mmm TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. -A Collection Made J mm a II Ike Bury ing Grounds in Snyder County for the Middleturgh Pot." ADAMS TOWKHUIP. Swartz, Maria, dan of Geo. and Maria, b Nov 29, 1825; d July 25, 1827, aged 1 y 7 m 27 d. Swartz, Wilhelm, d Deo 17, 1S36, aged 1 y 20 d. Swartz, Elisabeth, d May 16, 1847, aeed 40 y 11 m 18 d. Swartz, Joseph, a of Henry, b Oct 4, 1841; it Mar XV, i s, ageu 10 y 5 m 25 d. Shawver, Jacob, b Apr 15, 1802; d Nov 4, 187'A aged iv y o m 11 L Swartz, Charles E, d ug2G,lS80, aged 12 y4 in 18 d. Swartz, Clara A., d June 21, 1880, aged 15 y 1 m 22 d. Swartz, Adda J., 1) Apr 3, 1859; d d July 15, 1879, aged 19 y 3 m 12 d. Swartz, Matildt, w ol J. P. Harris- j on, I) Mar 10, 1834; d Jan 15, j 18S7, aged 52 y 10 m 5 d. Swartz, J. F. Harrison, b Oot I2,j 1.829; d Jan 1, 1876, aged 46 y 2 m 19 d. Swartz, Susanna, b May 9, lcvi.S, aged 1 m 5 d. Swartz, 8a rail E., dau of Harrison and Matilda, b May 4, 1856; d d Apr 12, 1858, aged 2 y 11 m 8 d. Swarlz, George, b Nov 13, 1795; d Fob 7, 1873, aged 77 y 2 in 24 d. Swartz, Maria Elizabeth, w of Geo., j I) Mar 11, 1800; d Mar 24, 1850, aired 56.V 13 d. Swartz, Eve, w of Daniel, b June 3, 1795; d July 13, 1875, aged 80 y 1 in 10 d. Swartz, Daniel, Nov 20, 1788; d d Aug 24, 1 852, aged 03 y 9 in 4 d Swartz, Daniel H., B f Eliaa and Christe, b Aug 28, 1811; .1 July 25, 1800, aged 18 y 10 m 28 days. Swartz, Jurilla, dan of Harrison and Matilda, d Nov 22, 1862, aged 9 m 8 d. Swartz, infant s of Eliaa and M. C, bJuly 1861. flumnts. John P.. BofE. 11. and M. C, d July 6, 1881, aged 1 y 4 in 18 d." Sanders, Sarah, w of John, b Mar 22, 1805; d Jan 27,1879, aged 73 y 10 in 5 d. Sohrnder, Maria E., dan of Jacob and Maria, b Jan 3, 1853; d Get 11, 1807, aged 14 y 9 m 7 d. Schrader, George P., s of Jacob and Maria, b Feb 17, 1858, d Dee 9, 1860J aged2y9 in 21 d. Shawver, Hannah, w of Jacob, b Dec 28, 1800; d Nov 9, 1877, aged 70 y 10 in lid. Shawver, Eve Anna, w of John, b Deo 20, 1841; d Sept 14, 1871, aged 32 y 8 in 19 d. Sutter, Jacob, b Mar 10, 1800; d Mar 21, 1804, aged 58 y 5 d. Sipe, Sarah, w of Simon, d May 29, 1890, aged 27 y 0 in 14 d. Bbreffler, Peter, d Apr 25, 1877, tged 02 y 4 in 10 d. Troxell, John M., b Dee 8, 1834; d June 15, 1880, aged 51 y 0 in 9 d. Troxel, Sabilla K., w of Isaac N., b Sept 28, 1848 d Mar 2, 1882, aged 33 y 6 m 14 d. Troxell, John Palmer, s of Isaac and Sabilla, d Apr It, tool, aged 7 y 3 ni 3 d. Troxell, Charles AllxTt, d Apr 11, - fa. I r mm 1 O I 1881, ageu oy i in 10 u. Troxell. Pessie VUlctta, d Sept 13, 18 ,tj, aged 2 in J ti. V' Troxell. Samuel, b Feb 22, 1824; d n . - -a rmmfx 1 r M m Sept 2S7, i IV, ageu do y i m 5d. Troxel, infant s of Samuel aud Su sanna, d Apr 12, 1866. Troxel, Christiana, d Jan 14,1858, aged 83 y. Troxel, Susanna, b May 20, 1802; d May 9, 1848, aged 45 y 11 m 20 d. Troxel, John, b July 28, 1800; d Apr 3, 1869, aged 68 v 8 ra 5d. Troxel, Samuel, b Feb 22, 1824; d Sept 27, 1879, aged 55 y 7 m 5 d. Troxel, Deesie M., dau of H. VV. and A. D., b Nov 16, 1877; m mmm m 1 fVSk 1 d Dec v, mil, aged zoo. Saved My Ufa. Dec 9, 1799; d Mar 11, 1869, aged 69 y 3 ni 2 d. Aigler, Homer Alfred, 9 of J. P. aud Ida, d Mar 16, 1889, aged 1 y 3 22 d. Aigler, Mary Susan, dau of J. R. and Ida, b April 27, 1889; d Jin IS, 1893, aged 3 y 8 m 21 d. Aigler, Noah Jacob, s of J. P. and Idaj b May 9, 1891; d Apr 2, JS93, aged 1 y 10 m 23 d. Aigler our infant halie, s of J. P. and Ida, d Feh 19, 1885. Aurand, Ida E., dau of Rev. S. and S. P., d Oct 19, 1872, aged 9 y 2 m 29 d. Pordner, infant dau of Dr. H. H. and J. O., b Jan 24, 1884. Boush, Amelia, w of Isaac, b Mar 25, 1842; d Dec 1, 1873, aged 31 y 8 m 0 d. and M. J., d Aug 24, 1861, aged 8 y 3 m 6 d. llenfer, Sarah liomig, w of Jacob, b Aug 2, 1803;d Jau 17, 1868, aged 64 y 5 in 5 d. Beufer, Jacob d Mar 29. 1898, aged 85 y. Beufer, Marv, w of Win., b Nov 3, 1827, d June 20, 1802, aged 34 y 7 ni-17 d. Bobb, Wilbelinioa, w of Peter, b Dec 5, 1789; d June 18, 1870, aged 81 y 6 in 13 d. Bobb, tana, b Jan 19, 1808; d Mar j 1 1, 1887, aged 79 y 1 in 22 d. j Boussuni, infant s Of J. W. and H. G., d June 2, 1873, aged 1 d. Bouah, D. Lincoln, s of D. aud L., d Apr 28, 1865, aged 18 d. Boush, Henry A., s.of'D. and L. b April 10, 1855; d Aug 29,! 1802, aged 7 y 4 in 9 d J Mr. P. W. Hebcbrand Pres. Ohio -aver, 'a w u dune Boush, S Minerva, dau of D.and L., Pipe Covering Co., Cleveland, Ohio, I 8 1888 "81 28 y 8 m 13 d. b Jan 10, 1858; d Sept 18, says: "I am satisfied Dr. Miles' Nerv- ; Beaver, Win,, b Mar 0, 1 819; d 1802, aged 1 y 9 in 2 d. d Feb 18, 1890, aged 70 v 11 m 12 d. ; Beaver, Ba villa, w of in., b Sept ine saved my life. I was a nervous wreck and unable to attend to my business. Doctors failed to benefit ma in4 I i.. i is 4t-s I r Mil...-' Mervine. It gave me prompt relief zZ ' , , ' ' and linally effected a complete cure. . bo y 0 in 3 d. I am in good health now and have Heaver, Anna A., dau of Frank and Ellen J., d June 21, 1896, aged 18 y 5 in 12 d. gained several pounds in flesh." Dr. !IiSssf WIVilW is sold by all itrupgists on cuarantce, first bottle benefits or money back. Hook on heart and nerves sent free. Or. Miles Modical Company, Elkhart, Ind. Beavea, Catharine, dau of John and Amanda, b May 11, 1848; d Sept 23, 1808, aged 20 v 1 m 12 d. Beaver, William, s of Michael and Amelia, b Aug 23, 1850; d Dec 2, I867j aged 1 7 v 1 in 11 d. Beaver, Jacob, b Jan 11, 1704; d Jan 25, 1867, aged 7:'. y 1 I d. Beaver, Mary M, w of Jacob, 1 July 31, 1796, aged 85 y 5 m 21 d. Troxel, infant s of H. W.and Alice. Wagner, Catharine, w of Henry, b Mar 20, 1832; d Apr 21, 1857, aged 25 y 1 in 1 d. Wrav, John V., Bof Henryaml Su- San.d July 2, 1858, aged 11 in 2 (1. Weaver. Samuel, 1) Anr 11, L813; dOet 31, 1880, aged 07 v 0 in Beaver, Ncr M., B of J. and M d 17 ,l. .Inly 20, 1859, aged ly 9ni '.It!. Weaver, Leah, w of Samuel, d Jan Beaver, Anna Alpha, dau of .1. W. 18, 1898, aged 88 V 7 v 12 d. and S. E., d June 25, 1889, Weaver, Rachael, w of Ceo.," I.. Dec I ' 6 m 2 .1. 8, 1875, d Jan 20, 1872, aged Baker, 0. Fern, b ol Dr I rn M. 76 v i i 12 d. nud Mary, dSepf 4,1891, aged Weaver, Ceo., I Jan 3 , 1792; d 3 m 27 d. Feb 17, 1846, aged 54 y 1 m Bingman, Adam Vernon, b of Win. H ' H. and Mary A., d Jan 5, 1887, Wiand, Anna E., dau of Mi-had ged 9 y 23 d. and Hannah. I iNov 2.), 18i9; , I'.ingainan, Wellington C.,H01 in Bilger, James F.'j'bfGeo. and Char lotte, d May 13, 1803, aged 2 y 8 in od. Bilger, Charles M., s of Geo. and Charlotte, d Sept 21, 1859, aged 2 y 1 in 5 d. There is more oatarrb in this sec tion ol tho country than all other diseases put together ami until the lust few years whs supposed to be incurable. For a great many yeara doctors pronounced it a local disease auil prescribed local remedies, and by constantly tailuiK to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in- curable. Science has proved catarrh to be a constisutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P, J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tlio only coi -stitutional cure ou the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di rectly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system, They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Seinl for circulars and testimonials, Address, F.J.CHENEY .V CO., Toledo, 0, Sold bv Druggists, 75c, Hall's Family fills are the best. &S35 RIPANS TABULES are intended for children, ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as con fectionery. They may now he had (put ! up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for in 1 ' ... !11 i i.1 one aoiiar. sny druggist win gci mc if you insist, and they may always he obtained by remitting the price to The Ripans Chemical A Ami ti n mm XStXmm d Aug 7, 1801, aged 1 v 8 DO 12 d. II. and Marv A., d Apr 187-1, aged 10 in 23 d. Wiand, infant child of Michael and Bingman, John F., 8 ol J. II. and Hannah.b. A 12, 1861$ d A , Ada, d Feb 16, 1882, aged 13, 1861,aged 1 d. " 19 d. Wiand, Anna, wofJohn, b Aug 4, Kingman, Hester S., sof W. and M.l 1810; d Apr 18, I860, aged Deo 31, 1874, aged 1 m 20 d. 58 y 8 ml d. I Bingmah, Florence II., dau of Win. Zeoliman, Lillie May, dau of John! II. and Mary A., i .Jau 20, F and Harriet, b July 4, 1876; ; 1897, aged it y 2 m 19 d. d Apr 1, 1S77, aged 8 m 27 d. i Bingman, (i. Frederick, s of F. and Zeohman, Amelia C, w of Simon, b M., d Mar 6j 1875, aged 17 y Sept 22, 1834; d Apr 11, 1871, 7 m 21 d. aged 36 y 0 m L9 d. Bingman, John, b Oct I I, 1772; d Zeohman, Simon, Corporal Co. F Aug 10, 1874, aged 8 y 0 m 46 Pa. Infantry. BEAVER TtlWNHHlB BEAVERTOWH 0 E M K T BUY 26 d. Bingman, Hannah, w of John, b Feb 7, 1702; d Mar 25, 1864, ageil 72 y 1 in 1 8 d. Graves, 340 reported ; 70 are with- Bingman, Rebecca, w of J. W., b out inscriptions ; many unknown. May 28, I837j d Apr 20, naported DjrW.F.Ftesa. 1072, aged o l y ll m 4 u. Aigler, Reuben, b Deo 14, 1818; d Bingman, Hannah Marv, dan of d Oct 10, 1893, aged 74 y 9 1 Isaac ami Susan, d Nov 21, in 26 d. 1872, aged 2 y 11 in 4 d. Aigler, Mary, w of Reuben, b Bingman, Hanna, w ol John F., b Jan 17, 1827; d May 7, 1898, Deo 7 1824; d Jan 1"), 1861, aged 71 y 4 m 10 d. aged 30 y 1 in 8 d. Aigler, infant dau of Jacob A. and Bingman, John F., d May 9, 1889, Mary t;., d May iw, iov, ageu , .,1 07 y, fnvate Co. J, 17 1 3 dayi lteg't. Pa, Vol. tnfuntry. Aigler, Noah, b Feb 22, 1828; 1 Bingman, Elisabeth, b Aug 28, Oct Z4, aged wy ft m 1806; d Bent 13, 1880, aged 84 y 16 d. Bingman, John, s of Isaac and Su san, d Sept 18, 1 802, aged 1 y 3 in 3 d. Bowersox, infant dau of A. II. and Ada, b June 22, 1875. Bowersox, Frederick, b July 29, 1813; d June 23, 1884, aged 70 y 10 m 20 d. Bowersox, Hanna, w ol Frederick, b Dec 10, 1815; d Feb 13, 1880, aged 70 y 1 m 27 d. Benfer, Daniel, b Oct 10, 1811; d June (5, 1893, aged 81 y 7 m 26 d. Bickel, Sarah I)., dau of Samuel and Mary, dMay 8, 1H80, aged 13 y 5 in 9 d. Beufer, Harriet V., dau of Wm. 2 d. Aigler, Susanna, w of Noah, b Sept 15, 1827; d Dec G, 181H, aged 64 y 2 in 21 d. Aigler, Calvin, s of Reuben and Mary, b Mar 3, 1840; d Sept G, 1853, aged 7 y6m3 L Aigler, Raubeo, s ol Noah and Su an, b Feb 15, 185S;d Sept 30, 1801, aged 3 y 7 y 14 d. Aigler, Simon, b May 24, 1783; d July 14, 1800, aged 77 y 1 m 21 d. Aigler, John Jacob, bSopt 20, 1789; d Feb 26, 1859, aged G9 y 5 m Gd. Aigler, lvsther, w of John J., b Dec 7, 1795; d Mar 26, 1872, aged 76 y 3 in 19 d. Aigler, Amanda L., dau of Noah and Susan, b Dec 3, 1847; d Feb 18, 1859, aged 11 y 4 m 15 d. Aigler, Lydia S., dau of Noah and Susanna, d Dec 24, 1872, aged 3 y 1 m 15 d. Aigler, Leah, b Apr 25, 1817; d Aug 5, 1872, aged 55 y 3 ni 10 d. Aigler, Christiana, w of Simon, b KIDNEY Is a deceptive diH Tnniin, cj c a s e thousands TROUBLE have it and don't know it. Jf vou want quick results ou cbu make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. Sample bot tles by mail frae, also pamphlet tell ing you how to find out if you have kidnev trouble. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. ( 'AIT. WlMilAM Astor ( Ihan I.Kit, Congressman from New York, is the president of The New York Star, which is giving away a FORTY DOLLAR BICYCLE daily, as offered by their advertise ment in another column. Hon. AmoB J. Cummings, M. ('., Col. Asa llinl Gardner, District Attorney of New York, ex-Governor Hogg of I Texas, and Col. Fred. Fcigl ol New York, are among the well known names in their Board of Directors. 7-13-6t. v Mother Trlla How sin- Moved Be i inn Dftuffhter'a Life. I am the mother of eight children and have bad a greal deal of experi ence with medicines, bast summer my htilo daughter bad the dysentery in it worst form. We thought she would die, I tried everything I could think of, hut nothing Beemedl to dc her any good, I saw by an ad- j vertisemenl in our paper that Cham-1 Deriain a uouc,unoiera ana uiarrncea Remedy was highly recommended and sent ainl got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very host meoieines we evei bad in the house. It saved my little daughter's life. 1 am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medicine it is. Had I known it at tirst it would 1 1 - A 3 1 f UOTO Miven iun meiu ueui Ol an-i xiety and nj.v little daughter a great deal of Buflenng. i ours truly, Mas. Geo. F. Bubdick, Diberty, K. I. For sale by all 1 IrUggiBtfl. BIQGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB BIGQLE No. 1 BIQGLE HORSE BOOK AH about Horses a Common SrnscTrrntUr, with over 74 illustrations ; u atatldard work. Met, 50 Ccuts. No. 2-BIOQLE BERRY BOOK Alltihout growing Smnll Fruits rrntl nnl Ifrtrn how ; contain! 43 colored life-like reproduction! ol nil leading varieties and it-J other illustrations. Price, 50 Ccuts, No. 3-B1G0LE POULTRY BOOK All atwut Poultry ; the best Poultry Hook In existence ; tcUscverythiiitf : wiOwj colored life like rt irolui'tioii9 of all the principal breeds; with 1. j uUitr illustrations, l'rice, 50 Ct nls. No. 4 BIQQLE COW BOOK ah niout Cows and the Dairy BuiioeM j having n Rrrnt hnie ; contains h colored life-like reproduction! f each breed, with 132 other illustrations. Trice, - c cutis. No. 5-BiaOLB SWINE BOOK just out. All about Hon Breeding, Feeding, Butch" cry, Dtoeajen, etc. Contaitm over Kt In autilul hulf- tonci and other engraving!. Price, 50 Cents. TbelUUOLn HOOKS nre unique ,orlgln!l,U!eful you nerer saw anything like them so practical , o aentible. They nre having an enormous sale Bait, West, North Bttd Bouth. Kvcry one who keeps n Horse, Cow, llo or Chicken, or flows Smnll Fruits , oukUI to bcuU 1 ;fht uway for the UIUULL bOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and riot a misfit. It N :i yenrs old; it is the greal boiled-down, Wt-the-ntlloii-the-head, (juit al'ter you-li.'ive-said it, 1 arm and Household PSpei ill the world the Invest paper of its size in the United States of America basing over u luilliouuudnhalf regular leaders. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL K YliARS (remainder of iS.kj lom, loot. loos and loos) Mill be sent by mail to any address for A IIOI.I.AK BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and Circular describing lUQOLE HOOKS tree. Address r WILMBl ATKINSON, t HAS. I . JU.NKINS. FAHJI JOl llNAI. I'lilLAUKLI'ltl A M mm Years Ola ! G. A Ft. ENCAMPMENT, PHIA. PHILADEL- Bcdaead atatea rln PeunaylrauJit riil. OnaMonntol tht Tblrty-tblrd Annual Bn eainpment of Hie l.rand Army of the Heilihlle, to be held at Phllitdelpnia on s pt bar I, 5. 6, 7. h, and 9, the Pennaylvanla Railroad Oom panf will sell BXOUI -ion llokaU from points on Its line tn Philadelphia at rate of single fare for the round trip, rxeept tint the fare from Now York ami Balttmora will be ttj from Newark. N. J.. 12 86; front Bliaabatn, M. J.( t'i 7"', and pvoporttonala rates from Insarmediats point-. Tickets will be sold on September 2, 8, I. and good to return until September 12, lueluslve: hut by depoaltlng ticket with joint agent at Pbiladelpnla on September 0.0, 7, 8, or u. and the , .vui. m of tlfty rents, return limit limy be extended to leptemberSO, Ineluaire. Sidk Tun's. Tickets for side trip- to Washington. Old Point Comlort. UettTSbnrg, Antietain, and Yir u i in. i battlefields will also he sold at greatly re duced rates. S-HMt. sin ni. ttmiMi aftrr rou bate 0ODOlade)d that you ought not to drink eoffee. It is not a medicine but doctors order it be cause it is healthful, inviporntiDg and appetizing. It is mude from pure grains and has that rich seal brown color and tastes liko the iinest grade of coffeo and costs about I as much. Children like it and thrive on it be cause it is tho genuine food drink containing nothing but nourishment. Ask your grocer for Grain-O, the new food drink. 1! and ii5c. It's a long life, bul devotion to (he true interests and prosperity of the American People h won for it Dewfriet ds as ''the vein s rolled by and the original members of its fam ily passed to their reward, and these admirers are loyol and steadfast to ilay, with faith in i!s teachings, and confidence in the ihformation which it brings to their homes and lire pides. Asa natural consequence it on jovs in it h old sge all the vitality and vigor of its youth, strengthened and ripened by the experiences of over half a century. It has lived on its merits, and on the cordial BUpport of progressive Americans. ., . , , , . It is the "New York Weekly Tribune, acknowledged the cotintrv over as the leading Nationol Family Newspaper. Recognizing its value to those wLo desire all the news of the Mate aud Nation, the publisher of THE POST, (your own favorite home pa per), has entered into an alliance with "Tne New York sekly Tribune which enables him to furnish both papers at the trifling sum of tl.26 , Every farmer and every villages owes to himself, to bis family, and to the community in which he lives a cordial rapport of his local news paper' as it words constantly and untiringly for his interests in every wao brings to his homo all the news and happenings of his neighbor hood, the doings of his friends, the condition and prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and, in fact, is a weekly vinitor which should bo found in every wido-awake, progressive fomily. Just think of it ! Both these papers for only 1.2A a year. Send all subscriptions to "THE POST, ' Middlcburg, Pa. Diamond Wall Cement i HffiW HATISKAU UJ.utllUlA V 00 ' l-Tl Is used for Plastering Houses. It is a new discvery Guaranteed to last longer tlnui anv other nlaster. It K. IS. Po"'iGgGlf, j itJ preferred to Adamant. . . - W VET2S t0,M' ! For particulars caU on or address JtSr"! D. A.KERN PpOWEIl Km. iLttaJi EVERT Vfg "fAR TWICE AW naANY OlPr'" TRY ITJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers