Dyspepsia AMD Liver Disease CURED BT 68. PlERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery. J m". ' .. ' ' V fanning sensation when walking-," writes irnr childresa, Ksq.. of Sanueel, Sullivan to Tentl. "Could not walk am distance; alwav fell bad after eating; felt aa though aauc'thiiig was sticking in anyithroat, al virva uneasiiieaa in atomnck. .Iioctored with three phyaiciane but they-riid not rro'fTe me. I crew worse anil used rvcrvthing I could think of; waa nearly realvto give tip and then Kane one told me that IT. 1'ierce'a medicine waa good, ' . , hi. r-.nllnii M..I....I 1 - .. 1 1 .ri i and ti . . ml I V. . pisenvevy.' 1 have taken seven bottle of that now ana am aa sioui ma ever, unci cn ioving health aa much aa ever 'before. I ;,rv.l nil slimmer and thin winter aa much as anv one. My caae we liver dia- eascanu nervous dysepBia of which your medicine h.ia cured me. In September iS-y- my weight waa about 05 punda, now ixj',. Flcaae accept my ewone.thaulta.'' PENNSYLVANIA KAILR0A3. laowistovm Division, lu etlect May 25, WU2. rnTwaJU. I statioms. I eastward- r w i Jjit.1 2H Jtli ;S3 J! S13 n 87 4i 4 no 405 A ' hum) Hiinbtiry Id H. rlcllnagrove Junction 111 ir fcellnegrove 10i:i Pawling 10 ' K reamer '111 ail Mciacr IO:tt Jtlddleburg; lfl2 Benfer 1U1 Beavertown it 60 Heaver Hpiing llOt JUuba Mill! 11 09 McClure ill 17! Wagrer III 21 1 Hhinele 111 M Fainterville 111 Naitland 111 40 Lewlatown 11 tf Iavtstown (Main Street. il!4i lUeeaietown Junction. AM P M aoi 4 so 09; 441 (n tn IM 4 2T in 47 4 'JO 8 4(1 j 4 la 84 4 07 ' 8 7 ' sav Hi 1-8)8 144 s -tSsW, S 3g ,77! 2 J-M; a 24 74 (2(i i"f43 S Is tl 8O5 30, 8 0g Train leaves Sunbury 6 30 o to, ar rives at SeliDBgrove 6 45 p m Leaves SeliMgrove 6:00 p. nx, arrives at Sunbury 6:i5 p. m. (Vains teavefLowinvOwn JunotioD : 40 a m, 10 M a m, C 10 p m,130p na 4 3Tb av ,T OTP m, 42 p aa, IS St-a m (or Altoona, PlUaksanx and the Wast. IWINUUisurosui' HPiiiiBnuni wis ', 1 44, 1 81. 4 SS.SM pan For Philadelphia aad iew '.VwkK4tV4aim,10 llJ4Wan4 Ull p n rot Harrtaberg IDil Philadelta A Erit R R Drritfcav AND , . .TCRTHBSJr rEVTR AL KAILW1V arSWAKD. Train leave fielltugrove Junction dsHr or Suubury and Weal. 1 25 a m, U H p m, B p m.-8unday as, 41 p m. Trains leave Pa ataxy daky eieept Sunday: 12 27 a m lor Buffau,l M a b lor Erie and Oanv "l'o'a m for BellefbiOa Erie and Uanendalirua H 12 a m lor lock Haven, Tyrone and the West. 12 4H p m for Buffalo. Ill p m (or Bellefante Kane Tyrone and OanaDdaJif ua 5 lop m lur kenovoasd Uiutra 46 p m lor Wllllaouipaart Sunday 12 a? a m (or BtcTalo via En porlum, 1 U a m lor Erie. S 10 a in iw Erit and Canan daitcua fWpui for W li 42am for Lock Haven and liaaiaport M5m, 9 K a m 2 00 and 5 m lor Wilkas harre and Hazelton 6 o a in, 10 10 am, HAS p m, tap m lor Slmnio kin and Muunt Curmel Mitvluy nun lor Wllkebarre EAST W A UD. Train!" leave Sollncgrove Junction 1(1 00 a in, dully amvltiK at rMiilnlriilil.i SKpm New York 6 53 p tu Baltluiuro a 11 ) ui H.'liliuctjii41v p m Mto p ui dully nrnvltir; at Philadelphia ID 'Ji p in New York 8 M a ui, Hultiuiuro 9 V, p in WiialiliiKtoU 111 .'it p til- 8 4pui, uftlly arrlvlim nt Philadelphia 4 2.1a ui, New York 713 a m, liultlntore 2 JU a in Waabiueton 4 05 e IE 'I ralna also leave Sunhury : tMm dally arrlvniK at Philitdeldhla S !A a tn Btiltimore 7 iU a in Washington 830 aui New York 33 a in Weekdays, 10 Ui a in Sundays, 8 24 i tn dally nrnvluif at Philadelphia 723 a ru, New York 33 a ra, 10 3N Huiulnyti Ualtl mcte 1 20 a m, W.sliinKion 830 a m. Uultluiore 12 ;opn WbhIiI n;ton 1 1ft p in. 7 6H a in week da8 arrivlnk at Plilliidclphla 11 4S a in, New York 13 p in, JJultluioro 12 10 p m, S'uhIiIiikIoii 1 15 p in lit pu. week daya arriving at PhlladeipV'a 8 23 p ni, . w York U 30 p in, Baltimore 8 Ou p in Washlngtol T 15 p m 8 44 p m dnilv. arriving at Philadelphia 7 8-.' p m New York 10 23 p in, Bulllmore 7 30 p in, Wubu lni'tnn 8 J5 p in Tralni also le.ive Sunbury at 9 SO a m and 20 and 8 81 p in, tor HurrlaburK, Philadelphia and Baltimore I . K. WOOD. Gen'l Paaa Agent ..B. IIUTL'lJINSON Uen'l Alanaa-er. rketefnpkel Bwauaa restores Vitality Made a Well Man of Me. prodneee the above reanlU ln'30 daya. ItK4i mwertnll and quickly. Cure when all otbera tall tonne man will retain their loet manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by ualng BE VIVO. It quickly aad aurely reatorea Narvono Beat, Loet Vitality, Impotency. Mlgbtly Krolaalooa, Loet Power, Failing Uuaiorr, Waallng riaeaeee.and all effacta of eolf-abuao or eneeiand IndiecreUon, hlch nnata one f or etndy, bualneee or narrla4re. It not only enrea by alerting at the aeat of dleeaae. bul la a great nerve t nolo and blood builder, bring, log back lb pink glow to pale cheek and re coring lb Are of yoath. It wardi off Insanity and Osotnmptloa. Inalat en having BEVI VO, ne other. It can be carried in veal pocket. By mail UX) per package, or ail tor B.OO, with m poel live written guarantee to cure or reload ahoaaooey. Circular tree. Addraai Roysl Medicine Ca, 12 For aaJe in Middleburqh, Pa., 'by MIDDBLEUR011 DRLG CO. It It never entirely sttfo to criticise a man for talking; too much. Almost everybody talks toomucliataome time orhnolher. Lnut your 438,880 immigrant! landed t New York. The number this year bids fulr to be over 800,000. THE SUUDAT SCHOOL. Leaeoa In Ike lateraatloasal Series for Juae XX tIMIJ Triaprraac l.e.aon. 1 THE X.EBSOX TEXT. Iltumn 13:8-14.) On-an,n.unrlh,r.. I,,'. . Inn, nw m tnoth.r: fur he that lovth another halh :nlHlied the law. t. For this. Thou hait not commit asCu'. tery. Thou lOialt r.ot kill. Thou i-iiali j;ot teal. Thou slialt r.ot bear taise wiictso. Thou shult cot covit; ur.d If tin-re be ai.y Ither commandmt nt. It Is briiMy cuBipr-kendt-d In thU ayln. namely. Thou auit.t love thy Bi-lchbur as thj'x kf. lu. l.ovi- worktth no ill to hla cclKhbnr: '.lu-refore love is the fullilliiig of the law. 11. And that, knowing the time, thut row It la high time to awukv out of eleep: for now Is our aiilvutlon nearer than vbiai we believed. li Tlie Slight li" far apent, the alar Is at hand: Jet ua therefore cu!t off the work of darkixwc, and lit us put on the armor of UithL 13. Irt un walk honrftly, as latwi,1uy; r.ot In Hotlr.g and drunki nnem, not In chambering and w,ii;tunni's, not lo-t-trife rd enrylng. 14. Hut put ye on the Ird Jewnafhrist. nr.d make not provision for the flitrti, to lultill the lusls thei-of. ;II.I)L:N I i: l .l.r4 n thet-rfnre enat ntt the wtirka of ilnrkneaa, ami let aa put nn the armiia of llit'lit. Knm. 1 .t 1 1 evl'TI.TXK OP RCmrTt'RAI SF.CTION. The law fultlllrd Hm. 13:S-lrt This way towalk Ib.an. :11 T1MK.-A. 11. M. Pl.Ai-K Corituh. Ni ITKS AND POMMKNTS. The 'I'eople .ddreed. J'ttufs Kpis tle Ion he liomnns is his mofvt a-lalio-rale work. It is n thorotirh fx-ftiti-r forth oT fhe Christian religion, ns lie understood it. nrranped in the orclerof ex peril-nee. It hej-ins with n iTisctiK sion of the ways in wliiehCod reveil himself 'hraugh nature and tlirouffh the law. I'.iil nl men have sinned and need reileiuptinn through fa'ith in Christ. Such faith lends to pence, to freedrnn from the law and from nond njrp to srn. It is God's pift to mem, and those -who believe have cause i he (rrateful that they have been leil liy (!od to lielieve, thronph the rjxilien word which the nostles preach. Taul had Tif-ver seen most of Ihe people to whom lie -was writine, thouph cliap ter If! shows that he hod a pood many friends in Koine. The church in Rome wan made tip partly of Jews, and partly of Gentiles. It prohaWy was quite larpe, hav'rnp different nsyemblinp places, Vml lie'inp really one hi administration. There were prent dirTercnce of opinion, limv ever, both in doctrine and in practice, and Paul wrote in the hope of making these Tiffercnces less. Our Ieon 'it, from fhe section on practical dnt'ies, w-ihich Incltides-chapters 12-15., The Vir tues on whk'h Paul dwells are sin cerity, kindness, honesty, purity and brotherly love, and the manifestation of them which lie advises are those which indicate forpetfulnesg of e1f and mindfulness of God and our fol low men. , The Lair Summarized. The chapter opens with an exhortation to loj-al citizenship, m the course of whleh Paul bid Christians pay their taxes (v. 6, 7, as well'as render Teverence to those wiho, ' under flod, bold power. The word "dues, which lie uses in this, ex hortation, is the same in oripin as the word "owe, with which the lesson be pins, and the openlnp Injnnotion is in serted, beenwe of that association. The command is, of coura-e, not apainst business debts, without which multi tudes of people could not live, but is apainst the too prevalent habit of liv inp beyond one's means avid contract 5np bills with no definite prospect of beinp able to pay them when due. There is one debt, how ever, which can never be paid. That is the debt of love. The, obllpation of love is the s-iiTie as the obligation of law, and the fulfillment of one of these oblipations i the fulfill men t of the other. Tlie proof of that statement Is piven clear ly and convineinply in verses 0, 10. Xo law can be mentioned which will not be fulfilled if a man remembers the command to love his neighbor as him self. The Way to Walk. "And this" re fers back to all the injunctions of chapters 10, in. Some words, like "you oupht to do," iu to be under stood. In other words, what follows is a reason for nctinp in the manner just described. That reason may he summarized by some such phrase n "the urpency of life." Salvation, by which PunI means complete deliver since out of the darkness and sin of the world, is likened to the dawn of day. Tn this full sense, snlvntion Is at tained only in the future life. It lie pins but is not finis.hed here. In or der that we may be ready for the np pronrhinp morninp of Heaven, we must awake out of the sleep of sin. It Is not enouph to be awake in the, morninp; one must dress before he Is really ready for the day. So thecloth Inp of unworthy and careless conduct must be put off and "the armor of lipht" must he put on. That phrase siippesjt a manner of livlnp whk'h is not only worthy of the day, but help ful in doing the day's work and over cominp the day's difficulties. The third step, when one is awake and dressed. Is to go out into the day in such wise ns to appear worthy of the lipht. Jlev clinp and drunkenness nnd impurity nnd strife belong only to the niphtthat has paused away (verse 14), sums up the whole injunction. The suitable pnrb for the day is the Lord Christ's pruce and plory. PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS. Love is tlie only debt that the law of God allows to stand. God permits the debt to stand only because, in the nnture of the case, it cannot be fully discharged. Love is the easy way of fulfilling the law; the hard way is to observe its pre cepts without it. Those who love their neighbors will work them no injury, but, instead, will seek their good. liiQ ian vt w w w si a uw auuj nun every occupation or habit which in- Jures any one else. ' ..... The law of love will do away with j . One of the suit brought apdsafl lie Kew York Central railroad for' " Le..i T.!'ti s resalt i ivg from the tun- of Hanae Life. ... , - ... ut'l colliKion of the 5ust winter lion just bt-t-n coarltiile-i n the i-otirt of tlie fit intitiuw'e, '"r-v prantine; a widow $(M),01W tlani- 4t;e fir the neuth of l:er hlanil. llii.s is an tMtt:sr:iI unit to he allotveJ tv K-jpil irocesss for the Ins of a Oiiimi.i life. Oj'.I'.iiiirily the limit c f t"),0.)u !h fi,eil. notv.itliRtanclinfr 'the ilipnrent ilisorfjiaiicy if (rrautiaj; 3 i'lit-r aiiniM tu inaiineil xtirvivora of ici'iilentsi. la this onse the pluintiff ivns left with children and based Ter claim tiie.u the fact that her hu baiul had previously sttpiMirted her Jll,l ihein anil tluil the rnilriuid ctim- i-any sliould rrilncc him in a fioum'iiil I'lisc. At $iiu.oiH, invested at i mr .ent., tlie family iiu'ume would Ihj f:!.oiin, prnlialily coiupa ruble with tin farninrs of tlw head of the family to life. On the other, hand, $j,0TH) sim ilarly invt-steU would brlnir in only r'i'O, palpalily nil insnflicient sulKti- lute for the sen ices of the support er nf the family. If the damupes for lives ilcsirov'l in u-iMcutK of this sort a'.'c to lr? adjusted on the basis of the needs .f the family it ie evl Ji'tit, observe the Washington Star, that the .New York case has been put i' jion the proper plane. Of conrwe, I here would oon come a point in t 'is computation so hih as to lie ab solutely prohibitive. The killing of mult i-milliiiaire in a disaster could lot he thus compensated for by tn railroad corporation without invol np bankruptcy. The law would aev fr tolerate such n limitless e(eashT if the scale. A moderate balance ictwceiithe turn extremes of eotnpen uition, that which grants the deprnd .'nt families at slain victi.-is only a luminal stun hi damages, and that rthichmathemiW.icu.lIy scales the dam ipes to the inrme-enrning capacity )f the victim, should be possible of ittninment. Certainly there ia mora ; round for a vendict such as that just found In New York than for the dia rrimination whirJi gives $20,000 to a .nan who has lat a leg, the absence it which does tyat prevent him front earning bis usual income, and only 13,000 to the widow who is left desti tute through the failure of the cor poration to jtrenide sufficiently against accidents. A newspaper writer of Cleveland has discovered in a povernment cro tMalletin what he regards as the trae rcAsua for the pre All Dae to Ohlo'e Oaloaa. eminence of the song of Ohio in the af faire of the nation. It aeems that Obis) leads the states of the union in the extent of its onion industry, both as to' acreage and actual crop. The careless observer might pass thk fact by as of no prvat importance, but sot so the newspaper writer of Cleveland. He points out that this is a vindication both of Ohio and of the onion, placing the fuiue of each upon a securer basis. The method of reasoning is exquisite. It bus long been held thut the onion possesses extraordinary qualities. Kverybody knows that. It has been alleged to be good for the blood, good for the digestion; in short, a sort of natural curative and restorer. These ore no longer allegations, hypotheses. They are demonstrated by the product of the onion, viz.; the heuHliy son of Ohio. This is otic hide of the ar gument. Here is the other side. It lias long been maintained that the Ohio native represented the best of self-reliant Americanism. Hitherto there has been nothing tn prove this, except his ability to get olliee and hold it. !ut now it is established. Of course, he is all lie claims to lie, lor is he not the greatest producer, und, presumably, con. inner, of onions in the country'.' "lirevity is the soul of wit," nnd of everything else, too, in these days, es pecially in the newspaper line. A be ginner in newspaper work in n south ern town who occasionally "eent sttitf" to one of tlie New York dailies picked up last summer what seemed to him a "big story." Hurrying to the tele graph olliee he "queried" the tele graph editor: "Column story on so und so. Shall I send'.'" The reply was brief and prompt, but to the enthusi ast unsatisfactory. "Send GOO word," wns all it said. "Can't be told in less than 1,2110," he wired hack. Iiefdre long the reply ennic: "Story of crea tion of world told in 000. Try it." 1 The president of a widely-known corporation says that small econo mies are as necessary to-day as they ever were, but they must be scientific economies. "The days of saving wrapping twine are gone; the time is here for seeing that not a penny weight more iron than is necessary should go out in slag." ! A bunko steerer who once had a fortune of $700,000 died in a poor house the other day. At some tune in his life, says the Chicago Kecdrd llerald, he must have tackled the wrong farmer. It is not quite clenr why' several ncres of ground should be set nsjide for the aerial race course at Louis. The common impression St. is tha. itirshi races take place ,in ths .'air. ! OR. DAVID KENNEDY'S Favorite Remedy la the Only Medicine that will Positively Cure GRAVEL AND K!DNEY COMPLAIN T5. Georpre L. Smtrti, foreman of the Hoi ley Manufacturino; tjompany s WorkA LjOckiHirt. IN. v.. says: "X nave use. Dr. David Kennedy e r avorite Kennedy with pood ntUts- I was troubled witi ii (Travel untl kidney romiuint iuii severelv. which lmthered uie a irrcat deal, and have found irreat relief from its use, and tun cheerfully recoiiiiuiaid it." If yon suffer from kidney, liver or bladder trouble in any form, diabetes, isngiit s ti:s ease, rheu matism, dys IK-psia, ecze ma or any form of lilissl disease, or, il a woman, from the (sicknesses peculiar t) your sex, and -are not al- read V "0 11 MiH-ed that.""' "'" Dr. David - rkennetiy s ravonte m'liieuvis iihmii.'u.- i . n . it i; i umt? yvni iifTu, uu limy it iimi battle, absolutely free, with a valuable medical pamphlet, by sending your name, with post office address to the 1 Dr. David Kennedy CorjMiratiiii Ron I dout, N. Y., ineiitionino; this paper. ) Dr. David Kenneily'H Favorite Rom I edy is sold ly nil druggists at $1 x)a xittle or o bottles lur j.i.vu loss man one cent a dose. - Dr. David Keaavd;'Gordra Drops Instant relict earalgle, Hheainatliei. Bralae, Buret. aC, yx. (are of JOiecp In Winter. The lust quality of wool cannot be grown on sheep that are alternatrly highly fed und half starved and frozen. One of the principal essentials in grow ing the finest noolis regularity of con- diti'v.. 1 his uill give uneven, healthy grow th of wool, without break or Haw, and which gie the best results in manufacture with the least waste., Whenever a shwp is allowed to get out of coudition and then is fed up again,! there will be a weak place in the filler ' at the point w here the poor condition i end and improvement begins. Ial manufacturing, the wool of ten breaks at this point, causing more or less atasir. j uia swa piece ia very casuv detected bv 'trying the Strength of a lock of wool from several fleeces. Care Er jut's Disease sad other Kidney Diseases, Rheumatism, Conjumption, TTeak should be taken to keep the sheep, es- tii3ii f Women, Lost Manhood, Bladder Diseases, Piles, Constipation, Blood Dis pecially during the winter, in suni-, CtUrrh. Dyspepsia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Heart Diss-w Injomi lUver DUeasa, formly thrifty oondition.-SU Louis Ke- j,, D.blUtJi &oiAtieh Aithma, Bilioasness and General Ability, -nd all other e IC - ! i4if,i,lili-n M.nlt fmfw jmnrnnarliviavar lesnnrajiea or nae-teetaf thalanraaf nainm. Treevtaaeai few Stavgnean. . ( Tkis trouble ia caused by a dersogec slate of the nervous ej-stem, the result ! of something the horse has eaten. Mix! an ounce of aloes, half an ounce gin- ger and half an ounce bicarbonate of sods; dissolve in half a pint of ho'; water, lhen add half a pint of cold 3 ter and give al one c:oe. Aftr t!ri pnysic operates, mix lour ounces phate of iron, four 1 u: i.ti ra potaasiiirrTnnd two oiinci tux vctti . divide into W4 dusts i.tMl : iie c.hr 1 .:i r a day in bran n : ii 1 .-'are Heptal the above if Thef ivecent packet is enough for an ordin Sry occasion. The family bottle, Sixty cents, contains a supply for a year. TROUGHS ICR SHEEP. How t Pat Old Eave Treegh to Good t ee Wltkowt Golnar to m Cent of Eipeaae, Old eave tronphs may be eesi:.v made into feeding troughs for sheep in (lie manner shown in the illustration. SIMI'l.K KKK1 TUOl tJHS. There j M-arcely a fartm-r who lia till st vera", trillion, rotting aa,n luiiii.;! sotiie of his buildings, each of hich might lie put to good use v i: h mi ' tin minutes' work. Harry Kllu.t. in Uratige .Ituld Farmer. The Tall of the llorac. To cause hair to grow in III,- tail i! a horse moisten tin- tail with ii ;. . ... din! in M day shampoo it out weii w i : 1, hot water, soap and sa' soda, and a ft erwun! moisteu il w c!'. w it h otu- (!: .. n. of bichloride of mercury and formal dt hyie and one quart of water. I la mcrcim should In- i'.whuiI in u'c fyeiiXgsTOK5i8r. m rOTJCAN HE CURED by our combined m lac sgoe CNJw.n wnen You Do Die, Die of Old Ae. men I. We not only maintain but guarantee tr-l vigoroua. inioiicatinic nea.tn cto De at- tamed bv aU who. under our direction, a H-t ( q"estiona from wh.eb your case ,, r, rf..,.... ,... , di-c-e, it will l of viul Interest to yoa to Tbe aetlect of tke Pbyaleal ereD - belng Inn . in iiMsaailv s rA a djMtaawO 1 1 u - Tkey ear wkrre other nave failed." PniuaocLrn 14 Paam- "TLeir treatment i rational . . . they do all tbey claim.' -IHiuiiiLPHiA n'ostb Amaicis. Lnet. en rcise and wa'er aft she three great jurative airenoiea.'' Hcalth Jocaaat. Au iirerestlnir pamphlet of o tr treatment containing haif-tcne ird te -imon'aN "f ieroos wo have cured, cnt free to all. r If i: JVS-, nTTE OF rHYSIfAL SCIEME, Uwrenceville, Tioga Co., Teun'a. -m ', L V S A I f IV j D J I j D t i 11 1 m W I HI kv 4 Hi Ripans Tabules hold their place as the supreme remedy which cures dyspepsia, indigestion, stomach, liv er and bowels troubles, sick head ache and constipation. No other single remedy has yet been found since the twilight of medical history which is capable of doing so much good to so large a majority of mankind. MORE LIVES ARE SAVED -BY VSINO.- Dr. King's Kew Discovery, 1 PnnCMimntinn Pnilplie flnrf Pnllk f WW,IVM..ISIVI,t VVWQIltf Milk. VWIVW Than By All Other Throat And liUCg itemexlies Combined. ! This wonderful medicine positively cures Consumption, Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis.. Asthma. Pneumonia. Haw J Fever.Pleurisy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup anj Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. Price EOo. & SI. Trial Settle Frse. V 11 I ' yi I'll..! I V. I It IliKAs. I! f.n ! t I ti i: s-. v i 'III, s 1 li i A" 1 1 i r-' , t ' -ii i ,. hi : . V. to,vH ;,t, .4 1 V't'TEFJIfJARY SURGEON. StLINSiSOl. PA. ' .,..l, sli,.tl 'ill.. Wil-lcl I- tin "I I I I. Ii. tft I ' 1 .iit.'l U S, AuENTS WANTED Lawn Swlnts sad Settees. Hammock Chairs, Camp Chairs and Stools, Ironlnr Tables, Wash benches, Etc Agents easily make $5 to S10 Per Day. Will furnish samples at re-i duced prices to those desiring agency. Exclusive territory given. Address, Clearfield Wooden-Ware Co., CUUF1EL0, fl. movement - cure, hydropathy and Internal treat- aula furit by N ATUH AL Uiean. We mail yoi la dlairnosed by ourialTf pbysicaDS. Kachcaae nn.a .., n,,rhi kn. ,.f ,s r..u .... communicate wit net once. . In as ludaejaal resulted tn aa a ln iraa rau tavougaoot tne vnitesa tttate. 0 il Pill WMM AO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers