The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 17, 1899, Image 7

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    nimisii 1
What is Celery King?
Itlsnr herb drink, and ll a poaltlvecnra
for constipation headache, nervou disorder,
rheumatism kidney diseases, and the varl
cu troubles arising from a disordered atom
acb and torpid liver. It ! a most agreeable
medicine, and U recommended by physicians
generally Kemem ter, It eum constipation.
Celery King I" ""Id In 25c. and 50c package
b drugglHts and dealers. 1
Havo you tried the Catalogue system of buying
EVERYTHING you usr at Wholesale Prices? We
cansavo you 15 to 4-0 per cent on your purchases.
Wearo now erecting and will own and occupy ths
highest building in America, employ 2,000 clerks
Riling country orders exclusively, and will refund
purchase price if goods don't suit you.
Our General Catalorjua 1,000 pages, 16,000
'titrations. 6G.000 quotations-- costs us 72
cents to print and mail. We will send it to you
upon receipt el i S cents, to show your good faith.
A 5PEClALTYol;'?S?
tlnry IILliui) POISON permanently
cured In 15 to 15 day. You can be treated at
hotueforsam prlcaaoder aamagaarau
ly. If you prefer to com hers we wllloor.
tract to pay railroad t areaad hotsl bl I n.and
aoehanre. If we fall to curs. If yon have takes mer-
srary, limine imiasn, ana still nave scBU sod
Pun. Muooos Patches m mouth. Sere Throat,
Imnles. Conner Colored Moot a. fJlaara nn
er Colored
any part of tho body. Hair or Eyebrows falllni
Oct. It Is this Secondare HLoOO POISil
out. It Is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
iir. Ilalror Evabrows rail nr
guarantee to csre. Ws solicit the stoat obstl
Bate caees aad rhalleare the world for a)
esse we cannot -core. This elieaee has al wan
da triad tho skill of tho most noineot physi
cians. 1500,000 capital behind our unrondl.
Uonal guaranty. Abaulutn proof entscaleu on
application. Address COOK REMEDY CO
fO? Masonlo Temple, CiUUAOO, ILL.
Cut this nut and return to us with l.00 and
we'll send tho totlowtmr, postage prepaid:
Ml For $1.00. Regular Cost $4.00.
This combination tills family m-ed. Twofnnn
papers for the men The "Gentlewoman," nn
Ideal paper for the ladies W, Y. Weekly Tribune
for nil-Marlon Bartend'i cook Bunk with SM
tMUns and 1,000 practical recipes fur she wile,
and I he hook, Ten Night III a Bar llcxun," the
greatest Ti'inperaniv novel of the age. A twr
rent slanin iirliiL'S samples of papers and our
great clubbing list.
1 ruDwioncn,
ttftl Mi. to St.. Wllmllifftoii. Vt.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly upon tho disease,
without exciting disorder in other porta
of tho system. Thej Care the Sick,
so, crass. rates
1 Fe era. Congestions, Inflammations. ,'tS
It Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic...
3- Teelhlnt, Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .33
4- Dlsrrhea, of Children or AdulU 95
7-Coughe, Colds, Bronchitis S3
H- euralsln. Toothache, Fsceache !I5
0--ll.-ailn.-hr. Sick HeeUacho, Vertigo.. .115
1 0 Dyspepsia. Indlgestlon.Weak Stomach. 25
1 1 - Suppressed or Painful Periods 35
ID Whites, Too Prof use Periods 35
13- Croup, Lsryngltla, Hoarseness 35
14- Salt Rhenm. Erysipelas, Eruptions. . .35
13-liheumatlsm, Rheumatic Pains 3ft
It, Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 3ft
19-4'alarrh. Influents, Cold In the Head .33
30-Vhooplng-fough 35
37 Kidney Dlsenses 35
3H-ervoua llebllltv l.M
30-l'rlnnrv Weakness, Wetting Bed... .35
TT-tJrlp. Hay Fever 33
Dr. Humphreys- Manual of all Diseases at your
!r.;.vi i... i Mailed Free.
Sold nv ilruKKlHl". or sent on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Mud. Co., Cor. William & John sis,
pew York.
o ot Nuinr l.oiiai r! The
Iiiyk ntitl anilntlons of Itfe ran
Ik) rctiored to you. Tbf very
wurbt - ;i of NerTou DfbUf-
ly arc MMUMtli rurci ty
VV -5fKH:i...' !. 'U t relifftoinhoniula.
. 'nsaaaaaaaaaB'ailll1-' tlJi 'T-i TV Rtlll tllU VI f U
red by indiRcretiotiRorciccr.;ci
' of early years. Impart viiror
and irownry tot1 very turirii"n
lirarnuptho system, uive
nh.u.k-s stirt IllstlPtl til tin-
bloom to the
eyes 01 young
vital energv;
biete Kuoraii-
oruid. Unu-'i-ic b4)x renew! 4
BbOXM al .0 icnm-ff 1
tetd curt? or money nraaa
carried In vest porhet. Wild
'ed. Can le
atets wnereot
BtllM IDDUUn wrapi-eron
receiptor price
OyTUK I'KHFKCTOCO , Caxton Bldg , Chlcogu.l"-
For sale in Middldtaivh, I'a., y
Middlebnrg Drug Co., LnMt Pleasr
ant Mills by Henry Hanling, and in
Penn's (.'reek hy J. V. Hanipsell.
Dr. Fcnner's Golden Relief.
at .-
Old Sores, Wonnds, Khtumatlstn, Neurmliria
"Colds." A 8URB CURE ggp.
For an. PAIN Inside or out
'By il.ainrs. m.UKby mail So.)'rloaiaJ(Y
rTTTi-f '"i!t!H!a..55.3::i l;vi-llr.:ii:i.!
From Ocean to Ocean
By Budyard Kipling
In all of Kipling's many books no passage
of equal Ungth ta more vivid tban the de
scription. In "Captains Courageous," of
Harvey Cneyne's rush across the conti
nent, to meet the son whom he had mourned
as dead. This ts said to have been based on
a, "record" trip between the same points
San Diego, Cal., and Boston, Mass. made
by a western railway president In 1SS6. By
permission of ths Century company we
print herewith the passage In question,
from Chapter IX. of "Captains Cour
ageous.' WIIATER hl private Borrowi
may be, a multimillionaire, like
any other tyorklng man, should keep
abreast of hia business. Harvey Cheync,
Sr.. had gone east late in June to meet
a woman broken down, half mad, who
dreamed day and night of ht-r sou
drowning In the gray seas. lie had sur
rounded her with doctors, trained
nurses, massago women, and even faith
euro companions, but they were useless.
Mrs. Cheync lay still and moaned, or,
talked of her boy by tho hour together
to anyone who would listen. Hope she
hnd none, and who could offer it? All
she needed was assurance that drown
ing did not hurt; and her husband
watched to guard lest she should make
the experiment. Of his own sorrow he
spoke Uttlo hardly realized the dopth
of It till ho caught himself asking the
calendar on his writing desk: "What's
the uso of going on V
Ho had taken the wife to his raw new
palace in Sun Diego, where she and her
peoplu occupied a wing of great price,
and Cheyne, in a veranda-room, be
tween a secretary and a typewriter, who
was also a telegraphist, tolled along
wearily from day to day. There was a
war of rates among four western rail
roads in which he was supposed to be
interested; a devastating strike bad de
veloped In his lumber camps in Oregon,
and the legislature of the state of Cali
fornia, which has no love for its makers,
was preparing open war against him.
Ordinarily he would have accepted
battle ere it was offered, and have waged
a pleasant and unscrupulous campaign.
But now ho sat limply, his soft black
hat pushed forward on to his nose, his
big body shrunk Inside his loose clothes,
staring at his boots or the Chinese Junks
In the bay, and aasenting absently to
tho secretary's questions us he opened
tho Saturday mall.
Cheyne was wondering how much it
would cost to drop everything and pull
out. He carried huge Insurances, could
buy himself royal annuities, and be
tween one of hia places in Colorado and
a little society (that would do the wife
good), say in Washington and in the
South Carolina islands, a man miirht
forget plana that had come to nothing.
On the other hand
The oliek of the typewriter stopped)
the girl was looking at tho secretary,
who had turned white.
He passed Cheyne a telegram repeat
ed from San Francisco:
Picked up by fishing schooner We're Here
having fallen off boat great times on Hanks
fishing all well waiting- Oloucester Mass
oare Dlsko Troop for money or orders wire
what shall do and bow la mama Harvey M.
The father let It fall, laid his head
down on the roller-top of tho shut desk,
and breathed heavily. The secretary
ran for Mrs. Cheyne's doctor, who found
Cheyne pacing to and fro.
"What what d'you think of It? Is It
possible? Ib there nny meaning to It?
I can't quite make it out," he cried.
"I can," said tho doctor. "I lose seven
thousand a year thnt's all." He
thought of the Btruggllng New York
practice he hod dropped at Chcync'a
Imperious bidding, and returned the
telegram with a sigh.
"You mean you'd tell her. May be
a fraud V
"What'a the motive?" snid tho doc
tor, coolly. "Detection's too certain.
It's the boy, Rtire enough."
Knter tt French maid, Impudently, as
nn indispensable one who Is kept on
onlv by large wages.
"Mrs. Cheyno Bhe say yon must come
at onoe. She think you are seek."
The master of thirty millions bowed
his head meekly and followed Suzanne;
and n thin, high voice on tho upper land
ing of the great whltewood square Btalr-
case cried t "What Is It? What has hap
N'o doors could keep ottt the shriek
that rang through the echoing house a
moment Inter, when her husband blurt
ed out the news.
"And that's all right," said the doc
tor, Berencly, to the typewriter, "About
the only medical statement in novels
with any truth to it 1b thnt joy don't kill,
Miss Klnzey."
"I know It; but we've a heap to do
first." Miss Klnzey was from Milwau
kee, somewhat direct of speech; and as
her fancy leaned towards the Becrt'tary
! she divined there was work In hand.
ne was looking earnestly at the vast
I roller map of America on the wall.
"Milsom, we're going right across.
Private car straight throuph Boston.
! Fix the connections," shouted Cheyne
! down the staircase.
I "I thought so."
Tho aecretary turned to the typc
! writer, nnd their eyes met (out of that
: was born n Btory nothing to do with
this story). She looked inquiringly.
doubtful of her resourve. lie signed
I to her to move to the Morse as a general
brings brigades Into action. Then he
swept hia hand mTisiclan-wIsc through
his hair, regarded the ceiling, and set to
work, while Miss Kinzey'B white fingem
called up tho Continent of America.
"K. H. Wade, I) Angelea
"The 'Constance' is nt Los Angelea,
Isn't she. Miss Klnscy?"
"Yep." Miss Kjnzey nodded between
clicks aa the aecretary looked at hia
j watch.
I I "Send 'Constance.' private ear, here, an
; arrange for special to tear) here Sunday In
i tUne to connect with New fork Limited at
tetsttath Street. CMoagCs Tuesday next"
Cllekelick ellckl "Couldn't yt
better that?"
"Not on those grade- That girea 'em
60 hours from here to Chicago. They
won't gain anything by taking a pedal
east of that Ready?
"AlHonrrnnged with Lake Shoreand Michi
gan Southern to take 'Conetanoe' on New
Vork Central and Hudson River Buffalo to
Albany, and B. and A. the same Albany to
Boeton. Indlapensable I ahould reach Bos
ton Wednesday evening. Be sure nothfng
prevents. Have also wired CaDnUT. Toucey.
and Barnes. Sign, Cheyne."
Miss Klnzey nodded, and the secre
tary went on.
"Now, then. Cnnnlff. Toucey, and
Barnes, of course. Ready?
"Cannlff, Chicago. Please take my pri
vate ear 'Constance' from Santa Fa at Six
teenth Street next Tuesday p. m. on N. T.
Limited through to Buffalo and deliver N.
Y. C. for Albaay. Take car Buffalo to Al
bany on Limited Tuesday p. m."
"That'B for Toucey."
"Haven't bin to Noo York, but I know
that!" with a tose of the head,
"lteg pardon. Now, Boston and Al
bany. Barnes, same instructions from
Albany through to Boston. Leave
three-five p. m. (you needn't wire that) ;
arrive nine-five p. m. Wednesday. That
covers everything Wade will do, but It
pays to shake up the managers."
"It's great," said MIbs Klnzey, with a
look of admiration. This was the kind
of man she understood and appreciated.
" Tisn't bad," sold Milsoin. modest
ly. "Now anyone but me would have
lost 80 hours and spent a week working
out the run, instead of handing him
over to the Santa Fe straight through
to Chicago."
"But see here, about that New York
Limited. Chauncey Depew himself
couldn't hitch his car to her," Miss Kln
zey suggeBted, reooverlng herself.
"Yes, but this Isn't Chnuncey. It's
Cheync lightning. It goes."
"Even bo. Guess we'd better wire tho
boy. You've forgotten that, anyhow."
"Ill ask."
When he returned with the father's
message bidding Harvey meet them In
Boston at an appointed hour, he found
Miss Klnzey laughing over the keys.
Then Milsom laughed, too, for the
frantic clicks from Los Angeles rnn:
We want to know why why why?
General uneasiness developed and
Ten minutes later Chicago appealed
to Miss Klnzey In these words: "If
crime of century Is maturing please
warn friends in time. We are all get
ting to cover here,"
This was capped by a message from
Topeka (and wherein Topeka was con
cerned even Milsom could not guess) :
"Don't shoot, colonel. Well come
Cheyne smiled grimly at the con
sternation of his enemies when the tele
grams were laid before him. "They
think we're on the war path. Tell 'em
we don't feel like fighting Just now,
Milsom. Tell 'em what we're going for.
I guess you and Mlsa Klnzey had better
oome along, though it ian't likely I ahall
do any business on the road. Tell 'em
the truth tor once,"
It was a busy week-end among the
wires; for, now that their anxiety was
removed, men and cities hastened to
accommodate, Los Angeles' called to
San Diego and Barstow that the South
ern California engineers might know
and be ready in their lonely round
houses) Barstow passed the word to
the Atlantic & Pacific; and Albuquerque
flung it the whole length of the Atchi
son, Topeka & Santa Fe management,
even to Chicago. An engine, combina
tion car with crew and the great nnd
gilded "Constance" private car were
to be "expedited" over those !,a30 miles.
The train would take precedence of 177
others meeting nnd passing; dispatch
ers and crews of every one of those said
trains must be notified. Sixteen loco
motives, 16 engineers and 1J firemen
would be needed each and every one
tho best available. Two and one-half
minutes would he allowed for changing
engines, three for watering and two for
coaling. "Warn the men, and arrange
tanks and chutes accordingly, for Har
vey Cheyno is In a hurry, a hurry a
hurry," sang the wires. "Forty miles
an hour will be expected, and division
superintendents will accompany this
special over their respective divisions.
From San Diego to Sixteenth street,
Chicago, let the magic carpet be laid
down. Hurry! oh, hurry!"
"It will be hot," said Cheyne, ae they
rolled out of San Diego in the dawn of
Sunday. "We're going to hurry, mam
ma, Just as fast as ever we can; but I
really don't think there's any good of
your putting on your bonnet and gloves
yet. You'd much better Ho down and
take your medicine, I'd play you a
game of dominoes, but it's Sunday."
"I'll be good. Oh, I will be good.
Only taking off my bonnet makes me
feel ns if we'd never get there,"
"Try to sleep a little, mamma, and
we'll be In Chicago before you know."
"But it's Boston, father. Tell them
to hurry."
The six-foot drivers were hammering
their wuy to Sun Bernardino and tho
Mohave wastes, but this was no grade
for speed. That would come later. The
heat of the desert followed the heat of
the hills ns they turned east to the
Needles and the Colorado river. Tho
car cracked In tho utter drought nnd
glare, njud they put crushed Ice to Mrs.
Cheyne's neck und tolled up the long,
long grades, past Ash Fork, towards
Flagstaff, whoro the forestB and quar
ries are, under the dry, remote skies.
The needlo of tho speed indicator
flicked nnd wagged to and fro; the
cinders rattled on tho roof, and a whirl
of dust sucked after the whirling
wheels. The crew of the combination
sat on their bunks, panting In their
shirt Bleeves, and Cheyne found himself
among them shouting old, old stories of
f he railroad that every trainman knows,
above the roar of the car. He told them
about his son, nnd how the sea had
given up its dead, nnd they nodded and
spat and rejoiced with htm; naked after
"her, back there," and whether ahe
could stand It if the engineer "let her
out a piece," and Cheyne thought she
could. Accordingly the great Are bona
i Twelfth Year
rnn -tone to future prosperity. With beet wtehce lor your coatlnurd euccetrt,
nntUn. filocrrely youre,"
H. C. ALTii.Tur, Dublin, IUiclu Co., Pa.
HOal'T UCCITJITC ,f " ,,ftve rtn Ambition, If you want to Prosper, If yon want to be
UUIw I Iftwl I n I kl 8tIC?C88fUl, yuiir liihet ambition can ix- pnitified, if yen will fit vourself for the
manv thousand' omiortunities constantly occurring and available to the graduates of
Schissler College of Business. Send for TflE TEST OF TIME, nn interesting book, containing hundreds of Utters ust
like those above, also letters from Bankers, Merchants, Clergymen, and Professional men, attesting to the superior qualifications
of the graduates of the Schissler College of Business. Others may claim superior instruction and ability to place graduates in
positions, but we prove it. Nf-W pROSPECTUS N0W READY,
and will be mailed on request to any interested person. Fall Term opens September 4th.
i Schissler College of Business, BaSaa Pel"lsyva'"a' f
"let out" from Flagstaff to Wins-
low, till a division superintendent pro
tested. But Mrs. Cheyne, in the boudoir state
room, where the French maid, sallow
white with fear, clung to the silver door
handle, only moaned a little and begged ;
her husband to hid them "hurry. And
so they dropped the dry sands and
moon-struck rocks of Arizona behind
them and grilled on till the crash of
the couplings nnd tho wheeie of the
brake hoso told them they were at
Coolidge, by the continental divide.
Three bold und experienced men
cool, confident and dry when they be
gan; white, quivering and wet when
they finished their trick at those ter
rible wheels swung her over the great
lift from Albuquerque to Glorietta and
beyond Springer, up and up to the
Raton tunnel on tho state line, whence
they dropped rocking into Ia Junta,
had sight of the Arkananw nnd tore
down the long slope to Dodge City,
where Cheyne took comfort once ngnlu
from setting his watch an hour ahead.
There was very little talk in the car.
Tho secretary and typewriter sat to
gether on tho stamped Spanish leather
cushions by the plate glass observation
window at the rear end, watching the
surge and ripple of tho ties crowded
back behind them, and, It is believed,
making notes of the scenery. Cheyne
moved nervously between his own ex
travagant gorgeousness and the naked
necessity of the combination, nn unlit
cigar in his teeth, till the pitying crews
forgot that he was their tribal enemy
and did their best to entertain him.
At night the bunched electrics Ut up
that distressful palace of all the lux
uries, and they fared sumptuously,
swinging on through the emptiness of
abject desolation. Now they heard the
swish of a wnter tank and ths guttural
voice of a Chinaman, the clink-clink of
hammers thut tested the Krupp steel
wheels and the oath of a tramp chased
off the rear platform; now the solid
crash of conl shot Into the tender; nnd
now a beating back of noises as they
flew past a waiting train. Now they
looked out into great abysses, a trestle
purring benenth their1 trend, or up to
rocks that barred out half the stars.
Now scnur nnd ravine changed and
rolled hack to jagged mountains on tho
horizon's edge, nnd now broke into hills
lower nnd lower, till nt last came the
true plains.
At Dodge City nn unknown hand
threw In n copy of a Kansas paper con
taining some sort of nn Interview with
Irarvey, who hnd evidently fallen In
with nn enterprising reporter, tele
graphed from Boston. The joyful jour
nnlesc revealed that It was beyond ques
tion their lioy, and It soothed Mrs.
Cheyno for awhile. Her one word
"hurry" was conveyed by the crews to
the engineers at Nlekerson, Topeka and
Mnreellne, where tho prndes are eaBy,
and they brushed the continent behind
them. Towns and villages were close
together now, and a man could feel here
thnt he moved among people.
"I can't nee the dial, and my eyee ache
so. What nre we doing?"
The very best we can, mamma.
There's no sense In getting In before
the limited. Ws'd only have to wait."
"I don't care. I want to feel we're
moving. Sit down and tell me the
Cheyne sat down nnd read the dial
for her (there were some miles which
stand for reoords to this day), but the
70-foot car never changed its long
atenmer-likc roll, moving through tho
heat with the hum of a giant bee. Yet
the Bpeed was not enough for Mrs.
Cheyne; and the heat, tho remorseless
August heat, waB making her giddy;
the clock hands would not move, and
when, oh, when would they be In Chi
cago? - It is not true thnt, as they changed
engines nt Fort Madison, Cheyne pnsBed
over to tho Amalgamated Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers an endow
ment sufficient to enable them to fight
him and his fellows on equnl terms for
evermore. lie paid his obligations to
engineers nnd firemen as he believed
they deserved, and only his bank knows
what ho gave the crews who had sym
pathized with him. It is on record that
the Inst crew took entire charge of
switching operations at Sixteenth
street, becnuse "she" was In a doze at
last, and Ileavcn was to help anyone
who bumped her.
Now the highly-paid specialist who
conveys the Lake Shore & Michigan
Southern limited from Chicago to EUc
hart is something of an autocrat, and
he does not approve of being told how
to baok up to a car. None the leas she
handled the "Constance" aa If she
might have been a load of dynamite,
and when the crew rebuked him, they
did it in whispers and dumb show. . .
r wei'iLp ft.v;E grejit wbhsht,
.lt aforrU tnt crmt filiwnrp
to 1 x 1 vv bit gmtitittle for tli
pnu'ltcitl bimiiiv-iaai-tlucattioii I NN
ccfrrdat thv tchi-lfr U4tC of
I'n.i --. Tho Caruf t 11: n
UT ull lupvrfor wsWWtwM ""'1
wurtby of the p -1:1 1!
hold. Tlirwgsxis row..iaiMsv4aiiUi'
Anrj 1 btwl hud rmploymeiit
MH dv nnif" I rtdu.-itil.
1 tiM-M iirftrtily rvounmeiid the
Schtealor t ollrtp of Hii.inM to
ttiY one doninng n prnrt.rikl bunt
uewediiriitfon.whirh 1n!iitie
f thv pnthdrrt i 'I J' Tt U M 1 1 jft t i
fMUssf ii " ii and m tiiiien a n t-v ' -
"Afl'er.idniitfnrrfroTn theOoM wTOntaglMl Cnmrrwrctal (',,::, I t-td In
rain to - ; r h titirii, '-ut wiii.ii.t nuocaM. Tlu'ii 1 iM-itir1 to UK.- a ftMM
i ri ii.wnt.hy ut j . ur OMUeg 9 d-cUion which 1 cofctioVr a tn't pr-Iltalile
une. On 01 nipMiuff your ui't tj -.r-Mentriure In Sunojrnuhy. I waeiw-ir-h d
by oit to the piMition I nw li Ut, having etimrtl it trip 'Vv after e;r .dila
tion. ! Oafl my WlNMMl hr.dtnth ii that ymr in;ruetirK arc (tmHniirh. painsV
taking -'ip rt.- in tlwjlr iY-rai t .rn.-heeif work, and any vtmn; m;-n 'i"iilnr
bi Mooti Ji 111 svrwui rti ot wl'li fui ttv.ttni- nton ,rt of Ulh iiutructwaanj
erliutd in;.iiagcmetil. Y.,iir em tru!- "
J. C. UAEi'tir tj .rvwr., ' ti trr f Pa.
" We thank ymi fr rotir Uindttrea tn Ifisffi. Vii rt- bdid Mm I vo"d
our eipctati'n. and h - h-ta etvr-v apiki'ii in (W l.i.l.-t tirffl i , ftM nf
ur ' ulli i lie kiy you Wtt alany kinliOd pl-nwint him mid tiv lvt
tlmo hr waahotua he eaid hu aaa giad that tj MietfItU y- ut IHayi i. prel-er-
nce to otiiete.
May your arhooi prueper fa tlx future ae tt hi tlic piut id tin- Wi if
yur frienda,"
Mtl. A Ma. Joerm Waitkiuvok, (V-lIuin-t, Clidet. r Co , I'a,
Isa Positive Cure for any Pains or Aches, such as Muscular
Rheumatism, Sprains bruises or Meuralgia,
This preparation not only gives instant relief, but I have many tes
timonials from prominent residents of this and other towns showing that
" NO-KIIEUMATISM " has effected permanent cures in cases of long
standing Muscular Rheumatism, which would not yield to the best
Already a great reputation has been gained for " NO-ltHEUMA-tisni."
Orders have been received from throughout the country for it.
It ll the people's friend. There never was, or never will be, another
remedy on the market to equal
After an attack nt la grippe, I was taken with severe muscular rheumatism. After trying
several remedie and all to no avail, I decided to try "Xo-IUieuiuatlsni," and after several appli
cations I felt greatly relieved. I cheerfully recommend same.
MRS. M. F. NAOLE, Bhamokl n, Pa.
Berne, Pa.. May 2nd, 1899.
1 have had tn use a cano for years on account of rheumatism. I waa told to try Australian
"No-Hlieumatlam " I am pleased to say that the first bottle has given great relief hence cheer
fully recommend It. Yours truly, SAMUEL ZIMMERMAN.
Flsherville, Dauphla County, Pa., June 26, 18W.
Having hail great pain In my back for some time, and receiving a sample bottle ot "No
Itheumatlsm," made three applications, and am entirely relieved of pain ; also a pain on my
breast, which I cured by one application. Advise all who are troubled with rheumatism or
lin to try the same. JNO. O. K 1 1,1,1 No Kit, J. P., Flsherville, Fa.
Shamokln, I'a., April Oh, 1M9.
Dear Mr : I have been suffering for three (8) years with rheumatism . I tried every known
remedy, internaland external, but never had any relief. I saw your advertisement of "No
Klieiimatlsm," and I thougt 1 would give it a fair trial, so I purchased one (1) bottle, and after
using same, I received great relief. I have used five bottles of your famous Australian remedy
and now I am entirely free from ache and pains, and I cheerfully recommend "No-Rheumatism"
to all sufferer" of rheumatism. Your truly, JOHN H. QABLR,
Cor. Cla and Shamokin St.
Danville, Pa., June 1, 1891).
After a few applications of the Australian remedy, "No-Dheiiniatisio," I waa entirely re
lieved of muscular rheumatism and have not since been troubled by ltajreturn. I take pleasure
in recommending "No-ltheumatlsm" a a positive cure for muscular and inflammatory rheuma
tism. GEO. K1SKN1I AKT,
I have used the Australian remedy railed "No-Rheumntism" for my daughter and also my
wife and found that same gave relief after a few applications. Hoth had been Buffering with
rheumatism. I would advise those who aro subject to rheumatism to give the liniment
a fair trial. Your, Cc, A. WOLF, 189 N. Shamokin St, Shamokln, Pa.
Shamokln, Pa., March 2nd. 1K99. .
1 can heartily recommend the Australian remedy No-Rheumatism" a a speedy and sure
cure for inflamnintorv rheumatism as 1 have not experienced any rheumatic pains since the
lb si few applicationa of "No-itlieumatlim." MRS. JOHN H. O'CONNOH,
500 North Shamokin St.
Being n sufferer of periodical attacks of muscular rheumatism I tried nearly every prepara
tion known and bad received no permanent relief. I hail given in despair and resigned mvself
to those painful attacks. At last I was persuaded to try tile Australian remedy, "No-Rheumatism-"
and after verv few applications, have not experienced any pains since.
CHESTER Q. KU1.P, Cor. Dcwart and Orange Sta., Shamokin, I'a.
W illiamsport, Pa , June 10th, 1899.
My Hear Sir: The liniment you so klndlv sent me by mall came to hand, and although I
had largely recovered from my rheumatism when I received it, still nt time I felt the need of
something of the kind, and I did UMlMMDf of It and received hem-til from its use, nnd from
what I have seen of It I consider It a very fine thing. Thauking you again, lam very truly yours,
J. K. JONES, lii Wert Fourth St.
Pottsvllle, Pa., April 19th, 1899.
I take pleasure in Informing you that your Australian remedy "No-Rheumatism,, entirely
cured me after a few applications and I cheerfully recommend It for rheumatic ailments.
Baltimore, Md . May h, 1899, '
I can cheerfully recommend the Australian Remedy 'No-Rheumatism', from personal ex
perience aa the speediest and sure cure for muscular rheumatism. W. B. STARKlAiFK,
Travelling Sdlesman Davis O. K Baking- Powder.
For sale by all Druggists throughout the State. Price 50 cents per
lx)ttle. Manufactured by
A mm a ci jo Botol ZilndliurBt Blls..,
For sale in Middleburg by the Middleburg Drug Co. and in Centreville
by Dr. J. W. Sampsell. Jy 20-3m
... WiU rttcnison, Topeka
& Sanfa Fo men, discussing life later,
"we weren't runnln' for a record.
Ilarvey Cheyne's wife, she were sick
back, an' we didn't want to jounce her.
'Come to think of It, our runnln' time
from San Dlepo to Chicnfro was 57.54.
You can tell that to them eastern way
trains. When we're try In' for a record,
well let you know."
To the western man (though this
would not please either city) Chicago
nnd Boston are cheek by Jowl, nnd sonic
railrondB eneourape the delusion. The
limited whirled the "Constance" Into
Buffalo nnd the arms of the New York
Central & Iludson River (Illustrious
magnates with white whiskers nnd gold
charms on their watch chains boarded
her here to tulk a little business to
Cheyne), who slid her gracefully Into
Albany, where the Boston & Albany
completed the run from tide-water to
tide-water total time, 87 hours and
85 minutes, or three days, 15 hours and
one-half. Harvey was waiting for
A Mutter of Hustnesa.
Lady What do you want ten cents
Beggar Wy I s'pose yer know dat
ten cents is de Interest on a thousand
dollars fer one day. It Is also de inter
est on $24,000 dollars fer one hour, an'
on $1,440,000 fer one minute. I want
ter go roun ter Busaell Sage an' borry
de latter amount fer one minute, an' if
he won't let me hare it I s'pose I'll bare
ter blow It in fer booze. Judge.
For over fifty year Hkh. Winilow'k PooTB
ikj SvKt i' has been used by mother for their
children while teething. Are you disturbed at
night and binketi of your rest by a ick child
suffering anil crying with pain of cutting teeth?
If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mr. Win
alow' Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething.
It value I incalculable. It will relieve the poor
little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon It,
mothers, there Is no mistake about It. It cures
dlnrrho-a, regulates the Stomach and Bowel,
cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduce
Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the
whole system. "Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Sy
rup" for children teething I pleasant to the
t.i-te and is the prescription of one of the old
est and best female physician nnd nurses intbe
United States and is for aale by all druggist
throughout the world. Price, twenty-live cents
n bottle. lio sure and get "Mrs. Wixhlow's
SoothiniiSyhfp." V8-ly.
Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world'
greutest naval hero, by Murat Hal stead, the
life-long friend and admirer of the nation's
Idol. Illggestand best hook; over 800 page.
- Hi inches; nearly liOpages half-tone illustra
tion. Only (1.50. Enormou demand. Big
commissions. Outfit free. Chance of a lifetime.
Write quick. The Dominion Company, Hrd
floor Caxton llldg., Chicago. .ViV Kit.
A Care for Kervons Headache).
For eight years I suffered from cosUpntlon and
severe headache, ihu headache usually lasting
three days nt a time. Headache powders reliev
ed me temporarily, but left too bad an effect.
Since I began taking Celery King I have greatly
Improved in health, seldom or never have head
acne, have fumed In fleab, and feel decidedly
well Mas. E. S. Hatch, Temple, N. II. celery
King tor the Nerves, Liver ana Kidneys is sold
In HOC. and 25c. packages by W. II. Herman,
Troxevllle; Mhldlcbwarth A Ulan, McClure; H.
A. Ebrtgbt. Aline.
Mall Income assured- SB cts. (tarts yon of
dr. free. Foists Co., XI Oak BIk Beaton.