rSf'iS- I t I I U a II li I 4 I THEY HAVE COMETH) OUR TERMS andBROSIOUS brothers MADE THE GREATEST PURCHASE L I 6EWE1AL GRAHAffS ULTOATU3 i r-jZZlnrrm -U -OF- B 9 In !!l L Ever Known WW tobunoury Euit Nine Hun dred in AS1 89 GENTS A Wonderful Sale Will Now Begin. IS THE PRICE WILL BE SOLD AT. HOW VT DONE I T. Julv (ith wi iii-iild hh ofT.M- tr !i well known Cloth uj Houo in Nw Yor, for NINE 1IUNDUE!) Hoys' Suits, sizes to run from i In 1"i years. The number of suits Punt stu:i:e!v I tl i-iii inul 1 ln y nfki'd if wo littd tioi iii!i1h a mistake and if not what we intended to do wit'i i'i.-di. SUIX TlIliM was the two wordu u'iVc tlie.ui for im snser, but when 1 liv seen the piico xv nft'-re.j tin-in they wor ainiizod, hs tin s iils fn. iiim lr Mold for ONE DOLLAR They then rospondi d with a bis; NO, we are worry we cannot our order, us tLe price, is entirely too little. NOW THEY COME TO OUR TERMS. October 1st they notified in Ihev would accept our oiler and mikn the first shipment the 15th. They are row laieuiul wb how invite everybody in tho universe to come und examine Ilium. c b tSUISTBURY, PA. BRO SI 1 BROS., py aa ca w ;p, Winn. 7EZ G&33AT HUSTLE AT 0S3 PLACE 01 BUSINESS WAS CAUSED BY 'm LtlBGS HUISUER OF HEAT- AHi) THE PLACXilu- OF mi 1 A..? ; is.? w . 1 S 5 Si i R i it 6 1 ;-: cariics Btovo thai: is sold vith it our POSI TIVE GUARANTEE that it must give satisfaction Be fore a Cent is paid, Gail and see the Tlie Larpst Stock of Stoves Ever Seen in Snyder County SCHOCH & STAHLNECKER, Opposite County Jail. Middleburgh, Pa. COURT HOUSE CHIPS MARIilKD. i. ..A llmrrltfu till IX...N i:nl-r.Ml lor IUoor.1. i winnm It.-irs i.f.Ia.M.I, WmUit, .lirmswl ! 1y IVv.(J. 1. Druckonmillop, John to S-pluiWH Walter, house and lot jC. W. liasslcr of Fni-lmrg toCnth in J ,:i;iklin twp. for 700. irini? A. Mi-ngcl of Fremont. honuel M. Mover and wife to , (MJ t tWhonu, of tl.ol.rule, i !.....!..-M .9 ..;,. .WU. I).v Hev. M. S. Crewman, bherman M14dltwa. Pa Oct K M4r Dm rml OrsfcMH to wattlaf U kw tnm Chtof BurgMM Qlrard bcfort waking f hi mind wktbr t m4 kla tfoep to Um Philadelphia JuUI. Tha" vral la not pleased with tb arranaamtBUi which have boen mad to take car ( the aoldlera, and It tha committee doM not provide better quart th boy will not go. He has directed Colonel Glrard to make an Investigation of the anltary condition of th build ings In which It Is proposed, to shelter the Second corps. It de pends entirely In his re pert whether the troops will go to Philadelphia, and General Graham expects to know defi nitely by this evening. His intentions were to take the four Pennsylvania regiments. Ninth Ohio colored battal ion, a provisional battalion from every other regiment In th Becond oorpa, the ngineer and signal corpa companies and th division, brigade and regi mental commanders and their staffs, If General Graham agrees to make the trip the movement will begin tomorrow morning, and by evening 10,000 troops will contribute to the crowds In th Quaker City. The movement of the corps south will begin Nov. H, and General Graham expects to have all troops away ten days later. Governor Bushnell. of Ohio, visited the camp this morning, and a review of the Ninth Ohio colored bat talion and Tenth Ohio was given in bis honor. Private James P. Stanton. Company IC, Second. West Virginia, fell from a freight train Saturday night and broke his left leg and mashed the other so badly that it had to be amputated be low the knee. The surgeons say the patient will recover. A riot occurred in Uarrisburg Satur day night between privates from the Fourteenth Pennsylvania and Two Hundred and Third New York regi ments. The rioters were arrested. No body was badly hurt, although a Sec ond Tennessee man tried to shooj two colored policemen who were called in ' quell the disturbance. CntiKO for Si'splclon. "I Din KUrprlM';', Mr. Fllntroclc, ot your ropMoht," paid the president of the Solldville hank, ui'ih considerable ft vl ir.f. "Mr. SI i alr;lit has been a nmiltl of conscientious rectitude during (ill the years in which he has filled the po sition of cashier of thiR institution. There has never been a whimper breathed guinst bis integrity, and " "So I linve ulv.ajs- thought till re cently," Interrupted Director Flintroe':, a hard-Beaded old fellow, with a jaw like a steel-trnp. "Liut I have just learned that his friends are referring to him as 'Honest John,' and I demand that lis accounts be examined at once." X. Y. Weekly. Pit I'rubnbl)- TuuKlit Her. A little girl, who at tends a Maine public school, has quite an idea of no bility, as was evidenced by her reply to her teacher. The class liiid been reading about the king's family. The teacher, wishing' to Inculcate the cor rect Idea of royal descent, 6ald : "Now, children, if the king and queen had a Bon, what would he be?" "The Jack," was th'c quick response. Ilockland (Me.) Star. FREEBURQ. J. (,'. V. Jtossler and Kate A. Meiigi l were united in matrimony Thursday idlerno..!.. 'fcv. Druek eiinitller rfornied tliu ceremony. The happy couple are now in I'hila- ue-pnia witnessing the Juhilee ex ercises. . . .Prof. Wm. Moverattend ed Synod of the Reformed church which convened at Reading. From Reading lie went to Philadelphia to attend the Jui.iite exercise. . . .11. 1. Mover who represented otireoun ty at the .State 8. S. Convention re mit ly held at Johnstown gave an interesting and instructive account of the convention to the Freehurg Sunday SchHl last Sunday afternoon . . . .Our I mi id is in prime condition since they had their intriinicnts re paired. They visit the farmers in our lM!iiy nnd give them charm ing music. .. .S. 1). Kaullman has !ccn oolite Mimsslul at his trade, w atchmaking since he came among us. J Fe will move here in Xoveiii- U-r ('l-.iiilfs IJcninj-erof (Ilobc lills purchased the proHTty of Simon Reiiingci fer $.))(), UNION TWP. Charhs Ve::richand familviHMit Sunday at XorlliiunlM'rhwid Charles Walter of Xcw York City is spending the week with his friend (iotth.el) Schrcy Fiuieh Auekcr was visiting among friends at Kieli- ficld over Sunday IT. II. Shra w- der is selling tailor made clothing James Shallcr is ciinvas-ing lor tho ncv- !:ok,"T!ie War with Cuh:i." He is sellinir omti' a hiiiiiImt. . . . N. T. Dm '.(lore made a husipesstrin to Sclinsgrove last wwk....Fred Weaver of Meiserville fillinl the inl- pit for Rev. Rrillhart at the Wit- . . . nicrs ajipointment last Sunday. . . . Union towiwhm will soon have nn- other new preacher too, that is if he can succcssfiillv jinss the examina tion One of our threshers of the ui)pcr end, J). W. Slahl. has the expect m! help o a I rand new en gineer a. S. N-clinst isspcnding the week in Philadelphia mi a jleas urc am! husiness trip, huving his winter 'cods. "WEST BEAVKK. Jury Liist. I.: I . r i r iml I'll-"!- diawn fi:r Un- ('..nil ol o-r ! 'IVriiilinT :inil liiMii' .),. drlixetv! n! (inir.'v --.- .,-i r On' i,r (if T'T'n, ei imu iit'lrif I.e.' Mi Uee. r.i'nn .l.ieUMiti I'll ry M.iMli.iniiK' V,iiM:t a F iinkl'.ii Wa-liiii::iiin 'hire Vo.t Iriwr IVM.V l enii Went I'.e.ivi r .rl Spi'llitf S.iiliii; 'Ii;iiii.iii We.t ;. aer Suluihurme V.M llei.Ver .Miilillei rt-ek Spi'llllf Sjiiiinr .V'lllll H W. liiMUT .-on t.!). for $-2,.")l0. J. IVtcr Kant, to UoU'it A. Kan, ;i7 acres in Monroe township l.-rKl.etc. I,pit-r t.rnnliMl. Lt iters ot administr.itioii in the slat of tin; late .Judge II. C.Sanip sell were granted to Dr. J. V Sainpsell. Mitrrlitvc l.lreiinm. J. C. W. Jiassler, Freehurg, ) C. A. Mcngcl,Mt. Pleasaut Mills. P. Warner of Middlchurg to Mar garet M. linckerot Ix'wistown. Gran 1 Fall Opening at Weis', Selinsgrove. ClothCnK'sand Plush Capes bcnti tifttlly trimmed. Ijadies', Misses' and Children's Coats iu large varie- DLKL3. Oct. 17, at Selinsgrove, Frank Halm, aged 47 years, 1 month and IT) days. Oct. 17, near llichfield, Nancy Keller, ag(.d 70 years, 8 months and 22 days. Funeral was held on the 20th inst, nt Neiniond's llcformed church. Uev. O. (J.Uoniigofliciat- ed, , - rt A, Old fashions in dress may be re vivAil. but no old-fanhioned inedi icine can replace Chamberlain's Colio Cholera and Vutrrtcea ttemeay. iror Harold Frederic, the well-known journalist and novelist, who died in liondon a lew days ago, sustained a stroke of paralysis some time ago mid while helpless fell into the hands ol Christian Scientists, who refused to summon niedicalassistanceand treat ed him in their own peculiar manner. It was only when some friends of the bright man heard of his treatment, and protested, that a physician was summoned, but it was then too Into. The news from Loudon is to the ef fect that the legal authorities will take the matter up, with a view of beginning proceedings against the quacks, who may lie said to have murdered Frederic. Mrs. Emmet Eystcr, who had lieen spending' the last several mouths with her parents' family at this plaeej returned home to Akron, U., Inst week. . r - i - S'V l- l' . Ullllv llCl'l :is ! ''.'I-, IN'.K. on N).i''i:ii:s. N . ' . H'V.ip.iil 11.. !l'U ,C'e I, !" irni.T, ll 'nv 'i, ll.ii'vry, l.i'l'iniT, ltn"lii.. .1. N., 'I'.Melifr, iM'.MT i'N. .1 IIIK'M, ( 'urik'Iiti r II . ill. J' .I'll '. IMii'l.i r, '. II.. I.n'mivr, ;'..! i. ,l.i'lii, ! .inner, 11:11 1 nihil, .1. hi) .1 , Tin HUT, II r. .-.lei, i uui l' k li., Kiiriue'', lleil". .!(im-ii., T III' '". Ile i'i i' , ' -1 t-t I 'in nier. Ilei'.''ie , 'I i O'' iVs. I iii iiier, Kie'l'ii l". il., (! M I' 'in. m, l.en::. Levi 1., l. i""ier, MIH'lii I, II. .1.. r.rnier. luer, lli'liton, I'liriner, I'clein, le tnj .) , TiiAiul'ti, Kiiini, I. 11.. I.niuir.-r. ICfimii.i.i'r, l ivlil, l''.iruier, Kow. II. V., T'-iieni'i', Siiillh 11. ).. Lil'orer, SinlOi, KnliUil, Oei.tleman, SiMMtl;, K'uii. Citvi iilnl', Wuk,-Ii('l', li. ., Jl Jrelniiil, n:TiT.iii!ous. I, fit nt .iiirnr nruwn fur lliecmirt n' ruieiiioii PU iis ei iu liter S''Mflnns nt ine Fraee, oxer .iiel'i aim General Jul) Uelnvi'.v ol siiy. I rt'eiiie , im., Iie'il us Dect'DiberTiiriu cem iiieiicin Uee. 11, 1M. Arnold, M. I'., .1. 1'., Union MiKiniiHii. C'j'iil' W , Kurraer, Anams H.tliuip'i', J.iCuli. Latwier, Ml lilleereek llenler, Miw'-, F.ii mi l', irlii H'-ver. I'urry, Kiriner, ivrrv Buyer, Win. M , Merelmnl, I'lilo'u i'o.i,ier, A. K , i.ilcn t . S-'llukjiioxe Coleinuli, UiiIkti, I.iUirer, Kenn Frcjmiiu, K. K s.'iddlui. JLJdieuiirnli Kellv L'enry, Kurnmr, Frimklln Kn-isl, Jixciiii. Fiirin T, Peax'cr l-'lslier, Kcnr, Luburer, Lrnlon oIukh, Kruiieis, Kiii nier. Wnchlii-ion llfii(li'.eS, Irxln K., Farmer, WiikIiIi.hIou llepner. .Mlchiiel, Ijilxirer, Wem Perrv Huiuuiol, s U , Ijiliorer. J.iiUi)Ui"ivk Klnuey, OlmrleH Vl. , Latmrer. l'enu Kllngler, Kranklln, Karuier, .Tackwo Kilhn, Oeurire, r'liriner, Wa.hlnirion Korieiier, Join s., Lulxirer, Chnpiimn Knnkle, .Samuel, Kiinner. M mroe Keinror, sainnel. Laborer, Varry l'iiir, Jo.-epli. .Miison, Clmnmau Minium, I.wIh, temiemap, lVrry Porl until'. II. II , 'liiuolier, l'erry Hunch, H'iir'. Kunnei, Krunklin ltimtr, JiiIiii 1., tarnier, I enu Kalblun, Oliver, Lulioiur, H.-rry U"leliley, Win., .1, Farmer, Monroe Itlpka. W. W., 'IVaelier. Weslilnirum siuiili, A. H , tJiirfiuer, lvnn Sliullny, I). Irx-ln. Farmer, l ulon ftnaiier, I'.niai.uei, can.eiiier l'erry siminnucli, Miner K., paraier, O'nlre Hwliiui'orl, II. 1)., Ijiiierer, l'erry siiiek, Llnoiln, Lulxirer, West l'erry Sliulley, 'm., runner. Jtekson Troup, .IoiiuOiuii, Farmer, Prry Trcvlti, NlL'lioliis. Lurwntr, l'erry Ulrleli, lllium. (enlleinan, I'eim VaiiZ iniu, .lames M., laborer, Mldaieliurff VonNelrta. SVm ., lienlleaian. I'enn Wsiriittr, J. A., KuxruilKer, Spring x ei.ei, . ir., tjiuurur, I'enn Weaver, H. B., Mixson, Clianmuu WaKuur, T . A . , Tu aclier. West lieav, r Zorhe. lieiilnmln. Mason. lteavnr Zolber, Ltuculn, Faroiui', spring Housp: for Sale. The large dwelling house m franklin belong ing to W. K. Jones will be Bold at private sale. If not sold by Jan. 1st, it will be for rent. There is plenty of fruit and all the buildings are good ; a slate roof is on the house land a well at the door,. For further ', ltead Uie Pobtv and get , all the information apply to Jas. G. Crouse, , J lntrht PBwgv QntY l,50et TCar, iMiddlebnrghrPa, ; ' " T,,, lO-d-ttL About three-fiitti'th of the corn is sliii iu tin- sli(;.'k here. '1 iierc is al s: jioiiie piov ii;ir to do yet for fill! sowing.... S. II. Phillips made a liti-iiici-s trip in (in- county seat last week. iiesjKiiks well of his treat ment w.ili' there, particularly by our jirollioiii.'iary. (h'orge nKvavs tries t' d enio others as he wishes lo de (loi.e by is the opinion of W. 15 I. W. Treasfer expects to leave Slabtowi!, Milllin (bounty this week make his home in Snyder 1 oiinty . . . . Mrs. Henry 1 mister re ceived n pension last week of $12 per mouth with 847r) kick pv, also a voucher of $ 1 due her husband tit the time of his death. . . .Alexander Kncpp is taking out timber for a new house and barn. Mr. Ciiil took the contract for putting up the barn 3(ix00 feet for 50 . .'..J. J. Steely bought a new cook stove last week, for the purjioso of being ready when pon bans and sausage are rie, to supply all who may see fit to give him a call. He claims the o:d cook and the new stove will do the work. Geo. Gordon. Willi llflttlut. I '"ST at Taii.ann.1 ti.r c...-..i 1 ishome vis.tuig Ins faniilyJIIK J frieiwU Tl... l l """icrsreptirt,;. very sreo around lure.-ind bin wild turkcyshave Uvu .pt, lar . . . .J. F. Wnltpe md.i visiting friends at Silen,.,,, I . f .... W ' in. xiickel of f.ivimirt Plulin IJickfl of l:i..l,fl..i.i . town on Monday.. Willia,,, Kj A I - . -4U .iiiii in lUI, IIKS., M vWti,,- "'ster, Mix. Dei.j. Aurand, ot l)la....Wm. Snyder ane j w alter were to Selinsgrove o;, day. Peter U,ur Ulil busily engaged iu construct i,,,. new bam for Geo. An rain I. four tkeTbkton.' Garner Keitler and moili..r moved to Deihlei's tutiou wi iltla M'ill lw.! i'.A I . till! a IT I I IS'l I III M I'll li,... Kev. Wm. I.aniev has letm i,,,;!; conference and his iniinv fi-i..,.,L phased to learn that he wi.i rem o os wver two tlion.-uii! i III f4lll ..l ... I ... nuc i.iive-il oill ol liie (j on tins side tins season. Two loads nearly 200 tons hit ;er -Milton last week Quilt; a 1 hunters inaugurated the opwiin.. the hunting scasonand tlie .t , a oigame, sucn astpiail, etc. hut "Toady'icgota'-i'-isherDj. . . . .Mi-, ami j,M rs. iiward Sn ot Philadeliilii:i ni-ii e.,-;;:;....' scenes of their childhood here, f 4111, l.l .... ....I ..-1 I. It .1 . .xiiij; viiieituiuiiieu iv ine loil crs parents, Daniel Snyder Wife, ot l ie lower end . ..... . . . ..,I.VI nie Aucktr was tendered a stirJ jwi; i.i.-i wm; oy iicr sciioolu; ...I t..: v. 'in u"" 'iiuiius. j.nev report lav llila ail cniovable linn iil'u.f u they departed for their ixa jiuoies. 1 here ix llnHa uf Who ui injured by the use of coi jn-eeijujr luere nns nteu pUu-.i d in B'j Mortis a hnv oiepirat .... i uja-.iu I 'l i Ki-ams, that tukeu the place ol cui uv im:-i, ueucaiM stonmi U nee; it wiilmut disireuM. una but few J ten u ironi colieo. It i!o.m m ti ov.-r us much. (Jhildif-n n, n ,: it with great hem-tit. 15c. i i 'l per i.icUkh. Try it. Atk tut Cum Episcopal Church and I'ivoJ The Jijiiscojiid church h:is it- . l . . i i , , aeieu lis eaillolleisni an. I (.ivi; humor the liberal element ami lcrate divoire and le-nuiriin;,' the imioceuv jwrty. The net ot ehniv'i will not hsell the puni ilV t'l l i I '' ll'l 'I line lil-ivi.Mt ili..' lion by tin; courts-, but it will iiii I the tinie-tiot!orcl tenets ol liw liominalion. The result is avid for the High Church party, nm j vast ui.'iioiiiv in Knir laud and , dcutlv rampant, in America. 1 cliurchi.-'m and intolerance ol'div ! will not tend to materially- iner. j the luembership of the chiircL , elusiveness and alienism from masses. Mitiiy Ccopln Cannot IM lnii (offio nt niprlit. Jt spoils tlifirl iou can tiruiK uiain-U wnu plenso and hleen likv n ton. Crruin O does not Htnuulafe ; It no ibhei , cheers nnd feeds. Ypi, itloi and tiihtes uke. thu bmt eclfee. nervous person?, vouuc ieonle children Grain ( in tliporfi;tihi Made from pure uraius. Get a owe from your grocer o diiv. It in place ot coHee. lrand 2o ceut GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Desiring to go out of business W tween now and spring, I will pos lively CLOSE UT MY ENTIRE LINE OF GOfl at unheard of low prices. If yd are in need of clothing for yourse and children. Now is The Time to Buy as you may never have anotn such an opportunity. I ft GUNSBERGER, :.r.-WJ-;- niDDLEDUUGII, PI IV '(. v .1 4v 44 JtS-i y .gr.- n., "11. - ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers