY VIRTUE OF CERTAIN '"RITS TO ME d rected, I will expos® to public sale at the COURT HOUSE IN TUNKHANNOCK BOKOUOH, on the 16th day of APRIL next, at one o'cloca p! M , all that piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Township of Tunkhannock Wyoming County Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning at a corner on the North side of the road ' leading from Tunkhannock to Factoryville, online of land of Henry Stark, now in possession of Daniel Ball Thence North seven degrees West, thirty four Peri hes, along line of land of said Henry Stark, to a corner; thence North Twenty-five and three fourths degrees East, along line of said 11. Stark, Ten Perches, to a corner on the bank of the Tunk hannock Creek; thence South', sixty-five degrees east, along the bank of said Tunkhannock Creek Sixty Perches, to a corner : thence South. Fortv-one degrees east, along the bank of said Creek, Forty eight Perches, and five tenths, to a corner on line of land of the heirs of Lewis Dixon: thence South Twenty-nine and three quart rs degrees west, along line of land of heirs of Lewis Dixon, Ninety-five perches to a stones corner; thence North Sixty de grees west, aloDg line H. Stark, Sixtv and five tenths perches, to a stones corner ; thence North Twenty-nine and a half degrees East, along line of 'and of Henry Stark, Seventy-seven and five tenths perches, to a corner in the road leading fr m Tunk hunnock to Fyctoryville ; thence North, Eighty-five and three fovrthi degrees west, along aaid road. Twenty and two tenths perches to the place of Be ginning, Containing Fifty acres more or loss, walk about three acres thereot improved, with the appur tenances, late the estate of the Defendant in said writ named. Sened and taken in execution at the suit of Hen ry-Stark vs. Daniel Ball. And will be sold for cash only by AH IRA GAY, Sheriff- Sheriff's jffice, ) March 21. 1864. S Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERA FA CIAS to me directed. I will expose to pub lic sale at the Court House, in Tunkhannock Bor ough, on the 11th day of April, A. D. 19:54, at one o clock P M. all that certain lot, piece or parce of land, situate in Laccyville, Braintriin township, and bounded on the South by the Tioga Road, on the East by Odd-fellows lot. and lot of B. Wakeman.on the Uorth by land of B W akeraan, and on the West by land of I N Lacey, containing about one acre, all improved, with one public Hotel building, one building called " Odd Fellows Hall " #ne barn and ether out-buildings, and some fruit trees th reon ALSO One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in said township of Braintri u, and bounded on the South by land of Benj. Edwards and Samuel Grego ry on the East by the Spring Hill Road, on the West by land of Tho's Sheridan and the Little Tus carora Creek and on the North by land of Benj. Edwards and a tannery, containing about eleven acres, ail improved, with some fruit trees thereon Ac, Seixed and taken in execution at the suit of Solo mon Brown v Mary A Labarre, Executrix of I. J Labarre Dec'd. AHIRA GAY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, > March 15, 1564 j ~SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A CERTAIN WRIT OF Pi era Facias to me directed, I will expose to public sale on the 16th day of April. 1864, atone o'clock P M. at the Cou't House in Tunkhannock Borough, all the defendents right, title and interest, in and to that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the village of Factoryville, Township of Clinton, bounded on fbe east by land of Z S. Rey nolds, on the South by land of William Green, on the west bv the Highw y 1. ading from Factoryville to Wallviile, and on the Nurth by land of Z. S Rey nolds, cont lining about one fourth of an acre, all improved, with one two story frame dwelling hause, and some fruit trees thereon, wuh the appurtenanc es Ac. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Benj. F Bailey, pa Adui nistrator of Geo. W. Warner Dec'd. And will be sold for cash only by AHIRA GAY, Sheriff tSherifFs Office, ) March 23, 1864. $ NOTICE^ NOTICE is hereby given that the following named persons have filed their petitions in the-, court of Quarter Sessions, of Wyoming County and* will make application at the next Term of Said- Court for Tavern License Reuben Berrter, Mehoopay Township. J P. Russell ' ii Reuben Parks, Monroe " S C. Matbewson, Clinton " Charles Swavie, • it H. W. Dowdney, Braintrim " Benj. Zeigler, n F. M, Crane, Washington •' John Maynard, Tunkhannock Boroueh T. B. Wall, •' ,? ' Jered Lillie, Meehoppen Township. Wm. H. Cortright, " u Wm. 0. Gardner Nicholson " George Perigo, • a S. D. Bacon, '• M Levi Townsend, Palls Tunkhannock, March 29, 1864. Z. LOTT, Clerk PENSIONS: nM?er er in th ?h Ct ° f CoD * r " 8 of 14th 1862, any | soldier m the army of the United States, who has Slsa n bled h the } ° f , Marcb 1861 ' - who shall be 1 disabled by wound or disease, contracted in the ser- I vice is entitle I to a pension of from Eight to thirty ' rank *** mon,fa ' accordlD £ to his disability and j And in case of death of any soldier from wound or disease contracted in the service, his wife or personal representatives are entitled, to the sam- to £S£he would have been entitled if totally disabled* The undersigned will attend to the procurment of such pensions for those who are entitled tteuts I Tunkhannock, > Feb 10 1864. \ R R AS. W. LITTLI. FOR SALE HORSE POWER, FARM GRISTMILL with Bolt and all complete, will be sold rmn cuis Apply to or address 9. C. BXOFXX, ■ |l *- ixuaiDwiii, ri mil HiiiiciiT. /asljionuolr Staoing, Jjair cutting, AND SHAMPOOING SALOON. Shop Opposite May nard's Hotel. Ladies' haircut in the most fashionable style, et ther at his Saloon, or their residence, if desirable. Mr. Berlinghof is recently from New Tork city, where he was employed is the best establishments and consequently feels warranted in guaranteeint satisfaction to all who may favor him with their eos om. HAIR AND WHISKER* DYED To any desirable shade, without Injury to it, or dis coloring the skin. THE BEST HAIR DYE IN USE, For sale, with full and practical directions for appiibatiou* Ladies Look Out!!! BomraYg, SHAKERS. HATS. RIBBONS, —OF THE— ST¥3SS, With everything else to be found in the line of MILLINERY. Just received from the city, and sold at small profits by MRS. BARDWELL. Opposite the Post-Office. Please call and examine before purchasing else where. Bleaching and repairing done in good orde ami at the shortest notice Tunkhnnock, Nov. 12, 1862—v2n14-3m. TO (IISIIfTTIL Consumptive sufferers will recieve a valuable pre scription for the cure of Consumqf'on, Asthma, Bron chittis, and all Throat and Lung Affections, (free of charge, ) by sending their address to Rev. F A. WILSON. WiHiam.'-burg'h, Kings Co , New York. Jan. 20 1864.-v3 no 23.6w Bell's Sbeclflc Pills--Warranted in all Casei, can be relied on ! Never fail to cure! Do not nauseate ! Are speedy in action ! No change of di et required ! Do not interfere w : th business pursuits 1 Can be used without detection ! Upward of 200 ou'e this month—some of them very severe cases Over one hundred phy icians have used them in their practice, and all speak well of their efficacy, and approve of their composition, which is entirely vege table, and harmless on the system. Hundreds cf certificates can be shown. BELL'S SPKCIFIC PILLS ar# the original and only genuine Specific Pill. Tbey are adapted for male and female, old or young, and the only reliable reme dy for effecting a permanent and speedy cure in all cases of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with all its train of evils, such as Uretheral and Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or Involunta rily Emission, Incontinuence, Genital Debility and Irritability, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power, Nervous Debility, Ac , fcc , all of which arise princi pally from Sexual Excesses or Self Abuse, or so me constitutional derangement, and incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life. In all sexual diseases, as Gonorrhea. Gleet, and Strict ures, and in Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, they act as a charm ! Belief is experienced by tak ing a single box. Sold by all the principal druggists. Price tl They will be sent by mail securely sealed, and confidentially, on receipt of the money, by J BRYAN, M D., No. 76 Cedar Street Few York, Consulting Physician for the treatment of Seminal, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will send, free to all, the following valuable work, in sealed envelope: THE FIFTIETH THOUSAND—Dr BELL'S TREA TISE on Self Abuse, Premature decay, Impotence and Loss of Power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal Weak ness, Nightly Emissions, Genital Debility, Ac., Ac., a pamphlet of 61 pages, containing important advice to the afflicted, and which should be read by every sufferer, as the means of cure in the severe <t stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. IMPORTANCB TO LADIBS D*. HAXWT'S FKMALX PILLS havj never yet failed in removing difficulties arising from obstruction, or stoppage of nature, or in restoring the system to perfect healih when suffering rfrom Spinal affections, Prolapsus, Uteri, the Whites, or other weakness of the Uterine Organs The Pills are perfectly harmless on the constitution, and may be taken by the most delicate feraalr (without caus ing distress—the same time they act like a charm by srengthening, iuvigorateing and restoring the system to a healthy condition, and by bringtng on the monthly period with regularity, no matter from what caueslhe obstruction may arise. Tn y should however, NOT be taken during the first three or four months, of pregnancy, t tough safe at any other t me, as miscarriage would be theiesult, Each box contains 60 Pills Price SI DR. HARVEY'S TREATISE on diseases of Fe males, Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Barrenness, Sterili ty, Reproduction, and Abuses o f Nature, and emphatically the Ladies Pri.ate Medical Ad viser, a pamphlet of 64 pages, sent free to any address Six cents required to pay postage. The Pills and book will be sent by mail when de sired securely sealed, and prepaid, by J.BRYAN, M. D., General Agent No 76 Cedar st, New York. EF* Sold by all the principal druggists. Jan 20, 1564 v-3-n-23-Iy. Court Proclamation. ITTHEREAS, the HOD. WM ELWELL. Prest dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas snp Court ot General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and the President Justice of the Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of cap ital and other offences, for the twenty-sixth Judicial District of Penn'a. S. Roberts, andN. H. Wells, Esqs. Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Associ ate Justices of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery of the County of Wyoming, hare by their precept to me directed, ordered A GENERAL COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER AND GENERAL JAIL DELIVERY, to be held at Tunkhannock on Monday the 18th day April A. D., 1864. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, all Justices of the Peace and Constables within the Coun ty of Wyoming, that they be and appear in their pro per persons at the time and place above mentioned, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, recognizances and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices in that behalf respective ly belong Notice is also given that those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute the prieonerc that are or shall be in the Jail of Wyoming County, thatthey be then and there to prosecute them as shall be just. AHIRA GAY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, > Tunkhannock, March 23, 1864. J fIMB FOR~JARMIRB, AS A FERTILIZE U ter sale at VBUfOY Ktfbsfpsß. Say* 18,1*1 IMPORTANT" FEMALES HP PBOOL MAT ION! TO THE LADIES I Both Murrlud and Slagle. THE OLDEST REGULATOR FOR FEMALES. DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without paia, all disturb ance of the periodic discharge, whether arising tna relaxtlen or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difficult or im moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes. Sick Heedache, Pains in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of *• Heart, Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, Spurns, Broken Sleep, aud other unpleas> nt and aangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they ef fect a speedy cum. DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Have been used OVER A QUARTER OF A CEN TURY. They are offered as the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstruation, but Ladies mutt bear in mind that there is one condition of Vu fe male system in ichich the Pills cannot h taken mithout producing a PECULIAR RESULT. — The condition referred to it PREGNANCY— the result, MISCARRIAGE, Such it the irrssist ible tendency of the medicine to restore the ■ txual functions to a normal condition, that even the pro ductive poxoer of nature cannot resitt it THEY CANNOT DO HARM in any other way. DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Are the only -Medicine that MARRIED AND SIN OLE LADIES have relied upon for many years, or can rely upon now. BEWARE OF IMITA TIONS! These Pills form the Finest Preparation ever put foricard with IMMEDIATD and PER SISTENT SUCCESS. DON'T BF. DFCEIV ED. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that vou uant the BEST and most RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN THE WORLD , which is comprised in DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS !!! They have received, and are now receiving the sanction of the most eminent Physicians in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS wi'h eech Box-the price, One Dollar per Box, containiug from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptyl ! by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorised Agent, in current funds. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. HUTCHINGS A HILLYER, PROPRIETOR'S, 81 Cedar Street, - <u York. £. Sold in Tunahannock, by J. W. Lyman, in Montrose, by Able Tnrrell, in Scranton by L- S. A E. C Fuller, in Factory villa by all Druggists A LA M THE LATEST FROM NEW YORK. MRS. A. G. STARK, TAKES PLEASURE IN aga'n informing her friends, and thelaJiea gen erally, that she has received, and is (till receiving a large and weil selected assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting of HATS. BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOSSES, FEATHERS, LACES, HEAD DRESSES, and, in short all art I.x usually found in a MILLINERY STORE. She solicits a call from all requiring GOODS in her line, before porcbaaing elsewheie. Mrs Stark can be found at the house formerly occupied by Hen ry Stark in the borough of Tunkhannock, ready and willing to serve all who may favor her with a oall. 'tunkhannock, Oct, Ist, 1363. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an experienced DriESS-MAHIEII, and at all times will be prepared to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest and most approved manner.— Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere we remain ' Yours, Resictfally. MRS A G STARK. The Undersigned, having moved to Wilkeebarre, would respectfully ask her friends and old customers to give Mrs A. G. STARK, a call before purchasing elsewhere Tunkhannock, April 13, ° T MAMH The Latest Styles. —OF— SPRING & SUMMER Bonnets, and MILLINERY GOODS. havs just been received at the establishment of LOUISA HEPBURN. on Tioga Street, opjmsite the Post-office, wh.ro will be found Ladies. Chilren. Misses, and Boy's FLATS, HATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, and everything in the line nf Millinery, which will be sold at Uu Unsest Cash Prices. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tunkhannock,Oct 3 1 862 —v2nll—lywil FRESII ' GROUND UNBDRHT CAYUGA Plaster* FOB SALE, ASCHEAPASIHE CHEAPEST, BY IMB Quarters -FOR- Bargains. WAR OR NO WAR, THB PEOPLE ABE BOUND TO HAVB 0. L. HALLSTEAD AND SON have just received, and are constant ly receiving, a large stock of gotds, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Ready- Made Clothing, Bouks, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Nails, Lime, Flour, Salt, Fish, Pork, Clover and Timothy Seed, Soap, Candles, Grind Stones Plow- Castings, and everything usually kept in first class stores. GREAT BARGAINS —IN— Dry Goods. We are now prepared to exhibit aU the most popular varieties of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Lad:es lothes, thawls. Flannels, Hosiery, Balmoral Skirts, Nubias, Hoods, Rontags, Scarfs, Under Garments, &c. &c., all at very low prices. . L. HALLSTEAD & SON. WANTED. 11 kinds of Farmers Produce. L umber, h ingles, Wool Socks, Sheep Pelts, Beef Hides, and everything that will sell; for which the highest market price will be paid. NICHOLSON, July 29., 1803. Fresh Gwnd Plaster Is (Isantities NOT ARUMDRINK A HIGHLY CONCENTRATE! VEOETAB LE EXTBAOT. A PURE TONIC, THAT WILL RELIEVE THE AFFICTSD, ill Not make Drunkards. DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTES, PREPARED BT DR. C- M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL BPPECTDALLT AND MOST CIETAIR&Y CURE ALL DISEASES ARISING EXOMA DISORDERED LIVER, STOMASB <S KIDNEYS, Thousands af oar eitiataa art nffrii ftva Dm pepala and Liter Dlaeaata, aad U whoa tke M lowing questions apply—we guarantee HOOFLAND'S GERMAN 2ITTIXI WILL CURE THEM. HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASE 0 Chronic or Nerroua Debility, Dlaaaa the Ifcldneyt, and Dlaeaaea ariafag fraa a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Retulting from Luorder, of the Digeetio, Orgmmtt Constipation, Inward Pilea, Fulln,,, or 810 -, to tha Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Naoaaa sLa kT" i° r F °° d - Full ""or WaSJto^: Stomach, Sour Eructationa Sinking n. i .. • the Pit of the Stomach, rie.l and Difficult Breathing, Plutte r in. Choking or Suffocating Seniumwhen ml"ftE! posture, Dimneea of Vi ion, Dota or W.h.k.? Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in th. JW £5" ' U of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skit Pain in the Side, B&. k Cheat I iV.L. a **•" Fluahea of Heat, Buruing in the Flert* r!LL PARTICULAR NOTICE tf T BMl'"^u"ut, r >n ? w'n°ul'r U "* Wtota'"", " hi ""V 1° C^ZLV.lS"'"'""**£%& the death of the drunkard H??' ?* "** w kept continually under th ? tT U " '** Stimulant* o/ZVorTJn J °-C_ A coMi * it crmferf kc P 7u? ?* d ;? e denrr S* Lifuoe rore attendant Bottle Houfflauds Gtl ° B * with Three ftuai Uni r ! ri mni ■** key, and the ret" ?!iit Bl """ dy or Wh, - tar exrt-l in medfciW >,? prtpa J at ™ **** *Ot any of the numerous 7in z^. trus txctlltru# and ifl cost much lei?* cirluesofll„on*nd'?BUtJ? WtU atf *• a good article of zLor a a ™ infermr /ropSS&Z^ ££*"' ** HOOFLAND'S GEmif BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES r, nTC WILL QrvE YOU ' BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEILINQI WILL ENABLE YOU TO SLEET WELL. AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, Ao Those suffering from Broken down and Delicate Constitution*, From whatever ceases, either in MALE AND FEMALK, WILL FIND IN HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTCM A REMEDY That will restore them to their usual health. Seek has teen the case in thousands of instances and a , fair trial is but required to prove the assertion. From Rev. J Newton Brown, D. D., Editor y Ah* Encyclopedia of Religion* Knowledge. AT hough not disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify te the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hooflaad's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C M Jackaoa ef tine city, because I was prejudiced aga nst them'for many years, under the impression that they wen chiefly an aieoholic mixture lam indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal ef thie prejudice by proper teats, and for encooragemeat to try them, wbon suffering from great and longest tinued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the pr sent year was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a' de gree of bodily an 1 mental vigor which I had aot fell for six months before, and had almost despaired ef regaining. I therefore thank God and my frieadfhr directing me to the use of them. P*ILAD A, June 23, 1861. J. Natron Baearw. DtS EASES OF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, In Young or Aged, Male ar Female, Speedily removed, and the patient restored to health. DELICATE CHILDREN, Those suffering from MARASMUS, wasting away with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cared in a very short time: or.e bottle in such caaes, will hay* a most surprising effect. PARENTS Having suffering children as above, and wishing to raise them, will never regret the day they eommeas ed with these Bitters LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And those working hard with their brains, ehoJldal way# keep a bottle of Hoolland's Bitters .... them, as they will find much benefit from ita use to both mmd and body, invigorating and not depressing. IT IS NOT A LIQ.UOR STIMULANT, AND LEAVES NO PROSTRATION. ATTENTIONS, SOLDIERS I AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call attention of all having relatione or friend* in the ,rmy to the fact th it " UOOFL AND'S Ger man Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the diseases in duced by exposures and privations incident to cams life In the lists, published almost daily in the news papers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed *7® r 7 large proportion are suffering from debil ity. Every case of that kind can be readily eared by Hoofland's German Bitters. We have no hesita tion in stating that, if these Bitters were freely aaed among our eoldiers, hundreds of livea might be aawad that otherwise would be lost. ™ The proprietors are daily receiving thankful letters from sufferers ia the army and hospitals, who have btea restored to hs<h by th# us# of thtM HitUf sent to them by their friends. * BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Sea that the S-gnatnre of "C. M. JACKSON*' is on the WRAPPER of each Bottla. Price per Bottle 76 cents, or Halt Dos. for 54,00. Should yoor nearest druggist not have the artlele do not be put off by any of tbe intoxicating prepara tion. that may be offered in its place, bat send to as and we will forward, securely packed, hj experts. ' Principal Office and ManafactAiy, 110.834 ARCH STREET, JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M JACKSON A Ce) Proprietors. Dggfls to mi Baa4ma fc ees
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers