Ry.C. M.Seldor;? Ir)terestir)6 Story, "Hi Brother's Kppper" Rui)s ir tl)i Issu. Get, . tt "iiKcnsMsller, Fdilor and Proprietor. VOL. XXXVIII A Family Journal, Pevoted to News, Science, Art, Political Economj and Current Literature. MIDDLEBUHCilL SN VDER COUNTY PKN N A. M A KCII 2 1 1 901 Rates: One Dollar IVr Annum, in Advanct NUMBEK 12 1 KHlUCI n LOCAL LACONICS Blank leases for Hale nt tliis office. Born i" ii Rlttcr unci wife of Zlon, ;i daughter' not forget the concert in the court house Saturday night. The Franklin township school board had ii meeting Saturday. Neat lob printing can be had :it liber al prices by leaving your otdere at this office. Just received a full line f the latt-st uinl most desirable spring goods :it 1'.. c. Auraud's. Quite n great deal of sickness is prev alent in the neighborhood. Doctor Herman is kept mitt- busy. The oatr of spectacles found In Mid dleburg during court week arc still al this office awaiting the owner. Wanted. Good Veal Calves, also hldesand tallow. J, L. Wineman, 2S-CI, Lewisburgi Pa. The town council organized by elect ing 1). A. Kern, President; Calvin Stet ler, Secretary, and the Pirt National haul;, Treasurer. We are willing to accept the state ment of the weather man that spring is on the w ay if he can get the ground hog in guarantee it. Another expedition sailed fur the north Klu, The pule seems to lie like a wo man's 8km pocket, Everybody Knows where it is, Init nobody can reach it. Rahk Wanted. -Rock Oak bark wanted, for which highest prices will 'ii' paid, lmr particulars call on or ad dress, W. B. Winky, t-2Mt Middleburg, Pa. If von want to enjoy n good concert, fto to rear the Susquehanna l niverslty Clubs, Saturday evening March 23rd in the court house. Admission 10 and 20 cents. 3-7-8t A report reached Middlehunr that M. Millner of Kant had died. Tuesday tiiiirnlug we were pleased to learn thai the report was false anil that Mr. Mill- icr w as iinprovl.ig. A woman in Dauphin county brought lit lliniilisl a Mr. ( io. nl the other week for the recovery of $2,000 for :'ii alleged bugging, The Jury returned a verdict awarding the plainthT six cents dam- Oeo. K. Fagely, Globe Mills, will sell car load of seed and cooking potato i'1'iriniic' lues, -iv Mar. 28'. and eontin- ' niitii s.ii, I. The varieties are lOnrlv Rose, Early Hebron, Sir Walter Ra lelg i. ami Rural New Yorker. lit lo to A. E. Holes for a smooth easy bV up-to-date hair cut and head leansed with a refreshing shampoo or dandruff removed with his tonic A lean towel to each patron. Parlor in ':mk building, one door east of Post 'fflce Satisfaction guaranteed, if. A in. in may h ive dottb ts about spring l lie,' lu re, and give good reason for lesatne, but when he stepson a loose ttrd with a crack in it, and has about i ) nnwi sipinieu cigiiioeu "cues up inside the leg of his trousers, mini i .. :... . i ..li.i e should certainly be convinced. A handsome monument to the dead ui is and sailors of Union countv is o be erected at the corner of Third 'feet ana University Avenue, Lew!s wg, this spring, twill be fifty feet 'go, constructed of Vermont granite, It 11 ensl ..r tin kaa mi. .,- . in ' vii,nni. i lie unveiling w ill 'lie place next Fourth of Jul v. David "ill, Assistant Secretary of state, is 'xl ln to make the unveiling nd lns. Among the monthly magazines, we uwue mat oners more tortus '"""'' than the J. W. IVimer Piano 111 IV , .1 . 1 ... .. . wwwi i ne Marco numoer Wtalna 64 im(!H ((r Imisic fr the -21 pieces, 10 vocal and 11 in Wmental. Prominent among which "gut be mentioned : "Hail Home," a uticl waltz song for baritone, by ' W . Pctrie. author nf I'Aal cell 111 Ml.. tti oonjr or Joy," an faster '"Ki by Arthur Trevelvnn: author of ..iKuinii oi j-eaee, etc, ana 1 iwlno March," by Walter B. inn ceieuraiea cornet soloist, "ncrly with Gllmore's, Sousa's, and aer nrominont ti... ...i LOO per venr. hrlnoa It within the u of all. 0? Dr. J. W. Orwig spenl several days at Suubury last week. ( '. t ' Sceiiold, ofSunbury, spent last Thursday lit tow n. Henry Bllgerand wife, of Nebraska, are visiting relatives here Henry R. Tobias recently paid a visit to his sou at Beavertow u. Miss Anna Ripka of Sunbury i- vis iting her parents in the French Flats. ( '. II. Bunkclbergcr, storekeeper and gauger, is spending a short time with his family. Miss Ida M. Wagenseller of Bid ins grove is visiting the Lditor of the Pos't and wife. P. ( . Mailman and wife of ( enter-1 vllle are visiting in town with II. It. I Riegel. Miss Fannie kutz ol (teorgotowu Is visiting her brother, Haymond katz and family . ( i. C. Smith and daughter, lladys of Johnsonburg tire visiting the former's parents in this place. Fdward M, Greene ami wljeof Lew Istowil spenl Sunday with W. W. Wit teninyer and lamily, ('. .1. Fisher and I . .1 Albusof Cata wlssaarciu tow n this w eek looking af ter their interests in the shoe factory. A. 11. Klos", one ol i!ie successful farmers of Franklin to.vm madeu pleasant cti 1 at this oftici . 1 1 day. Ex-Commissioner Isaac spoils if Perry township had a stroke Sunday. We underst iiid ho is getting along as well as can be expected. Rev. D. K. McLuln, pastor of the Lutheran churches al this place ami Hussinger's, has resigned t i takcetrecl April Mh. He will accept ti charge at Liberty, Tiogn County, Pa. .a. - - COUKT HOUSE ow. Puils Entered lr Record. Daniel Rousli ct al to Susan Diehl, lot In Freehurg for $200, John W. Kline to Lincoln Rorcmnn, loj acres in Adams tw p. for $1230. W. B. Shuwver and wife to U, U. Strawser 1 acre and 20 pcrclies in W. Perry twp. for $100. S. S. ReitZ and ife to I 'avid A. Portzllnc in acres in Chapman twp. for $530. I laniel Bolcudcr, higli shcrill' to .1. II. Lebig, IfiO acres in Monroe twp. Snyder Co., ami Union twp. Union Co. for $11)26 .1. II. Lebig and wile to Samuel kunklo, property above described for .s::iiiM). Samuel Kutlkleto (i. D. Kunklo. 30 acres in Monroe twp. for $2000. Man i,ine Lict ases, 1 1 Tyde tow, Petiu t wp., I Annie S. Hollenbach, Jackson ip. i John W. Felker, Beaver Springs, i Laura K. Baumgurducr, " " i .lames (i. Waller, Globe Mills, i Rosa A. Hummel, " . MARRIED. Mar. 10, by Rev, I. P. Zimmerman, Clymer Romigand Anuu M. Baught. both of Adamsburg. Mar. 10, by J. Hombcrger, J. !'., Cloyd E. Clotfeltcr, of Monroe town ship, Juniata county, to Nettie FoltZ of West Perry tw p., this county, Eepulican Ltandinc Committco. Adams Oi Blnganuin, J, l. SIm. UiMivcr ( Imrlon Dree.He, Mlinrr Wetzt'l. ;;, .err W . Tbofl Her balar, Jsokson liiiki'r. Ocntro W. A. Niipp, K II Stiiic. ObapmAn Peter Sniiffer, ti, riMiegrove. Kraiiklin .luhn llurki'iibur, tico. r, Stt-tlur. Jiiekaun l. Harvey ftfoyer, a. Anrcume. Mlddlabura K. v. Bpaebl Prank Kelt.. MiddleerevkI. F. How, QeO, Htuek. Monroe W. L Youu, i) v. Bitter. Pfsnn Harry I.. KiiRle, Oeo. M. Witnior. lerry K. K. tloyer, Allt'ii Valentino PaVfy V. Josiah Wlney, ('. S. SjiriKle. Seliimfrrove J A. I.iiiuhanl, J. P, Keller. SprillK-Cliaa. K. Kloiie, l. II. Snook. Union Jacob Stall 1, A. J Stroh. Waolilnirton Myron Uoyer, W. K. IlJon'n. Job. A. Lcmrabd, t'lmiriiian. i-.iim i.n L'HAiii.KK. Secretary. J. Kbank Ukitz, Treaaurr Auditors of boroughs and townships of Snyder County should send a copy of the report of audit as soon as com pleted to Geo. M. Shindel, clerk of the Quarter Sessions. There is a heavy penalty for failure to do so. The law also requires that the report be ad vcrt ised In the newspapers . angelical Appintmcnts, The Central Pennsylvania conference of the U. It. church, which closed last week, gives out the following appoint ments in this section : Centre District 8. I'. Reiner; Pn sidlng I'.lder; Mileshurg, P. A. SUHth; Bellefonte, V. H. Brown; Howard, l N. Blair; Nittany, J. A. Fos; Kugar Valley, I.. Dice; Rcbersburg, X. J. Dulis; Centre Hall. .1. F. Shult.; Spring Mills, s. K. K i.; Mlllheim, H.'W; Buck; Miilmout, J. M. Price; Milllin burg, C. C. Mi.ener; BunVlo, A. K. Baumgurducr; New Berlin, W. N.J Wallls; Cenireville, S. A u rand; Mid dlihurg, .i. Shamhuch; McClure, A. 1). Orainley; I'm t Treverton, 11. T. Scarlc; Lett Istown, C. 11. ( ioodling; l'attcrson, .1. Woniclsdorf, Prot. A. K. Goble, Prc sidenl of Celitrul I'-inisylvaniaCollege; It. K. Wilson ami C. W. (iuinter, in, n iners ol New Berlin; S. E. Davis, mciiilier of I'ort Treverton, and J. .lo-cph, member of Lcwistown thiui lerly 'onference. nil. P. March lltli, at Krat.crvillc, Henry liroiisc, ol Jackson twp., aged (111 years. March (i, near Kratzcrville, Smuuel Waller, aged Mi years, :! mouths and li days. March l.'l, al Troxclville, Mrs. John Hendricks, aged 78 years. March ii, al Adamsburg, Foster, son of Robert and Ada Smith, aged 18 year-, U months ami "i days. March, at Adumsnurg, Mrs. David RomiK, laughter of I'hilipand Sarah I Judy, aged si years, I mouths and lb days. March, 7, near the aiiiediiet, ticofgr Glace. March, 0. at MeClure, Nora BeuWi Kahley, aged In yeats 4 month-, mid : days. Mar. 9, 1001, near knoustowtl, I'a Dora Louisa, daughter of Amos ami Sarah Knouse, aged 5 years, 8 mouths and ". days. Mar. II, m ar Knousetown, W illiam, son of Amos and Sarah kllOUSe, aged 1 year-. .". months ami In days. Tills family has been sadly ulHIcted hy the unci ei lain visits of death. Three chil dren died w ithin a week of that dread disease, dijilitheria, Interment at St. Thouuts church. Mar. l, in Washington twp., Walter It , sou of Amnion and Rosa Shatter, aged t) months and 17 day s. Burial at Lhenezer chinch. I n ion County Deaths. Man h 12th, in Niiillliiburg, Henry Gtutt Widf, aged 72 years, 5 months and 7 days. March 1 1th, in 1 1. il l letoil, M rs. Sarah Wolfe, ugi d Nt years, - months and 2s day-. !'iii. 22, a I Wlnfleld, George Lloyd, aged SO years, I mouth and days. March 4, at Glen Iron, John Church, aged S3 years and n months. March I, in Lewlsburg, John N'ey harl, aged 7J years, :; months and 7 days. Feb, 25, in Lewisburg, Infant child of Mr. and Mis. Meade, aged 5 weeks. Feb. 23, in Union twp., Miss Jane Warren, aged 73 years, 7 months and 22 days. Feb. 22, in White Deer twp., Clara Flizubeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Klincr Prowunt, aged 2 years, 10 Q10S, and U days, Feb. 28, at Orchard Lake, Michigan, ( apt. David A. Irwin, of MlflUnborg, aged about li.'t .veal's. Feb. 21, al McAlistcr villc, Mrs. W in. Miller, formerly of New Berlin, aged 03 years, 8 months and 13 days. Interment at New Berlin. Feb. 22, at West Superior, Wis , Mrs. Ida Bostian Curl, wife of Amos Curl, aged about 3" years. Interment in Lewieburg cemetery. March 7, at Vlckshurg, Pa., John Oksrelder, aged 'ft years. U. Ev, Qnarttrly Conference. The quarterly conference of Middle burg circuit U. Ev. church will meet in the Smithgrove church at K reamer March 23, at 2:00 p. m. All members of conference should without fail, be present Rev. S. P. Renter, P. E., of iA-wisbtirg will preach and conduct the celebration of the Lord's Supper at the different places as follows: Ivreamer, Sarurday March 23, at 7. p. m. Middle burg. Sunday. Mar. 24, at 10. a. m. and Paxtonville, Sunday, Mar. 24, at 7. p. m A cordial invitation In extended io all.. J. Shambach, Pastor, Committee Meeting, The new Republican Standing Com mittee of Suyder county will meet for organizational Middleburg on Satur day, March Hit. Change f Post Office Address. Subscribers to the Post who expect to move this spring, should give timely notice. Give the otHce to which your paper is sent and the one to which you wish it mailed. Concert in Middlebarg. The Glee, Mandolin and GuitarCluhs of Susquehanuu University will give a concert in the Court house, Middleburg, Saturday evening, March 23rd at 8 1'. M. Admission 10 and 20 cents, 3-7-Ht. St ITER. 1.. '. K. SiH'lcty of tin Coil Tin ed Evangelical church, I'ort Treverton, I'll., will have a -upper Saturday even mg, March -i, IlKM, consisting of chick Cll ami wattles, ice cream, cuke and Cocoa, etc., which will lie served from 5 to s o'cltH-'k. 'ome one, come all. Sm i i. t um uirricK. Facts Alwat Eifster. Blaster will tall on Sunday, April 7th Kasler may conic a- i ally as March and as late a- April 2oth. 1 1 clcpcuds as every one knows, on the phase of the moon. Kastcr Sumlay Is always the Sun lay that follows lull i n im mediately following the spring Kijuiu- ox, March 21st. If the i i falls mi Buudav Kaster i- the next Sunday fol lowing. The latl -t dale 1 1 1 which the festival may tall is April 2iitll. In llTuI and Isls I a-rr fell mi March 22nd, Init that will not occur again in tills or the next century. In f88 it fell on April 2Sth, and will dosoilgalll in 1013. Jcauic Wlttcninycr. Sarah .lane daughter of Jess M. and Sarah ( Kycr W aller was horn ai Win Held Aug. M, 1-17. married Deed, 1-n in W. W. Wltteniuycr and died March is, 1901, aged 53 .ears, mouths nud 8 days. She had two sinters, both ol whom preeeetlcd her. Tin y were: Knsynu, mnrrltHl to. I. Kruuk Lilly, died at Weaversvllle, I'a.. Mar. I. Isul. Margaret, married to s. s. Schoch and died al Middl. bunt, -Ian. 31, l-'.'.:. Karly in lile Mrs. WitteiiHiycr united with the I. iilln ran cltur h of Selins grove and attended Susnuelianna i v male College, She i- the mother ol four children: (1) ('urrle Catherine, married, Nov. Nt, MHlOtoK. M.GretMie, Lcwistown. J' Iterlhn May, (3) Ma in! hSdua and I ' Samuel, Jt, Deceased has been asutt'ercr for near ly two years from a complication of di-cascs. she v. a- attended by Or, White of I . oi I', ami I r. I lermtin. funeral Thursday at 12:30. I til r menl Middleburg cenu tery. The Deatbof Rev. C. V. B. Aaraud. Rev. ( lelestlnc Van Uusklrk Atirand, Blooming Grove, Penn township, Vork Co., I'a., died Mar. B, al Ui-j-l A. M. iroin a c. mplicatiou of tliscuses from which he suffered since .Ian. 30 of this year, aged year-, '.' mouths and I days. Rev. Aurand Is an alumnus of Cen tral Penna. College. He graduated from the Vork high school in ls77, entered the ministry in Issii, and succeeded lii t'ather, Rev. S. Annuel, in the Han over mission of the United Kvangclical church last Spring, lie was both a forcible ami logical pulpit orator ami ami was much loved by his parish ioners. 1 le is survived by his wife, Ida M.i who was t lie youngest daughter ol' Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Lcopol of Allen town, l'n., ami three children, two sons and one daughter. The sons are Harry L. and Russel S. and the daughter is Mi-- Oh li M. Aurand. His father, Rev. S. Aurand, and an invalid moth tr of Centre Vllle, this county, and u sis ter, Mrs. J. A. Sei well of Nuremburg, I'a., also survive him. At his reipjcst he was buried in the cemetery near the church where he preached his last sermon. His obsequies were attended by a large concourse of deeply affected people. 21 of the min isters of the Central Penn. conference of the United evangelical church were present. Rev. B. Hengst of Lewisbufg preached an interesting and appro priate sermon from the text Matt. 26: 21, "Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou Into the joy of thy Lord." The music was rendered by the conference chorus. RITTER i Tries to Kill riiddleburg's Only Industry by Lying and Gives the Town a Black Eye. While Hitter Was High Sheriff of Snyder County and Living nt the Public (Vib, IIt Uave .() in the shot' Factory, while Poor Working Men Gave $100 from their Scanty Store. Gue of the most injudicious and out- rugeous attacks upon M bid lebtirg's only industry, tin shoe factory, was scut out la-l week by I he .Vi icx of tills place, and with it the last vestige ol Its claim upon even commi n decency. No man who has lived off of the public should lie guilty of such a misdemeanor, Here is what the ,Ye"'x says : "Last Saturday, ttl" Main SI t oinpany of I hi- place took a- an active pariuei .-In ml Row, ho u ill help lie in Io gel rid of their sttR'k and stnckholdcis, This i- the Industry tie Brother editor of the Post presented lo I he low n in such glowing editorials lens than I wo years ago, and it has nroved a success in the following : It kept a mimbi i of child ri n from scinsil w i I an ediieaiioii very much, I. in this prR il' ue i- lost, and lost forever; ii i mploycd sonic of oureit IzciiH ai starvation wages, and re-Ih-ved the stockholders of f 11,000; n give gossipcis any aliioillil of subjects for argument, which were dchahsl daily In tlie hnrrisiius, -toil - and si reel corners, ami gives a highly colored hue to any enter prise ih ii 1 1 iu u Ish io locate here in the future. What give- a highly colon d hue'.' Nothing can blacken the fair name of any t wn half as much as such an In discreel and uncalletl-for statement. Kvcll if it were line, a home paper should he tic la-l to ptlhlisll il. 1 1 Is a lie Ii i- as black a- ih- an thnr's record mi the chimneys of limles. Tin people of Middleburg lievel had $11,000 in lie factory to lose, ami v Ilile the capital .I.,, !, paid in was $11,300, flSOO repres ented a Ihiiius or waten d stock in the concern, We promise thai the people -hall I now ihe truth of ih.- standing of the factory, and we will give below , stati incuts u hleh an- verillwl hy ih.-1 ooks of concern. We give la-low a few statement -: ,,,-srs. May l-".' to Nov. 30, '110, f, -::'. Nov. 30. 'till to Jan H, IIKJO, nltl.tlli , Jan. 8, l-'i'i I" Jum 30, I1MK), I1HMK1 June 30, HKHI to I i. e. Ill, III i i, iWtl.tltl Dec ::'l Woiitletllck llros., l"-t ae. 1 1 ! Bee. 31 Joseph Cohen, lost tic, 150.00 Total Io-, w vi . i . H00 $2340.0-1 11)00 11022.32 1001 I3S0.07 S2.1MU.1! Total. $10,040.0.'! asm: ts. Hook accounts, $3153 2H Cash, 547.11 Slim s, raw niiitciriil, 5075.15 Machinery, 3ti!Ml.52 Lasts, I384.5U Patterns, 201.54 Implements, 204..I Real Estate, I'.I'.'V.'.' M7.-l-.nj I.I Mil I.I I ll. flrsl Natl nal Bank, JioOOO (i. Alfred Schoch, 4008.02 Ow ing for material. 2501.20 $11,500.88 Ain't duo stockholders, $0,248.14 MIHCKl.tANKOI s. Coal used, Wages paid, Postage paid, Discounts made, s 505.84 10,040.03 54.27 1244.48 Total, iM2,.-.l3.i;:! The JVeuw in Its Satanic tirade ii the industrial development of Middle burg pretends to be venting its spleen upon the Posrand If it were the Post alone that was interested, outrageous as the asssult has been, it should he treat ed with silent contempt. At the re quest of the heaviest stockholders 01 the Shoe Go. and the substantial oitl zens of Middleburg, wc buckle on the armor to battle in their behalf for the honor and integrity of Middleburg a gainst the insiduousiissaultsofone who should defend instead of attack its good name. The JVetes man was high slierifl of Snyder county when the shins factory was started and he subscribed for one MOSS - BACK shareor$50, because he cntilil not buy a snare tor le, u hi e i i i m,,. Henry Ii. Riegle, a laboring man on the sunny .-id,. , if :; M .,ie vears, lient down his ton, ring form to earn by hard labor Iim to pm im,, . ractory. John R. Rcnningcr, a hard-working blacksmith, gave $100, while the high sherifl'ofSiiydercoiinty gave (CD. Why, Middleburg ha- Mor widow- whogavc a- much as the hi th sherill' of Snyder county, now ii. windy editor of the iVi ip. If Kilter and tic rest of hi- ilk had done their share toward support ing the factory w In n it started, there would have heeil pi niy of money paid in us capital stock and the malingers would nl have I u comK-lle I lo lair- row money at the very start in id. r lo run the factory. The losses o tie- fac- lory hwlav are less than .Iiiii 1 and we lialleuge Ihe ,V irs or: !' a II V 1 Hie el-.. Ill show w heie a -1 factory In:- started ami educated practically all ol i:- em ployees w Ithotll lo. TI,,- hIioo com pany paid wages for making shoes thai were returned as imperii ci and w hile the AW has the unwarranted rail in saying that -nine lew of our citl.eils were employed a I starvation wages, the pny roll shows that in 18 months inn, I lure w as paid in Wages ?1 0,0411.0't, It these people are starving with almost $11,000, w hat would have become of them if the -hoe factory in 1' had been established '.' As for school children being depriv ed of tin education, wc dare say there weie lew. If any, employed in 1 In- fac tory who wtaild hnve attended school at all, even il Ihe factory had not lieeti estabilshed. We eliallciigc Ihe Wag to mime only s x, If this fanatic was -.1 conscientious about tin se people lo--lug their schooling, he should have put his insignificant $50 as a contribution from (lie fund of tic high sin rill of Snyder county toward the erection of 1 he new school building in order to save these boys and girb from tic path of ignorance, degradation and peril ! 1 ion. If there is one duty an enterprising newspaper owes to a people, it i- the I unyielding loyally to the Industrial de ; velopllielil of il- community and w bile j the Xeim Is now witling to give the 1 Post credit for getting the shoe I'octory 'into this place, simply because he thought il was a failure, Ihe Post ac cepts the credit, even al Ibis time J know ing that il Is oil', red only us a I stimuli. The Post was instrumental in offer ing io the tow n an industry worthy of consideration and investment; if Ihe people failed lo properly support and encourage it. that was no fault of the Post, liven if every eenl would he lost, the Poht had nothing to do with the management ami In nee i- not rcs Dolislhlc for the failure. A- In lie - hoc I mtii'iifactiiriiig business, it 1- a gotsl I one. Selinsgrove is now startii g her second shoe factory. If Middleburg in all her history has had a burin r dis- I irruee I han I hat of buvinir one of il- ., . , 1 1 ii.s 11 ' ii.'nii'. lie 1 1 ' 11 n only industry, we have llol read the blackest page of its history, The Post is glad lo see there Is a dis position on the pari of the creditors not to push the executions against the plant. Surely it would he Ihe height folly to sacrifice $17,000 worth of prop erty to pay $11,000 and thus deprive the stockholders of $0000. Too many poor people have sacrificed liberally in order to get the plant here. If the plant is put under tbeh immer, it w ill 1 111 rely pny the debts and will entirely eat up the stock. The stockholders after all arc the primary factors in this deal. If the stockholders do not get ulsiut 50 percent, of their money, they can blame such enemies of the town as the -Yetf. (CONTINfKU ON PAGE 4.)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers