The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 06, 1898, Image 7

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fl tetC88
Pf-a. K:!;3$ little Sufferer was Changed into a Bright,
Ray-Cheeked School Girl.
AMlto JSTvrMi TVibttM, Bad .is, JKalt.
UtW pfcMW tioinnxU, ku jtt
fnt u4 4tUt4 rtaWmant of on of
fpMrtMt. Tht author fa Mb.
Hi. tf Port A-tin, Mlok., Mid
prklM ta''1 fa tw fa1 k
Ur, Jmb IfefN, wm foartoM
Jm Afu. 8hw ilway
ittkt. had ftomiok fawibl, mctou
pj pnl wakn. From tho ag
,ntrt ibo had been subject to diitron
ind ftrqntnt rick Mdb(. Bh
ta Mkn out f ebo01 kP( tnm
i.L. wlr UroTtart.
fl"" . 1 .1... IX
SO Cliromeix ikvtuh uhh lira
d timM almott unbearable 'Slit
. ... . 1 v I 1
til u torn m h rut into a aoie
Wilful dcm would awakto bar to
Lm almott tjjom dreaded than the
fcii At tM oi ni WM
tpr. H. X fcowwr, i wmnu, win
)ti rpinal trenble and hr teven
V treatment, in epiBM m
r. . .L- ..rAninMi and ataaiaen Iron-
rj .th nek effect ae to render the
n""" . . . fi i a
. n. WI11Um' Pink mil. fn.
foju adwrtlsed in tha Huroo Tribum
we tried tlicui, with tha happy remit of a.
perniauent cur. 8he flret began taking theea
ilia about two and a hair year ago. Tua
rat bos bad auch flood affect that wa eoa.
tiuuad them and bought by Uie balf-doaen
aoie until about two doien In all bad been
" Frtendf began to eay iha would bare to
taaa vr. William- rink I'll I for falafeopla
all her lite, but I am happy to uy they hay
neipea her to become a healthy, happy girl
who no longer need medicine of any kind.
With all her other trouble euo bad rheunia-
tiam. The pill mad arerygreet improve
ment at onee and in the end cured th rheu
uaiinu aa well th other trouble. She
i now nearly fifteen yean of age, a diligent
ftudent making up for loet time, a bright
eyed, roey-cheeked girL t acarcely eeema
pouliil she ran be th earn ona who a few
year apo wua a delicate, aJmoat a hopeleaa,
All the element neeeunry to gii new life
and rich new to the blood and reitore shat
tered nervee are contained, in a condensed
form, iu Dr. William' Pink Pill for Pal
People. They are alto a iperifSo for trouble
peculiar to female, (ucn a npprepioni,
Irregularitiea and all form of weaknet.
They build np the blood, and rector the glow
of health to pale and willow cheek. In men
they effect a radical cure in all eaae arising
from mental worry, overwork or execute oi
whatever nature. Dr. William' I'ink Pilli
are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at 60
cent a box or sii boxes for $2.(10, and may be
had of all druguista, or direct by mail from Pr.
Williams' Medicine Co., FcUen-etady, N. Y
Great Reduction Sale of
Foi; Ninety Bays !
i i r rr ml.. Tl.-Tul.: TU -J-. TPi"?
je unaersigiiea uner me ruunu iussu sua-
SYLVANIA. ire uot felling out, but we do thin to InoreHge our al8 above enypre
wir. W Rive a few of the prloi-s a follows :
tfood Chttiiiber Suits $l4.00;Cotton Top Mattress 2.2
jWood Chamber Suits lfl.OOIWoven Wire MattinHx 1.7
no 0k Suits, 8 Pieces l.00i Bed Ppriutrs 12
Parlor Suits 80.00; Drop Tables, per ft 6'
Am Chairs per set 2.50;Platfonu UocKers 2 5(1
.lock, everything iu the furniture line, including Mirrors, Hook Cuws,
ii,Siieboards, Cupboard, Centre Tables. Fanny Rookers. Haby Chatnt
in Pillows, Louii(?es, Couches, Douiflitrays, Kinks, HhII Rucks, Can.
Chairs line, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
km reduced all through. Couie early and see our stock before, flvlnr
rorder, and thus save 15 to 20 per oeiit. on every dollar.
ml Attention Given to Undertaking ft Kmbalinirtu.
Insurance Agency,
Blmor StxxycaLox, Agent,
Successor to the late William H. Snyder.
t Par-Excelleuce of Reliable Insurance is represented in thefollow
)t of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. Nona
Fer the World over.
E-Royal, Liverpool, Enp. (including foreign assets) $43,000,000.00
Hartford, of Hartford, (Jonn., (oldest American jo.) ,i)4i),7.i5.J
Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. .I5,5K8,058.07
Continental, New York, t754.908.72
An.-.nn T... I! OJO IVIU B't
fE-Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, St204,G33,!)83,;o
WDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident Tna. Co. Subscribed Canitnl of $3,750,000.00
pe. Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, juu-
pa Dy a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and
isctoruy adjusted. Information in relation to nil classes of Insur
oromntlv furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER. Asrt..
(phone No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts, SeJinsgrove. P
The Cheapest and Besi Fnei .... ho Market.
With it you can run a vapor store for one
half cent per hour. Give U9 a call and be
convinced. . "
Schoch & Stahlneckor,
v , Middleburgb, Pa
-v '
ncl... A.. 11
r- viui-i iu uuinpiuie our nies we
the following named issues of
tJly 8, Sept. 10, 18G9; Oct. G,
M870; Jan. 26, 1871; Apr. 17'
? ; Nov. A, Dec. 23, 1875 ; Mar
pi', May 15, 1879 Feb. 17
MO, 1881; Apr. 23,; 1883,
27, June 12, and Octuhcri
(j884; Sept. 17, 1885 ;Man28,
H Oct. 28, Dec. 23,188G;
1887. s.' 'J
T of our readers having copies
above l?"? W1 confer' a
T oy letting iis inow. Such
' good coiirlitioii will
jtfU, i II i .. i ill
Th ptruliar
runriiun of
women mi tut
be kt)l yI-
-ruv mame . DturnV oroun rvitu-
Ihry iro wronff. .For all thoi pain, Invirulatitlmi nd
rtimrulllpinaraniijronC Dl K"Hy H'pllnd
Hrtl, .linla th I inon JOIlUIUtl,j liuly horwir
neiifiTO bii PHin in niniinir
OvartM In 10 Mlnut-. Hiniplly
iwttrvrn llMuUi'ho, Num, Blood ncl
bladder Trouble. Yuntnew, (fervoui
neam Fear and Denpomlenejr. UurM
LenoorrlMua, Womb Oomplainta, III.-
PlaeemenU, BaPkarhe, Hearing Down
aim and all Female Uloordera. fltk
iMRorenew and Kleeratlunt. DhMraLfT 11
llwaplrlto and Vltallira the whole frame. CAZaf
Snle. Nure and Atoluteljr Hitrmlva. iaf
One bOo. box will oompU'te a cure In ordinary eiui.ii.
tmne in diihI "OLn BV almki;iit
dlUrd ALL I AIR " n,lllll'l ln l,llUn wrapper on
IN TEN MINUTES! TfePtiiedoCo Cartoa Bf. Chlcajo
RoM In Mlildli'hiirirh. Pa., liyMldillcbiirif Prii(r
Co.; Ml. ifliuiit Mill iy llDiirf llarUIni; ; o3
Penns creek by J. W. Huinpucll.
GEN. . ROGSZIi'S UNIFORM. If- ' imJawm??m' . 7'
i kibbi hirt. ihei4r Hrumt Mftr eaconraytaffljr. "But I moai
aa a 8trlnK Aronad Ilia Hat. (COnfea tht In that blf cmoUonal
II liiar. a Mai. Men you don't quit fulfill our ezpeo-
. tctiona. Beallim U what w want
Aniongr the Virginluna who huve re- Couldn't you manage to ahed m few
cently visited Washington there ha genuine tears?
been no more atriking figure and none j "Well," she annwered, HI never made
on whom more eyea were turned in od-1 apeclalty of genuine tears, but ril
miring gaze than the stalwart form ' try. When I come to that scene to-
i la a
1 1 . V. .. HA..An..nMK '
ot ben. 1 nomas U. liomtcr, says tne
Iiichmond (Va.) TimcK. A newly ap
pointed ofllcer asked Keener where he
was going to huve his uniforms made.
"They will cost you a lot of money,"
said he. "I have had six suits made and
they cost me TU0."
"I will only need," responded Kovser,
"a flannel shirt which 1 can buy here
anywhere on the avenue; a pair of
shoulder straps, and n string or piece
of braid around my hat to designate
that I am nn officer.
"You will liave to get a flue horse,
general," continued the interlocutor.
"Gen. Butler has had a $400 black stal
lion presented to him, and other gen
erals have secured fine horses."
"Well," replied Roster, "I have some
good stock down ou my farm ; but from
whut I enn learn a horse will not be the
suitable thing In Cuba; I think a mule
will be best, and it is my expectation
to ride it mule."
It may be that this confederate vot
ernn with his flannel shirt and Rtring
ni-ound his bat, bestriding a mule, will
not lie cxiwtly in trim to court an
amorous looking glass or caper nim
bly in a lndy'B chamber to the luscivi-
ouh pleading of a lute, but for n Muck :
Douglas ready for the devil's own work
ln desperate encounter commend us
to the "Prince of Albemarle.
night, IU thluk ot that back salary
you owe me. W ashlngton Star.
Eaemy la Dlagala.
"So you used to know your wife's
first husband?"
"Yes, and I thought he was a friend
ot mine; but I know now that he de- I
ceived me." "
"How was that?"
"Ilo used to tell me every time he got
a chance what a lovely, sweet woman
his wife was." -Cleveland Leader.
Aa Impreaalv Oeoaaloa In the Fam
ily of Grrmauj'a lm-peror.
At the kaiser's express wish the con
firmation of his two eldest sons took
placs on a recent Sunday at the Frled
enskirche, in rotsdam, the scene of
the kaiser's own elnseguung, kjxhmuI
trains conveying the imperiul family
and its guests (alxiut 70 in number)
from Herlin to rotsdam. The emprcw
had, with her usual thouglitfulness,
invite her son's musters to be present
at the confirmation, ami the princes
themselves hud been allowed to bring
seven cadets, the companions of their
studies and games, with them for this
event. The FriedeuskirvJie, udjoining
which is the mausoleum where Kaiser
Kriedrich lies at rest, bad been beuuti-
fully decorated with shrubs and flow- j
ers for the importunt service, which
was a choral one. The young princes
wore oflWrs' uniform of the First
foot gunrl. with the orange ribbon
of the order of the lilneV Kagie, uml, its
is the custom at the confirmation of
the roynl family, each reiwl In a clear
voice a confession of faith pomponm!
by himex'lf. After thin service a con
gratulatory reception was held nt tht
stailtBchloss In Potsdam, which wua
followed by a breakfast there. In ac
cordance with another (rerninn cus
tom, the princes were the recipients
of numerous presents In honor of their
confirmation, nnd severnl high decora
tions were conferred on the crown
SnIiKtltute. i
"You want u trip to the seaside'
Nonsense, Jones! Put a little salt in
you morning tub, eat fish nt every
meal, walk up to town and back so at
I to tiro yourself out, sleep on the floor.
nnd let the house bo dirty, and you'll
fuuey you're at Margate," Pick-AIs-Up.
Nut That Kind.
Mrs. Ilardcush I want you to get
me a divorce from my husband, one
an allowance of $l..'i0li a your.
Lawyer How much is his income'
Mrs. Ilanlcusb It's nliout that. 1
woum n t asx lor more than n man (
makes. I am not that kind. N. Y I
Weekly. j
She llnal an Itlro. j
Professor In China criminals ar
often sentenced to be kept awake un
til insanity and death result. Now
hiw do you suppose they keep them
from falling n sleep? I
Little Girl (oldest of a small family)
I expect they give 'em a baby to take
care of. Tit-Uits.
Not Afraid Then.
Little Cleorgie Do your folks ever
lutve family prayers before break
fast? Little Albert No; we only have
prayers when we po to bed. We nin't
afraid in the daytime. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
M-n Who ".ever ;' Tlirir lft Foot
H'.oUril th Ilt-uvr Tu
a( th Dram.
It is c curious fact, snys a veteran,
rtutt some men never lenrn to keep
step perfectly. There are some men,
old soldiers perhaps, who can't help
falling into step when they bear mar
tini music the left foot down at the
heavy tup of the drum. The very great
majority of men can leurn to keep
step, but there are men who cant keep
step, or, as likely h not, march with
the right foot down at the heavy tup.
Somehow their left foot never gets
hooked on to tbut heavy tap us it
should. Every old soldier will recol
Wt such iiMn anybody can we such
nien at a military parade, and this not
as a result rrf eonftmlon doe to two
bands of ui&rio, orsn ahead and the
Other nt thelrenr, but lack of tbe ex:et
time keeping Instinct.
The commanding officer of a com
pany may bn seen marching within
clear sound orf his own music, with his
right foot down at the heavy tnp, while
the company will le all right. I have
Ben a oommnnder of a grand army
post marching in time with the musle,
but with his right foot down at the
heavy tap, and, ns likely as not, he was
a mnn who served from one end of the
wnr to the other.
The simple fact appears to be that
there are some men, ns I snld, who
never get their left foot fully and un
failingly hooked on to the heavy tap of
the drum.
lrvM-lilnT and PrucClelinr.
The Doston Transcript tells a school
story which enforces the Icttson that
preaching Is of little use without prac
ticing. In a school in Uostou not far
above tho prlmury grade, tha teacher
was one day reading u story the sub
ject of which was borrowing. She sup
plemented tho rending with some re
marks of her own, which she closed
with this parting admonition : "Above
all tilings, children, when you have oc
casion to borrow, never forget to re
turn the borrowed article. Do not put
tho person who was kind enough to ac
commodate you to the trouble of send
ing for It." While she was still speak
ing, a knock was heard at the door.
"Come In," said the teacher, as soon at
she had finished her sentence, pupil
from another department entered, and
stood waiting. , "Well, whet Is It
plenee?" said the teacher. "Misi
Blank says," the visitor called out, to
a voice loud enough to be heard all ove
the room, "wl'l yru be kind enough tc
In a KrnrttcVy Town,
Visitor What wus the strength ol
the re.riment you sent to the front
from here?
Native Four hundred nnd clphty
she colonels, 50 penrnils, 140 majors
and six privates. N. Y. Truth.
The OliJ Mrnnicl.
Uvea of wealthy men remind us
That no maxter what we're worth,
Kncli flDorweilliiK day will II ml us
Striving on to iret tha varth.
-Cleveland Leader.
Chlmmie Wot kind ot a ting Is dii
gorilla warfure?
Billy Aw, dut's de Spanish style
when dey makes inonkeysof dcrsclves.
Collier's Weekly?
Ilia Cory lleenrd.
Ha for his country nobly bled,
And never heedttwed;
A doctor he, I ihouldhave said
Th troops lie vaccltMited.
Town Tonics.
A Carlo.
Browne They muke those folding
bods to resemble everything now.
Towne Yes; I even saw one the
other day that resembled a bed.
Brooklyn Life.
A Oeatl Hint.
lie Your sweet face is my book oi
life. I swear it.
She But your oath is not valid un
til you have kissed tho book. N. Y.
Nice and
Amy He get a
every week.
Mamie Ycsj eight
Up to Date.
nice round
silver dollars.
HlplnT Him Oat.
Mr. Wallace A woman has more
changes of mind than than
Mrs. Wallace Than she has t
dresses, dear. Cincinnati Enquirer.
RaaalBaT nigrh.
Doctor Your pulse is racing alarm
Patient Yet; I am thinking of yout
little bill. St. Paul's. ,
Dim as Yst.
"Have you any expectations, Jack?"
"1 can tell you better, Julia, after I
AeeXA A''' ,
Safer Than laoal.
Chawlcs Are you goiug to the sea-,
shore, this summer?
Augustus Oh, no; they say It will be j
dangerous there, this season. I
"Nonsense! Not near so dangerous
as usual! All of the mothers with mar
riageable daughters are afraid to go i
down there this year!" Yonkert j
Statesman, j
ller Valae. i
The one with the diamonds and pre- 1
clous stones looked the other ovel
"How is it you never wear any or-.
nainentr she asked nt lust. !
"I do not find it necessary to add t j
my value In that way," was the re- (
ply, and thus the feud began. Chicago
j j
ol A J : a
( lKArrested s
) 1 J Hfe or not chewing
"He don't chew Battle Ax, ycr Honor."
"He looks it!"
Ignorance of the Law is no excuse,
but ignorance of BATTLE AX is
your misfortune not a crime and
the only penalty is your loss in quan
tity as well as quality when you buy
any other kind of Chewing Tobacco.
Remember the name
when you buy again.
AluHkul Wliy tin
tvt your nlmre ol
I lie un'iit toriunen
In In ri'iltr.e(! from the wninlertiil (llsrdverles
nlrciuly nmite Hint to he ninitr In tlil New
I'ANY iiiiiIiT IN I'liunu'li r Ik nUllidrl.i'il Iu )nw
p"i't fur ninl miiilre .Mlnin I Inllns nml l'riii
' rlieo ill tile wniiili-rtill I Ui'IiIh f Klomllkr
itml .M.inka. Immense rnrtimeH live Hlremly
Im rn reiilleiliiuil inllllii h Im ie II l e liunlc
tlirru. Will yoil hIIihv IIiIh ycl.len 0Mtrt Unit y
to I'Bn yuii liy? A few ilnllitrn InVuHled In
in Mils iiiKlerliiklnc limy l the fnniKliitiiiii to
yi.ur furl line. The mull to the woinlerllnl nee
enHitilten iliiinettiute avlioii. Tile llmt in I lie
lla-i.l the llr.t In fortune. No m.i Ii oiiportuiiity
hiu ever lii'en leeiile, In the ienile of the
pix'tient trt!lieriitlnn tm U fiV'-reil in thi Klou
(like AlilHkH (iol.l Klellix. All nhlliellnlileen
K' their full iroirtinh of all irnlitH No divi
ilemlH .tre tnmle on stock I'i'iiiiilninK iiiihoIiI.
Simil your nnltTNeneloHiiiK One llnlliir for eneh
nlmre of fully mit-up unit nmi-iiMMeHMjihle sttiek
ilenire.l to the WASIIINUToN Col. I) F1ICI.DH
KXI'l.UltATKiX COMPANY, Tncoina, Wuhli
inioii. 'the following Ttteonifi ileiitern iu HiipplleH for
the Kloniflke mit Aliihkii tnnle lire htia'kliolil
rrn in the 'oUIhiii) ami will inform you reviipl
IllK tho reliiihlliiy of itH ollleers ; M,,u1y .V
(liinu, (Iroei-rien; A. F. llnk.'i, l irm t'o. ;
MoitIh OroHnCo., Iiry tooil nml CIc.hiHK ; W.
li. Kowliinil, Out litter; llui-o IMil, Ti ulx
Tneoii n ilArilwure Iu, " 1 yr.
Agents m Money
This Is the opportunity i t :i llii-llir.e. Ajjehls
me luukliiK S."o lo KI-IO a wi 1 1;.
M. ; ii.
uml liileC'oiiKtil tli'lieralloCtilm, WrilesaluiLiknii
We haveiin piehHfureiirly I ssiie, (iei.eml Ue's
own story ol l uha ttiul I he Spanish War, to lie
prniluced 1m HiilistahHiil iMii kol over N 0 pitltes,
Txu'v Inches Iu size mill almost
This Is tlip only niilheiitlr work piilillslirtl nn
Mm nun Hiihjeei, ixrupyllitf tho inlmls ol the
eiillro clvlll.frt world.
Lose no lluie, Hctnt once. Write lor lull partic
ulars to
93 Fifth Atc. New York.
PubllMhera mf General'w Hook
Oiirnnilinrli'd idlsirlbtitirs mu limited In ml
parts of the 1'. M. 7-Kl-4in.
! 'i i.-
i ii
Look I Look I
Lok nt ynupHflf when yon
elutliiiitr nt iii y Ht.nt', I kn (
.-'illitlv in sti ck tliej best nn.. ,i.
lino of JiiitH ninl (icnts' C'i-1.
Kiirtiisliiiiir (lood.-i, I'ihIci-wi
Cups. Cull to M(m my stock.
SuNli;i!Y, l'KXNA
sf A
nerm im in thin mute to nuuilme our liuni-
nes. In their own and m srliy coiintli's. It In
inninly oHlee work eonilucieu nl Home, nainry
ntrniKht S'.KIO a yiar and exiene dellrlte,
liouullde, no more, no Irxa Hilary. Mcnthly
tf,H. Meferi'nees. rnclawp a H-lf nildieiwcd
alnmptl envelope, llerliert K. Hess, I're.t,., Dept.
M, liilt'BKu. MMfit.
Farmers Break tho Buggy Monopoly.
H Is elidmcd that, for years liiiKuy nnii.itfne
ttirrrs have seemed exnrljliunt priees for their
(roods, but. reuenlly, tlirouU the conilitned as-
uiut..n.afif (1m furinitru nf town. Illinois fjnd
other stntes, Hfakh, KoKni-f a Co., f ilhlonifn,
nave KOI' llie puew in wu iikk " ...
l.Wi; Top Hukr-Iun, i-t.W : T'p Stirrles. 11:1.75
uml upwards, st.d they nre shlpplnif llieiii in
immense numbers direct to funnels In every
statu. Tliey send an Immense ituuKy I'atnlnuiie
free, postpaid, to any one who asks for It. This
eerlalnlv Is a bli vletory tor th tanner, but u
severe blow to the carriage uittiiufacliirers and
acajcrs. i-ii-i.h.
ItJo-w BooU. Froo.
A valuable book givinst complete
information bow I successfully cure
consumption and other lung diseases
will be sent free to tho renders of
thtH rnper. ddiT Pr. Ttin'r.. A.
. ... - r ii.
in ladies' shoes is a
voyage afoot, Por tho ;il-x
uro it gives, tliero's no . i
liko our sale. Crowd- :wt
enjoying it, and securiiir ;i i
prettiest, coolest and best (ii
ting Summer shoes now m u.
ufactnred, at prices At I. ii i.
buycis find it a pleasiirt- to
pay. Eoi houso or -trcct
Wear, pleasure or every-dny
practical purposes, walhiuj;,
riding, or driving, wc supjily
tho ideal shoes demanded by
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Lad its,
whoever claims Your hands,
by all means surrender you
feet to these shoes.
Wanted-An Idea
Who civil thlrt
of nono rinipio
tlllUC 'O TMtKtlit i-