QEO. W. WAOENSELLER, Killior and Proprietor. Jury Last. LUtt or Orand Jurors drawn tor the Court of Oyer uid Terminer and uenerel JU deliver; and Court of Quarter Sessions ot toe Peace ot snydi-r county held at Dec. Term. ooinmeucinK Monday, Dec 10, I WW. Name. UHANI) Jl'KOKS. Oocupatloo. A woman can't ret and a throw A brick or n ton Tory high. But a weak little woman of thirty or ao Can bring- a young man or hte grandfather low By merely a drop of the tra. Chicago Tlmri-Herald. Entered at the Post office at Nlddlahnrg, Pa., an Arootfast, Harvey, Farmer, bboom claw mail matter. Amand Servttla. Ilenier, Mom. h. HISTORY. KstuMisliiil ill 1M4 iixtlie liuwersox. I'liun, Carpenter. Union Demokmt, ttt New Merlin, u ( ier- leckcr, Pump. 0 lacUmaker, man Whig paper. Changed name to Kiss, (ieorse, tictitieman, the Post in 1K;1. Oldest Ueiiiiblifuu Fellerulf. Joliu A., Kartner, newspaper in Bnyder County. j nauders, agtmmu, " i liackenburtf, Harrison, ' SHADFI Keaslcr, .Ionian, Engineer, Kcarna, Johu, coach maker, iMnn, Samuel K . Carpenter, B. F. Reich en bach and Edward unteriint. Abraham, Farmer, Snyder an the sick lint Miner. e..i,rieSJr - Musser, .lamed ti., Laborer, Mrs. Peter llelle of Cross EtoadE Hlm-j0""' Karmer- - . .... Ki'lclienbacli, Thomas, " Jliniata comity, was Visiting rt la- SWtrUtaW, Kmanuel, Farmer, tives iii Soyder county last week. Burader, Frederick, Laborer, Smllh, Jacob, II. A. Ebrighl fell from his wag- Btuek, Philip, Fanner, I u..on;...vrt ei:l,r ;,,;.:..u Bchroyer, Loyd. Teacher, in tiii'i nuniaiiicu diikhi 1 1 1 1 1 1 i n inn. hauling wood last week. John i. Shaffer sold a small tract of timber land toCiemana and Au-raud. Bpnngler, Win., Laborer, I'irlcb, Keuben, IMiotoifrapher, PKTITJUKOR8. Kealdence. Jackon Adgasf Spring Centre Stilusgrove Monroe Adams Culuo Ontre Sellnsirrove Bearer I'enn West Perry I'enn Wddlecreek Chapman perry Washington Hellnstfrove Peun Perry SellnKirrove I'nlon I'enn AM INSTANCE OK AUD1TIOR. kltl of l'etli .liimrs drawn for the Court of Common Pleas, conn of quarter Sessions of (he Peace. C.iurl of Over and Terminer aud (ieneral Jail Delivery of Snyder County, Pa., held as Dec. Term, commencing IMC. 10, 1KU0. Name. Occupallou. Residence, Attlff, llarrv, (ieiiileman. Franklin Arliotfast, Howard. I'udeitaker, Wa.hliiKton ,, ... , i r i in' Arbognat, Simon, Fanner, H. W. knepp ol Burnham M.f- Beaver. FraakUa, Ulwrer, flin Coliutv spent Saturday last Berge, Henry, Gentleman, witli liin linilliMr Kill at Cnmrrove. Bower. Ilenry, Farmer, "She is always looking out for No. W'K-ST BKAVKK. "No, since she became widow she's been looking out for Mo. 2." Journal Amusant. Pity and Beauty The most beautiful thins; in the world is the baby, all dimples and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. And the mother does not know that a little fat makes all the difference. Dimples and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was cemfort and He Already another newdrese? And Ie been losing eo much money In my busineaa! She Just for that reason, dear! Yon told me not to let anybody notice that you're in trouble Kiiegende ICaetter SBC Old Thins. There's no trash wisdom, but fr..m day tt day Man thinks the earn old thoughts in sum new way. Chicago Record. ratal Bard. "Ah! Mr. Frankley. your aonnete are so beautiful" sighed Misa Qushley. "You are surely 'the' great poet." "Thnfa what!" replied Frankley. who had been dragged to thia pink tea against his will. "You can't get up an argument with me on that sub jectsCatholic Standard and Times. MrouiMM Maiket a Butter 20 Eiqjs 24 Onions, 50 Lard 9 Tallow 4 Chickens. 7 TurkevB Shoulder. Wheat .. Rye..... Corn .... Oats Potatoes a 70 .. 45 .45 .. 28 on Bran per 100. 9n Middlings" 1 nn o LJsod i in Hn.... 15 iFlourperbbH oo v ben you feel that life it hsrdlr worth the candle take a dose if Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets They will cleanse yon stomach, tone up your liver and re (filiate your bowels making you feel lyf, "w For sale by the IMMENSE Blckel, Samuel, Folk, Mkibael, Foiiz, Peter, ftiirmim, n.iiileid , Parmer, Oaugler, Prankltn, Brtokmaker, i lemberllag, Ira, Laborer, l.r.iv hill .1 .i. 11 " ertown Mifflin county to work on a aoae, Joseph, Oentlemaa, saw mill for Mr Pell. Hetaer, Daniel s Laborer, . . Ullbisb, Frederick B Farmer, Jacob I rtHj.se has m'mi henctieni iv u liM-, um. a.. MaciimiBt, liivii iiitu Reading for that dreaded Haas Harry, Ltndion, i. i is. Herman, Newlon, Farmer, disease, cancer, on Ins lip. .,.,,,,, ,,., Uborw J. I). Ulsh. of Mf'Clure, is able to Kreamer, Hirvey, carpenter, i i ;.. ft .!.: I .i,. .,.,.11 KHne. Iwao. Karmer. in: .iT,i,i:i,i ii.iiu . . of sickness. It lias been reported that some ar tiex rnt more Hounds of lard than tin wtiighl of their lios. .1,'lni tlerhster started to i eag Ailuin Baiiingurdner is still con fined '.' the house from liis late sick ness. I'lowing lias been done almost ev ery day here tliis full. Le i U.Treaster has returned home from a tour through Mifflin county Kasaler, Bamuel :., Fanner, bepley, George, " Mengle, tlust., " Moyer, Uenry, Mengle, Philip, Peters, Henry J., I'ortzllne, .la, 'oh ii . ii 'iitleman P.ttge, Thorn is, .tuitioa of the peao Perry Beaver Oentre Blonroe Beaver West Beaver Perry Cliapiiinii SelliiNgrove Penn West perrj West Beaver Franklin Wsshlngton BalBiBgrove Perry Monroe Franklin Mlddleoreek I franklin Panti BpHog Perij Washington Perry esi neuver I hap mm The 1 .nl War. During the courtship he sued For the mulilen's hand with vim; Hut after the marriage her hand Had to sew on buttons (or him. Chicago Dully Newa. What He Made. "He started out to make a name f04 himself." "And did he succeed?" "Well, hardly. He made a number for himself instead." "How do you mean?" "He's in the penitentiary." Chi cago !V)st. Was Arrald lie Had. Mrs. Crimaonbeak Did you ever kill a deer, John? Mr. t'liiiiionbenk I'm not eure. The jvr oincr uuy, wnen we went picnicking to the park, I thoughtlessly gave u piece of one of your crullers to one of the dcers there. 1 didn't wait to see the result. Yonkcrs Statesman. color and curve-all but ove-is ''one. tie one pit irets no fat .urn The from her food. There is some thing wrong; it is either her fo6d or food-mill. She lias had 110 fat for weeks; is living on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers; and that i one. She is starving for fat; it is death, he quick ! Scott's Emulsion of Gx Oil is the fat she c:;i akc; it will save her. V V N N- N V. V N X N ..N . N X .S .V ' .N va linv, F '-'l. Cinieiiier. Hflllnsirrovi u Iii Prank, Agent, Uldllebiirg Km h. iMinp, Menu mi, Hlddlecreek s in , Amnion v.. intleman, perry Speellt, riiarles. I'l rk, II 'aver Himlter, Henry, Liborer, Unloi s i iiier, .lohii, F inner I'errv Snyder, John A . Printer, M'd'iiei,irii Hpanlor, Jerry, Firmer, Jtoksoi Snyder, William c Liveryman, M'ddlebuia snrawdpr, Willis, Farmer, West Perrj Wetzel, Dallas, " pens W ilier. Franklin B " Mldd reel Wagner, Henry V.. .Imllceof t'ie Peace, Ja :kn Wei and, ltac, Parmer, Went Beave Welarnl. .l,,li,, " lt...,vM, fohns Sunday School Christ- wosiiiug. wiiilnmi., Laborer, sprint iv ray, William, Firmer, Prankiln UT. l'l.KASANT MILLr 'The Mess-age of Christinas' wtlu title of u cantata to l' rendered by the St mas. FLINT VAitLKV. .Iiilm Minium of Pel las spent Sun- lav in town. Unto Unarlea am h en Mooic n- Kev. V. Miller pieaclietl an inter- J(,rn a g0I1) which makes them Wbp)". T. C. Laudiaand wife were visit ing John Landis' last Sunday. eating Bcrnion at St Johns church on Sunday. Percivnl Gararinan had a shoot ing match at the Tremonl Hotel on Saturday for turkeys. It was well attended. ( '. N. Brosius of Hucknell Uni versity, Lewisburg, spent Sunday at home. Wm, A. Kallriter iMed of dropsy of tin' heart, on Tuesday moraine. and wn Miss Nettie Hackenburg, of Mid dleburg, was in our midst last Sun day. (i. A. Hotdorf was seen on our streets early Sunday morning. (J. A, Botdorf is getting a new engine this week. Alice Kriok, of Seliosgrove, wai visiting her parents. Samuel Stroub'e Mined in St. .Johns ( 'cine- last week. t, ry on Friday of last week, aged 65 ,j(,,n Ramer, of Juniata Co., wa years. He leave- four sons and one ; tU.a ..nll Inut .-..l- Jacob Liamer, of this place, whf visiting in Northumberland couutv, last week. daughter, a son aud daughter ha vtng preceded lmn to the spirit world. Mr. Kaltriter was a soldier in the late war between the States, having served in Co. , 172d Regiment Pa. Volunteers, lie was an affection ate father and a good citizen. Peace to ln ashes. Filled In to Kill t p. Duhaway 1 have an idea thnt Mrs. Vim liliiiner invited us to dinner at tin- last moment in place of some fel lows who couldn't come. Stuffer That's all right. She in vited us to fill in, und we oarme to (ill up. Town Topics. Mat ' genuine lin tlii 1 i Tti it. ;.. If yon have not truVi i:. for free sample, x ar,-. taste M i', mi : pi ie y(u. SCOT'," &i DOW." Chemists, 109 Pearl bt.. GOc. and $1.0C all ciriifrjTipr1 MeteoroloKleal Hea. Twynn J hear that the weuther man has been taken to the hospital. Trlplett That is true. The shock was too much for him. "What shock?" "One of his forecasts came true." Tit-Hit. A Dtasrr to Shan. "Did that g-irl give any reason for re fusing1 you?" "Yes; she said I looked too much like 1 a man who was bent on having his own way about everything." Indianapolis Journal. Same Old name, Mrs. St uckup Shall we have a mas seuse of whist? Country Cousin What's that? Mrs. St tick up Don't you know. A masseuse is a rubber, dear French, you know. Ally Sloper. Her Anxloas I'lalnt. Tie I want to say a good word for your friend Jack. He is a man after my own heart. She That's very nice of you, but I wish I could frel the same assurance. Boston Courier. .?oocxv'x;ckxxoooooooooooc RUBBER RRICES J3e up Ladies1 Shoes 2;c up Men's Shoes 20c up Child's Shoes $2.75 Men's Rubbef Iiools 1.75 up Men's Felt Boots with over 45c up Men's Felt Boot $1.45 up Men's Leather Boots 59c up Ludies' 800 Shoes, small ECONOMICAL BARGAIN SHOE HOUSES Sunbury, Penna. uOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ROCKER SALE AT SHIPMAN'S FURNITURE STORE 439 Market St., SUNBURY, PA, Blip Sep 1.15, 1900 Call t o see t lie in. i t t I "a h f I-l"l-lH-H-!-HH-H-H-H-K-i-:-H--SW-i- To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by cur aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. Rubwrlptluns tu Tbv l'atem ..ecorri t' uu per sanupi SHREINER. i' S PKD Active m in. ,,l good character, t ' dullvui iukI aolleet.lu Pennsylvania, fa an ,,M .--r.il.l i-l, house. '.HNI y i hau experience, I immunit'turini' wholsesalfl :ir, sure pay. Uonesty, more inirrii. i,,ir reference, any The debating society of this place will meet even- Tuesday evening. Mrs. Tercssa Kreamer, of Sdam- okin, is home with her parents. W. D. Brown went to Verdilla, Imnk in tlie city. Kni lns'' .-lf l.lr.--, ., Inst H etrlati nil luiBituwa lam ped envelop, Manufacturers, Third Floor, ' il Hi-.ir lmn Strict Chlcaso, IMS-tot iO 10 8 BLANK JEWELR AND OPTICIAN 0lllHtll the Miiiililiicnt SUNBURY, PENNA -FOR HOLIDAY GOODS Watches, Kings, Cut glass, New Line Solid Silver Goods ; also Plated Ware; Ebony Goods, no Imitation. Clocks and Leather (roods. Chains in all new styles, Brace lets, Tea Sets. Note prices others ask yon, then come to ns. Michael Sarvey. ot liiverside. is visiting friends at this place. Butchering has been the peoples' main oocupiation for several weeks. Some of the heavy weights and light weights were as follows i E. H. Young killed a hg that weighed kv.T) pounds. B, F. Hummel a heel' that weiged 506 pounds and a hog weighed 74 lbs. Fanner Long finished cutting corn November 25. in any badly Iloubtlcaa. Jasper Why is it that so American children are so brought up? Juinpuppe Probably it is because they are not kept down enough. Town Topics. Slaiplr Prapostcrona. "Oh, Mrs. Mig-gs, what a dreadful black eye I I do hope you haven't been fighting?" "Flghtln. miss? Me? Sure, W could I be flghtln' with me 'usband dead this two years?" Tit-Bits. An Odtona Comparison. Madge Isn't Miss Autumn aging rapidly? Msxjorie Yes, indeed. She will soon have as many wrinkles as her French bull-dog. Judge. No Rcasoa to Bzpact It. "Have you read my new book?" asked the self-satisfied author. "Certainly not," was the ready re ply. "Why should I? What have you ever done for me?" Chicago Post. H-W-K- NEW BTORK, I have begun business in Loeb's Old Stand, ? Sunbury, and as my fair and square dealing 1 is known to Snyder County people, I invite I them all to come to uiy store to examine my stock and Bote th lew prices. j HERE ARE OUR PRICES Men's Suits from $2.90 and upwards Youth's " " $2.65 " Boys' 65c " Men's Shoes as low as 98c. I FARE PAID. We know that we can please you, and we want you not to fail to conic to see us and as a special inducement, we will pay your fare one icay from Middleburg or intermediate stations to Sftnburv if you buy 10 worth of good. Up-to-date Clothier, I.oeb'sOld Stand, SUNBURY, Pa. 4--W-I-H-M-:-H-W-!-W-H-H"H'"ImI I I 1 I I I t I I 1 ' I I I I I I frt iK-r Wolf Friedman, 8)ouooooooo0oo0oo om oooooeoooootjoa)ooooooooooeooooooeooojooooosoeoac: A TREMENDOUS SALE OF o jMen's, Youths' and Children's Suits To begin Saturday, December 1st at BBOSIOUS BEOTHEES NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH o o 0 0OBOOOSJ0JOt0eoeooeoOJ o oeooooeoooeoeoeoeo 5 OP Tho best SUITS for Men, Youths and Children still on our tables and racks just twice as much as we should have at this season. C I 0 c 0 0 0 0 3 0 I D I 0 I 0 I 0 I I t 01 CUT PIRCES MUST MOVE THEM AND AWAY THEY GO RP:GARDLESS OF COST NO FAKE SALE But a perfectly fair, and lowest clearing of the finest Clothing in in Sunbury All the Men's six and seven All the Children's dollai fifty dollar Suits reduced to $4.98 and two dollar Vestee Suits reduced to $1.29 All the Youth's three and All the Children's three and lour dollar Suits reduced to four dollar Suits reduced to $2.98 $2.89 Every man, youth or child who is looking to save his dollars and still wear the best Suits sold in this city should take advantage of the GREAT SALE. The above prices will give yon an idea of how prices have been cut all through the suit stocks from the cheapest to the best. Brosious Brothers I The Most Reliable Clothing House in Sunbury, Penna. j 0OOO00Ott00OO.vO0000OO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers