TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. A Coltedioii Mode Jrom all the Hurt ing Grouwh ti Snyder Count; for the Middlebnrgh "P V IiKAVKR TOWNSHIP. W'eiilnian, lx;vi I of Christian ami Catharine, b Aug 26, 1 85 1 , aged 6 m. Weidennan, Jennie, dOot 22, L880, aged 5 y 10 in. Wittenniyer, Samuel, l May 17, 180!);d Feb 28, 1868, aged 40 y 9 m 1 1 d. Wittenniyer, Sophia, w ol Samuel, h May 14, 1807; d June 14, lS('7,'aBl 60 y 1 m 3d. Wittenmyer, Emma E., dan of 8. NO USE Klingler, Aliee K., w of J. W., d April 16, 1S'.4, aged 3 v 8 m 12 d. Kocli, Annie, h Mar 24, lSlo; d Oct 3, 1886, aged 73y6m9d. Krebs, Sophia, w of Henry C, d July lit, 1895, aged :7 v 4 m 7 d". Knepp, Sophia, w of Peter, d Nov 10, 1891, god 61 y 8 in 2 d. indS., b Sept 28, I844jd CK t i Knepp, Peter, 1 Nov lit, 1808, aged 18,, aged 12 y 20 d. 69 y H m 16. Wejxel, John, b Feb 10, 1816; d : Klingler, Benjamin, d May 13, 1S04, , June '.), 1891, aged 7l! y :! in aged 62 y 1 1 d. 29 d. I Kemberling, Jacob, '1 Dec 7, 1895, 1 lietzel, Charles Sumnei I. A. and Emma, 1880; d Mar 13, 1889, aged 8 y in 7 d. Wtzel, Katie, dan of S. A. and Emma, d Aug l'.t, 1874, aged ' y 2 m 20 (I. Vetzel, Palmer K.', s ol S. A. nnd M. E., I) Nov 24, 1808; .1 Oct 13, 1890,aged21 y 10m L9 d. Sept 11, 1 70S; d Sept 1880, aged 82 y 7 d. Knepp, Henry, b Nov 2, 1799; d Nnv 7. 1 S7i until 7t! v B d. Knepp, Kate E., w of P, H., d Feb j J Jp QV I IVI 19, 1801, aged 43 y 7 m 9 d. J I I I VJ9 Knepp, Hornet Stephen, s of P. H.I I can't take olain cod-liver V and Kate. 1 Auflr 26. 1875: d I f nil IWtnr ilM Ivu it Ho f ' ' mmm mij, u. i I. lie . f (an 1 o n 1 - IT . . . .. . iuar mo, lOf u age,. , .... , , m,gM aj we fc,, mt q mc, ,. Knepp, Carrie EL, dan of P. H. and $ ard or buer anfJ fry to take Kate, i Nov 16, 1809; d May J them. It is too rich and 21,1 872, aged 2 y 6 ... 5 d. , , wj t lhc slornacL Bu! ; psct the stomach. V vou can take, milk nr rrstnri so you can take Scott's Emulsr , twin 8 ol I aged 77 y 3 m 12 i. Ii Srot 8. I Keniherlino ITiirriei. w f .Iacnh. r I i (I Nov 23, 1889, aged 67 y 8 in 19 d. Knepp, Bertho May, dan oi Mason' S. aud Dessie M., Ii June 17, 1898; ! Mar 29, L898, aged 2 1 in 1 2 d. Krebs, Moses, l Mur '., 1896, aged 72 v :i in 10 d. it is nite cream; but v feed and nourish when r. D.LI.. 1 ft TTIII HUl. UJiJIU Cl.lU II 2 dren will thrive and gn fat on it when it'.r on! .. food docs not nourish li. Persons have been Known !o , a pound a day when tskin ounce of S.-o';'i Emotion, it the digestive machinery in wot order so that the. ord urv foe . properly dialled and assimilated. IOC, Jn ! M. o, slldrOCH I.V SCOTT A I' ( nists' I . w V Jury Liist. Lint o( Grand Juroni drawn for the Court ol Oyer and Teruiiwr aim uvneral Jail deliver autl Court ol Quarter Nwluiuiul Hie peace dl Snyder count) liuld as let. Terra. flMnmnTtllM Monday, October X. lsiw. UKANDJl'KOlts. Name. Occupation. Rtftttsot llenier, Javes. ;..iiniri, spring lorjeli, .'. ! roal dealer. ItOorue IMeraer. John K . I.ahoier. Mld.llirreek Un-saler. I,evl. I ... i . .r .-1 . Moiinie Ktoher, UMgrd W,. Miller. Weal Heaver' liaiiKler. lunlfl. I.iIkpii-i, MOdrOe Jarreii, H. I'., Jubilee ol the IVaee. Selinrove ' Keler, William A.. Lauorer, iritue, .ioiiii, runtit-r, Klli)jler, Irnpfl. Teaeber, LkWMr, Solomon, KHrnu r. Mali beet, LeottaN J.. Karmer, MeHellan. Holn-rt, l.alHirer, Hi arlek. Jolm It., Karlui-r. Btinlnger, Uaurj U.,Carpenter, Khoart.-, Jacob, TIiimiiIUi, sbadtr, .lame!., Karuier. BbaliDun Kimer, I' r-r, Mholley, AUUDOfi. LklKMr, Muder, jolm .h.. Laborer, siabl. Illram s.. Iwilxirer, Htrmip, Beotofl p., Merohaot, si roup, Bamuel, QaDilenan, rbb, ii. UaMa, Marcoaat, Muldlecreek Juekwii .liiekaon WaMliliiKIno ' prlUK Spring , Heaver Kraiiklln Monroe IVrrv aprtni i I ' II ton I ill. r, : MTaahlaflOll Wablii)toii Ocoira West Heaver n.- ii, Silvester, a ol II. M. and Louisa J., b July 25, 18(5"; d Nov 15, 1897, aged :'. y 3 in 20 d. Unnngst, Esther, bJan 2i, 1813; d Tetzel, Jennie A., dauof J. and L., Mitchel, Mary .Ian of Edward PeD ' ia87 ' 1 d d Mar 16, 1886, aired 4 y9 in. and E.. bNov3(K 1860: d Auir Ulah, infant child of A. II. nn retzel. Lvdia Cdmi of J. 1. and l.s.'' need l." v 8 in :'. ( C. 15.', 1 Aug 30 1896, aged 58 v s in 2 1 8 v o in 22 d. 3, 1 S7 uged 15 y 8 m d. "" Mover. Aar.m, (1 April 7, 1897, uged Wagner, Man A., w of George l., 'I'tzel, infant of J. D. and ('. B., Mover, Cora 8., dan ol Aaron and 1898, 'ctz"l, Sallie li., w of L. E., b Mar 11, 1S74; d May 13, 1894, aged 20 y 2 m 2 d. mitmer, Jacob, d about 1887, aged alxiut 40 y. Verger, Joseph, d about 1S.S;!, iir,! 65 y. Sarah t., d Nov 27, 1874, aged 7 in 22 d. Mover, Lvdia, w ol .Michael, b Oct 13, 1799; d Spt 13, 1887, aged S7 y 1 I m 25 d. Manbeck, Carrie E., w of Nathan Ii., b Feb 13, 1871; d June 2(, 1894, aged 23 y 4 in 13 d. Yerger, Mrs. S., d 1880, aged about Mattern, Lizzie Lleyesta, dau of J. OO y. J. and Margaret Jane, d Jan 2, Terger, Jane, d 1881, aged about 1874, aged 6 y 11 in 2! d. 21 y. Mattirn, Margaret .bine, v oi J. J., Yerger, Harriet, dau of Joseph and d April 25, 1874, aged 62 jr. d iNov 11, lbb'.y, aged 10 Mattern, Caroline, w ol J. J.,dAug y o m 'b d. 29, 1 H!4, ainnl il v 8 m 22 d d Oct ii, 1891, aged 8 v 26 d. Wagner, Sarah E., dan ol Wm. ; and II., b Feb 28, 1878; .1 Do 13, 1818, aged D m 13 d. Wagner, Sarah A., dau of Reuben and Susan, d Mar 7, 1880, aged 8 y ." m 1 7 d. W alters, Jennie S., w of J. II.. .1 Feb 9, 1896, aged .":! 6 ra :; d. Wagner, John U., b Nov 1, 1828; d July 20, 1891, agid ii2 v 8 iu 19 d. Wagner, Sarah M., w of John (J., b June 28, 1881; d Mav 30, 1896, aged 64 v 11 m 2 d. Zartman, George, s of John and Maben, Harrv '1, s of G. S. and Vaguer, int of J. Miand M., d Jude, b April 1, 1834; d Aug Emma A., I. May 2!), 1875; d v lar ' 4, 1854, aged 20 y 4 m 4 d. Aug 28, 1876, aged 2 m29 d. YettpHenry,bAug2,;1831jd June Zerbe, Thomas E., of R ar.d B., 1 ' Martin, J. G., Co. (i, 6 Keg- i lS' ' "' 17 tl Mit. hel, Charles H., s of Edward ' oamuei w., a oi ooiomon and H. ster, ,1 Mar 25, 1894, '""-"h, ,1 Aug29,1892, aimd 29 y 2 ... 25 d. 27 J 11 m 1 l 12, 1888, aged 1(5 v 4 ni. Zechman, Ijevi J., g of Reuben and Eliza, b Sept 13, 187."; l Jan 23, 1897, aged 21 y 4 m 10 d. Zweier, infant dau of Rev. and Mrs. CSV, b May 9, 1868. No. of graves reported 840. aged Mitchel, Henry, d Dee 7, 1884, 82 y 6 ... 1 4 d. Ooker, Charles, E., a of J, and E., d Dec 24, 1887, aged9 y29 d. NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSION. west Beaver Township. I Sarah i-:., i j.,iy 5, isn-, .1 Bannerviixe Cejiktery, West l0 10 o, agea 1 y m oa. Beaver Township. No. oflnscrip- Ooker, Jonathan, d Feb 1!, 1SS2, d, vo. A, Low-RaU Vnrwllon Trl,.s t in PMtwqrb vanln Hnllrontl. Ootober it nr.' the .hit. of th' rettuiiii Inir KmmImJ. t i . 1 1 . . ... 1 m. 1... .1 - Ooker, Ellen J., dauof Jonathan and MMeoraloooNlaaaialli lr..m Phlladalobla iwi.iiiiiiiv, nuii . I.9U1I1KI..II. uihi uiit'riiie.iiai.' ions. 'eter, Hattie, dan of Jonathan, aged 10 y 9 111 4 d. 'eter, Katie, dau of Jonathan, aged 12 y 9 111. hellenberger, Enoch, b Mar 9, 1836; d Feb 23, 1894, aged 57 y 1 1 m 14 d. Bhive, Nettie, w oi Dr. S. I)., dMar j 15, 1892, oged 27 y 10 m 10 d. Hive, Peter 8., sol Dr.S.D.andN., it R ISflR .i.r.ul I v 1 f St. Paul's Ckmkteky. No. of bscnptions, 69. This is the total linier of inscriptions. Allbaker, Susannah, v of Berk- aged ;. y O in IV 46 Pa. nf. Reitz, Charlie, 8 of T. E. and M., d Dec 25, 187!', aged :! v 1 1 in 18 d. Riegle, Jane, dau ofD. and M. A., d Feb ti, 1887, aged 20 y 2 in 8 d. Riegle, Mary, w oi Daniel, b June 20, 1833; tl Sept 12, 1878, aged 4S y 2 in 22 d. Sohroyer, Mary Y., wot Henry, d b Nov 1S, 1828; d Jan 80, 1874, aged 45 y 2 m 11 d. Steely, Bnrafa J., v of William, Jan 20, 1897, aged 7" V 3 in polntM. KieurBlfin thketM, i.f.l f,,r return pnHMiii;. on any Nfular train, eseliwiva ..f limited eipreai train, uithlii ten .hiy. will lie nnl.l nt tin. IN) Ir.nn rhilmleliihiii. llHllimore. Wattalnaton, on., all Hint hi til.1 mliiware i-i.ui t M from Altantlc City; t."iil from IjnieiHter, K..Vl fr.iin Alt.iona ami Barriabow; Ui.'M) from Bunburi ami Wllkarbarra; t". ;.i from Wllllamaporti ami at iroHrti. inntL' raten from nther nuliitx A Ktuever will boallowadatBaffalo, RooOMter, t'aniwhiiKiia, ami V atkim. within the limit r lurnlog. A special train f I'ullmnn parlor ar anil day eoaoltai will he run with each axenriion. An ostraeliarga will he mada for parlor cor weatn. An asperlenead tiinrint aaont and onaparon will aoBompany oaah ajiaoriion. Ticket for a -i.l- trip to IbaTbooaand lilandi Uloaamlria Bay I will he nol.l from It.H'hent.'r loaonnaotlon with osooralon ol Boptatnbor 21, iwod to rotorn or to Oinadalyoa via via syra- COaa within Bra hiy, at the rat.' of $. Ml Tlekotl for a fl.1.' trip to Toronto will he lold tNiagara Falli for si BaaOptaoioar Hi Tiek. i I win IH' nol.l to 1 oronto (in.l li-lurn at ml DOM 1 r i.'h. arooont Toronto Pair. I t or pampnlOM Rinng full informaiion in.l . Iintelw, an.i lor tlm. f oonnoctlog Iralna, up 'III. ol .1 I'll -Be Slri'i't Matiotl. lillla.ll'lphill. ..ply t" near. 'ft ti.kt aui-nt. or .i.pli. Or... W l I B"yiI..MMiMtantt-n.'ral PaHoenirer Airi-nt. Ilroa.l ll tl. hard, l I Dee 1,1896, aged 74 .Steely, William, d Jan 20, 1897, I aged 7 v i in 2! d, Snirrlnmnwer. I FlahJ.. s of Israt'l ami E., i and 1 Sept 25, 1881. Spigletnoyer, Dessie M., dau of Israel ami E., tl Nov 21, 1H7"., aged 1 3 d. 1846; d v 4 in 2 d arr, intant s ot A. I . and V. d Nov is, 1884. Ifciifer, Elizabeth, v of Henry, b May lit, 1802; d Feb 2,1879, aged 77 y 4 in 13 d. itnier, nenrr, t. axat o. 18U4: tt Sin nil. JsjWtjnll l Mit- 1 S jane 4, 1087, agea ozy tf mi Mar SO, 1888. 2Utl- BtetniiMmr. Solomon. 1 Feb 20. Hecker, Curtiu M., S of T. P. and l s . airetl 71 v 1 m 15 d. M. d Feb 6, 1883, aged 2 y 6 Uhjh Minnie I)., dau of L H. and 4 M. ( '.. d Deo 2. 1S72. aire.1 2 1 1 I i i i , i ' ' o ifreker, Heulan tj. v., dan ot I . if. i v ;i , 14 .1 and M d Mar 29, 1885, aged Cathariae A j JDaollj m3f 1 'lod' awed 81 vH 111 10 d. &n&Q vof Andrew, d Mav 23, 1 886, aged 04 y D m 13 d. Dish, John T., s of H. C. and M. J., b July 17, 1881; d July 10, 1883. Ulsh, Elmer S., s of H. M. and Louisa J., b June 7, 1877j d Feb 10, 1877, aged 7 m 3 d. Ulsh, Jacob M., s of H. M. and Louisa J., b May 28, 1879; d Aug 4, 1879, aged 2 m 10 d. Ulsh, Minnie W., dau of H. and L., d Aug 31, 1881, aged 3 y 19 d. WANTED SALESMEN I'KTIT JVBORD. Into! Prill .luror.s ilniwn tor tha ttaM ..r e inn .'leas, c.nirt or quarter Sewlonn of the e.mri of o)ei an.i rermioer and uenaral .1.111 Delivery or siiyiier founiv, -i.. hehi an Octobar Ti rin. oommrnolDg October i. istt. N.lllie. OOfiQDUIon. I! wi, I. ...,' Utborer. Weal prn Sirlnk' Mi Hi 1 IK Pnnn I'ranklll. W nablniftun Cbapiimii 'em IV Mlddlelmrg Penn Monroe Bellowru . Hena Wrai I'nn I'ranklln Waabingioii Hphnii Jackson i'luimuii Itllddlpcnwk Hrllnagrove Prankim .1.1. 'I. -oil Weal Hoover u . si hearer C nil.' Jackrou Wil Beaver MellrjsgTovfl lackson MldUlei u , I rii. I i.i 1 1 I hi. .11 Jaekson Penn retire Sellnsrtove Union Penn HnHng I nlon Weal ivin I'nlon Waahliigton Penu rem re W ml Beaver Arbogaat, Henry, Partner, Arbogaki, an, Parmer, Bearer, James, Parmer, Hllger, w. Ilerrold, i 'arpeoter. Blck.e.jobit u.. Parmer, Bobner, William, Parmer, Uowt raox, mjpiiareo, Purtm r, Roweoox, iiai r , Uenlli inan Borer, w llllam II., Farmer, ' Bullcka, bamuel, Parmer, Conrad, A., Qentleman, coster, Henrj D , Parmer Derr, Tboinas P., Parmer. Diettieb James, Lumberman, Dreese, ubares, Clerk, Kwlns;, Jesse, Parmer, Ketu-rer, p anklin, Purmer, Prantz, iliiain, in teksmlth, Gerhart. Am Labor, r, Ool rnnu-: s lUitlel .1 . 1, kborcr Herman. Jucub. Patmer, Uelaer, Peter Parmer, Bassluff. r, Ken.ien, l..iinrer Howell, John l., Labun r, Kim.'. Prank t .. Lai i, Ki hu'ier, J, p., carpenter, Mattern, Isaae, Parmer, .Mel nil, li In P., I n r. Netzger, John i-., Parmer, Moj r, Bamuel, Uenl letnan. mil hell. William H., Parmer Nelir., Prank P.. Purmt r, ' i7, William, Merchant. Keichley, John, Blacksmltn, Rumor, John 8., Laborer, RUter, Prank, Mason, Robrbaoh, n trn-on a.. Moulder HbalTer, Robert M.. Lul r, Snyder, Jacob i;.. Laborer Brnitb, William 11 . Parmer, Btabl, Dvld n . Merchant, Btrawser, Jaoon z , Partner, Rtauffer, Blias, Laborer Bwarti, B, n . Patmer, Wagner, William, t 'arpentcr, waiter, Lewis, Parmer, Wleand, Isaac, Farmer, RIPAIVS TABULES: are intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con j fectionery. They may now be had (jut up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for one dollar. Any drucfcfist will get them v ' i t it you insist, and they mav always be t i . obtained by remitting the price to TheRipans Chemical aT" -. w-w r XT I . I . M Ami Blhhlfc v vv on in hi i i 1 1 kixu DIAMRHtEA A Prosaist viraiiiiit Krlllwr iimi Al. mm SIVOM up. Inn urn ll..,utl,i Bark to 1'i rlei I Health hy niiiuiirrliiin's t oll.-. m. era mill Mlnrrlio. it HftsnlT, From tlie Tim."., Hlllstillo, Pa. I suffered with diarrhoea for a Iouk time nut! UlOOgbt I wiih past beim; cured. I bud snnit n,n, l. i n,,,. autl money aud suffered so much miMery Miatl luul Blmoat dnrrirlAH t,, give up all liopt s of recovery and await the result, but, noticing the ai!- vertisenieut ot GhamtarlaJn'a Cnlie Cholera and Diarrlui ii Remedy and also some testanionialn HtatiuK how some wonderful ourt'H bad been wrought by this remedy, I decided to try it. After taking a few doses I was entirely well of that t rim i ii and I wish to say further to mv readers and fellow-sufferers that. I am a hale and hearty man to day and feel as well as I ever tlid in my life.-O. It. Mooitt. Bold by all Druggists. BOOKS PENNSYLVANIA KAILR0AD. Suubury & Lewistowu Division. In effect May '!, 180!.. WBOTWABD, STATIOVa I RASTWann j pit ami am rn 2M Banbury ta viol 2 111 1 0 T Sell imKrove .Inn. Hon 9 il D '."n j l'.i 10 it Baiinsgrore , ". in ii in 21 POwllui '..IM SOS I 231 lOST Kr. inner 90S rillll '.Ml 1097 Meiner '..III I i I 2in io:ci Mlddleburg K)i Ittl a i in I" 91 Bsnfer saa i M i I tSS I0M Roarertown nil 1 87 LI :ion -in 61 Adamsbura :) ISf(J 3n7 l"S7 llaiilm MilU H.a j', f :i IS n id MoOlora RSS I It UK! II in Wagner mis in.. , 118 ll ltf Bblndle s is iui! ISO 1121 Palntervllli m i St J I :i IS H ST Maillaud kim a l'i I I I IS llltt lwlstown TSS I IS 1 II 17 Lswurtown (Main Street.) 7 ii StSl I W II in lA'wiHtiiwn Jiini-lion. ".VI '' j A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, concise and Comprehensive Band Miiikiy Printed and Bcautiiully Illustrated. By Jacob higgle No. 1 BIOOLG HORSE HOOK All about Bancs- a Common-Sense Treatise with over 74 illustrations ; a ataadsrd work. Price so Cents No. 9 BIOOLB IHiRkY BOOK All about growing Small Fruits resd snd learn bow containa o color. .1 liii-.iiU reprotluctlotutol all leading; varieties and too otbei llluatrstlcms. Price, so Cents. No. 3 BtQQLB POULTRY IJOOK AllaNnit Poultry : the beat Poultry Book in existence t. lla everything : ithaj colored liic-likerepi o.ltiitioua ol ill the pi in. i, al breeds; . ith toj oilier illustnuiuua. PriCC, 50 Cents. No. 4-BI00LE COW BOOK All aliout Cowa ami the li.iii y llulrie havlriR n great wile; containa 8 colored life-like rcproductlooaofeacb lireei!, with iji other illutrntiocia. Price, ioteutu no. 5-UIUULH SWINE BOOK JilHtoiit. All ..l-.nt Hois-llreeiline;, ree.liiiR, nutih erjr, DiaeQ.iea, etc. Contains over So In-.-iutiiut hali louesaadoUter engravings, Price, 50 Cents. ThelllOflLi: I.OOK5 an- Unique.original.uaenil- von never saw anything lit.-.- them o tactical, so sensible, They nre baviug an enormous sale Basi West, North end s. nth. y.v, rv ono who keeps a llorae. Cow , Hog or Chicken, nr grvvs innll I rulta, ought to send 1 ivlit away inr tile lllUliLL UOOkb. The FARM JOURNAL IS your panrr, lna.le lor you and not n mifit. It i yeara old, it utile mat boiledlown, hit-the-nsil-on-the-besd, qnU-sRer-you-have-aaid-it, 1 ami Household nsne. in im worm ue btggerl panel .lits alsc In the United states ol America having over a million ami a lulfrcgular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL .sample oi FAKM JOUsuNA and circular describing BKK1LC BOOKS free. Address, PAKJI JOIKNAI. ""t'lSPm.rma WII.MKK ATKINSON CBASi K. JI.Nk.INS To H.ilieit or.l.TH for I noire ami Mao of Nnrm ry k. nia-niiy atiit lllu I'm. Stock Keulnrifl I'ree. If you ninnot work atewly, take a local agency. Secure territory at iiy writing 111 onOB 10 THE HAWK HURSDRY CO. Kuf-hrNlrr. Sr York. '.'-j:-:ih and E. T., bSept 29, 1877, d Mar 18, 1879, aged 1 y 5 ni 12 d. Flson, Mary, w of Samuel, d Oct 10, 1878, aged 30 y 19 d. HWter, Annie 8., dau of William and I Mary M., d Dec 30, 1889, aged 17 y 2 m 6 d. Krebs, infant child of H. C. and Sophia. Klineler. infant child of John O. and Annie. Knepp, Catharine, w of Henry, b i afaaj. rva. am r-f a as. 'va tntiM n m m m m m am. rn..Ub. Kt VIVU RESTORES VITAUH Made a Well Man of Me. n Trnvi JdiJtjy tna abora raasslts In N day. It acta ana. win powwfolUr snd quickly. Oarss whan aUotbsrs tut i will tosoror their reuthtal RET1 VO. Uqatoklysodsamri aaas. Lest TllsUtr. Hai tost Power. Falling Mssaery, all soVas of salfabaas or mobaaflts caw tor senary. I ilsiiiaesasrrtsgi It not oalrearss by starting at tb east of dlsasss. but Isaarsat aaaii tassiaasat ilsil bnllalsr. brbss tag bask lbs aaaskt Ww f pata snaabs and re storing tba wkjSSm fTwsrds off lassaltf Koaaba sa Sanaa MTlTfts. ta rest poakst. By suU. Royal Medicine COasfiSSTlT For sale by Middleburg Drug Co. irrmra i i in Tl PITEIT Bm. Uns Addrass, na patuit ticoao. nn niEii I air loTbsratoat Train learei Soilbnry 5 26 n m, ar- nvcH ut ner.iiHi;rovi 4. p m IVaiM leave Lawlatown Jonotlon i i tt a in, in 13 a in, i io n m.iao n iii .'i -:-2 ii iii. : ir 11 .-.Hpm, for Altoona, PlllBlniru an. I the Went. iiiiiiitu.ire aii'i Wio'l..imiuii 7 t' a in i c .' I :i3 in lOtpnt For I clelphlii iin.l Niw York (l:is v :a m. 1 in 1 :'.3 1 :13 and 11 16 n in l'"i narri.i'uru n i . a in aim jo ; ::i Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AM) NOHTIIKKN I'E.NTIIAI. KAIL WAY Train.1 leave Sunliury dally ex.'.'it Kunday : 1 2i a in fur Krie and t'linaiidutiriia 6 111 a in fur llcllelonte Krlsan.l I'linamlalvua 41 a in for lek Haven. Tyrone and t lie West. 1 10 p to tor Hsllstonls Ksae Tyro as snd Caaao dabru 5 4Ap in lot kennvnand Dnlrs V2.' i ra lor WllllarjiHpoit .Sunday ' 10 a in lor Krle ami CsnandSUjrnS uiffaiu for Ixick Haven and IMpgi foi V liamaporl 6 .VI a m, tt a m 2 00 and 5 4N p in lor Wi.i. harre and llazelton 7 (0 s in. in H m, 2 ie, , ni. II p in ltf kin and Mount Carinul Sunday tuna lor Wilke.barre Tralna leave Sellnigrove .Tunetion 10 (10 n in. week dtya arrivinir at Flillidelnlilii no.' u in New York I D in Kaltliunre 3 11 B in Wsatiington 4 10 mm M ! in usiiy arrivinv at flilla.lelilil 0 30 Ii in New York S .VI a m. Wall luiore iljinn WantilnKton in M p in lupn, wees uaya arnviiur at I'lilla.lelnlili. 4 sua m. New York 72S s ni. Ilaltiniore 2 mi n in Waaliington 4 Of) a m I ra'os alao isavr Sunlmry : 2 !17 a m dally arrirlnic at Hhitadeldhia Ma ni HsltlimireSSJ s in Waalilrgton Ts am New York w:u a in Weekday.. 10 ss a m Siinilarn, 110 im week dara arriving at Philadelphia 11 4H am. New York 2 in p in, Baltlmcre II 56 a m, Washington 1 00 p m. IH 11 in, week dsys arrlvlnir at Fhl!adelihla t gl pm. Nw York S nop m, Hsitlinors 00 u ra Waanlnglon 7 ISp m Trains also leave Sonhury at DM) am snd s 29 snd lps, lor Harrtsburg, Fhlladelphls snd Halt I mors 1. B. WOOD, tier.' I Paaa Agent i.B. HUTCHINSON Uaa'l Manavar. Nearly Fifty Ml Years I ! It'n a lmif,' life, but devotion to Hit; trueintereets and prosperity of the rimerican People Iioh won for it new frier da hh -"t lie yearn rolled ly ami tin' original members of its fam ily piisscil to tlieii icwiiid, un.l these admirers are loyoland steadfast to day, with faith in its lencliiiifis, ami confidence in the ihformation which it brings to tltt-ir Iiouiph iiml liix'-i-iilt'H. Ah a natural consequence it en joys in its old t;f all t lit- vitality mnl vigor of its youth, strengthened anil ripened by the experiences of over half a century. It has lived on its merits, and. on the cordial Bupport of progressive Americans. It is the "New York Weekly Tribune," acknowledged the country over as the. leading Nationol Family Newspaper, Recognizing its value to those wl.o desire all the news of the State and Nation, the publisher of THE POST, (your own favorite home pa per), has entered into au alliance with "Tno New York Weekly Tribune" which enables him to furnish both papers at the tritliiiK sum of $1,25 per year. Every farmer and every villages owes to himself, to hij family, and to the community in which he lives a cordial support of his local news paper' as it words constantly and untiringly for his interests in every wao brings to his home till the news and happenings of his neighbor hood, the doings of his irieuds, the condition and prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and, in fact, is a weekly visitor which should be found iu every wide-awake, progressive fomily. Just think of it ! Both these papers for only (1.2A a year. Send all subscriptions to "THE POST,'' Middleburg, Pa. r as. o. CROum, ATTORNKT AT LAW, MlDDLCBURS, PA. All business entrusted to his car will receive orompt attention: iL 1. Pottiegeis Veterinary sUroeoN, SILINSOROVI, PA. AU professional business entrusted to my oars will receive prompt and careful attention. Diamond fail Cement Is used for Pbuteriug Houses. It Is a new discvery Guaranteed to last longer than any other plaster. It is preferred to Adamant. For particulars tall on or address D.A.KERN KDDLEBUBVH.I1 vvaawt, tra. i mv i luvuvu ltnwMuai uivo zippuuauuu I Apr 7, 187S,Kid68y llwid.fW9h) j4ter, b June 10, 1796; J milium niiiiiiiiiiiif ToarlMtTonage Solicited.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers