ote THeate o have a job lot of not a in nana. . - l HtMi mifct on We bought a large con signment of envelopes Having bought so many we secured a rock bottom figure. Send fcr samples and prices. The price will do It. V 1 and prices for the ask- than you can buy them printing. littatcllcr, Mtttf aa Prtpfleur. A Family Jtanul, Derated u Rewt, Science. Art, Ptlitical Economy aid Current Literature. Rtet: One Dollar Per Aannm, in Advance XXXIX MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. NOVEMBER G 1002 NUMBER -14 1 tl f 11 11 if- (Envelope? rin LOCAL LACONICS wn a typical Autumn flay. ite coal made Its appearance k WW. St roup niaile 4;V",0tt0 gal- Lr ttiif season. fcldreii f H. . nernian, 01 Lnship, are down with ty- . mlchtv mean man to r- . T7 a ....... n ax iron, an r.i..o.. L and ax in Ins business. VST A fur or six Horse hie, Pa. Apply to A. O. HOUNHKKOKH. I the electric Unlit plant for - unit Mlddleburg will not till next hummer. fw who etole the ax from the .xni house lias lieen diseover- Lx was seen on his premises. L uot returned promtly, the lte arrested. A. K. Sole In Ins Hew feuttV- mr cutting parlor for your Led with a refreshing shnm- i-leaii towel to eaeh patron th fide of Market square op tral Hotel. Satisfaction guar tf. Shoe operators on Child bed Shoes. Hood wages lierienced hands. Address, A. H. Pbexzel A to. Halifax, Pa. bmans Home ana foreign f Society will hold a special uion service next, oniiuay the Lutheran church. attention is called to L. tier's advertisement ou page i'ws to Ladies, in regards to bps." I of "Theory and Pratice of yrfi cliniMnir np. Over ibave been sold. No busl- Juould be without a copy. kistpaid. Copies have gone Itate and territory In the Canada, England and Bel- ie sample of Chamberlains nd liver tablets at Miu- fug store. Thoy are easier d more pleasant in effect then their use is not by constipation as is often witu puis. Regular size, x. Walnut Wanted. psand bushels of walnuts are The highest nrices will be Charles Boyer, Paxtouville, Pa. 1 1 AX tm PERTINENT PERSONALS gfflr$ I M. L. Kreeneraiid wife are six-ndim? several days in town. j Ueorge A. Kline, of Iteavi-rto.vi., j. spent Friday night in this place. ii i litis wedding at Mittlinliuig last week, j; j .Miss Jennie Bibighaus and friend, of I Mittlinburg, were in this place Monday Mrs. William Mills i! Krpftnu cntiKtnnily nt it U the Uvy to aiifcf MMful iidvrr lUlnK. You cannot spurt much iimi win. A business career that pies by tits timl stmts will nut pay so well in the lui:.ir 111:1 ns a busi ness tli;:t follows a course iu;ip ped out for it mill Uceps iliereas iiiB its iiilvertisin- us tin; Imsi ness ileiuiinds it until the maxi mum is reached. There is a maximum for a small business beyond which it Is not economy or policy to go. r.rooUline Chronicle. Our columns furnish th key to aucreKBful advertising In thl community. i-l-l-l-l-l-l-S-l-I-H-W-H-l-H-H I 4- ! t x i y. .i. :!: 1 Coming Events. Saturday, Nov. 8, nt one o'clock p. m., lit Mlddleburg, Clementine Dorn w ill sell household goods at public sale. Saturday, Nov. 15, in Belinsgrove, Mrs. Rebecca Wagenseller will sell 2 " horses, cow, farming Implements, etc; Tuesday, Nov. 18, near Kant., J. A fisher will sell 1 horse, 1 cow, two head of cattle, trucking outfit, etc. Monday, Nov. 24, Hnyder County Teachers' Institute will open In Mld dleburg to continue till Friday, Nov. 28. . Tuesday, Nov. 25, uear Port Ann, W. A. Gilbert will sll two horses and farming implements. Thursday Nov. 27rhe annual Thanks giving Day. The b-mks will be closed. Far Sale. Lf nearly 8 acres of good land public road through Hies- in West Perry township, , adjoining lands of Aaron and others. Timber on particulars, address, Mks. Emma J. Mahtiv. . - - , Lewisburg, Pa. ' kk, AUy., Mlddleburg, Pa. 1 Apple H'aiitfd. "'ami jwuiids of dried ap- Ulted. I Will mv five nonta trade at my store. I II A It I, EH BOYER, Paxtonville, Pa. "tiiin ! Comrades !! J. J. Kteininger of Jno. 0. t, of Laurelton, has been imH-et Captain O. V. Itvan M. Dept. of Penna. (1. A. It., r'H- He bus notified the tliut he will perform the Md appointment on Friday "vemiH-r Hth. Thfi tiiem- t are urged not to foreet A full turnout is earnestly V. Hiiindkl, Post Com. win Day Is Past t burn. Ii for any ticket, but f tp In at our store and see KofgiMMls. Boys' clothlmr. Misses fonts. T.nriloa Drewlliflr sklrta. hmu fancy Walyk n " vtwmoj ui Come to see us. Bring We pay cash for nro- ) " call. Wehavemanv "d many new bargains. ;"r Itespectfully, hWAUTZ & GrAYBILL., Coats, Opnortunitr to buy Ladies Suits, Furs Etc. On Wednesday and Thursday, Nov 5th and tith, we will exhibit samples of our immense stock of Ladies' and Children's ready made wear, in the parlor of the Washington House, Mld dleburg. For these full days, a mem ber of the firm with a lady from this department will take pleasure in show ing to you anything in which you muy be Interested. If we are unable to fit you with the regular stock sizes, we can take your measure, and have gar ments made accordingly, thus insuring I burg; James Barnett, of New Bloom- Sell rover, of (ilnbe was at the county seat Suturdnv aflernoon. Clayton Heitmyer, of New Columbia, spent Suuday with his comrade, II. E. Fpecht and wife. Misses Sallieaud Isabella Snyder, of Sun bury, spent Sunday at the home of their father. W. F. Dagle and family, of Beaver town, spent Sunday with Gabriel Bea ver and family. Harry Grimm is the proud father of a young son. He cmne down from LewUtown to see the little fellow. A.'triali Krecgeraud wife are spend" hiK several days in Miller.ihurg isiting their s-ick daughter, Mrs. Ira E. Fish. Mrs. W. F. Sechrist and son, of I.ew itown,iiiv spending several weeks with hi r parents, H. K. Iteigleaud wile.who tire ill. Mrs. Amanda Gemberling, of Selins gnive, has been visiting her daughter, lis. Nettie Bowes, on the French Flats. James P.Smith and Benjamin ltach nuii spent Monday fishing in Middlu creek, the former landing 11 uud the latter 3. George W. Bums, the foreman of the Post, has beeu undergoing a siege of rheumatism, and has been unable to attend to duties. John A. Batemau, of Sunbury, who had been employed on the Post, had a severe attack of home-sickness and left on short notice. Mrs. Christine, on her way from Pittsburg to Miftlinburg, and Itusscll Christine and daughter, of Mi m in burg, spent Sunday with I If. Bowersox and tamily. Lester Stuhlnecker, of Cleveland, O., formerly of this place, was married a few weeks ago to a Miss Manbeck, for merly of Middleereek, this county. Hon. G. Alfred Schoch, who spent two weeks at supreme court, at Serant on, us a juror, was allowed to come home from Saturday to Wednesday, when he returned so that the trial could be completed. We are indebted to Editor A. M. Atirand, of the Beaver Springs "Her-1 aid," for the courtesy of sending T. A. Keller, one of his printers, to help us out the past week, a predicament Into which we came ow ing to the illness of our foreman, G. W. Burns. At the Mass Meeting Friday evening in tills place addresses were delivered by Hon. Thad. M, Malum, Clianiliers- COTRT HOUSE CHIPS. Deeds EntereC tor Record. KnuMiuel Kern to John V. Saunders, ! 47 acres in west Beayer twp., $l.t. ' George F. Miller et. al. county com missionbrs to Emanuel Kern, 47 acres in West Heaver twp., H"U j Beneville Kerstetter and wife to F.I- , mira Portline, :B acres in Chaimmi John J. Bolender and Win. Swart., twp., $;i(M. of Pittsburg, came home to vote. j . T. Hettrlck and wife and T. J. 1 Miss Sue Beaver attended the Guti- Hettrlck anil wife to M. Frnnees Frv. 1 ling the lower end of Big Island, Sugar ! isiana, Jiig Ushlug Island and Little Fishing Island In the Susquehanna, eontainiiig "si acres and 12 perch; s. and tract of woodland in Monroe twp., containing L'aeresand 14 perches, $1.(HI. M. Frances Fryling to Thomas M. Kessler, 2 acres and 14 perches in Monroe twp., floO. James G. Crouse and w ife to W. I Garman for lot of ground in Middle burg, $ro. Rebecca Had man and Augustus Hud man to Jacob A. Wugner, 41 acres uud 38 jwlies in Spring twp., $725. B. F. Kautz, administrator of John Fry, to A. W. Potter, 1!iJ acres in l'eiin twp., for flutt). I. Norman Fisher, admr. of Samuel Fislwrto I.ydia Fisher. !KI acres in IVnn twp., for $.5125. M. E. and M. J. Krdlev,!,' Charles W. DiniiiB, 12 acres anil 133 perches in Middleereek for typ?, f!41."ii. J. O. Klingler and wife U Elmer E. Shannon, 5 acres and 35 perches in Spring twp., for $100. J. O. Klingler and wife to Elmer E. Shannon, 85 acres in Spring twp.. for $2700. John A. Fetlerolf, et. ux. et. to Commonwealth of Penna , three tracts in Adams twp , containing !)2acresaml 55 perches, for $125.75. Ario Pardee and wife to Jacob Ner hoixl, 329 acres and I jierch in Adams twp., for $50. Sarah Brelniuger and Samuel Brein inger to J. V. H. Moyer, 13 acres and 120 ne'-hea In Adams twp., for $82.50. 1. 1. Manbeck, admr. of Jacob Ner- Hood, to IJ. F. dsn, 77 acres and 88 perches in Adums twp., for $19. Jabot) ISerhood and wife to Y. J. H Aloyer, 13 acres and 127 pen-lies in Adams twp., for $5. Letteri Granted. It 4- AJ ft! m ... ,)r . -f v' KKA'CIS C. r.OWKlISOX, Ml'.MIIKU (if 1 ,1.1 Is I ATI ' UK Snyder County School Teachers, j 1-EKKY IOWNGHII'. diciimeiit and realized that prompt ae tion was necessary in order to save the young man's life rushed to his rescue i and the macliinerv Mis-.n,i,i.,l I I... Chas. N. Broslus.Mt.Prst Mills.Fremont G , was released from his perilous position T r Al-1 . ...... r- . . 1 cremciu r ; An examination showed that Fisher ' Heisler Val'y was severely injured and w hile he wa Smith's being taken to his home at Sliamnkiii Morning Glory ; Dam, on tlie digger, several of bis T. G. Arbobasl C. W. Sierer. 0. N. Kaltriler, W. A. Harding. Schnee. G. H. Relchenbach, Pallas J. W. Arbogast, Mt.Pl s't Mills Aline Leister F. C. Gingrich. H. E. Keiter, Evendale. Oriental, Pleasant View Pleasant Gap a perfectly fitting cloak or suit, We will have a large line of Ladies' and Misses Coats, Coat Suits, Caps and Furs, etc. Children Coats including all grades, low and high priced, all equally good values. We will be glad to have you look through the Hue. C. C. Leadkk, Bhimokin, Pa, Notice to Subscribers. At various times we have been club bing the "Farm News" published at Springfield, O In each case we paid for it a year. No longer. We learned from some of our sub scribers that the publishers are in the habit of continuing the paper after the expiration of the time paid and when several years have elapsed send the subscriber a bill . In order that there may be no mis understanding concerning the matter, all subs-riiiers of the Post wlio are gettiug the "Farm News", are remind ed that w e offered and paid for only one year and that those who do not wish to pay for it arc advised to re fuse it when the year paid for has ex pired. If you are satisfied with it and wish to pay for it, you can accept it as long as you see proper, but we simply want to let you all know the conditions. Waxtku Veal calvt?, also hides, allow, aud wool. J. L. Wiueuiau, N., rd street, Lewisburg. 10-9 Ct. field; Hon. A. W. Johnson, Lewisburg, and Clarence F. Huth, of Shiunokln. Last week's Miftlinburg Telegraph says : "Miss Maude Runkle and Miss Carey Willis of Middleburg.and Messrs. Charles and Roy Hcimbach, of Cleve land, Ohio, were the pleasing guest of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gaunt Sunday last." WEST PERRY. W. A. Hornberger. Richfield Gordon's Albert E. Whitley. - Heister Valley P. C. Shelley. Siahl's Benjamin Crayblll. - Cress Roads SEUNSGKOVt. S. M. Smyser, Selinsgiove, Prin. of H S Condensed, Accurate, Helpful. The busiest people read TilK YofTit'8 Companion becaused it is condensed, accurate and helpful. Its weekly summary of important news is complete and trustworthy. Its editorial comment on political and domestic questions is noti-partian; it aims to state facts iu such a way that the busiest person can use them as the basis of an intelligent oppimon. It retlects on every page the whole some, industrious, home-loving, home making side of American life, the life of noble alms and honorable ambitions. A full Announcement of the new vol ume will be sent to any address on re quest. The new subscriber for 11)03 who sends $1.75 for the new volume at once will receive free ajl the remaining Is sues for 11)02, including the double Holiday Numbers ; also The Compan ion Calender for 1903, lithographed In twelve colors and gold. The Youth's Companion, 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. L.etiera of Admr. in the estate of Franklin Kratzer, late of IVnn tow n ship, deced., were granted to Charles J. Kratzer. Letters of administration in the estate of Hannah J. Pell'er. late ofChaiuimn towiisiup, deceased, were granted to John PefTer. Letters of administration in theeslate of Christiana Alaurer, late of Jackson township, deceased, were granted to Martin H. Maurer. Wills I'rolmteil. The last will of William. I. lUi.hlty late of Monroe twp , was probated aud letters testainentry were granted to L- C. r.eichley; the widow and children are the heirs. The last will and testament of Henry H. Schaeti'er.lute of Franklin township, deceased, was probated Oct. IS, and E. D. H. Walter was named therein as ex ecutor. The wife Is to receive the bene fit of the estate during her life, and at her death the children become the heirs share and share alike. Pennsylvania Railroad's Winter Kxcur sion Route Hook. In pur-uaiice of Its annual custom, the Passe-1 iter Department of the Penn sylvauia I la 11 road Company has just is sued an M tractive, and comprehensive book descriptive of the leading Winter resorts of the East and South, and giv ing rates and various routes and com. blnations of routes of travel. Like nil the publications of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company, this "Winter Ex cursion Book" is a model of typogra phical and clerical work. It is bound in a handsome and artistic cover in colors, and contains much valuable in formation for Winter tourists and travelers in general. It .ran be had free of charge at the principal ticket oil ices of the Pennsylvania Itailnmd Company or will be sent postpaid upon applica tion to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Gen eral Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Long-Lasting Paint. Lead and oil is good mint : so long as it lasts. Li'iul zinc and oil ground together lusts longer two to one Dcvoe. Lydia M. Fisher, Jennie H. Miller. Delia A. Burns, Edith D. Potter. Neil 0. Foigy. Alberta Brenneman. W. H. Shamory. 5th k 6th Grades 3rd Grades 2d Grade P 4th Grade. 1st I 1st Grade P Asst. Teacher HS 7 3 Ciades G SI'KINO TOWNSHIP. friends came to Sunbury ami summon ed Dr. Hard to attend to his injuries. Dr. Hard visited the injured man and after making a thorough 'examination found that his injuries were not of a serious nature. The extent of bis in juries are severe bruises about the head and face and badly shaken up. Fisher's clothing was very badly torn, lielng stripped from the body at different places and had it not been for the quick action of his fellow employers he would have been seriously injured and perhaps killed. Pennsyvuub given IVunp:ickt:r about pi.,iHH) maj rity, Maliou can-its the district for Congress, ami the en tire republican ticket is elected. C. W. Smith. Clymer Ronil'. Estella Romip. Ira Kline. John Smith. Wm. Ens;le. J. C. Hi-tbr.!r W. H. Kline. J. F. Kt-I'er. Baver Sprinps. Grammar Intermedials Primary Ewlng's Bickel's Meyer's Kiegel's Ubh's Felket's III St- Inisi- Troxelvillc Beave: t iwi.. Be::fer. Middleereek. Beaver Springs, UNION T0WNMHU-, ainl sun spent T. G. Heirold. D. S. Heirold. Howard Scholl. Moll:e Hi-gel. Reuben Auckcr. K. Scholl. M. B. Bnibakcr, E. S. Wolf. Port Treveiton. P. T. Adv P. T. Pri D'.ind tie. Vitmi-r's Veidilla. Narrow's Kcisei's Scholl's Port Tieverton. Herrold's Dundoie. Heriold's W B WASHINGTON rOWN.IHU'. Charles 1. Boyer, Frecburc. Hif;h School Thomas E. Hoff. Grammar Chas A. B. Gla.-;.-,, " 1st Intermediate Mary S. Hilbish. 2nd Grace E. Hoffman. " Primary Rae Moyer, Miller's Fred H. Holsapple. " Nciti Valley Bertha Shaffer, Flint Valley Amnion Shaffer, " Reichenbach's Vm. F. Brown, " Red Bank John Elsenhauer. " Summit Mary Shit k, " White Top, CUT. I IT IX A COAL DICCLR. lliirr.v t'iolicr's I rlKlillnl i:M-rit-m- In the Itlver Hi Sn.ihi.ry. Harry Fisher, aged about twenty-two years, who resides iii Hiamokin Dam, was severely injured while digging coal in the river Friday morning, and had a narrow escape from meeting a horrible death. Fisher Is employed on the Coryell digger, w hich left Shaniokiii Dam Fri day morning, to dig coal in the North Branch, near the island. About nine o'clock, while attending to his work, his clothing in some manner caught in tho shafting and machinery and the unfortunate man was whirled around through space at a rapid rate of speed- I- ishcr s fellow workers noticed his pre- J SWINEFORD. A. Krct'ger sprnt l-Viilav linsgrtivt'. limit's Sliiiintiii transuded Hess at Heavci-lowii Saturday. diaries llassiiigcr and Khun llilter nl lu-nr Ui-avri lown spent Saturday in town. Mrs. .1 umt-s J h iiiii r Thursday at Mcist-r. .Mrs. ('. A. Wutliliui trr and Lillian Anno; relatives nt Srliiisirnivr. 1 iornt-c Srliitmliurli Lost- of near (Vntrt-villi in town Friday. lorry Krdlev mid wife of .lolins- town are enjoying tlie hospitality of Jacob . llrriiiaii. Mrs. Wiu. Dewittand Mrs. IVof. 1 Sums and daughter of Danville dined nt the home of Win. A. Smith. J. F. Smith of K reamer did busi ness in town Friday. Murray Uomig mid wife of St. Clair spent one day in town reccnt-lv. illid (Iiiul'Ii- ;irt' visitintr mid Klmrr wrn- nntic-- king HI- 1' r . . miss iMiniiic iMriscr is work for A. 11. Iltmt.. Adam Klair and J. Uakcr of Miillinliurg siicnt Siindav with Jno. Lil-by. (ii-o. I'iiUi-i-so.i of .Nagintry, 1'u., sjH'iit Honictiini: with iiis hrotlivr, Win. Patterson. John Arnold Port Ti everton. spent Sunday at Devoe, Ciioiuid Together. Jjead zinc -jnd oil is tho mixture for pornmmotit paint : the right proportions: ground fine : Devoc : began in 1754.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers