V '-3 t VaK58SLLXB, proprietor. MIDDLEBUBGH, SNYDER CO., PA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1898. VOL 35. NaT ting Items. (n Brief Paragraphs for )ur Readers. ,arrlBX Ppl r LlMS PromlacB t. k in mournful number vi n empty dream, -Light we eat cucumber, C top off with ice cream. J quiet, inirwzcr ice. Stest thing out fire. 11 remains warm. ' now be trimmed. fetter of credit C. jc'oiiiit Discount. hiK is all lieadwork. lis the next holiday. Srswill soon be in order. Hrtir the Prohibition- is a gifat practical rt Borrowing a lawn frs are a drjig in the V itiict the deal mute's H. C. Haas, the popular landlord of Fremont, was at the county seat Monday atteruoon. Michael E. Erdley ofPenn town ship was at the county seat last Monday afternoon. 9 . Girl Wajjted. A girl or wo man wanted to do general house work. Apply to A. N. 11., Vira, a. 8-lS-ot. F. II. Maurer, New Berlin, isal ways offering special bargains. Setftlt is difficult to At ridofit and then I . 1 - A .. .1 I . . . every body lias a ditlercnt remedy to recommend. f bolder The man behind mitsing parties will Ik; lew lr. re hart relieved the street It. ineils arc not pushed ; soma horse in more stubltorn than Molin ot Centreville was in ucsduy. are no prisoners in the omity jail. Annie Swcmrlc, of Paxton- ys a Middleburgh visitor last ranger's picnic ut William's II Ik.' Iieltl August 29 to Jr Wngcnseller and wife vis mother at fcehnsgrovc over I. Faust of 15eavertown was seat visitor on Saturday Uanehe Ever of Nescopeok kg Mrs. W. II. Spangler of he. Croasgrove and wife attend iinip meeting at Clement's Sunday. ilinin M. Miller of Beaver is at the county seat last lorumg. Ix)ttiu and Maude Gift, ot IHc, were Middleburgh vis- lliursday. in AVetzel and friend of Lew- pited the former's parents in on bunday. issionary Societ y of the Re- pmrch will be held in Se- next mouth. Swartz left last Thursday Intown, where he is employ V. 8. Arliogast. h Schnee, of Mt. Pleasant tie to the eouuty seal on his Monday morning. a number of our young peo- ieu tne lestival at raxton iturday evening. Ulsh and wife of Lewis- Monday visited A. H. Ulsh and dined with them. A- M. Bowersox last Wed- ent to Boavertown to snend . i . . ... . wiuwier husband's family U V .i . j-u national Encampment of A Amy will be held at v., irom oept otnto lutii Charles Bibighaus of Miffliuburg was at Middleburg Tuesday. A. N. Ridenof Vira, Mifflin coun ty, was a county seat visitor on Tuesday of this week. trict President Bowersox in-U-uted a camp P. (). S. of A. at Centreville on Saturday. A large crod attended. It is doubly unfortunate to have a cold at this season of the year, !iis special announcement in this is sue, tt Miss Sallie llousli of Frecburg ast Thursday iwid a visit to her sister, Mrs. Frank S. lleigel, at this place. Misses Laura Ruiiklc, Mamie Stetler and Mabel Grinini called on Miss Daisy Gift at Paxtonville, re cently. J. F. Wagner of Penn twp. was a Middleburg visitor on Saturday afternoon. He was accompanied by lis two sons. E. G. Murry, formerly the druggist of this place, and wife of Philadel phia are spending a short vacation in Middleliorg. WillianisiHdt will have a great celebration, Sept. 5, in honor of the American victories of the present conflict with Spain. 'Tne students of the Normal schooled a picnic on Wednesday eyenUig of last week along the banks the historic Middlccrcck. Miss Minu IiOiig, who had lieen visiting her grand-mother in Centre county, has returned to her home with Mis. Ii. C. Aurand. hx-Sheritt Daniel JJolender is putting down u new brick j)aveiiient in front of his Sugar street residence opposite the County Jail. Mrs. Frank lioiisinn of Patterson, Juniata county, was spending a few days visiting her sisters, Mrs. Potter and .Mrs. McCain in this place. Mr. Carl Espcnshade, the newly appointed Deputy Collector of In ternal uevciiueof llicvth district, was a Middleburgh visitor last week Ijchigh county poor directors have oilcred to contribute $100 each month toward the support of the families of Lehigh county soldiers, Sergeant Harry Bower, who wro'e such an interesting letter from Camp Thomas last week for the Post, has promised another letter for next week. The Republican conferees of the counties ofNorthumljerlaiid, Colum bia, Montour and Sullivan will nom inate candidate for congress on the 25th inst. The Ladies' Mite Society of the Lutheran church gave a reception to Mrs. George Erhart, one of their mcmlwrs, who will soon move from our midst. George Ehrhart, the new agent at Burnham, Mifllin County, spent Sunday with his family, in Franklin. He will shortly move Ins iunnly to Lewistown. Mrs. Harry Specht has gone to Camp Alger, Virginia to where her husband is encunied with the Vol unteer army. She is employed by a sutler as clerk. Carbon Seebold, the proprietor of the Washington House, was at Phil adelphia last week on business. He also visited Willow Grove park, the mecca of Philadelphia. New Berlin's hustling business man, Mr. F. ;H. Maurer, always keeps the readers of the 1 out ad vised of his bartrains. See the ad vertisement in this issue. John It. Krecgcr and Samuel Wittennayer, JrJ. lastlhursdayeven ing attended a party at George J. Sclioch's in Monroe, township given by their daughter, Minnie. Amos Bolig, one of Penn town ship's successfnl farmers, was at Middleburgh last Friday to bring home his son, B. F. Bolig, who bad lieen attending school at this place. The second miarterly nieetinii of the J. V. E. Association, will le he'd ut Osceola Mills, Pa., Friday August 10, 1898, at lOo'eloek, a. m. A lull attendance is desired. The Millheini Banking Co. adver tises that if will refund the amount of money required to pay for the stamps on chirks over $20 drawn upon them after August 10th, 1898. Because a girl refuses to allow n man to put his arm around her doesn't necessarily moan that she doesn't like him. She may wUh to preserve her freshly laundered shirt waist. rtn i . i ine mcmiMTS oi the various Christian Endeavor Societies in Sny der county arc already preparing to send delegates to the state conven tion at llarriMljurjr the first wick in October. John Wood of Boavertown, tin cvircroiigenial fcllowand widc-awnk business man, was at the county scat last lhiirstlay and Friday. He i the manager of the tannery at Uea-vertown. By a new regulation which went into ctlecl July 1st no more dm stamps can be used by the postmas ter and no mail is allowed to lie de livered unless full postage is paid by the sender. . Dr. V.(). Perkins of Boston will participate in the exercises at the Snvder Co. Clmir Convention with a Choir of siuirers from the County under his instruction the past weeks. Snyder County will lie well re presented at the Williainsgrove pic nic iK'ginning Aug. 29th and con tinuing all week. A great many farmers and others are already pre- pai dig to go. Mrs. Joseph Alter and MissMut- tie Blymyer ot Lewistown spent sev eral days with Andrew Ulsh and wife in Iruukliu and on Monday weut to Selinsgrove to visit before going home. Prof. J. II. App, principal of the Shippeiisburg public schools, last week spent several days in this citv on business. He is an educator of high merit and ability and stands high in his chosen profession. Last Friday night, there were robbers among the farmers west of town, having unceremoniously vis ited S. S. Walter's, Newman's and W eirick's and stole butter, eatables, etc. They also tried to enter a granary. Dr. J. F. Kami well of Centre ville was a county seat visitor last Friday. The" doctor recently pur chased an interest in the First Na tional Bank of this place and gave the regular stockholders an idea what their bank stock was worth. Theflonr mills of Yoderft Fagley have been supplied with entirely new rolls. The firm is now direct ing its attention to the manufacture and placing upon the market a high erode of roller flour. .It is one of the best equipped mill's in the. conn ' Norman Gutelius ot Lewisburg and Miss Long of Milton are the guests of G. C. Getehus and family. Miss Maize Beaver on Monday returned from a two week's visit to W.F.Dagle and family at North umberland. TheMiddleburgh Cider Press will resume oeratioii on Tuesday, Aug. 9, and will lie oiierated on Tuesday of each week by Edward Mover and Charles Steininger uutil the cider season closes. tf A telephone will connect Kichfield and McAllistcrville shortly. This line siiouM run through to rreolnirg to connect with the Penn Telephone line or the Penn should reach out to connect with the Juniata county line. W. F. Dagle, theconfectioiicrand ico cream dealer of Northumberland, was a visitor at Gabriel Beaver's on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Dajrle has built up an extensive business already in the short space of tune since he embarked for himself. The Sunday School of the United Evan, church of Paxtonville will hold u picnic in Bed "Bridge Grove" next Saturday. The Wo men's Missionary Society will sell refreshments. All are invited to come ami enjoy the picnic. D. G. Buck of Kronmer, one of Snyder county's most succcssfii I can vassing agents, was a county scat visitor hist Friday morning. He reports his daughter, Mrs. Ilcintcl- man, somewhat improving in health, but still far from enjoying good hcaljh. A law passed April 21, 1S9;"J, makes it obligatory upon property owners to cut down all Canada thistles on their respective premises I m 'lore the seed shall mature, and failure to comply with this law makes the said property owner liable to damages. A smooth, cav shave, gciiicci hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Sdes' liarber Shop, in W ittciiinyer s building, oppoMte Post olliee. (Jo to Soles and you will make no mistake, shaving soap, face cream, hair oi! and egg-shampoo for sale A. K. Sui.Ks, Whereas peace has been declared by the United States and Spain, one hour will lie set .apart for a Thanks giving service at the Snyder ( 'ounty Choir Convention, Saturday Aug. 20th. Let us show our appreciation ot the voluntary sacnlice made hy our soldiers by this observance, thanking God who hath been oi it help hitherto. Peter llhoads and wife of Harris- burg were the guests of I). T. lihoad and wife over Sunday. Mr. llhoads is an conductor of the P. B. 11. Co.' and a few weeks ago came near be ing killed by being throwning under an engine. This is the fifth or sixth close call he has had already iu his 35 ytars' service for the Pennsylvania 11. II. Co., The Pennsylvania Railroad is go ing to build a fine battleship as a present to the Government. The idea originated with the Richmond, Ind., division, whose employes each contributed the amount ot a May's lalior. Each person employed on different branches will contribute the amount of one dayslukir, which will lie sufficient to build a first-class battleship. Miss Martha Goldy of Camden, N. J., who had lieen sending the past month with the Misses Wittcn mycr of this,, place, on Saturday morning returned home accompanied by the Misses Wittcnmyer. The party spent Sunday at Camden and on Monday went to Wild wood-by the-Sca where L. W. Goldy of Cam den will entertain quite a party for three weeks. That they will have a pleasant timo is a foregone con clusion. Elias Ragep Swartz. One of Adams Townships Oldest Citi zers, died Monday. Elias linger Swartz was lxirii in Beaver (now Adams) township, Un ion (now Snyder) county, Pennsylva nia, Nov. 9, 1821 and died Monday afternoon ut 2:30, August lo, 1898 aged t years, 9 months undO days. He is a son of Daniel Swartz, a sol dier of the war of 1812. Daniel is the son of Henry Swartz, the pioneer Swartz in Snyder County, having emigrated from Berks County, Pa. Henry Swartz was shot and 'killed while bear hunting, on the road le tweeu Centreville and Troxelville by a man named Thomas. Swartz was shot in the head and Thomas claimed it was accidental, but us Thomas had lieen guilty of theft, Mr. bwartzs testimony, sent 1 hum us to the Penitentiary, hence it was supposed that Thomas purposely shot Mr. Swartz. Klias U. Swartz, the deceased, was married to Christina Binganian, daughter of Henry Binganian of Ad ams twp., with whom he had a fam ily of 12 children, 7 of whom are dead anil 5 are liviujr. The widow survives him and is now 71 years of age. Those dead are, Daniel, killed in a storm in IStitJ ; Mary A., wife of Isaac Huckcuhurg, died 1887: Ellen !., wife of Bcnncville Smith, died Oct. 3, 1891 ; Alice ami Chas. died in 1880 of diphtheria at the ages of l,riand 13 respectively ; John at the age ot A and a son died in in fancy. The children living are J. Wilson, the Commissioners' Clerk ; A. Howard, residing at (lie home stead ut Troxelville ; Maggie, wife of J. G. Mover of Aduiushurg; A- manda, wife of JumcsGcmhcrling of Klkliart, Ind. and Hattie, unmar ried, of Cleveland, ()., where sin underwent an operation anil had a kidney removed and returned honu Thursday. Mr. Swartz had been sick only since last I'Yiday and evidently ex pected to die soon. Me is the last of the third generation of Swartz's iu Snyder county andthe last of the fourth generation iu this country. He held the high esteem of his fel low men and was school director and supervisor at different times andulso served as County Commissioner one year. 1 lo was a consistent member of the Lutheran church at Troxel ville. He will be buried on Thurs day from his late home. Mr.Swurtz was always known for his good qualities and the peaceful death murks the crowning point of a use ful life. ir- in Schoch Reunion. The Schoch Family will hold their first reunion ut Krcnmer, Snyder County, l'a., on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 189S. All jierswns of the name or blood are most cordially invited to U. present. The spelling ot the name Schoch, Sehm'kor Schuvk seems to be the same and all such are in cluded in this invitation. Bring with you all data that may be of any his torical value, as the history of the family should 1m completed and ar rangements mnde to .publish same. Provide yourself with picnic dinner. By order of Matihas Schoch Familv'Ahso. Ira C. Schoch, Sec., Selinsgrove, Pa. CHURCH DEDICATION. The newly built United Evangel-1 ical church, on the mountain a few' miles south of Spring Mills, will be dedicated by Rev. A. E. Gobble, D. D., of Central College, on Sept. 4th. Services to begin the Saturday even ing previous. All are cordially in vited to attend. . W. II. Brown, pastor and Rev. A. Slapleton, pre siding elder. Letter from Gamp Alger George Clelan Depicts thn Change of oi ma Sunny Climes of Virginia. Fau.s CllUicir. V... A.... i! leiiwutlast ai.dthoprotocol.sign ed. Ever .si.mo Wv were mustered '" Un.Usl Stat.s service wo mVe anxiously watchiJ l,...ui i ' ,, Willi" ed to go to the front. Now that peace is here, we iwo ,,t u ....: to get home. For of what . we now. The firl.t;,, : ..i. berries and cherries so what need ,,. hold us tiny lorn-vr. A .1 two ut the most ;il .. I , ,. , "fc'iiii nun us holding dov, lSolm, .,,,. jn Mi), icmirgl,, telling our friends how we dm then, up n Vb-nia in the war oi .;o,now we relished (?) the flitch, salt pork and hard tuck. How long uk ...!M till . ...uoenei.i is not known but we hope it will not . are tired of Virginia nnd all that pertains to it. The country is so poor here that a turkey buiud Hy ing across here carries a knapsack. A .lea was unknown here until wt; ' wwe have them to spare. We had ,..,; fi.r two or three days but for a wonder it has not rained to-day, but is very ..hilly, i laettwo oi our company made u eull, w ing overcoats. Their shirts arc the wash. Severn! pair oftnmsers and shoes were issued to those who needed them. Yesterday we received our brown "duck" or summer fatigue trousers. They look very neat and are well made. It is a sort i f canvas goods, light brown and looi.-nl very nice on dress parade last night, the lit this time seems to be very good and draw si rings are not refpiiri-d on many pairs. We each received a red flannel tiilir Ical'clover. It . emblem of the Second army corps to which we belong. We wear them on the sideol'our hats. Snue of our olli ccrs have small home-made -boulder straps which are worn on the sus penders at the shoulders, v.liell the it is off, these are home-made af fairs and some of them are very pretty. We had our regular wm klv in spection in the company street' yes terday and company C showed' up very creditably as usual. The sickness iu the regiment, ap pcarsto be on the decrease and every precaution is taken to keep the men in health. A committee of physicians from WBlinmsport went through the reg iment yesterday on a tour of examin ation. I do not know the result of this examination, but they sinned pleased with the locality. The water here is good and then is plenty of it. If the men carry out the sanitary rules as laid out to them I see no reason why this sick ness should not misc. (lake and such dainties were never intended for a soldier and the better plan is to give them up, the sooner the lictter. The Twelfth Regiment will soon be moved from here to Middletown. Corps Hcndipmrters was established there to-duy. The exact date when we shall move is not determined yet. Yours Resp'y, Gko. M. Ci.ei.an. Making StampPaper. All the paper on which revenue 8tainp8arc printed is inadu at the paper mill in Lock Haven and a cur load of paper is shipped from the mill every three days. The chief of the government bureau of printing and engraving has recommended that the contract for furnishing postage stamp paper be given to tho Lock Haven paper mill for the current year. The postage stamp paper used last year was made at the mill. r i . r,cr rv- rrp .T" torn over to t- oin. 11 Tl"
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