AND PERSONAL. 1 ,j _ „ pc j, CO much occupied by matter, thai; t Boot be deferred, that our pre.'cnt issue lacks its | " ar e I. Tn time of peace, prepare for war."- ■ aCC " , r0 for poring, by going to Mo wry s mZU .ad e*tol yo" "W' J ot f"""'' ■ 1° statement-" Wo shall puM,ah thC ■"?. f ,he c °" n - , E .h. It will be well for all to remember of writing will be regarded legal td.v of January, 1363. unless it has a 11 h, " d ' balil on,u B; r esult- d of an abolition administration. |B chase.— A live fox captured some time ■ liUbe let loose on the Avery flats oppisite iro ugh on Saturday next. Sportsmen are in- Ke bring in their dogs and give chase. The 3" ■ - dog to be entitled to the lox and honors Hsport may be expected. Buarterly Meeting.—The last Quarterly Ring tor the present conference year will be held ■' E cburc h in this Borough, to commence on jjf-i.j. the 31st, inst., at 2 o'clock P. M- Kouation.—The f.iends of the Rev G. W. Seo jgMwill make him a donation visit at his residence Best Pittston, on Wednesday afternoon and eveu iqj uie 2S:h inst. Bftvs Depot.—The subscriber having establis'n- B New- Be[*it at Dr. Rhoads' Drug store calls the of the readers to his Daily, W cekiy an 1 ; y Newspapers and Magazines. you want one hour s later news take the . nqtiiret ou wl " !,1?0 ® udll fi n° assortment of sta- j Christmas presents which have just arrived- I Hill an 1 see tor yours dvi.-. Hiqairer Daily 13 cts per week, B e . " 20 W. E. WALTON. ■ [■lyer's American Almanac has BOW arrived Jis now ready for delivery, gratis, by Samuel fHjrk, to all who call for it. Our readers may be to know that this little pamphlet which h • true so much a favorite in our section has qui'e j largest circulation of any one book in the world, 1 lept the Bible. It is printed in many languages ! I scattered through many nations as well as sup kd to almost the entire population of our own vast Jniin. Every family should keep it, for it contains I r.nnation which nil are liable to require when knessovertakes them and which may prove inval- , Me from being at hand in season. If you take j 1 advi. e you will call and get ui; Ayer's Almanac, 0 when you get, keep it. fruits and Flowers.—Mr. Daniel Ilarkins, Towanda, Bradford County, lias exhibited to n? scimcns of fruit?, flowers and evergreens, from bis rsery at that place. Mr. II with whom we have en per onallv acquainted f- r several years, is an right and reliable dealer iri fruits and is worthy the confidence of the people. Having been eli ded in the nursery business for several years, he Bow prepared to furnish orders for all kinds ot tits flowers and ornamental tiecs and shrubs. His xnnity to this county, and the certainty, timeli aul good Condition in which his trees Ac would ■ delivered should make him the man above all ifiers for our fruit growers to deal with lie has fc Several years delivered fruits to many of our far iprsiutlie northern part of the county, to all ot 1 ujl 'uhe refers as a guarantee that Lis mode ol ta iling has given entire satisfaction. lion Wui. ] Hived Col. V. E. Piolette, and Col. Llhanan smith j ■ hi? county may also be referred to. 3Vla.rriedl. I ■ III.—CO HEN—At the resider cce of tL"~ Bride's ■ Father, in Pittston, on the 22nd inst. hy the Rev. jail Reubeu of Wilkesßarra, Mr JOIIX M'kii. of ■ Tuakhannock, to Miss EsTtitn COHKX, of the t'orm ■ er place. H He acknowledge the cake in this case, for which Hkeu of remembrance, tiic happy pair have our siu- prayers for loug lives, unalloyed happiness, a ■>?t uf gook looking gran I children, who resemble Hieir parents^ ■ Died. J _ ! ■MITII—At Literpooi, Perry Co , l'a., Mr. ZIBA I sst!Tn, aged 64 years. H aCKSOX—In Binghnmton, N. Y. Jan. 10, j lof disease of the kidneys, THOMAS JACK | BOX, 31. I>., aged 57 years. I Br. Jackson was a nitive of Pennsylvania,born in hat is now Wyoming county, April 23, 1805. He' raduated in medicin. in I'hiladclphi t, in I =27 In —3 he came to Binghainton and commenced the rtctice of his [>rofession. lie at once entered upon ' a extensive practice and rapidlyj-ose in publie esti- ! dun and confidence. This confidence he retained P to the hour of Lis death Kin 1836 he removed to Mississippi, locating at Ray nond wht re he lived and practiced until l 40, when B>e returned to the North and established him? If at ■ir. hainton. Here he has since rcmainerJ, diligect- P? practicing bis profession, and as a fatthful senti- I'' I, guarding t lie lives and health of this cotntnuni '•r' For moro th n thirty years he has been thus _ n S a ged, during which time aio „?t an entin- gener |>on has past away, and a new one has succ- e.led, banjo- whom drew their first breath unier his pro- , 'esiional care. The death of Dr. Jackson will excite emotions of fr found regret tnroughout this entire community.— ! hlKd no insignificant or ordinary place befo.e the ! l ab c. As a man and a citizen he stood in the _ remost rank. To vefy many hootsef&d? he was e " beloved physician " Kimi of heart and of a ■ generous nature, his time and professional skill have '-•n at the service of every one, while pecuniary fscompense was to him a secondary consideration.— Q the discharge of his professional duties, he wai j rp'verned by a strong sense of obligation, not only to pose who committed their interest to his care, but *Io to that higher power which had endowed him ph such capacity, and given him the opportunity „ '" Ve h,S men ,le possessed a finely culti | ted intellect, sound judgment, and strong common ! K - He was not tenacious, yet positive in his ST L WM SClf " reliant ' and havinge confidenc in "imself, he inspired confiaence in others. He wis E to . h u SProfeßSiOß ' flDd D " Ver fuiled contribute ! - what he regarded its best interests. In the circle of his household he was the loved and nonored one—anl and affectionate nature waf i T iuelf ii i . constantly manifesting •toe lf. He WMkndeared to numerous friends hy hi. "i " a " for • J ' ,0rw > 80 lon ftuiiliar, will no more be seen ' among us, but will he laid away with those of the generation that here first knew and appreciated him ' >e work is now done, and :h his grave, calmly rest ng amid the scenes of his former labors, and his memory green in the hearts of our citizens, he wHI eep well."— lndependent Republican. THE PIIIEjnEIYOIi: 1863's peclalty. GRAND 3IIRRGR OF AMERICAN GENIUS. ■ " Correct with spirit, eloquent with ease, Intent to reason, or polite tc please " THE NEW YORK MERCURY FOR THFC: NEW YEAff. It is with no fear of War's effect upon their literary fortunes, that the publishers of THE NF.W YORK MER CERY acknowledge the Unwavering lo valty of their ' TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND suBSCitihERS, and announce to them, and to all, that THE NEW YORK METCURY for this year (1863) will be richer in every luxury of Polite Literature than ever before It is no upstart speculation, no temporary " sensatton," but a first class literary weekly, which has been familiar to the , United States for a quarter of a ecntuty ; and while j the wishy-washy mushroom prints ot yesterday are | cutting down their t.iient even while they raise their j subscription-price, THE NEW YORK MERCURY main- I tatns all its great Staff of Romancers, Poets, Humor i ists, Essayists, Story-Tellers, and Editors, and from- j ises to make it still greater for 1863. It is the one paper for everv home. Its forty col- ' limns of reading matter per week constitute an un- : paralleled CONSERVATORY OE TIIE ENTERTAINING, , and its Novels, Miscellaneous Talcs. Beauties of Verse, ! Gossip. Feuilletons, Br mdsi lesof Humor, and Polish ed Editoria-s won'-lne to epitomize yll t|je charms of WIT AND SENT IMENT ! The husban 1 reads it to his wife, 'he mother to ber children, the lover to his sweetheart, the soldier to his comrades, an I the vill ige school-master to the eirele around the stove. It is familliat to th? sight of I everv man. woman nr. I child in our emintrv. and has regular st>! smi hers in several countries of Europe THE NEW 3 ORK MERCURY, is also identified with the grandest putriut-*n> ol the a<p, for s-ver'l members II it? t>ri! M ') lu l 1 high 'nok i tour no! le nnnv, ; nt;d have made themselves as famous with the 3wor I us with tin- Pen. Tie illustrating artist of : THE NI:W \OUK 3'R '.ccny. the inimitable DARIEY, i gives the piper the highest attri! u*es of F'ne Art; and yet this largest literary weekly of theday promis es to surp ss itself in all these respects during the N w Vear! The first NEW YORK MERCURY Novelette for tha No v Year, to be commenced in the issue of Janut-ry 3, 1363, is called VICTORIA: -OR,— TIIC HEIRESS OF t'ASIXE CT.IFFE. BY COUSIN MAY CABLETON, ; AUTHOR OF " MRSY BOWER," " SYBIT. CAMPBELT.." "ERMI-SIE," 'LA MASQUE," Ac , 45. The productions of thi? distinguished authoress : need no eulogy. Pnplie opinion has long since pro noun -ed them supreri'T to nnv other novelettes pub j lishe l on this side of tho Atlantic; an I the true test j of their merit is found in the fact that thev are ca g vlv reproduced, aft'r their publication in the 3fpn ouaY. by the English press 3V"e tnoy add that the new tale. " Yirtoria," is fully equal tn interest and depth of plot to either of those whi h have securer! so large a share of public approval, and we an earnest ly recommend it to all story-readers. The Nrw YORK MERCURY is sold by all newsmen and pcrio lical dealer? in America To subscribers j it is regularly mailed every Saturday morning, for \ 52 a year; three conies for 85 ; six copies for 83 ; I eight copies for 812. with an extra copy free , to the i getter up of the elub Six months' subscriptions re- I eeived. Always \rrilr plainly the name of your j Post Office, County and State 3Vo take the notes of all solvent bank? at par. Payment must inrara iablv tie made in advance. f Specimen Copies sent free to all applicants. A liress all letters anl r-mrttance. post paid to CAULDWELL A WHITNEY. Proprietors of the Xew York Memtry. 113 Fulton street, New York City. | TIE MAGAZINE FOR THE TIMES! PETERSON'S MAGAZINE \ The Best and Cheapest In the World for Ladies ! ! Thi? popular monthly Magna ne will be greatly im proredfor 1363. It will contain ONE THOUSAND PAGES OF READING! FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLAT.-IS! TWELVE COLORED FASHION PLATES! TWELVE COLORED BERLIN WORK PATTETNS NINE HUNDRED WOODCUTS! TWENTY-FOUR PAGE - OF MUSIC ! All thi? will be given for only TWO DOLLARS a year, or ado' Jar less than Magazine of tho class of " Peteism." Its (thrilling (Tales anb iboclcttcs ere the ' c?f published anywhere. All the most pop ular writers are employed to write originally for j " Peterson." I 1363, in ndditir ntn its usual quan \ tity of shorter stnrsefr, FOUR ORIGINAL COPY RIGHT NOVF.LETTS will be given, by At n S. Step ! hens. L. 0 Moolt on, Frank Lee Be i diet, and the, Ati'hor of " The 3lurder in the Glen Ross." It tlso. j pul lishes ! Each number, it. addition to the colored plate j tries P'-nref?, Cloaks and Dresses, engraved on wood I Also, a pattern, from which a Dress; Mantilla, or Chil l's dre-s can he out out, without tho aid of a in.Kitua-inaker. Also, several page? of Household j and other Receipts. IT IS THE BEST LPDY'S P/AGAZINE IN THE WCRLD TRY IT FOR ONE YEAR. A TERMS—ALWAYS IN WDV AN CE One Copy, 0e" Year 8 2 00 \ Thre" Copie?. for One Year 500 Five Copies, for One Year 7 50 Eight Conies, f„ r On- Veer TO 00 Sixteen Copi ? fir One Year 2h 00 PfIEMH .RS FOit GF.TTIVC, tJPCLIT it Three, Five, Eight or more optcsm tkea clup. To every aerson gci.-r ■■ .i luti of Three, Five, Eight or Twelve p'es, an extra copy -if the Mig rzine for 1563 will be given, >r our mezzotint for framing, ' Bunyan 1* rting from his Blm 1 Child In Prison' To everv pcrso i getting up a clun of Sixteen, two if cither ot the pr< ttiiuuis will be sent. Address, post-paidf CHARLES J PETERSON, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. MRS. WOOD'S siiitliiTiii;'oTtiiit. FOR WHISKERS AND HAIR. THE STIMULATING ONGI ENT AND INVIG I ORATOR will restore hair to the bald head, give lew life and restore to original color gray hair ;ause rod hair to grow dark. Is warranted to bring lut a thick set of WHISKERS OR A MUSTACHE I in from three to six weeks. This article is the onln one of the (rind used by tae French, and in Lendoy and Paris it is in itniverJal use. It is a beautiful" economical, soothing, yet stimula- I ting compound, acting as if by magic urio?t the roots, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If ap : plied to the scalp it will cure BALDNESS, and cause to spring up in place of ihe bald spots a fine growth of new hair Applied according to directions, it will turu RED or light hair PARK, and restore gray hair 1 to its original color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flex ible. The " ONGUKNT "is an indispensable articl. in every gentleman's toilet, and alter one week's use they would not lor any consideration be it. The subscribers are the only Agents'forlta Article in the United States, to whom all orders must b9 ad dressed. Price ONE DOLLAR A box—for sale bv all Druggists ' and Dealers—or a box of the " onguent," warruuted to have the desired effect, will be sent to any, who pa airit, by mail, (direct) securely packed, on receipt pply to nd postage, sl.lß. ric Sou or address HORACE WOODL * 8 A th 7th eor. Grand, William sburth,n THE PATENT PARABOLA SPECTACLES Constructed in accordance with the philosophy of nature, in the peculiar form of a CONCAVO-CONVEX ELIPSIS, Admirably adapted to the organs of sight, and per fectly natural to the eye. THE .BEST HELP TO TIIE HUMAN VISION. EVER INVENTED. The advantages in the ue of these Spectacles are, that they can be used for the greatest length of time, either hy day or night, with perfect ease eye never causing giddiness of head, or that unpleasant sensation experienced in the use of the common kind, but tend to strengthen ami improve the sight The manufacturer has received testimonials of their superiority from the most eminent men of all classes, among whom are Hon. Joseph R Chandler, Philadelphia. F. P. Blair, P. M. (J , Washington. T. S. Arthur, Fsq., Philadelphia Dr, George McClellan, " Rembrant Peale, Artist, " These celebrated spectacles are purchased by the Subscriber directly from the Manufacturer, Inventor and Patented in Philadelphia, and are thi first genu ine Paranoia Glasses ever offered to the people of this County —all others are inferior imitations. For sale by P C. BURNS, Tunkhannock, Pa., Jan. 7, '63. Jeweller. j EXECUTOR'S SALE of a Large Improved Farm. P.y virtue of directions in the last Will of James McKune deceased, late of Falls township, Wyoming Co , there will be soi lat public Sale, at the Court Ilnuse in the borough of Tunkhann ck. Wyoming Co., Petma., on Tuesday the 10/A day of March 1863 at one o'clock P M.. the following described valuable improved farm, situate in Falls township, Wyoming Co., Petma , bounded Oil the North by lands of Spen cer Fitch ; South by A lam Ivrest-y and Ciark ; E ist by Fuller Sickler. and William Owens, and ; West by Stephen Post, containing about 300 acres ! of 1 fid, about 80 acres improved, with one frame i dwelling house, two frame barns, one milk house, j and two good apple orchards thereon, good living ; water on all parts of the farm. ( The land can be divided into two farms with ad j vantage, and will be sold together or in two farms, jto suit purchasers. This farm is situated one mile from the North Branch Canal and Susquehanna riv- I er- ... | Persons wishing information can inquire of Wil . iiam McKune, who resides near tho premises, or by letter directed to Falls P 0., Wyoming Co., Penn , or of A. K Peekhnm, at Tunkhannock Wyoming Co. Petma. One third of purchase moficy dawn, an 1 terms made easy for balance. WM. MCKUNE, ) JAMES AlcKunEy S Executors of the hist Will of JAMES McKI'NE, deceased. I GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. FOR 1863. G'real Literary and Pict jriul Year ! The publisher of Godey's Lady's Book, thankful to that po'aiie which has enabled him to publish a mag az ne fo.- the last thirty-three years of a larger circu j lation than any in America, has ma le an arrange I tnent with the most popular authoress in this country J —Marion Harlaud, Au.bores? of "Alone," "Hidden I Path," " Moss .Sides," '• Nemesis, " end Mirsatn, who will furnish a story for every number of the Lu- I dy's Book for 1563. This aione will place the Laaj dy's Book iu a litertry punt of view far ahead of i any other magazine. Marion 11 irland writes for no ! other publication. Our other favorite writers will j all continue to furnish articles throughout the year, j The best Lady's magazine in the Wor d; and the | cheapest—The Literature is of that kind that can j be read aloud in the family circle, and the clergy ; in immense numbers arc subscribers for the Book. The Music is all original, anl would cost '23 cents (the price of the Book) in the music stores ; but most of it is copyrighted, and cannot be obtained except in i: Gcdey." Our Steel Engravings. All efforts to rival us in ; this have ceased, and we now stand alone in this de ! partment, giving as we Jo, many uiore and lufinitely better engravings than are published in any other work. Godey's imrunese double sheet fashion piates con taining from live to seven full length Colored Fash | ions on each plate—Other magazines give only two | Far ahead of any Fashions in Europe or America j —Godey's is the only work in the world that gives these immense plates, and they are such as to have excited the wonder of publishers and the public. The publication of these plates cost SIO,COO More than i fashion plates of the old style, and nothing but our I wonderfully large circulation enables us to give them, Other magazine cannot afford it. We never spare money when tne public can be benefited. These fashions may be relied on Dresses may be made after them, and tho wearer will not subject ' herself tc ridicule as would be the case if she visited the large cities dressed after the style of the j lates in some of our so called fashion magazines. Onr wood Engravings, of which we give twice or three times as many as any other magazine, are of i ten mistaken for steel.—They are so far superior to ■ any others 1 Imitation. Beware of them. Remember publi cation and the cheapest. If you take Go-ley, you w nit magazine Everything that is useful ororn unental in a house can l>e found in Godey Drawing 11 SSOTIS. No other magazine gives them and we have given enough to till several large vol umes Onr receipts are such as can be found nowhere else. Cooking an 1 all its variety Confectionary— the Nursefy—the Toliet--th<; Laundry—the Kitchen Receipts upon all subjects are to ho foun 1 in the pi ges of the Lady's Book. We originally started this j department, and hive peculiar facilities for making it most perfect. This department alone is worth the pri e of the Book. Ladies work table This department comprising, engravings and description of every article that a ] ladv wears. Molel Cottages. No other magazine has this de | pirtmeni, I TEHMS CASIT I.V ADAANCE,— One copy one year, jB3 Two copies cbe year, 85. Three copies one J year, $6. lour copies due year, and an extra copy :to the parson sending the club, $lO Eight copies one year, and an extra ccpy to the person sending i the club, 820 j And the only magazine that can be introduduced into the ahovo clubs in place of the Lady's Book is Arthur's Hotne Magazine. Special Clubbing with other Magazines —Godeys Lady's Book and Arthur'sTlloine Magazine, both one year for 83 50. Godey's Lady's flook and* , Harper's Magazrne both one year tor $4 50. Godey ! Harper, and Arthur, will all three be sent one year on receipt of $6 00, Treasury Notes and Notes of all solvent banks ta | ken at par. Be careful and pay the postage on your letter, address . L. A. GODEY. 1 323 Chefinut Street Philadelphia, Pa m Application for License^ "AT otiee is hereby given that the following nam lxl ed persons have filled their petitions in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Wyoming County and will make application at the nexiterm of said Court, or Tavern License. J ERRED LILLIE, Moshoppen. ZIBA LOTT, Clerk Dee 30 I*s° MEDICAL HALL! BRIDGE ST., TUNKHANNOCK, NEXT DOCHI SOUTH OF C. M. KOOX'S. DR. J. I. lIIIIS. ! PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST. JUST RECEIVED at Hie Tunkliannock Medical llall, the largest and best assortment of Drugs and Medicines ever brought to this section of botmtry. These medicines liave been selected by the sub scriber himself, with great care, and hence he can recommend and warrant them as being pure and un adulterated. . His stock comprises in part, the following, to wit: DRUGB, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, FANCY NO TIONS, FINE WINES AND Lt- QIOKS, (FOR MEDICINAL PUR POSES ONLY) COAL OIL, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, CAMPIIENE, COAL OIL LAMPS, ALSO STATIONERY, WRITING INK, PHOTO GRAPH IC AI. IIU MS,TO I! ACCO; SEGA RS, PIPES, AND ALL THE PROMI NENT PATENT MEDICINES OF THE DAY, ALL OF IV II IC II CAN D E BOUGHT ON THF MOST REASON ABLE TERMS, FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS accurately com pounded at al! hour- of the day and night. Pit J. W. IUIOADS, Physician and Druggist. Tnfikhannock, May 14, 1862. n4o—ly RUNNING STILL! TMIE OLD ESTABLISHMENT of the subscriber, is still in running order, through all the reverses an I panics of former days, since 1833, without being wound up, at which place you can find a good assort ment of DYES. DRUGS & MSDiCIKES. as can be found in the count ▼, warranted genuine and pure. Boots. Shoes, Harness and Leather, good iwibe Wst. and as cheap as the cheapest, and ra l the WORK WARRANTED. You can got all kinds of Job Prirting done to or der. and blanks of every kind constantly on hand, which, in style, are not surpassed by our large or county offices. TO THE LADIES. rest from your toil, and buy a SKWIIVGr MAIICHXTE '1 bo subscriber Ins also su -.-ee icd in obtaining one of the best, and most reliable Sewing Machines, for the money, now in market, viz: Davis's s4s'Shuttle, ami the S3O Franklin Machines, erjual in capacity to Wheeler A Wil.-on's $73, orGno r .fc Baker's $45 machine, and inakii g the same stitch, which is one third saving in buying here than at any other agency iu Northern Pennsylvania. Every Business .1 lan do your men Printing! IT WILL PAY! T, 0 W E' S P A TENT PORTABLE PRINTING PRESS. (the cheapest in the United States,) (or sale. Price, from 85 to $25 for a press. Office complete, frotn slu to $75 with type and all necessa ry material Call and see them, or send for a circu lar of full particulars. Particular attention is called to SPRING a RHEUMATIC EI.IXER, and very effective Liniment, for all Rheumatic pains, Headache, Dyptheria, Ac. for sale in Mehoopany by Dr. Becker ,t Co. and Henry Love ; on Ilussell Hill by T. Stemph s; at Fork-ton by Mr Garey ; at Me shoppen by Henry Stansbury. A trial of the medi cine, will in 11 cases, prove satisfactory. Try it, and be convinced. BRICK J 50,000 Brick for sale. Thankful for past favors, Hie subscriber is determ ined, by strict attention to business, to merit still fur ther patronage. T. D. SPRING. Laceyville, Sept. 24, 1862—v2n7. HARDWARE & IRON! HUNT BLAIR —OFFER FOR SALS) — IRON, STE L NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES,' ANVILS, BELLOWS, HORSE-SHOES, Jmcriffln anb (Citfllisi) gorsc Uflihr, WROUGHT NAILS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SFAT SPIN DLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NUTS, WASHERS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES : PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD, FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac , Ac., Ac. ALSO SASII, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT, AND MANUFACTUR ED 10 ORDER. LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Falrbank's Scales* Serantsn, March 26. 1862. vln33—ly m THE ESSIES NEW FALUU^ViftTER MILLINERY GOODS! AT MRS. BARDWELL'S, Opposite the Post-Officer WHERE may be found a general assort ment of Ribbons, Bonnet Material, Fliwers, Ruches, Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Misses' and ChiL dren's Hats and Shakers, and all other articles in the millinery line, which will be offered at the liwest market prices. Please call and examine before purchasing else where. £3§f* Bleaching and repairing done in good order and at the shortest notice. Tunkhannock, NOT. 12, 1862 —v2nl4-3m. STOVE & TIN-WARE M A NIJF OR Y, TUXKHA X Xoc K , Pa. ROSS, BRO'S. MANUFACTURE ANT) DEAL IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Tift, SHEET-IS Oft, AXII Copr ©art, COOKING, PARLOR, AND BOX STOVES STO VE PIPE d FURNITURE, Heaters and Registers, PUMPS, ZINC, LEAD PIPE, JAPANNED AND BRITANIA WARE, And, indeed, everything pertaining to their business, which they offer at PANIC PRICES. ROOFING. GUTTERS and CONDUCTORS, put up, at short notice. JOBBING and REPAIRING afall kind*?, p-ompt ly and neatly done. Give thefn a call. | Tunkhann x-k, Sep:. 11, IS6I. ly. iPIUT! lIE GM.LERY AMEROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, ALBU .'tN PRINTS, &C. ! A NEW PICTURE GALLERY ha- iu*' been cesv. ii. od in Tunkhannock, which is surv !:e I with en tire new material for the taking of Pi-tires in the Photographic Art. The undersigned has re-fitted and furnished the Sky-Light Gallery in Samuel J Stark's Brick Block, and is now prepared to take Pictures in the latest and most improved style of the , Art M ASSORTMENT OF CASES He has purchased a splendid assortment of Cases, | among which are the Union, Band Clasp. Octagon, Oval (lilt Praincs, Gilt Trays , —very neat and | desirable patterns—besides a variety of plain and 1 fancy Cases, of every size and description. The foregoing, he thinks, are inducements sufficient for every one to come to (he Picture Gallery and secure one of those " faithful shadows"— " Which light and art, with magic spell, By working together, can caich So well!" If not, there are other considerations. Ilow impor tant that j-ou secure a faithful likenessof your friends and relatives ere it is too late. You have all experi enced something of the satisfaction afforded in gazing on the Picture ot an absent friend; and some of you have known the sad pleasure derived from possessing the likeness of some loved one who has been laid be neath the church yard mound, and felt that " No price could take from you A memento so cherished ; For, how sacred the shadow. Since the substance has perished." But you perchance have friends st 11 with vou whose pictures you have not yet Secttffed. If so make it the business of to-day, to-morrow may be too late. Then come to the Picture Gallery in Samuel Stark's Pri -K Block—third story—a few doors east of Wall's Hotel and secure one of those " faith fal-shadows' ALVIN DAY. Tunkhannock Dee. 10, 1862,—v 2nlS TXT E3 -W - AND - CHAIR MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture, Cabinet and Chair Manufactory In Tunkhatinock, next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store — where are kept on hand and manufactured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-seat, Flag-bottom, and common. BUREAUS ot nil styles, sizes, and prices. BEDSTEADS, Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can be found in Hie largest furniture establishments in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can be bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, he so licits the public patronage. • REPAIRING ot i| kindsdone in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired. UNDERTAKING —Having a Hearse of his own and having had much experience, ho will attend to this department of the business on short notice and in a satisfsvtory moncor. 1C , ABRAHAM HAAS. Jpiy 16, 1862 vln49ly Latest AND . Reliable News Arrivsl of a •lirey §S©®l —OF— Fall & Winter § O©SS* THE subscriber begs leave to inform his numeroa* friends and customers, tbat be has just returned from Philadelphia and New York, with the furgcst anii ilrst StUrtrt Stark if Fancy Goods Shawls, Cloaks, GaMimm*, fattntte MEN'S WEAR IN GENERAL, YANKEE NOTIONS, &C. Ever brought to this County He has also boaght a Fine Stock of ' * Ladies' Shoes —AND— GAITERS, HATS, and a Full Line of EM®¥ IlM* bought at . ASTONISHING LOW PRICES^ As regards the Quality and .Styles of Goods, he de- Ces competition. As regards Prices, he only assart* his friends, that long experience in the trade enable* ; him to buy, and therefore, sell cheaper than any en* ; else outside the city. A fair trial is all he asks. No Trouble to Show Goods. Thankful for the very liberal patronage boretofera bertowed on him, he will, by strictly honest iteming, aud hereafter, a close attention to business, try In merit a continuance ot the same, John Weil. i Tunkhannoak, Oct 15, 1662. ISeemer's Cash; 3TO M I at Falls.' A LARGE. NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK of Seasonable Goods, of all kinds, it new being received at BEEMERS CASH STORE! A*? FALLS. ——*— Having bean purchased at - PRICES fur BELOW % MARKET RATES! and selling exclusively for 1 Ready Pay ' he is enabled to undersell any Store in this part if the country. -In th line of • Domestic Goods,' BOOTS & SHOES/ —and— * Groceries, HE DEFIES GOnPETITION, His stock of Cloths, Cassimefes; is complete. Also, . ~ HATS CAPS. In fact he has v 1 0ocri)tl)inij ia Buppli) tl>r tPa&tsoftbt P EO P L E. The HIGHEST CASH PRTCES will be paid fee ! BI TTER, EGGS, and GRAIN of all kindi/inex i change for Goods. He returns his thanks to the people of his neigh borhood fir their liberal patronage ; and by fair and honest dealing, hopes to merit a continuance ©f the ;ame THE LATEST STYLE* OF Fall and Winter §OQ?N'NPE3 f §s> and ~ . , MILLINERY GOODS, have just been received at the establishaießl ©f MMSS LOUISA HEPBURN, on Tioga Street, opposite tha Post-office, when will be fonnd Ladies. Obilren, Misses and Bor's FLATS A n T £ nd GAPS, HEAD-DRE^YIBBoS' Jkl'v f\i n- r(i TRIMMINGS, and everythtag if 7, Whi ° h WiU b * Wld an , d a * at, y doM - La4ies wtl • *nd exsmina for themselves. Tuakhannock,Oct. 3, 1862 —v2nll-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers