SBarl A SMALL SPOT MAY BE CANCER. linCT lini CUT P1CCC LUVC The greatest care should U eirea to mUol lIULCNI UAOLO nATC any little Bore, pimple or scratch which shows no dis h isition to heal under ordln IDDClDm IT CIDCT IQ ary treatment. No one can tell how soon these Al I DUlCU A I NllO I AO will develop into Canoer of the worst type. So many people die from Cancer simply be MEDE PIMPI cause tht.y do nut know just what the disease is; lYlLliL rilfir LEdi they naturally turn themselves over to the doctors, and are forced to submit to a cruel and dangerous operation the only treatment which the doctors know for Canoer. The disease iiroraptly returns, however, and Is even more violent and destructive than rf. f. Cancer is a deadly poison in the blood, and an operation, plaster, or other external treatment can nave no eiTeot whatever upon it. The cure must cuuie from within U)S last vestige of poison must be eradicated. Mr. Wm Walpole. of Walshtown, S. D., sayst "A little blotch about the size of a pea came tinder my left eye. gradually growing larger, from which shooting pains , - jhB :lt intervals nm in all directions l became greatly iiiurineu WM and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it Cancer, anu aaviseu mat it ne cut out, oui mis i euuui noi con wnt to. I red in my local paper of a cure effected by 8 S. S., ami decided to try it. It acted like a charm, the Cancer becoming at first' irritated, and then discharging very freely. This gradually grew less and then discon tinued altogether, leaving a small scab which foon drop I ped off. and now onlv a healthy little scar remains where I what threatened to destroy my life once held full sway." Positively the only euro" for" Cancer is Swift's Specific S. S. 8. FOR THE BLOOD because it is the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root of the disease and force it out of the system permanently. A surgical operation does not reach the blood the real sent of the disease because the blinxl can not be cut away. Insist upon S. S. S. ; nothing can take its place. S. S. S cures als any case of Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism. Contagions Blond Poison, Ulcers, Sores, or any other form of blood disease. Valuable 1m dks on Cancer and niood Disease's will be mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Lis JRte BSaCTsslTiTl Ji rtTT Tii Wt nrml art TT asm rw vasnmH ' Tllciiil most softly niiirXMJ 1" B - -,'u . r- ' T 1 I B3 Blend most softly and i -il til. iv iiiusi eiiccuvety over ., fiatltf uwim vi lien 1 hfnn n SB bv waxen candles. I I "Tlio Unlit that lipiehtens - r. n beauty's (harm, that gives the finished touch to thedrawing room or dining room, is the mellow j;low ot A WOULD-BE JOKER. lie Una ii Hnrrt Time lieitlnit Bon One to Listen nut! 't hru .- Dadly Left. ANQWT WAX CANDLES Sold in all colors ami siinuts to liar i .i .. unugiu a Main L: to harmonize with any interior hangings or ilicoralious. UiiimWIiifitd T) cTithinADn niL cu. w wir-iivm.v - f or sale t vcr.vwniio. gJJ .i Jiuiu Jj ' ; - r fff mmHI IP an Ml .t a' '-'-V'. . I I ail i I l? ..... ,SS.J ' j ;a lie hud a new j''le, :n it! he hi tenths I 1. 1 spring it, no matter what the result, hikI he looked about for a victim. The si reet far conductor smiled nfter lie asked the conundrum, and shook his head. "1 know it," lie said. The man sighed. The janitor of the building whs no better. "Go on "id yez fooHn'," he re marked, "i'ni not the sucker t' bite at your bait, Mis ther Smith. I don't tare what the Spanyiard wor, sor." The office boy was too dignified an Individual to even attempt such a thing upon, and the man with the joke passed him with only his customary "(ox d morning, John.V His typewriter was busy, but be begai "Kr by the way- Miss .lone, what would ii Spaniard be if he ate his mother and" Just then the telephone rang vielduply, Snd Miss Jones sklpjH'tl away to answer it. The "party" at the other end of the line was doubtless her ix-uu, for she answered pleasantly and stayed for L'o minutes talking. The man with the joke sighed again and went into his private office. "I'll try it on the first one who calls, no mutter if be is Fltzslnimons or Corbett," be declared. It was neither, It was u slow-going, quiet old (iermari, who was used to tak pg jokes as he saw fit, and not BS tho originator meant them. "Good morning, Schonermeister,H saitl themnn.ashlscallcrentered. "Fine morning after the snow. Don't have snow down south, in Cuba, do they? lly the way, speaking of Cuba, I've got a question to ask you. What would a Spaniard lie If he ate his mother and father?" And he leaned back, ready to lire the answer at the first sign from his victim. The victim smiled slowly. "Veil, Mister Schmidt,'' replied Schonermeister, "vrom vat I haf rend nboud dose Spanlardts, T fink he vould be breddy sick mid his stoomach, yet once!" And the man who wanted htm to say "A cannibal," so that he might remark, triumphantly, "No; an orphan," pave the thing up ns a bud job. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, -'"On (.its and Throat Irritations ! 5c. PACKAGES. Wallace Sk Co.. New York City. Diamond wall Cemen Is iistil ior Plastering Houses. It is a new discvery (Guaranteed to last longer him Boy other platter. It is preferred to Adamant For Kir tit ulars call on or address D. A. KERN MIDDLEBORGH. PA. Hun n Sospleioas Sound. White I don't like to hear men refer to our business as channels of trade, it sounds altogether too suspicious. Black What business arc you in? "The milk business." Youkers Stateman. II In Noisy Ilrle-n-llrnc. Blobs Wigwag has a collection of Vicer mugs decorated with all the col lege yells. Queer Idea, isn't it? lloiibs Not at all. Didn't you ever hear of the cup that cheers? Town Topics, Tried It IH-fnre. Johnson (angrily) Why didn't yer say "not guilty" when de judge asked yer, yer fool? Jackson (gloomily) Whnd vhs de use? Isaitl dat last time an' he wouldn't believe me. Brooklyn Life. Elkhart Normal School and Business Institute. Tli Elkhart Normal Shool aud llusiness Institue offers the best Courses, Methods, and Instructions in Pedagogy, Book keeping. Stenog raph' Penmanship, Drawing. El ocution and Oratory, and Physical Culture, and a', tho lowest rates for tuition and hoard. Students can enter at any time. Circular, blotter, and a copy Educational News fre on application. Address, Dr. H. A. Muraaw, Sec'y, Elkhart. Ind. 3-23 2m. A Matter of Ounbt. Dill Did you ever puy a bill twice? Jill Yes; once. "I doubt it." "What, doubt that I paid it twicer "Xo; that you paid it once." Yon kers Statesman. Made .o Dlffrrvnee. lie (dramatically) 1 can't tell you how much I love you! She O, cau't you? Watt, 1 guess its just sis well; I'm already engaged. De troit Free l'res9. A NEAT FARM GATE. Tm Coaatrurl On Thai Will Wear Wall la Not Sack Sartaaa Ta.a a Maar Tala. Upon every farm there must be gates. These gates should alwayatt in good repair, but such Is not always tha case. It is a neat, tidy farmer, indeed, tout naver allows a gate Usag, so baa to be lifted in opening, or baa a broken hinge. There are many plant of mak ing good gates, but the bast we have ever tried is constructed ss follow: Take two pine or poplar boards, six inches wide, an inch and s half thick and ss long as you want your gate. Uave pickets one by four Inches and sa long as you want your gate high. Then a brace on by four Inobes, long enough , lo rracri i ruin me ivwcruyiun ui " on binge end to top corner, where the latch is to be placed. Lay the two rails 9k Was la the Wroar. "I expect," she said, thoughtfully, ""that I make a good many grammatical error." ,-No," be replied, promptly and em phatically. "1 am so glad to bear you say that." aha exclaimed, with every evidence ot gratification. "No," he repeated, reflectively, "you do not make a good many grammat ical errors. In fact, you do not make any grammatical errors. All your er ror of speech are aadly nngram mat leal." Chicago Post. Hard Uaea. First Boy fgloomrly) I've got to ent kindlings and empty three buckets of ashes and build two Are and go to the store on an errand and wen nil tne Sccns in Portugal at the Rio Porto Vineyards. V UABit V I N J THE POTT ORATES TO TBI WTKKM, ON TBS BEADS OF BEN AND WOBEB, NBAS THE VALUE DS NEXSTU WfetU THEY ABE DUBFED IN TBB M-UniXii TATS TO IB TBODDEX TOB TOBT WINE The rugged bills with projecting rocks of Brown stone and shale containing a large quantity of iron, make it impossible to use wagons here hence the gr ipea have to be carried to the treading vet or larger as they are) c n id some are large enough for twenty persons to tread, which t , ..-sang to rauaic inrnumea py tne proprietor. A HH u u u B - ... m m m u u M A NEAT FARM GATE. down on barn floor or treaties. If you have them, the proper distance apart, and nail on your pickets, putting four nails in each end. Saw brncestotlt in between rails without notching, and nail pickets to this. Bolt on hinges, having holes in mine, so the bolts will pass through Iwitli picket und rail. At the other end bolt a paling on each side of the rail. Have u common latch made out of old wagon tire or any old piece of Imr Iron and when this, is properly secured your gate Is complete. Always. uae dressed lumber, so jou can paint gate any desired color, red being usual ly preferred. A gate made in this man ner will last for SO years, if kept painted, and It. will never sag n particle, and ia good ami strong. No mortising la rv qulred. and there are no notches, joint or hyles to hold moisture and rot. It Is .iInii a very nice gate, not bad even fc.r the front entrance Almost any sort of linteh farmer can make it. the M W and hatchet being the only tools necessary to tis.-- In iis construction. It can be easily mnile to Hi when tne gate opening Is on a hillside .and w hen one post is set lower than the other. All that isneces sry to make such n gate fit is to give the rails the same pitch as the ground. It is the easiest gate made, und the best We have ever tided. Orange Judtt Farmer. Second Coy (enviously) You've got h reg'lar picnic, you have. Just think of me. Mother said when I came home ! from school to-day I'd got ter bold the j baby. Harlem Life. Jae Before tha ProVoaal. Krnnklln I never saw a man in the condition Jack was in last night. He' had chills and fever, his eyes looked glassy and be trembled so be could hardly stand. So I expected the newn this telegram brings mo. Jenkins Great heavens. Is he dead ? Franklin Ko i he's engaged.' N. V. World. Whr He Loat the Patient. Physician Diet is the main thing in this case. Your husband eats too much. Thai is a feature of the disease and he should be watched. Mrs. Younpwlfe But, doctor, hers al ways, so hungry. What can I do? ALFRED SPEEIt, the Pioneer wine grower ot" New Jersey whose Pon ' Burpandy rivals tho world, imported the Port (ira;i years ajjo, and planted vineyards in the Passaic Valley . ., . i tn Passaic county, New Jersey, is identical to that of de'&iui, . - Spcer's New Jersey Vineyards are situated in the Passaic valley below the mountain rnnjje at. crapes are carted to the winery in the town of Passaic where they mashed between rollers made of rubber, which do not break the sceus, 1 and made into wine. These grand wine3 of Speer's that have mellowed in flavor in the course of years ot ripening, are the choicest wines in this country and can only be obtained by paying a price that is higher than new wines from western vineyards. Mr. Speer deems it necessary for a healthy wine that it be allowed years to mature in wood to get rid of its coarse parts; with this object he keeps his wines several years in the piano by ear before ho was seven fumigated cellars and frequently racks before bottling or offering for years old." i sale. The reputation of Speer's wines as a valuable medicinal and i don t sec nnytning family wine extends around the world. Physician prepare 1.1s Worid. (absently) Couldn't you meals vourself? N. V Noten ortlF. "Remarkable fellow that." remarked the admiring friend. "He could play That isn't the point. He quit it en tirely after he grew up." Washington Star. ESTGroccrs and Druggists sell Speer's Wines and Brandy. A Boarding Hones Conundrum. "When is a calf like a hen in hot water'." inquired the facetious boarder, addreseing nobody in particular. "I don't know." replied the landlady. "I'lcnsc tell us.' "When It is a chicken stew." was the rejoinder, And a deep hush fell upon the assemblage. N. Y. Journal. RULE OF KING MUD. Tlie Annual I.nntrntntlon Abont BU Cruelty and Tyrnnny Sow Appear In Trlut. , Mud! mud!! mud!!! The newspapers from every corner of the nation bring the same old annual spring moan. Only the grief appeal to be growing a little more Inconsolable each year, as the public become more cognizant of the fact that bat! roads are almost us unnecessary as they are un pleasant and unprofitable. A whole paper could be Oiled with ooBJplajjrta like the following from the Decatur (111.) Republican) "The country roads are now in a worae condition than they have been for a number of years past. It is simply im posaible for those who have not at tempted to drive over the roads to realize what condition they are In, No grain at all Is moving and the traffic of the farmers is practically blockaded, A few days ago an empty wagon was stuck in the mad on the streets of Mon tieello. and the roads outside of the vil lage were even worse." Or like this from the Ixitrobe (Pa.) Daily Clipper: "The bad condition of the country roads is known to all who travel them, but our milkmen, who hava to travel them early every morning, have the most experience. As an example we note the breaking of W. W. NiobohV wagon while coming to town with milk this morning. It is thought by some that the lottom has (alien out of some spots and wagon wheels should be ' Steen feet high to plow through them." If the object lesson to be derived from n Study of the "horrible example" real ly counts for anything, the roads in every part 01 trie country musv suou show a marked Improvement, L. A. W. Bulletin. Ooud Town to I.I vc In. The citizens of Rolfe, la., woke up to the fact that they were money loscra because of the poor condition of their streets and highways. They got to talking, and from talking to working, and a subscription paper good for $650 was obtained from the business men. This was presented to the city council und n similar umount voted from the city treasury. This was supplemented by liberal donations of team work by the farmers. Gravel pits were bought und opened, and on four leading roads out of the city all winter a force olmen has been hauling gravel. Itolfe will have good roads hereafter, and people from afar and near will go there to trade because of it. Out of Practice. Yeast 1 hear you're going to take' your wife into partnership with you. Crimson beak Vest a n silent part ner. "She'll make a good one." "I'm nfrniil not; she's terribly out oi i practice." Yon kers Statesman. 1 - . i OrerEsertlns Illmaelf. "Of course," sold Mr. Meekton's wife, J "a man and hia w ife are bnc." "Not in our ease, Henrietta," he an- I Hvvercd. with superabundant politeness. "In our ense a man and his wife ore at lent eight and a half. I'm tho half." Washington Star. or.rt r.eeOrU. What isit that interests you somuck In that paper?" "I'm looking over the court record." "The court record?" "Yes; the list of marriage licenses." Chicago Post. Touch. Tti tprlnK lamb now Is with us. You hear Its tender bleat; But how changed you will iindit When you've ordered It to eat. Wudge. A GOOD HIXB. Bryan's New Book REPUBLIC on EME1 THS PHILIPPINE QUESTION si HON. WniUM j. BSYAN with taprittMotarj iLupK'lB fp'tsl i n air' 11 -' BOS. W. -I DSTAX. asm.hv cuntsaia. It Fills a I.unif-Felt Waal. Snodgrass I have justcompletedthe greatest invention of the age. Snivel What 1b it? Snodgrass An anti-profanity foun tain pen. Harlem Life. Tried It and Failed. "What did you learn at school to-day, my son?" "That 1 couldn't Uck the teacher." IIoa. Anctrtw CtitMffia, ttanstArei Jijur, rtt, Aljutt, ihii Gar 111. Ill, !ilit'n, l 1140.1, lUlllul UbiitOli, iiutlvr, Mci..uiriii, Till mAn. liantrv. Turnnr. Tnllavr. PMHMli I !y; II. V. Johriboii, 11 Clin.-.. A. Tt-.v.i", J ! ;.. A.ll il I . i:ti i ;.m-;:, rot irjr 'r. Mmiv, I:, v. Dr. an ik Hun. cimn. rr.t:u is .Mi.iniH, iTui. Dnvid Burr Jordan. Oim'i Ve wntt Jlo,: Curl rlkurs, Sniu'l "i. m, Prunt, Am. 1V1. uf L.umr. und (Jtiifrn, tiik m:.-. W.V.JV t.KV1.l KV IMPERIALISM fM ABSOUiTtSW i'iOUSCCD. Trrritoilul KtpAMlon luiiominuUd, ''' POOH HAS 5 LOAD," ami OfpOtcd to tlMCObltitotioa ofthn UnlUp BtMeM, Him UteUmiOB of ludupeuilenco, urtd all the most Huurud dOOtkHaoi of our Hepublic in Juiudud down to 119 by our t iitber. THE GOSPEL OF A HIGHER CIVILIZATION AND BROADER LIBERTY. THE ONLY BOOK ON THE SCIUKOT, ACENTS WANTED. It l prorawl llln.tratutl, kItIiik biiitutiful hnlt-tonti portrmt. ot Mr. Hrynn and the other con. trlluitor"; iilno MiooiM of thrlllliiK iuterut, .howlng tlio emct conditionii Md OMtMM In the rbili'iiiiin. NothlnR Ilka It Iwfora tt.nipttl in book-iiulliihin)!. A vrv hor.atitn for OK. nto. It riiunot tm houxht it boobatarlSI It cannot be furul.b.d liy uur other house. We ure the .ole Offlciul l'uhll.hnn. 11... flr.t Edition, 100.000 eopls.. wn i'av .ccnmpmiiim order. XIIK QtTTriT IH KK'.y. We raok. no charfro for the - rf. enmpletn Proupcctut Outfit, with hlankt, etc.. but M each Outfit coats M a lot of uionfiy, In ordi r to protect nur.i)ve aVfritinitt i;imiy who would iniprhtn upon ua by aendlnff for Outfit with no Intention nf working, but roertly out of idle curioNity, wh require the pplltMlltt. u ctmrantft' ol frond I'ulth on bin purr, to haikI us 26c to covfr posiAtfe aud wrapping, this umount to hv refunded to uecnt upon our rrcflpt or iirai order lor 1U kuuka. IiHt Moth Hindincr Sl.ffO BmI Half UuriBiA Miii(iin, with nmrblcil Mgti jgju heat Full UuBfliu Hiuding, with gold cdgon i I . . . ! 3.00 Write for our I'll paralleled TcrniB to Agent-. Addresft THE INDEPENDENCE COMPANY. Publishers. FRANKLIN BUILDING, CHICAGO. A large octaTO book, beautiful now type. ou e.iuh order Amounting to f0 book ut ono time, when cuab Carpets I Carpets ! ! Carpets CARPETS ! MATTINGS ! All Kinds. All Qualities. All Prices. The whole lower floor of .ny store is taken up with Carpets; Hum Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Hasaocks, Rug Frioge, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, &c, &0,, We ean show you the largest and lest selection of the above goods ever shown in Lewistown. Kag Carpet aa low as 20a and up Cotton Carpet Velvet Carpet m 22c. " " u 7 U it Roada Here and Abroad. Andrew Carnegie states that he knows of nothing in this country that will compare less favorably with the European countries than the public roads in the United States. Only one who has coached and traveled year aft er year through Europe can estimate the advantages that would flow from similar roads in our own country. It would really change the conditions of the life in the rural and agricultural districts. This is the kind ot work that justifies the issue ot bonds If necessary to secure it. It Is false economy to lay such work. Sliibbs Never hit a man when he's down. Slobbs Dnt's right unless you're sure he can't get uy. St. Ixmis Cilobe DemocraU When Nancy Smiles. When Nancy emlles as you may see It ti not alwuy bliss to me; For Nancy's often fickle, then She casts her smiles on other men. Chicago Record. Out She Didn't Want To. "Yes, when Jack proposed to mo I thought of the grammar class when 1 went to school;" "What an ideal Why?" "Well, you see, i 1 couldnt decline." Philadelphia North American. Contrary. "Yes, I see him. What la there so pe culiar about him?" "lie is the controriest man alive. lie has started a 'We'll Worry All We Want To' club." Boston Journal. Braaael Carpet as low as f0e. and up All Wool Ckrpet " " 50c. " Half Wool Carpet'' 35c. " " sChirja and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Select From ct-mTr! THESE GOODS! Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is the plaOQ to buy at. The goods sue first-class, prices arc the low est, our rooms are clean end no trouble to show goods. Respectfully, A. ft. FELIX. Lewistnvvn renn' Liberal Adjustments New Issues. "Well well things are not going on tn this country as they used to." "N'o, Henry; yon played marbles when you were ten years old, bnt you don't do it now." Brooklyn Life, A Matter of Bern. Little Clarence Papa, what la tha difference between firmness and ob stinacy? Papa Merely a Biattar ot sax, nry Prompt Payments. H. HRRVEYSCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, SEMNStwKOTEj PA. Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, J!iref XlllB ACUIUOUI uuu AVYIMUV No Assessments, Mo rremium rores. Assets $11,055,513.88 " 9,853,628.54 2,409,584.53 aa aa a T f!1 A The Aetna Uounded A. JU., iy Home u " iw 18 IU AinArican The Standard Accident Ingurance Co. TheJNew York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life A&ociation. Tour Patronage S-)Uolted.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers