O CAI AND PERSONAL. vncd.—^' e are informed tbat MajorS. W. U )fthe 132 nd, has resigned his commission - service ou account >f protracted ill health. '' Privations and exposures of cainp proving too * ffor his naturally frail constitution. Weather still continues as fickle as a maid sixteen a day of snow being succeeded by ',*f indifferent sleighing; <bat by a day of rain lush 1 that by three or four days of mud, then a again, and, wi'h some slight varia nt a repetition of the dose. Furlough.-C a Pt- 0. 11. Eastman of the ) l P i Vols made abi ief visit o our town last k He was in excellent health and spirits. The '• it will be recollected, was Ist. Lieutenant Jer c'apt InP h!,m ; the liltter bitviD ? k® 6o promo t j the)"'' 1 of 'j° r *° r brilVery and meritorious l' Ul .f me former for the same reasons, was cou.- s dc l iS Captain- We venture the oi>iDion thai uore popular officer can bo found in the service. liptlieria.—There are among the small childr. n ji< ricinitv several cases of this terrible disease. one death, we believe, however, has occurred rkis course. The one noticed in our paper to- The principal difficulty in the treatment of this Lse seems to arise from the fact that the patient made to take the medicine and apply the dies prescribed. If "'ere are any preventives h "i save the child'.'-' 'Von tbis terrible afflic ,, ....n.-oit be too i,.f.'iuous in their atten pireots cam. i to tbeui. iLclnatc.— The Small ]>* still continues, to | e xtent, in most ut the surrot-'Ddmg counties, t ire no welt authenticated ot cases in [icinity. Every precaution should bf tifken to [c; its introduction and spread among us. The [kit w have so long escaped, is no guaranty of |c exemption. Let all who hare not been vac fed, lose no time iu applying to a proper person lat purpose. Remember the adage : "An ounce svention, is worth a pound of eure." ?ws Depot.~The subscriber having establish- News Depot at I)r. Khoads' Drug store calls the tion of the readers to his Daily, Weekly and li y Newspapers and Magazines, pa want one hour's later news take the Inquirer fess You will also find a fine assortment of land Fancy Valentines of every description and ices to suit the times. Il and see tor yourselves, uirer Daily IS cts. per week, Ls " 20 " " W. E. WALTON. lomirig County Musical Association.— Association met Feb. 23, 1863. The President the meeting to order After a few remarks by pt members of the Association, the motion was and earned to ajj.urn till the next afternoon. 26th. Meeting called to order. Upon motion beting proceeded to elect officers to act 6>r the L' year. The officers elected were IU P. Riss, ■cut; •>. M Storiu, Vice Pres.; A. E. Duck, ■irv; Stevens Dana, Treasurer ■ following persons were appointed Executive Jittee, J. 15. Sumner, lluuiphreyville; C D I in. Lynn ; S.S Butts, Me hoopany ; Samuel s, Eaion; A L. Avcrv, Turikhannock Association decided to hold monthly meetings day each, to be under the direction of some tlicir number that the meeting may designate :ne to time. The appointments so far for the ly meetings, are as follows, at Faetnryville, ituriay in April ; Sterlingv lie, last Saturday t; Mehoopany, last Saturday in June ; Tuak- Ick. last Saturday in September. A. E. DUCK. Secretary. fe/E d. ■ B NSON—WELSH—On the 1 t in.-t.. by Rev. i K Laue, Mr. SIDNKY DICKENSON to .M„-s , But \V Ej.su, both ot Tuukhannock Township. | —m———i | DiBd] | K-hi R\—ln this Borough on Saturday the 23th ■of Diptheria, MART LIZZIE, only daughter of Kins and Jerusha Stnnsbury, nged 6 years, 1 ■th and 19 days. Biking flowers—lay them gently lOn little MA RV'S breast; Lho blooms a flower in Paradise, I The Angels' chosen guest. I , ■M.fl—ln Tankhannock Township Feb. 21st , ■ It'i-in a GAIIMKK. wife of John Gardner, i B i i years. |°u the 19th Feb., 1863, HARRIET ELLEN, I daughter of D.uiicl and Keoecca (jay, ■ 1 3'var, 3 month- ami I'J days. ■lour dearest ELLA'S left you, IB She could no longer stay; God that hath bereft you— lwas lie that took away. "U sat and watched her parting breath. And bathed her aching head ; B!ut she's gone to be an angel— ii ere s a crown for her dear head. ou watched beside her day and i ight, had not power to save, end parents, all you did was right, B Still she now lies in the grave. ■'. I-LI.A ' dost thou si amber, P In thy cold and silent bed ? ■ no; thou art in Heaven— I From this vain world thgu'st fled still on e rth we miss thee, | There's within, an aching void, ■ Inch tells how di ar thou wert to us I Thou chosen of the Lord. ■hen let us to his will, I how our rebellious head, ■ ! 'l leyond the grave we'll meet thee, 1 U h '-' a "umbered with the dead. COM. ■to Stilinlisfinrnts. I Auditor's Notice. ■• '• n DL 'n SI( r NEI) - , AX AUDITOR AP y. Court of Common Pleas of Lu- B"le'(n,!, r ?c® the Proceeds arising from Ha hV n* E B. Benin, gives ■ his offi a K ° the dut,Cß "f his appoint i t - the Borough of Wilkes Havre, ■n 'nd „l ° Ur n' da -V'-f ApriL at 2 o'clock p| ■urJ i f " persous interested can attend K reu trom coining in upon said lund. ■ GEORGE K. BEDFORD y Bar,.,r. b . . 63 Suaitor | Notice. B'IKREBY GIVEN THAT! Ri v> t„ of j. M . Depue, of one e, and one gray inare. to be kent ma. i ■ij U !'" 2 U1 and pleasure All persons to molest or interfere with the sun. ■tnn,Fe b 14 th, 1963. ame.- H EZRA KEENY. ■ndii Grou,,d Plasfer in Cluantlties I pncw 10 s " l t purchasers, now for sale a K-MownvJ* , ■ SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUE OF WRITS OF FIERI FACIAS issued out of the Coui tof Common Pleas, of • WYOTT'NG Cotlnty. State of Penun, and to me directed ' I d * XP ?. M JJ TO PU " ,IC SAIE :U THE C " ur t House ia ) the Bomavh of Tuukhannock, in said t ?ounty, ON SATURDAY, THE 14th DAY OF MARCII, A. D. 1963. at 1 o'clock P. M-, the followingdescrib • ed property, to wit : .. B T AH of the defendant's right, tttle and INTERCUT in I and o all of that certain pioee. parcel or tract of I *9 :,Nl ' Situate in Northmorereland Township Wvomin-v County nnd State of Pennsylvania Bounded and de scribed as follows to wit ; On the East by lands of Lansing Race On the South by land of OeorgJ Rrungess ' S" It® sp° r i h ü bj , lUD J dß ° F Wl 'liam M. Champin. 1 U./ . HY LAN,JB OF DANIEL Culver, Containing , aiamt forty-five acres of land more or less, with t ,U Y RES RT " F Hnpruvcd, with a Small frame dwelling house, One Apple Orchard, and Some Other - (hereon, together with the appurtenances , hereto belonging. Seized and taken in Execution at • A UF" A T A "!F Drown RS Robert Ackley, Elmira Ackley and A. H. stark. ALSO , All of the defendants right, title an 1 intatest in and to allot th. cernio pt WC) PIR<CL OR TR;LCT OF i C. 6 I',' M " N R OE Township, Wyoming Countv i , w I <?imjylvauia. Bounded aud described ns follows to wit : On the East by lands of William M. Alexan ler, Sou,..' by lands of Johnath in Willi.. ON the VF*-st by lands of Charles S. Harding North west A}d North by lan is of Stevens Dana and Amos Cook, an ? Bowman's Creek, Containing about ONE hundred and si.Nteen acres of lano, more or less, about eighty acres thereof unproved, with two Log dwelling hou-es. One frame Darn, one Corn Crib and other out Buildings, with an A pp.'? orchard thereon, Together with the appurtenances the. "**'<) Belonging. Seized and taken in execution at the nut of William ML Piatt R A. Charlotte Eastwood ad ministratrix ar.D AUSTIN Eastwood administrator of John J&iActwooJ Deceased. ALSO All of Defrndants ri -lit, title, and interest, in, and to all of that certain pte.tnp reel or tract of lan I JCITUUTE in Falls Township, Wyoming County and Sta 'e of Pennsylvania Bounded and described AS follow*to wit ; Bounded on the Eist bv lands of James Hunt. On the South by lands of George Vandosen ON the West by lands of Fuller Sickler and Ed ward Rozell. On the North HY lan Is of James Hunt and Merit Knapp, Containing about Thirty-niuo acres of land more or <ess, with about Twelve a res thereof Im proved, with One sin ill frame House, One small frame Barn, One frame Hog-house, One Apple Orchard and j some other fruit trees thereon, Together with the Appurteoances thereto belonging. Seized an 1 taken in Execution .IT the 9uit of Fuller iickler. rs T I'. Uatten and Elizabeth Hatteu. And wiil be sold for Cash only, by LEVI H. STEPHENS, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, > Tankhannock, Feb. 25 1563 Y corirr OF Al\ EAL. "VJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE il C' uimissi. nets of Wyoming Couutv will hold a Court ot A| peal at their offi. Ein the Borough of Tuukhannock. for the sever. l townships insaid Coun ty, commencing on March 23d, 1863, trnd ail persons who may feel aggrieved on account of their taxes lor the year 1963, may attend and be heard, MARCH 20, 18A. Bnintriiii Township^ Exeter " Nr'ih Branch •' Clinton " MARCH 24. 1803. Lemon Township, Forkslon " Nicholson " MARCH 23, 1803. MEHOOPITPY iownship. Meshoppen " Wiisiiington " MARR II 20. 1803. im.ham Township. EI ton Monroe " Oveidiet I " MARCH 27. 1803. NortTSinorel.ind Town-hip. Falls. Tunkhann ck •' -M \ RCH 28. 18G3. Tunkhannock Borough. By orict of the Commissioners, WM. F. TERRY, I Clerk | Commissioner? Office, Feb 25th, 1633 IW TO Coiißumptivcß,— The Advertiser, I bavin ■ beiu re-torsd to health in a few we ks by a I very simple remedy after having suffered several years with A severe lung affection, and that dread 'lis '.ise, Consumption — is anxious to make known to his fellow suffer rathe means ot cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the pre s riptiou used (free of charge), with the direction for prep iring and using the same, vrbi LI they will find j ASRIIK CLRK roßCoNsrvipriov, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, iAX Ihv only olject of the advertiser in sending the I PRESCRIPT ION i- to benefit the afflicted, an 1 spread itt ; f 'nnation which ha conceives to be invaluable, an be I HOPES every sufferer will fry his remedy, as it will I cost ihem nothing, and inav prov* a blessing. REV KUWARD A. WILSON. Williaiusburgh K.ngs County, New York. 3M. EXECUTOR'S S \LE of a Large Improved Farm. | By virtue of directions in the last Will of James ! J McKune deceased, late of Falls township, Wyoming J Co , there will be sol lat public sale, at the Court j House in* the borough of Tuukhannock, Wyoming Co., i Penna., on Tuesday the 1 0TH day of March 1863. at I one o'clock P. M . the following described valuable | improved farm, situate in I'alls township, Wyoming I CO, Penna., bounded on the North by lands of Bp*n | ccr Fitch ; South by A lam Kresky and Clark ; ' East by F uller Sickler, and William Owens, nnd ; West hy Stephen Post, containing nbout 30(1 acres j of 1 nd, about 80 acres improved, with one trauie 1 dwelling house, two frame barns, one milk house, and two good apple orchards thereon, good living : water on all parts of the farm. The land can be divided into two farms with ad- ■ vantage, and will be sold together or in two farms, j to suit purchasers. This farm is situated one mile ! from the North Branch Canal and Susquehanna riv er. Persons wishing information can inquire of Wil liam -McKune, who resi les near the premise?, or by j letter directed to Falls P. 0., Wyoming Co., Penn . or of A lv l'eckh.llN, at Tuukhanumk Wyoming Co. Penna. One third of purchase money down, and terms made easy for balance. WVI MCKI NR, ) JAMES MCKUNE, S Executors of the last Will of JAMES MCKUNE, deceased. TO NERVOUS SUFFF.HEKS OF BOTH SEXES. A REVEREND GENTLEMAN IIAVTNG BEEN ' resti red to health in a few days, alter undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of j | treatment without success, consideis it his sacred du- I ty to communicate TO his afflicted fellow creatures! the means of cure llence, on the receipt of an ad- ! dressed envelope, lie will send (free) a copy of the prescription used Direct to Dr JOHN M DAGNALI., J 168 F'ulton Street, Brooklyn, New York. v2u24ly ' JACOB BEHLINBEOF. /osl)iiinai)if Sfiauiiifl, flair rutting, AND SHAMPOOING SALOON. Shop Opposite May ward's Hotel. Ladies' haircut in the most !nshinable style, El' ther at his Saloon, or their residence, if desirable. Mr. Berlinghof is receSHv from New York city, where he was employed in the befit establishments, and consequently feels warranted in guaranteeing ! satisfaction to an who may favor him with their eus- I I I PROSPECTUS OF "®|e | gc," A SATIBML BEMCBRATIC SEWSFAPER TO BE PUBLISHED DAILY AMD WEEKLY I* TUB CITY OF PHII.ADFI.PHIA, BY A. J, GLOBSBRENNKU & Co. A. J. GLOSSBItEN'.NER. FRANCIS J. GRl'.Nl). WILLIAM H. WELSh. " J n L E -AOK'' will advocate the principles and toli cj ot thei Democratic party, and. will, therefore, nec essarily fliVhr the restoration of the Cniorias is. was, and defen 1 the Constitution of the United Stated and that ot this Commonwealth. , If wi, l freely and fairly d'scuss all legitimate suc jects ot newspaper comment, including of course, and pre-eminently t this time, all questions connected with tho existing unhappy condition of our country. It will teatlmly criticise the public acts of public servants, and del end the legai and constitutional nguts ot individual citizens ana of sovereign states, against ass units from any quarter. It will seek to awaken toe minds of the people to a proper sense of the a tual condition of the Repub lic—to present to them, truthfully, the fearful perils in which wo stand as a nation—to exhibit the magni tude of the task that is before thein, if they would die. k our downward progress—and to inspire them with patriotic determination to apply THE REMEDY lor our national ills. Iu brief, it will, in all things, aim to 1 e the faith ful cxiiooent of Democratic principles, and to render tee t worthy to bo an organ of the Democratic par y, under wh'.-c auspices our country prospered so i 10-'o SO well. Ihe restoration of that party— the party o the CONSTITUTION and tho U-Ntos-to power, lcg..".'.'!'ive and executive governmen tal branches ot the States and of the Union, we be lieve to tie necessary to avert anarchy, and the uttir ruin ot ttie Republic. To contribute to that restora tiou will bo our highest aim. The News, Literary, Commercial, and other d(- partments, will receive due attention, and will be so conducted as to make • THE AGE" worthy of the support of the general reader. [ g ihe many d fficultics now surroun ling an en terprise of the magnitude of that in which the under -lghea are engaged, require them to appeal to the public for a generous supjiort, and to ask for " THE AGE" a li icral patronage and extended circulation. 1 he present state of the preparatory arrangements warrants tire expectation, tint the first number P the D uly v.ill appear before the clo*e < f the month, (February, 1363.) The Weekly will be is sued soou thereafter. TERMS. DAILY. Per Annual, fg f,Q BiS Months, * 3_(X) Three Mouths, J.SU Copies deliv red at the counter, and to Agents and Carriers, 2 cents each. WEEKLY. Per Annum, S2OO Fix Months, ] QQ Three Months, 56 Ten Copies to one address, 17.50 Twri uty " " " 32 po Thirty, " 4560 Payment required invariably in advance. Address, A J GI.OBSBRENNER A COl 43't Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. January 26:h, 1563. THEIIAGIC m OBSERVER. The Perfection of Mechanism. BEING A HUNTING AND OPEN FACE, OR LADY'S OR GENTLEMAN'S WATCH COMBINED. One dfthe prettiest, most onvenient, and dc ided ly the best an I cheaj-est timepiece fur g' nenl and reliable use, ever offered. Tt has within it and con nected with its machinery, its own win ling attach ment, rendering a key entirely uonecrv-ary. The cases <il tics W it -h are onqmscd of two metals, the outer one being Hue 16 carat gold. it his the im proved ruby a.-tion lever movement, and is warrant ed an accurate tiin qiicce, U.i c, superbly engraved, per case of a half dozen, 5204,C0, FampTe Wat.hes, ia neat morocco boxes, I n liinso proposing to buy a wholesale, $35, sent by expn ss, w:th bill payable ont delivery. .Sol iters um-t remit payment in a Ivan,-e, as we cannot collect from those in the Ami v. Ad dress HUBBARD BROS & Co., SOLE IMFOHTEKS COR NASSAU A JOHN SIS , NEW-YORK. a-rawis mm —AND— Tin S3loLOjp m r p HE subscriber has just re eived at his shop, over 1. Hankinson's Ftore. in MESHOPPEN PA., and will constantly ktep on hand all the latest IMPROVED COOKING STOVES Among which are the " CALORIC," MINER and " UNION" patterns, with PARLOR ST-jVE-S and Heaters of every description, which he offers lor 3E5.0A,C3.3R at prices that will defy competition liis stoves ire bought direct! vof the Manufactur ers at ALB \NY, WILKI SB A RUE. PROVIDENCE ana sCRAN'i ON. lie is therefore enabled to sell them at a small ml van e on the original cost TIM, SHEET-IRON, —AND- Copper Ware. all kinds on hnt and male to or ler Also PIPE, WAGON BOXES, AND SLEIGH SIIBES FOR SALK. The popular Cookin Stove, Forest (t uee n, (Elevated oven) is now for the first, offered at S2O f<>r 9 inch, $23 lor 9 ; nch, REPALRIMTIAFJD JOSBIHB neatly and promptly done. HENRY STANSBURY. Mcshoppen, Dec. 17th, 1862—v2n191y. THE PATENT PARABOLA SPECTACLES Constructed in accordance with the philosophy of nature, in the peculiar form of a CONCAVO-CONVEX ELIPSIS, Admirably adapted to the organs of sight, and per fectly natural to the eye. THE BEST HELP TO THE HUMAN VISION. EVER INVENTED. The advantages in the of these Spectacles are, that they can be used for the greatest length of time' either by day or night, with perfect ease to the eye never causing giddiness ot heml, or that unpleasant sensation experienced iii the use of the common kind, but tend to strengthen and Improve the sight The manufacturer has received testimonials of their superiority from the most eminent men of all classes, among whom .tie Hon Joseph R Chandler, Philadelphia. F. P Blair, P. M. G , Washington. T. S. Ar'hur, Esq , Philadelphia Dr, George McClellan, Reinbrnnt Peale, Artist, " These celebrated spoctarles are purchased by the Subscriber Erectly from tho Manufacturer, Inventor and Patentee in Philadelphia, and are thi first genu ine Panu>la Glasses ev- r offered to the people of this County—all others are inferior imitations. For sale by P. C. BURNS, Tuukhannock, Pa., Jan. 7, '63. Jeweller. LIME FOR FARMERS, AS A FERTILIZE for sale at VERNOY 'S. Mtehoppen, Sept 19. 196. STOVE & TIN-WARE * 4mr*oM'7m.TAL MANUFACTORY, TUNKHA NNOCK, Pa. ROSS, BRO'S. NT A NTJFACTCURJB AND DEAL IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF TIN, SHEET-IRON, AKD (Topper C'ulan. COOKING, PARLOR, AND BOX STOVES &TO VE PIPE (f- FURNITURE, Heaters and It eg i ste rs, PI MPS, ZINC, LEAD PIPE, JAPANNED AND BRIT AN IA WARE, And, indeed, everything pertaining to their busine which they offer at PANIC PRICES. ROOFING, GUTTERS and CONDUCTORS, put up, at short notice. JOBBING and REPAIRING of nil kinds, prompt ly and neatly done. Give them a calf. Tunkhannxk, Sep:. 11, 19G1. l v . 3*T E TJU~ 1 AND CHAIR ~ P f: -"35 Z z J"*nV Z* C- .... r — r - ws *ll cs v 1 ■.-■■■ • 5j 2 A MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has opened a new Furniture Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock, n*-st door to C. M. Horn's grocery store —where are kept on hand an ! manufactured to order: TABI.es of all sires, patterns, and s'yles. CHAIRS Cane-scat, Flag-bottom, and common. B' RE \US of all styles, sir.es, and prices. BEDSTEADS. Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, IVORK STANDS, BOOK CASES. and indeed every thing which can be found in the largest furniture esbibli-hnteutg in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can be I ught in any town outride of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any e.-taiiliriunent in the country, he so li its the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired. UNDERTAKING.—Having a Hoarse of his own, and having had much esporiem e, he will attend to this department of the business on short notice, and in it satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM IIAAS. July 16, 1362.-yn4oly PTfTTTPT 1 fi. ATT T<TV xlt I U 11 xa u A JlijLi ftXI X < 6 |p AMSROTYPES. AIEU tN RRINTS, &C. \ NEW PICTURE GALLERY ha- u-been cesv. JA od in Turikhanno-k, which's su.- !- t with en tire new material for the taking of Pttr§ in the Photographic Art. The un lersigned has re-fitted and furnished the Sky-Li -ht Gallery in Samuel Stark's Ilrick Block, an i is now prepared to t ike Pictures in the latest and most improved style oi the Art 691 MSTIIT B? CASES. lie has purchased u splendid assortment of Cases, among whl-h are the Union. Band Clasp, Octagon, Oral Gilt Frames, Gilt Trays, tyc., —very neat au i dtstrul le patterns —besides a variety of plain and fan V Cases, ofettefy stz-- and description. The foregoing, he thinks, are inducements sufficient for every one to come to the Picture Gallery and secure one of those " faithful shadows"-*- " Which light an 1 art. with magic spell, By working together, can catch so well !" If not. there are other considerations. How impor tant that you se tire a faithful lik'-nessof your friends and relatives ere it ts too late. You have all experi enced something of the satisfaction afforded in gazing on the Picture of an absent friend; and some of you hive known the sad pleasure derive 1 from possossiug the likeness- of some loved one who has been laid be neath the church yard mound, and felt that "No price could take from you A memento so cherished ; For, how snored tho shadow, . Since the substance has perished." But you perchance have friends st 11 with you whose pictures you have uot yet secured. If ,-o make it the business of to-day, to-morrow uiay be too late Then come to the Picture Gallery in Samuel Stalk's BrioK Block—third story—a few doors cast of Wall's Hotel nnd secure one of those " faithful shadows " ALVIN DAY'. TunkhanuockDec. 10, 1862, —v 2ulß ~XG THE NEW FALL ARB WINTER MILLINERY G! AT MRS. BARDWLLL'S Opposite the Post-Office. WHERE may be found a general assort ment rf Ribbons, Bonnet Material, F1 wars, Ruches, Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Misses' and Chil dren's Hats and Shakers, nnd all other articles utho milliney line, which will be offered at the la,vest market prices. Please call and examine before purchasing se where. [ Bleaching and repairing done in good order ami at tho shortest notice. Tunkhnnook, Nor. 12 1862—r2n14-3m. MECHCAL HALL! BRINE ST., TUNKHANKOGK, j NEXT DOOM SOUTH OF C. M. KOON'S. 11 J. I. 1110 S. PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST. JUST RECEIVED at the Tunkhannock Medical HaH, the largest and best assortment of Drugs and Medicines ever brought to this section of country. These medicines have been selected by the sub scriber himself, with £reat care, and hench he can recommend and warrant them as being pure and un adulterated. Jlis stock comprises in part, (he following, to wit: DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DUE STUFF?, PAINTS,OIT.S, PERFUMERY, FANCY NO TIONS, FINE WINES AND LI QUORS, (FOR MEDICINAL PUR POSES ONLY) COAL OIL, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, CAMPHENE, COAL OIL LAMPS, ALSO STATIONERY, WRITING INK, PHOTO GRAPH IC AI, RUMS, TO R ACCO, SEG A RS, PIPES, AND AL.L THE PROMI NENT PATENT MEDICINES OF THE DAY, ALL OF W 111 CII CA N D E BOUGHT ON THE -MOST REASON ABLE TERMS, FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS accurately com pounded at all hours of the day and night. Dr. J. M*. RHOADS, Physician and Druggist. Tunkhannock, May 14, 1862. n4o—ly RUNNING STILL! r fM!E OLD ESTABLISHMENT of the subscriber, X is still in running order, through all tue reverses an i panics of former ci vs, since 1833, without being wound up, ai which place yen can find a good assort ment of DYES. DRUGS & MEDEHES. as can be found in the county, warranted genuine and pure. Roots, Shoes, Harness and Leather, as good as the best, and as cheap as the cheapest, and all the WORK WARRANTED. You can get all kinds of Job Printing done to or der, and blanks of every kind constantly on hand, which, in style, arc not surpassed by our largo or eouuty offices. TO THE LADIES. rest from your toil, and buy a MACHINE Tiie subscriber Ins also succeeded in obtaining one of Lie best, and most reliable ib-wing Machines, for the tnqfiey, n..w in mar. et, viz: Davis's $45 Shuttle, and the S O Franklin Machines, equal in capacity to ft heeler & Wil-on's §75, or tiro v. r <fc Baker's §45 machine, and makii g the same stitch, wjiich is one tlnr 1 saving in buying here than at auy other agency iu Northern Pennsylvania. Every Business Man do your own Printing ! IT WILL PAY! L 0 WE ' S P A TENT PORTABLE PRINTING PRESS. (the cheapest in the United States.) for sale. Price, from S's to $25 for a press. Office complete, from SlO to §75 with ty)>e and all necessa ry material Cull and see them, or scud for a circu lar of full particulars. Particu! r attcution is called to SPRING a RHEUMATIC ELIXER, and very effective Liniment, for all Rheumatic pains. Headache, Dypthcria, Ac , fir sale in Mehoopanv by Dr. Bccke* & Co. and Henry Love ; on Russell Hiil by T. .Stcmpl s; .it. Forkston by Mr. (Jarey; at Me shoppen by llenrv Sfansburv. A trial of the medi cine, will in 11 cases, prove satisfactory. Try it, and be convinced. nilK K : 50,000 Brick for sale. Thanktul for past favors, the subscriber is determ ined, bv strict attention to business, to merit still fur ther patronage. T. D. SPRING. Laeeyvillo, Fept. 24, 1962—v2n7. ii ai; d War e & iron 1 ,a —OFFER FOR SALE IRON, STE L NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, HORSE-SnOES, American anii (Cnßlist) gorse Hails, Wnol'CHT NAILS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, (ALL "WARRANTED,. HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPIN DLLS, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, PIPE BOXES, SPUING STEEL, BOTTS, NUTS, WASHERS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES : PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD, FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, AC , Ac., Ac. . ALSO SASII, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT, AND MANUFACTUR ED 'lO ORDER. LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Fair bank's Scales. v 8c ranter, March 2G, 1969, vln33- l y Latest AND Reliable News Arrival of a —OP— * Fall & W inter THE subscriber begs leave to inform bis numeroaf ' friends and customers, that he has just retarget trom Philadelphia nud New York, with the largest anb prst Srlcrttb Stock nf U .jjflllffeS Q Fancy Goods Shawls, Cloaks, teimfrrs, fating' MEN'S WEAR IN GENERAL, YANKEE NOTIONS, &C. Ever brought to this County. ne has also boagkt* Fine Stock of Ladies' Shoes —AND— GAITERS, HATS, ! an J a Full Lino of JMS7 EEiB, bought at ASTONISHING LOW PkICES. As regards the Quality and Styles of Goods, he de fies competition. As regards Prices, he chly assure! his friends, that long experience in the trade enable! * him to buy, and therefore, sell cheaper than any eaa else outside the city. A fair trial is all he asks. No Trouble to Show Goods. Thankful for the verv liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him, he will, by strictly honest dealing, and hereafter a close attention to business, try to merit a continuance o! the same, . , John Weil. Tunkhannoek, Oct 15, 1662. Heeiiier's BTO*E! at Falls. AL.AP.GE. NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK of Seasonable , of all kinds, it new being received at BEEMER'S CASH STORE! & J 1 Having been purchased at PRICES fr BELOW tt)t MARKET HATES 1 and selling exclusively for 2rS.eEtcl.37- he is enabled to undersell any Store in this part of the country. In the line of Domestic Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, —and— Groceries, HE DEFIES COMPETITION. Ilis stock ot Cloths, C assim is complete. Also, IIATS and CAPS. In fact he has G3ocn)U)ing to Suppli) 11 )c lUoots of tijc P EO P L E. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES will be paid foe BI TTER, EGGS, and GRAIN of all kinds, ia ex change for Goods. lie returns his thanks to the people of his neigh borhood fir their liberal patronage ; and by fair aad honest dealing, hopes to merit a continuance of the same THE LATEST STYLES OF Fall and Winter • 1 auc * ' ."* MILLINERY GOODS > have just been received at the establishment of x MISS LOUISA lIKPISURN, on Tioga Street, opposite the Post-office, where will be found Ladies. Chilrcn, Misses, and Boy's FLATS, HATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, and everything it the line of Millinery, which will bo sold at the Jewat Carfr Prices. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. ' Oct. 3. IBS? —v2nll—!y wW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers