The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 05, 1903, Image 1
be' a job lot of note hand. They must go The price will do It. and prices for the ask- e furnish them printed than you can buy them printing. ' t i I LgtnMiIler, Nitor and Proprietor. A Family Journal, Devoted to Newt, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. Ran-: Out IMlar IV r Annam, ia Advance MIDDLEBTJEGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., FEBnUAliV 5, 100.,. I :? r i " f ' r i PrnT-OCAL LACONICS Rfl rt factory do not Ufa? I'r'e. 11 f.f.ii tlAWiln vViH .moll bcglU to bol1. Charles Iloush died Sun- voiir items for the "coming Ilium- Is in operation, Uc whistle, uiiano, organ or, moved tictoii House deuce lie 2t u na Ol'llll nil hoi: iliiy. Front .!.: ..Ill li.lVM kI I H'I 1 11 1 " " n of mill w earner. irt factory operations I it few weeks il will be list. iililican Standing Committee (,.-: 1 1 House Saturday ami t.o. ii urn as "" 'y o1 i primary election. l.iii !i'i:iy party was given veiling for Tliad ('rouse. , the n use. ttu'y made h:id a !;"()(1 tinio. . . .. at.i.ti ill (llid 1(1(111, villus " III! .i,iii) to invest. itioii given to investor. I.portutiity fr r.ctivu men. ess. BoX 2, l'ST, Middleburgh, Pn. ;D:-(iirls to work in shoe Those from out 01 town rovided with hoarding and guaranteed. For furth- irs e:ill on or address, r. il. ElSEXHUTJl & CO., ' Sellnsgrove, l'a. LK. House and Lot in (A new 12-horse power Frick ml Sn Mill. Also Jlriek h bout 75,000 Brick, ' 40,000 Jofr-t Hoofing lath. 'os, etc., call on Swlneford, l'a. Urinteiident of the S. & L. response to a large petition burg and vicinity, to have leaving Sunbury at 5:l!0 p. in. il to Middleourg instead of he, 1ms answered In the neg- lie reasons oll'ered for not ex- jhe service to this place, were was no turn table here and he doubted whether it would ble. The next move should k-e the afternoon train leave at 5:110 p. in. Instead of 2 p. Friends of "The Post" Roll of Honor. The following persons have paid their subscription to the Post tn the dates opposite their names. Should any mistakes oecnr in these credits or ou your pa per please uotif v us : Ire fcet Ymir Dates Early. onteinplating having sale of bropeity the coming spring ell to select their days early announcements) made in the f the Post. When bills are t this olliee no charge will be the notice, otherwise the cost cents. The Post with its ilatioti will be of great bene- k having sale by having the tea each week until tne ciay tf. Lunib'.T Wanted. in the market for the follow- sound white oak in carload 7"xl0"x9" a veryfdesirable size to cut to worBork. In mixed oak .orpViokk we can use bill i'liu sizes front Sx4s up to n a o 15ft. In lelitrtli. te pine we want all bill stuff, ills and prices at once. who are in position to get of the above lumber at the he ear per week or ten days My let us hear from them nam- shipping point and receive and orders. f V. WlTTENMYEK & SON Middleburg, Pa. Clarinet Lessons. Icrslgned Is now located in frg, Pa., for a while and Is the Clarinet, pplleants u person. Who tor sile crAapour or two Snd Md aaVinCU, suitable r orchiWal WXk, as good as respects. Write or call and . -' :: it H. Alvin Gift, Middleburg, Pa. B I liln - "V Simon Decker S li Ok-rlioltzor, Philip J. Mover, Jacob (J. Walter, David liicklmrt, A moil Stall), Geo. A K line, John Smith, Henry X. Walter, Oliver Katlif.m, II II Klinjrler, Ida iieaver, John A Mover, John Kahlev, II C Hover," Isaiiili Dressier, W II Wrav, Saniuel I' Su viler, Mrs J II I'ajjo, j ( J Smith, A Y W'itnicr, I lev V II liovcr, J It Hfijj!,., II II Aiuaii.l, S A Aniantl, S.iinni'l lh'iiniicr, Win L Witmer, I II Uowersox, Jonas Fetter, Davi'l "'holly, John li Freed, II D Swiiit'lortl, K C Miissleinan, C Walter, Banks Drcese, C S Sprite, John II Miller, Jane Freed, Wil3on Ilerrold, John C Stall I, E E Wetzel, Nora Ixmo;, C W Smith, llen S Scchrisl, Irvin J lleigle, E II Shrader, Th os Arlx'gust, 1 1 lirouse, Es'ella Troutman, Ner Middleswarth, C II Ulsli, A W Bowcrsox, Simon J Ilerrold, Ilev J O Yoder, Carrie M llouck, Esther Harding, Emanuel Shatter, July 10, '03 Oct 1, '0:i June 1, '03 Mar 1, '01 Sept I , '03 Nov 1, '03 .Ian 2, '03 Nov 1, '03 Feb 1, 'HO June 1, '03 June 2, '03 Oct 12, '03 June 1, '03 Nov 10, '02 June 1, '03 Apr 1, '01 Nov 12, '03 July 1, '03 Nov" 13, '03 Jan 1, '03 Jan 1, '03 Nov 1 o, '03 June 1, '03 Nov l.'i, '03 Sept 2i, '03 Jan 1, '03 Nov 2, '03 lulv I, '03 Dec 2, '03 June 1,'tU June 1, 'it:: Oct 10, 'n Oct 10, '03 Sept 1, '03 July 11, '02 May 1, '00 June 1, '03 July 1, o Jau 1, '04 Nov 21, '03 JaPfiJ'03 Sept 10, '03 Nov 1, '03 Apr 1, '03 Apr 1, '03 Feb 1G, '03 Jan 1, '01 Jan 1, '01 Jan 1, '03 May 1, '03 Mar 1,'03 Jan 1 '00 Deo 1, '02 Feb 1, "J7 June 13, '03 Dee 0, '03 Jan 1, '01 Sept 14, '03 J Newton Ilornbcrger, Feb 1, '03 Frank Keiehenbacli, J E Freed, Jonathan B Snyder, J J Shrader, II G Hornberger, J W lluininger, Samuel Bulick, J 1) Wertz, B P Stroub, John 11 Troup, Hitrly Schaffer, A B Staufler, Samuel 1' Herman, Fercival Garman, Dr F W llouser, J II Long, II A Ranch, II C Krebs, Wm F Kemrer, W L Wehr, David Bartley, Mrs Jennie Britton, A Iveyser, C E Haines, Win I Bilker, David II Snyder, W 1) Jarrett, J I Dorman, J C Bowersox, Joseph Kerr. Joel lleicheubaeli, Wnt Se. Inild, Wm Swartz, W m Zechman, J E Kanibo, Frank Bituer, Clinton Glace, State Library, C II Ukh, Geo M Herrold, James Hoover, ' L U Bowersox, , . Robert Ilothermcl, : John W Wagner, Feb 1. '03 May 1, '01 Dec" 15, '03 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1, '03 Jan 1, '03 Feb 1, 0'J June 1, '03 Jan 9, '04 Jan 1, '03 Mar 3, '03 Jan 1, '04 July 1, '04 Nov 18, '03 Mar 1, '03 Jau 1, '04 June 1, '03 Jan 1, '04 Dec IS, '02 Jau 1, '04 Dee 1, '90 Jan 1, '03 Jan 1, '03 July 1, '03 Jan 1, '02 May 1, '02 Mar 1, '04 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1, '04 May 5, '99 June 1, '99 Feb i, '03 Jan 1, '04 June 30, '03 May 1, '97 Sept 1, '02 Dee 11, '03 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1 04 Jan 1, '04 Frank Uow, John 11 Baker, J E Steininger, Fannie E Bowcrsox, Harry W Bowersox, A II IJIsh, SO Denglcr, G A Sc!iik-1i Mornnd S Boycr, Howard A Walter, Miss Clemetine Dorn, Jere Dersluini, Absalom Tharp, Henry G I lane, John 11 Kuepp, Isaac A Mover, A E A ticker, Win Siillel, Jonathan Stetl'eii, C M St ran!., I'D Ucnler, ' J C Beck, C II Stcininger Willis Snambach, (ieo W i alter, F 1' Cuacr, Hub E Walter, Margaret Jliler, J K Stuck, J C Smith, (J C Kerr, Harrison Mover, Wm Foliz, !' C ( icnibci linjr, (' W Giavbill, Win Strawser, James II N.vartz, Ueulii'ii Snook, Henry Snook, ' !' Kanawell, Isaiah Walter, Robert Waliei, A A Rotnig, John W Ruiikle, 1$ F Stroup, J I Nagle, Henry Iicitzel, D A Fortzline, J E Martin, STnX J DfeW; Chas T Riiuch, J M Biiigamnn, Amanda Noll, II E Specl.t, Jan 1, 'Ol Jit 1. 'Ol Jan 1, Ml Oct 1, '03 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1, '01 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1, '01 Jar 1, 'Ol May l.". '03 Jan 1, M4 Oct 1, ".10 Jan 1, 'Ol Feb 1, N3 July 1, 'DO Jan 1, 'Ol Nov 1. '03 Jau 19, Ml Jan 1, 'Ol Jin 20, 'Ol Oct 1, '03 June 1, '03 Fel) 1, '01 Jan 1, 'Ol June 2, '03 Feb 1, '01 Jan 111, '03 Oct 2:, '03 Jan 1, 'ol Mar 1, 'oo May I, 'ol Apr 1, '0 1 Jan 1, '02 Feb 1, '01 June I, '03 Jan 1, 'Ol Feb 1, 'Ol Jan 1, '01 Nov II, '03 June 1, '03 July 1!', '03 Feb 1, '0:5 Mar 1, '00 Oct 10, '03 Dec 1. 'Ou Jan 1, '01 Feb 1, '01 Nov 1, '03 Dec 1, '02 ;ian"V04 Feb 1, '04 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1, '04 Jan 1, '01 ! rw ' - j fejPERTlXENT PERSON ALSffifcj Candidates Cards. Anitniim'omenN of e:fctiUltr for tho various nlat'en on Hie I.Vputiliritti Ticket U lf vottil fur at tile : ruimry r.lei'tt'.u, saturuav. Mureli lltli, IVH'l, ean he mnile ill thii eiiltiuin. In o'ller to treat all eaiifliilateit Alike. i-nrtlH limit be aiil 1'ami tx Aiivasi K hm'I at tlie folliiu ini; rules, oitopteil liv thereiiiililican puliliilieri i( Snyder eoiiniy : I'rothonntary 1 10; Keister anil Iteeonler, fill; Afsoeinte .Indue, IVM; ninli let Attorney ti. SiKiie.l by .1. A. I.CMinitn. Trihunr. OKU M. WAlitX'KI.I.KK. t'lmT. A. V . Ai r imi. linn il I. S l.'iei KH. .V. ir II. II. Movm, t imrier. Hate for .lnry ('omnilinili iiiT and State le!e lute made known on application to eaeli pno- liMher. All j)ersons wishing to be Candidates at the coming Republican l'rimary election to be held on March 14, l!K):t, are reipieHted to hand in their names and pay their assessments on or before Feb. 7, 1!H)3. 15. W. Yodkh, Treas. Law to Fix Teacher's Pay. Representative C. A. Snyder of Schuylkill announced Sunday night that he will on Tuesday Introduce a bill in the State Legislature fixing $ 10 a month as the minimum salary to be paid to the public school teachers. Any district violating the law will not be allowed to slum in State appro priation, according to this bill. Mr. Snyder says he has been assurred of sufficient support to secure the passage of the bill. Marriage Licenses. ( Wm. (i. Neitz, Port Treverlon, ) Katie Lenig, Port Treverton. (Wm. D. Hi'kle, Freeburg, I)ora K. Woodling, Kelinsgrove. ' (Jacob S. Moyer, Adams twp., Hessie V. Moyer, Adams twp. (Uufus Hartley, (jlenjfion, (Verdie IJorinaii, Troxelville. (John A. Ileiut.clman, Pallas, lAnnaFollz, Aline. (J. Frank Keller, Sellnsgrove, Mary S. Staufler, Selinsgiove. MAHK1ED. Feb. 1, by Kev. K. Putt, Jacob 8. Moyer and Hessie C. Moyer both of Adams twp. . Jan. 20, by Geo. M. Sbindle, Will iam D. Biekel of Freeburg (a Dora E. Woodling of Sellnsgrove. Jan. 31, by J. Kohler Peck, Wm. G. Neitz to Katie Lenig, both of Port Treverton. Ner Feese of Peaveitown was in town Monday. Mrs. S. A. lSowersox of Paxtonville s reported very ill. David J. Keller of Selinsgrove was in town Monday. Samuel, the young child of (.eorgc Heaver and wife is improving. Mrs. Laura l'ontiusof iteavcr Springs j spent several days it. town witli icla-! lives. Misn Ida Heaver of Al'.oona is visit ing her parents, (inlaid Iieaver and wile. II. F.. Walter and w ile spent Sunday with his father in Franklin town ship. Harry K. Spicht moved to Sunbury this wi ck. The Pus r w ill follow him every week. Win. I". Pagle and w hV spcit a lew days in town with her parents, (in Heaver and w il'e. "TTi'r Kilter and wife of Shamokin Dam visited I'. ,s. Killer and wile tim ing the past w eek. .1. M. I'.ingainaii of Centre township call d at this olliee Monday to icncw his subscription to 1 : m 1 . lit' (i.uibciling of Salem dropped ill hist week to subscribe for the l'o.-l. His father accompanied him. Miss Jennie Keller of Adainslmrg was the guest of her cousin, Miss Hessie Smith a few days last week. Charles Staufer ami wile of Selins grove spent a few clays wjth Wesley t v k tt ? Pauling and families. A. W. I'.owersox and Mi.-s l-'annie Howeisox i f Miainokin I has been called home on it 'ioiint of Mrs. H.-mnnh Sir.iUi. f.'riri. n Ch irk-:;. Mrr, Chri.,tiim G-vai t::. tiii; rirtKi: ki:vi:.i.i:i. Ctuniii!; Kvcnts Cast Their Shadows biliiie. The readers of the Post are retiuest- f - ' . "linoiiuuemeiiU of nil Saw Two;it-Cii iiiiil-Fiii cuts. Marion Winil'ied Charles, daughter tlie illness of her father, Joseph liower- of l-'.dwin Charles and wife of this sox, who is in a critical condition. place enioys the raredislinetioii oflu.v J. F. Keller was in town last week, iugseen two great grand-rathei-s mid He is a very busy man. le took out two great-grand-motbei-s, the latter o wrll - f mrdi'i whom are still living. d itr for Asscciato Judge. James N. llouser of I'nlon tow ship and (ieo. J. Sclioch of Monroe township, two Candidates for Asso ciate Judge dropped into see us Sat urday. William S. Kuhn ol Shamokin Dam, the coming proprietor of the Central Hotel of this iilaee. was in town Mon- i . i i . i. . l4Veilerick Itiioriinoin niol widow nay looKiug alter sonic hi luiim-iio-oi.i n i . l-.lias i;. Mian., al one linn' a i oni- j missioner of Snvder Countv. she is ! Tin ksuav and I'm n w, nfXo cbaiiorijn made to i ne one grea -grana moiner . m - uUl , )ortance. -. Illaiinah Smith, daughter of Philip ' , r , '";inuhb,sonofJ,,hn Uubb a pioneer of ! khmcsiiay, 1-eb .10. Snyder County. Mis. Smith is the a',d 11th, farmers' Institute in Mid- .1 ...1 - mother of retiring County Treasurer, I h" Hcnneville Smith and is s:t yeais of ' Wkdxksmay, Feb. II, Application ,1(r,.. will lie made to the (lovernor for ' a charter for the Shamokin Dam 1 he other great-gran I mother s ... , ., ..... , . , i " ater ( o. Mrs. ( hnstine wart, daughter of. , , , , . , im itMi.M, i-eo. r, Lincoln s inrui- about the hotel. Harrison Miller and Charles Miller Jr., of Peon township were at the County Seat last Friday. The former droppetl in to order sale bills. See notice in our sale register. Samuel Haekenburg has purchased the jewelry store in the (iutelius block ofW H. Kideni, the former owner, who resides in New Berlin. The Post wishes Samuel success in his ven ture. Charles T. ltauch resigned his posit ion as barber at Shan ink in to accept a more lucrative position at Lewistown. He spent Sunday with his parents here and before leaving Monday dropped in to subscribe for the Post. The Post extends congratulations on his promotion. "Last week 1U0 copies of Theory and Practice of Advertising" were sent to Sulina, Kansas and a like number to Austin. Orders were also filled that went to Fd in burg, Scotland and Vi enna, Austria. The book is attaining a world-w ide reputation. Month Hfler M on III a cold eliiif-s to you. The cold seems to tear holes ill the delicate tissue of the throat and lungs. You lose weight and you wonder if you are threatened w-'ith a disease you scarcely dare to inline. Are you aware that even a stubborn and a long-neglected cold is cured with Allen's Lung Balsam? D not spend more of your life in coughing and worrying. Marriage Secret for Almost two Years. It has just leaked out that Ex-Commissioner C. W. Knights of Port Trev erton, this couuty, was married at Buf falo during the Pan-American Exposi tion to Dr. Agnes Sholly of Shamokin a daughter of David Sholly of Sellns grove. The marriage was kept a secret on account of Dr. Sholly's practice in Shamokin. The Post extends con gratulations to the couple, even if it la almost two yean after the event the mother of J. Wilson Swart., a Swineford Merchant, who served two terms as Commissioners' Clerk of Sny der County and was Postmaster of Middleburg under Harrison's admin istration. Mrs. Swart, is 7S years of age and is now lying dangerously ill in Adams township. Pink Pearls for the Complexion. The greatest beauty producing medi cine on earth. No woman can appear to advantage, or do justice to her possibilities, if she is conscious of the fact that her person al appearance merits censure. No one need fail to gain a healthy, clear, soft, beautiful tinted complexion, w ho will . ... , V. - HI. 4 lit L use itAJU mm ff r iy-iyniii-. They are pleasing ihjiifiiieurance and leasant to tid(e! They-rWmir all de fects; preserve tlWyWshisspof youth; clear, muddy, sal)W skniA: redden the lips, sweclen the bn4tns)(iiivigorate the entire system aurtapearance. Faded l.mks are frilly restored w hen the complexion has the right tone; the fascination which a good complexion gives its possessor can not be over-rated. Send tOcentsin silver for sample box. Full sized box, 'Si cents. Address all letters to, It (Trade Mark Registered) Wm. 11., Prop., 17ii Allen St., Bulliilo, N. Y. Feb. I.', and Trairrily Ayerlod. "Just in the nick of time our little hoy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watkins of Pleasant City. Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough tet in besides. DoctorH treated him, but he grew worse every day, At length we tried Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, and our darling was saved, lie's now sound and well. Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for cough", Colds and all Lung diseas es. Guaranteed by Middleburg Drutf Co., Graybil & Garman, Rich field, Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Penns creek, Pa. Price Wo and $1.00, Trial bottles free. 1.!, Fanners' Institute in Selinsgrove. Sajvuh.VY, Feb. 1 till, Valentine Day. Si'MiAY, Feb. li, St. Luke's congrega tion of Troxelville, will celebrate the Lord's supper. Ti i:siay, Feb. 17, Spring Flection for township and borough ollicers. SrxnAY, Feb. Washington's Birth day. Mummy, Feb. !, lingular term of Court will open in Middleburg. Ti v, Feb. :M, .shrove Tuesday. Wi:i' v, Feb. L'", Ash Wednes day. Tiii ushay, March , Wagner Harp anil Orchestra Co., of Boston, in the Selinsgrove Hall. Tin Ksii.w, Mar. (Ieo. P. Bible will give mi entertainment in Selins grove. Sati uhay, March I I, Republican Pri mary election ,to Nominate Candi dates for Prolhotiotary, Ucgistcr and Kecordcr, Associate Judge, District Attorney and Jury Commissioner and electa State Deligate. Tih'Iishay, Mar. lit, King's entertain ers in Selinsgrove. S.vrruiiAY, March Spring Com mences. S.vrt uiiAY, March lis, Annual Eclipse of the Sun. Invisible in the V. S. Wkm.nkshay. Apr. 1, Spring term of Susquehanna University opens. Srxi'AY, April .", Palm Sunday. Monday, April (ith, Spring term of Freeburg Academy opens. Fhiday, Coit Novelty Co., in Sellns grove. Fkihay, April 10, Good Fiiday. Si'NDAY, April 1l Easter. Itev. N. A. Kiracofe held Com munion Services Feb. 1, at Hummel's and New Berlin L B. Churches and baptised 4 persons at Hummel's and received one member. In the Middle burg church revival services is still in progress. There were 20 persons forward and of this number 10 were converted. It-"!.;; : I ' '