T aiu tic oyAL Pennsylvania Voters Will Not Fol low Bryan and Encourage Aguinaldo. The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world celebrated for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful; it assures you against alum and all forms of adultera tion that go with the cheap brands. Alum baking powder are low priced. If alum costs but two cent a wunJ ; but alum is a corrotivc poison and it readers the baking powder dangerous to use in lovd. ROYAL BAKING POWDCH CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. ROOSEVELT ON "CONTRACTION." The Middlebupgh Post. jro wTVAaENSELLER, Editor and Proprietor. . ,! :,t the Pout otllwut Mid. II. ImrK, !"., as nr. ond t-li.MM man matter. H roit r. Established in 1M1 as the . i Demokrat, at New Berlin, a Ger--- i. Whig paper. Changed name i : isT in 1861. Oldest Republican awsxw aper in Snyder County. . - lll.lf WATIOKAI. TK'KET. v.l M KlNLEY. .. ThKiiIm'li-. .. :vi i it 11 . tfl ni.lt 'AM RATI Tit AiidJ r Gen'l E. B. Harde .rutin. meu at large G. A. lirow, lv. S. FOEKDEKEB. (l.l'l ltl.il t TICKET. Ho.V. Tiiai. M. Mahon. -v . ; Hon, Benj. K. Fociit. tax ,y Hon. a. M. Smith, i Inmotary Geo. M. shinou.. a.-i.Mi i iV Itecorder Jno. II. Willis. : ; Attorney M, I. Potter. . v 'ommissloner- E. E. Shambach. "If there is one who believes the "Gold Standard" i- n good thing, or thai it must be main- nl, I warn biro uol to cosl lii- villi' for nif, because T irim- ' .-in ii will not in-maintain-i 'i' 1 1 1 i country any longer inn rani able to gel rid of it." W!lDDLEBUROH MARKET. Bui er 18 I Wlieal 70 Egg? 15 I Bye 45 OoKf 50 I torn 46 iar. II i Oats ;..... 28 MARRIED. Sept. 22, :it the bride's Ii me near Oriental, Pa., by H. M Tmutniaii, Lawrence L. Kumber, of Bucks' Val ley, Perry Co., to Lucy Shaffer, of Oriental, I'm. DIED. September 20th, Blanche Plana Miller, daughter of Howard and Elizabeth Miller, of Lewlstown. She was bom Deo. -'ii, 898 at Elizabeth, vilK", 'n., ami laiii to rest. Saturday, thi- fillKT.ll wl vices wcreooil- H. i Suabl ducted ii ehui'i Ii teller The POST will lie sent from now , lifter election for l"i cents and till Ja 1, 1901, for 28 cents. This oiler is good only for new subscribers and la made for the campaign only. tf. fallow 4 Cbicl .mis 7 Tr, ya Bb mlder 8 a oiti Oats . .new... 'Jfi Bran per 100. 90 Middlings " 1.00 Chop 1.00 15 IFlourperbbl 4 00 1 1 irgan contest will close Dec. 15, 860, five o'clock P. M. CUT THIS OUT. s. lz i : . i soil Phta coiiDon entitles the holdflt ! to one vote for the handsome WEAVER P.HAPfl OR ft AN iikniui viini bra vnmi ,' X:iJe by the Weaver Orjran A Piano Co. a ixl. I ft.. Bill, nom I y r.n.niCKi"i,.iiiu. fV ;ri n Ha.)to lie kI veil to nome (.'hureh. in, ,ii or mniicBCDOoi in onyaer i by the IW, Mid illeburgli, I'a. I This wte isast for : Tbis coupon I not good Ave week. after ove nue ana will inen not ie couniea. 1 .tiT mail or brine to thin offlce and tpolld h ballot box. DEAPHESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications ns they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Tiler-, is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness ii caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian tube. When the tube "cts inlliimed i you have a rumbling sound or im perfect neanug, ami wnen ins en tirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and the tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dol lars for anv caso of D.eafucss I caused by catarrL) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold bv all druggists, ""if. Hall's Family Pills are the best. How the Organ Contest Stands. The fifteenth count shows the re sult as follows : r. li. ( Ihurch, Fremont, Premium coupons, 151 Newspaper coupons. in 170 V. Evan, church, Peun's Creek : Newspaper coupons, i."c Total, TOTAL VOTE ( AST : Evan, church, P, ( 'reek, U. B. church, Fremont, jMieiiczer i . n. .-tiurcn, Trinity church, M'Kees Total, Falls, 326 TM.'!) 6598 mills 198 16,293 ni nioff. "Tie handed in hie resignation aa a bluff to make thejii raise his salary." "And did thsy raise it?" 'Tea. But another man's drawing tt." Chicago Tluiea-riernld. Tb Caator Oil Seaama. "I inppoae you think I'm built like a watoh, don't you, mamma?" "Why so, my boy V "Deoauae you think I need oil in the spring. " Tonkers Statesman. Tha PolBt of View. Biggs Figgs has the clearest head of any man I know. Digga That's right; there la abao hitaly nothing In it. Chicago Daily Wewa. The Gallant llnnaTh Rldrr Meeta the la.nr Squarely, and Many Denan- rrnta In the Kryiloae State Will Vote For Commercial Kxpaaatoa. (Sporlal Correspondence.) Harrlsl.urK. Sept. 25 Reports from different counties tn Pennsylvania, carefully gathered within the last few weeks, nl' "'"iw that the cry of "Imperi alism" Is having 119 effect upon Repub lican voters, and that many Democrats nre denouncing Bryan for his course on this issue, which haR leen encourag Ing the Insurgents in Luzon to continue their hostility toward the United States. I.eailinc politicians Identified with the state committee of the Democracy In Pennsylvania have been making wild boasts about the Democratic gains that are to be recorded at the coming election on aconnt of the policy of the McKinley administration regarding the Philippines. The president has put himself squarely on record on this is sue, ami in his recent letter of accept ance of the nomination for vice presi dent Col. Roosevelt was equally em phatic In expressing himself on this subject. His U tter contained one pass ace whiih presented Bryan's false "par amount" issue in a novel aspect, and maile valuable addition to the liter ature of the present campaign. ROOSEVLT TELLS THE STORY. Col, Roosevelt said: "Properly speaking, the question Is not whether we Rhall expand for we have already expanded but whether we shall contract. The Philippines are now part of Amer ican territory. To surrender them would be to surrender American territory." Bryan's position could not be more clearly explained nor more forcibly expressed in five times the space allot ted to him in these three sentences. Bryan is not an antl-lmperlallst, for no such tiling as Imperialism threatens the t'niteil States, and no American Is nn Imperialist. Bryan Is a contrac tlonlst; a contract ionist of American territory. If he has his way. Governor Roosevelt Is an antl-contractionlst. The governor's letter effectively sup plemented McKlnley's discussion of the Philippine policy with this straight forward proposition: "To turn over the Islands to Aguinal do and his followers would not be to give self government to the Islanders; under no circumstances .vouni tho jorlty thus gain self government. They would simply be put at the mercy of a syndicate f Chinese half breeds, un aei' whom corruption would flourish far more freely than ever It flourished under Tweed, while tyrannical oppres sion would obtain to a degree only possible under such an oligarchy." Mary Democrats throughout Penn sylvania and the Union at large have refused to follow Bryan In the present I canvass on account of his go-ca'' anti-imperla1lstle" campaign. 1 WANTS COMMERCIAL EXPANSION. A well known Democrat of this city, who, for years, was prominent in the 1 councils tf the Democracy of Pennsyl ! vanla, In commenting upon the Bryan . plan of campaign yesterday, said: For yeurs the Democratic party has been clamoring for a return of the old commercial prosperity; the prosperity which sent the clipper ships of the I'nlted States Into ev ery sea on the globe, but now that 1 an ideal opportunity Is offered whereby the long sought end may be attained the party turns its back squarely upon it. The Demo j cratlc party is in the position of Moses viewing the expanse of promised land and then dropping dead. As for Bryan, he Is simply addinir another chapter to his old time fallacy of 10 to L I believe In expansion for com mercial reasons. Trade with the east was the financial making of all the ancient nations, and it ac counts for the present prosperity of many modern ones. Columbus stumbled over this continent while searching for an easier route to the East Indies than the path then known, and since the time of Tyre the east has supplied the commer cial wealth of tho most prosperous nations of Europe. At first It was trade with India only and some of the adjacent islands. Later Japan and China became big factors, and now, when the United States s In a position to practically monopo lize, or If not that to control, a great part of the eastern' com merce, the Democratic party throws up its hands and protests. Consider the advantage which this country has over otheis. In the first place our Pacific coast la about 3,0U(I miles nearer to tw eastern trading center than any , the European nations. We have besides a half way station I n the Hawaiian islands, and in the Phil ippines what has rightly been termed the doorway of thfi east. Thus equipped, the United States Is second to no other countvy In its ability to carry on a successful trade with China and Jar.an." No patriotic and wide a' wake Amer ican should support Bryan. BRQSIOUS BROTHER A five Dollar Bill Will Work Wonders When Buying a Man's Suit or Over coat Twenty Different Patterns of Excellent Quality Round Cut Sack Suits Made Right and Guaranteed to Fit. OVERCOATS OF OXFORD MIXED AND LIGHT COVERTS Only 85.00 And See What a Two Dollar Bill Will Do. MMM,M'IIIHIII''H"I''M' A FOR Children's A'cs tee Suits and you should see them. TXT ANTK TV-Active man, of good character, to ' deliver and collect, In Pennsylvania, (or an old cfltablinlied mauuaacturlng wholesale lionse. tVOO a year, sure pay. Honesty, more tmk experience, required. Our reference, any natha In the city. Bneloat a self addressed and nbaped envelope. Manufacturers, Third Floor SMlWborn Street Chicago. S-1S-1M Buchanan, Mich., May 22. Genessee Pure Food Go., Le Boy, N. Y. Gentlemen :-Mt marilma has boon a great coffee drinke rand has found it very injurious. Having used several packages of your GBAIN-O, the drink tha t takes the place of coffee, she foun i it much better for herself and for us children to drink. She has (rive n np coffee drinking entirely. We uni pack age every week, I am 'tat 1 yam old. Respectful!' yonrs, TaJmi WOUaXB. The kind that makes the boy as proud of his appearance as any man O fii 1,1 liit 0 VU alelU 'V. 1 o All now and cveiy suit worth a dollar more. IT" I V aV 1 $2 rvt A rv 1 -1 am ia -JL V U II Mj 1T1 spent in our line o Every suit will answer the purpose of two or three cheaper ones. Color wi'l always he right and will ceiiainlv give elegant service. BROSiOUS BROS., TEALLY THE MUST RELIABLE ft www ???????? wwwv CLOTHING HOUSE - SUNBURY OUR FALL and WINTER OPENING Will Take Place on October ist With the Largest Line of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods in Snyder County at Astonishingly Low prices We liyyile You to Zotqq n;t7d Sec Our Stock Wljctljcr You Buy or Sot. The Following are a Few Wonders in Our Clothing Line. Note Prices; A Good Men's All-Wool Suit for $4.95. Well made, j;oiil liniiij heavy weight. Fine DressSuita in Worsted or Clay at 7." You will pay SliU'" all over lor the same suit. A Fine All-Wool Men's Overcoat at $5.00. In different colors and weights. The Latest Kearsey Overcoats with cull's on sleeves at $7.50 Worth $10.00 to anyone. You can find with us the largest line ol dark and lilit overcoats for men and boys to be found in this county. Good Hoys' Suits for $100 All-Wool Hoys' Suits for $1.50 With Vests or without, the nobbiest you J ever saw for lfjO and uj. We have a full line of Boys' Reefers from $.2.00 and up. Dark and liglit collars. Men's Pants Good Working Pants at All-Wool Mens' Pants, I ine Dress Pants, 66b $1.50 from $2.")0 iip- Men's Underwear. Extra Heavy Fleece-Lined Shirts or Drawers, at 38c or 7fl a suit. This is the biggest bargain you ever saw. ( !hildren's Underwear. Ladies' Underwear, Ladies' Hose, Children's " from 5c Up. 23o " " 10c " " 10c " Our Line of Gents' Furnishings Complete, Such as Hats, Caps, SHirts, Underwear, Hosieries, COLLARS AND CUFFS, Gloves, Neckwear, Trunks, Valises, SuitCases and Umbrellas. ES We invite you again to come and see our stock before you'buy your fall and winter clothing. Good Blankets, 60 Cents a Pair H- KATZ, Middleburg, Pa. Next Door to Court House.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers