LOCAL andi^PE r SONAL. The E rollment- —It is reported tl at the en •;ment officers have been appointed in this county, j Ely E'T f° r Tunkhannock Borough, and Town. \ cbaa- Russell fir Washington and Lemon, Lew- Billings for Nicholson, John Ilahn for iltboopany u I foilcstou, Alvah Fassett for Windham and North j-aoch, Merritt Harding for Eaton and Monroe, £i ir i Roberts for Falls, Ges. Green for Clinton and (1,-erfield, Gordon Iletfield for Northmoreland and Eieter, and Elmer Wells for Meshoppen and Brain* trim- Democratic Btato Convention.—To day the p,Bcratie Stats Convention meets at Harrisbuag to J pgaiDsU candidates for Governor and Judge of the jurreme court A number of candidates have been Biaied for governor among whom are lion. Heister ClTiocr. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, Hon. John Cessna ind lion-' Win Witte. Either of the above named jiotlewen would make an excellent executive offieer ( u d receive the hearty support of the Democratic Hisses, of Pa One thing now appears certain, who itr receives the nomination will be triumphantly letted- Owners ot Unpatented Lands.—The actof Anembl)' in relation to the graduation and v ilua- S *jon of unpatented lands by the commissioners of the ierer.fi cunties of Pennsylvania, will expire by its own limitation, on the first Jay of August, 1363. Those interested, had better take advantage of it in time, and have their lands appraised py the eo minis t oners and patented, before the date given The Act of Assembly, of April 10th, 1335, to graduate lends on which money is due and un- ] psi lto the Commonwealth," is the one to which we S refer. By this -ct the Comini -sioners of the several counties are constituted a board of appraisers, with j to classify all lands on which any purchase ajofley is due to the Commonwealth, if desired to io io by the owner thereof. On all lan Is classed >*e. 4 no interest is charged on the purchase-money remaining unpaid. After the first of August, the County commissioners will have no autboriry to classify lands, and interest will bo chargeable on the balsn.-e due on all unpatented lands , except such as were sold at eighty cents per acre. The following lettor from CapL Ilortr.n of Co. K 171 st P M , an louncing the death of Wm. A Stev- ! em of this count j, has been handed us by the friend# the deceased. WASHINGTON* N" C. ) May 28ih, 18C3. \ Benjamin STEPHENS, DEAR SIR : - It become? my painful duty to inform you -f the death of your son Wm. A Stevens. He died on the 24ih day of May, and wsi buried on the 2tith in the soldiers burying grouai at this place He wss a nurse in the hos pital at the time he vrae taken rick. I saw him iust befort he died. He wag conscious until the last Hi. whole term of service ia the cause of his eountry has been in ray company, lie was * good ao.Jier. and kiai companion, an! has gone n> his re w'i in a better world than this ; one where wars, pain an! sorrow cever come His effects I will send you by W. A. Smith Yonrg, U. E. IIotTOW 5 C-pt. Co. K 171 st Pa M. Married.. ROSLNGR ANT— F t"?ETT—In F< rkstcra. on Su* - day th-3!t lav of Miy 18S>, br A.P Burc-i Ej Mr. J .n.v ROSENGHANT anl MAKTA FASSEIT. * "Both of F"rkitt.n "I i I m—i.mi a . i .. in Died. C.\uNE\ —o' ra.rninj June 13rh . G. A Carney, owty <on of George, and Angeline Carney, c! Bussed HilJ. Aged 16 years, ? months, 2d days CAREY—In Abington Lwteroe Co, Jun-4'b, A?, cause, w.fe ol Jeremiah Carey, aged 27 yeara. P. A Montrose paper please rnrr. FAi'SEiT— Tn F.rkston onWedneslav the 10th tost Mr. Elihu Fassett in the 74th vear of his age. WOOL CARDING AH Riglat | -\T BBSS CABCIJ6 BK The undersigned tharkful for past favors, tn'crm ke public that they atitl continue the business of Carding AT THE OLD STAND IN NiCHCtSCN mile below the Dej*>t The following are cur tens? for the ensuing season net good grease accompanies the wool, in the proportion of one lb. to ten of wool—l ive cents p*r cents per lb. cash, on delivers of rolls. If there is ac arrangement as to pay. every l(thlb. will be ; takn When we 'umish grease, one ami a hilf rBt per lb will be ch >rged in all case-. POSITIVELY NO CREDIT. 3Fe agate beg of the Ladies, not to soil their bands *y greas-nr their wool at home; but send us e'enn weo. and good grease, and we will warrant them "ck E L BACON] E N. BACON. _* 7 15tb 1563 Dissolution of Co-Partner slilp. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE FXI>- A, ..rsj brtween L HIRMVS and O L HAr.Lsrr at>, c...*J ' style and firm of of L Harding A Co., has T V '*** l busolve ) bv mutual consent. , ri ' nr " BU, borixe.| to settle all debts and de "•o* toe by or to the late firm. • persons having unsettled accounts with the Vr# requested to call an J settle without delay. L HARDING. . , O L HALLFTEAB n oIsoB Pa April 3d. 1563. 4 v.. Dsinew continued by 0. L HAILSTFAD ~ *'H be happy to accommodate customers i times, who may find it convenient to call and Customer? will find a 6000 STOCK OF GOODS LOW PRICES. ® ,rket will be paid for all kinds in exchange for goo-is Money will nut Onrmotto is: ' SMALL PROFITS AND CUtCK RETURNS-" 4 Nuabie fx pence if better ifcin a slow sfciling v . , O L HALLSTEAD ± SON April 3. 1863 Canal Boat for Sale. -- -uu. boat, ih Union Clipper, liar.ng putcha 1 will now sell the aboverea- boat S VERNOT. ***?&• Awil 1 19H •/ # V- • - 5* THE peculiar taint or infection which we call constitutions of multitudes of men. It feebled, vitiated state f'%,. ' the blood, wherein tjSithat fluid becomes in =fcp§R J competent to sustain ~ ■ MS*fo3 tlie v ' forces in tlielr afaJUffjb vigorous action, and leaves the system to *^~fall into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is variously caused bv mercurial disease, low living - , disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit the iniqui ties of the fathers upon their children." The diseases which it originates take various names, according to the organs, it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and become ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which pro duce iudigestion, dyspepsia, and liver com plaints; on die skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers" leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, vou can rot have health ; with that •' life of the flesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised, is known bv all who have given it a trial. That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably rroven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : King's Evil OT Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in Hie lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Arm's AM ERIC AH ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures whii h it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Tho<e cases are purposely taken from all sec tions of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitu tions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considera tions has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now otter to the public under the name of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, although it is com posed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sar&iyarilla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the tiood; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital func tions, and thus expels the distempers which lark within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived bv many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nothing ; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no que-tion of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is Lr more effectual than any other which has ever been available to theux AYER'3 CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been ?o long ncd and so univer sally known, that we need do no more than a-sure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Dr J C. ATER & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Masi. Sold by all druggists everywhere. II SiJiiK. 1 ui.kiiaiiin k; T D. .-pring, Laceyvilte viaruing A Co., Nicholson: E <t J Frear, Facto;y ville. wv.| hv ilealsrs in Medicine# everywhere. Ladies Look Out I ! B&KifEm SHAKERS. HATS, RIBBONS, —OF THE— With everythicg c!#e to be found in the l:ne of MILLINERY Just received from the city, and Scdi at mll pro!;? by MHS- BARDWEIiIJ. Opposite the Posl-Offiee. Please ea:l and examine before purchajing else wbare. ... . . [ Bleaching and repairing done in go-.- d orae an i it the shortest notice Tunkbnnock, Nov. 12. 1362—v'.'n14-3m. TO K ER VOL'S HT FEREKS OF BOTH SEXES. A REVEREND GENTLEMAN IIAVING BEEN l*si< red to health in a few day?, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive mode? of treatment with- ut success, consi lei* it bis sacred du tv to communicate to his affln-ted fellow creatures the mean? of care Hence, on the reeeipt of an ad dressed enceb-pe. he iii send (free) a rope of the prescription us J Direct to Dr J ■* M DAC.xall, 163 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, New York- r2n24ly \\TANTED -A RESPECTABLE PERSON OF \ EITHER SEX in erery neighborhood to sell J. R. STAFFORD'S OLIVE TAR, and *lw J.R. STAFFORD s IROS ANP SCLPHT* POSTERS. Oiire tar is a thin, transparent flui 1; it u the beet remedy known for diseases of the Throat, Lungs, or Catarrh. Also fr Diptheris. Croup. Whooping Cough, le. MT Iron an i Su'phur Powders strengthen the system, ai d the aLreMion, and purify the blood. I hare al6 page pamphlet containing full esplaaatv-ns, and over 100 testimonial* from well known prominent p.-rsoca which I will send to any one/ree fry wot'. J. R. STAFFORD, Cheniet, laii.ly. 442Eroa4way. XawYork Freeh Ground Plaster in Quantities and st prieea to suit pcrrhaasr*. now for sals a eebeppea e , b Moritr J I I UTtIES HUTU. 1 OflO VOL F NTEERS WANTED FOR IM- A \J\J\J mediate service to euforce the Draft in MM, on BEEMEIt'h) Stock of New Goods- No resistance, however, need be feared; but think ;t best to have the volunteers. Thirteen dollars a month guaranteed te every one who will enlist in this causo in the way of buying Goods CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. BEEMER has just returned from New York with large Stock of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DOMESTIC OOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, 25 PER CENT LOWER, 25 PER. CENT' LOWER, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS,;; GROCERIES, GROCERIES, " A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT, A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, TO PLEASE EVERY ONE, TO PLEASE EVERY ONE, YANKEE NOTIONS, YANKEE NOTIONS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Jb WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. & WOODEN WARE. SUMMER IIATS.SHAKERS, Ac. SUMMER IIATS, SHAKERS, Ac. KEROSTXE OIL, LAMP CHIMNEYS 1 DKt'GS KEBOSINE OIL, LAMP CHIMNEYS A DRIUS. FISII, PORK AND SALT. FISU, PORK AND SALT • NO NEED OF MENTIONING MORE. NO NEED OF MENTIONING MOKE. THE-E GUODS WERE BOUGHT FOR CASH; TilE-E GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOR CASH ANI) TO BE SOLD FOR CASH OR PRODUCE AND TO IJE SOLD FOR CASH OR PRODUCE -0 BRING ALONG YOUR CASH, BUTTER, EGG-?. S ANP GRAIN. O BRING ALONG VOIR CASH BUTTER. EGGS AND GRAIN. GOOD BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS. GOOD BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS WE WANT NOTHING BUT GOOD BUTTER WE WANT NOTHING BI T GOOD BUTTER. AND FRESII EGGS. AND FRESH EGGS. The Highest Prices will fee paid for Cash, Grain. Butter an 1 Egg#, at Boomers Swre, at Falls in ex change for Goo is AMOS BEEMER, Falls, P.i., April 27;h, 1563 MERCANTILE AITIIDLIHENT. The Unders'tmed having been nppnirted Mercnn ; tila a fpn iser fir the County of Wyoming for the ; year 1563, beret y terrifies the fi lfi.wing to be a cor rect ii-t > f retailers in foreign Merchandise with : their names, class and rutt in the several townships ; \'z ; f LASS. DEALERS % BKII.VTKIM II Elraond Bunnell, 7 00 " Beni. Wakeman A Son, " ' *4 •' - E .ward Morritt. 44 " J Brown 14 CLINTON 14 H. k 3 C Mathewson, 7,C0 44 E. A J Fei r A Co. '' Gardner Briggs A Co 4 ' 44 John Wells A >k.n. 44 FALLS. 14 A Beemer 7,00 EATON. 14 Carpenter A Newman, 7,00 LEMON. 14 Gardner Briggs A Co. 7,00 FOP.KSTOS. 14. Peter McQueen 7 00 i 44 Hiram Hitchcock, 41 " J. M Maxwell, Mt:HOorAST 14 H>nry Icte 7,00 41 Wm, H Barnes, *■ " Jennings & Drotber " mk.-nop res 14 D Hankinsnn, 7.00 13 Sterling Loomis 1 Co 20 00 14 S. Jenkins A Co. 7,00 14 J Hallow 7,00 13 L. Veraoy, 10,00 SORTHXORELAKD 14 Heister Keeler 7.C0 44 Winters A Howard " " A L Carey " sicaoLsos. 13 Williams Birge 1 Co. 10.CO " O. L. Hallstead A Son. " SORTH BP.ASCH 14 Wm W. Garey. 7.00 Trsr. Boro. 13 Mott A Wright, 10,00 44 T L Boss A Cn. 44 " C P Miller, " 14 C M Koon, 7.00 44 E. Wbeelock, 44 44 Geo. Leighton, 44 Sam'!. Stark, 44 44 John Weil, 44 44 Tho'iß Wall. 44 WASHI.VGTOS. 14 Tbo's Siemples, 7 00 44 F W Zimroerman. 44 WISDIAB 14 Hiram S. Graves 700 An will be held at the Conrt H n in the Borough of Tunkbanoock, on 'he 27th day of June, A D 1563, for all who may feel aggrieved by the foregoing assessment SHUBEL W GAREY, Appraiser. Tunkhacncck May 20th 1353 TfiE DISEASIh OF EIIDB. [ Lcs Xaladics d' Err cur ] I, John B Ogden. M. D , author aad po v lisher ef the above wore, do hereby promiae and agree to sen 1 (free hf"charge} to any voting man who will write for it, a sample copy for perusal. The proper sta-iy of mankind is Ma*. This work is issued an i rent forth for the benefit os suffering humanity. It treats in simple language on all the diseases of Er ror. including 5e i-inal Weakness Nervous Debility, Indigestion. Melancholy, Insantiiy, Wasting Decay, Impotence. Ac.. Ac. giving safe, speedy and effec tual prcsc-r jtioua for their permanent cure, together with much valuable information. Ail who favor me with a dg*ire to rend my work shall receive a sam ple copy by return mail, free of charge. Address JOHN B. OGDEN, M D., No 60. Nnssaa St, New York. May 17th 1353 3a rRSSTS & PS.3WE&S V —o THE SUBSCRIBER NAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for several years, a lOIESBI, AT TOWANIDA^ where all of the most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT 6r ORNAMENTAL TREES t VINES AND FLOWERS Can be obtained. Being conv.nced from experience that his Trees and Plants will give far bettor satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wyoming County than any grown in other localities, he confidently solicits their patron age. He will make annual visits either in person or by his ngents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only that his specimens may be examined and his method of dealing be tested. Al! orders by letter orotherwi.-e, for Trees, vines or pi nts will be promptly attended to. v2u3l-ly. D HARKIXS. Latest AND Reliable News Arrival of a HOT Wl —OF— Fall & Winter <SOODS. THE subscriber begs leave to inform bis numerous friends and customer?, that he has just rf turned from Philadelphia and New York, with the furgrst an!> pest Srirrtfb Stork nf Fancy Goods Shawls, Cloaks, Sassimms, gatiittts MEN'S WEAR IN GENERAL, 1 YANKEE NOTIONS, &15. | Ever brought to this County He has also bought- Fine stock of Ladies' Shoes —AND— GAITERS, HATS, anl a Full Line of ■Ji JLIiJ h d j TJ _LI ±)j bought at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. As reg iris the Qualify and Styles of Go>ds, he d*- fic? - ompetitinn. As regards Pri.-es, he only assures his frier, is. that long expt-rien< e in the trade en.ible him to buy. an i therefore, sell cheaper th in any cue else outride the city A fair trial is ail he asks. Xo Trouble to Shoic Goods. Thankful for the very lil-eral patronage heretofore bestowed on him, ha will, by strictly h".ne:t dealing, and hereafter a close attention to business, try to merit a continuance ot the some, John Weil. Tunkhwnnock. Oct 15, 1362. TO THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF WYOMING COUNTY. GrsTLKMEX.—In pursuance of the 431 section of Act of Sth May, 1354, you are hereby notified to meet in convent i n at the Court House in Tuikhinnock Borough, on the first Mun •iav in May, A D. 1363. beim? the Ath day of the month. at I o'clock in the atterroon. an i se ect rira voce, by a majority of the w hole number of ectqrs pr**>ent, one of literary an J scientific acquirement?, and of skill and experience in the art of teachin?. as County ifuperinfendent for the three succeeding year? : determine the amount of compen sation fir the satne ; and certify the result to the State Superintendent at as required by the 39th and 40th sections of said net. J. W DEWITT. County Superintendent of Wyoming Co Tunkhannock, April u, 1563. NOTICE to TEACHERS and DIRECTORS An examination of teachers will be he! lat the School House in Sterlingvi!l on Sttitprday the '2nd of May, next, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. Teachers must come prepared with writieg mate rials. J. DrW ITT Co. Sopt. of Wyo. Co. Pa Tunkhannock, April 19th. 1563. 2 w. Dfi. J7 C, BICIItt AID CBMPAIY HAVE JCST OPEJ.ED A SEW DRUG STORE opposite the residence ofR R. Little Esq , on the Corner of Tioga an i Warren Streets, in i unkaan neck Borough, where eon he had all kinds of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS ADD MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICIN ES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. DRUGS AND M DICINES, DRUGS AN D M EDIC' NES. D.N.CGS AND MEDICINES. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CITFMTCALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, PTE STUFFS, DYE STTFFS, DYE STUFFS, DYE STUFFS. DYE STUFFS, DYE STTFFS, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICIFES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT M PICINF.S. PATENT MEDICIXER, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, with.ererytr.ug usually found in his bne. L"gP"Fre#rrij tiotu accurately filled ; and all orders promptly attended to DT. J. C BECKER A CO. Tankh'ruock Pa May 6th ! Sf? v?B3?*y TO THE LADIES. 21 NFEW MILLINEH¥ —AND — S3MW ©6® ffiS ISTABLISHMENT: WE IIAVE THE PLEASURE OF INFORMING jou that we are now prepare! to offer you, ut the house formerly occupied by Henry Stark io the Borough of Tunkhannock, a NEW aad carefully sel ected stock of Jm-MHSffIT —and— STRAW GOOBS. in every variety, and of the latest styles and impor tations. OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT. Will consist of every variety of BONNETS, HATS and TRIMMINGS to b- found in that line, and of the latest and most approve I Shapes n Styles. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services ofaa experienced DRESS-MAKER, and at all times will be prepared to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest and most approved manner. Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere w remain Yours, Res]ectfullr. MRS. A G. STARK. The Undersigned, having moved to Wilkesbarre, would respectfully ask her friends and old customers to give Mrs. A. G. STARX, a call before purchasing elsewhere „ , MRS. C. T. MARSH Tunkhannock, April 13, 1663. The Latest Styles. —OF— SI'i!xX"G & SUMMER Bonnets, and MILLINERY GOODS, have just been received at the estab'i.hment of LOUISA HEPBURN, on Tioga Street, opposite the Post-office, where will be found Ladies. Chilren, Misse*. an 1 Boy's FLATS, HATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS. an.l everything in the line of Millinery, which will be told at the laicut Cash Prices. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Ladies plea.se call and examine for themselves. Tuakhannock.Oct. 3, ISG2—v2ull lywi] sasss m&st —AND— Tin Shop. THE subscriber hn? just received at his shop, over ilankinacn's Store, in MESHOPPEN PA., an! will constantly kicpon hand all the late-t MPROVED COOKKG SI VES Among whn-h are the '• CALORIC," MIXER and "I N 10V patterns, with PARLOR STjVES and Heaters ot every description, which he offers for Ready Pay at prices that will defy competition Hi- staves ire bought directly of the Manufacture ers at ALII A XV, WILKI SBARRE. PROVIDENCE and SCKANTOX. lie i- therefore enabled to sed them at a small advance en the original cost TJIS, SHEET-JRON, —AND— Copper Ware. all kinds on hmJ anl mile to order. Also PIPE, WACQX BOXES, AND SLEIGU SHOES FOR SALE. The popular Covkiac Stove, Forest Q, ti ee n, (Elevated oven) is now for the first, offered at i'2o fur 5 inch. 425 for 9 *nch, REPAIR JN6 AND dOSBING neatlv and promptly dune. HENRY STAXSBURY. Meshoppen, Dec. ITth. i362—v2nl9iy. THE PATENT MAHU SPECTACLES Constructed in accordance with the philosophy of nature, in the peculiar form of a COXCAVO-CO XVEX ELIPIS, Admirably adapted to the organs of sight, and per fectly natural to the eye. . THE BEST HELP TO THE HUMAN VISION. EVER INVENTED. The advantages in the ne of these Sr-eotaciee are. that they can be used ibr the greatest leu-th of lime, either by day or night, with perfect ease to the eye never causing giddir.es* of head, or that unpleas ant sensation experienced in the use of the common kud but tend to strengthen and improve the sight. The manufacturer ha# received testimonials of their superiority from the most eminent men of all classes, atcon' whom are lion Juseph R Chandler, Philadelphia. F. P Blair, P. M. G , Washington. T S. Anhur, Fsq., PoiUfelphix Dr. George M-CicrUn, ' Rembrant Peale, Artist, " These celebrated spectacle# are purchased fey the Sulscribar 'irectly from the M inufactu-er. Inventor and Paicutee in Philadelphia, and are thi first genu ine Paranoia Glasses ev-r offered to the people of thi* County—all others are inferior imitation#. For sale by P. C. BURNS, Tunkhannock, Pa., Jan. 7, '63. Jeweller. Revenue Stamps, FOR SALE BY T. A. MILLER, at the PostOmce, Tunkhannock, Pa. V2TD32. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. for the Relief of the Sick 3- Bitfretted. aflicted triih Virulent and Chronic L'iteatct. and especially for the Cure of Dictates f the Sexual Or Font Medical adme* given grant, fcjr the Acting Surgeon Valuable Report* on Spermatorrhoea or semtn We tltnew, asi ofber P'wases of the Sexes! Org* u anion the Xe Retaeiiseemp'cjed in ue Dispe_*j rr, est to the afflicted in sealed letter envelope *: • ef charge. Two or three stamp* fr post ge wifl Re aoceptable. Aiiresa, Dr J SKILLIN liOCGil TON, Ah ting Sargooo, Howard Asy>:iatioo, Nsoiy Ninth J?tree Phi!* ieirfcta Pa. -ny^r TRY TWp NICHOLSON MILLS! I {NEAR BACQW3 OLD STAND.) TniS Mill bu been lately re-Stted and s.'l the modern improvements added mT ><} It *uw U charge of MR- BACOX, of Niebolson, Wyoming county, one of lb* b**t Mtt leri ia Use ©ouatry. Particular atteatloa paid to - Custom Work, winch will b* done on abort actio* ALL WORK WARRANTED, and if oat utlA* torily doaa may be returned at the ezpeaae of tb* subscribers. FLOUR of all kind?, iIEAL and FEED, oonaUa* ly on hand and for aale, at the Lowcat Caen price* .. V§T Cash or Floor paid for grain at the Highest Cash prices, 3 D BACOX Propriety/ - PICTURE GALLERY AMEROTYPES, PHOTCGRAPhS, AIBIKtN RRINTS, &C. ANEW PICTURE GALLERY" hi- iu*t lean cesv. Ed in Tunkhatsnock, which is rurvj'.ei with ei> tire new material for the taking of Pi iu:i ic the Photographic Art. The undersigned Lu re-fitted and furnished he Skv-Ligfat Gallery in Samuel Stark a Brick Block, and is now prepared to take Pictures in the latest and most improved style of the Art. ■ iSIMI IF CUES. lie has purchased a splendid assortment of Case* among wr.i -h are the Inion, Bund, C/cip, (jciugom, Oval Gilt Frames, Gilt Trays, Jf-c., —very neat and desirable patterns—besides a variety of plain and fancy Cases, of every sue and description. The foregoing, be thinks, are inducements sufficient for every one to cotne to the Picture Gallery and secure one of those " faithful shaduic*''— " W hioh light an 1 art, with magic spell. By working together, can catch so well f" If not. there are other considerations. How impor tant that you secure a faithful your friencf* and relatives ere it is toe late. You hare all experi enced something of the satisfaction afforded in gating on the Picture of an absent friend ; and some of you hive known the sad pleasure derived from powessing the likeness of some krved one who has been laid be neath the church yard mound, and felt that " No price could take from yoa A memento so cherished ; For, hew sacred the shadow, eince thj substance has perished.' Eut you perchance have friends rt : ll with yo whose pictures you have not yet secured If so make it the business of to-day, to-morrow may be too lat*. Then come to the Picture Gallery in Samuel Start's Brie* Block— third story—a few doors esst of Wall'* Hotel, and secure one of these -'faithful shadmet" „ ~ ALVIN DAT. TankhannockLec. 10. 28t2.—v 2niS THE MAGIC TIME OBERV The Perfection of Mechanism. Briti A nviTtw Ast> OPEW FACK, OH Labt'i OP. GEXTLEXAVS WATCH COMSISED. One of the prettiest, most convenient, and decided ly th-j test an! ihe.ip-est timepiece for general and reliable ue, ever offered. It has witbm it and con nected with its machinery, its own winding attach ment. rendering a key entirely unnecessary. The caes of ti-is Watch a composed of two metals, the outer one being fine 16 carat gold. It has the im proved ruby action lever movement, ani is warrant el an accurate timepiece, Pri-e, eaperbly en graved, p-er case of a half dozen. 8204,00. frample Watehus, i.. neat morocco boxes, tot those proposing to bay a wholesale, 825. sent by express, with Li" payable oat delivery. Soldiers must remit payment in advance, as we cannot collect from those in the Army. Ad dress HI EDARD BF.OS A CO.. SOLE IMPORTS** COR. NASSAU A JOHS ST# , NRW-TORR. GUARDIAN* ALE OP Real Estate, By virute of an Order of the Orphan's Court EL Wyoming County there will bo exposed to pnblie *ale at the dwelling house of John Wise, in the Township f Faii3 in sail County, 0 n Tuesday the '2nd day of June A I> 1063, at 2 P. M. of said day, the following described Heal Estate. FIRST, An eqo<l undivided free twelfth part of all thai certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the town ship of Palls, Wyoming County Pa. it being part of * larger tract surveved in the warrantee tame of Eli sha Spaik. and bounded and described as follom: Beginning at the South Eastermost comer of rr'd larger tract and renting thence along its Southern line erf degrees, West S7 and five tenth perches, to land conveyed by Josiah Larking to ii-jrace W. Finn Then~e along said land Nrth. 1} degrees. East 29 perches to a corner. Thence along same land North S:i degrees, West 19 per he; to a corner. Thence South 52 degrees. West 34 perches to a comer.— Thence along the s itae. North 1 f degrees. East 38 ani cine Tenth per. hes to a corner. Thence along the arre >* orth ??} degrees, Wed 36 perches to land conveyed to Patrick Thence alorgsaid Patrick's land, Nortn 1| degrees. East 23 perches to n -ne- Thence along ian i sold to Nvah Patrick, S- uth Br* degrees. Eist 67 perches to a corner. The ue N-,rtL 27 degrees, West 23 perches to a cor c-r. then-e along same land North,js~| degrees, Wee* 16 pen he* to a corner. There* abmg th same land South SS? degrees, East 122* perches to the Eastern Ine o: -ril 1-rgs tract. Thence along said line South If degrees West 106 per-hes to the place of begin ning. containing 63 acres ani 165 perches of mute or less. LOT N Ort. ' ALSO An equal undivided four tselfth's part of a certain piece of land lying in the Township of Fall#, County and State aforesaid. Bounded as fol lows : Beginnning at the North West C .rner of a lot of land surveyed in the Warrantee name of J -tries Thence South Br| degrees F-r Jig perches to a post and steers. Tbence S. If degrees West 45 and seen tenth's parches to a comer. Thence North erf degrees, Wert 116 perchas to a comer Thence N. >S i degrees West ) 16 perches to % comer to the East line of ETisha Spark's tract of laod. Thence North If degrees, East 45 and nine tenth's perches to the pi ace of beginning. Contains 33 acres and 44 perches of land more or less. Terms f sale—One fourth of purchase mosey * „ be paid at UM of tale, the balance with interest to be paid in ONE year ani to be secured by bond mortgage > r By Order of Court Lara A STORR ZIBA I '-'TT, Guardian of the MINER Clark. Chll Irea of Jeremiah Stone.— DECEASED SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. ai\t\ BrsHELS OF GOOBRICH^SSXDLIIIfIf Uv/v/ Comprising the f-Bowing varieties: Garnet Chili, Cuaco, Central City, CABae, AND Pinkeye Rostycoat Also 50 basbe's of Early Junes. Price $2-50 per bbL, delivered at the Fitfetea AM pet The barrel to nor.tain as many epfte ae w* choose. f • I'-ckages of each sort sent by MA\] r- _ . acts each. ** VW Csth to accnmpeny -' given if desired. • Cfl!•* BAHeR^Wj *r : t. <*,?./ i<rTT ??l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers