IToThOLIDAY PRESENTS For EVERY DAY USE I Lam?) cr 1 i cady HabM: t'lil t.l H 'to, ; t ti tijrou tow m nil nit lev; Rochester, jui m good " i a round food The r w i Oiyi, PREPARBD EXPRESSLY KOI THE FOST VWy JW DY ITS CORPS OF" CORRBSPONDKNTfi v y cui. -f. r. T- u. W tr V- i tat Um luauo C- ; " km. ' . (iMm' Lietltfft yoo tf, p 'i iriil iir rt'rtn- ii i i ati1M f I I I a . Mr. Kepler oi r remom movcti u 1 ... IMlfl til. i llf,lll V'llMltlwl tV . i T7 A 1 our iow ii -j Irwin Graybill, last week. I John Bruner of Shawyerville moved to town last week. Mr- Marv Howell ami Mr?. Sarah Mitchell were to Middlclmrg Tknmdav. I Frank, Annie, ami Rons Gift ofSunbury were culled home last week on aeeouut of the illness of their mother. ir. .lo in sterner ol sunburv Hp-lit a Few days her sick mother. at home visiting P. 11. Keller, principal of Keller's n . r t I I Business College, Ltewwourg) mane 1 nnileSSlOliai "lll in umui.mi n m i ....ii ... i. ...i .. I Win. Heimbaoh and wife of Bea vertown visited Austin Gift's Sun Hay. Master Cloyd Attig of McClure is spending a few days with his gram 1 parents, H. H. Attig's. Mrs. Mary Howell was to Bea vertown Thursday attending Mrs. James Blngaman's funeral. Miss Nettie Troup, who had been spending the winter in Union Co., came home to spend several weeks under the parental roof. llob rt Stout and family of Union Co., visited Joseph Bruner! Friday. Kphraiiu and Maine Howell of Beavertown visited theirgrandmoth er over Sunday. Miss Elda Graybill of C. P. O New Berlin spent Easter with her parents. Mrs. H. H. Attig spent several days in lewistowu visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Howell. Chas. Emery, who had been on the siok list for some time, is able to be p and' around again. Wm, and Allen Gill and Frank Miller have secured employment as section hands on the K. R. This makes a total of seven men on tins division. Loyd Walter of S. 1), Selins grove spent Easter under the par ental roof. Miss Hhoda Bach man is spending several weeks with her father in Hiddleburg. .Joseph Marks of Swineford and J. (i. Weiser, Esq., of Middleburg were callers in town Saturday. Rev. McLain held communion services in the Hassinger church Sunday and also at the same time the following persona were admitted as members of the ithuroh: Hoyt C. Graybill, W. F. Howell, William Kaiilhnan, Chas. Kaufftnan, San ford Bhambaoh, Guy Oldt, Ruell Walter, Win. Wray, Geo. Bachman, Wm. Baehmaa, Katie Walter and Jennie Walter CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Bears the Signature of ADAMSBURti. H. L lioniig made a business trip to White Deer lust week. The churches of this place ob RTved Easter with appropriate ser vices. Miss Gossof Maitland spent Sun day with May Dreese. Myra liomig of Milton was at home over Sunday. C. H. Klose moved his household goods to Milton where he intends to "lake his future home. Sorry to 'oe you, Claude. Weight Heimbach of Altoonamov 1 te this place. Mrs. Aaron Moyer is down with typhoid fever. Dunmoyer and Haines have ship ped another carload of cows. Stella liomig left Weduesday norniug for Selinsgrove where she wui take a course in the normal class. Yost Krebs moved to Port Royal 'here he will engage in the lumber Our nil hi in nnhnnln liuve nhttftd fcr the term and the little folks are plaQ. Ar,)()r n.iy ... ma... I . . j on n w. itmer moven to reun township where he expeoto t have regular work. John Seaman moved to Northum berland county. Wait a little till the ground gets dry. Hackenberg and (Iratcr moved on N. T. Dundere's farm an I are getting ready to push spring work, J, F. Wagner moved on .lames nacmon a imrm. A good wife is better than gold. The vote in the House of Rcpre mutative at tlarrishurg on the bridge . a ii... question was overwhelming in tavor of nroirress. Rev. II. T. oearle la snugly housed at Fort Treverton and is serving his congregation. There is a demand for spring rye for seed. Easter eggs were plentiful and of all colors last Sunday. Ed. Ram 00 and family moved to Oriental on a farm. Our merchat shipped 21 oases of Easter eggs to Mt. Carniel. N. T. Dundore sold a cow to Henry bower of Herndon. E. S. Ancker was seen on our streets with his fine stallion. John S. Shatter sold potatoes to Selinsgrove merchants. Henry Witmer hired himself to a farmer in Northumberland Co. Seed onions are in demand. Our publfe school has closed, and reflects credit on the teacher and scholars. Ed. Wolf, who taught school at Centreville. has returned home and is in fine spirits. Our supervisors are busy. SHADEL. It is nipped that mad dogs are in the neighborhood. We hope they will be shot before they do any mis chief. SK)tts and (iraham are getting a new portable steam saw mill this week from l ork county. I hey will commence sawing lumber lor 11. B. Weaver and A. (J. Hornlerg er. Jonathan lleiehcnbach has receiv ed the contract for the mason work at the county bridge at Ranch's. The United Evangelical Sunday School at Aline was organized the 31st of March with the following officers : Superintendent, A. G. Hornberger; Assistant, H. K. Horn berger; Secretary, E. D. Portline; Treasurer, II. A. Ebright; Librari ans, Miss Cora Spotts and John SK)ttS. J. Ebright and his father were the guests of II. A. Ebright's Sun day. The schools of Perry township were closed this week, and the chil dren are glad to have a vacation for about five months. Jonathan Reich en bach and wife attended the funeral of the latter's sister, Mrs. Moyer, Sunday at Even dale. Communion services were held at Orubb's church Sunday foreuoon by Rev. Miller. Jonathan Newman, who lived at Shamokin Dam, moved on his farm in Perry township and Jacob Hains moved into Newman's tenant house and will farm for Newman this summer. B. T. Reichenbach, who was con fined to his house for nearly six mouths, is able to walk out of doors again and enjoy the fresh air. PORT TREVERTON John Snokc was to Herdon Thursday. Our Public Schools closed Friday. Mrs. Jacob Hcrrold and daughter of Independence visited relatives iu town last week. Mrs. James Houser spent Sun day with her daughter Mrs. Jacob Snyder at Shamokin Dam. Mrs. Levi Bohner spent Wednes day night at Chapman the guest of Beware of intments tor Catarrh that 'lr ' intments tor Catarrh on . ins Mercury s Dieroui sorely destroy the en- of -n nl completely de rangi the who system when enter in; it through ihe mucous surfaces. L'cb ai tides slu uld never be used ' xcept prescriptions from reputable physicians, uh the damage they will do it teu-fld Hi the good you can possibly derive from tLem. Hall's Catarrh ('ore, manufactured by F. J.GheuejA ., Toledo, O, con- Hin- mo mere ry, and is Uken in ternally, actinu' diroctly on the blood nil uihoouh su' faces of the system. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure be uro you get the genuine. It ib taken interaiilly, aud made iu Tole do, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney it Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price "5c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. UNION TOWNSHIP. Harvey Stroub went to Shamo kin where he intends to stay. Win. M. Spanglcr of the Boycr Memorial Co. siient Sunday at home. Frank and John Scholl left for Speeceville to work on a saw mill. Our public schools closed this week. Charles H. Wenrich has a hen thut lays eggs that contain three yolks. We have at this writing an empty ixsir house. James G, Brown of Susquehanna University is spending ids Easter vacation with friends here. The other day we heard a man say, "Never dispute with a man more than 70 years of age or with a woman of any age." Here is an other one in a nutshell. Simply mind your own business and say things about your neighbor onlv that you would sav in his hearing. Of course this applies to only 95 per cent of our people, but if these few would take a little bit of advice, it would make us U-tter on an average at least 200 ner cent. 8WINKKOKI). J. C. Amig of Lewittown was home to spend a few days with his sick mother. Mrs. Joe Musser who had been visiting at Freeburg returned home. James Dicmer and wife sjient Sunday with his parents at Krea mer. Samuel Spitler and son are abh to be up and around again. Lee N inev, who is attending school at Lewiburg, spent his Eas ter vacation at home. Mrs. A. II. Ulsh spent a short time with her daughter, Mrs Cooper at Maple Hill. Mis. John Musser of Paxtonville is visiting her son Elmer. Miss. Cora Stroub of Selinsgrove is visiting at M. L. Shannon's. Joe Amig of Evendale visited his Uncle, Philip Amig last week. WEST BIS A YE it. S. II. Philliiis is adding some improvments to his new home at Lowell. George and Allx'rt Phillips spent Sunday with somu of their Ixiwell friends. David (Joss has returned to Ban nerville and is now clerking in Shellenberger's store. James SUt'ly was home from Mittlin County to siiend Kastcr Sun day with his mother. The wet weather has put our fann ers back with their spring work, very little plowing has been done here yet this spring. ULOHe" MILLS Eflfie Bolig of Selinsgrove visited her Aunt Susan Enlley aud family. Cora Row of White Top spent Sunday with her parents Frank Row and wife. Mrs. George Bolig of Winfield is visiting relatives and friends at this place. Samuel Hummel of Beavertown was doing business at this place Monday. B. F. Walter and wife spent Sun day in Middleburg the guest of Mr. A. W sp nl Sonu. Win. N. P. Hare and wife Middleburg spent Sunday with Antes (Jlrioh. Cora Row of K reamer spent Sun day with the Misers Beaver. John Ijandis moved from Kreii mer to tbenroperty formerly owned by Josiah Mauser. m m m PALLAS NEWS. (too Late ror it week.) Willian Arhogast moved on the new farm recently vacated by Henry Arnold who moved into Hint Sone Vilh'V on the farm owned by Mr. Sch nee. The Ramer homestead recently bought by Albert Miser has b n occupied by lalire, ofMiserville. Clement and Aurnnd's men are very busy cuttingand sawing timber alxive Pallas. We are sorry to state that John Shatter is rerted to be on the sick list. Hop: he will soon lie among the boys again. Mrs. Bowcrsox and daughter, Maggie assisted her son-in-law in moving Monday. Tuesday evening David Bickhart lost a young horse for which he was offered $105. a few days ago and refused to sell it. James Troup also last a good mule last week and has another sick animal. SC11NEE O. M. Kaltriter of Salem is home. Charles W. Troun aud W. A. Schnee made a business trio last Tuesday. Allen Valentine's sale amounted to 191398 last Tuesday. Rev. Miller preached a sermou at St John's last Sunday afternoon. Elmer Troup purchased a horse of M. A in ker for $125 last Thurs day. liothermel and Stuck do a big business. John Landis' is building a bam. J. B. liothermel was to Herndon and other places last week. Farmers are busy plowing for oats and com. A. Brook of Shenandoah was in our midst last Kridav. tforve Food If vou have neuralgia, Scott' 'mult-ion of Cod Liver Oi ill feed the nerve that is cr g for food it is hungry id set your whole body goin; ain, in away to satisfy nerv id brain from your usual foo That is cure. If you arc nervous and in ble, you may only need mor t to cushion your nerves )U are probably thin am cott's Emulsion of Cod Live il will give you the fat, to bi in with. Cure, so far as it goes "till cure is getting the fat ;u need from usual food, ant cott's Emulsion will help yoi that. If you have not tried It. eml for free nilt ugrceattle taste will surprise vou SCOTT BOWKS, Che'mutU. -4i5 Pearl Street. New York joe. ami 5i.oo: ull druggists. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the . . . . jj.j .1 lATk-est sale or auv meuicinr in u" civilised world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of u- i in? anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness, Doctor were scarce, and thej seldom heard of Appendie- j ids, Nervons Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used vugust Flower to clean out the ayatem and top fermentatio 1 of undigested j food, regulate the action of the liver. stimulate the nervous dJ organic sctionof the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches m! other icties You only need a few dose of Oreen'a August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satined there is nothing serious the Baiter with yon. Get w (). ITirinh 1 .mil's. Ctmsultatinn TkIJ:. THE ROCHESltH LAMP DERS' HARDWARE absolutely necessity if you intemi tn lu id. Yu vill need many things uti w liieli I oanjsave you money my Stock is always i.a no k andcomi'i.ktk is- i i DING A COUPLETS LIN E of leading Hardware Companies' CELEBRATED LOCKS and INSIDE TRIMMINGS. f V t t -r v I Send me your Rptcificationx, you tin- ftric. tn- ALL QOOD5 QUARANTEEQ A5IREPRESENTED. I s I Mil ISM I I. -mmr mm ... isto y9 fi. ITITTITm Tin TTOTTTI fllTTTlTTT'TITn MUm IUUil TiUHKiNbl Before Yoir Buying ft II YOU CAN rOURSELP SEE i a I Reno H- W laer, MIDDLEBLRGH, PENN A 44llllll4ll44444 41 4 M I ST4S?" a . s V N V 9 IMMENSE ROCKER SAU; iCall to see them. iv s . gALEUJ I J. W.JKout and family of Frack ville arevisiting J.JW. Row's. C. 11. Woodrufl is spending his Easter at the home of his mother. Jett. Hummel and wife of Union . i . ri,ui:,1. t,,,,m,.v vlwted C. L. Gemberliug's Easter. w Klinder has gone to Phila., . , , where he lias securtd a poalUon. j y Laudenslaffer and wife, a , . . ' i i 11 v Sunday wen; entertained by 1. . Mover and family. M w v JentS and Ubv of iU .... Sunbury visited ner parents, . Kessler and wife, over Sunday Mrs. Ixmisa Snyder, who spent the winter iu Freeburg with her sis ter, Mrs. J. K. Moyer, has come to n Mew Rochcr. " H O CO., as i-.rk imm .i MfenUrat., (I 1 trill gladly tpiotet mm m lUv 1 I lei in . . ' III ill! I SUINBURV, PEINNA. t tonie Silver-Tongoed Talker nrnnj try lo make jroa brllrr the "monn Imrfru rhfw."nii It ln. dim mutter narh nlmh-r It la r nut, bat when you -iur iw BUYING FARirl TOOLS Don't trust him too fur. Do some thinking before you buy. I WOULD LIKE TO SHOA YOU J the OSBORNE LINE ! THE SUPERIORJFOiNTS. X X I V V t YtiN V ' .A AT s 1)C 0 1 F 439 Market t. SUNtiURY, PA., A Bap S8E15.10.S 1 - .v ,v v. QCICI KKL1KK rBOM PAIS. All whi' use Chamberlain's : ail Balm for rheumatism are delic td with the quick relief from pain which it affords. When speaking of this Mr 1 X. Siuks. of Troy, Ohio, says ! "Some time I had a severe a tack of rheumatism in my arm and shoulder, I tried numerous rem edies, but got no relief uutil I III recommended by Messrs. Geo. F Parsons A Co., druggists of this place, to try Chamberlain's Tain Balm. Ther recommended it sc highly that 1 bought a bottle. I was soon relieved of all pain. I have siuce recommended this huimeut to many of my friends, who agree with me., thai it is the In st rtmedy for aim cular rheumatism in the market.'" For sale by the Middleburg drug store. If troubled by a weak digestion loss of appetite, or constipation, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. Kverv bo, warranted. For sale by the Middle- TTnA f FURNITURE STOR burg drugstore. is summer.
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