HUMMELS WHARF. I LOCAL HAPPEH1H8S8 IN NEARBY j PREPARED EXPRESSLY FOR THB FOST J Kgr w i ,L i GLOBE MILLS. Samuel Stuck made a business trip to the county seat Monday. Francis Mull, ot near Salera, pass ed through here on his way to court. s O. Ulrich started Tuesday for Philadelphia to buy his winter goods. Hnrrv Bover. of Selinsgrove, was doing business at this place Monday. H o. and A. A. Ulrich took a pleasure trip to Selinsgrove Sun day. Misses Mable Row and Viola Beaver attended the fair at Lewis burg. Thomas Trutt, ot Shamokin Dam, spent Sunday with Amnion Yerger. Harvey Bilger and wife, of New Berlin, passed through this place Monday on their way to Middle bug. MIDDLESWARTH. The rain Saturday was very much needed. Monday Isaac Shawver again I Ki gali the distillation of whiskey. John Sipe and family were the guests ol Clement Musser's Sunday. Ammon Walter and family paid a visit to Jeremiah Bowersox Sun day. (iuite a number of our people at tended the Lewisbcrg lair, Thurs day. Kittei and Weikel, our busy ma sons, were called to Reedsville, Mifflin Co., to build a wall. Last week John Sanders moved fk dwelling house to a new foun dation closer to the public road. I. H. Shawver returned home from Mooresburg, Montour county, where he was employed for the last six months. . UNION TOWNSHIP. Daniel Krebs wag in town Satur day. Amelia Stahl, of Lancaster, was at home over Sunday. We learn that there are actually corn thieves in existence. Enoch Aucker and lady friend spent Sunday at Richfield. R. S. Aucker, of Shamokin, was looking over the affairs on his farms here. W. D. Brown, of Shreiner, was visiting amcng friends here over Sunday. Geo. A. Erdley, of East Cone maugh, mingled among friends here last week. Hiram Steflen, who had been con fined to the house for one month, is out again. J. P. Wise, of Berwick, spent Sunday with his family. He has a good job up there. Frank Bitner was in town last week. He says he would like to ee the Post published twice a week. We are glad that our place is not represented at court this week. A dollar eaved is a dollar earned for the county. If there was any chance for sal vation after death, the devil would not work so hard to get men to put on their praying until the last min ute. 8WINEFORD. Gertrude Dunklcberger has re turned home from Indiana. Lewis Amich, of Selinsgrove, vis ited friends here last week. Dr. J. C. Amich and wife, of Jwi8town, were at home over Sun day. Mrs. H. P. Beaver, who has been visiting at Burnham, has returned home. Quite a number of our people attended the Lewisburg fair last Thursday. Miss Maude Dalby, of Lewistown, visiting Miss Lillian Amich at Swineford. Milton Keeler, of Shamokin, who had been visiting his grandparents t this place, has returned home. Calvin Shaffer and Mr. Zimmer man, of Mt. Carmel, were the guests of Joseph Musser Sunday. SKLINSGKOVE. Samuel Wittonmyer, Jr., spent Sunday in town in this place. Miss Hess, of Hughesville is be ing entertained by Mrs. Hcisler. H. H. Schoch and family return ed from Wildwood Friday evening last. M. Millner passed through here 00 his way to Philadelphia and New York to make his fall purchases. Harry Hummel and family, of Northumberland, spent Sunday in town with his mother-in-law, Mrs. M. A, Eby. Will Nipple and wife this week moved into the lower end of the old female college building at Prof. Noetling's. J. S. Burkhart, of Dickinson, I'a., but a former student at the Univer sity, is visiting his children, Bruce and Miriam, also his mother-in-law, Mrs. Margaret Schoch. M. L. Wagenseller left Monday morning for Philadelphia where he expects to spend the month of Oct, with his house and hopes his many customers will call to see him when making their fall purchases. Your correspondent as well as many of his friends were extremely glad to grasp your townsman, John Kreoger, by the hand, and happy that he was making such, rapid im provement in health, lie spent sev eral days in town. Prof. Allison on his return to his duties at the University, brought with him a bride. AIout the same time Rev. Domer L. Ulrich visited his mother with a bride. Both the aliove parties were handsomely serenaded Tuesday evening last Miss Ethel D. Schoch has gone to "Chevy Chase" school near tish ington, D. 0. Her brothers, John and George, have entered the Uni versity of Peuna. at Philadelphia, the one in Law and the other as a druggist. Harry Weis has also en tered the Law Department .at U. P. The University foot ball team went to Carlisle Saturday and play ed a game with the Indians. The score was 4G-0 in favor ot the In dians. Considering the light weight of our team and the little practice they have had (having no coach), they did fairly well, ten points bet ter than last year. SALEM. Salem was well represented at the Lewisburg fair Thursday. J. G. Row and family spent Sun day at Kreamer, the guests of Thco. Row's. B. F. Bolig, Jr., and sisters, Misses Annie and Blanche, Sunday, visited Wm. J. Boyer. Harvey Eiseuhart and Will Ship, of Shamokin, are spending some time at W. J. Buyer's. The people of Salem and vicinity had a birthday surprise for Mrs. Al bert Hunter Monday evening. G. M. Witmer entertainedMisses Mabil, Elizabeth and Geo. Mertz, of Northumberland, over Sunday. R. M. Coleman and family Tues day attended the funeral of Mrs. C's father, Lewis Crouse, at Erd ley' s church. Rev. J. II. Raker came up from Lebauon to assist Rev. Suable in the re-dedication of Erdley's church Sun day, 8ept. 30, C. U. Woodruff left Monday for the University of Pennsylvania to take a course in the Department of Veterinary Medicine. Jacob Kuster purchased the Moy er & Ott property tor $3400 and John Gearhart bought Kuster's property for $2215. Wm. B. Gembcrling and wife, Samuel Kessler and wife and John Kinney and wife reached home Fri day afternoon after a five week's vis it in Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. utJNDORE. Prefer loss to unjust gain. The Post is preaching wholesome political doctrine. One of the pressing wants of this town is an automobile. Ex-Sheriff Wolf was in town and called at the post-office. George Eberly sold his farm ot William Brown for $1050. VILLAGES IF SWOB COUNTY UY ITS CORPS OK CORRESPONDENTS James M. Etambo, of this town, is one of the jurors this week. Ed. Ram bo is working at Hern don for the Penn Teh plume Co. Katie Qlase was in town and call ed for her mail at the post-office. A. E. Witmer wants to buy a good horse for farming purposes. Isaac Seiler, of Selinsgrove, pass ed through town on his way to lleru don. Our farmers arc getting 20 cents for butter and cirgs at Dundorc's store. George Bberly and wife ing entertained by Eamuel and family. George Hoover is dril more water for some partie are bo Rambo ing for in Port 'I revertou. A. M. Stroh, of Port Treverton, was in town. He is always an in teresting caller. George and Ira Hoover living on Hall's Island, threshed 1600 bushels of wheat last week. J. F. Wagner finished his thrash ing last week and got 940 bushels of wheal, rye and oats. Henry Hoot and (!( o. N. Went zel passed through town with their cider barrels well tilled. John P, Wise, who is working in the ear shops at Berwick, spent last Sunday with his family. Sara C. Ever and Mamie Roth bad a pleasant ride to Selinsgrove. H. B. Reichenbach was the driver. Dr. Krebs, of Port Treverton, is seen passing frequently through town attending to his many patients. M. R. Hoot, of Bachelor's Hol low, in company with a few more bachelors, was in town last Saturday evening. 'Squire Sechrist raised a 3J lb. sweet jx)tato and presented it to D. W. Eyer, of Shamokin as a Suyder Co. specimen. John M. Goeser & Co., of Dan ville, had their salesman call on our merchant with a full line of tobaoco and groceries. . E. P. Schrawder, of Shamokin, and three of his friends passed through town last Saturday on their way to camp fire at Hall's grove. Our delegates to the Sunday school convention at Centre ville have all returned with broader views and deeper conceptions and stronger determinations to do their part in the great cause. John W. Snoke, of Port Trever ton, has canvassed the township for signers to his petition for a bridge across the river from Port Trever ton to Herndon and reports that every man in the township has sign ed the petition except two and that they belong to the boxers in China. I). W. Eyer and wife and their bright little daughter, Esther, of Shamokin, and Mamie ltoth, of York, and Minnie B. Eyer rid Sara C. Eyer, of Selinsgrove, were en tertained a few days last week b t N. T. Dundorc and wife and change the monotony of country Jlfe the party joined in an apple butter boiling, NO U TRYING I can't take plain cod-liver oil. Doctor says, try it He miht as well tell me to melt lard or butter and try to take f them. It is too rich and; will upset the stomach. Bute you can take milk or cream, ( so you can take n Scott's ElMliSlOP It is like creams but will feed and nourish when cream will not. Babies and chil dren will thrive and grow fat on it when their ordinary j food does not nourish them. J Persons have been known to gain if a pound a day when taking an? ounce of Scoffs Emulsion. It gets the digestive machinery in working, order so that the ordinary food Isi properly digested and auimilated. ! jot. ill druggirti. SCOTT h BOWNE, Chembti, New York. 6 SE WEST BRAVKu. Warrie A. McGaughlin Bpent Sunday with his parents. Howard Kline is slowly improv ing from his late sickness. A few persons from this end took in the Lewisburg f:iir hist week. Protracted meeting commenced at the Baker church last Sunday even ing. Some of the old veterans of the 49th P. V. are talking of attending the reunion ot the reg't to lc held at Bellcfonte on the '25th of Oct. The hot weather has prevented anglers from taking their usual trip to dam, bass fishing. John says, never mind, thev will get there yet. The late rains we had started the farmers to finish their sowing. Some say what had been sown comes up very Spotted, and they expect to have to resow in places. S. H. Phillips has creeled a broom factory to run by muscular power, which will lie ready for operation in the near future, and he will ap preciate all who may call to inspect his work. The citizens of Lowell and vicin ity have organized a vigilance club of 31 members to guard the vigil ance club of 30 members of Cross grove from violating the game law. Boys, do your duty as you have a big job on hand. West Beaver expects to have a bakers dozen of applicants lor justice of the Peace when the time arrives. Keep the ball rolling, boys, you have plenty of time yet. We are going to elect Mae. and Ted. before your time comes. Isaac Middleswarthand Abe Hol shue returned home from their southern tour and report a good time, and the trip well worth the time and money. AIk says there still remains lots of sights yet in the south to indicate there had leen a war. By alt accounts some ot our law abiding niuirods commenced shoot ing squirrels on the fifteenth of last month, ho doubt it was their ignor ance of the law. Thev should le a paid up subscriber to the Post and it will instruct them on all the points in the game law; for fifteen cents it will Ik? sent to your address through the campaign. ALINE. J. B. Hilbert and Henry Market are on the sick list. Wm. Hilbert was home on a visit from Herndon over Sunday. Andy Kerstcttcr bought a young heifer of Samuel Kemrer for $4.25. Mrs. H. K. Horuberger and daughter Mabel were the guests of H. B. Underkofller Sunday. H. B. Hornbergcr and Mr. Mei ser sold their tit to Mr. Derk at a fair price delivered at Shamokin from camp-fire Saturday as he did not know whether he should stop at independence for the night or not. Charlie was always in demand and is everywhere now so since he has returned from the city. i'ALLAS NEWS. Willet Moyer is doing a good business dressing horse's teeth. The good rain Saturday evening scattered the people who attended the camp fire at the Ixittom Saturday. Wm. Bossier and wife in company with Benj. Arnold and wife were Feen in tins community visiting at Daniel Ciarman's Sunday. N. H. Bailey, Henry Tharp, John Dreese, Edward Troup, ChaS, Ixmig and Wash. Bickhart made a trip to the Lewisburg fair on their wheels. J. Harry Kreitzer and Bert lline accompanied by their lady friends, Misses Mabel Fisher and Gertie Stroub, expect to attend the Milton fair this week. Anew remedy for biliousness fa now on sale at the Middleburg Drug Store. It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. It gives quick relief and will prevent the at tack if given as soon as the first in dication of the disease appears. Price, 25 cents per box. Samples free. j The weather has been very favor able for farming operations so far. nave you seen sick Perhaps fen have had the grippe or a hard cold. Tou mar he recovering rretn malaria or a alow fever; or peealbly aeme of the chil dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough. Are you recovering as fast as you should? Hss not your old trouble left your bleed full of Impurities? And Isn't this the reason you keep so poorly? Don't delay recovery longer but Take It win remove efl fm port ntmrw (tes frotr tout blood. It la al se a tome ef Immense i vshs. Girt nature a little t help at (his rime. Aid hor 1 by removing all the products T of disease from your blood. : It tour bowels are not hist rtaX Ayar'a Pills will meat tfccm ao. Send for ( lt ea Diet ha Ceosti- pttloa. Ws U; ' rrU eftoiit . f ti i. iuiiu:ti ri Uj.i U vl." TsNM mtm. Wriu trrr)j imi (Mat (matt ylr. IAWU, .11. KANTZ. R. K. Forry is at home. Mrs. H. S. Stahl is on the sick list. Most of our farmers are busy husking corn. Ralph Neitz is suffering from an attack of mumps. The rain of late seems to give lite to people of this vicinity. Milton Miller, who has Iteen working at Milton, has returned home. The Freeburg Rod and Gun Club is taking a two weeks' trip to the Juniata. F. P. Holtzapple is making pre parations to build an ice house. He is going to canvass Freeburg. M. Millner returned from his trip to Phila, and N. Y. with a large Stock of fall and winter goods. Isaac Arnold and Mrs Lulu Brousc were united in the holy wed lock Sunday evening, Sept. 30th. POUT TREVERrON. (i. I. Flanders was to Selinsgrove last week, Geo. Rine and wife, of Milton, visited the hitter's parents Sunday. Mrs. D. 8. Snyder, of Selinsgrove, was visiting her son, Jerre, lust week. Geo. Charles and friend, of Phil adelphia, visited relatives in town Friday. 1. (. Sbambach attended the K. L. C. E. Convention at Centreville last week. Miss Jennie Charles is spending the week with Geo. Shambach at Selinsgrove. Fisli-sjearin is one of the even ing sports which many (if our boy aud girls enjoy. Ray Bender, of Shamokin, is vis iting her grandparents, Soworra Shutter aud wile. John Hepner, one of our old friends and a former employe, of this place, was in town last week. Jacob Snyder and son, of Shamo kin Dam, called on the former's father-in-law, James Houser, last week. Miss Minnie Bobb, after spend- .1 .l 1st ing tne summer wiin relatives in town, has returned to hor home at Williamsport. There were but few in attendance at the camj)-ffre which was held at Mahantongo Saturday and to those few a shower bath was given free whether they desired it or not. Charles Hoffman, who is employ ed in Philadelphia, is spending his vacation with Ins father at the 1 ort Treverton Hotel. He was in quite a predicament while coming home. it MM j chills and lever. ! Daniel Sassuman and lam,, 'a trip aO'Sambury Friday, 1 Harvey Moyer succeeded in ' iog a number of large carp Franklin Het trick in ho t.A- ; nice lot of peaches this m ;t- 1 Arthur Noll spent a ti-v, . . t , Lewistown looking lor Chit)! Peter K iin'ler iltnl famih !'has. Miller's at Selinsgrovi . day. lfaa mi .. . j ' Ellen Stiue, , Philip Naee are ! week. Peter Bail attending cot ('has. Stethr spent S uiejit with hi cousin, Arthur at Selinsgrove. Misses Anna and Bertha 'attended the Lewisburg i day hist week, I John Schoch and wife -pen day with his brother, . Se ; in or Selinsgrove Miss ( 'arrie Schoch is -r some time with her siu r Troutmun, near Newport. The farmers ol tin- Is i. .11 .i . i i in ueany an iiirougu sceuuig nru commenced husking corn Kev. (J. W. Bordman preael very interesting sermon ii ! s school house Sunday evenwi''. Samuel Trutt and wife Sunday in Stdinsgrove, the of Mrs. Rebteea Wagenseller The people of thh place arc i 1 cd to know thai Arthur Brow -Shamokin Mam, is home again 1 Mi--rs Martha Hummel and Miu I nie Trutt called on Mi.-, Spade near Ott's scJiool houfe . I (':,.v- Daniel Sa ainan Jr., .11111 A entertained his sister, Mrs, ! 1 1 umniel, and two uhildn Shreiner, Sunday. Hurry Htti el, wife ami i laughter, ot Northumberland, io sec his fanner, Levi ln Sunbiiry evening. .ill!. ASTICII Acti vr mao, of sood oharati er, -m ilf.'lvt'r untl eolleot. In nMylfnsieStti un il,l ontsbllsied inniiufActurl liol -i house. ,'1 -it yrir. Hiir pay. Hi ,y izimw tliftn esiwriettce, reqoltvai Oarrefe ence, 'in i k in t',,u city. Knrlom ti srlf allri'sMi . uic Mtiunprii eiivritipo. MaDuSSetufeis, Tbiid I'ucv lllll(rl,,)inlnrl. Oium 1MJ ICS, aUtSAJWtv Some of our eitiaens attended court this week. J. F. W alter and wife drove tst Middleburg Saturday. The wedding bells will tv; liny ing in town before long. Ellsworth Annual, who is wot t ingat Logan, was home over San day. Quite a numberof our citizem in tended the fair at Lewisbuig I -jtH week. A. ('. Smith is in the city buying in a new supply of fall and wiutes goods. Jacob Middleswai th and MniK , of Beavertown, visited JHwdlta t Musser's Sunday. A good representation from this place was at the Republican niS meeting at Middlebu g Tuesdaj evening. When you cannot sloop for i .,;: ing, it is hardly necessary thai nij one should tell vou that you w'i- it a few doses of Cliamboriain'H Co ugh Remedy to allay the irritation oi sa throat, aud make sleep posHibiu. Is is eood. Try it. For uulo by akat Middleburg Drug S'tore. Excellent Farm far Sale Wishing to quit fanning, ftnvsatV fering at private sale a most excelteasl farm containing 107 aeri"- f rich hint, ini; 'ami, s" acres of wlii'-li is clear uuuS In a good state of cultivation The lJ ance is timber. ()u the laml k a :.'... large hunk liam, exeelletit livvellujr house, good size, all kinds of outbaSba inits in iiil repair, kikh oaue ut bas ses factory, koikJ never-failine :itrr near the house ami in the fields for urn. stock, excellent apulu orclvrd, aliui. dance of H iclies, entjrries, pear" fie", all kinds of small fruit, such as btaesi and red raspberries, napes, currants) plums, etc. "zzi The property is IimhIviI euveiiu;B& to church, store and postoffice atoasaj the pillule mail and is a very proru inent farm. We raise excellent gall and grass ; have kxh! fences and n 'i k location foru flab dam within ,i.tasf. the house. The soil is good, di , rich, no stones to Itother with, nodiwto ing neoessary, no slate and we ha vo -ja, easy roiwl to the river. We will uismt sell' 0 ucres which will make nui: fann for some one who doea (Msaesssst for much land. This farm was twice sokl f , r .,- JM and Is now ottered at the very low raat of :!Mn. If it were not for the Qssat that I wish to discontinue fanning, iim- farm would not In tillered nl sn Iim- l. figure. A clear title can he ptvn.i. MBS. M. A. BAIl.KY, . 7-19-3ru. 1'allas, Snyde, (,'a, Pa- Be sure to read the new stsrf , "Ma I com Kirk," now appea; . the PottT. Miss Mav S h.K h
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