The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 09, 1900, Image 1

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    ) 3
"7 ZZ- I
3SF1ilY. l. ;MH l:., . i,r.r-' III. S ..S H tr.
I J Dmnnntor.
liOllor ivuu
A Week's News Dished up in
5mall Quantities-Visitors In
Town During the Past
WeekOther News
of Interest.
Next it will be "Malcolm kirk.
H. It. Riegel came home from
Lewistown Saturday.
Gordon Klioger has Ik-cm engaged
l.v A. E. 8ol as his assistant bar
ber. Mrs. Catherine Spaid and daugh
ter, Lillian, were away on a visit to
Win. Fi Blee and Ammon D.
Long, o Troxelville, were i Ms
place Friday.
George B. M. Arnold, ol Milroy,
was at Middleburg
between trams
Friday morning.
.Toseoh Clelan. who is employed
at Lewistown, spent Sunday with
his family in this place.
Dr. I. Ci. Barber and family of
Dimville are visiting Miss Amanda
IVittenmyer in Franklin.
I A. C. Smith, one of the K reamer
ihrchants, was at the county seat
TTlie Selinsgrove base ball team
cit)ie to this place last Saturday to
liy a game wiui our nome nam
RfrWueateJ- by a wv oi 1 1
Prof. Chas. H. Aibefi, fi 'lleiitk'l
of the faculty of the Bloomsburg
Normal school, came Bp from Se
linagrove to this place Saturday af
ternoon between trains.
Ambrose Auraad, of the Adams
burg Herald, was at Middleburgh
Saturday and made a call at this of
fice. "Malcolm Kirk" is another of
ChaS. M. Sheldon's stories, which
will shortly appear in the Post.
We have bought the exclusive right
tu this story in Snyder county.
Prof. T. A. Edwards, the cultur
ed principal of Bucknell Academy,
Lewisburg, Pa., was at the Snyder
county capitol. While in town the
gentleman made a social -al ! at this
Lutheran Sunday school
1 A
room, prim
iarv room ami pa.-ior .-
Study in the Lutheran church has
been plasticoed and decorated with
artistic borders, making a neat and
attractive aimcarance. A. J. ( !ross-
grove, Chas. Bufiington and Herbert
Sham bacli did the work.
Don't borrow this paper. Sub
Mtibe for it and help a good thing
long, and at the same time save
ycur neighbor the inconvenience
that the borrower always causes, even
if it is "no trouble at all." News
paiier borrowers are always more of
a nuisance than any other kind.
The Franklin township school
hoard Monday elected teachers for
the coming school year as follows:
Franklin Grammar, Jerome Frdley;
Primary, Eva Rothrock: Paxton-
ville Grammar, Win. F. Howell;
Primary, Win. 11 Zimmerman;
Meyer's, Maud Gift; Hassinger's,
Louisa Walter; Gift's, Hoyt Gray
hill; Erdley's, C. C. Heinibaeh; GU
hert's, John J. Bolender; Keunitig
crs', L. C. Baclunan.
The best school for students is
one of which the size is sufficient to
justify the erection of a large
"plant" and i the employment of
skilled, educated teachers. A large
school is the best school if the
classes are kept so small that the
teachers reach the individual student.
Such a school is the State Normal
School, Milleisville, Pa. At Mil
lersville there i a inspiration in
numbers, while the classes are never
allowed to become, too large.
F, F. Walter, of Schnee, was at
Middleburg Tuesday.
Miss Carrie Sampsell of Peons
creek is visiting .1. C. Schooh's
Miss Hartman, of Millheim, last
week was the guest of Miss Manic
Mrs. J. L. ttunkle of Philadel
phia is visiting the Uunklc brothers
at this place.
M. E. Erdley, of Middlecreek
township, was at the county scat
Tuesday morning.
Win. Mease, one of Penn town
ship's progressive citizens, was at
this place Saturday.
The jury (or the October term of
court was drawn Saturday by the
jury commissioners.
Amos BowersoX, who is farming
for Geo. M. Shindel, had the mis
fortune of breaking a rib.
Mrs. .1. Ii. G. Allison and Miss
Vernu Geise, of Northumberland,
are visiting .lames Uunklc and wife.
Allen S. Sechrist, f Dundore,
one of the active republicans of Un
ion township, was ai the county scat
Money to Loan, 4500 to
000 at o per cent on good security.
L. M., Box 28, Swineford, Pa.
Last week Geo. C. Wagene!lef
sold the old Schoch mill site in
Mow township to' the Kratzerville
Milling Co.
Win. H. Shindel Tinwlay attend
ed a picnic at Schooh's mill, Mon
roe township, in company with some
SclinsgroVc friends.
Miss Fattnte Bowersox, of Stw
bury WPS called Jo town owing to
the illness ami deal'?' her sister,
Mrs. A. L. Spangler.
Mrs. Maloney and daughter, Eva,
of Camden, N. J., who had been
spending a month here, returned to
their home last week.
I). A. Lahr and .1. B. Allen', of
Millerstown, drove through Middle
burg last Friday on their way from
Sunbury to" Lewistown. They paid
a pleasant call to this office.
Elias Miller, of Perry township,
one id" the fighters of Co. G, 117th
P. V. I., and his wife, were at the
county last week one day. They
have decided hereafter to read the
Miss Amey Moatz of Akron. .,
who has been visiting at Danville,
Pn. far th oast three weeks, has
- i
returned to Middleburg to complete
her visit, before returning t the
Buckeye State.
J. A. Gay ton, postal route clerk
on the Sunbury and Lewistown iail
wav. started on a fifleon-day vact
tiou trip Monday. He expects to
visit New York city and among
friends in Delaware.
The County Commissioners of
Juniata county have served notice
on Sherifl Stoner that they would
not pay for the keeping of any more
tramps committed to the jail by the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company
for illegal train riding.
Tbetonr weeks' term of the Coun
ty Normal closed a very successful
term last Friday. The following
named entered utter we published
our list two weeks ago : C. K.
Fisher, Salem; Wm. D. Jarrett, Se
linsgrove; Miss Anna Winey and F.
It. Yoder, of Evendalc.
Newspaper lalk, oncof the bright
est and best trade papers published
in Pennsylvania, says : "1 he Mid
dleburg, (Pa. Post does not let any
opportunity go that will in any way
add to its popularity. Its latest
stroke was the publishing of a list
of 148 persons living in Snyder
county who are over 70 years old,
giving name, age and date of birth."
Miss Delia Pawling, of Sclins
Grove, is visiting Mrs. G. Alfred
Schoch this week.
Editor (J. W. Bums and family
of State College spent Sunday with
Joseph Bowersox and wife ill town.
Lightning rod agents art' at work
around Easton. This is probably
the same gang that operated in Sny
der county.
Joseph Woods, Esq., one of Dew
isburg's able lawyers and a prom
inent politician, was in Middleburg
Monday morning.
The Arndl family having again
returned arc making another kiln of
brick for E S. Stroll b. They arc
expert brick makers.
Last week on" evening, Photo
grapher Engle took several pictures
of the bathers at "Long Swim Hole,"
Middlebunrh's Cotiey Island.
The Snyder county teachers' in
stitute will be held in this placedur
i i the week beginning Monday,
jr., I in M i.
than usual,
W. H. Weiidl, of S,
( iraybill, of Paxtonvilh
raud and . D. Boniig
were seen at the count
nice; rviti
.1. M. An-
t anient
Frank S. Iticgel, our Ir.istlii'g
sewing niacliiue agent and musical
instrument dealer, sold and deliver
ed three new Wheeler & WiLon
sewing machine,-' in this pluoe Satur
day afternoon.
Rev. C. C. Miller rf A llciitown,
Ps,f haa accepted a call IrolM the
Freeburg Lutheran Parish, and
will preach at Freeburg Saturday
evening, Aug. II, and at (Jrubb's
and Schnee'a oil Sunday, Aug. 12,
Caiid oi' Thankh-I wish to
take this way of extending my
thanks to the many kind friends
and neighbors for the kindness and
assistance shown u- during the ill -
n ess, death ami funeral of my wile.
A. D.
During the thirteen years of Dr.
E. O. Lyte'a principalship of the
Milhrsvillc State Normal School,
no student iif'this school has heen
rejected by the State Board of Ex
aminers. This is a record of which
any school may be justly proud.
Prof. A. A. Killian and family
moved to VVatsontown Tuesday "I
this week. The Professor has been
at the head of the public schools oi
this borough lor (he past year and
leaves a very successful record be
hind him. He will take charge of
the VVatsontown Beimels next month.
Last week a man n lined Pascal
Elabeaux, of JeneattCj Pa., was
found dead lying on the railroad
track near Georgetown. It was at
Srst thought he was killed by 0
taain, but later developments show
that he had S17" on his person the
dav before, which leads to the sus
picion that he was foully murdered
for his money.
Tuesday evening of last week as
D. Norman App, of Monroe town
ship, was taking a match team val
ued at StillO across the river at Mia-
mokin Dam they became frightened
and jumped from the flat into the
The one horse was rescued
but the other one was drowned. Mr.
App had just sold the team and was
taking them to Sunbury to ship to
George Stegmaier at Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. E. K. L. Jones, formerly op
erator at the Union station, this city,
but later operator at Lewistown,
recently made applications to join
the United States infantry at the
recruiting station in this city. He
passed the examination as operator
and will be sent to Fort Myer, Vir
ginia, and from there to the 1 hiup
pines. Mr. Jones was operator in
this city from 1895 until 1898, and
is well known and regarded as a
very efficient operator. Harridnirg
Star Independent.
Queer Doings and Expres
sions of Some Persons.
Persons occasionally will do some teachers having a professional certi
queerthings and make queer re- ficate are entitled to the degree of
quests. We give instances below Professors." The immediate harvest
from a recent issue "I the Centre was about forty "professors."
Hull Reporter'. few moke.
In the days of the old copper
cents, when they were the size of
quarters, a devout church goer,
when the kliugleseckel was passed
around for the collection, by mistake,
dropped a quarter instead ol a cop-1
H'rceiit. We will call him Jones,
After serviets, having discovered
I the mistake, he applied to the dea
con for -1 cents change. Alter
that hi1 went by the name of Quarter
dollar Jones,
ago when willteri
Years ago when winters meant
more snows and drifts, a fellow
from Snyder county, knowing that
Joseph Gillllaud hid a dog that
suited hint better than his Snyder
county canine, tramped all the way
up In ( iillilauda near Vnlre Hill,
some 'J.'i miles, acconipauiil hy lus
bow-wow, to swap ih.'gs with Joe
Satur-'fWlilandj who was willing to gel
ri ! of his dog for any other, and the
swap was made. Next moruiugthe
fellow from Snyder county found
himself so hadlv snowbound that he
couldn't tramp I ie tor nigh a
week with his new dog. , That trip
for a trade, owing to the bliszard,
eosf the fellow $ 17.
A citizen livillu in the east end of
the valley, findlna that his cow was
assessed 110 hiuher than he thouirht
... .ii. .. .,iL....i i ndUi .. wl.
1 "-i
lefonte to atten) the appeals nnd
nave tne vaiuar-fon oi m- cow re
d need $ 10, which was granted by
the commissioners! Phased, he
I started horn
1 office, to tel
i ailed ,r the Reporter
US llOW la made 1H
that dav. He had not looked into
the problem deep enough to discover
that he had Ollly made ll cents es
on his tax by the $lu oil on the
valuation of his cow.
A lellow III tlWSC infills WIIOS4
habits were not of the sort to keep
his family away Irom hunger, made,
as he thought, one dav a rich strike
by disposing of some horse-radish,
realizing c I i
! like, he concluded to hav
his wife
and little ones for nine
high-living, ly investing
ginger-snaps at one of
i eiioy
pili' in
ie town
A former resident of Adamsburg,
Snyder county, told the Reporter ol
his exeperienoe with another, I i I j
boys harrowing with a horse given
to provoking tail-switching. The
lsys bethought themselves of a cure
for that sili. So taking a chestnut
burr, the tail of the animal was
raised, the burr placed thereunder,
and the switching apparatus at once
shut down. That horse got home
from the field without harrow,
harness, or bridle. Try it.
cool IN A PINCH.
In the good old days when our
farmers enjoyed teaming frolics tak-
ing (Tops to market at Lewisburg,
while a gang were in the Brush val
ley narrows, one of the teamsters
had occasion to stop to fix some
thing under the wagon; his one
hand was propped on the ground
near the wheel. A little jerk of the
team, and the wheel was on his
thumb, pinning him fast; under ex
cruciating pain he modestly called
the teamster lck of him: "Sog,
kum emol en weimitr hare. Un
wan du so gute sy wit, fore en wen
nig for."
About 35 years ago a district
teachers' convention was held in the
vuiag6 ot Loeausvilfe. It was a
genial and interesting gathering of
teachers. At the close the follow
ing resolution was unanimously
mifiswl .-I',. v.. I... ..I I ... t .,11 , I."
I "" "" . , - I , .1, 111
A lellow
to him for
little leak.
had a vessel klUM'kcd oil
! cents; finding it had a
ie waited a few hours to
settle and insisti
Ion the price.
devoted husband was
habit of walking "J I miles to a rela
tive for his horse and buggy to take
his wife on a viit, lit miles, to her
former home in the same locality.
Thus making a round trip afoot un
til he gol hi wife home again.
Away back wlu.n New Berlin was
a county seat, a denizen ol the
ridges went to town witha basket of
cherries for retail oil the street.
Beaching the court house with doors
open and court ill session, he entered
and halted in front ol the bench and
liar he wing Ollti "Wei CT kelshe
cauffa? "
A Progressive School.
c have jut received a copy of
the catalog ol the State Normal
School, at Bloomsburg, Pennsyl
vania. This school is recognized as
' u"1 i" tjw LT"'1"! States, dcu precludes his carrvingaiiy other
and, as proof of this fact, draws a ,m,il iniilter, The Washington post
patronage that extends from Maine Lffiee re 1st!;:,: (!u. niotitlilv con-
to California. In fact, we are in
formed several students from .Japan
and Porto Uicoj and probably from
Othei' foreign eutllllit'cfl, will he in
attenilan e duriiiL! th iniutf Kn.
This Indicates that tin
This liidicates that the school lias
an mterimtlolial reputatiirti,
ibis hitch stttndhia -- tin
of correct methods and thoro' teach
ing by college ami iniU'traity train
ed specialists. The results ol this
wise policy were seen at the recent
Commencement. About 200 Seniors
and 150 Juniors were presented t"
the Board of Kxaminers, everyone
of w hom passed a creditable exam
ination. Of the Seniors some (50
being high school graduates ol the
leading cities of this and other states,
added about one-half of the advuue-
i ei
I course to their regular course.
115 or 111 received honorable
mention on Commencement Day for
unusual excellence in practical
teaching, and a goodly number for
unusually high standing in scholar
ship. Such a record is one to !
proud of, and makes 41 fitting close
to the ceoliirv in the school's his
tory. The school maintains, hy charter
privilege, as a continuation of the
old Bloomsburg Literary Institute,
: 11 eec Ih ni Preparatory Collegiate
1 icpartineiil, ami a Music depart
ment, which has been recognized as
being equivalent to a good conser
vatory. Those who exiecl to attend school
this fall, even il they have chosen
their place of attendance, can learn
Irom the liloomshtirg catalog much
that will be nf advantage to them
wherever they may go; and if they
have not made a choice, they will do
well to remember that no school is
1 ,1 1 ,
as goon as me oesi.
Prices arc extremely low consid
erins the advantages offered. II
they were lower, we do not sec how
a faculty like the one found at
Bloomsburg could be maintained,
The faculty is the school. Let no
IkkIv be deceived by thinking that
excellence lies in carpets, furniture,
and such appliances which are often
strongly advertised to cover up oth
er weaknesses. The BloOfnsburg
school has all the conveniences that
lielong to a well-equipped school,
including a passenger elevator, but
her chief lioast is her faculty, her
methods and her graduates.
Results prove the excellence of a
school. We advise all young people
to study the facilities offered at
Bloomsburg before deciding to go
VOL. 37. NO. 31.
Jennie Spangler.
eiinie IJowerso.v. daiiirliter ,,i
Joseph Bowersox and wife, was horn
dune 13, 1850, marritnl September,
1880, to Amnion L. Spangler and
d'ed in this place Wetlnestluy, Aug
ust I, 1900, aged ,r)0 years, i month
nnd 13 days. The fi ral took
place Saturday.
A huslmnd, a son, Clemetit, four
brothers, John, Irvill, Levi and Alex
ander and three sisters, Mrs. ( J. W.
Burns, Fannie and Mary, together
with her lather and mother, survive
to mourn the loss.
For several years he has been
ailing and death came as a sweet re
lict to her torments. In health she
was a regular attendant at Sunday
school, church and other religious
gatherings. Peace to her ashes.
A Pobtman's Big Burden oi
A Washington postman has M.( n
made weary ol his job by the Ladies'
1 1'nne Journal, The reason i that
on the twcnty-liflh of each mouth
he it compelled to m ike a special
round over his roule tu deliver that
I magazine to subscribers, lie is nl
jltiost completely submerged b) Jour
! mils, their aggregate weig ht exceed
, inn liltv notuiils. Thi' lni!!.- line.
nmenl ol Journals to subscribers
in that city is 1 1 1
mil' publication ivtr
biggest hit of
at from our
( (j u, .v. yt
Si ,ew for
a smooth
eusVsiitive oi ii o-
late hair cut
1 a refreshing
aim iieau cieaiici w
, 1
sliuinp r iluudrull
removeil with
lus I , clean towel to each patron
in bank building one door cast ol
Post Olhcc; satisfaction guaranteed.
There be III) pl'Cllcllillg in the
I '. I'., church nuiil the 19th of Aug.
The pastor expects to attend the
ctimpiiiceting which is now in pro
gress at lOlizabethville.
L, ( '. Bowersox ol Shauiokin,
1' iiuuie IJowersox of Sunbury and
John L, Bowersox of llarrisburg
were in town Saturday to attend the
funeral of Mrs. A. L Spangler.
AXTEH : tue young man
from Snyder county, Pa., to prepare
for ila ming Railway Mail Ser
vice ivx'uminaiion. u e iiirmsn ev
erything, including books and maps.
Address, enclosing -tamp, Inter-
State ( 'olTC
ar Uapids,
pi in icnee
low a.
Institute, Vd-
1 lie tasi
the Middh
the I 1 1 i t
lie held at
iiunrterly conference of
inrg .Mi- ii 111, ( 'liurcli ol
I Irethren in 'hrisl , will
he ion's aopointuieiit
Monday, Aug. 20, at A. M.
The official members ol the various
appointments arc requested to be
present with lull reports in order i"
make a sell Icmeuf in lull for the
year. W. H. BoYEB, Pastor.
The Spring township school board
elected the following named teach
ers Tuesday evening: Grammar,
('has. Klosc; Intermediate, J. F.
Keller; Primary, -tie between Chas-
.Smith anil Mclla Koiuig; Lii'gles.
vacant; Ulsh's, Will. Kline; Mover's,
,1 o h n Smith; Fclkers, Clymer
Bomig; (Swing's, Ira Kline; Hack-
enburgB, ( 'has. Herbster.
Caution Notice.
Mv wife, I.i.zic Yerger, left my
bed and board without any cause
June 28, 1900, while 1 was away
from home with mv wagon, and
came to the house June :'(( while I
was away again from home and re
moved her household goods. 1 will
not be responsible tor any debts con
tracted by her and all persons are
cautioned not to harlwr her on my
accounti Ci C. l eboeb,
New Berlin, Pa. Aug. 4, 1900. 3t.