B'Sandlin SUITS ll OVERCOATS AT EH.I TS3 THAT CANNOT U3I2 MATCHED. Another Special Sale at III JUS BROTHERS, SUNBIi. I Higii - Grade ) Extra-Qnality )) I SUITS vl vercoats It's a rare occasion, indeed A when 3uch suits and overcoats are offered at this price. There is not one but what could be sold for from 6. to 7. But here they are. all ready to put on. Boy's suits and overcoats fit the same price. $4.98. M r Firs onal t Mil Bank cf Aidd'eburg, Pa. Capital, Surplus, 50,000. $30,000. G. Alfkki Sunmh, Pres. V. . Wittexmyf.k, Vice Pres. Jas. G. Thompson, Cashier. -DiUECTpRS V. . iltenniyer, A. Kreeger, J. N. Thompson, M. Miilner. Jas. G. Thorjpsou. Smoothing HI Path. Gus You never liad spuuk enough to mnke a proposal in your life. Why did you tell Miss Trottie that you were engaged to two girls? George So Rhe'd want to get me eway from them. X. Y. Weekly. Some Comfort. Bigg Vis. fir. Sad ease! Man who built this 1 '.!e of mine just got it finished, wVi.i he died. Wifg Weil, it might have been wort-e. He ' -M- have had to live in it. Ilrool ...i'e. aw Mtt .1 teti yo oay friend, people aaal t too careful about the cate f th yea." . V w.v i- "You speak ae if you , had ' had aome experience along that line.. "You . bet I've had jny experience! ?f my Aunt Jane had worn glasse for her nearsightedness the wouldn't bare married a designing fellow who dyed hi hair. And if she hadn't married him I wouldn't be knocking 'round here with nothin' to do and lets to eat." Cleveland Plain Dealer. AH Tkaa U Knew Abaat. ' . He had called upon his son at college. "Did John show you everything of interest there ?" his wife inquired when he returned, "He said he did." "What did he show you?" "The gymnasium, the football field, the baseball diamond, the bouthouses, and the training quarters for the crew." Chicago I'ost. Extra Camtloa. Husband What's wrong with that bouse we looked at yesterday? Wife It's too big. llisband Well, the one we visited to-day, then? Wife It's too small. Husband Say, what sort of a house do you want? t Wife Sir, I do not propose to com mit myself. Boston Post, Gulag a4 It Right. Subbub I'm sick and tired of vis iting the employment agencies in search of cooks, so I'm going to ad vertise; there's the ad. Want-ad. Man (of daily newspaper) Y'es, sir; how many insertions? " Subbub Why, about twice a week for a year! What's your rock-bottom price? Brooklvn Lifo ' First Fair One They so y yoe sever kitdw a nan until you have summered and wintered with him. ' , . Second Fair On Sty experience la that you never' know him until you find out how much alimony he ean pay. N. Y. Herald. . " ' v ' . Tea swee fey Hntft. Pretty Darling- (who hs' just been kissed) Upon my word! I like your cheekt . - - Impudent Young Man (who hat just done it) Not half aa much as' I like your line, my dear. Ally Sloper. To Ba Caacratalatcd. Manager I have read your play carefully and cannot find the slightest trace of a plot. Playwright nave you any sug gestions to make? "Oh, no nothing but congratula tions. X. Y. Herald. Her Idra. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Torkins, "I hope you will promise me never to gamble." , "What is your idea of gambling?" "Betting your money and losing it," wa the prompt reply. Washington Star. j How It Goes. "When you send your poetical effu sions to the magazines do you call them 'poems' or 'verses?' " "Well, when I'm sending them I call them my 'poems,' but whpn they come back I call them iny 'reverses.' " Philadelphia Press. Moat lauanal. Subbub 'The new couple who have moved in next door to us are people of most extraordinary mind Citiman You don't say? hubbubs e; mind tneir own business. Philadelphia Pres. Accounts of Individuals, Finns and Corporations Solicited. MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Wheat . Rye.... Corn .. 72 56 ,56 Butter 4 Etrp 26 Onions CO Lard 12 Oats Tallo.v 3 Potatoes 45 Chickens.... 8 jBrau per 100. 1.20 Side 10 Middlings" 1 20 OS Shoulder. Hhim 15 Flour per bbH.OO 12 Chop 1 ?. . . ally Prepare. Student, (reading Virgil) Three times I strove to catt my arms around h - neck that's as far as I got, pre ssor, k Professor Well, sir, that's quite far enough. Yale Becord. Confidential. Dr. Pilz Did you ever lose a pa tient? Dr. Bilz Yes; there was young Jenks; recovered and hasn't come rear the place since. X. Y. Times. The Only Car. Clergyman I'm sorry to hear that you sell liquor in this hotel. Hotel Clerk Well, eir, we wouldn't if you could get people to stop buy ing it. Brooklyn Lift A PUmalble Theory. Hewitt I don't smoke as many cigars as I used to. Jewett You must have lost a friend. X. Y. Times. RUNKLE'S BARGAIN EMPORIUM I OVERCOATS. I have now on hand stock of 200 over coats. The best assortment that ever cune to Middleburs at these cold weather bargain prices. 4. ?5. $5.50, SG.00, $8.00, $10.00. SUITS. Durable quality, all sizes, $3.00 4.50 5. 5.50 C. 7. 8, and 10 dollars. These prices are not guaranteed to last longer than Jan. 1st. SHOES. ' v ' Men's and Ladies' Shoes $1.00 1.2o 1.50 2. 2.25 2.50 and 3.00 dollars. Also Children's Shoes. These' shoes are all of good strong leather, nicely made and first class goods. DRY GOODS. ' I have the nicest line of Calicoes and dry goods of all kinds at greatly reduced prices. GROCERIES. ( Arbuckles Co flee 10c. Soda 3c Granulated Sugar 5 Jc. Flour of Sulphur 3c. Soft A. Sugar 5c. J.W. Runkle, Middleburg, Penna. Suits and Overcoats. SUITS. We have au excellent line oi fall and winter suits which we ofier at the follow ing low prices: Men's all wool suits $0.50 to $12.00 Youths' suit, age 12 to 20 years, lor $2.75 to $7.50. Boys' two-piece suits, all new and the latest styles, strictly all wool, $2.50 to $5 A lot of suits in odd sizes and slightly shelf woru will sell at a sacrifice. OVERCOATS. Our line of overcoats is more complete and up-to-date than is generally found in small towns. Mens' all wool, latest styles, medium lenjrth overcoat- at $6.50 to $12.00. Youth's overcoats, age 12 to 19 years, good quality all new stock and prices that j are right. ) Boy's overcoats, all grades $2 to $5. Hunting coats from $1 to $2. We have received a lot of WOOL HATS for fall and winter, all the latest blocks. Xow is the time to buy your LINOLEUM we have the latest patterns and a good quality. Also a good variety of Floor and Table Oilcloth. Gr-TJisrs. Gr-TTnsrs. The latest improved Chattuck at $5. 25. . A good Single Barrel at $4.75. The Amer ican Single Barrel at $7.50. Double Barrel Jielgum, laminated steel, $12. Don't forget the place Opposite the Firrt National Bank. GELNETT BROS., MIDDLEBURG. PA. ' roheaUhr rraetlce. Mr. Bacon I wouldn't put my hair tip in curl-papers, if I were you. Mra. Bacon Why not, pray? . "Because all the doctor agree (hat it is very unhealthy to sleep curled up In bed." Yonkers States man. FooUih &irl. Mae I don't see why Bessie ac cepted young Boxe. . Ethel Don't you know that hie father is a multi-millionaire? ! Mae That's jyst it. Why doesn't ehe marry the old gentleman? lie is a widower. N. Y. Herald. Fatile Effort. They iy ther dress to pleae the nten; But we should think, Indeed, To Judge bjr when the bills come In, The Udles don't succeed'. Brooklyn Life. WHIT'I THE 1KB t you going to college, Mra. Visitor And aren't teed your cob to rrfab? Mra. B. Hoj we've concluded It1 Bseleaa. You sea hi hair la so this that there's no hope of his ever get lnf oo the football tmv Chicago "Did you hever think of marriage, Misa Tiggs?" "Lor! Wy, I never think of noth ink eke." Ally Sloper. Averse. O, may I write a verse to you. The ardent lover cried No need; I am averse to you, The maiden proud replied St. Paul Dispatch. Forever Debarred. Lassitudinous Lemuel Why was Weary refused membership in the brotherhood of enervated pilgrims? Peregrinating Ijpul We discovered that he was born in Bath, Maine. Judge. Trouble Ahead. In a cemetery at Middlebury, Vt., is a stone erected by a widow to her lov ing husband, bearing this inscription: "Rest in peace until we meet again." Life. The Kind She Mkes neat. "Every woman ia looking for a partner in life," remarked the Ob server of Event and Things', "and she doesn't care if it is only a silent one." Yonkers Statesman. Qalte Sporty, lnded. Mrs. Gozzer Your husband is a great sportsman, isn't he? Mrs. Malaprop Yes, indeed; he five Stagg dinners. Town Topics. , t slfkti T X 1 wfcat I caH flow tZs j. mii Ur Ei "What baa occurred ?"iL bus band. "The neighbors who reeei next door are going to 1 pany, so tney sent over our parlor rug. I let thJ and in a little while they A and said they didn't thiJ liandsome enough' to go i furniture, and would I 4V a- 1 ins mouej 10 ouy a neaf anington star. A Uaear Thla.. Oh, trouble is a thins; vrhlch J doitow. And the flight of tune aiv soma sorrow. And It Is a fact, my dear. Which to me seems very cle&i That to-day will ba yesterday Loftus Frlselle, In Bt Nlchoia TIP FOR UIM TO GO I Edith Hintz You must with Mr. Borem' new hat, Willie Why not? Edith Hintz You might lose it, and he'll want it minutes. Chicago Journal, The Philosophic Ci A crow Is not a pretty bi Yet he's all right, btci lie never quarrels with 1 Or fortune, without cj N. T. Herald. Spoke- the Cynic. "Carious thing about a man with a watch is that if you see him take it out and look at it, and you ask him two seconds later what time it is, he never remembers. lie has to look at it again." "Yes; I've noticed that he'll always do it if his watch is a fine one," Chi cago Tribune. Another Election Row. "What becamel of that Sunshine cl'.io which Daiey started ?" "Oh, it's under a cloud. After the first annual election of officer it waa impossible to get a quorum, ow ing to the fact that only two mem ber of the club were .on speaking terms." Chicago Record-Herald. Ballerina; by Proxy. Dentist Been Buffering from tooth ache, I see. She Yes; haven't slept a wink for three nights. Dentist Is it a back one or She No; it's my husband's tooth. Tit-Bits. Playing UanleL1 Mother-Why, children, J this noise'obout? Little Freddy We've hai and Uncle Henry locked il board for an hour, an' whel a little angrier I'm going d ine Into the lion's enrc 1 Beware of Ointments for that Contain) M"rcJ as mercury w 11 surely i( set. Be of sinpll ana coropl ranee the whole system . ing it through the mucous Such articles should uevei except ou prescriptions frl abln physicians, as tte dai will do ib ten fold to tbe ran possibly derive fit Hall's Catarrh Core, asq by F. J, Cheney & Co , Ti contains no mercery, an internally, acting dire'cim blood and mucous surfan system. In buying Ball Cure be sure that you get ihd. It Ls taken internally inTnlddfO., by F. J.Cbed lestmomam free. Sold is ( , prion 75c per bottle, e all's Family Pills are mil Oil in ten SELLING at COS We are offering our entire stock of gooj cost, namely, men's, boys' and children's Clothing, Overcoa: SVTU8B SUITS. Ladies, Misses' and Children's Goats mid $ Ready made suits, all of them np to date kinds of Dress Goods, velvelo and mksy bed etf, Horse blankets and Plush Robes, FrpprlRrnc RKT MAM M jl m WUU Jh a wsa a an w iisi isam ""i "Finfl Slifins. ltnhber Roots. Felt RooK Lnf men's Stockings. Overshoes of all . descriptia Carpets LinaleumS; Oilcloth, Carpet Chain, window shades, laca tains, muslins, shirtings, linings, nnucrwe Hosiery, fine flannels, outing cloth, Jewelry, Watch Till I I I IMC AC UADrWrfAr rvbL, 1.1 iv k wr nnainni Our beautiful stock of I Holiday goods, trimmed and untrimm..l mil laces, ribbone, flowers, birds, teatucrt, pm; uouie and secure nargains. x ropuce unw "ML. :M"i 1 1 jqe
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