(Envelopes -SJS g y '.. ; u .V. -a ' - - r . i r- - ??: I . tvj mini ro tv uuuvii' . n C The price wfl It S tlgnxv envelopes f y; uougni so many I secured a rock bottom I figure. Send (or samples I vc lumisn - r- Ls than you taa buy them Ltprinttng. --- and prices. L. v.genKller, Idltar sad ProarttUr. A Family Jearaal, Derated to News, Sdeace. Art, PvliUcal Ecoaeay aad Carreat Uttratara. Rataar Om Mlu Par Aaaaai, la Adraaee k. XXXIX MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUOTY PEHNA. APR 10 1902 NUMBER 15 DDK - ....... l-ountry bcuw L, Brothers have opened a new 1 Beaver Springs.. ,1 Trutt of Sellnsgrove was sent blouse of Correction. . .. - falicoes 5c a yard and sugar 60 eents a lb. at Runkle's. 4-3-zt hier lints are so popuiir uu us our line. L. DUNKELBERGER. liigh school of the borough wan ltut Friday, rne wner aououia U iu a few daya. . - L ; T llfleenth state convention of the (!. E. Union will be held in Lrg July 8,0 and 10. Lone vacated the hotel at Port . . -. 3 1 1. ki.n ou Tuesaay anu muveu w Ln, where he will devote bla triK'klng and flshlDg. Lmiithing to offer. Read Run- cat Reduction Ad In the FOOT. 4-3-2t i, D)(is fob Sale. Four full- 1 Gordon seller bird dogs are of- t private sale. Address, E. O. Winbv, Bwlneiord, I'a. r Ruukle'a ad. in this week's liov -uiu' reduced irom $4 to A general reduction on all goods irce ibe first two weeks In April. k'li firade Pen audlnk Portrait, 10, from your photo, ready for IKfor one dollar. ou will be Ltibfled. It's a creation. Write photo returned. Box 65, Elkhabt, Ind. Ual Hotel" fob Saul The Ll Hotel In Middleburg la offered late sale on easy terms, For par- h address, . H. Bcss Hxrrn, New Kensington, Pa. on A. E. Soles in his new shav Id hair cutting parlor for your 'leaned with a refreshing snam- d a clean towel to each patron north side of Market square op- CentralHoteL Satisfaction guar- tf. Great American Farmer" will It free for one year to all new cash-in-advance subscribers and resent subscribers who pay one h advance. See ad in this issue. hats are always becoming young 1 aliKe, can wear tnem ana look h tuem. Jj. DUNKELBEBQER. niundon services will be held in lin's Church, Freemont under the k of the Lutheran congregation, iv, April 20. Preparatory services, :iy, 19, at 2 p. m. Rev. C. C. Mil- II officiate. liinistratlonof the Lord's Supper the auspices of the Luth. con- in St. Peter's Church, Free Sunday morning, April 13, Pre- 7 services afternoon and even- turday, April 12. Spring term of the Freeburg id College begins May 6th. Prof. conducts an aggressive school. rg is known, through this all over the state as a musical Moycr, a lumberman of Holll rg, while working in his mill at hi Hamilton, on Thursday met a serious accident. The axe he ieldjng missed the plank and the edge penetrated his right leg, 5ng a deep and dangerous wound pneflclal or fraternal Insurance ptiou was organized by Royal kiln mutviKAM In rjf vuKl.ih Punt of Lewlstown is state de al r. Hunt has been labortmr to fnizealocal council In Middle Pid has asaln been in town and I hat he has neairlv enoucrh of mir L.:.i . . " . . " . . riuzeus wno aesire to protect lames and dependent ones. Life rnain, and Mr. Hunt wlU be P to meet any one desiring pro- For good goods at low prices go to N. 8. Qraybill's store at Richfield, Pa. He has Jut returned frota the eastern cities with a large and nice assortment of Spring and Sumuur goods, dress patterns, lawns, dimities, Swiss lawn embroidery, insertions, laces, made-up skirts and shirt-waists, clothing for men and boys, shoes with which we ean fit your feet and save your money. A full line of Feed Bros, shoes, house goods, groceries, wall paper, wood pumps, etc. Call and see. Highest prices paid for produce. On Sunday April 6, the Rev. C. C. Miller confirmed the following class : Masters. Jacob E. Troup Artie Bick hart, Milton Q. Lenlg, Harvey C. Shaf fer, Harvey A. HeluUleman, Franklin 1 1. Heiutzlemau, Francis H. Rlokhart, Daniel Bower, Misses Lillle P. Leulg, Emma R. Heiotzleman Gertrude A. Shaffer, Sarah S. Shaffer; Mabel S. Relcheobach, Dlllie A. Bickbart, Kate E. Relchenboch. Jennie W. Heintzel- man.Mrs. Clarissa Shaffer, Mrs. Eliza beth Bower, Preparatory services Sat urday afternoon, April 5 tb, at 2:30 o' clock. Commulou, Sunday, a.m., im mediately after confirmation exercises. ocl Bilker. One of the best known characters of this county, namely Joel Bilger, died the last week ln March and was buried Sunday March 30th. He was born In Mlddlecreek township, which theu was in Union county in 1822, only a short distance from the place where he died and where he spent the greater part of his life. He was twice married, first to Catharine Erdley, and second to Margaret Bitting, widow of Henry Bitting. There were no children with the second marriage. Tho children of the first union are: Howard, now resides in Jackson twp. George A., went west and died in in Kansas Enos, a resident of Jackson twp. Jane, married to Adam Renninger. Mrs. Renninger was burled just eight weeks before her brother." " Henry J., resides in. Northumber land County. S. J., of Pallas. " Hettle Catherine, married to Mr. Eyster and reside in Ohio. Mary, married to Frank Stroup, last week moved to Mazeppa. COLLEGES CONSOLIDATED. Rev. J.D. Woodrlng was elected pres ident of the ' consolidated colleges of New Berlin and Myerstown under the management of Evangelical church. The scdool will be temporarily located at Myerstown. Prof. C. A. Bowman, formerly president of the Myerstown College, was elected professor of mental and moral sclences;Prof. A. E. Gobble, formerly president of the New Berlin College, was elected professor of Latin language and literature. DIED. Catharine, widow of Simon Lcplcy, died suddenly on Sunday at the home of her son, Henry, in Spring township, aged about 83 years. Mrs, Lepley's maiden name was Beaver and her husband preceded her in death more than twenty years ago. The fun eral took place on Wednesday. Inter ment at Beaver Springs. Gray don Lewis Phillips, infant son of Mrs. and Mrs. Lewis R. Phillips, died at their residence near Pallas on Friday, March 28, aged 10 months and 15 days. The funeral services were held at Grubb's church on Sunday, Rev. C. C. Miller officiated. J. H. Arbogast directed the obsequies. April 3, in Limestone township, Un ion Co., Pa., Cora Alice, wife of Chas. Oberlln, aged 24 years, 0 months and 12 days. Apr. 6, at Globe Mills, Hettle, the 8 y ear-old daughter of William and Pris cllla Kreamer. The little one was laid to rest In the Zleber's cemetery. Rev. Schnable conducted the funeral ser vices. Apr. 7, the 8-week-old child of John aud Cora Gemberling died of whooping cough. Interment at the Hummel's church Thursday afternoon. ?T (PERTINBXT PERSOWAlsE rrmik Snntee and Anna. Wen- foui of Shamokln Dam. ... , ka Taaj CU lat a Brag Star bottle of Painkiller, examine It ly to see if it is made by Perry ana don't be persuaded to take king "just as good" because It la a f is cheaper. There Is only one "Perry Davis'." Large bot- ana 60c . . ... .. .... . Ltctast Harrietts. h A. Troup, Parr twn. Perry twp. GELNETT BROS. GENERAL STORE Don't Fail to Read This and Benefit Yourself. . We have a full line of Spring and Summer goods, and prices that will in terest everybody, we welcome every body to our store. If you don't wish to buy, come and see our goods and be convinced of their value and low prices. We have well selected stock of all kinds of dress goods, clothing, hats, shoes, holsery, shirts, neckties, laces, embroideries, queensware, groceries and all kinds of hardware. Don't fall to come and see our stock. . ; " Gelnett Bros., Middleburg, Pa. Miss Jen uie Tobias spent last week at Harrisburg. ' 5 '1 Miss Eva Roth rock left lait week to join her father's family at Iewlstown. Miss Bertha C rouse has gone to Se llnsgrovo and Sunbury to siend a few weeks. Mrs. David Relchley of Pennscreck spent a few days in town visiting friends. ' -. J. W. Swarta and W. H. Beaver left Tuesday morning for Phila, to buy new goods. Miss Lizzie Ripka of Sunbury Is spending a few days with her parents on the French Flats. William C. Moycr has quit farming, and moved with his family from near Globe Mills to Swlneford. Mrs. M. I. Potter Is spending this week at Seliufegrove with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Lumbard. Mrs. Rev. W. K. Dlehl and son, Wil liam, have gona to Gettsyburg to visit her parents and friends. Chas. DeLong of Pennscreek was at the county seat Monday. He made a business call at this office. Hon. Jerre Crouse of Selinsgrove spent a few days at this place vititing his sons, James and William. Mrs. Israel Bachman bad a stroke of apoplexy last Friday. We are pleased to state that she is Improving. James Beaver and family of Mifllin- burg spent Sunday with Gabriel Bea ver and' family ln this place. George Beaver has registered a new reaper agent at his house. The young son and mother are doing well. 'Squire Shlnkel of Pennscreek had a stroke of apoplexy Tuesday morning at his home. He was founu lying on tie floor. Wm. H. Boyer, who moved from Salem to Kreamer, was at the county seat Monday and paid this paper one year in advance. Prof. J. F. Kempfer will open a nor mal institute at Beaver Springs. Jacob is an able instructor and we wish him abundant success. Sheriff Row last Friday took Lewis Kerstetter of Chapman township to the Danville Asylum. He was incar cerated for assaulting Mrs. Rlne. Miss Rogers,'a trained muse of Nor thumberland, has come here to care for Mrs. Frank 8. Riegle, who is sick with typhoid fever, The patient is improv ing. C. H. Dunkelberger, who has been away for several months holding down his position as store-keeper and gauger, spent a few das at home with his family. C. C. Seebold, the hustling piano and music dealer of Suubury, was a Middleburg visitor last Thursday. Char lie is always a busy man and sells good instruments. Chas. A. Manbeck of Franklin twp. was a caller at this office Monday and left us a nice order for printing. Mr. Manbeck is a progressive tarmer aud has a new venture on foot. D. W. Campbell, of Watsontown, ex ecutorof George Campbell, deceased, was at the county scat Saturday to or der bills for the sale of personal proper ty, which takes place Saturday, April 20th. W. P. Shelley, formerly foreman of this office, but now foreman of the job department of the Sunbury "Evening Item" office, was in town over Sun day. Phil, is making a success of the printing business. Miss Mabel Grimm is spending two weeks at Sellnsgrove with her uncle and aunt, Wm. Roush and wife. Mr. Roush moved lost week from Kantz to Sellnsgrovo where he Is employed by M. L. Kreeger as head miller. He was formerly head miller ln the same mills owned by H. D. Schnure. Prot. Geo. W. Walbom of Freeburg was at the county seat last Monday and while here made a pleasant call at this office. Prof.' Walbom is an aspirant for the position of County Superintend ent and It seems as though George had the inside track. He is well educated for the position and has spent many years in the school room and has learn ed from experience what is good teach ing. He is an exemplary gentleman and la well worthy of the place. A heavy rain fell Tuesday and Tues day night and caused the Mlddlecreek to rise. 'WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER." Tac Great HUUrlcal Hard U at a Rank ; - Americas Serial. The most remarkable hlstorolcal novel In recent years, "When Knight hood Was in Flower," appears in the Sunday North American in the form of a serial story. The opening? chapters began on April 6. rtever before has anv newer iter se cured for publication in its columns a novel so recent and yet so successful as this one. Julia Marlowe, now appear ing as the princess Mary Tudor, in a play written from the book, is scoring the greatest bit in her brilliant career upon the stage. .. In writing "When Knighthood Was in Flower," Mr. Charles Major fixed upon the most romantic spot ln the most romantic period of Enirllsh his tory, the time of Henry VIII, as a set ting for bis book. The story thrills with the tender; pure love of a Kind's sister for an untitled but heroic young .ngiisninan. The hero loves the hero ine ln spite of his fight strains t bis rjas- slon. Their tiitiful strurali to avoid one another, their noble sacrifices the one for the other, touch the most hid den string of human sympathy. lirandon and Mary, knowing consent to their marriage could never be ootaln- ed from her brother, the King, elope, witu the Intent of voyaging to America. 'Though suo is attired In men's clothes. the Priucess' sex la discovered, and Brandon, holding an entire ship's party at bay, defends her from the sailor's attack until their captain rushes to his aid. The doners are eanturod bv the King's soldiers, and to save Brandon from being beheaded Mary marries lungfuls of France. Queen Mary's rescue bv Brandon from a palace in which after Louis' death she has been imprisoned by his successor, who loves her. but has been rejected, is among the meet thrilling uWMUeuu in the narrative. This cul minates In their marriage. There Is a secondary, but none the less charming, love story running through the book. Death of lira. Raphael Picard. Margaret Elizabeth (Marvl ricard died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Phares Maines, at Moore Park, Mich., on March 27th. The subject of this sketcb was born in Washington twn.. Union (now Snyder) county, on the 4th of Nov. 1800 and at the time of her death was 02 years, 4 months, 23 days. v lien a young lady, she was given in marriage to Raphael Picard, who was born and raised at Basel. Gernianv This union was blessed with 0 children as follws: Elvlna, married to Henry Gember ling, now resides at Three Rivers, Midi. Rosa, the lato Mrs. Seph. Gemberling ot hoiinsgrove, Pa., preceded her moth er to the spirit world on the 3rd of Inst Feb. Julia, married to Calvin Dock, now resides at Three Rivers, Mich. Fanny, married to Phares Maines now resides at Moore Park, Mich. John Dallas died In infancy. Elizaleth, married to the late Henry U. ! inner, now resides at Elkhart. Ind Sarah, married to James Rowe, now resides at Clyde, Ohio. Maurice, married to now resides at Thoreau, New Mexico. Jane, married to Ed. Burger, now resides at Moore Park, Mich. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Picard lived at Freeburg, and for. a few years at Middleburg where Mr. Picard died in 1807. From that time to the close of her life, she lived with her dauchte and the last 25 years she lived in Mich She v us the grand mother of 58 grand chlldu 11 and G3 great grand-children Mrs. Picard was a noble Christian wo man, a kind, loving mother and friend and was loved and respected by all who knew ber. rs Trout Season Longer. The trout fishing season will open on April 15, and as the new law is now in effect the lovers of this sport will have fifteen days longer than last year. The last day ot the coming season will be Aug. 1, Instead of July 15, as hereto fore, and from all reports It ls going to be an exceptionally good one. Fish are said to be plentiful and all streams- large and small are expected to yldd large catches. Last season compara tively few trout were caught When it was not raining, the streams were too high and muddy for fishing and this Is one of the reasons why trout will be numerous this year. TOUR TO THE YELLOWSTONE PARK. ExcettUaally Law Ratea Offered by the Ptaaayhraala Railroad aa Account of Nat ioaal Edacalionat Aaaociatioo Caavention. The reduced rates authorized by the transcontinental railroads on account of the Annual Convention of the Nat ional Educational Association, to be held in Minneapolis, July 7 to 11, 1902, have enabled the Pennsylvania Rail road Company to offer to those con templating attendance at this Conven tion an opportunity, under the direc tion of popular Personally-Conducted Tourist System, not only of visiting the beautiful city in which the Conven tion is to be held, and participating in the deliberations of the Convention, but also of visiting the Yellowstone Natloua! Park at a cost imoossible under ordinary conditions of travel. The 1 ellowstone Park is never more July, and the tourists under the care of the Pennsylvania Railroad will be af forded the fullest opportunity of visit. Ing all its unique attractions, Including the Mammoth Hot Springs, the Gey sers, the beautiful Lake, aud the Grand Canon of the Yellowstone. The tour will leave New York and Philadelphia, Saturday, July 5, and re turn Sunday, July 20. Round-trip tick ets, covering all necessary expenses for the entire trip, including one berth in Pullman sleeper, will be sold at rate of $150 from all points on the Pennsyl vania Railroad east of Pittsburg. When two persons occupy one berth, the rate will be $142 for each person. Rates from Pittsburg will be $5 less than alove. Tourists will use a special train over the entire trip, with the exception of the six days devoted to the tour of the Park, when stages and the fine hotels maintained in the Park will be utilized. This special train consist of a Pullman dining car, sleeping cars, and an obser vation car, all of the highest grade, aud the passengers will find them fully as comfortable and convenient as the best hotels. During the three days at the Convention in Minneapolis, July 7 to 9, inclusive, this palatial train will be at the command of the tourists, obviat ing the necessity of securing accom modations at hotels. The beauties of the Yellowstone Na tional Park, most aptly termed Na ture's Wonderland, must be seen to be appreciated. From the top of the stages ln which the tour of the Park is made, there Is spread out before the traveler constantly-changing panorama ol wonders snow crowned mountains tumbling and tossing rivers ; Yellow stone Lake, like a great blue seat ne stled among the beetling crags, at an altitude above that of the summit of Mt. Washington ; the curious natural springs, wherechemlcaidepoHitsglisten in the sun's rays with all the colors or the rainbow; and the Geysers, ever presenting a scene of varied charm and awe-Inspiring wonder. The accommodations on this tour will necessarily bo limited, and intend' ing tourLsts should apply early in or der to secure reservations of space. A detailed itinerary Is in course of pre paration, and all inquiries regarding accommodations should be addressed to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Pennsylvania Rail road, Broad Street Station, Philadel phia, Pa. Iiwsfroai North Dakota. Frank W. Thomas who formely re aided at Kreamer, this county, went to I North Dakota and sent the following letter to .Eastern friends : I lea home the 17th or March and got hereon the 20th. I heard so much of this country that I thought I would investigate It once; so far I am well pleased. The eastern part of this state has the nicest level land I ever saw, but they say the water Is not good. Here In the westeru part it Is a rolling prairie aud at some places stony. John Gaugler of Pallas came along with me, we filed on 100 acres each, joining Co miles west of here. Our claims are 3 miles from Ross station where a nlot is laid for a town. You have no idea what a large number of emigrants come to this place out here; it reminds me of a swarm of bees around the land office; they file claims by the thousaud. leopie are coming from all rmrt of the country, as many as 10 car loads on one excursion, it u miri.j by the great Northern Railway that 20,000 emigrants are on the way to points in this state. Everybody seems busy; work is nleutv and wages good. Farmers pay troiu $25 to $30 a mouth for a hired man. Plowing Is $3 to $3.60 an acre. Flax seed is mostly raised which averages from 12 to 27 bu. per acre and sell at $1.25 to 1.60 a bu. Howes cost from $100to$3J0. We have good water liprv. plenty of coal, along the river but none on the prairie. Our chims are about 12 miles from the Missouri river. The weather is mild, snow about all gone. If I have good luck and mv fumily keeps well I think I ean do good out here. vy t Accident at the Tannery. The slumbers of the Franklin citizens were disturbed last Sunday night at 12:30 by the blowing of the tannery whistle. It appears that a new pack ing was put into the manhead of the boiler over the furnace and this blew out from the force of the steam. Geo. D. Maneval, the night watchman, be gan to pull the fire and with this mix ture of fire and steam, found himself unable to cope with the elements. He pulled the whistle and called in other employers of the tannery. The trouble was remedied and the tannery began operations at noon Monday. It was fortunate for Mr. Maneval that he wag not in front of the escaping steam when the packing blew out He was there but a few minutes before. Letter to Jacob Paskusz, New York. Dear Sir : You are a maker; so are we. You know what you make : you know all about It. We know our tiaint ah you kuow your good. We know Is, how It acts: what it doea,how it lives, and how long the conditions belug favorable or un favorable. It is fair that we take the risk of it every way; but we ought not to risk any use or abuse of It Can't draw the line. We are dealing with strangers. We are strangers to them as they are strangers to us. We waut to be trusted by them. We trust them first ; that's the way to get trusted. We trust them to paint with a fair degree of common paint knowledge and care. We expect to be trusted to furush paint as good as paint can be, and to last as long as paint can- lryou do your business that way. you are a fellow with us aud one of a thousaud. A few mean men in the course of a year will abuse our trust and put us to loss; but m in 1,000 will tell their friends how true we are, and our paint is. That's what has made us the lar gest paint concern in the world. It is our best advertisement. Yours truly, F. W. Devok &, Co. Ntopa the Coneti nnd Warua on the Col Laxative Bromo-Quiuiue Tablets cure a cold iu a day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. tf. The Taraat f a Laaea Is scarcely more agonizing than the re current pains In the abdomen which follow the eating of improper food or too free indulgence in ice-water. The immediate cause of cramps aud colic Is often the distention of the bowels by gas. Quick relief follows the use of Perry Davis' Painkiller. Careful house keepers give it the place of honor in the family medicine chest " - - A Uiubday Surprise Party, A party was given at the home of Jacob B. Herman Saturday evening, Apr. 5, lu honor of bis forty-fourth birthday. Mr Herman knew nothing of the coming event until a crowd of fifty people rushed into the door and raised hini to the ceiling. There were about sixty guests present. A very enjoyable time was spent after which the guests were ushered to the table and partook of a grand supper. It was a time that will long be remembered, especially by Mr, Herman himself. TWO BIG ORDERS. The Post is in receipt of an order for 500 copies of L jdge By-Laws from the city of Pittsburg. Printers in rhlladd- phla and Pittsburg bid for the contract, but like all other case, couutry print ers have the advantage of getting work out cheaper. We are now getting out 3000 copies of a book consisting of about 150 pages ou the "Opportunities in Texas." This Is the same book you see advertised so extensively In the ma gaxlnes. When you have a job of printing to do, send it to the Post. Bla aa lHa41a Baa Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand " - ' 11-St-ly. 4 8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers