1 TtV'TiTSStiiar 7. IIIGllJlD'Di CHNIC ; . li.yer and fanwlf and .TaikIm left Thursday to . . 1 ff w iP 'a7 furi"' other place, ffe Hoover, Mm. Agftv pr H, children of Kant vwit- f.,rmer's brother David Hx- weMo'. -evi ' " " i""n- Lrcrir8 in Middlehurg.VVed K. Keichenharh awl mother i wi re seen on otn street kUv. i ga, Seadach, connti- I pation, pikiy inaom niafamhtgn and all female disorder are only a few of the sy m p tomg of functional derangement cansed by defective eyes and agrr:v.tted by improp. i cr ue-t, rnitit, occu pation, etc. We are able to care for your eyes and give yon advice. FISHER l!l(1.W of r2,tr' t THE LEADING JEWELER. v ( t thw pla-e enjoyed the- ho- 4 -.-. y of hi many friend in nnr ty over Sumlay. .. J rn to fieorge Wangef and wile 1 -i, . . . I - t I ' irto-vn w getting aparn wbich lie grand and jolly place for te to pend some of their time, ill make a great improvement. V r3ti Monday, . kvid Hoover ia very busy nia- Lrarationa for his new. Aalt-ie h will )e erected in th near Lith'i Sundav School picnic w attended on Saturday. mer Troup and family, vuuted is at Strouptown. , lite t number of ouitpJpla ri the picnic at Verditl Satun md reported a very' interesting arge crowd, j le Freeburg" Cornet Band on day a. in, at 5 o'clock . played ar genial landlord. Xhej were eir way to Browntowo I , John's church is going- to b Ved this &1L Una is very Suhnee ajulLasrjer Frank in town ALmdav, . f . tr. D- J. Sbea&r ia, riatin n'enda at Kutztuwn. " .-. I ward Gelnet mada dyiruj o EichEld Mouda.y.i-1 -Burner of Shippenaburj was n Saturday on buainew. J. Kerketter boudht Iuu am lost weak and ia.auw bn ggiged juialing lumber to ilitjf i nsmem y oaa gtrt W mm and W tui pore. BCT bw you. wknf Uie 4iwiiym 51 wwjup i Uuur Doctor and go to., the Mid Vx Dm Store toi UV ' tf. fRESSUNZ 'iiiiuui GvMdlinir Ittit Monday m omI twiuns where he ex- tu be wiployttL pe cidec prw t this place is l iu t'uH operation. Viu WuJjaat and wift atteudtd Wuio 4t Frwmout Saturday, li. Kupuur ut 'Frnlay 4t5uu- Vl W n u ta riu.l wII Vi umiuc bib store building. W Mojjer aud fatntly of Kwtd visiting tr uay with ito and friwuds. 1 V cvjlt down tlwi apple tree, i I l VK. . J. ... iW . tiootbvr o4: out Pvp ik! ZtuiuMrMMtai of" Jtrs Nwt (ud Mlrc WaJIav KUler v Htiumoa JMd OMutyk tu r1 'M vyslH;. lvi5Hl i Oraduate Optician SLNBLRY, PA. DIAMONDS A SPECIALTY. First National M of Aidd!ebjrg, P-. Capital, - 5O,0OO. SnrplM. $50,000. G. Alfred StmnriT, Pr. V. W . WiTTESMVER, VTre Pres. Jab. G. Thompshs, Cashier. DIRECTORS G. Altmi Schocfa, W. C. P uneror, W. W, Wittenmyer,. A Kreeger, J. N, Thompaoo, . If. Milliter, J as. G. Thompson. Account of Individuala, Finns ana Corporatiojia Solicited. Ua. Pa General' Robart & OIItw, tbm nmw asdstaat eerWarr of f, wtll a una Ilia otl oa Saturdar. Tb olanlac aUU aad lnaibar rar f wnilam Biiacnlvr & Son. FottavUla. P, wu daatrored br Urn. Caw, $0,- ooa Major General Corttfn wtll rell qulati Ma itutlaa a aduumt general at tbe tentt aa Aacaat ZD, waan tna taneral staff law com into effort: Sheriff's soaaear after a etias at eararal aara aaar Xantaa. O, captnrwt WUIlaia Nlcaola, eolond. eaarfjed wtth amrdar. A Irncalaa; was bant? ararted. Tlmtrmdmy, Auqutt l. TTka p4autarTataa 3uadarehool Aa aanttlr wtll neat at aaratoaw Parav Pattstawa. Aaajaat 17 to ZX. Sobart ataartaa. a uroeaineBt. ta Ula taannfactarar of Patanoay H. X. feil dead from heart, itlaeaia la hla Samuai OaMateisv. a trotted ta piora at a Maw York dmhlaar hons. tiaa been arraeted tor steailss (40.'J00 worth at ijooea. Tto men were mffDcated and two athera badlr Uurt ta a 3r whicH atrored tha 3chwmzchild . Sulzberger retoKer&ttnsr plant la arookirn. M. X. Wtula standlns !a a 'arse bam at HUl&uale. Mica, derbere Cox waa ltH ml by 'iKfltnittX and Jcmaa Brawn ar tailr 'njnrwd. Tia barn waa totally Prteay, August T. In Icht between; 'ramps it lamea town. N. T.. erne waa killed anil auoihcr fataitr ituuni. Mrs. Jan Stanford, of Stanford TTai Twsity, CajL. wiU makc a two-year trip aiinuxd th world. j Counul ScJinuer. a wealthy con triwtt'r j Scrncioa. P avcideataUr snot Mid Utted Mmseil while h.n.tttT.g a revolver. Juia Urar. who aaa bees chusea luevu o- th Aiatnusa coal strtko commission. left.Wllauttxtoa; OaL. tor !hrminsiuMa. Ala. Rev-. sajBttai ntidaua. aa ased buo-1str- of. Woodouxy, N. X. tea dead trvia heart, diss itt cottage at ?ttatt Urevai,H. L f Saturday, August & ' Swreiaiy Hllcovwit has retnntad to A'iahtsa rrwa tut avaitoa. trip to Ovtatla. and New Hanurshirei Th tMslM ut a lanuer outapaar at Wart'rws. G. txriodeti. IdUl&aT on aa wd haUly ipjojnna; sevea othwra. VrauA. Hewse, a slack-wira walker; AF44 i ) . . m v. v i.w .a . u il.ouo pwopis, aud was out senoutly vi.. jI.. . - 1.. !.:.. IK.. .1. IU"". - ; "W, UoUteo ijcliuit-. his. daualutT uWfiulvld hih;uI NiV'-i :wJl ,vr' huslJaod wer fataily siiut. Kv a illi h.. ..-.! i v v xj.;a. ! Wd. Mill it I'kuL... .. I . .. . ... . . 'Mvunn, ; 1K mmivuiatt or L.;tue utissian mu. fl!t HioUki'A Iwivw nut- do OHui-vtt. td jVwvricH, w hvid at fc. . t l I .... . - li- I. ....... .1... ... ...I. I'l . ... 11.!. . t Ta.il MJ .111. 1 II 'lHA l.lClu 1 u.-u LU refi. &.V'd ti !.?: o 1 m r iint . Eir me HERALD: PRAISES . - mai urni uiai wore on us t -w - . water wr pfli.T? 'If 'nVrr Ct3rrflI DyspepflfH find NTTOTl FrOwtntlOII 13alSSS lAftTlVlif of week. It m thought M..,.dy will e-r , . - k ' WOTan.Tha AH OtJjer IJiAJWCCCTtrtf rj. ' Chan. rT. Stefninvw writ fsnm ! Atlantic Citf lhr he and MJ4 teinuHraa ar etjovintr thempelw. ' rt daf "W leli the wives of U wnter go over our old fieada.! The btj waves that e m rolled the old woman over but we hwl nine .A mm e it u me in me water me roar t. cerfamly pleaneri to hear tliey are enjoying themnelves. The wa a "lioue wflrnimir" t the Iiit!ierau oarinatrf Tnestlav. A number of the mmler rfpnrwl upon the wene ti .iwiMt. in tlie mnv tnjf and arranjpntr the house fiirni" tore. The F-titiir rnd in time for dinner and made it convenient i i . .... ro nave rniins it rim ntnce im mediitr!v aftr ti" nu-.i. The -od has lieen r'tand fmm John F. Stetler-i lot liefxr.n hia residenre anil the psninagp fur use w tenni fYnrt.. Thin is an in viffor.utn jranie and rwjuirvs v.n ioVrnhle ill to play a jjnod game. Rev. X. A. fvinenfe prnflfhil a vrmon Sunday urternoon at the .iiimmit trhonl hoii. APifs !fahle Mover ha rpfurntd from a viwt to frienda at Riverside and BlnomshMrry. Tlwr Witmer and Kei.ser Sunilav Hrhoola held their annual picnic in Ijrove !atnrdAV laxt. muic by the Selinegrrove Gimet Band aiul Sehonla, Miw Tda Staid, musiial director; Orsraninta M!sxe! Anna Sjnginr, and Com FoltitjJ Addrwea bv Rev.N W. A fir ) I 1 fv.wy.vf . : - 6 S 1 HiZiwrrwV,.:t m Aiin i WL - " ' -ii- . FTjUUI, i igM uiTMttA. lrMt fMllnvo. "-vn n . . r-. r Money and Irmt. Vm.i osasatrTti whanrrer locauut. rValtyiit ?fsea 'Ins 7!nrnt Allan. Vfoyerf Reritarion by Miriam i . iucttxm ranv ttowhit. 1 iinbiir. nnt 'i Mm., a Si.. I Linimln atrawser. R. W. and Trvin , Mas Anna Preseosv la a lMtr fewa lilrtter. U 3rtth Seventh stteet. MuuMaooiia.. -mo..., : Iflan-wrttaet I l :ie Uioir Convention on tlie In; mm aaaaaMar aaaat am Jmu -i: injit, will be one ot interest. Prof. mff. atr mamtUm tear MM aasf ear! G r- I,,, ,... i wmuMmmtttlimtt mil tbmxlmm. Mr Ann' . ' 4 I llMWHUTMIf, .LI 111 Hid - - - - - aa-par taaswsf mtttr mtunf .1.,. . -i.ei.r:.t.w .. ..it-.Ti .KnosKUBiu is -a km -a -ar uto- crt iui laatioa. 'my v nl.f mt ea- annual addrras by Dr. J. B. Forit. Comity TiTaanrer D. yorraan App ofTtlnnrne township wna at the County Scat; an otficiai Imainess nlf&n. . inn.l I l-tt- urn fcc tiAfcrcii V .-..1, 1 1 TTassrjiw" t . f tr r.i. o :.b4 ad t -rr -smafcla ad f ' ts to mtfM r pmrnt -t i aaV ;aaetaar--aia Uraee4t arJ-. . tx"V a- aaarrtw It sm oateair tm.!?'? )isaMC1rctWTaaasarwanwaaaaaU w aa jo arjlnM, aad.wnaUaaltaw-asansjataatart.. isili t Ztr.' ."iihi . ?rwtn rf mtf -tnur. sut - lrd fMtfa' afrwxMM I .iffftssntl I iVnatfiS os fMrad t 0 iriii Values at Seifrif : aT aaj 0 Stii'rt Waist Suits Half Pries. fait Jar ?nca.i i li" von iav nvre iuin ! JarR, arrriaia .irni o;n. wid. rin. .''ntt. nr inee tct t' ift 'tiaitt. Mir irirp 17i vvtvtj. Half nr in.t TO rti..k.'. ir .'.iratjoe xiut Tie Tailor MadeStiiu tor -arm weather, .node rn 'he "one of the season and thev St well beeauae they ut 'Tlie Riivi.,T $3.0(1 Suits are now $4.00 of Persian t-iwn sheer and "ine tucked yoke skirt or box plaits trimmed: wuh metiailionar " 37.00 3uiu are White 3aute with biacK polka lot. panel tiont Skirt Dnchease woiat. S-T.00 Suits are $2.50 "Woite Madnu thumi n aiue r "liack piped with ame. Some of ?--rsiaa -Lwn iinisheii tiiL tiwka ind strappings t;lnter tucks. i-LOQ 52.1)0 BiueDnck plain but made full rruit. taist, and; 4"ui i so-, j lo.in m . i vTAiiuiTnia naius tvraijo i .ns. .OA 31.i (HI -mf I 1 ... .iitc -im . 1)11 I 'inmhrni' n .itrrir 1 .. ...... " ".. . . k-uiiii. ji i T 1 1 I I li inrpa . r . ni.'. Wiiisi i i iiufa.uiue .uiu MAiom usu .meu -tuiut. r ' " n'.ifi 9L. '!-rr " rymr tl: j.. -t..i... um ciuia jxo ji.uiT v.nnnz ti rro. rjjue.. tkbb ami.- irray, 9iutai with nun of at)roiden insertion; j v - i ' "... ' i ! arr, mi. FarSamrdiiy init'Miimtav.vusr. I5;ina 1 C'Tlts b. in. -amiiar "n j!irw. it . ili:: Unices 1 'mrs ; It; A LOOK AT RHCUUR PRICES. Mjinra day to wear them until 'vrnter "omes. you we i third iatsiIv7Jow. i ' - . . - .5i.0() W;usts for $4.00 Blenched Linen ind DotUti Swiss, .u!. ovpratubrokiery fronts- Husked back. i $4.00 Waists $1Lj0."j- J?ernui. Lawn, t-tniiroiury insertion and tucked yoke- .. . . ; St'JO Waists $2.00 Fine rutiiaLTneu t'iickcd 'jack and froai. JoiTar and i.tiffe tucked. " -' ' . Iudk Linen AVtisw $f.7SUr. 2aW luuia laoen woitB $1.50. $LJ0 luuia Liuen Waists $L00 :. i.2Z. luuia Linen waiatev 75 cents s """"$ l.tW Lniia Linen Waist od cents.. Jv) xnt EiKui. Linen WHiats 31) oents. CfliQUij Shirt Waists Ratfncstf Too. Nct ail flies are here iy more-henco the banrin price: $L25ou for 75 oents others that, sold far $L0O at T oaus -r Zd cent. Waists for 25 cents. iTnuinliitpd nr'.ttwost met :n "omi. ihretidwl Tie.t 10 rents i 'mx. Groe Tat8 LI Cfnra pat-!;. ilackomi 10 11). )nckcit Tor $1.25 nunvnttu LiMim -iudii At .1 cants !l). Ein and Amnukies Uiirtua-lO. -pnta b. ?'nnr25 lb, iiir oil -jftata.. A NEW DRE55 FOR &RLV FALL. Reductiuna ill dmss ontife tiratoiuKo ;t iroiitauie :r ym m look aiie.td biu J?or Bluck Dress rhw .iro 'mnjninfl. 5rt imir ;nd oent 3inirie?faa rwinceti to 40 .-ems perrarri. flixcoilent'ittaiitles $L00 W.ml Crrwu. ; diVosnta. Pmnella. pTiesrfv; fabric. pnwd LdO a yd. $UD Dran de Jima aniiyririettaa. Prrestiys make fur 1LD0 will never !t rpy ' JilTa Broadcjutii $200 of 'exceptional ine 'iiialin $L011 and $L,-15 3uitini;sAiixtl i-olors it ""' otnts ynL ...... 89 cent Novelty ioitins-) cents, pretty JifDcr. it '0. -- - MIL' tore Co., ii s l'Uit. vw.lv. iu tl'Vi , , . U'W. iji tv .tk Ulilivv . luvir rL' 11 )C 3C DC 3QC 3'X I Wi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers