LOCAL AND PERSONAL, Wanted—On subscription, at this office, Wheat, Rye, Oats. Corn, and Buckwheat, for *hich the high* t insrkct prices w ill be paid—With the above offer t nstnntly bef ore him no man can say that he is too poor to take the Democrat and pay for it. Llctl. R. Nicho'son of tho 143 rd regiment, ho wis wounded in the first battle of Gettys burg. died on Monday aftrrnoon, the 13th, ia=t., Hnd bis body (in charge of bis Irother who lett here after the battle, ani remained wiib hiui till he died) was brought home on Friday. ll* was taken to the rcsi lenie of his mothhr in Sa lem. Wayne county, and buried in the fmnily burial ground on Saturday las!. Lieut. Nicholson was a prominent young member of the Luzerne bnr, who les loft troops of friends to mourn his early death. His ago was 31 years.— Luzerne Union A a.ispmsio'i oftTe D -aft.—W loam that on Saturday night last, n bold and dating robery was p rpct rated in Troy, this c- unty. It sceuis that some .person or persons unknown, by means of a i idder. entered tho Marshal's office, through a back window and stole tin rtfroui all the books, papers, vouchers, blanks, Ac , appertaining and belonging to the draft in this Cougresiona! Di-trii t. We h.iv* not learned definitely iu what sh ipo this robery leavtsthe business of the Board, put we apprehend it must cause R su.-pen. ion of the Draft iu this District for .some weeks at least, as avast amount of labor must t.e preformed before the papers can again be insie ready for drafting. We bear that in some dis tricts at least, the enrolling offi ers faile i to pre sarvs a copy. This is certainly a bold nfinir, and the M .rshal tdiou'd use every effort to detect the perpe trator —Bra'tfurd Argus. Married, I WINAN3 —TAMKINS—In Me-hoppcn on the 2 j day or July 13C3. by Ahira Gay E.-q. Mr Mathew j W.nans to Mss Ciirlufo S Tamkiiig both of Me- | iho[j]>cn Wyoming Co Pa. Bl'Rß BLACKM AR.—ln Mcfhoppcn on the 16 day of July IstiJ, by Ahira Gay Esq. Mr. Cl irk burr to Mis Nellie Black mar, 1 oih of Mrsbcp] en, Wyoming Co. Pi. i Died. j LETRICK —Tn South Eifr.n the 2G Mrs. Amy De trick, wife of Mr. John Dotrick, in the Sixty £ist year oi her age. Lines. On the deith of Samu 1 Bishop. 4 tvho was killed in battl* at Frederii ksnurg—and his four children, who *rt burued to death sboitly utter. EV HIS LUUTHKFC. Good people ul.I I pray sttood To these few ihirs th.,t I have penned, As yon love yimr h'-mes, I pray hetva e Lcive the in not wilb children there. My brother Ind f.,ur children, d*ar, Whom he di I lore with h-art sulcere. But he was called off to the war. Ai d they were 1 urnt—God knows what for ; In N". holson he did re.-i le. With four s;u ill children and a bri le, ll* left to fight his country's war— lie now is bunio/i, wo kn.w nt whero j II i was n fair .nr..l comely man, A- any that grace I our troubled land. II: ■ age, if wis jiisr twenty-eight, When he was hurried from I,is state. i At Fr leriek'mrg on tint I roe. I Jay, Where gui.s di i roar and dead men lay, 1 My brother was among the slain Of all h.-i folks but one remains. Qe night hr IroamcJ that he came home, And fouu i his children a 1 alone— They cried an I s lid th it bn must stay, Ib'.ir Mother, she had gone away. L:itl* J'.jeph wi'.s the eldest Lor, lie :i Lis fathers pride and joy. But he was burnt among the rest, Anl now's in heaven among the blest. Tho s) p.jt v.is bu' fica years ol I, The youngest, ona , as wc are tol 1. These f.ur babes, so young and fair Were called to leave this world of care. I Their niothsr she had gone away Intending but a little time to stay— Soon th<- ho ise was all in a flame, Her cl ilJrcn suffered by the same. Friends and neighbors hurrie 1 there To rave them from the scorching fire. But, A!a! it was too late, To savo them from a dreadful fate. No mother there, in time to save, Their father, sleeping in his g-nve. With bitter cries, and teats, and groans, They sje it their breath an i ui ide thoir moan . > I Close in the corner of one room, They all met their fearful doom, An l ascended through the flames, To dwell in realms where Jesus reigns. Bhrn the flames had censed to roll, They were found burnt to a cole, And gently laid beneath the ground, While many w. pt that stood around. Now their sufferings nil are o'er, They dwell upon that happier shore— In heaven there sweetly rest. Close nestled in a Savior's breast. EtiTor. or DI MLCIIAT. HEAR Fin .• With your permission I wi.*h to say to the read- J"" r paper that I will send by return mail to *V wih it, ('ree) a R eipc, with full dire'-tions , j; r making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, j jS 1 " i!i iff i tnally remove, in 10 days Pitnplcs. | Rc'tches, Tin, Freckles, and all impurities of tho -Kin, leaving the same soil, clear, smooth and oesnlifhl. I will also mail free to those hnvi- g Bald Hands J Diets, simple directions ami information >ft' t vill etnilde them to start a full growth of Lux mm Hai r , Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than . c Jb'js. All ani Ih ations aui'.vered by return tnail •Hheut charge Respectfully yours, THUS F. CHAPMAN Chcmis\ No. 63' Broadway, New York. " A Co. v2no4B—3m Executor's Notice. y/jotrtos, Letiets testamentary on the estate of *l'hii la-sett, laic <f I i tksion Township, Wyo aing o*nty, p„ , deceased, have been granted to 'ho •Msrsigned. Notice i* hereby given that all per *•? indebted to said estate are requested to tnakc tntdi-ite payment, and those having claims against •• will |resent thctn duly authenticated for Jtwincnt to the suhseriber at bis residence, in Wyoming count?. Pa. JOHN G. SPArLDING, Executtr of last will and Testament of EJibti Faesett Dec'd f' W |lrfo ffotoisntimh Quarters -FOR— Bargains. WAR OR NO WAR, THE PEOPLE ARE BOUXD TO HAVE fflSC®! CSM?, 0. L. HALLSTEiD AND SON have just receive?:!, and are constant ly receiving, a large stock ofgotds, cons'sting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, 13 a (s, * Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Ready- Made Clothing, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Nails, Lime, Flour, Salt, Fish, Pork, Clover and Timothy Seed, Soap? Candles, Grind Stones Plow- Castings, a id everything usually kept in first class stores. GEE AT BARGAINS —IN— Dry Goods* Goods reduced, in consequence of fTle sudden tn 11 in jrold. The bal ance ot our Spring and . ummer stock reduced 25 per cent. Now is the time to briv. We know such puffs are often put in the papers ; hut if you doubt what we advertise, call and see for yourselves. j WANTED. All kinds of Farmers PrfwHtee.—- Lumber, Shinghi*, Wool Sieep Pelts, Beef Hides, arid" everything j that will sell ; for which the highest ! market price will be paid. VICHOLSON, July 29.. 18*3. INSURANCES AGAINST— FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE I!! Taken at this office, on all kinds of Town and C -untry property, at the MOST SEASONABLE TERMS, and for any time, from TUKEsS MONTHS TO FIVE YEAR^—either WITH or WITHOUT PREMIUM NOTES It the company reliable 1 Will it promptly pay lta finned losaea? are the important luquiiiea with all insurers. We answer: ! THE LYCOMING CO INSURANCE COMPANY HAS BEfcN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FORTVVENTY-TIIREK YEARS.—IT HAS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OVER 92,400,00 IT PAYS FROM *6O, TO 5125,000 LOSSES ANNUALLY. ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID . EACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED ANNU* MJAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS OF THE UMI'A NY THE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. THE CHARTER IS PERPETUAL. Ref rences Hon. Win. M. Piatt, Hon. A. K Peck ham, llenry Stark and Samuel Stark Esqs. of this County ; Saver A Bros, of Susquehann i, and George M llolletibnck and others of Luzerne Countv, who insure in ami have been paid looses by thia, Company. HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. REAL ESTATE -FOR— SAIjE. suhacriber, offers for gale the following prop erty, Those wishing to purchase raa I estate can do so at a bargain. ONE LOT OF LAND ithin one mile of Nicholson Depot D L AW R R of sixty acres, partly i npruved, with a good house and barn thereon. Well watered, and living water runring in the house. A GOOD COMFORTABLE HO.NIK SOLD LOW. A T OA 500 ACRES OF WILD LAND, ying from • ne to two miles from the station., in lots to suit bpvera A J O J. TI,ER REAL ESTATE * iow For terms, call on R ?. SEA RLE Ag't. Nicholson Station. D L. A W R. R. July 29 1363 List of Jurors Drawn to Serve ;<t the August Term 1863. on VND jenotts. WINDHAM.— Auy uter Barber John Allen. CLINTON.— Th>'s Chnmlerlin NICHOLSON. —Edwin Stephens, E. J. Spalding, Loren Stephens, D. D. Spalding. FORKSTON. — Hiram llitch.ock, John Lott, Myron Farr. TCXK Bono.—Edward Buck, Bcnj Newuian, Ad am Ace. BRAIN-TRlM— Benj W.-ikem in, J 3. L iu. Tvsc. T. P—Newman Miller. E itox John W Miliar, Anderaon Dana, Ellpbu- I t Fuller. Fans J O Dnwd, John Ager. NORTH BRANCH. -Welli gton , Uixic A. 0. Lut ca Mo.vr.OE -M. IV Newberry. PF.TIT JUROR*. - JM 0 Fa.*sctt, Pstcr F Hope,. LrjmH Hiram Ely. Nirmt.Rov. —P. B Baldwin, Go. Steph a?, Ma son Parker. Eli X. Bu-on. Lewis Thomas. NORTH BRANCH.—L~vi K"l!y FALLS —Win. Overton, John Irwin, W. il. Walter Amos Beemer. "ASHiNaroN. -John Carney, Cha's Place, James Bunnell. TIN* Bono —E. L Campbell, RE. Baker, Ja'e Young. CLlNTON—Bartholomew Capwell, Joseph Broad bent. Lewis Armstrong, T. W. Brnton. N'RTHMOTRLANB —A W. Jaqau. BRAINTRI'I. -W:n X!Y FAT<>N.—S D Bacon, W. B Moneypenny. MCROOPANV —John C Hermen, Tuvx T.P—Dis'l Newman, W. B Ilarding, Theodore A Jackson FORKSTON Benj Farr, James Fiik. MONROE, —H. W. Carpenter. EXETER. —Halsey Kyte. 0- ERrtELD —Lewis Ager. Del.. I.ark. & Het:r Railroad. IKK TRAIN 1 EAVES GREAT BEND AT 740 A M.. AF- J ter the arrival nt 6.00 a.m..of the CINCINNA TI EXPRESS from the West, oonnecjing ut SCRANION whore it arrives at 10 10 a. m. wiib a rainont e LACKAWANNA and BLOGMSID'RG EAILROAD. for PITTSTON, WYOMING VAL TEYI KINGSTON and WILKES BARKE and with the DELAWARE A FT,j HUDSON RAILROAD for PR OVIDENCE. OLYPIIANT and CARBONDALE. At HOPE STATION this train connects by oinuiou* with the BELVIDEKE DEL \WARE RAILROAD fur PHILIPSITL.'KG. TRENTON and PHILADA.— At NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION, where it ar rives at 2.25 p. in , the some tn.in connects with trains on the CENTRAL RAILROAD of New Jer sey, for ELIZABETH, NEWARK, NEW-YORK. EASTON. BETHLEHEM, ALLEXTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, READING and HARRISBURG. Passen gers by this train arrive in NEW YORK at 5.50, in PAILADELPUIA at 7.00, anvl in HARRISBURG at 8 20 p. m The tnins leaving foot of COURTLAND ST., NEW-YORK, at 800 a in , and KENSINGTON DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA, at 7 10 a. m , connect with the Passing* r Train of this road, leaving NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION at 11 20 a. in. and arriv ing at SCRANTOX at 402 p. IU . where it oonneets with a train on the LACK \WANNA and BLOOMS BURG RAILROAD, and with the omnibus running to the DELAWARE and HUDSON RAILROAD. This train -Trices at GREAT BEND at 6.10 p. m , making a close connection with the mail train going West ou the ERIE KAILWAV. AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves SDR ANTON ut 10 10 a.m., eonneetiug at GREAT BEND with 'he day Express train West t.n the ERIE RAII.WA Y. Bv this trait passei g m nr rive-t ITHACA, SYRACUSE, BUFFALO, A<-. the sime day. Returning, this train leaves GREAT BEND nt 2.20 p m , on the nrrivnl ot the NEW YORK EXPRESS going East, and BUFFALO EX PRESS going West, and arrives in SCRATON at 5 30 p. m. JOHN BRIFBIN, Superintendent. R A IIEKRY, General Ticket Agent. Scranton, June 15 1863 TIE DISEASE* 1 UIOI. j Lti Moladitt d'Errtar ] I, John B Oglen, M D . author and puMiaher of the • bore wor. do hereby promise <*ni agree to. sond (free of charge) >o any j'oung inan who will write for If, a sample copy for perusal. fj|# fp>per gtu ly ot mankind is MAW. Thin work is issued an! dent forth fr the benefit <v suffering humanity. h treta in simple longuxge on all the diseases of Er ror, including So iu&l Weakness. Nervous Debility, Iu iigesiior., Mel moboly,. Jnsuniiiy, Wasting Decay, Impotency, A.:. Ac -giiing ante, speedy mid effec tual pres-'r pti-ms for their permanent.cure, together with lunch valuable information. All wbo favor me witb a le-lre to read my work ahull receive a rum ple copy 1 y return mail, free of charge. Address JOHN. B. OODEN, M D., JSo GO, Nassau St., New York. | May 17th 1363 3m 3LOOO mints mm. 1 mil VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR IM- A VA. v" mediate Oorvice to enforce the Draft in on BEEMER'S Stock of New Goods* No resistance, however, need be feared; but think it best to have the volunteers. Thirteen dollars a month guaranteed to every oue who will enlist in this cause in the way of buying Goods CMCAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. BEEMEII has just returned from New Y'ork with large S:ocit of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, 25 PER CENT LOWER, 25 PER. CENT LOWER, NOW IS ITIE TIME TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS, NOW JS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT, A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, TO PLE AS E£ VE RY OX E, 10 PLEASE EVERY ONE, YANKEE NOTIONS, YANKEE NOTIONS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, & WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. & WOODEN WARE. SUMMER IIATS SHAKERS, £c. SUMMER 11 ATS. SHAKERS, <fcc. KEROSIXK OIL, LAMP CHIMNEYS * DRUGS. KEKUSINE OIL, LAMP CHIMNEYS £ DKI'US. FISH, PORK AND SALT FISH, PORK AND SALT." NO NEED OF .MENTIONING MORE. NO NEED OF MENTIONING MORE. T;IE;K GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOR cash-, THESE G JODS WERE BOUGHT FOR CASII AND TO BE SOLD FOR CA.<ll OR PRODUCE AND JO BE SOLD FOR CASH OR PRODUCE fO BRING ALONG YOUR CASH, BUTTER, EGGS. c AND GRAIN. b J BRING ALONG YoL K CASII, BUTTER, EGGS AND GRAIN. GOOD BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS. GOOD BUTTER AND FRESII EGGS WE WANT NOTHING BUT GOOD BUTTER. WE WANT NOTHING BUT GOOD BUTTER. AND FRESII EGGS. AND FRESII EGGS. The Highest Prices will he p.ii'l for Cash, Grain. Butter an 4 Eggs, at Boomer'.- 1 Store, at Falls iu ex change for Goods. AMOS BEEMER, Falls, Pa.. April 27th, 1363. JASOB niiiimr /u:t)icncmr Raping, £)jir rutting, AND SHAMICC'ING SALOCN. Shop Opposite May nard's Hotel. Ladies' haircut in the most 'ashionable s*yle, ei ther at his .*• loon, or mcir residence, if desirable. Mr. Beriinghof is recently from New York city, where he was employed i:i the best establishments and consequently feels warranted in guaranteeing satislactiou to all who may favor him with their eus om. AND Reliable News Arrival of a STOCK Fall & Winter THE subscriber begs leuve to inform his numerous friends nml customers, that he has just r< turned from Philadelphia and New York With tho fargrst anil pest Sclcftcb Stork nf Fancy Goods Shawls, Cloaks, Sitsstmrns, faKittte MEN'S WEAR IN GENERAL, YANKEE NOTIONS, &C. Ever brought to ths County Ho has also bought * Fine Stock of Ladies 9 &hoes —AND— 'GAITERS, HATS, and a Full Lino of SMSY SSSS, bought at ASTONISHING I.OW PRICES. As regards the Quality an I Styles of Goods, he de fies competition... A* regards Prices, ho only assures his friends, that long exponent o in the trade enables him to bu,'and therefore, sell cheaper than any one else outside tb<s city , A fair trial is all be asks. Ko 2rouble to Show Goods. Thankful for tho verv liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him, he will, by strictly honest dealing, and he teat tor - a clese attention to business, try to Berit a continuance ot the amoe, John Weil. - luukhanno-k, Oct 15, 1862. TO THE LADIES. m 3SFBW MII£T3BFEB¥ AND mnw ©©©BS E STABLISHMENT: WE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF INFORMING }ou that we are m>w pre parent to offer you, at the bouse formerly occupied by Henry Stark iD the Borough of T.uukhaßnoek, a &E\V aad carefully sel ected stock Of KIMISIII —aiitli— STRAW GOODS. in every variety, and of the latest styles and impor tations. OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT. Will eonsirt ot every variety of BONNETS, HATS and TRIMMINGS to b- found in that line, and of the latest and most approve I Shapes nn't Styles MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an experienced DRESS-MAKER, and at all times will be prepaied to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest ami most approved manner, — Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, we remain Yours, lies] eetfullv. MRS. A G STARK. The Undersigned, havine moved to WilkosWre, would respectfully ask her friends and old customers to give Mrs. A. G. Stauk, a call before purchasing elsewhero MRS. C. T. MARSII TunkhannocV A] .11 13, 1663. The Latest Styles. —OF— SPRING & SUMMER Bonnets, and MILLINERY GOODS, have just been received at the estabd.bment of louisa hepbubn, on Tioga Street, opposite 'he Post-office, where will be found La.ries. Cbilren, Mi sue-. an I Boy's FLATS, HATS, und CAPS; HE A D-BRESSES, RIBBON'S FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, and everything in theline of Millinery, which will be Sol 1 at the loicest Cash Prices. Repairing promptly and noutlv done. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tunkhanno(k,Oct. 3, IS62—v2nll —lywil —A.VU— Tin Sliop. THE subscriber has just received at his shop, over llaukiusi n's Store, in MESHOPPEN PA., and will constantly kiep or. hand all the latest MP OVID COOKNG ST VES Among which tire the " CALORIC," MINER and " UNION" patterns, with PARLOR STdVtSSand Ilea ters of every description, which he offers for Ready Pay at prices that will defy coui|>etUion ilia stoves ire bought directlv of the Minufaetur em at \LB A NY, WILKi SBARRK. PROVIDENCE ami SCR ANTON. He is therefore enabled to sell thorn at a small advance on the original cost TIN, SHEET-IRON, —AND- • Copper IVarc. all kinds on hmlanlin iie to order. Also PIPE. WAGON BOXES, AND SLEICH SHOES POU SALE. The popular Co"kin • Stove, Fov e9 t Queen, (Elevated oven) is now for the first, offered at 820 for 8 inch, s'2s for 9 'neb, REPAIRING AND JOBBING neatly and promptly dune. HENRY STANSBI'RY. Meshoppen, Dec. 17th, 1862—v2n191y. Ladies Look Out !! FOR THE BOMMETS, SHAKERS. HATS, RIBBONS, &AVBBV' SW7&BB, With everything else to be found in the line rf MILLINERY Just received from the city, an.i sold at small profits by jvtris. BARDWEIJIJ. Opposite the Post-Office. Please call anl exauiino before purchasing else where. Bleaching and repairing dono in good orde and at the shortest notice. Tunkhnnock, Nov. 12, 1662—v2n14-3m. pssairs & frkswE&s —o —l THE SUBSCRIBER HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for several years, a MHRB23R ¥, AT TOWANDAJ where ull of the most approv-d and rare kinds of FRUIT d- ORNAMENTAL TREES, VINE ANUS FLOWERS Can be obtnincd. Being cnv need from experience that his Trees and Plants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wyoming County tb in any grown in other localities, he confidently solicits their patron age He will make Hnnual visits either in person or by his agents to most iff the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only that bis specimens miy bo examiner! and his u e hod of dealing ho. tested, j- All orders by 1 ttcr oro.herwise, for drees, vines or pi nts will be promptly attended to. \2n3l-ly. I> HAItKINS. DR. J. C. CORSEUUS. lIAVING LOCAT ED AT THE FALLS, WILL promptly attend all calls in the lino of his profession—may to fcund tt Boomer's Hotel, when not profosioua'lv absent. Falls, Oit. JO, 1261 TRY THE NICHOLSON MILLSTI j (NEAR BACONS OLD STAND.) THIS Mill has ben lately re-fitted and all tfc* modern improvements added and ia new in i charge of MR. BACON, of Nicholson, Wyoming county, one of the beet Mil lers in :ho country. Particular attention paid to Custom Wo He* I which will be done on short notice AI.L WORK WARRANTED, and if net latiafee torily done may bo returned at tho expense of the subscribers. FLCUR of ail kinds, MEAL nnl FEED, oonstaate ly on hand and for sale, at the Lowest Cash prices Cash or Flour paid for grain at the Hichert Cash prices. • S. l> BACON. Proprietor PICTI -KE G ALLEK Y AMBROTYFES, PHOTCLKHfhS, AIBU tN RfiINTS, AC. ANEW PICTI RE GALLERYhv 'u been cesv od in Tunkhiinnock, which is su-c !:e I with en tire new material for tho taking of Pi -tuT-# in the Photographic Art. The undersigned has re-fittel anl furnished the Sky-Light Gallery in Samuel Stark s Brick Block, and is now prepared to take Pictures in the latest and most improved si/lc of Art GOOD AffITMEST 0/ CASES lie has purchased a splendid assortment of Cases, among which are the Union, Band Clasp, Octasron Oral (rill tram.es, Gilt Trays, —very neat and desirable patterns—besides u variety of plain and fancy Cases, of every size and description. The foregoing, he thinks, tire inducements sufficient for every one to come to the Picture Gallery and secure one of those " -faithful shadow*"— " Which light and art, with magic spell, Dy working together, can eaich so well!" If not. there are other considerations. ITow impor tant that you secure a faithful liKenessof vour friends and relatives ere it is too late. You have all experi enced something of the satisfaction afforded in gating on the Picture of an absent friend ; and some of you h >va known the sad pleasure derived from possessing the likeness of some loved one who has been laid be ne.ith the church yard mound, and telt that " No price could take from you A memento so cherished ; For, how sacred the shadow. Since tha substance has perished.' But you perchance have * n „ni, joa ui,oe pictures you have Dot yet secured. If so make it the business of to-day, to-morrow may be too late. Ihen <-oine to the Picture Gallery in Samuel Shirk's lit icK Block—third story—a few doors east of Wall's Hotel and secure one of those •' faithful shadow* " TunkhannoekDec 10, 1862. v 2nlS WOOL CARDING" All irti g"ht —AT— BACON'S CAIDIS& MACHINE. The undersigned thankful for past favors, inforra * he public that they still continue the business of Carding AT THE OLD STAND IN NICHOLSON tui'e below the Depot. The following are our terms for the ensuing season When good grease accompanies the wool, in the proportion of one lb. to ten of wool— Five cents per cents per lb , cash, on delivery of tolls. If there Is no arrangement as to pay, every l(th lb. will be taken. When wo furnish grease, one and a half ccuts per lb. will be ch irged in all case-. POSITIVELY NO CREDIT. M e again beg of (he Ladies, not to soil their bands by greasing their wool at home ; but send us cleaa wool and good grease, and we will warrant them good work. E. L. BACON.J E. It. BACON. May 15th, 1863 91 J. C. BECIEB AID MIT ; HAVE JUST OPENED A NEW DRUG STORE opposite the residence of R. R. Little Esq., on the Corner of Tiogi an I Warren Streets, in Tnnkhaa neck Borough, where can be had all kinds o DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS ADI) MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND M DICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DnUGS AND MEDICINES,■ - DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, . CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, , CHEMICALS, TYE STUFFS, DYE STTFFS, DYE STUFFS, DYE STUFFS, DYE STUFFS, DYE STTFFS, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICIFES, PATENT MEDICINES, P.VrNT MEDICINES, . a- PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINER. PATENT MEDICINES. PA TENT MEDICINES, with everything usually found in his line. tions accurately filled ; and all orders promptly attended to Dr. J. C. BECKER A CO. Turkhannock Pa. May 6th 18G3 v2n381 ■ HOWARD ASSOCIATIOxtk HHfLAI'ELPUIA. '( ' ; s ar the RelirJ'qfthe Sick 4' Distressed, -40 th v ir tUc.fif and Chronic Diseases, and'especially l for ILc Cure of Diseases f Ike Sexual QrfdAs Medf-al advice given gratis, by the Actia<fSU|mt j Valuable Reports ou Sperinutorrhoeti. or Stminau Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Orge'i* an! ou the Now RciueJicsetnployetl u) (be UgggfP' ry, ent to the afflicted in sealed letter eg sSfc±l§ " of charge. Iwo t>r three : acceptable. Address, Dr. J HORWB j TON, Ahting Purgeou, llow*- A<*eUoa t N5 j Ninth Mreet, Philadelphia F* !nsoly- X and at trtoe to #mt, v WCJ * crs . > T v > L lfe**T T * *?h"[q*3 oy , f ~ • 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers