The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 16, 1900, Image 4

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    The Middlebupgh Post.
Hnbllahed Kvarj Thursday.
F.dltor and Proprietor.
Ml .00 per vest If piii'l 1" advance.
MI.5U K-r y.ur if DOt pOld In advance.
Single Copies, Five Cents.
Atv. rilln atetaa, I cants per Imr, nore
Derail measurement, tor first insartlor. ana iu
cents pel line for . liMiilM-.U. iit ini-iiuiii-
Km let lit tin' l'"-f 1 m'iit M i.l.ll. tmrn. I'm., s
second fin mall niBitrr.
OFFICE.- Near the County Court House, be
tvfru tb First National Bank and lbs Oountjr
History. Established In 1844 astm
Union Demokrat, at New Berlin, a er
man Whig paper. Changed name to
the lST in Olilisl Itcpublican
newBiMiier in tSnyder County.
Republican Standins Committee-
Adams C, F. Binsjaman. J. D. sipc.
Beaver A. W. Miiaaer, Calvin Dreese.
BeevSr W, Freds Uundrum. Thus Herbetar.
Centre Allan Hover, b. A. Btlne.
chapman- P. A. Troup, C. H. liodagrove.
Franklin M. I.. Walter, M. K. Bblender.
Jackson--. Harvey Mover, U. A. IJrouse.
Middleburg -Edwin Charles, Frank I!, it.
Mlddlecreelt John S, Melaer, 0 C.SIuok,
Monroe W. L Young, Peter Young
penn A. B. Smith, Oeo M. Wltmer.
Perry Irwin Hover, W . Smith,
Parry W. T. it. OrayMII, C. S. Sprlggle.
Bellnsgrove J A. l.umbard.Oeo.A. Livingston.
Boring O. M. Smith, Jnlin N. Kelgel.
Union- Jacob Stahl, C. I). Boaar
Washington-rfohn M. Moyer, W. F. Rousn.
Jos. a. I.cmiubd, rthalrman.
Knwis Ciiari km, Secretary.
j, i mm, Iti ii. Treaaurer,
President Wm,
V. President -Thhohobk IIooseveiv
a .
Auditor Gen'l
I longre'smen at
K. it. Harden Bt'BQH.
large-(1, A. Irow,
Congress Hon. Thau.
Bbnatob Hon. Hkxj.
Assembly I Ion. A. M.
Prothouotary Iko. M.
K. l ' ' n r.
Register Iteeorder Jxo. H. WlI.MS.
District Attorney M. I. Potter.
Jury Commissioner -E. E. Hhamhai ii.
Thursday, August 1 , 1900.
A commercial aohieveiimii
better than Bryan theory
The Hon. Webster Davis denies
that he plagiarized oueof the speeches
of the late President Garfield. He
explains that lie merely neglected to
. .'em . ,. i
i .iii.i tin- quotation Marks.
Governor Roosevelt is to make
several Speeches in Kentucky. He
Will give the Democratic leaders of
thai .-tatc an exhibition ol straight
forward and manly political light
ing. The battleship Oregon will conic
home with a patch mi her hull.
This was the normal condition of
the American laborer's trousers dur
ing the late Democratic admiiistra
tion. The Texas Democrats are engaged
in a lively internal rumpus. The
"Boxer" element is bent upon mak
ing trouble, and intervention by
Chairman .Jones,' forces may 1h' ne
CCSSfl iv.
Chairman Jones' explanation of
his connection with the Round Hair
Trust is closely related tothe reason
of the Jersey tavern keeper who
ihanredthe late Hill Nye SI tor a
Owing to the failure ol the con
ventions to provide notification com
mittees the nominees of the minor
political organizations will be com
pel led to learn of tlie honors in a
roiiiiilalioiit manner.
Is it not rather for the Hon. Aldai
K. Stevenson to hecoine concerned
over the safety of the republic? It
will be recalled that, when a genuine
effort was made to destroy it, he
managed to exhibit a remarkable
amount of tranquillity.
The American cow lias felt the
effect of Republican good times.
Her value litis gone Up about Sid
since 1 S! 'a, from $21. . a head to
alxiut $31.60 a head. She has also
had to supply more milk, because of
the demand attendant on the filling
of the workingman's dinner pail.
The time is drawing near when
those who propose going away to
School will have to make a choice.
By consulting the advertising col
umns of this paper, the readers will
find a select list of schools in every
way worthy of support. There are
included ill the list female "olleges,
ladies' seminaries, military schools,
normal schools and business col leges.
Write to them for further information.
At the November election the
voters of PenwylvMiiawillbe tisketl
to ezpresi their opinion concerning
two proposed amendments to the
((institution of the commonwealth ol
Pennsylvania. The Pome publishes
tin; text bearing upon the proposed
An t'liort is going to be made in
this place to rain- a company to go
into the National Guards of Penn
sylvania. This is commendable
move and all able-bodied young men
slum Id join. A vacancy may occur
ill., o-nnrrl at anv tune and tlie
- it
I III l,t.. .rot
company snouiu ue "
and fill it
A man's liome natier is
. - i i
incrc to him than anv other because
it frives him more facts and
news, besides always working for
the best interests of the home com
munity. When you subscribe for
your home paper, and pay for it,
you increase the editor's ability to
work for the development of your
own community.
Every newspaper treasures up in
its memory the names ol its friends
and likewise its enemies. Itnever
overlooks an opportunity to assist
the former, but never goes out ol
the way to aid the latter. Human
nature is the same everywhere.
People who show a newspaper man
a kindness never make a better in
vestment nor one thai will more
snrelv repay them a hundredfold
sooner or later. As has been truly
gajd; "There occasionally comes
time in the life ol every man or wo
man when a word said by a news
paper makes or unmakes the indivi
dual mentioned."
All the historic precedents favor
the re-election of President Mc
Kinley, for no President has ever
run for a second term, with a united
parlv behind him, wild was not re
elected. The Presidents who have
held two terms were Washington,
J (tiers. ,n, Madison, Monroe, .lack
sou, Lincoln and Grant. These
were re-elected either by the whole
people, as iu the case of Washington
and Monroe, or by a undivided
party vote. The Presidents who
were defeated for a second term were
John Adams, John Quiucy Adams,
Martin Van Huren, Grover Cleve
land and Benjamin Harrison, and
in each case their defeat was due to
dissensions in their own party, and
they were not loyally supported.
The most recent instances, Harrison
and Cleveland, are within the me
mory of every one. The fanners'
quarrel with Blaine lot him many
votes, while Cleveland was defeated
in New York bv one of the Demo
cratic tactions. But there are no
divisions in the Republican party to
day, based on the spirit of faction
or enmity to MeKinlcy. The party
stands four square to the world,
representing an unbroken front in
every direction. The dissensions
are in the Democratic party, not the
Anv voting man or woman who
is a bona fide patron of this paper
may secure free instruction in Music
or Elocution.
The Ithaca Conservatory of Mu -
sic, with the desire to stimulate the
study of these arts, oilers fifty free
i .. i i x imn' .l
scholarships vaiueu ai iw ecn,
and good for the term of twenty
weeks beginning with the opening
of the school year, Bept. 13, 1900,
in any of the following departments:
Voice, Violin, Piano, Organ and
Elocution. These scholarships are
awarded upon competition which is
open to anyone desiring a musical or
literary education. Anyone wishing
to enter the competition or desiring
information, should write to Mr.
Ceo. C. Williams, the General Man
ager of the Ithaca Conservatory of
Music, Ithaca, N. Y., on or before
September 8, 1900.
There Is more Catarrh in this sec
tion of the MUntry than all other di-
Leases put together, and until the last
few yenrs was supposed to be incur
able r or B grcar many vears uoc-
and prescribe! local remedies and by
constantly failing to cure with local
treiitnient. nronounc(( it incurable.
, I if .. I , i ( i 1 I (liuuuua
v . . . cniocr , iiicnisivi-, in nue in unc Haavl rn i, a i i.''
Science has proven catarrh to be a I ,',,,,., ri p.'froin principal sta- rhe Practical 1? armor, one year,
constitutional disease, and therefore ,K.twcl. Kast LiU-r v and Hrvn and the Miildlehiirfr Post, one yrar,
re(iuires constitutional treatment. ' , x ... (Vntnil lil- -i l aim oil t
Ha'll-s Catarrh Cure, iMM 2 n &nlLXhJn& !" ad ,
by F. J. Clwney A Co Toledo, Ohio. gSu,,,.,. ,, on : iMuladelpbift and the above jiapers and the Practical
in-1 Farmer Year 1 Jock and Agricul
from 10 drops to a teaspoonfnl. Jt : oludmg Waterford. turaj Almanac for 1900, paid in
. . .a a. I l". ....... f ,,,, i i . 1 t , . t .an in I
acts directlv on tlie mood anuiuucous
... ,.r ,i,Q Tl,v -irr
case it fails to cure. Send for eircu-
n 1 1 1 l(al,r.'s ' ' I i un r rvv iu, v vui
lars and test i Js. Address, F.
C. Chknkt ,t Co., Toledo, O.
Sold bv Druggist", 75c.
HalPs Family Pills are the best
Picnics and Festivals, etc.
Wednbbday, Aua. 15. the First Lu
theran 8. s. of Bellnsgroyewlll pic
nic at ttelem.
Saturday, Auo. is, theEv. s. s. will
hold its annual pio-nic in Benfer's
grove near Krnt.crville.
Saturday, Auo. is, a festival and
cake-walk will ie held at Snook P.
)., Mifflin Co.
Saturday, Ado. in, a festival will i
bJd at Benfer P. ()., spring twp.
Saturday, August in, the Daniel's
Union Sunday School of West Per
ry Twp. will hold their harvest
home picnic in (Joker's woods near
Gordon's school house in Buck
wheat Vallev. Everybody is in-
vlted. Abie speakers and good
Saturday, Aug. 18, the 18th annual
choir convention will be held near
Saturday, Aua. 18, Hummel's U. B.
Sunday school will hold a festival
in (lie afternoon and evening in
Edward Hummel's grove for the
benefit of the school.
Monday, Auo 20 to 25, the Mt. Gretna
Partners' Exposition will be held
at Mt. Gretna, Lebanon Co., Pa.
Thubsday, Auo. :, the Susquehanna
Lutheran re-union will he held at
the Milton Park.
Friday, Aua. 24, the annual rc-
iiniiiii hi the Henoch taituly at
Kreamer, this county.
Saturday, Aua. 25, the Sunday
schools of I'nxtonvilleand the I las
singer's church will holds picnic
in the Red BrldgeGrove, two mile
west of Middleburg. Able speakers
will he present. All are cord ally
invited to at tend.
Saturday, Aua. 25, si..lohn.v m
day School will hold theif annual
picnic at Fremont.
Saturday, Auo, 25, the annual Law
yer's and Samuel's s. 8. pic-nic
will be held in Lawver's grove,'De-
Monday, Aua. v to Sept. I, the
Grangers' pic-nic will lie held at
Williams' Grove, Cumberland Co..
Thursday, Arc 80, the Trinity Lu
theran 8. 8. of Selinsgrove will
hold their annual pic-nic at Clem
ents' Park.
Thursday, Aid. 80, odd Fellows Re
unional Mifflinburg for Lodges of
Snyder, Union, Juniata and Mlf
tliu counties.
Saturday, Sept. 1, the four Sunday
schools of Troxelvillc will hold
their annual pic-nic.
Saturday, 8bpt. 1, the Witmer'sSun-
day school of Union township will
hold their annual pic-nic at Ver
dllla. There will he a hand and
c;i ii id speakers.
Saturday, Sept. 8, the U. B. Sunday
school of Ebenezer's church, Wash
ington township, will hold their
annual pic-nic.
Saturday, Sept. s, the Paradise s. s.
Mill hold its annual pic-nic iu
Paige's grove.
SATURDAY, Sept. 1, annual 8. s.
pic-nic iu Cold Spring Grove, Mc
Clure. Satckday, Skit. 15, annual G. A. R.
liean soup in Cold Spring Grove,
Saturday, Sept. US to 21, the annual
Encampment and Inter county
fair wilt be held at Orange Park,
Centre Hall, Pa.
NA farmers' exposition.
On account of the Farmers' Expo-
niii to be held at Mt Gretna, Pa.,
August it) tou'4, the Pennsylvania Kail
road Company w ill hcII round-trip tick
ets to Mt. Gretna and return at one
fare for tlie round trip, from principal
stations between Eaat Liberty and
Bryn Mawr; on the Northern Central
Railway between Stanley and Luther-
Ville, inclusive, and on the Philadel
phia and Erie Railroad Division east of
and including Waterford. Tickets will
be sold August 1H to 4, inclusive, ihhI
to return until August 27, inclusive.
For information In regard to train
service anil specific rates application
should be made to the ticket agents.
I Wy 31, by Rev. E F Sieger,
-n n.,n t niiipc
'Sk""'" both
' of McClure.
Aug. 0, by Rev. H. (i. Suable,
John 1 1. Miller and Carrie H, Keel
er, both of Freeburg.
During the civil war, as well as in
our late war with Spain, diarrhoea
was one of the most troublesome
diseases the army had to contend
with. In many instances it became
chronic and old soldiers still suffer
from it. Mr David Taylor, of Wind
Ridge, Greene Co., Pa., is one of
these. Reuses Chamberlain's Colic,
Choh ra and Diarrhoea Remedy and
Bays he never found anything that
would give him such quick relief. It
is for sale by all druggists.
- i m . . aaa
HXInrcMl BatM IJrnnajera' Picnlr ni
Williams' QraYS via Pennsylvania,
For the Twenty-seventh Annual In-
tcr-Statc Uriingc l'ienic Kxhibition, to
beheld Wilhiuus' (rove, Pa., Augusl
1.1 to September 1, tlie rennsylvania
I . I ...
Uai roail ( ompimv will sell excursion
! , . A , o- , tWmWr , j
, , , , , t , , n(j s ,1 1
. 5L
rm iuhh miu". ... .
' aorviee and soccllic rates annllcatlon
i - - I . . . f
should be made to ticket agents,
Subscribe for the Post and be
happy a whole year.
$1,25 for Nothing
Our presses have completed printing our
Catalogue ro. vv, 01 iipiinn
cu.ti 1.00 to print anil 2B cent J to
f.AT. usa IM wwmmw
mall. At nn eviuente oi aw"
tend 10 cents In stamps 10 imp
pay pojUk-. anil vcu may unimi
the.e 10 centi from your Urit
order of $1. It re-iuired 7 car
naner or this won
derful catal.iKue, which con
Is little
you can
tains 4HOpai;i-s,Mze
Inches, aqulvalaat 10 over
think of
that this
catalogue. We save you
1UUU pages ill ineoruinury
ook da
85 per cent. 10 o per
not contain.
cent, on everyining
exrentiiik; lo
you ouy at every
comotives and
ll, ats. W e even
reason of the year,
1 Ins hook quotes
atiote I.lve Anl
wholesale prices
nials. l-.verything
to consumers,
ana with it in
a m:in, woman or
hlld wears, all kinds
your posses
of food, everything
for the home, for the
sion you ouy
(lire. for a hotel, for use
than the
on a farm. In a harn, or for
every known, can
he found in this catalogue.
This Ntok contains over
0U0 illustrations and quotes.
nrires on over 10U.UUU dllfer-
ent articles, s.
LithocraBhed Carpet, Rua'aad
Drapery Catalogue, and our Clothing
Catalogue with large samples ai-
tarhtd. are also Free. Eipreatage paid
on Clothing ; Freight paid on Carpet
Which took thall :rt ' t AJJrtsi this way f,
Department 909. BALTIMORE. MD.
Reduced Rate, to the Seashore
LNNt i.ow-UiiK' Kxforalon to Mtanttf
CIIjti iiipc May, I'tc. ln Hennajrl"
vfanlrt Rallroml,
The Peuiwylvanin Railroad Company
will run the last low-rate ten-day ex
cunlon for the present s,.;is,in from
Wilcox. Trov. liellefonte, Williams-
j port, Mocauauua, Sunbury. Shenadoah,
1 rntmnill, iiiiu pi 1 1 11 1 1 : 1 iiii.-i iiiuuiuiv
gtationa, (iiieluillng Htntions on branch
roada), to Atlantic it-. Capo May,
Ocean City. Sea Isle City, Aval
Anglesen, Wildwood, or Holly Beach,
on Thursday, August 16, 1900.
Excursion tickets, good to return 1 y
regular trains within ten days, will be
sold at very rate-. Tickets to Atlantic
City will Ik? sold vln the Delaware
River Bridge Route, the only all-rail
line, in- via Market Street Wharf,
Stop over can be had at Philadelphia,
either going or returning, within limit
of ticket.
For Information in regard to specific
rates and time of trains consul) hand
liills, drapplv to agents, or K. S. Harr
ar, Division Ticket Agent, Williams
port, Pa.
Excellent Farm for Sale.
Wishing to quit farming, am of
fering at private sale a most excellent
farm containing 107 acres of rich farm,
ing land, N7 acres of which is clear and
in a good state of cultivation. The bal
ance is timber. On the land is a good
large bank bam, excellent dwelling
house, good size, all kinds f outbuild
ings In good repe'i Ks)he fne molas
ses factory, good DVVw Mling water
near the house and in tlie'tields for the
stock, excellent apple orchard, abun
dance of peaches, cherries, pears, and
all kinds of small fruit, such as black
and red raspberries, gnpes, currants,
plums, etc.
1 he property is locnteii convenient
to church, store and poatofflce along
the public road and is a very prom
inent farm. We raise excellent grain
and grass ; have good fences and a line
location for a fish dam within sight of
the house. The soil is good, deep and
rich, no stones to bother with, nooitch
ing necessary, no slate and we have an
easy road to the river. We will also
self 20 acres which will make a small
farm for some one who does not care
for much laud.
This 'arm was twice sold for",IKHl
and is now offered at the very low rate
of $2900. If it were not for the fact
that I wish to discontinue farming, the
farm would not be offered at so low a
figure. A clear title can lie given.
7-1 9-8 m. Pallas, Snyder Co., Pa.
We give below some clubbing
combinations with the POST, The
rates quoted are very low.
The Farm Journal, monthly, for
almost five years and the Middleburg
Post one year, paid in advance, $1,00
The Farm Journal i one of tlm liest
KKriciiltiirMl iau'rs publlihad. It oon
tuitia from si to in pairc aaoti monto
anil treats of every aubject of interest to
the farmer, laborer ami working man.
The New York Tri-Weekly Tri
bune and the Middleburg Post, one
year, paid in advance, only $175.
The Tri-Weekly in published Monday.
WedMldfty ami r riday, MMbfffl u Inrf?;
atroportion of MbMrlbtn on date ol
WMttf, WtA eft- li edition is h llMHOCIghljr
up-to-dute daily family newMpnper fur
1)Uhv people.
The New York Weekly Tribune
and the Middleburg Poor, one year,
paid in advance, only $1.25
Tlie Wtekly Tribune in publinlied on
Thurwlny, and flTM all important new
of nation and world, the mtxt reliable
market report, unexcelled aktrictiltural
deHtrtmeiit, reliiable k- in forma
tion and ehoiee ami entertainints' mi
eellany. It i the pMpltf jtaper" for
the entire I'nited HUtei, a national fain
ily pater for farmer und villairert
The New York Tri-Weekly World
I aB( the Middlelmre; Post, one year,
j ... , i i ck
j Miu i" au uiiie, uui; ?i.ou
The Trl-Wiekly World cuniot tlirr-e
times n week, is lllleil with the latest
new. of the country i,nil is well worth
the price oske.1 for it.
advance on v SI Bo
, a,l',mr ""v TH
The Practical Farmer la one of the. beat
farm paiiera puhlinhtHl, iaaueil weekly,
nt 11.00 year. The year book contains
600 page In which there is a funil of in
formation that la useful to tbe farmer.
The price of this book alone la SO cents.
You set the Post, tbe Practical Farmer
and toe Tear book for only I1.SS
rrr. m
r I r (I if
1 i rwiM
i AW
(f'l HIU
Reed Rockers,
Couches, - -
Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and up.
A ort mr TiTrrm nm cittwtitttiW T I
Frank S. Riegle,
rrtii.;deburg, Pa.
Inquire for . .
Prices and Terms.
The New-York Tribune
upto date, "J ' r 1 r UrtmhWjl " 1 1 1
ciples, will contain the most reliable
including discussions, coirespondenco and speeches of the ablest poliic
leaders, brilliant editorials, reports from all sections of the land shuivia
progress of thework. etc. etc.. and will commend itself to the farm
perusiil ot every ihoughttul, intelligent voters who ha tuH true iniitresj
ot uis country at heart.
New York
Pnblllhd Momlay, Wednen
ditv tind Kridav it in renlttv a
Tfi WPPtrlV "ne- ' reb, every-other-day
1 1 1" It Lliliy Oaily, riving the Intent news on
TrihlinO dayn of Imim, ami enveritiK iicwh
UlUUilu of (he other three. It contains
all important foreign war and
oitlAT cable new wblOb appears in THE DAILY
TRIBUNBof same date, nNo Domeftto and
Koreinn CorrcHpondenee. Short Storiew, Kleifant
Half tone lllimtratioiifl, Humorous Itcmn, In
duntrial information, Fashion NoWr, Agnetll
tural Matters and Comprehensive and Keliahle
Financial and Market reports.
Keifular nubHcriptiou price, 91. "tO er year.
We fumi-di it with the POM for $1.75 er year.
Send all orders to the
A Suaiarstlaa.
That Nature gives hints to bar children IB
Thla fact In your hat you may paste;
Let summer ajtrls go where an arm of the
Forever encircles a waste.
"In my opinion," he said, "wotnm
ought to remove their hats la church
the same a they rlo in theaters.."
"How," ahe aRked, "do you know
that they don't?"
It was at this time that the wild,
hunted look got into his eyes, Chi
cago Tlines-nermld.
Equal to the Orrailos.
Mias Jones Professor, do yon dare
to look me in the face and say (hat I
originally sprang from a monkey?
Professor (a little taken aback, but
equal to the occasion) Well, really, it
must have h.-en every charming mon
key --Tit-nits.
Very Likely.
Mother Who is that young fellow
who la calling on you now?
Daughter I thiuk he intends to be
a minister. He suid he wanted to take
Mother nuhl I guess he's looking
for s Job as waiter. N. Y. Weekly.
Piano Manufacturer (hotly) Why
didn't you show off that piano. Instead
of making such horrible noise on it?
Salesman (apologetically) Those
ladles live next door to me, and I was
afraid they'd bny. N. V. Weekly.
The Dear Thins.
"How do yon like my engagement
ring, Laura?"
"It im beautiful, Julio. bcautlfuL
Honestly, it sparkles ao that I couldn't
tell it from a real diamond." Chicago
Tb Other Kind.
Mrs. Crimsonbeak The woman next
door has the ague.
Mr. Crimsonbeak The dumb ague?
"No, It can't be that, for she was
speaking to me for an bonr this morn
lag." Yonkera Steenus...
m i Kiois
That bo never did knov
just how to buy furniture until
lie found himself in our store.
Anil vnti will noerrof, fhn li:ir.
J n a v a a a a at a i st v aa
lilajf .f VA11 ll'11i. ti iiiV
' t I I I 1 ft VsOll At "U I 1 1 V IH'l M II MM
sported our Hue of fuvniture,88
wliiob is the most complete iu54
tbe city. We name you few53
of our bargains:
$1.25 and up.
$4.50 and up.
1 1 1 i fl d prwrtrf-v"li-
news of
New M
l'uhliHhed on ThUVttby
known fir nearly nixty I
every iart of the l'nitei
as a National Family N W
of the hitchest clans for urn
and villairerN, It coiiuj
t h e mon important p
going to pfttMi hat entertaining re;i - I
every memberof the fntnily, old IOC 7
Market Heportn which are OOBMM tMw
by farmern and country merchants,
clean, up to date, intercuting, and instrii1
Keular subscription price, $1.0) per
We famish it with the PotTfoi $1.26 p.
"Post", Middleburgh.
Public Sales
Hotlces of sales will be Inserted freei
heading when thehllls are printed at Hi
wnsn ue duis ore not printed at, tins.
cents will lie charged. Persons expe'
nae sine snniiiii seieei a auie ana nave I
ed In this column.
SATURDAY, Aid. is, In Chapman t'
Augustus stroiih and Levi Pamer.
traturs uf Tobias Kainer, will sell 3 I
FP.1DAY. AI'O. 3!. at the court boose
dletiurgli (. U ltnw, sheriff, will
estate of Peter Sechrist In t'nion ta
Tl'KHliA Y. SKIT. 11, three miles west '
aervllle. Harrison Miller, ndministi
T. A., will will sell m r. uf the.
Samuel fj, Miller.
FltlDAY. SKPT. 14. at Port Ann. Adam'
ship, Benlve VtBlter. admlnistrs"!
John Shawver, will sell two trai l.
estate, includinu; the distillery pru)
HATI KDAY. SKIT. near Palln-
Swartz, eiecutor of David M. Nwartt
sell real estate.
Got What He Aaked For.
'Slr, .-on new l.iul.imr fr.r 14 TWlrS,
said the merchant to the youth'
high collar und noiby necktie,
can you do?"
"Oh, any old thing," repli"1
young man. "Of course, I don't eJ
the junior partnership at tic
but I want to be sure of an early'
"Very weLt," replied the nurcf
"I'll make you assistant janitor.
will rise at four o'clock every tr.on
nnrl aween the floors." tt
Ilia Ambition Crashed.
Weary Wragfiles Why so saii.
Lonesome Sumy Dis paper
man WOt's born in a foreign rl1"
can't never be president of dv II
"Well, what of it?"
"Dat wiiz de one iob I've allu'l
lookin' for'ard ter!" X. Y. World-
Trie Perpetaal Froa-ramm'-l
The man of on Inventive mind
His tireless brain will rack,
A covering for ships to And
Imnnrvtnii. to uU
And when success seems Just 10
Some other Kenius, great.
Produces a projectile new
To smash hl.t armor plate.
Washington Star.
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