(7 PREPARSD EXPRESSLY FOR THE FOSTOAl-n Y ITS COUPS OP CORRESPONDlCN TiJ .iEIjINSOKOVE. UUNDOHK. PORT I UKVKRrON I KKK VMhit"" " ?w 'c were glM to welcome .John Kreeger who returned borne frjni the Pacific Coast, so much im proved in health. Xhtnipeoii Hilbisl; with his faintly drove t" Harriaburg and vicinity risking friend. Rev. F. I'- Bergatreaaer of Tyrone tinted liis father a few days last week. Mr-. Rev. M. L. Snyder of Saddle River N.J. ls :,t l tii" with her n nt., n w iVo.n. iKirtM'-. i m . .1.1.. . ... . ........ tiler. Robert Bwineford of St. Louis lis thr guest t nia aunt, Mrs. r llfilbish. Mr. Yount ot Kelly x Roads ' I Uto ..... J...... i I.IH'ln OUIIUai wiwi uio ih j'i'i ) 18. AILert. Mrs. liev. E. 15. Killinger of I Trenton, N. J., is visiting her moth er, Mr-. Amelia Wugenseller, and I friends. Miss Annie Eokbert of Washing toll, Mll'l .mis. vr m. JVUIMTl (II Lewistown spent Friday among friends. Bruce and Lizzie Scharf of Vir- . . j; i i IgiOia are spending several wccks iimoiir triends. Tlie W. II. and F. M. society of the Slisq. Synod is holding its ses sions in Trinity Lutheran Church. The graduating exercises of the High School were held Friday even ing last. The Glee and Mandolin Clubs nr i ii i n a gave a concert in vvchi num., oai- unlay to a very enthusiastic audi ence. The Claaaia of the Reformed church is being held in the Reformed church at this place. Mrs. Rev. Genszler and child left for Phila. Saturday to spend several weeks with her parents. The Sunday School convention I held at K reamer was a very interest ing one. although the rail kept many away, there weie quite a num ber of our citizens there. 'Smiires Potter and Ulrich went to Phila. to argue a case in Supreme lour'. CENTRE VILLE Dr. J, W. Sampsel spent several 'lavs in Phila. Inst week. &im Dock's show will exhibit here Saturday. H. P. Stuck and wife of Mifflin burg were the guests ofL. A. MuS W ami wife over Sunday. Miss Sue limner spent several days at Middlebnnr 1 ast week. Dr. J. W. and C. E. Samuel were to t lie county scat last week Frank 8. Rehrle of Middleburs was in town Saturday. Marshal Fessler is spending some tlino witli friends of l ,nt, ,nimi I b Calvin Shell and wife visited her parents near Troxelville Sunday. H:id Alert z of Middlebnnr after fpeoding several weeks with friends returned home Monday. INDEPENDENCE. (Too Into for litat week ) Miss Minnie Suflel, who is em ployed at Shamokin came home to attend her grandmother's funeral. Miss Maggie Eisenbart of Harris- burg is visitinir her na rants at thm ,i a i - place. ' nine of our old snort omnvorl a pleasant drive to Alahatango Sun- tvi Shaffer who is workimr at Rookville bridge spent Sunday uurue. Howard C. Marks of Sunbury "sited freiuds of this place. Some of our vniimr i . 1 1 1 1 1 nt- 'ended a festival at Port Trevcrton, 'wiirday night. Willinm K11H..I ..t' !.:.. I. .... n. ui I III. IIIM 13 VIII the sick list We wish him a speedy uvery. Airs. Knann S..flR,l ..(' M ..til .m.ii, i ji mm village w"0 had suffered for several months gangrene passed quietly from ths world of suffering into eternity 00 Wednesday May 1. 1 B.TOwttkneM. ertotion. 1 uwoi vr. MUM' Motun rant them. Trouble is about the only thing you can borrow without interest or security. Win. Aloyer of Freeburg, the proprietor of an extensive marble yard, was in town in the interest of the Sunday School cause. The first case of abduction in our county took place lately at Port Trevorton, no reward offered. A party of Sunbury was in town lately and divided real estate I v -awing a pig stable through in the middle. 11. F. Schrawder of fort Trevor ton is remodelling our met chant's residence. Philip Shafer sold 1 fresh cow to II. I), liower of Hcrndon. The bridge bill is passed, now Snyder and Northumberland coun ties are nearer neighbors than ever before. Now let our gland jury be unanimous for a bridge at Port rrevorton. Which will be the most prolific, the apple or caterpillar crop. Simon Strawser and wife train- acted business in town. Lizzie Sclirey called on Alal ia W. Dundore. Sallic Shafer hurt her hand while killing caterpillars and called on Dr. Krebs to have it dressed. Lydia Hoover transacted business in town and Fort Trevorton. H. F. Witmer is supplying his neighbors with coal that he takes out of the Susquehanna river. Most of our farmers have finished planting corn. The Witmer United Evangelical Sunday School will have children' day exercise i. Harry liituer paid a short visit to his parents. Dundore's store is headquarters for bananas. Ascension day will have an im- mence crowd at the aqueduct tins year. Dr. D. W. Alears of Scran ten was called to Dundore's to wait on his sister, who was on the sick list. The POST is instructive and an absolute necessity in every family. UNION TOWNSHIP. John and Frank Scholl are home for a short vacation. Elmer Naugle moved to Selins grove. Fred Wise moved to near Yer dilla and will work on the farm for J. S. Aucker. 11. W. Aucker lias accepted a position to represent a Cincinnati cigar house. Married on Sunday, J. B.Stauffer and Leah Brubaker. Our local fishermen just returned from their first expedition and r port a good catch. Out public roads have as yet re ceived very little attention this spring. S. Abraham L. Strawser has started a henery. R.L. Schaflei of Pallas was in town Saturday. He is a talented musician. He intends to start a class here and teach instrumental music. llodrra Mrflifirla. First Burglar How ye itt in on? Second Burglar Bully! Doin' firs' rate. Bobbin' doctors now. I jus' ring th' bell late at night, an' tell 'em Mrs. Asturbilt is fallln' In a faint, an' they iuus' run (er her life. "Bah! You're way behind the times. Quiek as a p'licemnn sees a niau rim nin' at night he arrests 'in) ns a (sus picious character. 1 wait till they rab th' doctor, an' then 1 fjo In an' rub th' house." N. V. Weekly. Interrhunifr "r C'onfldcnc. "And now, my boy, don't have any secrets from your father. What are your eollepe debts? Don't be afraid to tell ine the sum total, to tho last cent." "I won't, father. The whole amount Is f 5,327.50." "I thank you for your confidence, my boy, and I will be equally frank. You may pay those debts the best way you can." Chicago Tribune. A Cameo. The carpet Is bobbing: And flapping on high, Tho strawberry's throbbing la dumpling and pie. N. V. Herald. Miss Effie Hornberger of Aline called on A. II. Troutman and family Saturday afternoon. Miss Kate Troutman spent sev eral days of' last week very pleas antly with friends al Aline. Mrs. Henry Shaffer and Bessie St:ihl enjoyed a drive to Selinsgrovc last week. Saturday evening s. I. Steflen opened a neatly furnished icecream parlor at Ilia home and was well patronised by ourcitsen?. Mrs. Louisia Car well is visiting relatives at Independence. Frank Iteigleofthe county seat was in town last week. Misses Merlin Francis, Mayme Arnold and Jennie Charles were I .1, 1.1 r . . eiecieu io anenu tue i . i . i . i . convention at Allentown next week. (J. trvin Reichenbach of Shamo kin spenl Sunday with Ins daughters. Mrs. (i. , Flanders and Miss Muyme Arnold -pent Friday at Herudon. Attorney ChaS. liower of Selins grovc transacted business in town last week. Misses Carrie and Lottie Reich enbach and Jennie Charles were to Sunbury Monday. Win. Front, who is employed at Duncannon spent Sunday with his family. M. H. Herrold and wife visited their children at Lewisburgand Alil ton over Sunday. Clarence Lenig has again joined the circle of young people in town. U. M.Shaffer transacted business at Mt Kees Half Falls last week. Airs. J, G. Snyder and daughter, Mary, will leave for a trip to Phila delphia Thursday. Airs. Edwin Wolf of Shamokin visited her parents Sunday. Peter Daubert, wife and two sons Clayton and Kay, John Michuel, wife and daughter of Milton, and Miss Sue Michael of Sunbury .vere welcome guests of Ceo. Daubert and family Sunday. Miss Anna Newman of Hofler ac companied Editor Stroub and family of Herndon to town Sunday. AIis Amelia Erdley and mother tire visiting Mrs. Sara Strawser at Mahuiitougo. Lost Hair " My hair came out by the hand ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. I tried Aycr's Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from com ing out and restored the color." Mrs. M. D.Gray, No. Salem, Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. SI 00 bottle. All drufiiiti. If your clriiRKiKt MBIMt fiijiply you, end u OB6 U.illar and u will cxmn you a liottlo. llv uru and rlTfl tlif ntUM if your uearcut exprtus otllie. A.l.h , J. t'. A VKH CO., Uiwcll, Matt. Itlnht t p to Datr. Klmhurst What time is it by your watch? Corona I can't really rely upon my watch. It has been keeping' rap-time lately.- Brooklyn Eagle, Unit.- Sociable. "Did you ever notice how polite the echo is'.'" "No. How?" "It always returns your call." Philadelphia Press. A SnprrBooui Convenlenee. "Why has a man 'JO pockets anil a woman nuui at all?" "Uecauso if she had 40 pwket! she would still carry her purse in her hand." Clucapo Kccord. Frankly Kxplatned. "Why did you hit the complainant with a fence picket?" the judge asked "Because, sorr, Oi didn't have t inn to pull up a post," answered the ac cused. Indianapolis Press. Elswortb Aurand and family of Lewistown visited friends ami rela tives in town over Sunday. Quite a number attended com munion servicesal Globe Mills Sun day. At... I . I II I .... Hirs, timxiu iiiiiiiinel is visiting friends at I ewistown. Mrs James Row and daughter, of I Selinsgrove visited her parents, J. F. Walter and wife, lasl week. A. It. Kramer i- making prepar ations to erect a fine dwelling house on the lot wlu re the old Smith bank J born stood, flic location is perfect and will make i very pleasant I ie. The brick yard is now in oper ation. They hope to turn out a first class brick. The 31st Snyder ( School ( 'onvention In I 1 1 Sunday it l!,i - place Wednesday and Thursday of last week was a grand Biiceess. tinite a number of delegates were present. The meetings were well attended considering the disagreeable weather we had. SHADEL. Charley Arnold of Sluice was H visiter in this section Sunday. Iiiist Saturday while cutting tim ber Pharea Troup had the misfor tune to have four ribs and his collar bone broken by a large limb which struck him. At last accounts lie was out of danger. Trust be will have ii speedy recovery. The peach and apple crops prom ises to le an abundant one in this locality. Our young people who attend tilt Freeburg Academy report being well pleased with their studies. Mrs. Emma Lepkichler is on the 1 1 sick list, being confined to her bed. 1 v Quite a number of people expect j to fo to the aqueduct Thursday, asii that is one of our annual picnic 2 grounds. Lots of people nukethis their sporting placeon Ascension Day from all parts of the County. Calvin Bailey made a flying trip to the County Seal Friday. Palmer liower took a flying trip to Freeburg Suuduy afternoon. BIT, P Mil. I. Farmers are busy planting com. Ascension day is the next holiday. A. S, Yerger and Marie Steffeo visited near Verdilla. A. F. Schnee, wife and daughter, Lera visited in Mifflinbtirg, Satur day and Sunday. t. G, rbogasl and her sister spent a few weeks in Lancaster county lat week. John Miller i on the sick li-t. Sonic oi our people are busy pealing bark. How j This? We oiler one hundred dollars re ward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot lie cured bv Hull's Catarrh Cure by P. J. CHENEY 4 CO. We, the undersigned, have known F.J. CHENEY for the last 15 j ars and believe him perfectly honotal le in all business transaction ami financially able to carry out any obligations made by their liriu. Wkst Tbuax, wholesale druggist Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter tially acting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Sold by Druggists, price "oc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Miss Florence Newman who has been a great sufferer from muscu lar rheumatism say Chaiubei Iain's Pain Balm is the only remedy that affords her relief. Miss Newman is a much repeoted resident of the villag of Gray, N. Y. and makes this state ment for the benefit of others siuii larly afflioted this liniment is for by Middlebnrg Drug ttuie. WANTMD TRUST WORH'V KIN AND Wo man to trnvrl mill adTtrtUM lur old lltahllntnit houHr of solid Roanda saiodlng. siarv f - year nml 'm.ih, all payable In ih. So can im!Uiik NqulNd. tiive NfsrMOSS and eneloBe wlf MMraaaad ntjiiiipetl tnvt'loi?, AUUreas Mansff, 3 caiton uiiIk.. Oalao, 4-is lot. l)irs;t from DiatiHcr to eonnuner, ii the ulan by whli-li Tho Hnym-r DIbIiIHiik Co.. of layton, Ohio, art- dUpoalmr of their entire outi'iM. Try four full iuarla for ID.'JO. expreaa ireiaiit. s,-e their offer aieariiur elaewhere In tin- inane. Headache and Xenralria cured bt jM MM. US' CAIN P'.LLS. 'Ooeceitada. I BUILDERS' HARDWARE T Is an absolutely aecewity if yoo intend . to bnild. Vmt will Deed many things on which I fan save you money My Stuck is always laboe and cxjmplete in- I CLUD1NO A COMPLETE LINE of t Reading Hardware Companies' I CELEBRATED LOCKS and INSIDE TR1MM- I TNOS. Sena me your specifications, and I ril! gladly quote T you lli price. f Mr ALL QOOD5 QUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. IMTABI.IHHEn in IS?. W. II. t nmstsMsiswiumft K ! MATS DO TH THINKINC i Before Your Buying K s the mMt Ww mw kWw V Mil YOU CAN YOURSELF SEETHE SUPERIOR POIN1S Reno H- Waller, j, -; l 45. 4i h ! ! f4 i WANTED I X Our complete line of bed-room snites are x traordinary value. Prices deeply cut ami worth your while to consider. Very respectfully, W. A. SHIPMAN, 139 Maiket St. Under takitiS Bpecialty, Mlrut CVItle! -m. "She is vi rv nice and all that but the is altogether too critical." "I assure you she never speaks run inn In the kindliest way." if ,. 1 1, . r t , as Qaruaapop. ping the qneation. Chicago Daily N MM. I Aa Far aa Mir Could Co. He- What do you think of this tail about a family bein"; ible t tve on 0.SO a week'.' She- No, Arthur. I don't believe it can be done. Hut 1 ill gladly be a lis ter to you. Chlca-m Tli it-Herald. A Ba)W tut uite rt. "How do y ii I'kc t tatae of I Ifedltatlon'' " "1 don't " ' ' ' st: fil ing there ' ' , onght te ' ' 1 ' j on Lie: i." -Chieac" !' rapa u, imi i irn wine i fc utr j, rt I O ai-eovCt ies 111 Ml .iieiliO. she gives me the Impression that my it n tickly cures Coughs, Colds and frock doesn't fit!" Brooklyn Life. ail Lung tr ubles of the severest na tt r . tut'e, removing, as it does, the cause An, ...ui.v f ,...,, of the affection and leaving I eparts Black yer bootsi grinned the in a Btr0uir and healthy conditioo. young anthropoid ape. it ,s ,u,t experimental modicine, "t.o onl growled the eave man. ,t llts sU)lHi tUe u.st 0f year8f K1T "Don't try any of your monkey shines ,tf satisfaction in every case, wl ich on me! it rapidly increasing sale every .-ea- The phrase then began to thunder , son confirms. Two million bottles down the ages. Chicago Tribune. sold annually. Boschee's German . . - Syrup was introduced iu the United Ktw Lllkl on an Old Text. Slates iu 1868. and is , w . ! in Pa, said lutle Oscar, "what 1 etery town aud Tillage iu the civi meant by dying hi the face of l'rovi- ifced world. Three doses will n ieve denee? I any ordinary cough. Price ' cts. "Asking a widow to marry you when Get Qrei n's Prize Almanac you don't mean It, my son," replied the M sire. Town Tunics. Beware ol t unuh. iiy tue old trea. I a cough is not a dist as I it a Kthel There is nothing easy about Hv"":,, "' wnsuoiption and bronchi popping com. His very hard. i tts which are the most dangerous Dick (who has been trvimr to sav 1 du, ases t.ave for heir brsi ,,, , , ' H'die itioll a peisistent eou'ti, utul Hcim. III.- M I . II, t,t, M.ll.l. SUNBURY, PEININA. 4- -0 .1 ome Silver-Tongaed Talki may try to ntnki' jron lirlirt tin "miMHi Ihuiimi 'h csi'." riml II tlii not iniilfcr murli Hli tlir it l ur mil lint win n j oil cone l n BUYING FARM TOOLS 1 Don't trust him too far. Do BOine thinking before jrou buy. m I WUULU LI rL lUMUVV YUU OSBORNE LINE ilIl)l)LEBURGH, PE1NNA. . 25 I'KKSONS to buy a bed room suite, consisting of seven pieces for $ to. 50 gbtfr We do not deliver these s"its out of town fir thus 1'KICK. This offer in to hria good until 4 prMtilttoek Li exhauaUxl. will uuote you the .1. ade of -uite from S2( 1 il SUNBURY. T. A GUOD THiNG J rman Snupta the Bpecial pre acrip ion of It. A, Boschoe, a ele brated Qermun physician, and i- ac knowlei'ged oi nt of the tiuwt .. . . . , i( tlt, ,0(1 M BOon as th. ' , -DDearg ftre easuy cured. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy h-is or, ven wonderfully successful ana . i ii- -ii. l . tfainea us ,, m.uit. eu "". 1 1 ii si sjiie liv us s m ins in 'ii mf, the diseases which cause COUgUng If it is not weoefioial it will iet cost DOU a oent. For sale by the lliddhv yurg drug store. DR. FENNER'S .1 Blood & Liverlll REJCEDT AND 13. NERVE TONIC. loS23i n t s
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