uttiTfiis ilmi. 1 ( lO VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR IM JL UUU mediate service to enforce the Draft io C ' \ *" 4** k •n BEEMER'S Stock of ' New Goods. No resistance, however, need be feared; but thin! it besi to have the volunteers Thirteen dollars a month guaranteed to every one who will enlist in this cause in the way of buying Goods CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. BREMER hu just returned from New York witt large Stock of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, 25 PER CENT LOWER, 25 PER. CENT LOWER, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT, A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, TO PLEASE EVERY ONE, TO PLEA <E EVERY ONE, YANKEE NOTIONS, YANKEE NOTIONS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, <FC WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. & WOODEN WARE. SUMMER IIATS SHAKERS, &c. SUMMER IIATS. SH XKERS. &r K EROS INF, OIL, LAMP CHIMNEYS A DRUGS KEROSINE OIL, LAMP CHIMNEYS A DRUGS. FISH, PORK AND SALT. FLH, PORK AND SALT.; NO NEED OF MENTIONING MORE. NO NEED OF MENTIONING MORE. THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOR CASH; THE>E GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOR CASH AND TO BE SOLD FOB CASH OR PKODUCB AND 10 BE SOLD FOR CASH OR PRODUCI SO BRING ALONG YOUR CASH, BUTTER, EGGS AND GRAIN. 80 BRING ALONG YOUR CASH, BUTTER, EGGS AND GRAIN. GOOD BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS. GOOD BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS WE WANT NOTHING BUT GuOD BUTTER WE WANT NOTHING BUT GOOD BUTTER. AND FRESH EGGS. AND FRESH EGGS. The Highest Prices will be paid for Cash, Grain Butter and Eggs, at Beemer's Store, at Falls in ex change for Goods. AMOS BEEMER, Falls, Pa., April 27th, ISG3. sxo,ooo Worth of Goods ARRIVING AT THE Store: AT MILLTOWN, PA. Now is your time to purchase BILK GOODS, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QJJEENSWARE, GLASS WAR E, HOOTS Si SHOES' HATS & CAPS, And a Variety of other Articles too Nume-ous to mention, Cheaper Than Ever C. SHERWOOD, Has received direct trom the cities . f PHILABELPHU BIW-TOBK, The Largest, Cheapest and Best Assortment of Fall and Winter Goods (Purchased entirely for Cash) evT offered in MILL TOWN, which he is selling at UNCOMMON LOW PRICES! His /Stock, which he intends to keep always Full, embracese very thing wanted by the People in this Place, and customers can at all times rely on getting the Articles they may want, at /Satisfactory Prices. He is not to be undersold by any, and asks the Public to call and examine his STOCK. He would ask the LADIES to cad and Examine his Assortment ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS! A N I) FANCY ARTICLES, OF WHICH HE HAS the FIRST CHOICE. POSTSCRIPT. His stores at NEWTON CENTRE and ! t . MihWAUKiE—making three in ail, are also in full blast, thereby ena- AYup a comnlete as sortment in each. rtrnm I C * ** • J TUU vv. v r u.;p iuii uiiiUku uii h iltt) MOiliilliu. Our LETTER A. FAMTLY SEWING MACHINE is fast gaining a world-wide reputation. It is be yond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all Ftu/iljt Sewing Machines yet offered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machine has so many useful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gathering, Guaging, Bi aiding, Em broidering, Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a great variety of work It will sew all kind? of cloth, and with all kinds of thread. Great and rMpt im provements make our Family Sewing MarhJoe most reliable, and most durable, and most certain in ac tion at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, ev en of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a g; tnce, how to use the letter A. Family Sewing Machine Our Family Sewing Machines are finished in chaste and exquisite style Tho F •'l:n;r se of the FMiily MachlWe is a piece of cunning workmanship of the int st useful kind. It protects the machine when not in use, and when about to be operated may be opened as a spa cious and substantial table to sustain the work. — While some of the Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the simplest and chastest man ner possible, others are adorned and embelisbed in the most costly and superb manners. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Ma chine in operation, so as to jndge of its great capaci ty and beauty. It is fast bee ming as popular for family sewing as our man: facturiug machines are for manufactur ing purposes The Branch Offices are well supplied with Bilk, twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very best qual itv. Send for a PAMPHLET. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 458 Broadway, New York. Office, 810 Chestnut St. OA. S i.TwHwiM. mmw£ mm —AND— Tin Sliop. THE subscriber has just received at his shop, over Hankiason's Store, in MESHOPPEN PA., and will constantly keep on hand all the latest MP ROVED COOK NG STVES Among which are the " CALORIC," MINER and " UNION" patterns, with PARLOR STOVES and Heaters of every description, which he offers for Rieady Pa,y at prior.- that will defy competition His stoves are bought directly of the Manufactur ers at ALBANY, WILKI-.SBARRE. PROVIDENCE andSCRANTON. He is therefore enabled to sell them at a small advance on the original cost TIN, SHEET-IRON, —AND- Copper Ware. all kinds on hand and made to order Also PIPE, WAGON BOXES, AND SLEIGH SHOES FOR SALE. The popular Cooking Stove Forest Queen, (Elevated oven) is now for the first, offered at S2O for 8 inch, $25 for 9 inch, REPAIRIK6AND JOBBING neatly and promptly done. HENRY STANSBURY. Meshoppen, Dec. 17th, IS62—v2nl9iy. 3ST23'W' The undersigned has just opened a NEW HAR NESS-SHOP at the Tannery Building, IN MESIIOPFEN, Where he is prepared to furnish all kinds of work in his line, from a Throat-Latch to a full set of Har ness, at short notice and on the most REASONABLE TERMS Repairing NEATLY, CHEAPLY, AND EXPEDITIOUSLY DONE. GIVE ME A CALL. . JAMES SHAUGHNESEY. Meshoppen, Oct. 29, 1853.—v3-n!3-tf. FBO3T& <k FLiWEES —o—o— SUBSCRIBER HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for several years, a SBEBES Y, AT TOWANDA^ where all of the most approvd and rare kinds of FRUIT A- ORNAMENTAL TREES Can be obtained. Being conv.nced from experience that his Trees and Plants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wyoming County than any grown in other localities, he confidently solicits their patron age. He will make annual visits either in person or by his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co • and asks only that his specimens may be examined and his method of dealing be tested Ali orders by letter or otherwise, for Trees, vines or pji nts will be promptly attended t. no3l_ly. D HARK INS DB. J. C. BECKER AMD UPAIY HAVE JUST GPEHXn A NEW DRUG STORE opposite the residence ofR. R. Little Esq , on the Corner of Tioga and Warren Streets, in Tnnkhan nrck B. rough, where can he had/til kinds DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS ADD MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRI GS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES. DRI Co AND MEDICINES. DRI GS AND M DICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, DYE STUFFS, DYE STUFFS, DYB STUFFS, DYE STUFFS, DYE ST I FFS, PA TENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICIFES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT M CDRCINFS, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, I w.th e< erytfciug usn-illy firtnnd in his line. iVPreacrii'tions accurately filled ; ftnd all orders pomptly attended to Dr. J C BECKER 4 CO. Tqnkhatnotk. P.K May 6th 1863 v2nu3sl; i 4s SI.I'.ANfHOHV, Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, §Ol BROADWAY, M. Y. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalouge now embraces considerably ov°r four th us and different subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, etc, vii:—72 Major General?, 190 Br'lf adier General?. 259 Colonels. 84 Lieut. Colonels, 20/ other officer? 60 Nhvy Officers, 525 Statesmen, 127 Divines, 116 Authors, 30 Artists, 112 Stages, 46 Prominent Women, 147 Prominent PoreignPortraits. 2,500 copies of works of art, including rep roductions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Stat ute®, Ac Catalogues sent on receipt ofstamp. An ordor for One Doien PICTURES fr m our catalogue will be fillJd on receipt of 91.80. and sent by mail, free. PHOTOGRAPHIC"ALBUMS. Of these we manufacture a great variety, ranging in price from 50 cents to #SO each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. The smaller kinds can be sent safely by mail at a postage of six cents per os. The more expensive can be sent by express. 0 We also keep a largo assortment of STEBEOSCBFES & STEREOSCOPIC ViITS. Our Catalogue of these will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. 5. & H. T- ANTHONY Manufacturers of Ph >tograpaic Materials 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Frieds or relatives of prominent military men will conferna favor by sending us their likenesses to copy. They will be kept carefully and returned uninjured. Fine Albums Made to Order for Congrega tions to present to their Pastor, or for other purposes, witht suiable inscriptions, Ac 6 mo TZZB PLACE TO BUY xOCR SHOVES!! IS AT TIIE STOVE, TIN. COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY. WHERE MAY RE FOUND a large and well se lected assortment of the most approved patterns, consisting of COOKING, PARLOR and HEATING STOVES, for wood or coal, and will be sold at low prices. We would call the attention of the public, and fannpre in particular, to our NEW LEVATED OVEN COOKING STOVE, for wood or coal, THE DACOTAH! ! which for economy, durability and neatness of design cannot be surpassed, ft is made with extra HEAVY TOPS, COVERS aud VENTILLATED CENTRES, and with front doors te slide The oven and flues are uiiusally large, making it SUPERIOR TO AN Y STOVE OP THE KIND ever brought info this market. It cannot fail to give good satisfaction. Those in want of a G-oo d Stove hould call and examine it before purchasing else where T3R, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE of all kinds, ZINC, STOVE PIPE, IRON WARE, Ac., always on hand. Merchants supplied with goods on reasonable terms. Roofing guttering and all kinds of jobbing will be promptly attended to. OLD RRAS, COPPER, PEWTER. RAGS and IRON, WOOD and LUMBER. SHINGLES, ami most kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods and wares. Thankful for past patronage, we respectfully invite all in want of anything in our line to give us a call. '•Live and let live." Quick sales and small profits is our motto. E. F. SNOW A CO Nicholson Sept.- 863. —AGAINST— FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIREI ! 1 Taken at this office, on all kinds of Town and Country property, at the most rk asonabmc tkkms, and for any time from THREE MONTHS TO FIVE YEAR S —either WITH or WITHOUT PREMIUM NOTES Is the company reliable 7 Will it promptly pay its honest looses 7 are the important inquiries with all insurers. We answer : THE LYCOMING CO. INSURANCE COMPANY HAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FOR TWENTY-THREE YEARS.—IT HAS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OVER 12,400,00 IT PAYS FROM §60.. TO §125.000 LOSSES ANNUALLY ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PATD. EACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED ANNU NUAL, STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS OF THE COMPA NY THE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. THE CHARTER IS TERPETUAL. References Hon. Wra M. Piatt, Hon. A. K Peckham, llonry Stark and Stark Esqs. of this County ; Sayer .t Bros of Susquehanna, and ieorge M H< 11-nback and others of Luzerne County, who insure in and have been paid losses by this, Company. IIARVEY SICKLER, Agt. THE CONFESSIONS AND OF A NERVOUS INVALID. Published for tho benefit and as a caution to young men. and others, who sutler from Nervous Debility, Early Decay, and their kindred ailments—supplying the means of self-cure. By ono who has cured him self after being a victim of misplaced confidence in medical humbug and quackery. By enclo.-ing a post paid directed envelope, single copies may be had of the author, Nathawiel Mayfaib, Esq, Bedford, Kings County New Yrk. —v3-nls-ly. PATENT MATCH SAFE FOE VEST POCKET The most neat, unique and desirable arrangement for gentlemen's use that has ever been devised. Com bining safety, compactness, convenience and good, taste, nnd will supply a want long telt, especially by by the smoker. Beautifully ami heavily silver-plat ed. Price §4,00 per dozen, or §30,00 er hundred ; retail at 60 ots. each. The moat convenient tbimr in market for smokers' use. It is a Magic Match-flor, and litta out its own matches ready to etrikq. Sells very readiiy Single ones by mail, 60 eta. Address i R. P, Scott, SpnngviUe,.Susq, ('. Pa—v3-nls-m3 ' DLL. LACK. & WESTERN RAILROAD. OF TIMH CtiCGfiSS CrtißfssSS 4EWSRF *s£^£§s£5 r ON and after Monday, November 25th IS6I, Trains will run as follows : EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAINS Leave Great Bend at 7:20 A M New Milford' 7:39 " Montrose 8:00 " Hopbottom 8:23 " Nicholson 8:40 " Factory ville 904 " Ahington 9:20 M SCRANTON 10:00 " Moscow 10:41 " Uouldsboro 11:07 " Tobyhanna 11:20 " Stroudsburg 12.32 P. M- Water Gap 12:46 •' Columbia !:00 " Delaware 1:25 " Hope (Philadelphia connection) • • 1:35 " Oxford 1:53 " Washington 2:10 " Junction .-2:32 " Arrive at New York 5:30 " Philadelphia 6:50 '• MOVING NORTH Leave New York fromfootof Courtland Street BvOO A M. Pier No. 2, North River, 7roo " Philadelphia, from Kensington Depot 7:10 " Leave Junction- 11:15 " Washington 11:33 " Oxford 11:50 " Hope (Philadelphia connection)•• 12:14 P. M. Delaware 12:43 " Columbia 1:00 " Water Gap 1:16 < Stroudsburg 1:30 " Tobyhanna 2:42 " Gouldsboro 2:65 " Moscow 3.17 • SCRANTON 4:10 " Abington 4:40 " Factory ville 4:56 " Nicholson- 5:16 " Hopbottom 5:38 " Montrose 6:00 " New Milfosd 6:21 " Arrive at Great Bend 6:40 " Those Trains connect at Great Bend with the Night Express Trains both East and West en the New York and Erie, and at Scranton with Trains on Lackawanna and Bloomsbarg Railroad, for Pitcston, Kingston and Wilkesbarre; and the Train moving South connects at Junction -nth Trains tor Bethle hem, Mauch Chunk, Reading and Harrisburg. Passengers to and from New York change cars a Junction. To and From Philadelphia, via 13 D. R. R., leave or take cars at Hope. Foi Pittston, Kingston and Wilkes-Bam, t,.ke L. A B. R R cars at Scranton. For Jessup, Archbald and Carbondale, take Omni bus at Scranton. ACCOMODATION TRAIN. MOVING NORTH Leaves Scranton 9:50 ,l Abington #10:35 " Factory vifle 11:00 " Nicholson 11:30 " Hopbottom 12:05 P M Montrose 12:45 '• New Milford 1:20 " Arrives at Great Bend 1:45 " MOVING SOUTH Leaves Great Bend 2:10 P >f New Milford 2:35 " Montrosem 3:06 •' Hopbotto 3.45 " Nicholson 4:15 ■ Factoryville 5:13 Abington 5:40 " Arrives at Scranton 6:30 " This Train leaves Scranton after the arrival of the Train from Kingston, and connects at Great Bend with the Day Expregs Trains both East and West on New York and Erie. JOHN BRISBIN, Sup't Superintendent's Office, J Scranton, Nov. 25, 1861. ) Del., Lark. 4# Western Railroad. THE PASSENGER TRAIN LEAVES GREAT BEND AT 740 A M„ AF ter the arrival at 6.30 a.m..of the CINCIXNA TI EXPRESS from the West, connecting at SCRANTON where it arrives at 10.10 a. m. with a train on the LACKAWANNA and BLOOMSBi'RO RAILROAD, for PITTSTON, WYOMING VAL LEY, KINGSTON and WILKES BARRE and with the DELAWARE and HUDBON RAILROAD for PR OVIPENCE. OLYPIIANT and CARBONDALE. At HOPE STATION this train connects bv omni us with the BKLVIDKRE DELAWARE RAILROAD for PHILIPS!!! RG, TRENTON and PHILADA— At NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION, where it ar rives at 2.25 p. m , the some train connects with trains on the CENTRAL RAILROAD of New Jer sey, for ELIZABETH, NEWARK, NEW-YORK. EASTON. BETHLEHEM, ALLENTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, READING and HARRISBURG. Passen gers by this tram arrive in NEW Y'ORK at 5.50, in PAII.ADELPHTA at 7.00, and in HARRISBURG at 828 p m The trains leaving tout of COURTLAND ST., NEW-YORK, at B.OU a m., and KENSINGTON DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA, at 7 10 a m , connect wfth the Passenger Train of this road, leaving NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION at 11 20 a m. and arriv ing at SCRANTON at 402 p. m . where it connects with a train on the LACKAWANNA aod BLOOMS BURG RAILROAD, and with the omnibus running to the DELAWARE and HUDSON RAILROAD This train arrives at GREAT BEND at 6.10 p. m , making a close connection with the mail train going West on the ERIE "AILWAV All ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves SCRANTON at 10.10 a. m., connecting at GREAT BEND with the day Express train West on the ERIE RAILWA Y, Bv this train passengers ar rive at ITHACA, SYRACUSE, BUFFALO, Ac. the sime day. Returning, this train leaves GREAT BEND at 2.20 p. m . on the arrival ot the NEW YORK EXPRESS going East, and BUFFALO EX PRESS going West, and arrives in SCRAT'JN at 5 30 p. m. JOHN BRISBIN, Superintendent. R. A. Henrt, General Ticket Agent, icrsnton, June 15 1863. THE SSSB&S IfSWS FROM EUROPE Is fully confirmatory of former reports that THE DUTCH HAVE POSSESSION OF HOL LAND. It is also authoritatively announced that o. s. Mills has exelosive possession of the STOVE AND TIN-SHOP —AT— TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing in tho line of his trade can be had at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOKING-, AND PAHX.OH STQWES, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to on short notice and on REASONABLE TERMS. lIHPAiniNO, PROMPTLY, NBATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONK. 0 fi. MILLS, fenkbanno. b, Nor 4, 1863* v3-nKA TRY THE NICHOLSON Ml LSI! (N£AK £ACOX a OLD bTAND.) 'T TIT.? Mil! hag teen lately re-fitted and all the 1 modern improvements added an 1 is now : .b charge of MR. BACON, of Nicholson, Wyoming county, one of the be*t Mil lers in the country. Particular attention paid to Custom Work, which will be done on ehort notice ALL WORK WARRANTED, and if not satisfac torily de*e may be retained at the expense of Che subscribers. FLOUR of all kinds, MEAL and FEED, constant ly on hand and for sale, at the Lowest Cash prices nrcah or Flour paid for grain at the Highest Cash prices. S D BACON. Proprietor E W CABINET AND C HA I R. MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture Cabinet and Chair Msnufa/tory in Tunkhannnck. next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store — where are kept on hand and manufactured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles CHAIRS Cane-seat, F'ag-hottom, and common. BUREAUS of all styles, sizes, and Driees BEDSTEADS, Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can be found in the largest furniture establishments in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can be bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, he so licits the public patronage REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired. UNDERTAKING —Having a Htaree of his own, and having had much experience, he will attend to this department of the business on short notice, and in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM HAAS. July 16, 1862. —vln49ly U.S. 5-20'S The Secretary of the Treasury has not yet giv en notice of any intention to withdraw this popular Loan from Sale at Par, and until ten days notice is given, the undersigned, as "General Subscrip tion Agent," will continue; to supply the puhlic The whole amount of the Loan authorized is Five Ilundred Millions of Dollars Ncai ly Four Hun dred Millions have been already subscribed for and paid into the TREASURY, mostly within the last seven months. The large demand from abroad, and the rapidly increasing home de mand for use|as the basis for circulation by Nation al Banking Associations now organizing in all parts of the country, will in a i ery short period, absorb the balance Sales have lately ranged from ten to fifteen millions weekly, frequently exceeding three millions daily, and it is well known that the Secretary of the Treasury has ample and unfailing resources in the Du ties on Imports end Internal Revenues' and in the issue of the Interest bearing Legal Tender Treasury notes, it is almost a certainty that be will not find it necessary, for a long time to come, to seek a market for any other long or permanent Loans, THE IN TEREST AND PRINCIPAL OF WHICH ARE PAYABLE IN GOLD. Prudence and self interest must force the minds of those contemfilatij.g the formation of national Bank ing Associations, as well as the minda of all who have idle money in their hands, to the prompt cor.- elusion that they should '.oose no time i subscribing to this most popular oan- It will soon be beyond their reach, and advanoe to a handsome premium, as was the result with the " Seven Thirty" Loan, when it was all sold and could no longer be subscribed for at par. IT IS A SIX PER CENT LOAN, the interest and Principal PABYALE IN COIN, thus yielding NINE PER CENT. PREMIUM, at tbe present rate of premium on coin The Government requires all duties on imports to be paid in Coin; these duties have for a long time past, amounted to over a Quarter of a Million of dol lars daily, a sum nearly threo times greater than hat required in the payment of the interest on all the 5-20's and other permanent Loans. So that it is hoped that the surplus Coin in the Treasury, at no distant day, will enable tho United States to resume specie payments upon all liabilities. The Loan is called 5-20 from tho fact that whilst the Funds may run for 20 years, yet the Government bJ a right to pay them off in Gold at par, at any time after five years. The Interest Is paid half-yearly, viz: on first days of November and May. Subscribers can have Coupon Bonds, which are pay able tc bearer, and are SSO, SSOO, and $!C00;o r Registered Bonds of same denominations, and in ad diton ,$5,000 and $10,1)00 For Banking purposes and for investments of Trust-moneys the Registered Bonds are prefferable. These 5-20's cannot be taxed by States cities, towns or counties, and the Government tax oa them iB only one-and-a-half per oent,, on the amount ofin come, when the income of the holder exceeds Six Hundred dollars per annum ; all other investments, such as income frem Mortgages, Railroad Stock and Bonds, etc., must pay from three to five per cent, tax on the income. Basks and Bankers throughout tbe Country will continue to dispose of the Bonds; and all orders by mail or otherwise, promptly attended to. Tbe inconvenience of a few days' delay in the de liveiy of the Bonds Is unavoidable, the demand being so great; hot as interest commences from the day of subscription, no loss is occasioned, and everv effort is being made to diminish the delay. J. COOKE. ST 3V, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, £ Z 7* 3 rs c# 1" ' '{ h. iIIIRD STREET PHILADELPHI A t 5 c - Philadelphia, November 29, 1963. t TnF. peculiar taint or infection which we call SCROFTLA lurks in 1h the constitutions of gk multitudes of men It fv J%&&} V \ cither produces or is ' _ tcehied, v, dated state v t : :c blood, wherein fluid becomes in- I <".np4:cut fc sustain Vl,a ' £° rc * s if|_&SEl£l ■ ■(-"" "s action, tad j&r^ragr' leaves the system to fall irfto ihsorder and decay. The Strofolous contamination is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, tlie depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary m the constitution, descGliding " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be th rod of Him who says. " I wiil visit tha iniqui ties of the fathers upon their children." The diseases which it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In tho lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings whicn suppurate and become ulcerous sore ; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which pro duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and liver com plaints; on the 6kin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These all having the same origin, require the s.tme remedy, viz purification and invigoration of the hlood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you can not have health ; with that ' life of the flesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, i.; indisputahfy proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures i; has made of the following di-eases : KlLg'B Evil Or Glandular Swelling's, Turcor3, Erup tions, Pimples, 21otche3 and Ssres, Ery sipelas Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rneum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous depo its in trie lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, mul, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be fern ID in AYER'S AMERICAN ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it lias made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those ei -es are purposely taken from all sec tions of t ie country, in order that every reader mav have access to some one who can speak to hini of it- benefits from personal experience Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and than leaves its victims far more subject to disea-o and i's fatal results than are healthy constitu tions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considera tions has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, although it is com posed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsnparilh in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will foliow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func tions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the pnhfic have been deceived K manv compounds of that promo mucfi and did nothing; but thev will neither deceived nor disappointed in thio Its virtu-, have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the sumo iiame, it is u verv different medicine from any other which has Keen before the paople, and is far more effectual than any other which has ever been- available to tliem. A-srEivs CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Kemedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long ased and so univer sally known, that we reed do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do aii it has ever done. Prepared by DR. J. C. ATKR & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell. Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. S. Stark, Tuukhannoek; T D. Spring, Laeeyville Harding & Co., Nicholson; S A J Frear, Facto ly villa, and by dealers in Medicines everywhere. Traveling Public! TO accommodate persong wishing to go by public conveyance from this place to any section, or re turn, the undersigned continues to run a Daily X_*ine OF to and from Factory', tile Depot, leaning his hotel at 6 o clock, a. in , arriving at Factoryville in time for' Trams to ©rrat pcufc, Scranton, fle©-t)ork t and PHILADELPHIA Returning, leaves Factoryville on the erriva of the New York, Philadelphia and Accommoda tion Train from Great Bend, arriving in Tunkhan noek at 7 o'clock, p m. N. B—All Express matter, packages and goods wif! he conveyed to and from the Depot, at reasonable rates; the oroprietor holding himself responsible for the safe delivery of all such entrusted to hie care, Towanda itage arrives at this hetel at 12 o'clock, m. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p in Stages for Pittston, Wyoming, and Wilkesbarre, leave on the arrival-of the Towanda stage, and re turning connect with the same. Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at T o'cloek, a m., connecting at Montrr*® with stages for Bingbamton, Ac Returning, connt.-ts with stages for Pittaton, Towanda, Ac Persons wishing to be called for at their residence# will be accommodated by leaving their names at th# hotel of the proprietor. Horses and Carriages in readiness toforward pas# engcrf at all times. T g ifm, : r sept 24- v2n7.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers