I I ii The Cruel Knife! CULVERT CONSTRUCTION. Sums VMasa Tkal Mam BtwM UluJ Wki-r liurakllMr U fn Br lrirt-d. It Is absolutely useless to PXToct e nrgirail operation to eure canecr, or mziy other blond fllsoaio The crwl'.y of hi -h liwllimnt in illustrated in t' ; Ja.nitn:; number of dMthl whi.-h re- ( ait from it. The disease is in the ' bivotl, and henco enn not be cut out. Bm times out of ton the surguon't- j knife only hastens deatli. Mf eon hud a nn't malignant Cancer, fo: W eh ihe doctors said an op imttoa vai Hit eaijr hope, 'lheoper-aii.-m wait a wevere unr. a.s it v.-an BSOM msj tu cut d wn to Ittf jawlmni and rripe It. Heforc a TTf. while the Dan-e-r return.-.!. au! be- nat So rtow rapidly. 1a- Ii'hi many itralu' . , rb'iiit re and Baal If, fw?n tin- 't-f of a (Hand, dod to I.": s i -wi-t - ja M : I vlt i T IS- i . ii.i ...llle lit- l9?3fl It, improve. After twenty bottles had f-!i taJprm t!i Gisneer disappeared entirely "l tie wsh cured. Tha cure was a penneasal nae. fur ha la now Set euteen years old. and ha W. r hull a Kit;ii of the tlreadful diasaaa to re lacu. J. X. Mdsdoch, a?j BnodgraM tt., Utiias, Texas. Absolutely the t:.j hope for Cancel i Swift v ipeeifie, (a. ' Judging from the culverts aeeu in various parts of the country their con struction seems to be a loll art. it eetns ns if fTery principle' upon which their BUOOesaful operation depends hiti ntircly ignore. i. As u result number less culverts ure destroyed by each rain storm. Three things should be bor:ie in mind In constructing a culvert: l'irst. Uteri must be a fall from the upi-trearu to the downstream end. and not, nsistoo commonly the case, no fall at all. A fall of two inches to the rod is the lenst that should be allowed when nil other con ditions ure favorable. When less than "most favorable" the fall should be in creased. Second, the bed or channel must le as smooth as possible to pre- y '-. 2 lie SJ lif ii'la as it i; .. only remedy whioh u''s to y hot 10 i of the blood anil lames a . every irucn of thu disease. s. S. i-i guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no potash ( mereury, or other ni.r nil. Iioc'..L Otl CatiLt.r will m mailed frp to any r !dress by the Swift tipeoilic Co., Atlanta, tin. I MMJ mm!, m Blend most softly and I ht play moat effecuvely over i festive scene when thrown y. v i n... nam . 3 by waxen cc '.. The light I j bcanty'ichat ' :.,.,a,'..a i,,. that heightens inn, that gives the Qnished touch tothedrawing mom or dining room, is the mellow ciow tu mQUEJ t;: iX CANDLES .Id in nil colors and shade! t harmonica with any interior hangings or dtcoratioua. Manufactured by TANDARD OIL CO. Io evurvwrero. ;iow To I1U1LO A CULVERT, venl the collecting of Iravea, atlcka, etc., ii elog tie pKxsagc Third, the ehan lie I must in- in.. df at narrow aa poaalble consistent w ith the volume of water to he carried, in such ease it will in- al inotl sun- to keep clean if the second rule has been observed, The best form for a culvert h- the egg shape, !th (be small end down; but since tiles of such shape are often ditli CUll to obtain and may he thought ex pensive, and since sin ami large enough to dftnand brick culverts of this form may often be more economically bridged, the farmer would better use large round tile or sewer pipe. It may, however, "oft en be though! too xp.cn live to purchase tile (( large enough capneit) to carry ti e stream. In this case u serviceable culvert and one that will till all the requirements may be n ude of flat stone. The sides and lop may be buill to suit the fancy of the builder, lie usually does pay mosl at tention to them an. way. Hut ihe chan nel, which is the vital part, and yel the least one considered, as a r.cral thing. should be in the form of an obtuse an gle, as shown in the illustration When suitable stones cannot be procured, plank will answer the purpose. A chan nel constructed In this form and hav ing a pond fall will be practically self cleaning and will not fail at the critical time, in fact, the reserve, far any slight Hash that may be accidentally carried in end deposited will be swept out lit once by the fust water deep enough to move it. There will be practically no danger, then, of the culvert being de stroyed or its acting ns n dam Instead of i terwaj'.- 0. Kolns, in Farm and Pit i side. Vic! R f S 73 L.w. ilmve .(.:m-. fi im nititinf Mtliflnl cat ,i euturjr.AiHl low lebrata tin- SOU) yttf iva Itra I ft Q 'Men ildlni MUttou 'f Guide c:.t rid c? Tu;.:fg. : uvi we - Work Can v,v Dotn Miii v. :t"i Dolle Very Hrnvy. - A Oardon 9 and F lorvii friit. v . irh 'f:irt. 24 pftfM ltthnirrnphcd Incolon, 4pn'' f Vt mm, iiftirh It' (.Mi.s ill', i wltti h.tniiMiiiie hjlti itrnttoiw of Howftn, VrgeUalilMt PUnti, PrulU, ft1, wifsfini n j bound In whlv ntid irold. a nmr rri in ' iieniftklnff; n authority on all roytcti pMrtttnli t ihfrden, wlihimr foi tbv wuny , nod a Ktniptlf . . ".ti' "T nit thai iadwlrablt. It i ti rtimiMM away Indlarrimtnntriy. i-nt newiint rrerrw fd In :i u I frmitll'n Io bnva ft tnpy tltrrH i - i; l tin (wMldtf and n tor III I Ii di s55c. war Hi ot aedj 13 Ct3. It tt i h.'w crtdlt la rjlvrn 'or Tull Amount uf porcUiMt to buy tthar goods. vicU'n v'M!c Com Catalogue... A it'. iith- j-i-m nf air.ir'i-i, iti. "Hiii'iT ififl td. Ilnaly onvanlc rated, nnl in IihihIv i r. fcrenct, PR BE vicu ii'iftratod Monthly Masazlne F.niui cd.lmpmtfd unit untndaw on auanbifcui relating 1 1 Gardtntna, llortlrnltara. ate. M nntt yvitr Sppfflttl IWO nflfcr the llnaaslafl one yt i mid the unldo 1 " !I3 rrnt. Jmt nrw pita of mUU Vefc'ttal-! Sedi gtfai ou mort for your icoo.y thftn l- net! bouie In America. James Vicks Sons, Rochester, N. Y. OH SALE EMffHBE ' .:. i in a sassa "(otcris aid Throat Irritations 1 '3V 'SVwoa't Cornov. c. 5' PACKAGES. Wallace & Co., New York City. in many localities are item of worh Hint e:m be done to good advantage dur ing the winter In the clearing of Ihe land of mimps. It is hardly goodecon tniij to plow in d walk n round stumps during all of the years required for them to rot out, when, with the aid of dynamite, they may be taken oni i uch sn oil cost, n la's dynamite is cheaper than grubbing, while in nearly nil eases the stumps "ill be split up so thai Ihey enn be handled much more readily. After iryinj; two or three plans we found it saved time and trouble to use n pood, sharp-pointed crowbar. With it make a bole directly under the stump s.. tlint the stick of dynamite will be n nearly under the center ns possible, The b:ir should nia!;e a bole a little larger than the stick of dynamite o that the latter will slip readily into the place made for it. In many cases -i half stick will answer as well as a w hole ere. In cutting use n sharp knife 1hat will readily cut through the soiled pa per. Use care so ns not to cut Into the dynamite with the knife. Our plan wan to prepare n number of sticks all ready, putting the fuse into Hie cap and in serting the cap in the fuse. Use plenty of fuse ns it is cheaper to dothls than to run the risk of injury from uol hav ing ample time to pet away. nen me dynamite is put in place fill up the hole to the top. tamping slightly tal in'T caro not to jar, as it is the jar given that caiues the dynamite to explode. Then light the fuse and run to a safe (,'istancc. Dynamite should not be handled when f rente n, should be handled care fully, and don't let it fall. It can be set on tire and will burn up w ithout ex ploding. He careful all of the time, that is the only safe rulf. We cleared len acres of stumps without an accident ut an average cost of about ten eenla each, and certainly found the work profitable. N.J. Shepherd, in Farmers" Voice. sionc yrea.la. Hacfclaes. Economy of labor and rapidity and efficiency "of work in laying stone fo. macadam roods are secured by the use of a "spreading machine." This vehi cle somewhat resembles an ordinary coal wap-on, is hiph in front and low behind, with a gradual slope from fron!. to rear. There is a gate at the end ' which can be raised and lowered to con trol the depth of stone which is to b: spread. In operation the end of the Wagon is lowered until it almost touches t Ii n rrflll nrl. nnd then, as the team moves nlonp. the stone flows out smoothly nnd spreads evenly at the re quired depth. One of these meohinea 5arrles 3'i erclies of stOTie and is muled by two horses. NEAT SHIPPING CASES- If aa rat L'p tour Hooey In Attn II vr Pnvknvra It Can lie Sold Hrndllr- la selling honey much depend on op pearance. Kxtracled honey put up in a neat package, is more likely to meet with ready sale than if put up in any i-ort of style without any label. Ki pecially does the matter of looks make a difference in the sale of comb honey. Remember that a pood part of Ihe dif ference in price between comb honey and extracted Is paid for the nicer look of the former, and if you pack your comb honey in any sort of a box that happens to be at baud it may make a difference of two. three or fourcentss pound. Shipping cases for honey are made that are especially adapted to the par pose. Not only are they convenient in shape and size for packing and ship ping, but they show off the honey tc good advantage when plated on th OIssn to Oct Btl. "k Kentucky man recently married the granddaughter of a waiuan who once refused hiru." "Gracious; what a vengeuuve be will It able to wreak." "I don't see where the vengeance la to I come In." "Why. be will be able to address the woman who had once refused blm las "grandmol her.' "Cleveland I'laln . j Dealer. ICnaj- Hnough. rjarrj,Say. old man. I'm In a horri ble tlx. Fred What up? Harry I've goue and got eng-iged to two girls. How the dickene am I going to get out of M Fred Oh. that's easy enough. Just contrive to get them together so tbnl 'bey can compare note.. Chicago Rec ord. I) 1 1 1 1 n I o n e (1 . She was a maiden fair, and he An ordinary count. He didn't have a MoomuV cent, But she a large amount. They married all our maidens long To wear a royal yoke Now maiden hasn't itoi a cent And "count" la also "broke." Denver Times HH S( IIIIIOI) A POINT. Scene la Portugal at the Rio Porto Vineyards. aiajtamRt THi porr chapes to me wnrutT, oh tu deads or mbh akd woa-m NiA3 THE VAU-3 'JZ UEXETIZ WHEJUC TBXY ABB DUMPED Ot TBI ' lUja&d TAT3 TO BB TRODDEN FOE POET WBl The rujged bills with projecting rocks of brown stoae and shale co-iuiiiin u ur;e q-uiimy ot iron, make it impossible to use wagons here lience t ie to-i i;.- :. ivo to be carried to tho trending vat or larger as thev ;i: j "i '.nj are large enoutB for twenty persons to tread, wi... h y : . v. .if to music furnisnedby the proprietor. 3a-- e. is" i ' . : ' : . -t.lj 8H1PHINO CASES Fult HONET. counter of the grocer by means of the glass on one side that allows ihe snow white comb to be seen without allow In;; the llii to Li'lit upon it. or the fingers of meddlesome urchins to be punched illtu it. Two kin.!;, of shipping cases lire shown iii Ihe Illustration. The upper one holds 12 ol Ihe so-colled one-pound sections, two sections being seen through ihe glasa, The lowi r case con tains -l sections, four of tin in being ii: sight Cases for -is sections have ah.i been i ii. i i!e. but ihcBC .'ire lit : le used. The tendency seeiua lo be rsthertowiardth iL'-sect ion case A IS-aeel ion case that is n compromise in appearance between the iwo ease in the picture is very pop ular In it I It re'e sections are in sight, there being fiuir rows of three sections cii 'I liis i: st style of ease will cost you somewhere froitrelgln to ten cents each, depending on the nun ber bought. At this price you get matirla) ready 10 nnil logether, every tbinp complete, , in eluding nails and glass. .National Sioc kmun. y ,1 , 1 .-X ft. i 1 I V t'l 1 $ ' .'"iTr-iLi V. .2 1 m mn . . m v.e M - .:-;': ;w h.a, ?.r' K.ii . -i-l iSS tt GEESE ARE CLEANLY. II i :..- Have Plenty r Uim-r They Are Never Heru Hxcepl fu-n I'll fur Ureaa rnrutle. "A goose is the clean-st fowl alive." ny Si. i Itennker, owner of a (arm in Kent ueky on v bich be l.i eps more t nan t8,0(i(i geese "l have been fn the poul try business since IKdt.bave bandied all kinds uf domestic fowl, nnd have btudieii iheir habits closely and h:ie never s i n anything which equals the k'oose in cleanliness, They are con stantly at work keeping their feathers clean, and if tiny have plenty of water they are never s en except when lit for dress parade, 'l'luy arc equally careful regarding their food, (in one occasion we boughl a lot of corn which had musted, and the geese would not eat dough made from it, nor will they eat dough after it has soured On thisnc COUOt W e have to be very careful lo mix up no more dough than the geese will eat n i in a day. Anol her peculiar thing about geese is that they eat a great deal more some days than they do on others. For instance, it frequently requires 30 or 40 buckets of dough a day to a given pen of geese. Then for n few days ihey w-ill not est more than a dozen buckets. When they have plenty of water nntl wholesome food geese fatten rapidly and have no disease, but unless they have an Opportunity to keep clean and have pure food they die rapidly." "V'iiy. George, you said you wen-n't goiu" to wmoke unit there was roroe one Iii re and we've only liecn mar ried v. fortnight l" "That's .just It. darling: you m. I haven't begun to looC. upon you a no body." -Ally fth p j-i.t n v. n ) 1 ii e Una. Although sp mn n i y poaieas Tl.e daintiest r.' t In I wi . You'll tltvl It i!'. te lmm vuble When cue" she put it down. Chicago Dally News. Levity, Here the lecturer gn w very earnest. "I am convinced "he exclaimed, "that the woman who does i i rnwti eooKiug is more likely to fire: li place among the angels than the woman W i::i lloean'tt" Now n voice obtrtldi 1 itself harh'y. "If she cooks with gasoline." said the voice. Detroit Joitri nl. Unit ..lleett tt. "I!;iv yen ev. r noticed that men and their wives generally grow in look i like lifter i in-v have ix'eu married n few years?" j "Oh, yes. Both ol them nearly ul- ways bare tin- same sad expression " j Chicago Daily Ni " s. ALFUED AP&nP, the Pioneer wine grower of New Jersey viioe IV. Burrjaudy rivalu the world, imported tiie Port . years ago, and planted vineyards in the Passaic V. I in lti,su:c COUBiy, New Jersey, is identical t lll1 ' - Speer'a New Jersey Vincyui iis are situated in the Passaic valley below the mount grapes are carted to the winery in the town of Passat-' mashed between rollers made of rubber, which do nol I and made into wine. These grand wines of Spccr's that have mellowed in C. course of years ot ripening, ure the choicest wines in tins i can only be obtained by paying a price that is higher ll from western vineyards. Mr. Speer deems it necessary lor wine that it be allowed vears to mature in wood to t coarse parts; with this object he keeps his wines several years in fumigated cell irs and frequently racks before bottling or offering for sale. The reputation of Speer's wines as a valuable medicinal and family wine extends ar tnd the world, rjyGrocers and Druggists sell Speer's Wines and Brandy. r in tho try uod wines healthy 1 of its Tented II I m. Butler Ob, Mr. Toot, while you were out n gentleman called "Ahl Was be n big. strongman?" "No, be wasn't very strong, I found no trouble In tbn wing bim out." .V Y. World. Game uf Chanee, "We never have the same coffee tw Ice." "How's that'.'" "Well my wife buys it around wher ever she takes a notion to the bric-a-brac." Detroit Free Dress. AMONG TIIE POULTRY. Ktfep down nil surplus stock; market Si t hat is not needed. Feed wheat to chickens as soon as they ure able to eat it. Damaged grain or fermented food era very apt to induce bowel discuses. Fowls that are overfed are not healthy nnd will not lny regularly. To fatten peese rapidly feed boiled oats with ii: ilk two or three times a day. Removing to warm, dry quarters will prevent the biggest half of any dis t ase. Fiom this time on through the win ter early feeding will give the best re sults. IJme water is a cure for bowel dis ease and is alao a remedy for soft sbclled eggs. Milk has all the necessary elements for the production of fut and gives the skin a good color. In too many cases the poultry are overfed, causfttjk them to become too fat and unproductive. Dry lime is too caustic to lie given alone A better plan is to keep n vessel of lime water convenient. Hoi I i nsr the milk that is fed to fowls will Increase its value and lessen the risk of its producing disease. Chickens intended for breeding stock should nol be pushed too fast or lie overfed. A steady development is best. Tco few roosters or old, inferior stock on Hie male side, want of moisture dur ing incjb.ition are well-known causes of infertility of egga. Ik I.ouia Republic. in Qood ItMdlas?, Walking Delegate Is Wickerton a consistent union man? Master Workman- 1 Should say lie was. Why, lie won't even permit bis clock to r.;n over eight hours a day. Chicago Daily News. The Other MM, Harold That rascal going up to the street there stole $8,000,000 from me. Wither How? Harold He married Miss Moneybags while 1 was engaged to her. N. Y. World. How the Neighbors Knew. "You know, after all," said the young father, "u baby does brighten up Ihe house." Single Skeptic I dare say; I've no ticed the gas burning late Id your room recently. Moonshine. A Knrecnat. "Delia Is going to be married iu ihe spring." "How do you know ?" "I heard her say she was going to wear her old clonk nil w inter." Chi cago Record, The Situation. Papa (from the next room) Kthel, aren't you going to light the gas in there? Kthel Yes, papal we were just speak ing of-er-striking n match. N. Y. Truth. Getting; Jlnttern Arijncted. "Tint woman next door went and got a hat exactly like mine." "Did you miike a fuss about it?" "No; I gave mine to the cook." Chi cago Record. A Lef t-lliind Compliment. Mrs. Henry I'eck So you think opals would look well on me. eh? Why? Henry Peck Um er. well, you see, they're fiety. too. Jewelers' Weekly. Deprt entciry. Pat Shore, it's rucsilf thot stroikes wid me pick as regular as s clock. The Boss Yes; a clock stroike gen erally wanert an hour. - Judge. 1 1 1. BIGGIE BOOKS K A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB DIGQLE No. 1 -GIGGLE HORSE BOOK ah about Morses a Cotnmon-8eaie Treatise, srini over 74 Illustrations ; u stauuurJ work. Price, 50 Ctuts. No. 2-BIGQLE BERRY BOOK All About grow lug BnUsll Fnilfal rod snd tetiti bow ; contains 43 colored litolikc Kprodncttonsoi nil leading varieties uud 100 oilier illustrations. Price, 5U Ccuts. No. 3 HIGGLE POULTRY BOOK All nliout Poultry ; the best 1 oultry Hook in existence tills everything : withsj colored life-like reproductions of all the prim i, Jl breeds; with IDJ other iuustraUoas. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIGGLE COW BOOK All about Cows nnd the Dairy llu-iness ; havtaga erent i-;ite; contains 8 colored life-like reproductiOBi oreacti breed, with 15a ether illustrations, l'rice, o Cents No. 5 BIGGLE SWING BOOK Just out. AH ( bout IIors Drerdin";, FeedlnR, nuti-li-cry, DheaaeB, etc. Contains over So beaiitilul hull tottSS ard otiier euraviiu.;s. I-ricc, jo Ceuts. TheU' it '..U BOOKS are iii:i.;nc,rri?inal,usefi:l yon never : iw saylniag like them 0 prscMca,KseneiDUt. 'l'hcy ere havinir u enormous aleZSt, West, North and !-uith. Bvery OtM who keeps n Ilcrse, Cow, Hofj er C'liie-'u, or i-rm-. Small Fruits, oeht to send right away lor tiic UlUGLIi BOOKS. The 1 your paper, made for you and not a misfit. II ir. 72 years Ola; it isihe great boiled-dosrtt, liit-the-iiail-on-lhe heail,-quii-after-you-bave-Said-it, Farm and Household paper ill the world the biggest paper ol its size in the United Stall s 01 America Having over u million undn-halt regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL S Yi-ARS (remainder of 18119, itoo, Mt. 1502 and 11103) will be scut by mail lo any address for A DOLLAR BILL. SampleofFARM JOURNAL and circular describing BiGGLE BOOKS free. V ILMI'R ATKINSON. LUAS. I-'. SMEUfS Address, 1AK.1I JOI'RNAL 1'IIILAUIiLrlIIA i t'lMiiriiili-H. .tint en I ! 11. I served from 'CI to '64, and wan nrmiuded vny in, ISM. Iii the BstU ol rlie Wilderness. 1 would I IKK t" have my comrades kemv whul Celery KlOg has dope tor me, In 181 011 ' i'1 pompisti I, ohroale dlarrahw-s. came i ki-k The doctors could not stop H, hut o hr King ns cured dv, ana I aai once more enjoying life Kiiank BSBBLBB Owosco.Mleh (ii K HlhN Y. v L). Celery Klog for Uih Neivp, Liver and snd Kidneys laaold in Mo. and 6o. jne'ltugi-H ii w ii. Merman, Troxfleillet Middleawaiih 4 fish. UoClure; B. a. Bbrlghi, Aline. DMINISTRATOR'H NOTICE. Let J ters ui Adiuiointrntion iii f he ea latent wm, noiisnoaoh. laie ol Perry town intp, Snyder 0 I., Pa., deed., having been grant ed to tins uoderstgned, nil persons knowing tliemselves IndHDted tosald estate ate requeatM m miike Immediate payment. WhllettKXe luivlng nlaiais vrtil preaeat them duly autoenUeated tu Uic undersigned. SAMUEL HOLLEMHACII, Admr. Muil Itieomc nnsured- ctft. Nturtu you or - eir. free. Point Co , Ml Oak lllk., Boston. t uie Ate ei voiii Hendncbea. K-irei-'i.t ra ira I aiuTeriMl from cnsMoallnn ana .,- en. i.afi:i.-ln ii.- ue uiaahfl uunaliV la-tin' I davaal a h i toad iche !) i I h-II-'m i. in.. 1 1. irl V IimI II. fl I. in hMd ah 'll'i'lj since i hfimn biklnu Oali rv Kin-1 llavc en ml I nunrovml in lienli h. neldom or never have liemH ai-iii'. hav iralead In Seah. and feel decidedly! wuH-Un H s IIati m Tninnla. M. H. r- teryl kine for the Nerves Liver snd Kldneyi I si.wl I.. I I i'.. MiikAOM hu 1 11. I f -riltrtl' . TroP!lle; Ml Idle.iwarth .t DISS, Mel Ian-: II. I A. Klirlgllt. Alll.e. E XKCUTOR'S NOTICB.-Nofioi i.' is iii 11 . i p i ii Um! letii is t- mi i"i i lau uf- il.e .' Hate of Aim lla 11 Eer. ISIn 'I .lack -on IllKnahll'., .-n tier tontl I ' 111 H- dwmiaed. have been Issued tn-dne lot m ol Is III llli - Illicit islI.ed, Ii. Win III nil ll-lli l''i 'I t" said estate should make Immediate payment iimi timse ttsviDR 1 1 aims ncufimt it should pre sent tin m duly suthsntlcated lorseit'ement. Jacob Gilbert, w. D. B i Ol Hi Altoiney. hix..cuwr. Grip brings weakness, exhaustion, nervous prostration; Dr. Miles' Nervine cures ifiem. IREH1FE ; AND ; ACCfDIMB Insurance. SNYDHK'S OLD, AN1D RELIABLE Gen'l Insurance Agency, SELINSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA Elmoi- W. Snydor, Asont. Successor to toe late William H. Snyder. Tlie Pai-Exopller cp of Reliable Insiirancn in r.-presented ii: Ihe faUow ripr list of BUnchard Companiea, from which to make Bdmtwn. None better the Uoild ov;r. - NA.HK, LOCATION, ASSETS. FIItE Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign ukpI.i-) i0 000.00 Hartford, of Hartford. Conn., (oldest Ainnricaii Co.) f64B,786. Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. 6,588,068.07 Continental, New York, THKM 72 German American. New York, 6,240,oa8.M LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, N 04.638,983,00 ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowost possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjuated. Information in relation to all classes of Insur ance promptly furnished ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt., Telephone No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts. Selinsgrove. Pa I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers