SELINSGKOVE MRDLE-YAni M L. MILLER, Prop'r I keep constantly on hcsndand man i. lecture to order all kinds Of Marble and Granite Iiisjls Ai HeaQstosesI Old St:te; Cleaned and Repaired. LOW PIUCE8 ! LOW TRICES t linvn on of the bent Marble Cut ters in the State ami consequently turn out good work. ttgrCoitie and gee my work it prices. ThanMul for past Livois l most re rpectfii!i ask a oontiuuacoJ of wimp, M. L. MILLER eJusiiceof the Peace AND CONVEYANCER M. Z. STEININGfcR. Midilcburgh. Pa : k. mtw:n. e. k. imhii isj BOWER & PAWLING, Altorueys-at-Liw 'M'.OeS III I i Hank Hiil'dlnr. .1 AS. G. OUOUSE, ATTOItXKY AT LAW, MlDDLKBIJliG, PA. V 1 1 business eut ruste.l to his mire ;i receive erompt attention. CIIAS. NASH PURVIS, Collections, Loans and Investments Heal tNCalc ami I'rivnte Itiinkrr, Vdliaiiispurly fiveotnieg Co., Pa : vposits ni:e(iirHiiiieei toiimtts or checlts. ..I wiy part of Uio world. A. T. PotticgGi', VetefiiNarV sUrceoN. SELINSGROVE. PA. Ml professional business entrusted to my cure I receive prompt mill careful attention. Newly Established. WEST PERFtY HOTEL, Oitr.i'ourdi nillo Kiihl oflllrlificlil. ''earns free for traveling men to drive o town, befoie or after mcnis. Kates 75 wills per Day. T. '111. J?Z.O&3. ri'o. PATEHTSU OBTAINED. JUS 3ASY. ' CoviiIWlt rmnnl!V w4t the- Kt.ller 'hi paper, who will, glo all iioedel Infor mation. .... QISOM i A SPECIAL! YJ3SS5S J ' . .vuuiiiiminwailE nome Mr same price onuer same guaruu I y. If yuu prefer toenmshern wawilloun. -iAh. I. . ooieioius.and 'jochatm. If we fail tocure. If you bare taken mer cury. Iodide potash, and (till hare arhas and runs. M Henna Vaichna In raoutb, Sore Throat. I implM. ( opiwr Colored Spot, I Icors on an, 'parte tl.e body. Hairor Kyehrowft falllm. oat. It la thli Secondary llLOOn 1"W we k naran tee to enra We solicit the aon o b.t i aate eases and cliallofica the wot Id for a ""fannoteuro. Thisouease has slw.vrS UlUed thy skill of the moat emtaant pliys tlonatgnanmir.AbsolntopriHirsscRt sealed on A!rdlmiii.ti. Addrew ( OUK KKMKDV ill WA NTFD Agents to sell washing machines Jones 1 Knoll, 107 H. 4 KL, ix-banun, l'a. Jy 1 X. Quick, to.Ono er ye we want one snrewd. care man In ewh town to uiak year iiuietlv for himself not work bald. Private Instructions end out M of new golds. 25 cents. (uet NottTlllKS rr.i nui t . u.. l uion Ave.. I. Uleaeo. i 1-lS-ilil. i PprV1! V.Vi Pf17 auJlOO other funny stories 1 but a LGU JiJ) t by famous humons's. l-o u C.Huplele Kortuu e Teller and a Dream flook. liotb liaudsome bookr sent, postpwd. anywhere for only one dime. Oto. JUaLassr, Wowlatovk -. DH Can. Durm It fay te be Kirk T Besides the discomfort and MitTerinr. illnese of any kind is expensive. Hundrwlsof people voiiault tlie doctors every day alx.ut roughs and oolds. This ia better than lo suffer tbe diaeaae to run along, but tbote wbo use Otto's Cure for tbe tbroet and Iuiiks do Iwtter allll. It ooeU ! than cure is certal n- Y ou can iret trial 1 liottle free of our agent. W. Jf . HermaD, Trox- I elville ; Middlearwertb fish, MoClure: 1L A. Wri(ht, Aline. iMfgt etxe 26 aJd OOc. LGQO P 7,7 & on-- c. " o - 5 "SB t-3 P3 3 nr o &g ffi Miss Maggie llennah DANVILLE. ILL Long Suffering from Haaee'cKe Cured by Or. Miles' Reetorati Nervine, EARACrtEd are the bane of woman's llfo. Frwiuently ivllevcd but aeljom permanpnt'.y cured, tho ultimate re sult Is continual misery. Miss Maggie Han nah, Kl Chestnut PL, lmnvillc, 111., says in June 1S9C: "I cannot add to my testimony of last year except that I am well and strong. Two years a?o I had such a pain Iu my head that I ate nothlnc. was desperately nervous jiiiJ1"-'SJ lculiar to my sex set lj pnysiciaa Nervine euiieu anoiuer in con sultation. They de cided I had consump tion and must dlo. I commenced taking Dr. , Restore. cv. Heaitn , Miles' Kestorative Nervine and the second night obtained the first nights real sleep in four weeks. 1 know that Ir. Miles' Kestor ative Nervine saved my life. Dr. Miles Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, ilrst bottle benefits or money refunded. Hook on Heart and Nerves sent f reo to all applicants. DU. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind. PENNSYLVANIA KAILROAO. Soabury & Lowistowij Division. In effect Nov 28, 18;7. WtSTWABD DIR. STITtON. KAtTTAED V J p m h m A. T. a ni I f m 4 21 12,06 j I.ewlfitowo J. Tun I 8.03 1 4.2i 12.fl Alain Sireot ! 1.13 ! 8 u 4 IS 12.00 . Lewietnwn : 7 :n I 4.00 ll.M ! iMaltlaod ' 7.43 I 3.20 ' l.iu '11.46 s . Palntor 7.4 i 8 2.if 3 VI II. :o 11 Shlmlls 7 64 ' 831 I 3 r6 ll.."6 l'i Wat-ner 7.S' ; ' 34"i 11. '.6 II 1 Mei'lnie sis I jjm .13s II. Ill 2n ' Kauli's J;ill s 13 ! 3..M a. in 1112 Si 1 Ailapi.l.urK ! I'.i i ..vs 3.21 11.0ii :t I'l-nrrrtnan .i: 4.01 :.i: M.66 SO Krnl.-r l!: 1 IK 307 l'l.'Vi .13 . Mlnillel.utili ' N.4.1 I 4 2 .'i.on 10.41 0 Matter ' Kill 4.26 2 Ml 10 : 37 Kietmer ; .4 4.s 2.!2 IVli Cn Pwllo 8W 4 8: 2.13 I0.1 43 SeHnnnruvo , V 11.1 4 4.' !37 10.17 46 Mollnfitrovs .t . 0 04 4 4 , 2 2". IOCS Mi Mnnl.urv : .! 6 03 Truin luiives Suiibury r 25 p ni, nr- rivoB nt SchnsRiove 5 45 p m Trnins leave Lewihtown Junction : 4 '8 n in, 10 13 s m 1237 in. 5 27 n in.7 07 11 ,18 p ni Altoona. Plttsliurg and the We-t. l'or Halilinnre on.l WiiHliliiKton 0 3.1 n m 102. I S3 4 s. 1 in p m K..r 1''lpMi hii.I Npw Vork 8 33 : n in, 1 n 1 i3 4 I I and 1114 pm For Uurrisburif 7 0J m and s 26 p iu Philadelphia & Eric R R Division. . AM) ' NOKTHEKN CENTHAL RAILWAY Tralnr leave Suuburr dully except Sunday : ; 24 a m lor F.rie and" Ciina'iidulKUS A 1H a in lor Ki'llelmite Krlo an. I Cannndulguik 9 W a m lor Iielc Haven, Tyrone and t ln Wesi . 1 10 p iu for llelleloiiie Kan. i ,C t.'anar.daisua A 34 p m lor ttunnvn and Flinlra V 2." p ui lor lACk Haven Sun.lHy A I.') a in lor Krio and CannndaliriM 0 43 a in forLMek Haveu au l V2'piu lor M il liiunnHiri A 26a m (or('nluwly.i ami Ilnzoltim 6 21 a in, 0 M a in 2 00 and 6 43 p ui lor W llkcs hnrre mid llareltou 7 (li a m, lo 20 a in, 2 ii p m, 5 ' p in for Sliamu kln und Mount Carniei Sunday u .w a ui lor Wllkofbarre Train leave Sulingrnve Junetinn 10 00 a ui, week iWys urnviuit ut r-hll .dc!pl.l.i 3u0pm New York 5 .VI p ui Haltlinoro 3 11 p in Washington 4 In p in 534 p ni daily arrlvlnir at rhllndelphl.i 10 20 p in New York 3 .VI a in, Hal' nn.,re 0 M p m 8lpm. week days rrivli,g at I'lillailelplii i 1 mm in .New York 7 33 a m Trs'ns ul-o Ieav Siinhurv : 1 .10 a m dully urrtvluu at I'lula lei.llila 6 .12 a m Kalttuiure 4 20 a in WksIiiiikIoii 74nam New Y ork 9 33 a ni Weok.y. 1I ; .a a in Mindiiy, 1M pin, week dis hi 1'hll.nie.pliia 6 23 p in. 'New York 9 3d p in, Haltiuioro 6 u.i p in Wasliun(tnn " IS p m Train- also leave Siiiitniry at 9 ") a in and 6 21 amis 30 p in, lor Harrmlnirg, 1'hiladelphl i an.i lialtiiueie J. II. WO H), Oen'l l'a Aent 1. II. llCTOillXMON (Jen'l Mauaaer SPECIAL NOTICES. small ndverllscmeiitH i.f every rtescrlptlon, I Want, Snle or li. ni, I.o-.t ur Kniind. or tiier iin-1 ilees Inserted under this Ilea I lor nne.half cent a word lor one insertion a!:d inie-loiirth cent a word einh suliseipient Invitloli. Nothing In serted lor less than ten ceuis. WANTED TKl'bTW'OKTIlY' AND ACT lic gentlemen or ladles to travel tor responsll.le, iht:.t:iMied house. lon thly C6 nnd ex eTiMS. I'o-innr. steady. Reference-. Knclie sfll-.u'.pi s-.'.l slumped 'envekipe. The DohilnloL Cuoipauy, Di pt. V.. ehtengn. 1J-1C-97.-OI. A fiPTC WANTKl) everywhere to AULI' - a.dl Nonill Self HiBting l'olialiing Irons. The most useful mo dern household invention, ami a ready seller for agents at li(r profits. Workers un imsily nuike $." to flodiiilv. Write for wvrtirulars. 0. JOHNSTON A CO., yiiiney. HI. vyANTEI)-Trustworthy and Active gentle- " men or ladies to travel for resou-ilde, es tablished house in rinyder County. Monthly K.1.00 and expenses Position stciuly. liefer euee. Kuelosa aelf-addressed alanieil enve loie. The Dominion Company, Dept V, Chicago, Illinois. 9-10-lSt PUPPlCCfiniT Pfljtt ""cP to make Fence LlLllCollUU rUMib Posts lust almost a life time. Is Kood for all kinds of timlier. Kcvle for making this puint, Vc Write tiday. Ad dross, 1). O. llaek, Kreamer, Pa. 5tf 'HUMPHREYS' No, 1 3 Cures Fever. " Infants' Diseases. " Diarrhea. " Neuralgia. " Headache. " Dyspepsia. No, No. 4 No. 8 No. 0 No. 10 No. Cures Skin Diseases. No. IS " Rheumatism. No. 20 No. 27 No. 30 No. 77 Whooping Cough Kidney Diseases. Urinary Diseases Colds end Grip. Sold by drugrurts. or sent prepaid upon reoetnt of prloe, 86 cents each. Hurapiixeys' Medicine Co., Ill WUUam 6t, Kew York. Deport of Receipts and Expenditures of Snyder County for the year ending Dec. 31, 1897. TABULAR STATEMENT khowtap; amount of count and tat4 taxei as leas, collected, returned, eoiotniwlona, exonoratiooa and abate menu allowed aud outstanding, for tbe year 1SU7. Aaes Uvlleo-ted- WSTBICTS. COLLECTORS. Adeuie Bnaver Beever West (.'euire Chapman Frankllu JackMin Mlitiileliiirgh Mlilulei:ret'k Mourue I'enu Perry Perry West Meltiisirruve Snniis I ulnu Washington Jaa. ja KKtioswarUi 678 01. lutt M imtt, HMSSi (WS 1I 154JMj Wl JS 47 Ml 7lM l.TTMi loo ai tU4T3 35 Ml iiimm! 1111 7 ft & .!!' lianc Huuhii lunl B Uaainrr. Jpii hvtrr Wui. U. Shelley M J ixmnney tiinoOldt O M Mmtx Jacob K"W Tnoinaa lh-'S C L UviiilH-rlliiaT Nitiann Meutfet Jacob KolU A J OniNa s nlth Jacob O Htahl Wui II Kouau Totals.. TABULAR STATEMENT showing collec Baud outsfaiiUinif taxes for 18'JU aud prev I DISTKICTS. I OIL1.FCTOHS. I Year Union Heaver West Heaver West Adams hravrr W. Chapman Kianklln Midillvereek I'enn ieliii!igr ej.rlnt l b Ion Washington Adams Huaier ' Heaver West t'vhtte ('hupuiau I'rniiklin liu-ksou MlilillPtiurgh MHIillei'itik Mourou I'eun Perry Perry West Srltnsgluva Spring I' 11 Ion Wahlngtim . Julia li, Huovor ! Wiu. U. Mnltb I Win. O. Mlillh ! Js MlndlfsW'lll ; J I llommel , W II hhelley : ism ; ism) : 1M4 : ihtio : li ! lxvs : li.mll Hi.Wfrsox I 1K I I'u ul lluiiiinel ! Ism : c I. (iemlierllng i i iAJIIw i 1WJ Henry Oosa i fvh A W AueklT i 1M- i J J (iiiinlruin ; lb'. : Jus Mllillen'lli ; liiwt i Issue Mulish : 1M) j J no S Hnu.iiiel : UiW ! Joseph Kerr : lt'Wl W H Mielley : lw : Isaiah Uiiwrrsox i lsv-i .Solomon Kllue i v UMlSliinlnner ! Hiwt j fain llnmniel i lMl ! It K lliiiiiniel ! IM16 if l.U, Dilxrllnf ls6 i J A Hro.lus j 1KMI : Jlieol) K"1U 1M : A .1 liross ! 1KIII i llenry Onus I lays i A W Auckor i 18' B i J J Uiindrum ! lsV6 Receipts and Expenditures. rrotlionotary's Ollitv. j. v. . Ikk.Ii Fcra for IK0O f.10 13 " " " Irrtilyinif Juilirnicuts ror if.'o O. S. Wugenseller, blanks A. M. Aurand, " W .H. TunH, Win. K. Murphy, blank books Aaron Metis, lumber U.. Ili'l ... i .... I l.lilktlf I,i,k4 HUM 37 2.1 M t ,5 3M) lis 00 4 02 13 "0 J. It. l.ippineott ii o., aUtlionrry H243 A. .1. 1'rosaiirove, repairing eiliee 4JI.7 J. A. . Snyder, printi nit I" J. A Llliiilmrd, blntikn 32 50 W. O. .Ic.n-lon A to, doekot, ete.. 11 10 J . V. Hthot h, ro-envelopluK Icltera 271 75-1,9 SS Ut'jriiilcr and KiH-ordor'H Oilitv. ti. M. slilmlel, eertifyiiiK mortgaues for IVJ0 M M (). W. Weirenseller, blanks 1 Ml .1. A. Linnliitril, " - 0 W. K. .Murphy ii Him, docketa 40 75 OS SO ( .Vimmissioitonj' Ollii't. (). W. Wngenaeller, b'nnka 4 7S K. H. Willis Sou, I'nurier. 1 yr. 1 1 J. A. Snvder, Hum, 1 yr. and Idnnks Son A. l. Aurand, blanks 5 00 I J. W. Kunklii, pontage stamps and 1 earda 87 I O K llasaiuger, postage atninpa and ' Mt. Uollv l'iliillnt'.,f.lnti)ii3y and blank book. - " y: Mary I. Hunk, stationery , un Printing 'o., " 5 40 .1. H, Mppineott a Co., atutlonory 14 M Win. Mann. " Hmiili rrintlngCV. " 4 20 . Win. Draeae, 71 di ys' service as Com at 3.50 25.1.50 Wm. Drcene, travel ints oxiienara 23.50-SS1 00 Pharos Herman. 71 1ay' aer- viee aa l oin, at 3 50 260.00 I'liarvs Herman, traveling expenses 20.102(0 10 :i Isaac .seotLs 7S days' service as ( oin nt 3.50 ii 50 Isaac Spoils, traveling k-iis- , ai50 -20SlO J. W . siwartz, Cuiiiinisnionerfl Clerk 500 00 M. I. Potter, Commissioners' Attorney bO 00 -1,005 S4 Slifrifl'w Onicc. Alfred Speclit, S'nerilt lteort to I'ulilie I hnrity 10 00 Ceo. W. Wngenseller, blanka 1175 11. It. Itiegel fees Coiillliwuallll vs .Ino. Moyer, 1 23 I'rinli lloneyet. al fees Com mon- weallh vs Meward Boney 3 70 W. 11. Id-aver, mils 2 4(1 W, r. .Murphy A Son, docket H 00 A. M. Aurauil, blanks 3 00 I', t. Hitter, sherilf sorving Jury notices and drawing amne 00 1(1 I. S. Hitter fees in 1 euuiinou- wrallu easea 22 50 1. S. Itiiter 3 reKrts to public charity 30 00 ! V. M Hitler adv. elections, do . ' liveiiiig priaoiiera, auiiinious, 07 25 210 13 i Deduct from nnit, for enal Sold 12K1 Halanee 201 15-211 25 District Attorney's Ollice. J. M. l'nker. District Attorney foit in Coiniuwenlth cases to 10-50 oo Courts. February Term, llrsnd Jurors 75 !5 Petit Jurors 211.17 i oiistiihle's Herttirns .1150 TlisUives anil C'ryer si 5u Menographer 3010 Caws of IT. I', Alleman nnd Coiiiiiionwealtli . , . vs Tramp 2H GO ' Hummel vs Kistner VMZ-VJtO! Jim J Term, Ornnd Jurors 03 10 P.ti t Jurors 41154 ('onstublea' Heturl s 53 40 Tipstaves and fryer HMO bteii'jgrapher 50 00 " Transcribini; Kriiity Cases, Slroub va llornlierger, and Common wealth va iluaser vs Snook 113 W WIN October Term, Orand Jurors 121,11 Petit Jurors 4 17 Ml Constables' Returns 40 44 'I ipstaves and fryer 70 00 tenonapber 50 00 11 transcribing Crouae vs Hnilway 115 8365120 Pccemtier Term, rand Jurors 90 17 Petit Jurors 370 1 2 fonstahles' 4044 Tipstaves and Cryer 77 no HUntraper U W-636J1 2953 tt Justitx-H, Constables nnd AVitncss rn in Commonwealth Cuses. Commonwealth vs J. Wan! " " John Moyer 4 31 13 IIS Kara Huch 7 81 " "A. K. Thomas 14 30 " " Kensterbuab aud I! lege! 4745 Commonwealth vs Steward Honey 14(4) " Wm OerKer 31 12 " " Viola Hill H'0 " " Carrie Caller 10 80 " " lianna Long 10 by " " J. and tt. Kt- tlngr 1 M Oommouwealtli vs Clarence VaD- deveuder 1 40168 IV Coroners' and Justices' Inquests. Dr. Marand Kotbroek et al ,lody . of HufusPbilllpe 34 02-04 62 I UstsUnd. I luar 4Ull9 fl'HSS tut ? TM (W .. 7tt )H7 RJi 14.11 S? MUiW WM' etuiO line! OV 4H3IHI 113441 l II, 87 IU OT4. M4 IT HI 47 a;! S4IW 7IM, i77 44 51' mm! HI 11 i l'J 161 47 3 43 ia 17 1" 49 5J; 4 84 SJI (Sli 4l! 1- s Mi 61 Mi Mi SUi 137 0U tit 14S7I tt 71 M 37 (W l 74 OH 1S6S7 1JH8 1S1 M 78 W 63 13 not 17tfli3 SfcvtU 8151 UO 14 M S 10 i on id '"" Ml Tsl UN iii7Ti; &--isiji 4 W, lions iiihiK1, exoiioratijns iilloweil ou jvurs. Abate I Betara Exhoa-jOoiu'ta-aiDU e.1. loraui'a; slona. I I Culleet- I Kxo. or-1 OutsUud-1 Li"i',8wl I T1' I I l'"f- i U7 8 7 M SI (4 X'l : 344 AN ait srt AS A3 A4 K4 2 87 : !WI U M.i i3 7 70 46 ill 1.1 8 37 IsS Ml )8.i K 76 10 711 4 S7 471 4 Hi 42 : 911 46 Wl 4A ; SI4 0 i. 2 H 13 M 10 ID is! to IS 7 1H 7U j 164 a.- l'.D HI 4 H ;7 62 I7S 46 lot li) 14 :i: ; sio in is iu H7 : t 83 j 130 60 5 Ml i H) SO ! 1.'I4 Ml 63 40 : VIU 70 I SI a 4.' d 34 : f.2 HI M Hi S '.II ' 01 SI 47 41 4 40 ! M 03 40 00 t'4 03 81A lie U.3 HI u 31) i4 44 ij r,7 10 13 si is 60 its nit 00 u at 44 s I 43 i t y, i r ai 1 tr o. I 40 34 I .'III '. i !i 4 71 ! M 67 I WW 76 I 10 40 (14 HO I 05 13 V 8.1 6 HO j j 64053 74 I 14031 K $100 itt i 512 HJ Hemnrlts. Prison. W. II. Heaver mdse Alfred Ss-cht boarding J. A. .Moyer I). A. hern, lumber and repairs J. b. Htotler, hauling ashes V. W I'awlhiK, placing tiling in the yard Isaac Moyer et al. lime and takimr iwav ashes 1 10 4 50 lus I sd 450 140 C. A. Holendur, interest in bonds i 00 Kve Hennlnger 12 50 tt. W. Wittenmyer, mdse and blinds for prison VT. K. Wiuey.coal U. K. HassiiiKer, medical tttt. lierger Herman Henniiiger, labor and ' irliiss 50 51 73 41 2 0) 125 Mrs. Ahbie Bitter, ewlnir, reralr- ing and washing for I.MI7 15 00 P. S. Hitter, janitor services 40 00 "" " 12 turnkey fees and discharges 12 00 P. S. Hit:cr, boarding prisoners SH7 50 HM) 41 Court House. W. II. Denver, mdse 25 10 C II. Walter. " 3 04 Amnudnus Shamlsicli, blaeksmith' work S2II V. 1 Shannon, stove repairs 1 50 (co K Siecht, Janitor iM-rvieeS for 1N07 40 00 J. D. l.lppinentt & Co., stationery 0 41 -E. H. Aultiuaii Truichler at Co., 30 yards 23 M J. (I Walter, lime for o'd wnter closet J fiO J. F. htetler. ccntract for new t " wrrtcV e'nwt - ' ' jyn no ' " I. II. Hottersox, mdse 7 50 W. W. WiUouinyer, mdso 2 15314 07 - Asyluni. Support of King, Herlister and Clcrger at Danville Asylum 105C0-10.5 l'eniteliliary. Suppiti t of Strectcr Coleman and Shell ItoHl 102 0:1162 03 lioad and rrid;o Viewers' Fees. K. D. H. Walter et al viewers 15310 1.13 40 Si-alps. X. C. fiiitclluaet al, scalp eerlilicatu 102 50102 50 Koad Damages. A, It Pottlger. Ponn twp. 35 72 Dauivl HtaulTer, " " 71 ml D. C. Ilerustresser " " 17 51 Hcnj. I'lrieh, " " flil si (1. s. Davis (Trusteo) Pnn twp. 154 :r7 I.. C. hmitb, . " 3J37 Charles .Moicr, admr. Heaver ' 3 0 Moses Krh. Adams "'20 on Wm. Miteheil ' 12 IK) John Y. Kluhhs, " 100'.'- 31 80 I'.rid- res. First National Hank of Middlo- luirir, Inttrvst on bonds 250 15 First Nntliiistl Hank of .Middle. burn, bonds redeemed 2000 00 It. II. Si liooh, Insurance on Pine Street Dridge, Salins- grovo 34 50 C. It. Siinngler, plnnk for bridges 0 22 II. K. I'iebler, Hpecillcatious for Middleburg iron 2.100 Heaver 7.1 Oriental 71 Orosa 1 oa Miihontongo ;iit 02 Pine Street, Selinsgrove 5.15 2 14) Dingers 9 UI Hoovers 5 00 Mitchells 14:pj Howersox Iron AO Hums 3 20 Peffers m 73 Kantx r, 87 Selinsgrovc iron 14 20 Koyers 111 mi Hrubahcr 1 01 Kwing 6 00 Ixings 452 r,l Kreamer 00 77 Y'oders 1 50 NelU VaKcy U0-8.1OS 87 Assessor?. Spring assessment May and School Hcgiatrntion Triennial assessment Dccemlier Id gistmtion, birth and death reported f02 It 471 00 473 50 412 15 1,858 78 Kleetioiis. February cleotlon November " O. W, W'agensellcr, Foby. elec tion ballots J, A. i.umbard, Nov. ejection ballots Constables advertising nnd at tending election Itidgway Pub. Co., blanks Henrr ) mil ill. I. Potter et al computing Nor. election returns 479 5S 513 20 4100 18 91 123 'i 12 75 10 50-1,210 3 7 Printing. J. A. Snyder. Publishing county statement " court proc. ' election proc. " notice of appeal Job work J, A. Lombard, Publishing county statement " court proc. " election proc. " notice f apisatl Job work J. CI. 1-cshcr, I'ublinlilng county statement " court proc. " election proc. O. W. Wagenaeller, , Publishing oounty atntemcnt - " court proc. , ' " election proc' Job work Ed. S. W illis A Son, Publishing county statement , " court proo. : " ; election pros. " : notice of appeal A. M. Aurnnd, Publishing county statement 25 00 13 M 25 00 8 00 0 50 71 82 25 CO ' 00V 2.1 00 U 50 30 00-02 49 25 01 w.'rj 25 00-413 32 25 00 1132 ' 2.1 01 1 o 60-71 S3 2500 W 2-5 00 2 50-02 49 2900 18 M 0D 2100-WB 494 It Dec'd Soldiers, Burial and Tomb- Daniel Helaer burial of David Seeaholts M. B. Hchroyer D. W. Kreeroer M. 8. Hcbrayer ' ." Jacob MHMeliuaa T.A Wairner " " Uoaea Weader O. K liroaius " " Win. 8cb nee M. L. Miller tomhetone for David Heeaholts M. L. Miller tomketone for Win. 34 4 j 03 00 uoo 3300 . IS 00 13 00 1500 15 00 II CO Evniiee M. L- Miller Huaar'niao M. L. Miller Hinirnnian M. L. JM liter Kramer T. A. WaKiier " Jacob " J.F. " D. W. " Moece Wcador liOC-220 00 Miscvllancoua. .Taeob OillK-rt auditing Co. nfllce 13 00 Klias HI reuse burial of Itufus Phillips, tramp 33 00 s Noah Doebler burial " " Pbillis tramp ' 14 24 C. F. Moyer county auditor I&7J J. C, Howersox " " 151 Alisalom Sehnee " ' 15 72 Calvin Httctler " "clerk 2iV0 Tbos. llerlsiter 4 days atteudiug aimit 4 00 James Knllev " " " audit 4 CO Oeo. HM-ehl JanitortoCO. auditor 2 00 U. W. Herman 2'. days cleric to Jury Commissioner 6 00 Wm. Moyer surveying county line between t'uion and Snyder 24 10 C.C. Seelndd atate tax on county Indented Hess for l-?.i 5 00 Keuben Weiriek medical att. and support of C. Hiekct tramp 21 00 Adam li. Walter Trens r taxi a on unseated lands refunded in Franklin Twp. CO 11 W. O. Johnston Co. nomination blanks (too J. 11. l.ippincott a Co stationery 9,70 Aiiiandus Sbainbach repairing liiekets 70 W. I. (iannan coal nil 24 A W'. Potter services rendered County between I'nion Slid Snyder 40 an O. W. Krhart freight 011 tank 2 sr Aaron IteiiufiiKcr wheels for lank I5H0 lA'wistown Koiindrv Co. " KI0O 1 Oeo. Smith etnl hauling stone' ground etc. Court House lot 11 7 ! First Nal. Hank, Middleburg, I Int. 011 countv orders S 00 MV. M. Keller Treaa. taxes on un seated lands refunded He aver Twp. an 117 H. Snanuler. chloride of lltou .') ! W. A W Potter services Snvdor Co. vs Musser ond Snook' 40 0(1 J M Huker serviies Snyder Co. vs .Miisser and Snook 50 00 II li Helglo seiving notleo on Sils'iiiua Sehoch AO C II Dunklelierger, boxes 50 CailHiti Scdmlil bnarding Jury ease of Steward Honey 3 2 V 11 Sndlh lion . ling jury case of Jere Crou- 1 75 P S Hitte. . ..ive-inji Wm Cicrger tofi.- - , !u ,1 11 00 K C I'-" v : ex oensoi of Coun tv In. 76 8.1 Calvin ii.1.1.1 Jury Co.'lllllissiolicr S2 HI J II Kin-pii " A2 10 (I C (liitelius, Kxorewago 17 70 C II Stelnlnirer, freight a cartago 4 03 904 14 T0U1I f 10,609 40 Pur-unlit tohiw. Wo, tho underKned Com nilssioiieisol Snyder Coimly, Pa publish tho . i...viiib uueiiieoi 01. neecipis anil i-.xpundl-I turea of s.ud eohnty for the yoar lh'J7, and also I pr. seut liejewitli a slaicmeiit of the liabilities I and iissets of the said county on the 31st day ol December, A. I)., Is07, I Witness our hand aud seal of said office, the mu uay 01 January, A. l IM'ih. W U.LIAM DKKHsa, Isaac Sisittm, 1'IIAIUCS HKaMAN, Countv Commissioners General Statement, County Funds. AwF.TS. . . , Outstanding faie of l!!r ' "3,151 80 OutstaudiuK taxes of lsoHand previous years 512 84 Fxccaa dog fund due Co. fnnd 310 72 Hal. in hands of Treusurcr 8.7S0 218735 72 LiAnn.lTlKs Hooded Debt . . 5250 00 Interest accrued to Jan. 1. 1898 141 45 Assets in excess over liabilitiesl'K'd 27 8753 72 General Statement Dug Fund. Asskts. Outstandi n; tax of 1 8 )7 M0 75 Outataudiug tax of ls'.Hl and previous yeiirr 180 81 Halaneo in hands of Treasurer A1U 00 839 99 IJAUIUTIKH. Kxcess in hand due Co. Treas. 310 72 Asautsinexcessovcrl.inbilities519 27 850 99 Wm II Keigel, Treas. Tn acet with Snyder Co. (or the year lso7. 1)11. To ami reed from C C becbohl, late Treasurer 22C8 IS To ami reed from dog fund of 1M being excess 219 87 To smt of Countv and State tax assessed for ls'.'7 18,908 33 To amt of tax of 1804 and pre vious years outstanding 4,053 74 To nmt reed Irom various ier aoiis tax un unseated lauds 373 84 To nnit reed trnm N H Miudles wa'th. com of Delilah Hcrbster 91 25 To amt reisl from 8 A Wetzel, com of Wm (lergcr 113 62 To amt reed from pens, enve lopes. Ink,, otcaohl To amt reed from C A Holendcr and Kve licnningnr Interest on bonds 8 71 8 00 ai 00 30 00 SO 03 To amt rct'd from various per sona lines and costs To amt reed from M I Potter 2 years ollice rent To nnit reed from J F Stotler of lice rent to April I, lsM To ami reed inter nal af fairs tax returned 40 fll To amt reed from Hotel License 2700 00 i o amt rood from H Stuto per sonal tax returned 1801 1020381 63 Clt. Hy nmt iif onlcrsnf '97rctiirn'd 18309 49 Uy Treasurers commission on same at t U, per Cent 415 23 tly stale personal tax paid State Treas nud com at 1 per cent 2129 81 Iiy 4-5 of Hotel I.icenao paid Horns and- Twps and com on same at 6 per cent 2180 00 lly com on .110.00 (1-5 Ilolet Li cense paid Co.) nt 6 per cent 27 0" Tly amt of lax of '07 outstanding 2151 90 Hy amt of tax of 1804 and pre vious years outstanding 513 84 lly com allowed collector 578 50 Hy abatements allowed collector 518 13 lly exonerations 113 62 lly taxesallowedbycolleotoron j. unseated lands 77 74 llalance In baud 3750 24-29,381 (3 Yvm H Kolgel Treas In acct with Snyder Co. for the year 1807. , DM. To amt reed from 0 C Scebold late Treasurer 459 87 ' To amt of tax, assessed for 1807 810 0J To amt of 'ax of Isurt and pre vious years outstanding 410 07 1215 04 at. Hyaint of orders of 1807 redeemed 46 03 lly Treasurers com on same at 2 percent , 1 13 . By now of 1087 paid Into Coun- ty Treasury 2,7) 87 Tly com allowed collectors 20 50 Hy exonerut'nsallnwd oolloetors 27 71 ' Hyamtoftaxof 1X07 nutstaiidlng 150 61 ' Uy ami of tax of 1894 and pre vious yenrs outstanding 140 81 ' llalance In hand 640 7'i 1215 04 We, tue undersigned Auditors In and for the Countv of S-iyder, Slate of Pcnuaylvanla, do hereby certify that in the discharge of the duty devolving uimii us by law, we met at the Court House of tbe Countv of Snyder, on the first Mon day of January, A. u,, law, (It Indng the third day of the month.) to audit, settle and ail Just the avcnimta of the aeveral ofllees of aald Coun ty, whose aocouuta It ia our duty to audit, settle and adjust, and that we flud the foregoing statement to be correct , ... J. N. Ttowrnsnx. Attest! . . . , Cai,vis J. Movsa, , . O. HTKTi.r.e, Ausamw S asxn, ... ,1 ,. L'ark. County Auditors. , To Oar Cot . , , fofeT2S ,'' ..T?S ,,ce, Canuytammlfc 10a orlta If C C. a fall to sure, druggist rofund mooey. eoert pre, election proo. Jeb work Worn Out ? Do you come to the dose of W.a - - " 9 the day thoroojbJy exhausted? d Does this continue dav after day. possibly week after week? rerhaps you are even too ex hausted to sleep. Then some- thin jf is wrong. All these tilings indicate that you are re luiiennjf from nervous ex- 2 haustson. Your nerves need $ fee din gf and your blood en- aS richingr. I Scott's Emulston I of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo $ phosphites of Liue and Soda, j contains just the remedies to S meet these wants. The cod liver oil gives - the needed strength, enriches the blood, a feeds the nerves, and the hy g pophosphites give them tone and vigor. Ee sure you tret I SCOTT'S Emulsion. All dnijglsts j 50c. and Si.oo. S SCOTT a BOWKC, Chemists, Nw York. IS TO (TRB A 4'OI.TI I! 4)XI1 D r Take l-axative Quinine Tablets. All Drug gists refund the money if it faila to cur. 2.1a. , 10-14.7U1. IIImIiop Mc4'nbe, er Jlew Torn, on i)r James' Headache Powders. "With regard to Dr. James' Head ache Powders, I have no hesitation in eouiuieiuli'ur tlietri to RuQerers from ijeioWlif. Tln'V relieve the pain spindily, ifiii i liavo never Kiiowit to bn Imnm J by t.ueir use. 1 inivo been n irr.-at sufferer from tii-aOiielw in rtij' life, but Lave ulutosL "ottnu riil of it. Iiv l!m r-nn. nt a n 1 usil of Lot water and fruit nnd nv doinu wiinotit oouhp. Tue Dr. Jumps lfeadnebe Powders Lave. however, greatly relieved me at times and I never allow myself to t with out tliem, and have recommended to others freely. O. C. McCabr." For salt by VV. II. Spaii!;!ei , l.rug eiot, Midilleburtr, l'a. , 0-18 Dm PILES PEUMANENTLY CUHKD. In from 3 to .1 (lays' time by the use l.O-JIO. Oue botllo euiiranteed to euro any caso of piles, resrardless of 'now loug statiding, what you have tried, or what yoiir physician may claim. Money refunded if peruiauent cure is not obtained ia the., most soveio coses iu less than 5 days' time. After &ll.otUertv fail got I Ho tinii btn cured. !W . , Price 75c. pur bottle, sent prepaid any address, on receipt of price. Ad- .1 1 1 T l.ilft II. 1.' - . , uicDaumii ij''fmc-, .'' II. X eul iu Ireet, Williamsport, Pa. 9 23-ly iSiTSold by all first class duggists. ' Tlie bladder was created for one purpose, namely,' a reneptncl for the urine, tied ns sncli it, is iKt liable to nny form of oiseMee except by one of two ways. The first way Is from imperfect actiotioftbe kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. . mr.F tirsr. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidnevs is tlie chief cause of bladdur troubles. So the womb, like the bladder, was created for one iiiiriiosf s. and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is ni hinted back of ain't very close to the bladder, there fore any pithi, disetise or inconveni ence nirtiiifehted iu the kidnevs, back, bladder or uritinrv oassiiife is often, bv i mistake1, nttributed'to female weak- Hess or womb trouble) of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To flud out. cor rectly, set your urine asida for twenty four hours, a sediment or settling indicates kidney or liladder trouble. The mild and the estraodinary effect of Pr Kilmer'r Swamp-Hoot, the greut kidney, and bladder remedy 1b soon realized. If you needamedicioe you should have tlie best. At drug gists fifty cents aud one dollar You may have a sample bottle and pam phlet, both sent free by mail. Men tion tlie Middleburcb, Post and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hitighamton, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantee the genuineness this oiler Charter lToticg- IN THE COURT ol COMMON PLEAS for tbe County of Snyder, at February Term, st8. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the above Court, on MONDAY, r KHHUA IIY 2sth, 1808, at eleven o'clock A. Al., under the "Corporation Act of 1874" of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, end the supple ments thereto, for the Charter of an intended Corisnration, to lie cnlled "TDK HNYDKK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOC1KTY," the char acter aud olfject of which is to preserve the history of Snyder County by tho discovery, collection, preservation and publication of all maiwrn pi msiorieni vnius roumnv; to eeiu county, and the discovery, collection and pre servation of all materials aud things which may in any way be of value in preserving, record ing and publishing historical events, by menus of books, masi, )m-ers, periodicals, genealogies, pnintlnga. portraits, engravings, manuscripts letters, inoemuenls, records, relics, curio., and material data, and for these purposes to have, poasess and enjoy all the rights, beunilta, and privileges of aaid Act of Assembly and its sup plements. Mldilleburffh, Snyder County, Pennsylvania, February eight, A. D., 180S. Wg. K. Mtt.LRR.t Jat O. WtciaitK. t Solicitors; WANTEP-BRAINS BtvlbrtutiBdsemrlieiofntUt IslUhei, .iWh nl tTHsH ef Withlaita City. Tali keck cul u Buy 4o11m. nvUlsiMatteyraforBetUij. Writ MttsUy. SM-rntatekifuatttdctM Mtntl frrtoct yo ldtut Utryuy krtef yetwttlta. Icfori ijV.rlrr fct sittiit, fsi sir llbtrii lin nt tsventot'l Aiiletiot. Cuecr Is diliy. COPP A CO.. rateat atterui, Wiiikctfa, OTO. QPirJAL'KsffiCSn $ so iit o so or
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers