PRESM IT ! DOING WELL inf. iti is ol His Keal lm pre it Very Evident REI IVES LEAVE TOR HOME Physicians Siy PatientVCondition 1 a Quit Remarkably Wall PERITONITIS HARDLY POSSIBLE II 1 is Any Change For the Woree ! I' Will Be Gradual "God's Con Irlbu on to the American People Will 9s the Sparing of the Preei dent's Life," Say John G. Milburn. Roisevelt Confident of Hie Chief'e Reco.cry Devotion of the Cabinet. Mill irn House, nufTalo, Sept. 10. After .e hist bulletin had been Is ued im the Milburn residence last ni(jh; aouticing ;i continuance of the favor.-i condition rf the President, there re 'tiany Indications f the pal 1 iv lent of the distinguished pallet A' 0.45 0 clock Miss M Kin ley, a rioter of the President; Dr. and Mrs ' Baer, the latter a niece if th lent, and the Misses Har- ber, n ;a f the President, left the house, and. taking carriages, an-, noui i' r Intention of returning to theii ist night Abn M ICinlej accompanied then to the it it i. and said: "The nearest rulath i it In- President are bo con fident : his recovery that they have no het Itatl n in leaving." PoHtmn I f Ftease, of Canton, a il fri"nd of the President, mc yesterday filled with anx I last niRht : "I go back to- I have the most positive ,t tht President is going to mal it' !ld recovery." h, l 10.30 o'clock the entire . : body itliniit the Mil- e Boemed to have under 1 liange, The police did ii- from going by the nearei I corner at high speed. ' r army guard was not so part : . p ml It ise who passed up th ' : street The newspaper tialntaln the quiet that ha , vailed during the past two ('aye. Kv ri ''lose who came from the . ns! i ivli ire the wounded man lies stoppi 1 on the corner to laugh and chat From sombre foreboding the feeling suddenly turned to joyful confidence that the nation's ruler was to be pared. At 1 50 the lights in the mansion, ;i dimly shining in the sick r extinguished, nnd by 11 o'cl peaceful quiet reigned about iLe1 M '.urn home. On the dark cor ;. . treet soldiers, policemt : ' spnper men kept vigil. hov . r llercd beneath their tent i". ! bulletin, as was p i .nised, be last of tin; nl i.t. and irief, attention was called io the fact that the pulse was exactly i in th morning, 1 12, and thi t the ti iperature was R-ln of a i low t. was highly favorable symptoms, s nt r Hanna was the last official th house He only stayed a i' but iltiring that time had ,, Interview with Dr, McBurney. came out be declined to talk furthei han to say: is all right, and if the i intinues I may go home i TERDAY'S EVENTS ur Was a Victory Mrs. Mc Sees the President. use, Buffalo, Sept. 10. libutlon to the American 'he ijittring nf the Pres- "As the evening shadows last night, John (1. Mil .ti president ot the Pan-American tlon, reverently uttered these rd - is be stood before the house i:. .i the nation's patient was " bravely witli death. And a? the Milburn residence . flet ; d the view that the battl will lie wen and the prayers oi t! i v irld will be answered. Sinco g : i , a it an unfavorable symptom :. Bvory hour has been . . i. ry. r'ttUb in the outcome grows .1 and stronger, and hope : and higher, until In . nls of some the danger of all i. . ii ins is brushed aside ' ; , iiii i bi come conviction. Every bull tin, every private and i r ' of the physicians in at tcndai a breathes encouragement The t' ports the physicians have given out at fat is as tin y exist from a sci ntlfl I : point unmixed with sen timent. that the ''resident is by no Mi n out of danger is the verdict of each of them. Not one of them will risk li is professional reputation with a st : uent that the President will live. All thay will say is that with . ry .hour the danger of complica tions from peritonitis or blood-poisoning decreases. Dr. Mcburnuy, the most eminent of the physicians in attendance, expresses the opinion that if the improvement continues it will be a week yet before the Presi dent i be pronounced out of dan ger and convalescent. And some of his colleagues, like Dr. Mann, place the limit of danger still farther away. The fiar of peritonitis, It can be said positively, has well-nigh disappeared. With th expiration of the 72-hour period at 4 o'clock yesterday after noun dongor from that source was atauut goaa. The President himself ery II flay s j ised . m i In his f. i , if t or a mi i- 'j, t il - urse. ha o d him. It i. th some a ty he can be rained fn a iaiU and Colonel ..yron T 11 rrick, eland, Is uuoted as authority statement that he has spoken mcrvals of several things lie pro to do in the future. There Will Be No Crisis. The water, which has been given .iretofore cold, did not appear to agree with him, and since Sunday night very hot water has been taken into the stomach through the mouth with splendid results. His bowels moved freely during the day, and this also was considered an excellent symptom. If he continues to improve It will be gradually. If he should grow worse the change in that direction also will be slow. This Is the opinion of r. Mann. There will bo no crisis. If. he arrives at convalescence Dr. Park expresses the opinion that It will be ' three weeks before It will be safe to j move him. It is expected that the in terlor wounds will heal first. The su tures of the lacerated tissue were made so soon after the bullet passed that they are probably healing rapid ly. With the exterior wound it is a slower process. The extreme optimism of the vice president and the members of the cabinet would be difficult to overstate. "1 am absolutely confident that everything will turn out nil right," de clared the vice president, and he said be based his confidence on Information behind the public expressions of the physicians. So relieved are Secretary Gage and Attorney General Knox at the Improvement that they left for Washington last night, feeling strong ly that tin dr chief would recover, but with the assurance of the physicians that it a change for the worse should come it would be gradual, and that they would have .miuple time to re turn. In the case of Secretary Gage there was also a public reason why he should be at his post. New York they would have ample time to re lleve the situation in the money mar ket by increasing deposits in national ' banks and he feels that he can hardly act at this distance from the scene i If he finds that action is desirable, j Secretary of State Hay arrived last night and will remain with the other members of the cabinet at b ast for a day or two. The devotion of the members of the cabinet to their chief is touching. All would desire to re main near him until the crucial period , is passed, and Secretary Hitchcock and Secretary Wilson avow that only absolute and Imperative public busi- nee "i'l induce them to depart before the : sident is pronounced out of dangi Senator Hanna will also re main until the physicians give abso- lute a iu ranee that Mr. McKlnley will, live, C ntroller Pawes and some of t the otK r eminent men connected with the B .ministration expect to depart to-! day. Roosevelt's Delicate Position. Vice President Rooseve't has occu pied n peculiarly delicate and trying, position since the event which threat ened the President's life, but be has borne himself throughout this ordeal in such a manner as to win the admira tion and respect ! all. It has. more over, added a new bond between the, vice resident and lliose Intimately as sociated with the President, and the latter are warmest In their expressions Of the manner In which he has met every requirement of t ho situation. Not for a moment has he permitted the idea to be entertained that there was need for considering the constitu tional disability of the President and the exercise of executive functions which this would Impose on him. On the contrary. Mr. Roosevelt has been one of the most positive In the con viction that the President would re cover. During the long period of Garfield's illness nice distinctions arose as to what constituted the disability of the President within the meaning of the constitution, whether when the physi cal facultb s were benumbed, while the mental fai ultles were unimpaired, there was any disability as meant by the constitution. But fortunately there has been no such Issue presented on j tliis occasion, ami tne vice president himself has been primarily responsi ble for the avoidance of any thought of the temporary exercise of executive functions by him, Nor has there been any occasion for the exercise of ex ecutive authority for such minor rou tine matter ns it comes can readily I be left until the present emergency has passed. Twice during the day and again last evening the vice president has called at the Milburn residence to Inquire as to the President's con dition. During th l afternoon call he met several officers and Senator Hanna and spent a short time with them in informal discussion. On the streets Mr. Roosevelt has been a cen ter of respectful attention, but he has met this with dignity and composure. Despite senseless remarks that he was going about guarded by secret service men, he has positively declined to have anything like a guard near him One of his remarks yesterday, in speaking to two laborers, who greeted him, struck a popular chord. They bad suggested that he might be afraid to be stopped. "No, indeed," he replied. "You men are our protection, and the foul deed of Friday will only mako you more vigorous In protecting those whom you elect to office." Emperor Nicholas gave happy ex pression to the worldwide solicitude over the President, in a message which was given out during the day. It is addressed to the President, am. after expressing his happiness at tht President's Improvement, adds that he Joins with the universal world In wishing a speedy recovery. a I urtY OP THE CRIME Ctolgosz, the Aeeailant, Planned It . With Diabolical Ingenuity. Buffalo. Sept. 7 President McKin ley was shot and seriously wounded oy a would-be assassin while holding a reception In the temple of music at the Pan-American Exposition a few minutes after 4 o'clock yesterday after neon. One shot took 'effect in the right bres. it, '.he other In the abdomen. The flrst is not of a serious nature, and the bullet has been extracted. The latter pierced the abdominal wall and has not been located. It was a few moments after 4 p. m. while President McKinley was holding a public reception In the great Temple of Music on the Pan-American grounds that the cowardly attack was made, with what success time alone can tell. The President, though well guarded by Vnlted States special service de tectives, was fully expohed to such an attack as occurred. He stood at the edge of the raised dais upon which Hands the great pipe organ at the east side of the magnificent structure. Throngs of people crowded In at the various entrances, to gaze upon their ..!. ..., , i li. i,,i . UAtLuuic, ii mini iu iiaoy ii i o unuu and then fight their way out in the good-natured mob that every minute swelled and multiplied at the points ofSkngress and egress to the building The President was In a cheerful mood and was enjoying to the full the hear ty evidences of good will which every where met his gaze. Upon his right stood John G. Milburn, of Buffalo, the president of the Pan-American Expo sition, chatting with the President and Introducing to him especially persons of note who approached. Upon the President's left stood Mr. Cortelyou. It was shortly after 4 p. m., when one of the throng which surrounded the presidential party, a medium-sized man of ordinary appoarance. and plain ly dressed in black, approached as if to greet the President. Sharp Crack of the Revolver. President McKlnley smiled, bowed and extended his hand in that spirit of geniality the American people so well know, when suddenly tho sharp crack of a revolver rang out loud nnd clear above the hum of voices, the shuffling of myriad feet and vibrating waves of applause that ever and anon swept here and there over the assem blage. There was an instant of almost com plete silence. The President stood stock still, a look of hesitancy, almost of bewilderment on his face. Then he retreated a stop, while, a pallor be- j a Xniurni i nre. gan to steal over his features. "What is the remedy for poverty?" Then came a commotion. With the I demanded the lecturer, in thunder leap ol a tiger three men threw them- tones. selves forward, as with one Impulse (. pnused for reply, and durinc: the and sprang toward the would-be assas- p;msc n man In the rear of the hall sin. Two O. them were I'nited States' called out: secret service men who were on the I "You might try the gold cure." De lookout, and whose duty it was tojtroit Free Press. guard just such a calamity as bad here befallen the President of the nation. The third was a bystander, a negro, who had only an instant pre viously grasped in his dusky palm the hand of the President. As one man the trio hulled themselves upon the I President's assailant. In a twinkling he was borne to the ground, his wea pon was wrested from his grasp and strong arms pinioned him down. Hut of the multitude which wit-' nessed or bore a part in the scene ot i turmoil and turbulence there was but one mind which seemed to retain Its ' equilibrium, one hand which remained steady, one eye which gazed with nn-1 flinching calmness, and one voice which retained its even tenor and fill tered not at the most critical Juncture. They were the mind and the hand and On eye and the voice of President Mc kinley. President Remained Calm. After the first shock of the assas sin's stiots, he retreated a step, then us the detectives leaped upon his as sailant, lii' turned, walked steadily to a chair and seated himself, at the same time removing his hat and bow ing his head In his hands. In an instant Secretary Cortelyou and President Milburn were at his side. His waistcoat was hurriedly opened, the President meanwhile ad monishing those about him to remain calm, and telling them not to be alarmed. "But you are wounded," cried his secretary. "Let me examine." "No, 1 think not,'' answered the Pres ident. "I am not badly hurt, I as sure you." Nevi rtheless his outer garments were hastily loosened, and when a trickling stream of crimson was seen to wind its way down his breast, spreading Its tell-tale stain over the white surface of the linen, their worst fears were confirmed. The President's assailant in the meantime had been hustled to the rear of the buildtttg by Exposition guards, where he was held while the building was cleared, and later he was turned over to Superintendent Hull, of the Buffalo police department, who took the prisoner to No. 1C police station, and afterward to police headquarters. As Boon as the crowd in the temple of music had been dispersed sufficiently the President was removed In the au tomobile ambulance and taken to the Exposition hospital, where an exam ination was made. The best medical skill was summoned, and within a brief period several of Buffalo's best known practitioners were at the pa tient's side. On the Operating Table. The President retained the full ac count of his faculties until placed oa the operating fable and subjected, to an anaesthetic Upon the flrst exam- ination ll was aBeenainea uiar. one bullet had taken ect in the right breast Just below the nipple, causing a comparatively harmless wound. The other took effect in the abdo men, about four Inches below the left nipple, four Inches to the left of the naval, and about oa a level with It A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad. liver. Ayer s Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. IIC All line- -iit. Want your nowtai lm of beard ii bsauUful brown or rich blm-k? rii.-n eta BUCKINGHAM'S DYE. t om n p. Han Co. . Republican Standing Committee- Adams O. r. rllniraman. J. D. Hip. Beaver lharlei Dreese, Kluier Wetxel. Beaver tt. Tli.w llrrbster. .lack son Maker. wJentre W. A.Napp, F. II. Mine, ''tiapnian -I'rU-r ShnlTrr, C. 11. l !,.rr,. Franklin John Beckenburg, Geo. r. stetler. Jackson J, Harvey Mover, u, a. 'Brouea, Htddlabura -K. W. Specbi, Frank Id itz. Mlddleereek D. P. Bow, Geo, O. stuck. Monro W, I Young, It P, Hitter. Penn Harry L, Ragle, Qeo M. witmer. Perry f. h. lluyrr. Allen Vulenllua. ItUaegrove J. A, Lunva art, J. r.KSlu. 1 8pnu- C'bao. R. Kloae, D. H. Snook. uiui jiM-..u .-iuiii. .. j, rjiron htnKton Myron Mover, W F. IUowu. Parraa Yotnro, 'halrman. Bum K. Warrant Qacrotair. .1. Frank Kkitz, Treaxurer MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Butter is Egfts 14 Onions Tit! Lard 10 Tallo.v :, Chickens .S Side S Shou.'der 12 Hum 11 Wheat 60 Rye 45 Corn 60 (Juts 40 Potatoes 80 Bran per 100. 1,00 Middlings" 1.10 Chop 1.10 Flour per bbl !!.7" The way to buy PIT HE WHISKEY Ii dlree from the dlatlllory. You avoid the poaaiblllty of adulteration ami nave the Jobber1 and small dealer' prolH. Tin- llayner litillln Co.. Dayton, Oblo, will aond you four full quarts of Seven-Year-i ltd Rye, axpreaa prepaid, for $8.90, See their announcement appearing elsewhere in thi Issue. Ilnril Head. A Georgia negTO, asleep on the track, came In contact with a freight train, derailing several cars. As he (rot up and brushed the dust from liis coat be remarked to the en rineer: "Kf you folks ain't mo' keer ful how you pwine, you'll hurt some body, some er dese days, en f-rit sued for damages:" - Atlanta Constitution. Waated mm on Loeal Mne. Bnbbubs See here, you said that house we went to look nt was a stout's throw from the station. Agent -Will? Bubbubs Well, I simply vvnnt to know who threw that stone. Stray Stories. she'll Wear Last Year's, "I wonder," remarked -Mrs. Oiddie, tentatively, "if there will be much change in fall millinery." "I "-lies-; not." replied her husband, Significantly, "for there isn't much in men's pockets these days." Philadel phia Press. How's This? We oiler One Hundred Dollar8 Reward for any case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. .J. CHENEY & CO., ToleJo, O. W i , the undersigned, bave known F. ,1. Cbenev for the lust 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable hi nil I usiness transactions and tin m ildly able, to carry out any ob "rations niitde by their firm. W -t ,vTi;i ax, Wholesale Druggists To llo, O. WAtDING, KlNNAN k M.Uf vin -VI ole ale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takes inter ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Testimonials sent free. Price "5c. per Ik ttb . Sold by all Druggitts. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Mill CW K KEAMEK. George Hoke and family of Sun bury moved to this place Inst week. l'. W. Voder and Mrs. Annie Hottenstein and daughter of Mid dleburg visited Thomas Deitrich's family last week. Jefferson Hummel and family visited Levi Krdlev's Sunday. Amnion Gearhart, who is work ing at Milloii, was home the lore part of last week. S. A. Apt) and wife ot Monroe two. visited Mrs. App'fl parents J. F. Walter's over Sunday. Charles Deitrich and family of Lewisburg visited his brother, Thomas Deitrich, Sunday. Mr. Hix'k of Shamokin spent Sunday with N. C. Gutolius. N. P. Hummel and family moved into the store building. Fisher "Walter of this place has a e-ood seven year old hay horse that jle w,. gci t.fjap, ne ,s j - frood WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO men to travrl and advertise for old established liouae of solid financial standing. Nn' n-y 1780 a year and expenses, all payable In caab..No caa vetting required. Give references aa enclose self-addressed stamped enveloped Address- Manager, SB Canon Bldg. Cbloage, 4-U-U A Sensational Everything m proportion we are compelled to re duce, because we made our purchase too heavy for this season. By purchasing ten dollars worth of goods, we will pay half fare. WOLF FREEDM AN, t HHHHIllllll44U4444ssUAAa1 - - lA A Nl r" VV MM ! Our complete line of bed-rooui suites are ex tmortlinary value. Prices deeply cut and worth your while to consider. Very respectfully, W. 439 Mai ket St. f Undertaking a Specialty. BBtarJMUMMWkrVVkrWWMMMMMMMliMMM A IT DO TH mm Before loir Buying I s ! YOU CAN YOURSELF Reno H- Walter, MIDDLEBU RGH BNN, v REFRIGERATORS Numbers and assortment to sntisfy most any taste We huve secured tbo agency for the celebrated BALDWIN DRY AIR BOX It is Ibe original "scientifically built" refrigerator. Their points of superiority overall other boxes, inafcing it the best and cheapest refrigerator on the market. clean. Patent "Lip Cup" preventing any warm air ttfi reaching the ice compartment. fcvery one Is guaranteed to give satis faction. Prices ranee from $8 to $17.90 with or without water tank. a T-v tit:j c. -r w I ocrt-ou iyuuru, nmuuwourveuij, jjawn aiowers, u'u'u Tools. Water Coolors. 1 SALE Freedman s Bargain Season. Owing to the Spring season on hand we offer you WONDER FUL BARGAINS in the beauti ful line of NegligeeShirts, beauti ful Shirt Waists up-to-date. The very latest styles in Gents' Ft r nishing Goods at a great rcductitn in prices as follows: .mux's suits. SlG.OO Suits out down to 813.00 14.00 Suits out down to 1 1 .00 12.00 Suits cut down to 10.00 Suits out down to y.00 Suits out down to 0.90 7.89 5.00 IU K. Mnrkpi a (Loeb'aOId stanil) NIMH a V. PA. -eve i i vmi VT r r if Q LJ 25 PKKSONS to buy a bed room suite, couhisi ii, jo seven pieces for Slo.60, ftaF We do not deliver these Wits out PRICE. of town for this Thll offer 1r to held ga Preaent atoek laexbeual I until tlu tl. Others will ouote von tli .same irraue ol suite mm 12(1 i to $23. A. SHIPMAN, SUNBURY. PA. - oiuo Silver-Ton-nicd Talk may try t i . u, im "noon Eairraen eheeap," nod iiin iiol iiintlr much uiiiln r it la if Ol, Oil! H III II 'OII I 1,111, to BUYING FARM TOOLS Dou't trust him too far. Do borne thinking before VOU l)i WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU ihe OSBORNE 111 SEETHE SUPERIOR POIN Hi! I I I I Ll Lit DflflDTdflDATflB W H HEIM, Sunbury, Pa. . runiy is tne great oonaiaeTiii"; . .i.i ..i, ... ... in j.w mtMtni Imp" kev is avoided bv buries direct from ' m. rMa4lllln fV. I .mV AISD wholesale and retell dealers' proM announcement la hi papers U BMM your pocket
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