The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 21, 1901, Image 3

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    1 I I I BH i i i
Your Money Back
If Chin Cost! isnotts itsatlxt
We tU ship this
China Gosd
freight pre pud
Ml of the Miulv
Ipyl Point, Wm
are allowed freight
to the River. It it
ma le of Solid oak,
tin-..Mire iUkhes
1,1,,'li.VSInJitJ wide.
French beveled
r on top, 21 i I
I tube; swell plate
taM end fend plate
gtftM front. Retail
value. I ."-$; 13
Avrd In buying . f
ihe maker.
Or Furniture I ,trtmrnt 1 rntatstf thmitand of similar
bargains. Our Manutiuth ce Catalogue tell all ateotit
furniture, aho about everything to I nt. t ' and Wear;
contains over 13.000 PhhftntloM and quotes wholesale
l't. c lo ci.n-.umert, in over 1W.OU0 iltferent article.
co stt us ft $srnt to you or toe ., WA toc.yeu JtJuit
rem your fir it ,rJtr f Ji XX).
Pism Utfugnphed Catalogot show uFmtut Mty-
94 CaVpjKa, Kufc, Wtll l'er. tMajwries, Sewing
M-Klilnr, Illankets, Cotnfoft. Irfemed FUture and
spacbrtkfe In l'h"Mered Furniture in their real color.
lartft sru-fk frt, limn? umxihcd without tha rgt,
mn.i jrttKkt aid cn ail the rfW.
I i 1' tl..i;ue of Men' I. itliini:,ha.r1oth samples fet
tv bed, Wf frffav txrasiti'f and fuaranttt to fit.
W in tny retail Men fir anything ? We sell absolutely
everything. Wbldl book do you watUf Address this way
JULIUSHINEBftSON, Baltirooro.Sd. Dept
S12.7S Frtighl
Amrrlrnni Lrirn
Wanted Hverywhere. Stories, news,
Ideas, poem'', ilustratel articles,
idvance news, drawings, photo
flTaiili1!, unique articles, etc., etc , !
purchase I. A tides revised itinl pro
pared for publication. Books pub
lished. S-i.l fr particulars and
full inform ttion before, Bending ar
The Bulletin I'ross Association,
N"v VnrV
W'hell yOU feel t ll it ml I i ...n
worth the candle t ike a ibe
'bamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablet s. 'They will cleanse your
stotnrcb, tone up your liver and re
gulate jour bowelH roak nyou f I
like it new man. For Bale by Middle
burg Drug stm e.
Arlin- Matrimonial AKrnoy,
All marriages are not made in
Jfeaven, .-ays the Philadelphia Times.
The hummocks are doing their u.-ual
share cf the business,
IHl I nn Know I'IiIm?
Do jroti know t lint neglected cough or cnlil
leads toooniumptlon ? More .people die from
tiie effects of caUiliing cold Mum from any other
known cause Thari i one remedy, and r
membe tt only c,t, twenty-flve cent
tlmt luu proven a safe, unfailing cure foi
coughs and colds, it i called Mexican syrup
Your druggist be il or will get it for you It
heals and strengthens the breathing passages
when nothing else you take aeeini t do you
good had batter get a bottle to-day and read
the taattmonlalajon the wrapper.
Hum- Vol, WorlllM ?
An' you growing 'leu :l" ' eleMyt Una your
ikin a pale or swallow tings f Doyou not
oastonaUy fel n hollow untattou in ilm pit
of y our Ntomuch, Of qucor liftrcH in your
liowclH? lo yon get rnHily vexed, nervous or
flu'l' t v ? I'robnlily you are nourishing some
Mooaaoh worms, a lengthy tape worm, or else
a tliouiund pin worms that are devitalizing
your entire lyatsm. Veil enn expel them by
tiikinu Mother's Worm Syrup. Nothing else Is
o offectivo.
Heller Ill-nlth.
Hi tter health always follows n use of Mexi
can Knot Pilla, limply because they cleanse the
system of sickening and effete mutter so tho
roughly and completely. It lea sin to remain
constipated when Sexican Bool Tills only cost
twenty-live cente a box.
I he Hest I'nln m e
Is one thai ll absolutely safe anil sure and that
lakes Internally w ill cure cramps and eollo, or
applied external will reduce ewellisga and sub
due pain. Qoochs Quick Relief doei this and
only twenty-live cents.
H unt ti be Pretty T
Then purify your blood by taking (looeh's
rjarsaparllla, the bent ofallbfood medicines.
I'liie-lue ('lire. lBlrs.
Money refunded if ever fails,
Ax ri-At.l r: eures t'htlis and Kever,
Toronto null III. en Sonp.
t Blnuner gently together for an
liour one quart of finrly-sliced okra
and two quarbs of sliced tomatoes.
Ttuli through a colander, season to
taste, add a lump of butter and serve.
.Ladies' World, New York.
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera a 11 d DiuTboea Rem d
and liu 1 it to be a hit at, medicine,"
Bin Mr. E. S. Pbipps, of Pot. a ,
Ark "It cured me of bloody tlu.i
I cnniiot speak too highly of it.
ThiH remedy always wius the ooi
opinion, of not praise, of those win
use it. The quick cures which i
effects even in the most severe case
make it a favorite everywhere. Foi
aale by Middleburg Drur Store.
The Troth of It.
"What! Still alive, Daniel?" ex
claimed the king, when he visited the
lion's den that morning.
"Yes, thanks be to Heaven," replied
the good man.
"Why don't yon take credit to your
self?" retorted the king. "You are too
"Perhaps. I suppose if I wasn't mod
est this lionizing would be the deatit
ef me." Philadelphia Press.
If you barest n regular, healthy movesMal o' tin
l"!w' open, ami lie well. I'm, In On) shnpocf tip
lent e'lvMeer pill I llallRCrOlla. Tim Binooth' ,
ast.eulot. moat fieri. . i i keeping iho liowelt
clear milt tleull Is lo take
l,T!Tiaajjaaa iiaiit .veia
iLas.a.'iTr-TaT' aaa
riessimt. Palatable, Potsnt. Taateaeed, ,DoOeod
Sever Kick Weal r ; , ". "' ,;"' "
per lox. v.Tlto for tree lajaplv, ""'I UoeWeaoS)
liaattli. Aililresa ' 1
rKttl.lSn KKHI.IIT fOHIMM'. IIIIUI.Dur XF.W lllllkj
Any careful observer must have
Beted hew much mure popular recre
ation has of late be
come among the
lata Mow tol'lny. Xmi.ricuIl people.
The Saturday half-holiday is more
general and vacations are longer and
mare indulged tit by all olastes. Andiu
addition to these, excursions and "days
off" arc more frequent and popular
than formerly, says the Philadelphia
Press. Some one "handy at ligures"
has estimated that 10,000,000 in the
United States will tke a vacation this
summer, and that on an average each
one will spend ten dollars. This would
make a total of $100.0(Kl.(K)0 spent for
rest and recreation. It is probablc that
the figures are too small. Leavingout
the rich and lei.sure class, to whom
time und money is no object, at least
one in each seven of aid the people in
this country will enjoy a vacation this
sumirler, extending from five to 00
days. This would nienn a rest for over
12,000,000 jx'oplc, and if they spend
only $12 each, about $150,000,000 will be
used In gaining rest and recreation.
It is time and money well spent. No
investment made in the whole year
brings in larger returns. It is one of
the causes which are adding percepti
bly to the .span of iiie. The lengthen
ing of this span has become so evident
that a revision of the old tallies of the
expectation of human life has been
made neccssarv.
The Awful 11,-nl
An oJRclal temperature of 108 or
110 in the shade, which was reached
in several central during the
recent hot spell.
means a bent running as high ns 121
for people engaged In their daily vo
cations. The hot blast was like the
waves from n conflagration, every oli
ject touched vms burning hot, and
the strain upon the nervous system
was intense. If such weather came
every year for several weeks it would
bo necessary to modify habits to
tropical consMtlorp. One store in
Iowa is said to have taken lire from
the sun's rays streaming through a
plate-glass window, and the building
and its contents burned with almost
explosive energy. It felt elsewhere
hr if a lighted mnt eh might set
things, Including the atmosphere, on
tire spontaneously. A broad section
of the country has been through this
visitation, which succeeded a cool
spring instantly, and surprised the
weather prophets and scientists. The
subject of went her is still, in the
main, a mystery.
A pleasant accompaniment ot the
hot weather this summer is the in-
n. ' -.I.-.., v,rt one! nfltv
a i
IS - "'v ..f.v.of.v .o r-- u
crown, the horse can do his work with
out danger and in greater comfort. It
is a sensible innovation.
The empress of Russia operates a
typewriter, and assists her husband
by taking down many of hits letters
from dictation.
The Chinese minister has sent a
general request to newspapers to
spell the last portion of his name
with a small f, thus: W'u Ting-fang,
as fang is simply S descriptive title,
tnd not a part of his name.
Miss Klizabcth Alden Curtis, who
was married the other day to Rev.
Cranston Brenton, of Hartford,
Conn., is a niece of Atorney (ienernl
Griggs, and has attracted consider
able attention by her literary work,
Which includes a rendering of the
"liubaiyat" of Omar Khayyam.
The smallest freemason in the world
is Caspar H. Weis, of Philadelphia,
who has just taken the degree of
master mason. Brother Weis, who is
24 years old. was horn in Morschin
gen. Reirk. Rhineland, is a watch
maker by trade and stands throe
feet eleven Inches in his stockings.
He belongs to Richard Ynux lodge.
jNo. :t84.
Augustus Hare tells this story in
his autobiography of a friend who in
some ways was one of the most absent-minded
men in the world. One
day, meeting a friend, he said: "Hel
lo, what a long time it is since I've
seen you! How's your father?" "Oh,
my father's dead." "Ciod bless me!
I'm very sorry." The next year he
met the same man again, and had
forgotten all about it, so began with:
"Hello! what a long time since I've
seen you! How's your father?"
"Oh, my father's dead still."
Archbishop Temple was once occu
pying a seat as an ordinary worship
er in a country church, his immediate
left-hand neighbor being a country
yokel, who kept turning angry
glances toward the bishop as he
then was in evident depreciation of
his lordship's vocal efforts. The
bishop, however, continued making
what he described as "a joyful
noise," until at last the yokel dis
gustedly closed his book, and, turn
ing to the bishop, remarked: "I say,
guv'nor, chuck it. You're ipoiiin' the
whole bloomin' show!"
'late Coming Knajlneer.
The engineer of the twentieth cen
tury will have need of all the knowl
edge education can bring. The nine
teenth century skimmed the cream of
invention; what was on the surface
has been appropriated. James Watt
made it impossible anyone should
have quite so brilliant a record as
himself, and yet his master stroke of
invention, the separate condenser, did
not need abstruse scientific attain
ments, although Watt was essential
ly scientific in his methods. So each
successful worker in the field of in
vention does something to exhaust
the soil and render needful higher
fertilization for further productive
New vistas, however, are con
ly being opened out, and, to con
cur analogy, we have something
ue rotation of crops in the
,'ing instruments by which the
leer attains his ds. It is be
tg more and more evident that
ay of the uneducated engineer,
.an who by mere force of genius
plished results which have
ed the face of nature, is being
ed by the epoch of the skilled
r of methods in applied science.
Thousands of Women Cured
of Sick Headache by
Dr. Greene's Nervura.
There are in the United States, ap
proximately, 2,750 counties of agricul
tural importance. In each of these
counties the agricultural department
has a principal county correspondent,
who maintains an organization of
three assistants, each coverings speci
fied territory. Facilities aTe furnished
the principal correspondent to enable
him to obtain regular reports from his
assistants. These reports he tabu
lates at the end1 of each month, supple
menting the informat'.n thus ob
tained by his own observation and
knowledge of the situation, and the
consolidated report is submitted to the
statistician. Although there is no
compensation attached to the posi
tion, an average of about 90 percent,
of them reports monthly.
It is estimated that over half the
American people indulge in vacations
during the months of July and August.
To begin with, there are 17,000,000
school children and teachers. Then
come the ministers and actors, college
students and professors, judges and
lawyers and the families of the
wealthy and leisure classes. Clerks,
talesmen and ollice workers all man
age to get away for a time during the
summer. The army of recreation is
indeed a big one. Xo other country
has so many people who can afford to
leave their homes.
Jacob M. Austin, of York, Pa., has
read the Bible from cover to cover 3T
times. With his wife, he began read
ing the Scriptures in 1S04. Mrs. Aus
tin died in ls'J7, but he kept on reading
and expects to continue his studies as
long as he lives. He was a delegate to
the last democratic state convention,
and took his Bible with him. so that he
did not miss reading tiie allotted por
tion of Script ares amid the turmoil of
politics. v
An upright judge, learned In the law,
is respected, whether he is in gown or
shirt sleeves, whether he grows whis
kers or a mustache or has a smooth
shaven face; whether he wears a wig
or goes bald-headed. -i i
"TVitl hrnil will lc the death of me and I
don't care how s,kih. I don't want to try
to drag through lite with paiu like tins.
Are Lines coming in
to your face ? Is
Jour beauty going
rom you? Think
for one moment of
the great multitude
of women. Buttering
ill just this way, who
have been cured by
Dr. Greene'i Ner
vurablootl and nerve
remedy. There Is
absolute certainty (
help in this fraad
medicine. Hero is
an instance.
Miss Aonrs Ora-
HAM,40;iV.2Stll St.,
" For yean I en
dured the greatest
agony with slek head
aches. My bead would
throb so' that ererjr
atep I took was positive
torture. When I went
home, after work, I
felt as though 1 never
could get there. It
aeetned to me that
every step must beiuy
last, a a d
when I tried
to go up
atslrs my
head aelied
so belly I
thought' 1
would have
i to scream.
"Nothing I took helped me. Tb headaches
returned all the time, and I despaired of ever get
! ting over thein. My back ached, ton, and often 1
felt so tired audweak It seemed aa though I could
uot go to work. I was ladlj run don n, and in a
I verv nervous condition.
"'Ilut I am thankful to say that these terrible
headache have left me, now that 1 bare taken
j Ur. (Ireuuo'a Nerrura blood ami nerve remedy. 1
! cannot av loo much for what it has done for me.
1 began lo feel its good effecta from the first dose.
! " After Ihe first bottle, my nervousness was
rono, and 1 had but one attack of hemlnche since
taking Nervura. I have now taken four buttlei
j and have bad no return of tho trouble."
i Just one bottle of Dr. Oreene's Nervura
blood and nerve remedy will do you so much
good that you won't feel like the samevouian.
Try it and see. If you have complications,
Eet Dr. (irneno'a free advice by call or letter,
iisaddrossis 101 Fifth Ave., New Voi kCity.
I nek in Thirteen.
By sending 18 milps Wm. Sbirey.
of Walton Furnace. Yt.. pot a box ol
BUcklen'a Arnica Salve, that wholly
cured n horrible Fever Sore on his
leg. Nothing else could. Positively
cures Bruises, Felons. Ulcers, Erup
tions, Roils, Hums, Corns and Piles.
Only 26c, Unarm teed by the Mid
dleburgDru Store, Oraybill, Oar
man & Co., Riohfiela, Pa., and Dr.
J. W. San psell. Pennscroek, Pa.
A Blue niilge Monntalaeer Who Could
Pray Belter '' nan He Could Do
Anything: lClae.
A Winning; Hand.
it i the most serious occasions may
have humorous incidents that can be
appreciated after the period of anxiety
has passed. During the severe illness
of Mrs. McKiuley in this city, a squad
of policemen were stationed ou all
the streets leading to the house where
she was staying, to prevent the ap
proach of persons having no business
there. A dignified gentleman residing
on one of the quarantined blocks, when
on his way home to dinner, approached
one of these guardians of the peace
whose Milesian extraction was un
questionably stamped upon his face.
The policeman stopped him and asked
where he was going. "Home," replied
the gentleman; "I live at 2222 Blank
street." "Four deuces, is it," said the
policeman, with a twinkle in his eye;
"that's a good hand. I lay mine down.
You can go." San Francisco Chronicle.
Steamboat and LeroncMre,
The first practicable steamboat was
built in 1802, and the first railway iuOu
....tjve in 1804.
Didn't Waal to Be Forglvon.
"I'll admit that I opposed your
marriage, my children," said Silas
Fodder, "but now that you're hitched
up I'll forgive you. '
The groom straightened up and
put a No. 9 boot down hard on. the
"I don't see where you come in in
this forgivin' bizness," he answered.
"As you say, you done your level best
to keep us from gettin' spliced, an it
seems that I ort to be the one to do
the forgivin', which I ain't a-goin' to
do. Me an' Mandy's goin' to move
over in Jasper township, an' if I ever
ketch you aroun' the place I'll fill
you full o' buckshot."
And taking Mandy's lily white
hand in his own large brown one, he
strode across the threshold. Balti
more World.
The mountaineers of the Blue Ridge
are illiterate in secular learning, but
yc i seldom find a household that is
not well posted in Scripture history.
While they mny not be able to read
the text, they can quote passages from
the Old end New Testament without
number, are eager for theological con
troversy, are powerful exhorters and
fervent in prayer. Some of the most
effective prenchers can scarcely read
or write. Their language is rude, but
inspired by deep emotion. Northern
people have told me that the most elo
quent prayers they ever listened to
were offered by uncouth, uneducated
mountaineers. That is a matter of
pride with them. Men who can praj
eloquently and carry on' theological
controversies with credit are quite as
highly esteemed as those who excel In
the use of the rifle or in athletic sports,
says W. K. Curtis, In the Chicago Record-Herald.
One day a boy who had been taken
up by a charitable family to be fed
and clothed and educated in a proper
way was being discussed with some
visitors. Forgetting that ..e child
was present, his benefactor described
the squalid home that he came from,
the poverty, the ignorance and the pri
vations of his parents. The boy was
not without pride anil loyalty to his
own family, and. looking up with a
determined spirit, he said:
"Mrs. Phillips, did you ever hear my
father pray?"
"No," the woman answered in sur
prise; "doeshe pray well?"
"Well," replied the boy, confidently.
"I reckon he can pray better'n he can
do snythiag else."
Breaking into a blazing home,
some firemen lately dragged the
sleeping inmates from death. Fanci
ed security, and death near. It's
that wav when you neglect coughs
8nd colds. Don't do it. Dr. King's
ew Discovery for Consumption
fives perfect protection against all
hroat. Cheat and Lung Troubles.
Keep it near, and avoid suffering,
death, and doctor's bills. A tea
spoonful stops a late cough, persis
tent use the most stubborn. Harm
less and nice tasting, it's guaranteed
to sa sfy bv the Middleburg Drug
Co.. ravbill, Garman & Co., Rich
field, Pa., and Dr. J. V. Sampaell
PennbCieck, Pa.
Price 50c and $1 .00. Trial bottles,
An Ialnnd of Cranes,
i Away off in Minnesota, at that pop
ular summer resort, Lake Minnetsnka,
there is a picturesque island which
takes its name from the fact that it is
uninhabited by man and given over
, to the cranes. Generations back these
birds decided upon this spot for a sum
mer resort. As time went on aud the
surrounding islands populated, no man
had the heart to disturb them, until
now Cfane island is pointed out from
passing boats as one of the curiositi .s
of the northwest. Albany Argus.
Ont ot Ills Hats,
First Jersey Mosquito I think I will
try a taste of that baby over there.
Second Jersey Mosquito Aw, go
tackle some one of your size! Brook
lyn Eagle.
l.neky So Fur.
Harry How do you think I am get
ting on with my cornet?
1-Yeii - First ra:c. I expected to hear
that some, one, had killedi you before)
(hit. .stray Stories.
Satisfaction guaranteed or tnoncv refu nded
These nrc the lerma on which the llnynu r .Dis
tilling i o. licit your on!- rs. 1. 1. V0 will bring
jou four full iiartofHeveu-Yenr Old Itye.ex-pies-
prepaid. Full particulars in their an
nouncement elsewhere in this issue. -
Lemon In the International Series
for November 24, 101 World's
Temperance Leaaoai.
(Isaiah 5:11-17, 22. 23.)
11. Woe unto thi in that rise up early in
the morning, that thej may follow strong
drink; that cm. ill. Ue until night, till wine
Inttapie thtmt
12. And the harp, and the viol, the tabret,
and pipe, and wine, are In their ftasts: but
they regard not the work ot thi Lord,
neltherconsldtr the operation of His hands.
1J. Therefore my people arc Bona Into
captivity, because the have no knowttdgsi
and their honorable nun are lainished. and
their munition dried i.p with thirst.
14. Thertfore hell h..ih eclargtd herself,
and opemd her moutt. without measure:
and their glory, and their multitude, and
their pomp, and he that rcjulcetb, shall de
scend Into it.
la. And the mean man shall be brought
down, and the mighty man shall be
humbled, and the eyes ol the lofty shall be
hum bled :
ti. But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted
In Judgment, ai d Ood that is holy shall be
sanctified in righteousness.
17. Then shall the lambs feed after their
manner, and the waste places of the fat
ones shall rs eat.
2-J. Woe unto Hum that are mighty to
drink wine, and mtn of strength to mingle
strong drink:
23. Which Justify the wicked for reward,
and take away the righteousness of the
righteous from him!
QOLDBH TF.VI'. Woe onto them that
re niluhl v to drink wine. la. DTii!!.
The lesson really covers verses 8-30
of the filth chapter ol Isaiah, the
verses above merely those which con
tain the most leading points.
The Tiines pf Isaiah. Although
Isaiah touches strongly in other parts
of the book upon the self-indulgence,
luxury and vice which were practiced
even by the religious leaders of Judah,
his first six chapters are given up en
tirely to social themes. Isaiah him
self was of high social rank, a friend
and, tradition says, a relative of
kings, but all kinds of wrong-doing
were hateful to him.
Drunkenness and Its Consequences
(Ys. 11-17). In various parts of the
Bible we find references to those give
them music and w ine iintl they have a
feast. The thought of (iod and His
work does not interest them so much
ns do the pleasures of life. Those who
have been guilty of living in this fash
ion are the men who ought to have
been the leaders of their nation. By
their negluct the people have been left
without know ledge of danger and the
captivity that is coming will be unex
pected. When the evil falls, luxury
will be turned to desperate want, and
because of that want men will die and
go dow n into the yawning jaws of the
lower world. The effect of this day of
terror is shown in verses 15-17. Among
men, all pride and power, in whatever
station in life, are brought down, and
only God's righteousness and justice
stand on high. In the physical world,
the place where wealth and luxury
dwelt becomes the pasture-ground of
wandering shepherds.
Woes Upon Sin (Vs. lft-24). The woe
of verses 18, 19 is differently explained
by different scholars. The suggestion
that Isaiah thought of these men as
beasts drawing a burdSn is probably
the best. The men of whom he is
speaking ara profane scoffers, who
make sport of religion and throw
morality to the winds. In verse 20,
the woe is against those false teach
ers who lead their pupils to misjudge
morality, calling good evil, and evil
good. The result of such teaching is
to upset and confuse the moral taste,
so that pleasure is found in things
that ought to give pain, and vice versa.
The woe of verse 21 is against intel
lectual pride, some form of which was
probably especially prominent in
Isaiah's eyes. Verses 22, 23 describe
the governors and judges of the land.
They have great force and valor to ex
hibit in drinking and mixing liquor,
but none for the maintenance of jus
tice. Verse 24 gives an eloquent de
scription of their utter overwhelming.
Flaja and Thlatlea.
Bevenge is sweet only when fore
gone. Humility is the best proof of true
The man who prevails with God will
not fail with men.
He who shuts his heart on his fel
lows cannot open it to his God.
Men measure us by our mistakes;
the Master by our motives.
They w ho have no desire for holiness
will find no delight in Heaven.
He who says what he does not mean
will mesn what he does not say.
The brilliance of the Bible depende on
the setting you give It in your life.
The lives of others will be none the
sweeter for your attempt to absorb
all the sourness in the universe. Ram's
Chrlat the Phyalelan.
The religion of Jesui Christ is the
best medicine for the troubled world.
Christ is ths physician. He came to
bring comfort to sorrowing hearts.
Nothing comforts like the Gospel. "I
will not leave you comfortless," Christ
says. "I will come to you." No mere
man would dare mske such a declara
tion. Rev. Dr. Holderby.
Lender of Men.
Christ was the pioneer and leader of
men, helping man to face the tempta
tions incident to the thought of death.
The physical shrinking, the intellec
tual uncertainty and the spiritual fear,
all these react upon life, sometimes
making of life vanity, sometimes-shattering
it with fear. Rev. H. H. Gowen.
Hellglona Sentiment.
The religious sentiment, if denied the
normal and nutritious, will seek the
fanatical and unhealthy. We arc sur
rounded by men and women who. dii
satisficd with the old forms, are adopt
Ing every ism and making trial of every
religion. Rev. Father Walsh.
If voting girls wotiM snok ahead it
would sometimes save them from serious
collision with the men they marry. It
is here that ignorance is almost a crime.
The voting husband cannot understand
it when the wife changes to a peevish,
nervous, querulous woman. And the
votiug wife does not understand it her
self. She only knows tlmt she is very
If ever there is a time when nature
needs help it is when the young girl is
adjusting herself to the nv conditions
of wifehood. Dr. Pierce's I'avorite Pre
scription makes weak women strong ami
sick women well. tt promotes regu
larity, dries debilitating drains, heals in
flammation and ulceration, and cures
female weakness.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, free. All womanly
confidences are guarded with strict pro
fessional privacy. Write without fear or
fee to Dr. R. V. Pierce, ItufFalo, N. Y.
"I will drop you n few line today to let you
know that I aril feeling well now," writes at la
Annie Stephens, of Iletlevillc. WckkI Co.. West
Va. "I feel like a new woman. I took several
tiotttes of the ' I'avorite Prescription ' nnd 'Gold
en Medical niscoverv.' 1 have no headache
now, no backache, and no pnin in my side any
more. No bearing-down pain any more. I
think there is no medicine like Hr, Pierce's
medicine. 1 thank you very much for what you.
have done for me your medicine has done me
so much good.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil
iousness and sick headache.
Ill Mi? amVIMMJlll
in i
o, i mr mm
ft VsavVarfU
a V
Four Full Quarts.1
.20 I
Saves Dtalirs' Protiti.1
Prtvtntt Adulltrationt. ,
We will sesd fesr
asart Settle of Hefner's I
7-Year-Old Double I
Distilled Rye for I
axareaa area aid, al
is slsis parti age,
awka to radicate c
testa. Ifsotaat
waea received, ret,
at eta etpense; w
return year $3.20.
.tack Wkitktv can't
tlMwhtrt torlttt than SSi
Third Nst'l Bank.paytoa
State I
Hat'l Baak, St. Louis; or any of the Ex. Co'
. . . . .
I XZO-S3 weal nun or., vanan, nio.
I309-SII Bo. Seventh at., at. Louie, MO.
We guarantee above Arm will do as It agree.-Er
Wot Qualified to SneaK.
Rev. Mr. Doper (the exchange
preacher) Deacon Elder, what do
you think of a man who will sleep in
Deacon ElderYou'll hove to ex
cuse me, Mr. Doper. I wasn't at
church last Sunday. You see, I heard
you were going to preach, and--the
fact is, I'm apt to be sleepy myself now
and then. Boston Transcript.
Two ( lasses.
The Music Teacher I might settle
here, madam, if I thought 1 could ob
tain pupils enough.
She You might sorosper. There are
some here whose voices could be culti
vated. The Music Teacher And others, no
doebt. who would take lessons?
To remove a troublesome oorn or
b union : First soak the corn or
bunion in warm water to soften it,
then pare it down ss closely as poB
sible without rawing blood aod ap
ply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice
daily; rubbing vigorously for five
minutes at each application. A corn
plaster should be worn for a few
days, to protect it from the shoe.
As a general liniment for sprains,
bruises, lameness and rheumat ism,
Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale
by Middleburg Drug Store.
Tronhle Ahead.
CIsncey Phwat's all th' thrubble
in th' alley beyant?
Hogan Some o' th' b'ys fed
Casey's go-at a dozen av these
cannon crackers, an' now dhey're
thryin' f git him f ate a box o'
matches. Baltimore American.
, Unaelflah Service.
To know Christ and Christianity Is
to have the vision extended and the
Insight deepened and to have selfish
ness extracted from the work of life.
Unselfish service is the Master's exam
ple. Rev. Dr. Moore.
A Village Blacksmith Saved Hla Little
Ron's Lire.
Mr. II. H. Black, the well known
village blacksmith at QraharoBville
Sullivan Co., N. Y., says : "Our little
sun. five .tears old, has always been
subject to croup, and so bad have
the attacks been that we havef ear-
ed manv times that he would die.
We have had the doctor and man
' medjomes, but Chambcrla:n'? Cough
I Remedy 1 now our sole reliance. It
seems to di-Bolve the tough mucus
and by giving frequent dose when
the croupy eyraptons appear we
have found that the dreaded croup
is cured before it gets settled ?
Theie is no danger in givin this re
medy for it contains n opium or
other injurious drug and may be
given as confidently to a bubo as to
an adult. For sale by Middleburg
Drug Store.
You can be cured of any form of tobacco using
easily, be mode well, strong, magnetic, full of
new nie una vigor vy taxing avfVHV,
that makes weak men strong. Many gala
tcu pounds in ten days. Over auu.UUU
d. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book-
Address STgRLWtl
Address ST
KjjMfiDY CO., Chicago or New; York
cured. All drutreists
let and advice r'KKB.