THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. DR. PARKER HONORED. Iamn l lk iDlrraatUnal lrrla foi One of the Veteran Mlealonarlea ( Oetob.r V, 10OO-Jraaa Slain tlio Mrlkodlat Chorea .Elected wlea a IttrtMt. ill. hop fur ludia. Prepared by H. C. Lenlriftool THE LISBON TEXT. (Luke 14:1-14.) 1 And It cam to puna, aa H went Into t) house of on of the chief l'hartiieea to eat bread on the Sabbath day, that the) waXched Him. t And. behold, there u a certain mar Oafore Him wbkcb had Hi. uropiy. t And Jssus arm we ring apuke unto th lawyers and Pbarlaeea. saying,, la It law fal to heal on the Bubbath day? 4. And they held their peace. And H took him, and healed him. and let him go , t And answered them, u y Ing, Which ol you (hall bava an as or an ox fallen lntc a pit. and will not straightway pull blm uul on the Sabbath day! 1 And they could not answer Him uguii u these things. 7 And Ha put forth n parable to thns Which were bidden, when He marked hoy they chose out the chief rooms; euylng uulc them. i. When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down In the highest room, lest a more honorable man th, n thou be. bidden of him; 9 And he that bade thee nnd him soma and say to thee, Give Oil man place; and thou I', gin with sham- tu take the lowest room 1U. Hut wten thou art bidden, ko and sit down In wj lowest room; that when ht that bade thee comet h, he may Say utile thee. Friend, go up higher; then shall thou have worship In th" press DOS of them that ail at meat with thee. U. For whosoever exalteth htm.i If sh.ii. he aliased; and lie that humblelh blmaeli shall he exalted. U Then said ho also to him that badf him. When thou mukiet a dinner or h sifp pur, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neigh bars; lest they also Mil thee ugalu, and a recompense be made thee. IX Bill when thou niakvst a feast, call UM poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: 14. And thou shall be blessed, for the etiunot recompense thee: for thou shalt hi recompensed at the resurrection of the Just MUni TKXT. Whosoever exnlt elh lilmaelf shall lie nliiisedi mid In' (hat hnmbloth himself shall ! emit-rd.-l.uke Hill. NOTES AND CO If ME NTS. Intervening between the Wfon or watchfulness and the pre tent lesson several important events Uuve taken place. He has utteretl the parablel ol the mustard seed, of the Iruven nnd (it the straight (fate. Then hns come tin lament over Jerusalem, i nil a visit to t In home of Mary nnd Martha, After at tending the feast of the dedication, lie has retired across Jordan nnd re sumcd His Perean ministry. It is in I'erea that rie dinea with the Pharisee ami he takes the occasion to impart Important ieaeone ou tliuMj present These three lessons ure: Concerning Sabbath Keei Jug va. 1-t Concerning Exulting I ine s Pulf vs. 7-11 Concerning Hospitality vs. tt-lt Concerning Bbbath Keeping. One of the chief Pharisees had asked Jesiit to s Babbath dinner. Among" the other glleita was a man who had the dropsy. Jesus had had discussiorii on previous occasions reg-ardinir healing ,n !! w,,i.i....i. rm.1. . ! T M vh iii. unuuaiu. i ins nine jmuii de cided to have the argument (if any) ' . f rn. ii . t-n ia I uiuvm.. liui - .. - j - " i unlawful hut .1,'t.uu 4t t- tits own decision, and afterward they tould criticise and find fault. Bo Jesus healed the man, und then with out wnitlnjr, answered the thought in the hearts of the lawyers and pjinri sees by asking: "Which of you shall Ufa. nn ass or an ox fallen into a jilt.. Ud will not straightway (note the "Kfraightwny") pull him out on the jkbbath day?" The jihnrisees had re- rnseu to answer ins question ticforc. now Ihey could not. I Concerning Exalting One's Self. It has been thought by sonic that tin man with the dropsy had been broiipdit by the pharisee to his house in order to see if Jesus would baa I Mm. This, we think, is true, aa evi dently .Jesus felt Himself on trial be lore His host and fellow guesta. One tiling thut might indicate this Is Hil relinking those who had sought the oest places at the table, it was un un friendly atmosphere In which He found Himself. So after the Incident of the healing He took up another orteoming of the .lews. He had no- ., .un .nj . . i-HMi n i nisi He tniik their own argument. If It s.Miiiiii, v,iij not jiick Pt flie less honored places that their ouir ,i l. t ... ........ I ".S4V lC I .11- I i i ' i 1 I I M I" 1 I i ' ben asked to take a liiirKor Sin.,:,.,, n... ..v.. r v uai I ill oi I ill line IIS .1(1 r ,nwn. ins ,iei uai Ki'i'i.Il.l' p- ".,...,1,-14 iiaws in i in Dinner eUDIi nv ....4 v... .. (....i. . .... a inj a laiin 11 n IIS, Sllll sell v. ui,m B ingrainoii iiitii ..o., num. in inn ure. i uerciore limits ,MJl i;i ;, lueitiv viilrilua Mt that "whosoevi'T exalteth him- , " 'e iiiiu.m ii, inn. ne wave nurn- - u.iijm 1 1 . 1 1 , 1 1 nviMii iee , Concerning Hospitality.' neu Jesus fced to the host. hini been KM. I to the dinner (hat His conduct - "c y-.i iiiciseu, aim inn oTin r Slit o I T .11 M , -..o, iiiii.iiih ,iews, eniei nnarisees . J" cre I Here io witness Ills PtnfitQre. This was not true hos- a Hi x . ,i . ? v hit was mere nv true tios- 1 1 l. : lit , , 'j in nulling gnosis who would Atln. 4 , Zl a i gj meir presence. "Ue hospitality infers an unselfish, I a self-seeking spirit. Then why "invite the poor, the maimed, the ii. uie uiino .- ror euiertainltiir - 44imi win ousseo, ror Inev n, . . - - 4 , u.iiii use mee; ior inou he recompensed at the raasirrnn - ' uie just. Haoj'a Horn Wrlakkt. owvy gradea ned heavy engines. "ob la the u!t aid of meni rpfssinn nf unink a tie. tn n & .heii a man ia uuriirbt, tJa ssasst la -4 ivamai le i- m i 4 -ruimwiij IS 1U UOIDV, HOI tmlni The 41 m & bke ua km the train. m oavn uk Dngawt or Deteer Wi A .k. , I . 4 orld, Kev. Edwin Wallace l'arker, D. D., of North india conference, was born at St. Johnsbury, Vt., January 21, 1833. His father was a farmer, and for many years a steward in the Meth odist church. Dr. Parker waa con- HEALTHY OLD AGE The majority of persons upon reaching middle esre and past flat their blood becomes weak aad thin, and dissssae that was easily control lea in earlier me Begin to affect the conatltutioa. DEVICE FOR BROODERS. How t Avald an laeoni enlenre Which Has Aaaoyed Poaltry llala rn for a Loif Tlsac. Almost all the brooders, whether factory mnde or home made, have a lower story for the lamp nnd an up per floor In which the chicks nre hov ered, making necessary an inclined 1 board for the chicks to run up on. They aro constantly getting under i this board, and often hivomp chilled because they do not know enough to I "walk the plank" properly. The cut sss oi we the blood must be re-eoforced before it can perform its legitimate functions and rid the system of th tie? nniannt. Utfl tint rim tr mr tntale aa..) . (T-. t , 1 A st ' a. aa ai -7-vaa vsa .i hlf; I f .1 i f t? lae bl1, '"F0 U, rPtiU, and builde up the genetsl constita- tion. It U not only the best Wood punfler. hut the bart tonic for old paople. It warms the blood Mies up the nerves, removes all taint from the blood, and prevents th devalopmeat of dmase S. S. 8. is the only purely vegetable bliKxi medicine known. Not one purticle of mercury ixitnah or otbar mineral poison can be found in it. aad it mav be taVm f,sr u. !.,,., ,,i S -.4 , ... J . H ' 1 M44.V " I . 1 1 1 1 1 i I 1 . ft ft 111 . b. S. ta the onlv remedv that reaches .Ism ..i..1 ...,A ...-.i i... . c ... .I i - j - .- -r . . """ eniia. v.anrer, Kneuiua- i.ii, iniri, to. as purines ami restores ine Dioou to a iiuiiiv, noruial condiiou and makes it any poisonous wsstc materials to accumulate. If you have an old running sore or an obstinate ulcer tliat ref u Unpoeaible for i to heaj, or srs troablad with boil and carbuncles, try ,S. S. B. It never falls to mske a quick and permanent cure of these tets. If voar evtm is rna .1,,-,, mA wm ii a tonic, 8. 8. 8. will strengthen and help you as it hss many others tn a happy, hnlthv old sue. the need of i nrt EDWIN w. PARKKii. (Sleeted Missionary nishnp fur India Uy the Miiiiudiut Church. ) i rted at St. Johnsbury ( enter In I 1853. He joined the Vermont confer- j nice in WiT. and was ordained in the New England conference in 1859. In I the same year that he was ordained ffraduated from the Concord Biblical institute. Ou April 11. 1859, he sailed fur India by way of the Cape, and landed In that country. August 21, ' Dr. Butler met him at Calcutta. The young missionary was at mice sent to Bljnour, a new field In northwest India, where the Hindustani language was learned and work opened. In I I8U4, when the India conference was organized, he was made a presiding 1 elder, and has remained in that office , almost all the time since. He has at , different times been in charge of near , ly every part of the work in botb con ferences in northwest India. In con nection with his work as presiding el i der In- established many primary 1 schools, including the Qoucher schools, ! with Beveral middle schools and one hinfh school especially for educating building up the young people and converts, lie also had charge of the 1 publishing house at I.ucknow for sev eral years, In addition to district work, in which time buildings were com pleted and the house nearly freed from debt. While thus actively en gaged iii overseeing the work of the j church Dr. l'arker has ever been an earnest soul-winner. The revival which spread over the northwest of India, gathering in so many converts, ! started on Dr. l'arker's district and ' under his direction. This was, per haps, his larcest work. For this rea : son he was removed from the care of I a district und appointed general evan I gelist. Dr l'arker is thoroughly fa- miliar with the needs und opportuni ! ties in India, and will be nble to suc cessfully carry forward whatever part of the field is assigned to him. j UMBRELLA-RIGGED BOAT. Q uvi r Cnift 'hum. nirtpil ly nn Kiik- lui. Inventor Wb riiiimn i.rcut rblriKa tow It. . 8. 8. eurit Mr. H. Botiteo of Saumirrltl. y., of s oat of ! M1 D J"non. of Btar.iSMr. Bawutol ,..,.. Bciouiof th,rty-8T years' staii.linK nrt.r tht t r phrsldsat I V s" '7V?' ranniisHa, soil tuul seed even icin. If io h suiToaodlng couiitrr had fsllrd. Tats was Mr a lean I 5US "5 'c"""n"ita car. wllhoal MeelVina say aifo, tad thrt has ln no rtarn of th llt. bantat. fi. a (eanptU rt.chf.l Um seM vt iho dsKMS it I mail s cmnplttc atnl purnitnrnt tur. If yon are in doubt about your disease, end will fend us a statement of voui oaa omr physician will gtth VOU any information or advice wanted, for which we make no chsrge. Book on Blood end Skin Diseases sent to suy desiring h. Address Swift Specific Oe Atlanta ( hi SS. S. IS THE IDEAL TONIO AMD BLOOD FOR OLD PEOPLE. MAKING BROODERS BAFB. shows how this trouble may be avoid ed easily. Three slopes are made to the incline, Ihus affording no chance for missing the way. A chicken in a very stupid thing, and cannot be de pended upon to do any thinking for itself. It is this nature of both old und young fowls that makes it so nec essary to be constantly watchful in managing poultry. A little lack of care nnd a dozen chicks, perhaps, have become chilled and lust. The Ingen ious caretaker by using such devices as that shown in the cut can save himself some work by making it near ly impossible fur the chicks tn go wrong There are many such devices for saving labor that can be thought p. N. V. Tribune, FARM TURKEY RAISING. Giving; ibr Vounsj ltiril the Itltrhl Kind of Pood is ilir lot Im portant Mattes. a. l'i. Pottiege, Veterinary sUrgeoN. SF.LINSGROVE. PA. All professional business entrusted to my cart1 win receive prompt ami careful attention, J AS. 0. CROUSE, ATTORN KT AT LA W, MlDOLKBDRt, PA. All business entrusted toliisobre will receive nroiupt attention. Hlie queer rig of a boat which las' ap peared in the harbors of Southampton am! ('owes is exciting a good deal of at tention. The. sail has the general ap pearance of an umbrella, of which the mast ih the handle. 1' dues not open and shut like an umbrella, however, but like two fans, extending fore and aft from the mast. The Is oval, When the turkey hen is in n good sitting mood, give her 17 eggs; at the same time set t wo chickens on 1 1 eggs each. When the hatch is oil, give all turkeys to the turkey hen. Feed the young turkeys on curd, often mixing black pepper tn it. Feed three times n day all they will eat. Do not give raw corn meal; if fed at all, bake into corn bread. Screenings 's a poor food, as it contains many wild seeds, causing diarrhea, killing them in M hours. That ia the one thing to guard against and the great est difficulty in raising turkeys. When feeding only curd as the principal food, you overcome that trouble. I find by keeping the young tur keys in a pen 10x10 feci and 12 Inches high for a few days it gives them strength nnd they etui follow the hen. Voli cannot shut turkeys up in a p or yard, us they will die if confined. After four or five days old, let them go, nee that they come home every night, which they will do if fed morn ing and evening. For breeding pur poses, select hens nut less than two years old, duns from two to three, of the Ky Rronze variety May ('. Suydam, in Farm and Home. AMONG THE POULTRY. 1 mzm r HARRISDURO.PA Cures all DRINK and Doug Addictions NtWLV FuPNISHtO NEW Manaci ni Nl sPf wJar TwicrAS.r EM JLKT I I I Read This! Read This ! - MY lf&SNT STOCK OF CARPETS In larger than ever before : my PMC S LOWER Minn OTH EKSfortte SAME GOODS. Myprict'i on 15 rolls of cnrpol I wish to close out will suit iho pocket book ol mnnj ml huvi others tuouey. Douot tliiuk of buying your full curpetH until you give my stock of carpets your attention ami gel the prices of some ol my bnuguins I um offering. i vir, urn law iuium lialIIIuu. I'ricesjust right on these goods. One Word About Pictures. I am otlering my presenl stock of pictures nl coi THAN COST ik i I some for the price of the gin ,s in tli Doii'l miss t his sale. I have some prettv tilings to offer in Furniture Liioi will surprise you in Styles ami 'rices. it, LESS j fruines, all new. rin-oVI tvtn' Vc Lt : TWICJlObiF orrtt' li Bl MWLliXAJ i -i"i-i"i-i-i-i-i-i-M-i-i-:-:-i-i--i-i--H-i- a.111-11 IVOHM' ! itiirrLiiiiutJKU MARBLE WORKS. i -:: -oc- -: R. H. LANCE, T ! nh i In Mftrbta mill JL Si Mt Ii .iiiinti . . , I MONUMENTS, HEAD :;: STONES & CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURES. ! OKI Stones Cleaned .nut Repaired. 'X. Prices as Low ns the Lowest. t Satisfaction Guaranteed, i J A. JENEINS, Agt., Crccc.Tcvc, Pa. !-4-i-::-r-i-H-i-!-:-!-:-:-:-:-:-;-;- UMBRBLLA-RIGaBD BOAT. (It Im Baid to H' Vary Hwlft ami Atiao lnti'ly Bur,..) ! measuring about. :ki tiy 15 fci't, while I the bull of t in bunt itonly feel lmif,'. i With ordinary rig a liuat of this eiie would curry about 20 square yards ol canvaa, but thJa tail Qreasurci nearly j twice uk much. The bout ia very twlft, partly because I the wind" I, us a tendency to lift it. in I itead of careening ii to leeward audi so hUin friction is diminished. The i I Is not uiovulik about the inuat, but the I mast Itself rotates. The rig Ik the invention of Messrs, ! Perry um! l'llctu r, of London, and Wil ' Kim, of Dublin. Its success has induced Mr. Selwyn Edwards to ordVr from Thorn ycroft, the shipbuilder, s 4iii foot vvnm-I on tin' eame jilnn. I. ilil In- la Inhnmnn. The Inhuman explosive lyddite uki-iI by the Hrltlsh In the war ngnlnxt. the 1'oers Is said to lie rompoaed largely of pierie arid, made by treating carbolic add with nitric. It has about 11 tlmei the force of gun cotton, mid the con S Uttion U even more fatal than the ragnientt of the shells. The ntnie eonies from the town of Lydd, where it was first made. Generally, the quicker a si k hen i. killinl the better. Belt ot out the best of the fowls each year fur future breeding. Exercise Is better than drugs tra n atimulant for egg production. The hardy, wide rangers, those clean of limb utnl having small combs, are the kin. Is of fowls wanted by farmers I'nr broilers you should have some breed that matures rapidly, ami that will nut. have tn be feil nil summer to make them weigh a pound or two. On the farm, especially, one ir,id breed of poultry, well fed nnd cared for, is of more value than a doen varieties neglected, Harden and ; Farm. riMli u-r, 'iM Ii i i 1.1'. . SiH7 mat Jtl -TjSv 1 7,1V" tfi-V.VO RESTORES VITALITY o o o o o a UNDERTAKING ! VdmzlJ.ZJC In tins branch of tuy business I um prepared to give public the best serbice that can bo secured bv ni uiey, time personal nttentioii. Mv equippase in tins brui eh of bimit 1 onoofthn Hiiesl in the Rlato. HEAUSES, ( VHUIA0E.S UNDHHTAKING I'AKLOHS are up to ilato. one w. nl nhnnl 1 ropoil th it my attention hrm Iw calli 1 In : ! ly In r--1 mypr h, I liUAKANTKh tn furnish the wwieuoiKlniil I.KSi Monih th 1 haiiM) In the coiinly, 1 Ul'AltANTKK to give you e.- n I' tVM UNT II all 0 First-i 'lass I ,iverv o o JT Con uei! tel with Lliulii'takiiig Dennrtni 1 W. H. FELIX, elenlioiie ( 'onncctiou, LKWlSTi iWN, 1' .OOCXXOOOOCOt:v;o;;-. OVOCOCXJOOS BJBJBJBJBJJMMBJ iSSK BpQSsjLdCj mm BAilhrttrnt l,thrrSK.t..:--:.v: ' . . . vffl bl fThat wvt Pr.k wkyftiajgBWB MtaMarl Eillt.r'. t llta "Next week," annormcet deter mined. If net desperate, north Missouri editor, "we will bp running thie paper as Jesse James would have run it. De linquent subscribers Day expect a call from us with their accounts stack in the muscle of a stx-ahooter. Other wise, this paper will have to bo ran as fee sheriff would rem M." Sell Fowl tn Hldsaininer, The cockerels of this season's batch when sold for market will pay all the expense of their own raising and that of the pullets. The time to iscll the cockerels is on the lirst day that enough of them of marketable ni.e can be gathered together for a ship ment. Most fanners put off selling until just before winter. The market It then glutted and prices nre at the lowest ebb. The Increased ele docs not make up for the losses which will occur in tin- Interval between mid summer nnd fall, and the smaller price per pound which will then have to be accepted for them. Tuklng one year with another, it Is n earing of money to nell the surplus young stock in July and August insteiwl of in Oc tober. Farmers' Voice. Made a Well Man THE "WimofMft - w 1, r ' ,- produces tlio nhovn rcBcltn In, 30 lnya. II acta IKiv.i rfiilly andijulckly Dun 1 woes all "thorn fall, t'oung mon will rcsala tholr ln-t unuihouJ.anJoliJ men will recover tln lr y.intliful viKor by oallig Hi'. VIVO. It 'julckly ur. lv rr' toiTfi Ni'rvous nesB, Lout Vitality, Unpoti y j tly Knilwlons, Lost Power, faUlnf aldooi nisi o6, and all elT'Cta o snU aboiio or etoea and IndiHcretlon, I which anfltaonnforBtiiily.lniHliii nrminlajiii. It Dot only euros liy Ptarllnit at thn m m ol dlneano. bul I.. 3.;i t nerve tonio mi l I1I001I linUdor, bring- j Ii..' back the pink glow to rmJo rlin kHamlra turlna tba flro of ynnth. It wards "IT lumuilty and Coocumptlon. IubIi t nn hnvlnn KEVIVO, no ether. It can 1 - nn, lu vent k. t. Ily mall 81.00 pcrpackiurR.or all lor rjIA.OO, with a poal I Uve written guarantee to enro or refund the money. Circular fr iddrru Royal Medicine Cfc.t&fc.SSJafr lor sale in Middleburqh, Pa., by MJDDLEB UR0H DRUG CO nutter hi-.v hin.liome the ttt're, the sn iicj t'y a ; i.i 01 i.uiii triat are iivt II ciii be : clothing, No sh'iecn esrth, .-t whatevtr fries, c.n PAT, the e:.!y j ati -it U x'.bet slice maul t!ut i . ; "break lliro", Why pay .uo ( ran inferior , bum aimmt ,i'.y J..i!it .1 j 1 1 If your dealer d ien't I j j i yjur mt, prep ii.1, ! 1 IE CO., 137 DL'AiNE ST., 1 1 v.'in in when y -l ca'l ' ;: , PA rS K.r inucli Iv gljj'y sen 1 .1 sai;i monarch s:: : !sMONAr.CKl 1 not lovgm , . .... '. '. ' ' k.lCItl wo will II AiMress "', 1. VORK. i 3 TO DEALERS: M N'ARGI PATS r-e itrietly I leather shoes the on'v guaranteed iJtcut leather Tiny alwayt j-lcae tile KL-arer snj w foi particulars t.viiay. -'","rT7""TlAT'"i-" '1 i rade patenlj in aae. I Writt 'containing This Dictionary' 50,000 Words FREE Carlns for Varied Fowl. I lived In town from 1U90 to lKU7,and kept from 24 to 48 chickens in a lot lOxffo feet. This was set in vlnra trees, with an occasional run over the gnr n and a small grasn plat. Vfv had very satisfactory results,, We fed whole 00111, oaU and wheat. They also had milk and so raps from the kitchen. In addition they were allowed to run at will fa a small stable yard 80x30 feet. They also had acceea to the stable and buggy heroes durtntr the dsy, but invariably kept on their own ground at night. J. B. Bottjsrts, ta Farmers' Vote. VirAM'KIV AotlV an, nl a I chnrncter, ta ' dellvel and eollsot, tn reiinitylvsnts. for im ntil sstabllshed manufscturitia wboliessle house. IOQ0 a year, sura psy. Ifonoaty, tnora ban sspsrisncs, reQulred. mn reference, sny bonk In the city. Hliioiose ielfsddreaaed sod Isnipcd envelop. Slanufscturersi Third Ploor, at HenrlMiii Street I'liieiuto. l-IJ-ir,i Washington, I). 0. Genenseo l'uro Food Co., Lo Roy, NY. Qkntlemen: Our family realize ho much from the umu of URAiN-0 that I feel I must Bay a word to in duce others to use it. If people are interested in their health and the welfare of their children they will use no other beverage. I usod them all, butGRAIN-OIhave found su perior to any, for the reason that it is solid grain. Tours forhealth, 0. F. Myebb. r Rift. t Inrhmv 12 DEPARTMENTS IN ONE VOLUME. A ivnrh of extraorahisri hiterMI to ill clam ..r prureHnlve Iioniile. In quality It In oueicclleihaveiih) the itrest fltsiiilsnl wnrkH uftolsy. Ill ijimntity It coutaliiH nearl) ever) word In rominuti nasgs, Slid fullysniwerl the purpo I :i' leail three mil nl even fonrtieople, wnni'ster Dlcfjoiiar) iiai lOA.ObO words Onttiry t2fi,uio ami suiiilunl jui'.HKi. Theae eoit from tn j?hi each. Oiu i nh ao.OoowiirilH ma mm lit li.i'l ilium ti iiiii heretofore uiibearu f. A new Uuvic Kiiown Hi,- plural forma ol all Uie nouns. Another poJnn out t Minn eiiieclsllj iiitiii uit words! but ih. .rsstsst nf ail sfblevenisnti in modern dlctlunsr) niakluu Ii Uie itltlonof IMOOworditothliillrtlnnar) hj nn'ai.sur u uiglu pste. culliil tba "Ciiliunhlan r..i ,. a I 1 1 i ... in - 'i ' 1 1 i m .-vK-iui i:tiiin. 9. nCntDTalCalTO Beatdeil the Dletlossrjr It Mo rntitnlni twelve UtrHn I itlCd I o. it, ipartineitta, a foflown I. Aiiin, ia- tloiiH;2. .'riminim-InK III, tlntiur' : 3 , , - Nantes! 4 (in, ttii-r ot in,' st i,t'i,i : i.nrKi't IIiiI.m: T. llll.llie.H I II. I i ii i I in K. Letter Hriter; lu. VSS of 4 lapltoll ; It, PttnOttUUtOD I 12. ii.iiii i.ii,,i, It cuiitalim I'll na'c, banilsomcly ImiiiihI In linluttnn leatlii r r - W PIUCU RtlfBV Tn lntrmlwi-( rnrm nnil Home, mir untlim Ul VCrt HnRli al minilnicmtlily (wnTon MreSdjf DM I rlrrnla tlon of snn.oooi. Into Uiooasjial ot Somen where u J; not imw taken, we mule the fulliiwlnn Ki-mnrkalileOfior: Itu r. i'iilar tirlre of Fartn ami tlotne Is JM) eesta a rear, tint v'u III mint It to tlnur tnentlonlnii tlilt'ier, elz months on trial fur only 'ii. r,'iita fin nllver or nanipal. anil without further charge SSBS 'Tne 4'nniprehenalve Wehntor Uletlinary," SbOvt OaecrlDen, BJ mall iiii.tnalrl. All mr.i iii. ihl , iti r wtll rifolve ur iiiaatnll- 1,-ft ntly I ,1.,'ful ml If vnur auntriipilon I" aent bnmerllatelv we will nlftnlncluileal'oclet auai el Tile worm, pnniainini: inaii. in cninr.. miirn wnnu w. least fl If wnaretelr. Atfcnui wanted every-whi III. II .I", ... . -...I . ' i , ni ... -. IT... 4W ill. MSttsTd. All arreittliift! Ihl otter will receive rmr inastntt- SB ntly lll,irnre,l SO-naKe pMBxtast Hat. ronulnhia "' 0 J fnl article, arid anme of the nma' remarliahlii tTnra ever maso. Sf oea roeac. nlfl eiit al W O, IIIS. j I.lhtTm.1 priniiiilMstfAti fftrtTond work. Adilrnm nit nrtlrvrfl Hi 9 FARM AND HOME. Box D. Sorlraorflelri. M4-)9S..or Chlcnao OBTAINED- TSEMS EASY. Consult or communicate with the Kdito PATENTS ' nonanit. or communlCi itr.a Is paper, who will give an neeiai BJ uifor- ntaUoa. Flftaou wilts pays for the Post till alter sleoLion to be sent bo new sulweri bers only fr the wimiiaijrn puriiose 25 centw to New Year. tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers