LOCALS. Ladles, if ybd want new goods, good goods, and cheap goods, go to Weil's, one door below Wall's ho tel. Hard to Beat.—Oar friend, John O. Davis, Esq, of Meshoppen, sent bS a potatoe last week, which weighed three pound and nine ounce! 1 . We have some farmers in this region, who raise the tubers by the thousands of bushels; but of the boat loads which are shipped from this place, yearly, we hare not seen one, that approached this one for sice. They are all '"small potatoes" compared to this. Send on your big potatoes. A Heavy DrafU—Hon. Peter Ent, of Light Street, suffers severely by the operation of the Mili tia Draft. Two of his sons, Capt. W 11. Ent, and Lient. U. H Ent, have both been in the war now over a year—and nobler officers or braVer soldiers Ire hot id the ranks—and now, his other two sons, 0. P. Ent, arid Robert But; have been Drafted with Dan iel, &Ir Ent's youngest brother. This is drawing heav ily upon one patriotic family, indeed.— Columbia fitmck at. . Wanted —At this office on subscription— Forty bushels of ears of corn, Forty bushels of Buckwheat Forty bushels of Oats, Forty bushels of Wheat, Forty bushels of Rye, Forty bushels of good, unbruised winter Forty bushels of good potatoes, Forty pounds of iiofaey, Forty gollons of sweet cider, jForty pounds of pork, Forty pounds of beef, Forty cwt of Hay, Forty bundles of good cornstalks. Forty pounds of dried apples, Forty pounds of white beans, and Forty dollars in money, shin-plasters, postage ■tamps, Lincoln scabs, or anything authorized or al lowed to pass, current as a circulating medium in these times of "great financial prosperity." List of Persons drawn to serve as Jurors, for Forhihbbr Term, 1862: ' GRANb JURORS: Washington Wilber Russell, Burr B Vosbdrg, Jas. Bunnell. Eaton —Jas. Bodel, Chas. Ilirris Forkston—lra Robinson, Albert Oarey. Orerfield—A bra in Frear. Lemon —Nathan Keim, Michael Clifford. Clinton—Philetus Eaily. Asaliel Gardner, Jag. S tapwell. Windham—Thos. J. Wright, Peter F. Hope, Hi tara Keeney. Tuukhannock Bd rough- C. D. Gearhart. Mehoopany—Owen Vaughn, Joschp T Jeriuingti Daniel Myers, Barney Walter. Mesboppca— EUis Dunlap. Nicholson —11. J Shiblcy, Exeter—Aaron Cool bough. PETIT JURORS. Mehoopany—U. F. Bur*. Luke Vose. fcaton Wm. Faber, P. A. Miller, Wm. Rinker, Samuel Ward, Meshoppen—Ed war 1 .Storui, T. F. Bui lard, Samuel Jenkins, Danl. Gay. Exeter—Solomon Brown. Falls —David Patrick, Miles Sickler, Warren John %>n, J nob Sirablo, 11 jury V.nviamppjn, Whitney Leonard. Nicholson—E. L BacOn, Antos Wright, J W. Rey nold*. Clinton—Bcnj. Carpenter. Tunkhannmk Township—D. J. Bnrdwell, Zenas Jenkins, Einil. Vosliim.vr, A I mi Minger. Monroe—Stephen Lutes, Samuel G. Howell. Miller Patterson. Tunkhannock Borough—o B. Wm. 11. Thompson. Washington—David Armstrong, Edward Prevost. Overfleld—Henry S. Ager. Northmoreland- -Simon Ketnry, Satnl. Vansooy Windham—Rich'd Brungess. Died. MOORE—At Georgetown Hospital, Oct. 14th. 1862, of Typhoid Fever, Thomas S. Moore, of Tunkhan nock Township, Wyoming County, Pa " One who in life, where'er he mov'd, Drew after him the hearts of many; Yet now, as though he ne'er were loved, Dies here, unseen, unwept by any !" SaJ things are the south winds telling, Low sobbing along the lea ; October's gay charms dispeling. Bearing blight to flower and tree. They sigh fbr "dec of high bearing, Noble brow, and eye of light; His Country's call nobly heeding, he hastened to aid the right. Tho tearful farewells hail been spoken, He had turned from his parents' heart; While his sisters with anguish hoart-broken, Beheld their loved brother depzrt. but now he at last lay dying, Not of wounds from the Held of strife; A wasting disease seemed drying. The fast ebbing fountain of life. Beside him with magical finger, Stood fancy with memory's book ; And o'er each fair page bade him linger, And on its fond imagery look. He saw there his home by the mountain, Beside it the fountain thst burst; And he thought how its fresh flowing water, Would now quench his deep-fever thirst. There too, was a couch with cool pillow, For his tired limbs to press, 'twould be joy } The father who oft sends to heaven, A prayer for the wandering boy. Yet lingered not long the fair picture, For calmly he yielded bis breath; And when the lone watcher bent o'er him, He smiled in the slumber of death. tlod help the home-hearts in their anguish, To bear up 'neath tidings so dread, That have burst like & tbuuder-bolt on them, The absent,—the dying, -the dead ! Oh! then is a Sorrow that scarneth, • Thee feeble expttsridn of tears ; That marketh time's cordial and turneth, Undimed from the shadow of years. Full many a heart will be shaded, With the mantle of grief for a day; But then an hearts in which arrhws, Of grief, liho a canker shall pny. Hearts in long after years beating, As to-night they sre throbbing with pain { And in dreams hear the footsteps so welcome; That will never be coming again * Q" - • ' y PITWICU.. FOUND.. Near Piefceville, in Nicholson Township Wyoming * boßt the , Btb of October AN ACCOUNT BOOK, with black oil-cloth cover, containing several receipts 0 f value. The owner can hare the b > . Vl.re.ull., Oct TIIER R STARK ORPHAN'S Court Sale —OF— Mttablr Ural (folate. Estate of Geo. G. Lac y late of Brolntrlm Township, deceased. BY VIRTUE of an order issued out of the Or phans' Court of the County of Wyoming, Penn sylvania. tested, October 2d, 1862, will be exposed to public sale by Vendue or Outcry, at the Hotel ol Joseph Robison, in Laceyville, Braintrim Township, in said County, on Saturday, November Bth, A. D., 1862, at 1 o'clock, p. m., of that day, the fol lowing descried iahds and tone merits, late the B state of George G. Lacey, late of said township and coun ty, deceased, to wit: All that certain messuage and tract of land, situate lying and being in the township and county aforesaid, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a post near the little Tuscarora creek Thence North seventy-three degrees. , West to a white pine stump. Thence South seventeen degrees. West six perches and of a pearoh to a pest by the little Tuscarora creek. Thence up said creek to the pi ace of beginning, vix; Bounded on the North and West by lands now oc cupied by C. I. Lacey. On the South by lands formerly of Geo. G. Lacey A Co., and now occupied by Uenry Williams as a tenant, and On the East by the little Tuscarora creek. Containing two-thirds of an acre of land, moro or less, with a Two-story Frame Store-house thereon. ALSO, one other piece or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the township and County aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a Hickory sapling on the the North side of the road, leading up the rirer near the house now occupied by Geo. G. Keency. Thence a Northerly direction thirteen rods to a Chestnut corner. Thence Easterly six and half rods to a corner post and stones. Thence Southerly thirteen rods to a corner on said road to a post arid stones. TheDce Westerly along said road to the place of beginning. Containing eighty-one perches. b& the same, more or less. ALSO, another piece, or lot of land, and connected with the last mentioned, and described piece, bound ed and described, as follows: Beginning at a Hickory sapling on the North side of the road leading up the river, near the house now occupied by Geo. G. Keency, and the South-east cor ner of the last above described lot of land. Thence Westerly along said road fifteen rods to land formerly bolonging to David Lake, Jr., and now to tHe estate of Geo. G. Lacey, deceased, to a post and stones. THence N >rtherly thirteen rods til a post and stones Thence Easterly ten rods to a CheStnut corner, to lands formerly of Joseph SpaUlding (Uow the above described lot). Thence Southerly thirteen rods to the place of be ' ginning. Containing one hundred and seventy-five perches of land, more or less, with one Frame Dwelling House ! thereon. Said two last mentioned and described pieces of land, otherwise described, a? foltusv;, to wit: Bounde 1 East and North by land of Ebenczer La cey On the West by lan Is of Geo. G. Lacey, deceased, formerly of David Lake, Jr., and | On the South by the Main road, lending up the i Susquehanna river. ALSO, one other piece, or lot of land, situate, ly ; ing, and being in the Town-hip and County aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Ileginn ng at the river bank, Thenco North one ; hundred pen-lies, adjoining lands late of Isaac Lacey, now Ebeuezer Lacey. Thence North sixty-eight de grees West, on old town line. Thence South, thirty three degrees West, fifty-six perches to a corner.— Thence North, sixty-eight degrees West, four and a half perches to a corner. Thence South twenty-two degree* West, seventeen perches on old town line.— Thence South teh degrees East, one hundred and eleven perches to tho Susquehanna liver. Thenco down said river to the place of begihning. Contain ing fifty-acres, be the same more or less, all unprov ed, with one Frame House, one Frame Burn, one Ice House, ana an Apple Orchard thereon. ALSO, the undivided one half interest in and to the following described piece, or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the Township and County aforesaid, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a po9t on the little Tuscarora creek, being the South-east cor ! ner of a lot deeded to H W. Lacey by Isaac Lacey, on the 24th day of July. 1837 Thenco up said creek seventeen degrees East; three and one-tenth perch es to a post. Thence North, seventy-three degrees to a post on the back line of said lot. Thence South, seventy degrees West, to a corner post of said lot. Thence South, degrees East, seventy and three tenths perches to the place of beginning Containing one-third part of an acre of land, more or less, with a Frame Dwelling House, and small Barn thereon. ALSO, one other pieco, of lot of land, situate, lying, and being in the Township and County aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginn ing at a Chestnut tree, in ravine above the Saw Mill of Ebenezer Lacy, on the little Tuscarora creek, on line of lands of C. I. Lacey. Thence Northerly along line of land of C: I. Lacriy, to a corner stake on line of lands of CI. Lacey, and Abial Keeney. Thence a Westerly course along the line of land of Abiaj Keeney up to the land formerly of the Lake Estate. Thence Southerly, along the line of land formerly of the Lake Estate, to a corner on line of land of E. Lacey, near head of the ravine. Thence down said ravine along line of land of E. Lacey to the place of beginning. Containing about twenty-two acres of lahd, niSre or lesS, All improved. ALSO, the undivided twit-thirds interest xh afid to tine house and the ground ii stands upon, situate, ly ing, and being in the township and county aforesaid, upon the Main road leading trom Laceyville to Keeney's Berry, oil the lido between lands belonging to C. B. Lacey and Mrs 11. Brown, and now occupied by D. D. Wilson. Terms of Sale : One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale by the Court, and the remainder in one year thereafter, with inter est, tti be secured by good and approved sechrity. C. LDACEY-I Administrators. Laceyville, Oct. 15,1862. By Order of Court. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a wi\it of FIERI FA CIAS, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, and to m Sreeted, Will be exposed to public sale, at the Court ouife, in the Borough of Tunkhannock, in said Coun ty, on Saturday, the iffth day of November; A. D. 1862, at 1 o'clock, p. m. the following describ ed property, to wit: - ALL of the defendant's right, title, and interest in and to ail of that piece, parcel or lot of land, situate in Eaton and Northmoreland Townships, Wyoming Conhty, and State <tt Pennsylvania,'bounded and de • scribed as follows, to wit: Oe the East by lands of Drinker's heir*. On the South by lands of Jacob Shook and Abram Transil. On the West by lands occupied by Charles MoMul len and others. On the North by lands of Amasa Corby. Containing about sixty-five acres of land, more or less, with about forty acres thereof improved, with one Log House, one Frame Barn, and some fruit trees thereon, together with the appurtenances thereto be longing. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A. K Peckarn rs. F D. Carpenter. Will be sold for cash only, by LEVI H. STEPHENS. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, ) Tunkhannock, Oct. 29, 1862. \ SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FA CAIS. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkhannock, in said County, on Satilrdayt the l<lh day of November, A. D 1862, at 1 o'clock, p. in. the following describ ed property, to wit: ALL of the defendant's right, title, and interest in and to all of that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate in Braintrim Township, County of Wyoming, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the East by lands of Elizabeth Rugg. On the South by the atago road. On the West by lands of Joseph Fox. On the North by lands of William Rugg. Containing about seven acres of land, more or less all improved, with one Frame Dwelling House, one Frame Barn, and some fruit trees thereon, together with the appurtenances thereto belonging. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. G Woodhouso, hsS'J to A. C. A S. L. Keeuoy; rs. T. J Palmer. Will be sold for cash only, by LEVI H. STEPHENS. Sheriff. Sheriffs Offipe, > Tunkhannock, Oct. 29, 1862. J SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, and to me di rected, will b5 exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkhannock, in said County, on Saturday, the 15th day of November, A. D. 1862, at 1 o'clock, p. m. the following described property, to wit: ALL of the defendant's right, title and interest in and to nil of that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate in Braintrim Township, Wyoming Co., and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wir : On the East by Thompson Street, On the South by lands of William B. Thompson and Mrs. Keeny. On the West by lands of Mrs. Dusenbury, On the North by the Tiago Post Road. Containing about one half-acre of land, more or less, all Improved, with one two-.tory Frame Dwell ing House, and one Frame Barn, and some fruit trees thereon, together with the appurtenances thereto be longing. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George It. Roberts rs J B Edwards and E. J. Kceney. Will be sold fot cish only, by LEVI H. STEPHENS, sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Tunkhannock, Oct 29, 1962. $ SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wy oming County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, will be exposed to public s;.!e, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkhannock, in said County, on Saturday, the 15 th day of November, A. I) 1362, at 1 o'clock, p. tn. the following describ ed property, to wit: ALL of the defendant's right, title, and interest in and to all of that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Forkston Town-hip, Wyoming County, and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows, to wit! Oh the East by 1 inds, owner unknown. On the South, by lands of John G Spaulding. On the West by lands of Giles Burgess. On the North by lands of Albert Garey. Containing about fifty acre 9 of land, more or less, with about thirty-five acres thereof improved, with one Log House, one Frame Barn, one Apple Orchard, and some other fruit treos thereon, together with the appurtenances thereto belonging. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Julius Bocnisch rs. Jane Mooney. Will be sold for cash onlv, by LEVI H. STEPHENS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Tunkhannock, Oct. 29, 1362. $ SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI Facia.*, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, will he exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Tilnkfaannock, in said County, on Saturday, the 15th day of November, A. D., 1862, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following de scribed property, to wit: ALL of the defendant's light, title, and interest in and to all of that certain piece, parcel of land, situ ate in Tunkhannock Township, Wyoming County, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol lows: to wit: On the East, by the public highway, leading from Tunkhannock Borough to Montrose On the South, by lands of John Bronghton. On the West by lands of Ira Avery. On the North hy lands occupied by Rensaler Bill ings. Containing about Nine Acres of land, with about three acres thereof improved, with the appur tenances thereto belonging. Seized ahd taken in execution at tho suit of Wright & Mott rs. M. W. C. Detrick. Will be sold for cash only, by LEVI H. STEPHENS, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, ? Tunkhannock, Oct. 29, 1862. J SHERIFF'S SALE BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wy oming County, Pennsylvania) and to me directed,will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkhannock, in said County, on Saturday, the 15th day of Novemberj A. D-, 1862, at 1 o'clock, p.m, the following described property, to wit: ALL of the defendant's right, title and Interest id and to all of th'at certain tract of lahd, situate in the Township of Mehoopany, Wyoming County, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Comrhencing at a Hemlock comer on the West bank of the Mehoopany creek, nearly opposite the lower point of tho big island on said creek, and run ning thence North thlfty-eight degrees, West seven ty-three perches to the Braintriul certified town ship lino. Thence South twenty-three degree! West along said certified township line, one hnndred and seventy-four perches to posts and stones corner. Thence South sixty-nine and a half degrees, East one hundred and eighty-six perches to a post corner Thence North eight and a half degrees West four teen perches to a Buttonwood. Thenee Noßh twenty-eight and a half degrees West one hundred and twenty perches to a Button wood. Thence North three and a half degrees West fifty four perches to a Hemlock, to tho place of beginning Containing one hundred and six acres and one hun dred and three perches More or less, being a part of the Willis Dewolf tract of land, with about fifty-si"! acres thereof improved, with one Frame Dwelling House, one Frame Bam, and one Frame Bhed, one Apple Orchard, and some other fruit trees theteon, together with tho appurtenances thereto belonging. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sam uel Stark, 2d, vs. George B. Campbell. Will be sold for cash only, by LEVI H. STEPHENS, Sheriff Sheriffs Office. ) Tunkhannock, Oct. 29, 1862. ) T latest AND Reliable News! Arrival of a mm —OF— Fall & Winter THE subscriber begs leave to inform his numerous friends and customers, that he has just returned from Philadelphia and New York, with the fattest anb pest S'eicfieli Stork nf t' © fiflfeii'a, ft Fancy Goods Shawls, Cloaks, Cawiims, £attn?ffs MEN'S WEAF IN GENERAL, YANKEE NOTIONS, &C. Ever brought to this County. lie has also bought a Fine Stock of Ladies' &lioes —AND— GAITERS, HATS, and a Full Line of bought at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. As regards the Quality an I Styles of Goods, he de fies competition. As regards Prices, he only assures his friends, that long experience in the trade enables him to buy, and therefore, sell cheaper than any one else outside the city. A fair trial is all he asks. No Trouble to Shaw Goods. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him, he will, by strictly honest dealing, and hereafter u close attention to business, try to merit a continuance ot the same, John Weil, Tunkhannock, Ort 15, 1562. Heenier's STOM! at Falls. A LARGE, NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK A ot Seasonable Goods, of all kinds, it now being received at BEEMER'S CASH STORE! Having been purchased at PRICES fat BELOW tlx MARKET RATES! and selling exclusively for Ready Ray he is enabled to undersell any Store in this part of the country. In the line of Domestic Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, —and— Groceries, HE DEFIES COMPETITION. His stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, is complete. Also, HATS CAPS. In fact he has to Suppli) tlje tUaots af tl)r PEOPLE. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES will be paid for BUTTER, EGGS, und GRAIN .of all kinds, in ex change for Goods. He returns his thanks to the people of his neigh borhood for their liberal patronage ; and by fair aad honest dealing, hopes to merit a continuance of the same LIME AND BRICK, CHEAPER THAN AT where else in the coun y, fer sale at VERNOY'S , Jlesbopperi, Sept 18, ISSI Traveling Public! TO accommodate perw n d wishing to go by public conveyance from this place to any section, or re turn, the undersigned continues to run a I>£cily JLiizi© OF STJISIS. to and from Factoryvt 11c Depot. leaving bis hotel at 6 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Factory ville in time tor Trains to Q3rcat Bcnfr, Unp-tyirhj and PHILADELPHIA Returning, leaves Factoryville on the arrival of the New York, Philadelphia and Accommoda tion Train froiu Great Bend, arriving in Tuukhan nock at 7 o'clock, p. in. N. B.—All Express rar.iter, p.vkirgos and goods will be conveyed to and from the Depot, at reasonable rates; the proprietor holding himself responsible for the safe delivery of all such entrusted to his care. Towanda stage arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock, in. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p m Stages for Pittston, Wyoming, and Wilkesbarre, leave on the arrival of the Towanda 8' age, and re turning connect with the same. Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. m., connecting at Montrose With Stages for Binghamton, Ac. Returning, connects with stages for Pittston, Towanda, &c. Persons wishing to he called for at their residences will be accommodated by leaving their names at the hotel of the proprietor. Horses and Carriages in readiness to forward pass engcrf at all times. T. B. WALL sept 24 v2n7. HARD \VARE & IRON! HUNT BRO S & BLAIR —OFFER FOR SALE IRON. STE L NAILS AND SPIKED MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, HORSE-SHOES. ihnerifflit anb (Cnglist) gorse Hails, WROUGHT NAILS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) HUB?, SPOKES. FELtOES. SEAT ?PIN- Dl;BS. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXI f.S. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, 150TTS, NTT.-, WASHERS, BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES : PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT. HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD, FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, AC , Ac., <tc. ALSO SASII, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT, AND MANUFACTUR ED 10 ORDER. LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Fair bank'a Scales. Scranton, March 26, 1862. vln33—ly. 3NTOTICES ! Persons indebted to the subscriber, either on Note or Book accouht, are notified that said notes and ac counts have be n left with my Father, A F Eastman, who is fully authorized to receipt and settle the same lit if not settled soon, they will be left in the hands of dn officer for suit and collection. G. 11. EASTMAN. The business of BOOT and SHOE making will be continued by the subscriber, at the old stand, where everything pertaining to the busine s, will e done in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and at low prices for ready pay. He solicits a continuance of the public Datronage. A. F. EASTMAN. Tunkhannock, Sept. 3, 1962. Stray. Taken up on the 20th day of Aueust, 1862. stray ing on the improved land (enclosed) of the subscriber, in the township of Nicholson, Wyoming Countv, a Red Calf, with white belly, white hmd feet, and white at end of tail. The owner is required to prove his property, pay damages and charges, othetwise said Stray will be sold agreeable to law in suth cases made and provided. . CHRISTIAN HAPNER. Sept 10, 1862. Auditor's Notice. la THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE CP ELISHA HARRIS, deceased The undersigned having be?n appointed an Audit or by the Orphans' Cotirt cf Wyoming County, to ex ainiue and report on exceptions filed to the account of Rosma Gardner, Adrrfthistrutrix to the Estate of Elisha Harris, decetfsed, and also to thfe account of Silas Sutton, Administrator to said Estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in the Borough of Tunkhanftock, on Saturday, November Ist , 1862, fit 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all per sons interested aro notified to attend. F. C. ROSS, Aud'r. Tunkhannock, Sept. 24. 1852 REGISTERS NOTICE. Notice is horeby given to all persons interested in the following account, Viz. 'Hie account of Laura Garey, Executix of the es tate of Ambrose Garey, late of Windham Township, deceased, Filed Oct. 20th, 1862, that the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Wyoming Co. to be held on Monday, tie 17th day of November next, for confirmation anl allowance. Register's office, Tunkhannock, Oct. 21st, 1562 SINTON WILLIAMS, Register Auditor's Notice. Is THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP D. B JE.VKISS deceased. ' The undersigned having been appointed an Audi tor by the Orphans' Court of Wyoming County, to ex amine and report on exceptions filed to the account of NeWrian Miller, administrator to the said Estate of D. B- Jenkins, deceased, will attend to the duties of his said appointment, at his office in the Borough of Tunkhannock, on Friday, October 31sf, 1862, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all" persons interested are notified to attend. F.C.ROSS Aud'r Tunkbannck, Sept. 74, 185? MEDICAL HALL! BftlDiiE ST.. TUftKHANaOCK, NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF C. M. RtfON**.* JI.M. EIIiiL PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST. ! JUST RECEIVED at the Tunkhnnnock Medical Hall, the largest and best assortment of Druga and Medicines over brought to this section of country. These medicines have been selected by the sub scriber himself, with great care, and hence he can recommend and warrant them as being pure and un adulterated. His stock comprises in part, the following, to wit f DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STI FFS, PAINTS. OILS, PERFUMERY, FANCY NO TIONS, FINE WINES AND LI QUORS, (FOll MEDICINAL PUR POSES ONLY) COAL OIL, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, CAMPIIENE, COAL OIL LAMPS, ALSO. STATIONERY, WRITING INK, PTIOTO GRAPH IC ALBUMS, TORACCO.SEGARS, PIPES, AND ALL THE PROMT KENT PATENT MEMC'XES OF THE DAT ALL OF W H iclf CA \ RB RO'TJi; ON 'tr Ml- ' I;A- • ABi.L ! EBM FOR C ASH OK CO I \ fRk P'l ; UCE.' PHYSICIANS 1-UESI il ' 'L.V .OlU .xiunded at all 'nuir.- ' P'!V ' i . '!* Tunkhanno, k, M..y 14, . f>2. r.4o—ly RUNNING STILL! T'HE OLI) ESTABLISHMENT of the subscriber, is still in running or ter, through all tiie reverses an panics of form.a da vs, -iiiee 1813, without being wound up, at which place tou an Sin! a good assort ment of DIES, DRIBS & MEDL INES. is can be found in the county, wairunte i geuui.-e and pure. Boots, Shoes, Harness and Leather; as good as the oisi, u:vi is heap as the cheapest, and aI the WnRK W ARB ANT ED. You ..in ret .si kir. -s A b Pri ting done to oft ~r, and td IHK- >1 • vcr kind constantly on which, in style, arc not surpassed by our large or county offices. TO THE LADIES. rest fro in your toil, and >.uv a M A.IICXICE3 The suosi-riltcr has il- p su • ee led in obtaining one of the best, and moet nld ie dewing Ma.-trim s, for the money, now in m .t, iz : Daws'e *45 Shuttle, an i the 530 Franklin VI . Vines, <qu.il in eapfteVv to W heeler A AA il-on's 575. or Gmv r A Baker's maidiine, ami* tuak'. ;; Or- same stlt a, uhe-rt ij one third saving in t.uyiug ia '-e tb n at qby otaer agency iu Northern P' nrisvh ■< Every Business L' I . im>t "w-.i Printing i IT WILL PAY: L OWE' .> p A T L N T PORTABLE PRINTING PRESS (the cheupe.-t in ;• • • ;iU> i >tes.) for sale. Pri e. froin §5 • . $25 f • pr-5... Office complete." from 510 to 5?5 with ty |*- and all necessa ry material Call and s- the u, T -en f-.-r a circu lar of full particulars. Patticuh.r attention is called to SPRING'S RIIEI MAT ft ELIXEIt, and very effi;. live Linimcn', i< a.l o-um ti. pa sua. Headache, Dyptberia, A.,-, f>. - .l,s in M. b-iopany oy Dr Becker & Co. and Henry T. ■ ■ ; -n Russell Hitl by T. Stemph 8; at Fork-ton!,- M \ irev ;at Mc shopocn by Henry Si uisburv. A<■i-•[ th medi cine,' will in ll case". prove -at -rv Tr it. an I be convin ed. BRICK! 50.000 Ilri k for sale Thankful for past limns h suast rioer is deterin i.ied, by strict attention to bu-uie.-s, to msrit still fur ther patronage. T D. SPRING Laceyville, 24, 1362—v2n7 3NT E W " tmmx AND C H A . t. Mi MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture, Cabinet and Cha:r Manufactory in Tunkbannock, next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store — where are kept on hand nn 1 manufactured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles CHAIRS Cane-sent, Flag-bottom, and common. Bl REAUS of all styles, sizes, rind prices BEDSTEADS. Cottage and emmon. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, ROOK CASES, and indeed fcvery thing which can be toun.d in the largest furniture establishments in the -ouiitry, i "ftrhich he wil sell at.prices si- low n- they -nbe bought in any town outside of the ,-isic-. Lcing sat isfied that he can compete, both it work , nship and prices with any establishment in the outr rv, ho so" iiciis the publio patronage. REPAIRING of nil kihd* lof {■ u • tial ami workmanlike ma'iwiet • N. 15.—01 d cane-st at eh .jra, new-seated n re : paired. ——A' . UNDERTAKING - Having a II ar-<- ' hi-own, i and having bad much experien e, he wit: ten Ito this department of the business o< short i.oti r, and in a satisfactory manner. > ABRAHAM HAAS. Joly 16, 1862.—v1n491y J. W. RIIOATS. M. XD., (Graduate oJ4kt University of Penn'a ) Respectfully offers his profession il services to the citizens of Tunkhannock and vicinity. He can be found, when not professionally engaged, either at hii Iftug Ptore, or at his resideuce en Putnam Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers