ejfej? Jm&M p y 8I0D I 2j$teNL mapkmmg8 ii wmmmmmum if swra iiliffll WUylllllQ I (jjjftr PREPARED BXPRK33LY FOR THE FaT B ITS CORPS OK CORRESPONDENTS rV ) IHMBBHB TO CORRESPONDENTS Hereafter, all news to In sure insertion must reach this office not later than Monday. Many corres pondents have been with holding their letters until Tuesday, and ou this ac count they cannot appear in this issue. EDITOR THE POST CENTREVILLE. Election is a thing of the past. A wedding is promised in the near future. Mrs. P, C. Hartman sojourned in Middleburg several days. New roofs on 8. F. Sheary's and H. F. Mohu's dwellings. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Kauawall were to Phila. several days. Kev. S. Auraud is conducting a series of meetings at Ziou church. J. E. Bolls and family, of Sun bury, werJ visitors here Sunday. C. M. Showers is in Pittsburg serving as juror in the U. S. Court. Allen Boyer transacted business at Miilliuburg Tuesday of last week. 'Squire Shinkel and Landlord Spongier were to Middleburg lust Friday. Elmer Mohn was confined to the house several days with a severe cold. K. Troutman and wife, of Vicks burg, were guests at William Napp's Sunday. S. F. Siieary, P. C. and E. B. Hartman were to Lewisburg last Wednesday. Hon. Jacob Hartman returned home from Virginia, where he hud been employed as sawyer. ' H. A. vilfley hat torn down Ids iIi."-hiJop on Walnut irreet and is e- rectmg a new one in its place. Miss Estella Troutman, ar ac complished young lady of Port Trevorton, spent several days with Kathryn Miller. Mrs. Susan Walter and Mrs. Da vid Keichley spent several weeks at Milton with Dr. D. R, Rothrock and family. Isaiah Walter and wife, of Mid dleburg; G. W. Walter and wife, of New Berlin and C. A. Walter, of Lewiflborg, were in town Saturday. The teachers of Centre township organized a teachers' meeting to convene monthly. Kathryu Miller was elected secretary. Whenever meetings convene said teacher will be present. PAXTONVILLE Mrs. Tillie Mitchell is visiting lier aunt at Aline. Mrs. Charles Boyer visited her sister at Harrisburg last week. Mrs. Mary Howell visited oue of licr grand-children at McClure Sat urday. Laura Harner went to Shamokin, where she has secured employment for the winter. Misses Sue Boyer and Mazie Kline, of Centreville, are the guests of Reuben Weirich's. Mrs. Lincoln Erdley, of New Berlin, visited her mother at this place a few days last week. 0. D. Osman, formerly of this place but now of Shamokin, was in town last week on business. Miss Eva Wetzel, of Swineford, was a caller at this place Friday. Sheriff Row was in town Monday on business. To-day Elmer and Clark Boyer are leaving for 8an Marsial, New Mexico, where they intend to stay while. Clayton Stout, who was employ ed in Union county last summer, re turned home last week to go to school this winter. Charles Boyer and son, Elmer, Were to Philadelphia last week. Mr. "oyer returned after having bought large supply of fall and winter goods. DUN DORK. Quite a number of fat hogs have died iu this community ot an uu- known disease. Our farmers are busy hauling coal aud lime. The Susquehanna is very low for this time of the year. German carp art plentiful in the Susquehanna, and sums are picket! up that weigh from 10 to 20 lbs. Meiser A Weaver were seen OUi our streets looking after their tiin- ber tract. Henry Sweigert has left for Tur- j key Valley to live with his parents. , Our sportsmen are busy bringing in rabbits and squirrels. James A. Wise Bold his road horse. Our farmers are selling potatoes at a lively rate. Nathan llaekenberg and family, of Kratzerville, were in town. Our telephone on the night after the election was busy announcing the victory of the successful party. George Hoover is supplying a number of familcs in Port Trever- loii with pumps. Ed, Wolf, who is one of the suc cessful school teachers of Centreville, spent Saturday with his parents. Rev. Francis is conducting a pro tracted meeting at St. Peter's church. Charles Aucker sold a fresh cow for $31. Mr. Vainer, of Shamokin, and Seller and Shuck, of Selinsgrove, called on our merchant. Nature is a better companion than society, and we farmers always have her. ' Boating has revived somewhat at the end ot'thc .season. Barber Krebs is busy at his pro fession. Shoemaker Witmer is carrying vn u pusQowuu Ausmess. Isaut: Campbell was in town. The school directors should look after the children that are not at school and whose education is being neglected. George Campbell says there is no chicken like the while Plymouth Book, and he will have no other. Chtunborluiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets euro biliousness, eonstipa tion aud headache. They are easy to take and pleasant in effeot. For sale by the lliddleburg Drug Co. SHADEL. David Hoover is selling shingles by the car load. Fred Wagner, a young minister of lork, Pa., was seen on our streets last week. The wiltl geese arc (lying south ward. It seems to be getting colli er in the north. A. J. Beachel, of Shadel, is mak ing improvements by building a wood aud coal shed. Frederick Hackenburg bought a new road wagon from the carriage company oi Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Charles Neitz aud family, of Northumberland and Miss Elsie Reichenbach, of Freeburg, were the guests of their parents over Sunday. George Siiotts, of near Pallas, will have public sale in about two weeks, after which he will move to the lower part of the State, where he is engaged as salesman for sell ing farming implements. Reuben Reichenbach aud Simon Shafler have commenced making logs on A. G. Hornlerger and R. W. Weaver's timber tract near Shadel. They expect to get a saw mill on the tract m the near future. Since the rabbit season commenc ed the hunters are busy every day catching rabbits and birds. There have been quite a number of rab bits, birds and grav squirrels caught already, but no wild turkeys have been seen in this vicinity. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ALINE. H. J, 8weigert is doing a splen- did business in his new blacksmith shop. Cheap and good work. J. B. Underkofter and wife were the guests ofO. W. Benfer Sunday 'ast, K. W. Sanders was geeu on our ruad Saturday evening last. Levi I tollman moved his shanty home agaiu. II. A. Ebright has a new heater in his new store room, Rev. A. F. Weaver, of Dilsburg, formerly of this place, preached u spit ndid sermon Saturday evening i " the St. Thomas church, also Sun day nt .Mint Rev. Newhard, of Ocean Grove, preached at the Aline church Fri day evening. Jonathan Hilbert, of this place, died Saturday morning and will be buried at St, ThomPB church Mon day afternoon. Aged about 00 years. Most of the people in this place have finished husking corn, Who has to go up the Salt River, you or we ? ULOBG MILLS Miss Pearl Fcese, oi Beavcrtown visited at Samuel Hummel's. Mrs. John Ivlase spcnl Sunday with relatives in Lew istow n. William Schroyer, of Chillisqua qiic, was home to vote Tuesday, Bonnie Row, of (Creamer, spent Sunday with Amnion Merger and family. Mrs. Henry Hottensteiu spent the week with Harry Maurcr and family at New Berlin. Mrs. E. W. Snyder, of Selins grove, spent Thursday with Mrs. S. O. U I rich. Jerome Smith and wife, of New Berlin, spent Sunday with John L. Smith and wile. John .eibcr has been doing car penter work iu MifHin county for the last two weeks. Mrs. Anna Hottensteiu was doing business at this place Tuesday, Mrs. Asaph Beaver is again re ported very iworly. SALEM. Lester Kessler was to Sunbury Saturday. Samuel Snyder was to Kratzer ville over Sunday. Kev. W. A. Haas will have com munion Sunday, Nov. 18th. "Posie" Gutelius, oi Middleburg, was to our little town Sunday even ing. Henry Hassvnger and family, of icksburg, visited Win. J. Boyer's Sunday. Jno. K. Moyer and wife, ofFrec burg, called on Mrs. Lucy Snyder Tuesdayi S. S. Maurcr and wife are enter taining relatives from Centre county this week. Mrs. Wallace Teats and baby, of Shamokin Dam, spent several days with her parents. Chas. K. Fisher, wife and son and Mrs. Matilda Fisher spent Sat urday at Thco. Row's. Samuel Kessler and wife, Wil liam Benner, wife and daughter, Mary, of Vioksbnrg, spent Sunday with Salem relatives. RICHFIELD. Chas. Winey, of Dimmsville. vis ited his parents here. John Mitterling visited Mr. P. A. Stuck in Schnee, recently. Miss Cora Benfer is now visiting friends in this vicinity. C. D. Markel, of Salem, made a business trip here the other day. Mrs. William Winey visited her daughter, Lena Winey at East Salem. Dora Weaver, of Meiserville, spent a pleasant week with Mrs. A. M. Kepner. J. B. Rothermel, of Scbneespent serveral days with his parents at this place. B10KEES HALF FALLS. Daniel Reichenbach, of this place, raised nearly 5000 bushels of corn this year. Lewis Trimmer, of York, Pa., is visiting his father-in law, II. Seiner. Henry Sanders is working for Jumbo. Henry is very active and S g(d utility man. Last week while Mrs. B. F, Ker stetter was taking Ixiilin soap out of a kettle her little daughter Esthei fell into the soap and was badh burned, but she is recovering rapid- SELINSGROVE. Major E. P. Rothrock has goi c to Philadelphia. Miss Maggie Bolender was in town last week. Harry Alleinan, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with his parents. N. S. Duck came home to vote and spend several days with his familv. Miss Mary VauBoskirk, of Phil adelphia, is visiting her mother and sisters. 8. Ippcnhcimer and wife are in Philadelphia. Solly is buying his kill stoc k of goods. W. V. Shay and wife, of Watson- town, wire entertained by Mrs. Shay's parents over Sunday. Daniel I Iahne, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, a former resident of tin place, is now visiting among friends. Mrs. Rev W. M. Rcarich and ClllUlren are "tests at tin1 home ol her parents, Hiram Burns and wife. Kev. J. B. ( Sidney ai d fuuiil . are at present guests at the home of Mrs. G's parents, John Foster and wife. The vote on bonding the borough for the purpose of putting in elec tric lights carried by a vote of nsar- v three to one. Mrs. Hannah Fisher, of Pekir, Illinois, who has been visiting with friends for six weeks, returned home Tuesday morning. Mrs, Kate Wagenseller, widow of Dr. P. K. Wagenseller, has gone to spend a part of tin winter with her daughters at ( 'iirlislc, Niis. Laura Schliurc and sun, of New Berlin, with her sister, Mrs. Dechant, of Caf 'i wissa, Bpcul several days among friends h'st week. Mrs. Rev. Lake and Mrs. Wcl ler, of Monttromerv. spent Sundav al i he Ladies' Dormitory, Mrs. Wei- ier having a daughter attending the I Iniversity, surprise party was given at Mrs, Senator Hummel's Thursday evening. It proved to be a treat surprise to Mrs. Hummel, The ladies report having had a royal time. Well, the election is over and Bryan got left in Snyder county as did all the Democrats. The lies lohl and published against Senator Foeht did not take as well as the insurgents and Democrats expected. The 12th Regiment hand gave a concert in the Opera house Friday evening. It was said to have been very fine by those who heard it. WESTBEAVEK. Adnm Hniiniiriirdner IS still llll- able to be around from his lutu sit:k ness. James Long had to have aid of Dr. Mitchell last week on account of his sickness. Hurrah for Bryan sitting on the fence ; he tried to make a dollar out of 50 cents. Miss Fyetta Libbie, of Mifllin countyf is the guest, of Levi Treas ter, her grandfather. John H. Herbster, of Burnham, Milllin county, spent a few days with his brother at Lowell, fa. Judge Kieglc whs seen on our streets last week and had the same smiling countenance as heretofore. Wm. Bartholomew, of Sunbury, spent a few days lat week here hunting, stopping with J. P. Fisher. Mrs. Lottie Phillips spent a few days last week iu Yea eitown, Mif flin county attending to the wants of her sister, Miss Haines, who is sick. Every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs In this way. Put the parts at rest and Eive them a chance to eal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in Agere Cherry Pectoral From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling in the throat ceases; the spasm weak ens; the cough disap pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral Plaster should be over the lungs of every per son troubled with a cough, Write to the Doctor. TTnutntl opportunities and long x pfrlenoo nilnvntlr qualify u for glYtnif, you mdW'l auvton. wrltu froalf all tho partlt'Ulari lti tout case. Toll ui what four ntiMwanet bai boon with our Cberrr Pwtoral. Tu win rccolva a prompt rtplfi without toti Adilrou, DH. J. C. AVI u Lowoll, Hut. Mr. Johnson, with a friend :' mi Bethlehem Iron W. rks, is now -W -ping with . I. M. Wagner, and i peels o hi! here a lew Week- ill search of gallic. What does that Middleburg ar ty think now who sent cards ai ound with "Schneider Koillldy Slurries, Dree cents a quard." There was too ijjucli gold in them Jjn Brown uic. Ha! I la! DEAFNESS CANNOT BECURE by loi'al applications an iheyoatinWi remit) i lit diseased r or tion of tin ear ; hi r is onlj one way to enri deufnfSM, and thai is by oonatitu tion :il rniiiPiliOn. DnnfncHH i s CBUSd by tin o il. inn d condition of the mucous liniiit.' oi the Kustachian i'.ltie. When the lube u'h ill till lied you have a rumbling sound or in perfect bearing, and when it is; en tirelv closed denftiesr, is I he result. and unless the inflammation can b0 taken out and the tubo restored to its aormal oondition, hearins will bo destroyed forever; nine cuscH out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is I not hint; but 'in inlhiined comlition of the mucous surfai e win Rive uiii' 1 1 iiiuin ii loi- lars for any ease of Deafness (caused llr ii it I., i v i by ciiliini.i that cannol he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for eir oulars, free, P. .). CHENEY it CO., Toledo, C. Sold by nil druggists, 75c. Ball's Family Pills are the best. KKEAMEK. Frank Thomas, of Sunbury, was iu town last week. N. P, Hummel drove to Mciser- i villi- Saturday. Daniel Musser, who was in Ohio during the last year, returned home. Miss Mabel Gutelius, and Miss (Catherine Hock drove to Middle burg Saturday. Mrs. Snyder, of Sharuokin, was the guest of John Landis' family over Sunday. Elsworth IJurns and wife visited John Btokhart's Sunday. Charles Landis and wife are the happy parents of a little girl. (i. C. Stuck and John Dietiick drove to Middleburg Saturday. William Bickel shot a very large wild turkey last week. Mrs. George Hoke and son visit ed her parents, Ferry Aurand's, orer Sunday. Alliert Harman and family, of MifflintOWn, visited J. F. Walter's Monday. Mrs. Frank Mitchell presented a fine baby girl to her husband Mon day. A. A. Helntielman and family, of Lewifltown, visited his parents, J. Ii. Heinteelman, the fore part of the week. There are four houses under way of construction in Little Kreamer, Willi expcciniions Ol several more Kllus lliuiitur, i xi rntnror tin- i siui.. oi siim . . , . i i l I uel Hrunner will sell I llolstrln Uclfcr and other being started before long. personal property. , , IYon'11 lia surprised H w Ii c n y o u lead thai we a r c selling Golden Oak BEDROO1 Suits At- $15.75 FOR t It we told you how we arc able to do this it would not be so surprising, but lei it be sufficient that we are scllllir.- tin -in al THIS PRICE Don't worry about how we do it. t ( 'all and see our Fine Display ol Fancy Rockers E, S.Weimer&Oo, Furniture Dealers ami Funeral Directors 4l St., SUNBURN , FA. WATCHES : liv.vc I any Pi ieo, N- ti 5 Ladles' Hold Wnlch ll ; others null youtniuo. J tallies' lluhl w.ii ih, lltg oilii'ra iwk you Hftoo IS.M I 113 l,ii lies' a 'i.l w itch 1) K others link yo'i ih tio, UwIIi b' uolil Wau ii o r 0 liern i-i, j "i i.i mi .in i fm Ladles' Kllver III - or N k.'i ' I I " i; its' (ill v ii, 'i IllK 1 )l Hits .isl; mi .mil II 'Hold Wnl Ilttf .i 'u i .. uk i. uu l ii. II . V. W.erli OI f Mk l I Itlfl M, 1 1 ' s 'W S VI-. Illtf in uu f.'-' and ins, Oou h' 111 ifk lilt. i M i. 1 1. II. K.. 00 Any i wntnhnx will 1 o C? 11 1 u-i'l. vi i oil -iiii.il pnyinen'. In c : r n1v ii f of the many wn elies wehavo, We Invtti you to 1 iok our Hi a over befo 'o g iu'1' eNowhoti . ft h ! K V Jeweler and Optician Opposite the rtonument, SUNBURY, I' B vvvvwvvvvvvvjo nooa uOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Slu rilrs Sale oi My virtue nt eertltin wnl of ftllnM Berl fm'fM limuotl out i tin- ( ourt ' f Common I'Ibim of rtnyUer (bounty, l'n , nrtd to mi- directed I will nxt(iHP topuhm mlv at thu ('burl Uoiihu hi Mid iiliburh, I'.i., mi Saturday, December s, 1900 nt 12:30 o'clock, the followiiid ilcacrlbed r.ul i' si. il.' to wit : THACT NO 1. A m tU'.ii fiirni ..r niemuaya of l.i n.l Bltuatctl III Wciii IkiAvor townHliip,Hny derooiinly. I'ft., mljoinliiij Hindu of .1. O. Whj. hit i.n i lie cant, -..nil 1 1 liiii.N ol Allen Wagnei iukI Knoch llakor, on the wi't l,v lurid- f K locfa llaker, Jncou Nerh I an. I Michool Wei- mill mi. 1 on the north by Iftndii of .lereinlAh Kneppnnd Mlcluiel WeUind. coiitalntnii ui miy- ilvi- (99) KcroH moro or li'-s, wher re OWKM.INO llollMB and a lrK- Hank BARN ind mi other necciMry hulldlnirn, nuinnier iilt ehon, upriiiK house, (.IihikIiIit houte. loe Iuhish, butekeuilth ihop, u kwostory hull, chicken houttf, pii; BtAhle, WAffon Rhed, corn crih nn(f Binoke lioueo. Thin Intel haa Liireo i3) wolln ol k'.i.mI water, one near ti"' bouee, ..n.- t ili- barn yard and al the hall. A C.....I nprliut Ik m ar th- In .11.,', iit., ilir.-i- streams of runnlnii war ontuls tract. The Mlddlecreek nmi n brook run throUKh the fiirm, an n..l.- Orel in ri I of about hundred (100) trees, a lol .! neai trees. This tract has four (4 1 acres of timber and Hie balance la under cultivation. TRAOT No..'. RontalnliiK twenty (SO)aorei more nr I. , whereof ten (luj ' ros are cleared and tin' balance with youna timber adjoining landi ! Kniiikiiii Dubert on the east ami tract Mo. A, on the south by lands of William Krli k. on the west by the same and on il north by lands of Ki Ii Uaker and floloi Maurar. Tit act NO.8. ContalnlnK four acres i) acres more or lcs, nil i't with younjc timber, Imjuoo. ad on the north by lands f Franklin Uiiliert, mi the ftt by tin- same, on tl- south ly htnda oi A i II nun Krlok and on the weatby tract N. -. Ballad, taken into oxecutlon and to be. sold as the property of Al- i- A. Romlg. Q, W. ROW, SherllT. BberifTi OfDco, Middleburg, Pas Nor. U, )'JU. MT. PJ.EAHANT Mll.l. John NV. Teats, wife and beby, of Aline, were the guests of Mrs. Mary Snyder Sunday. William A. Kalnter is on the siek list. Dr. D. M. Rothrock made a bus iness t.-ip to Milton Tuesday. A surprise parly was held for II. C. Haas Thursday evening. The list ol guests was sent too !ate. Mr. I laas was of years of age. SALK KKCIMKK BAirnnAY, Ncwnrantt.ltfrMii Perry town ship, mlln west nl ralliis, li'orpi' 11. Sii)iw will soil Scows mid ol her peitOnal property, SA'Il KPAl. .'Ill BMHf.H .1.."". II. I'll' i WylJ a 117.50 i ii itlmoHt t he Follow inu ...110. DC 7. VI Vlll Q Ii i ;S 18.00 1 J5i-.. . I Q 1SJ I 8 O 8 1 O
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers