MIDDLEBUEG POST. Published Every Thursday Morning ISO W. WAQENSELLSH. A. 1L EDITOR AKD OWMR. Sl'BSCKIPTlON RATES. I.IK) per year paid In advance. I..T per yr.tr If uot ald luai'raiice. MinRle eoplea, live CniU. Ailvrrtlwlnc Rate. 'i5 cento per line, nonpareil measure went fur tirwt imwrtim. and 'M crtits per line for each buIjm qr.rl Insertion. ''"Or'Fll'lt. Neartne ( ounty fourt llouse. irclveen the r ir' ratuuial Hank and the Uountyjaii. Vol. x. xx. Jam aky 190;!. Ncmhkk 4 Republican Standing Committee. Adam C. 1. Finn. J. T. Hhawver. Ileaver I has- K. lreew. II. II. Faust, leaver Wen! -J. W linker, luvid HennlliKCr. Ventre W. A. Kapp. L. V. lliiiieatnan. i luipman tocpli Iconic. T. K. I.eii;ht. KraiiMm J. '. Hackcnliiirs:, U. K Metier. .1aekon J. 8. Yearick, Win. Selold. Mul,llelurir Kiauk hper-lit. Banks W. Voder. Middlrcrei-k-M K. Krdlcy. J. M. Maurer. Monroe II, ('. Ilrndri' kit. II. F. Fisher. I'enii Joseph It. Hendricks. I N. Jarrelt. Perry A. W. Valentine, F. K.. Hoyer. Perry We4-J. H. Wii,?y. .1. Z. Strawscr. climirsuve J. rrank Keller. J. A. I.udwiir. SpriiiK C K. Kloie, D- Harron Snook, tnion I. (, Mjilii. Ualiin(jton W. F. Brown, Myron . Moyer A Hlg DiHKintl For Shoes. Tin- Post has received a communication from New York City from a ijeiitlemnn, friendly to !Irit Il let n who is now in tlic employ of one of the largest shoe houses in the Country. The; firm h.tH asked him for information concerning some Pennsylvania shoe manufacturer h. ran furnish them with 800 pairs Misses', Chilli's anil Infants' shoes lor every ilay of the year. This means a business of not less than $ir0,000 per year anil would employ not less than SO persons ami would amount in wages from 20,000 to $'25,000 a year. A portion of this outfit has been partly contracted for, Lut there is still suHieient left to keep this factory riming with '10 to f0 hands without relying on other orders. The attention of the managers of our factory has been called to this demand for shoes. Had the Middleburg factory been in shape to fill these orders promptly, there is no doubt but that the entire order could have been secured. Do not delay till it is too late. A Wrapper Factory. Should it occur that not sufficient fuuds can be raised to operate the shoe factory again, the ljer oilers another suggestion which would turn the idle shoe plant into a prosperous wrap per factory. The shoe factory machinery, lasts, etc., can be sold and the proceeds taken to purchase machines to make Ladies' wrappers. Machinery to make CO to 7f doen wrappers per day can be bought forSlGOO. This will employ from 45 to 50 jieople. A firm in l'altinore can le secured who will take the entire product of the factory. The Post learned from wrapper manufact ures that 1.00 per doxen can be cleared above e.jcnscs on the manufacture of wrappers. The profit on an output of GO to 75 dozen wrappers per day can easily Ik calculated. We trust that if the shoe industry can not be revived that the wrapper industry may make the shoe factory building a hive of industry and a source of profit to the managers and the town. Unnecessary Exposure. The inauguration ceremonies at llarrisburg last week reminds us of the foolhardy custom in vogue upon such occasions. Gov. I'cnnyjwcker, utter he was sworn in, stood in the open air with a strong breeze blowing and occasional snow squalls, reading his snagural address. For a full half hour he was exposed bareheaded to the elements. Not more than 10 or 50 people were enableJ to get near enough to hear the address and yet the man who is ai. the head of the executive department was expected to expose himself to a fatal illness. No public officer should Ik? expected to exj)ose himself unnecessarily ami this certainly seems to be an unnecessary exposure. vSucccsful Advertising. "Suceesful Advertising, How to Accomplish It", is the title of a new book just written by J. Angus Mac Donald, and published by the Lincoln Publishing Co., Phi!a., Pa. We have taken great pleasure in cxainiuiag this book. It comprises five divisions: First, Ad Build ing 2nd, Retail Advertising all the Year around ; 3rd, Special Features in Retail Adver tising; 4th, Mail Order Advertising and 5th, Miscellaneous Advertising. The book contains a f.i.id of information and no business man can a!Wd to do without this book. There is enough in the book to interest a man in any business and such a fund of data to select from that three or four times the price of the look can ho made from its teachings every week of the year. The Inwik costs 2.00 a vol ume, much less than it is worth. Address the publishers. A False Prophet. The imp of hades, w ho has been sending items from this place to the Beaver Springs herald has opened a battery for several months upon many of the resjHx-table and reliable people of the County Seat. Just why the Editor has al lowed this free lance, under tlienoudc plume, to fabricate and malign decent people remains un answered. This representative of eternal heat (and dark ness has been aching for trouble ami he will find it at judgment clay. In sparely settled communities like ours, if we all pull together, our accomplishments are very limited, and such irresponsible curs, ted, fostered and nurtured, body, soul and breeches, by that class of mossbacks, who can not see leyond the narrow limits of their own personal aggrandise ment, are largely responsible for the lack of unity in promoting the welfare of the town. Any responsible citizen of the town or com munity can call at the First National Bank of Middleburg and satisfy himself that the Editor of the Post DID contribute toward the purchase of the engine for ttie Shirt Factory, and he can also see that the lrresjionsible correspondent of the Herald diii not contribute one cent toward the purchase of the engine. What is furthei true, this wiiild-lie censor has never contributed anything toward any industry that was establish ed in Middleburg. HairSplits "I have used Ayer's HiirVjcr. S for thirty years. ii is eii-i... - J a hair drei"4and for keeping the hair irom splitting at the ends." 3 J.A.GruenenMdetGr2ntfork,II!. i T Hair-splitting ; friendships. If :hj. splitting is Cc"2 or. own head, i: loess friends for you, for every v.ic o'i your head is a friend. Aycrs Hair vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. SI. 00 i bottle. All druggists. it If your dmcxlst cannot supply yon. semi u one. u.niur mill vu will (xpi'088 Vi HI a bottle lift miro.ind plvo till" lunm of your nearest rxiin-KM oilTee. Address, J. C. A YEtt CO., Lowell, Muss. I KIKI) TO COXCKAI. IT. It's the old story of "murder will out" only in this case there's no crime. A woman feels run down, ban backache or dyspepsia and thinks it's nothing and tries to hide it uutill she liuully breaks down: don't deceive yourself. Take Elect ric Bitters at once. It has a repu tation for curing Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles and will revivi fy your whole sjstetn. The- worst forms of tlio.se maladies will quickly yield to the curative power of Elect, ric Litter. Only 50c. and guaran teed by Middleburg Dmtf Co., Gray bill k Carinas, Kichlield, Pa , Dr. J. AV. Sampsell, I'censcreek, Pa. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ioMi:sTiTitorM:s. It is exceptional to tied a family where then ur no domestic rupt ures ncciisioiisilly. but these can be lessened lv' having Dr. Kmc s eu' Life, Pills mound. Much trouble they stive i.y tlitir great wotk in btomncb niitl Jjivei tumbles. Ir.ey not onlv relieve you. but euro. '.'.V. at Midillebur',' Drugstore, (irnybill t (iarmun, K chdeld, Pa-, and Dr. J. W. Sampsfcll, Pcniiscrotk, 1 u. You Cannot Uliuiir the course of a storm by tearing down the signals that give warning of Its approach. Neither can you cure a cold by temporarily stopping a cough with opium-laden "medicines." Allen's Lung Balsam, in which there is no opium, cures sore throats and sore lungs because it allays all inflamma tion and rids you of the mucous that stops up the air passages. DUNDORE. The Teachers' Institute held at Port Treverton last week was pro ductive of much good and tho cause of education took a new start. The Susquehanna coal breaker had a rush of business last week, ijid some days shipped better than 100 tonxjifJieTudoinaL $ l.ftjlSJ ton. Henry Hoot sold a fresh cow to a party at Treverton. Joel .Shatter and dames Uathfoii had heavy butchering for two days last week. Jacob Ketstitter and son got (5.50 for the coal they took out of the river in a single day. There is a good demand lor cord wood. Our township poor house is a money saver for our tax payers. Our tax collector has an eye to business. Gottlieb Shrey was seen on our streets. H. F. Blessing was in town on business. H. I j. Witmcr sold his potatoes to the superintendent of the dormi tory of the Susquehanna University. A party at Sunbury are getting their supply of potatoes from our merchant at 50 cents. Itev. Searl has an interesting meeting at the Witmer Church. V. M. Boyer was in town. II. F. Witmer has coal for sale at 2.00. II. B. lleichenbnch is staying wiin ins au iii ai aciiusgrove. Our primary election last Satur was a pleasing attair, as the voters got just what they wanted. Coal oil Johnny is the queerest man in the County, for he has half of the people sitting half of the time in the dark, and his only advice is fi.ot t! t. v:'fn-'v;Jp :1'.-11 ny their prayers and go to bed. For information read the Pos'i, and Ibr more goods for the same money go to Dundore's store. John Krouse of Philadelphia was in town on a trip to see his many friends and stock them up with Dry GoixIh. Francis Kerstettcr was to Selins grove on business. Maria W. Dundore made a busi ness trip to Selinsgrove last Satur day, and while away from home Mrs. X. F. Shanbach aud Mrs. A. II. Troutmau,of Port Treverton came to spendjthe day with her, so they prepared a sumptuous dinner to which they all sat down on the return of Mrs. Dundore: good cooks are in demand; come again. FLORIDA. Two Weeks' Tour via Pennsylvania Railroad. The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour of the season to Jacksonville, allowing two weeks in Florida, will leave New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington by special train on Feb ruary 3. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation, Pullman aecommodi tlons (one berth), and meals en route in both directions while traveling on the special train, will be sold at the following rates; New York, $"0 (K); Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore and Washington, HS.tHi; Pittsburg, $.V.00; and at proportinate rates from oilier points. For tickets, itineraries, and other in formation apply to tieket agents, or to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant ( ieucral 1'ns singer Agent, Broad tSteet Station, Philadelphia. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back. of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 2Sc. Ail druggist. - ? Want your nimiMtarlmor bmrd a beautiful brown or rich black? Thru use Diintmtmjrm'o nveforthe DUOfinunH!l O Ult Whiskers fr, Hewn 3J Senator Focht litis been appointed chairman of the t'oniinittee on Banks and Buildings and Loan Association and a Member of each ofihe following Committees: Appropriations, Educa tion, Elections, Forestry, Law and Older, Legislature Apportionment, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water. Boing Out of Business S Great Closing Out Sale Beginning Feb. 1st and Continuing all through the month. I Will Sell at Cost my entire stock of General Merchandise, Consists of DRY GOODS, Notions, Q,ueensware, Hardware, Treed Hro.'n, Fornej's and reterin tin's SHOES. Also a Lot of RUBBER GOODS, Such as FELTS, KUBBEKS and GUM BOOTS- Also Boy's and Men's Leather Boots. EF'Come early as it must bo sold. Sell for Cash or country produce. . (3-elxi.e-tt;, Strouptown, Pa. Nominations for Borough and Ton o ship Offices. . Adams (llep.) Judge of Election, J.E. Fetterolf Inspectors, Henry Fetterolf ; A. W. Troxel ; Supervisors, Element Mus- ser, Tobias Mitchel; Overseer, Dan iel Jluckenuurg ; Auditor, George A. Auraud ; lax Col lector, George Ewing ; School Directors, C. G. Hingaman and II. Ii. Fetterolf. Adams, (Dem.) , .1 udge of Election, is. F. Markel 5 Ins., Ira Norman ; Supervisor, P. Ploezer Overseer, George Norman; Auditor, James M. Mattcru ; lax Collector, Anthony V. Krebs ; S. Director, Philip J. Ocker. Chapman, (Dem.) Judge of Election, William Boeh ner; Inspectors, Francis Wildt, O. S. Ilerrold ; Supervisors, Kobert Wendt and Jonathan Ilerrold ; S. Directors, Thomas Paigp, Uenjuniiu Swartz ; Overseer, F. C Kreitzer ; Auditor, J. A. Ilerrold ; Tax Col lector, Wm. II. Swartz ; Township Clerk, Daniel G. Garman. Chapman, (Llep.) Judije of Election, J. II. Upde- grove, Inspector, J. F. Stroub ; Au ditor, U. S. Sholly ; Overseer, Mil ton Sliafler ; School Director, Chas. Updejjrove ; Tax Collector, Simon Long. Beaver, (llep) School Directors, Isaac Beaver, Fiank P. Walter ; Supervisors, A. Midilleswarth, D'Miiel Shawvtr ; Overseer, V. II. Weaver : Judge of Election, W. 11. Howell ; Inspec tors, W. M. ejiecht, M. M. McDow ell ; Auditor, A. M. Bowersox ; Twp. Treasurer, W. O. Stetler ; Tax Collector, Isaac Botish. Franklin, (Hep.) Judge of Election, S. II. Troup ; IusK'ctors, W. 11. Zimmerman, E E. Musser ; Tax Collector, Austin Gift; School Directors, A. G. Bus hoar, U. A. Hassinger; Supervisors M. C. Weirick and Hop Mitchel ; Overseer, V m. II. Walter; Audi tors, L. G. Stetler and L. E. Derr ; Justice of the Peace, E. D. 11. Wal ter. Jackson, (llep.) Judge of Election, G. A. Brouse; Inspector, Harry II. "Wetzel ; Tax Collector, B. F. Brouse ; Supervis ors,. IlurrisouBoilb f aud Ammoa Erdley ; School Directors, C J. Beaver and Dr. P. Hepman-j Over seer, J . A. Steese ; Auditor, J. S. Yeai ick. Jackson, (Dem.) Judge of Election, II. J. Sassa man ; Inspector, J. 1. Klingler ; Tax Collector, 11. J. Leitzel; Super visors, S. W. Kline, Jacob Dining ; School Directors, E. E. Klingler, B. Kline ; Overseer, A. T. Wetzel; Auditor, A. A. Klingler. MlDDLEHURO, (Hep.) Chief Burgess, J. F. lleitz; Town Council, I. II. Bowersox, Curtin Bowersox, John Arhogast ; School Directors, G. II. Stciningcr and G. E. Hassinger ; Auditors, A. S. Beaver aud Wm. II. Guteliua; Tax Collector, Wm. llomigj ; Judge of Election, II. II. Grimm; Inspectors, Wm. Foltz and Jacob Stahlnecker ; Overseer of the Poor, Chas. E. Stciningcr. Perry, (Rep.) Judge of Election, John II. Troup; Inspector, Abs. Kratzer; Tax Col lector, Allen W. Valentine ; School Directors, Thomas Arbogast, Henry Lessman ; Supervisors, G. Dreese, Henry Bickhart; Overseer, Christian itnouse ; Auditors, O. N. Kalriter aud Henry Harding. Perry West, (Rep.) Judge of Election, Wm. Bressler; Inspector, II. C. Troup ; Tax Col lector, J. E. Strawser ; Supervisors, Jacob A. Willow, C. S. Spriggle ; School Directors, Banks K. Ferster, T. P. Derr; Overswr, C. C. Gray bill ; Auditor, Henry Page. Pejiry YuobT, (Dem.) Judge of Election, W. 11. Shraw der ; Iusector, James I. Forry ; Tax Collector, Wm. II. Forry ; Supervisors, A. S. Shrawder, Philip Hood ; Overseer, II. W. Kerstettcr; Auditor, J. W. Garman. Spkincj, (Rep.) Judge of Election, Ira E. Lepley; Inspectors, A. J. Ocker, A. J. Ilom mel; Supervisors, Henry Maurer, Edward Heimbacli ; Tax Collector, W. J. Klose ; Auditors, H. W. Mattern, Chas. A. P. Ulsh ; School Directors, II. II. Laub, Harrison Shrader ; Overseer, Lewis Rauck. . Union, (Rep.) Judge of Election, W. S. Reich- enbach; Inspector, A. F. Rife; Jus tice of the Peace, A . S. Sechriht ; 8. Directors, If. P. HootTTl Overseer of the Pojr V l A c : I uri rv...:..i . . ... A. 1$. iiruliaker Wolfe. Court Frcclaini I'n lon and Peter F. Hi. ,.i ' .. lle 111. iwh day ui lieA' llra.-lr.l inn... I.....M.. . . L ' U. oourt ul Cuiuumiu Pit, ruu'i'',;1',1'-! oiiner llenerul I'unn ., .... ''"I Hce. l 1, 1 (.i -.. '""ej Snyder, on the 4th Mond., iv," d 01 Feb. 1903,, d lo euuH nr. J wiien ul tle Teuce h'imI " 1 lurllm cuanly ul .ny.lf,. , .lull.-.. OXfttlllnitniini a. '"Ml toduthooethliiiis whirh '"J tliair IwiiHli f.anain tu i,c lulled lu to then and i,,re 'f. (uiriuiK wiilM.ut leave H1 ,; , ' '" Vi jte re.jurs.ted to he punoiiui , ,'31 it llieuiiHilnied time arec '. ''"f nft1.M In Ml.l.lll . A. Uouo mo .nana ie ! HA. K. ., , OEUISTEHINOTirE.s.-x1r: eii llil U.e lulluwnu i,,,, died Uieir AUmiiiiKimtuiV, (,1,,7 eoillorb' accuuiila Ioilie K-.t,.,1:Sl der louiily. and the Hainu m iw. 1 .tnnflrmMthin unit ull.... ' .w (M nMlddleburgli,MoLdar. I cb. u IiJ ' eiui -ouiii ul Ku. i and Chauiicey A. Keel. v Kiecut-1 Will ml T...Li.i.,,t l n . tV.u4 Selinaicrove. 1'a.. dni'il ' " 2. uul and Hnal account f J n J mill ilr ilor ut tli . 11 1 .....,, , ., , 3, Firiil mid final account ..t a. A.im r oi IMM mi.i. ... I. i. . t Penn twu . d..M 4. fint'and final aecount f jrnA .Moyer. lute of I'rutiklin t ,. . o, riMt and II mil aciouht f , r lfl,.lll..v ml ... i .. lu. .. . ... ericlc Xleiclilcy. lute of .Hour.... .... ... . " n. rirm anil Hnal account ,,( i .1 AdlllllilMtri.trl .i il.u , .. . Vul7ll w. VH..B n p. , uije (. 7. Second and tttml awmmt of a ? til i J-MU, II. c'lild of lioiir.,.. S,.l.t...H. dee'd. -.VaJ 4 . First and flnul avmint Rllrl U'm. lV.in.i.1 . .""I aiid Icjlament of Ml. liael" .s. "StA .- - vww.u. Dm p., l. 9. Kir.t ml II,.. I Ilerrold. a.lm'r. f tlie ciat, .,( luiuuicourft. ra., Jau'iary Ism. WIDOWS' AITKAISKMIMx f , DV iMl'llh tl.nl .1 pralnenuiUW under tlnifam i.m, ,m 3 .,..,o,,n. ui IIIBUIp i (Vn Ciunty for confirmation K.n i. I. AnprnUtttiieiitof S.tsa iiu Kiu FrRnkhn k'mti.r 1. . . . , , I villi lOlOtl ccirifd. etectvd to btJ taken under ttujl 1 A IIIIFIllurH n . 7 . . "" "win wm. ! iiniih' n. ?ntuV ceaMHl. elected to be taken under thtd bt.ijjiiuii IMW. 3. Apiriiiseincnt of Sn-an AiIkm ofjiuvihil A HUw..... i.. elected to be takeu under the toiiiwu law. . 4. Appralwment of Sunin llroua J. ii. Brouae, lute of Juckm n tn,(( ed to be tukeu under Hie f..uu.uo titijt . ApproiBcment of Suami A. OK, n Henry A Oil, late of Sviinron, elected to bo taken un.li.r it... Jw Zn . Appralaement of Snllic .I.Qnm.4 A. J. Oroai, late of belimxrove h.4 elected to be taken under tue tl Mti law. rnoriioxoTAitv s An jrn. Pirt titi.t Ann , . I u .1';.. i Ciuardian or LOiuiuitiee ! 1.114 itm Duavcr lownnip, dec il, U M. MIIXIiKUlteJ -ov vi. iao:j. JURY LIST. List of Grand .lurora drawn l.,r tbc (a Oyer aud Terminer. . . al and Quurtor Hesiun ul ili. i eaoi lit MidillcbillK. in and i-r IlitO Snyder the 831 day of I . l.rnait J Hoyer, John AI., Wurveyur. M'lniton Mill Icy, tuwnnl, Lent. I eiitre. HiiiKiiinnu, Williitui, Ijtln.ivr. IVnlit I Ifow. thox, vorncllUH, lHrmi'r,lfiitt Dliinlu. Cliarleti, raniier, I't-nn. IMvia, lien, oi., Gent. Se.ini;r(vc. Kelker. llenrv. Farmer. Muiinr. liomberirur, tVllson A , Ti.ii lier. Pnrl lloffinun, Hcter, Karmer. IliiinrW, tioltzupple, V. II., Teaelii-r, ',-iliinU iioltzapplu, William, uilmrer, I tun. Kluck, K. 11., Farmer. Cimm, heeler, William. Laoorer .Mnlillicmkl Kline. J. Howard, Laboier, Keuiri. Nocher. John rarmer. 'liapmaii. Pick, John, Gent, Spring. Ham bo, James, Oarpente.. t'nicn. KoUMh, iianiel. Laborer, t'liion. Hcebnld.Jra, Farmer. JaekMi.n. Btroh, A. H., Mail Carrier, In ion. Hechrlat. Allen. J. I'.. I niun. Sterner, Henry, Carpenter. t-elliugOT waller, lwta, f armer, i eiitre. Walter. Irwin, Farmer, Muldlccrak. List of Petit Jurors drawn tor the Oyer and Terminer. General toll Quatter-Seasion of the I'i'.iw of Common Pleas to be held at H In and lor the County of Snydn any of February K ., lU' J. Benfer, II. A.. Farmer, Mi.I-llecreek. Brouae. Charles, Farmer, fenn. Boyer, 11. K, Karmer, 1'eiin Baker, Kobert, Farmer, Beaver, W. L'ocuian, John, Farmer. .Mnnrnc. Courtney. M. J.. Laborer. KrankUa Dreese, Charles, Farmer, WaiMiiRl Dreese, William, rarmer, iiraver Krdly, Charles, Farmer, Walniih'toi r Islier, Theodore, Altllcr. reiin, Felker, William H., Lalio'er f)Hn, Freed, Nathan, laborer. Iliaver. (lillnliua X.l'J. P.. Mid.ll.rreck. GaUKler, Frank, Laborer, f--l iitrroT lliinunel, ilerre, rarmer, .uur.c, Haines, .lames M., Labor, r. rm( llnre.J. D.. Lnborer. 1'raukliii. Ilerrold, John U . r ormer, l IwnmM- Maus. II. I... Ijtndlonl, rirry. Kline, Ira A., Teacher. Spri i nr. Kloso, Allan, rarmer. Franklin. Kl.uuv Willinm .1 H Kl.iler. MTIIlI u .. .. n i..i... u v..-....,, r,:iiikiix- .......iiiinii (.iiii rr.t uim., - B j KrIM..r. Henry V., IHv-t-" H ivii.iier, Oneii., i'uin.ci, , Klii.i. Kr.vi.lr f."&r.t...r. .Ill k. II. Kreaiucr, Guleii.Curpunl' r, MiddlecB LoiiK, Peter, Ulacksml'li,S. lin' Mailer, William II., Labour. traoU" Mutilratli, John, Laboier. rirnm. .Markley, Jonathnn, Fanner, '"'h. Muswr, K'mer, lllncksmitli. rraaki in..i..... a ii a...UAM ?...rii..i:ro- raulii.ir.'WeslrV Laborer. Middleba ltine, Bent. ., Merchant liir.ver. liuwu, iiooori, rarmer, i HnllHh. l..o J.. Ijtliorer. .MiniUfn"? ltelelienliach. Oco. II.. T. a. h-r- rm. Koiish, Ansa om, BlacksmiHi, "' ttmlll. 1 la.mi., SlirinlT. Hholly, Amnion. Farmer. I Hhirk, Ahlo A., Farmer, I'.-rry : J Shirey, Iae, Implement '''' Stimeling. Charles, Fiirmer, Ik'" i meiun. o. r., uiunrer, i "" . i Htettler, Amos., Carpenter, Wi'ISf IJchotWrBer. Chas. A., Farnir r T UlWiC, tJUMUi lino"' ' given tlial letters ieu."-.-M( tat of Henry Menglc, 1ulrti hip, (Snyder Co., Pa., dec d, , in due form of tow to the i"?lV all indebted to said e"e in.il dlale payment and those lavl'i(i It should present them duly "" eiuemeni. - Phujp M" ' Ml! Pleasant Mills, Jar. 36 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers