Q VAT BAISiMWrvd. redo, km aed Me (Mirer), i.uiinn, MaossBb, 1U. . a WANTED imh to aell waahlnar Mthliui Joms U Kaoll, W7 &. 4 8k, Lsbaooa, Pa. iy 1 A. FREE IXRSriTCIrr of thp: great Sacrifice WITH ft y'Cll rv mEA uM ARE ANXIOUS ;A money -ALL- ta Horn TO GET Era am mm in f! 111 n. i ii inn i i Hue ; irn,.wt-T"i-rrr"- IT'S) NAl'GHTY but it's Bk'e, end ny mail for I puiy lUo. Fad Book Co.. r-uluey Pali a, VL eDNOjl IC AI WAsHINU FLUID naves soap and labor. Ueviwt 100. K. J. BiumneliL -i and labor. Meciu 10c. Hard hell. La. A UTOM ATIi ' PEM, 'BeM thins- LaDDened" r AIKC'ilLD, Chelsea, Mm. STAMPS, awi foreign tor 8.V. Approvrl sheets toageule. U. L. ..ines. Manual L Mich. II fKLLO JESSAMINES, stroug roOU for iiiumina. iuu aira. . J. urumaeia. iiatd. hull, I. I a lilt Q 'euru dressmaking, now system b LalULO mall. :t) Ivaaouasl-OU. Box Hu7, Wal worui, N. Y. GREATEST NOVKLTY OUT, Vltugiaph llv ing pictures mm an if alive, loe. K. A. larringiun, rjayvme, u. i. Corrected wAy by oar mercbAnt. BttttlSaftCa)aa aa). : "jfl. EaCK . St t3 aLaAl 0 Tallow. ............. 4 Chtckeni pr lb...................;........; ' TOflUylmtMtMtMMtMIHM MMMNWt 8 81dB.MMImmMMWMIMmIHMtM , T Shoulder....... 10 Ham ................. IS Wheat..... ................. M Rye .43 Potatoes Co Old Corn-... .80 0ti ...... to Bran per 100 lba......... .00 Middlings " .TO Chop " .85 Flour per hbL. .. 4.75 UK C-.N HTAKT YOU In busineti. a irood parlna Writs ui enoloalnii alamu. ExcvUior Mtg. Co., Uoa. SOS, Xeuia, Uliio. It fur a minute' Work. Instruc tions, ID wnt. U. Bos 148, Brooklyn, pa. It We invite all to Visit our Store. THINK OF A Men's Fancj AU-wool Snits S3.37 POD 'lt-"ITAHl.l I1UMIC KMPI.OY aTWK S1KST (tiiiivinirl uililreMi with 1 crntaUunp, AUT PKKMaNmI1I1'U Cleveland Uliio. liellablu. It TO A Youth's Suit at $3.58 Child's omit A T SO OeniL-bs. . u. ..r l Hull! before our stock ceta near to what it ought to bo, but at the pace we set last ZTlZx i long to close out the whole lot. Our advice would be, Get Hebe Quick, as you will then hare the best to make your selection irom. , Wl . n, Sucli are the sacrifice prices we have made to close out a stock of top much clothing, at BROSIOUS BROS. IdSStore closes at 1 p. in. Thanksgiving. GLOBE MILLS. .1. 1 4. tSmitli jimicluHl last Siindiiy mornin; at Now Berlin awl in the evening at IIiiiiuirIV, in Kev. S. 15. I'Miiiglitfr'tf place. .. .ltevival sttr wrviees is still in progress in the IT. H. eluireh at llnniiiiers. . . . Win. Hummel made a trip to New llorlin last Sunday The members ol the Union Sunday school are practicing lor their Christmas entertainment already. .. .(j runt Yodcr was up to State College, Centre county, to liire a miller for the new firm of Fagcly A: Ytnler. . . .llev. Schnablo had communion services last Sunday at the St. l'eter's Evangelical Lu theran church. The church was filled with people .... The (Jlolie Mills creamery is for rent.... Knianuel Yodcr is still on the sick list. AVe hope he may soon recover to his former health again. WEST BEAVER. this writ i ne there Is still a lot of com tv husk at this end .las, h,rli ami lainilv ot iicwistown were visitors hero last week attending the funeral of Sylvester Ulsh, who died in Ninth Carolina ami was buried at .J.e brick church John I. Krbis improving from the severe attack of rheumatism caused by the medicine . scut him from South lJend, Ind, ' The notice of his disease was read in the Middlcburgh 1'os.T by a l)r, . living in South Bond, and the alwve CTcsult followed. I hat is one reason a person should always advertise in . reliable paper witli a Dig circula tion, such as the 1'os.T is and h:m. ' The medicine was sent free ot charge. Erb thanks the reporter and also .the doctor for their kindness.. Jacob Erb is on the sick list and not able to lie about P. W. Treastcr cxjiects to pay his boys a .visit m a week or so, at retina, lur nace, where they have lcen working for the past few months. . . .1 rot. Bnwermx naid our schools a visit last week and no doubt found them ADAMSBUKG. Claude Ktiepp of Ix-wistown and . . r Hiram Siegfried ot eiinsgrove spent Sunday at this place Miss Laura Keller has gone to liulfaloX ,v.uU where she intends to remain W weeks Banks etzel ot Wallingford is visiting friends in this vicinity F. K. Eltcrly and wife of Stevens, Iancaster county, . .. u 1.' Vl.-K. are visiting ii. u. '"'v"" Mrs. lister Wetzel ot Selmsgrovo is spending the week at C. H. Klose's Mrs. Kev. Landis had the misfortune to fall and break an arm last week Mrs. m. Se- christ of Ccntroville is leing enter- taincHl bv Mrs. V. E. llackenburg H.'l. Koin'ur has placed a Snecinkv Hot-Air Furnace in the mlllmi.rv store of Mrs. Ilottie Smith ot this place, iu the Lutheran 1i nt (!.titreville antl in the re sidence of Co. Supt., G. T. Cmi)er, at Iicwistown. IIUMMELS WHARF. T.rmt Wednesdav evening Merril Herman, acred about eleven years. son of Jacob Herman, while doing his night work was severely kicked by a horse, cutting a deep gasn in f.tn.timifl. At first hie was dinairetl of. but he is' now slowly improving Jacob Ilaupt and family, of Selinsgrove, visited Anion Trutt'son Sunday We arc glad to state that 11. C. l'iss, who was seriously hurt on Eleetion Day is able to be out again .... Frank Elliott and wife, of Shamokin Dam, spent Sunday with S. W. Trutt and fiimilv. . . .John Schoch and daugh ter, Carrie, took a trip to Lcwis- buriy and Milton last wecK. Jerry Bowen and daughter, Mary, L J. 1 were to unbury on iaaiurimy . . . . Andrew Kcefer and wife, of Wood side Station, spent Saturday and Sunday with Samuel Irutts. Brian Teats is on the sick list. Mary Schoch spent Saturday and Sunday on Chestnut mage Miss Vertie Folk, of Beavertown, spent a few days with Misses Min- i i r x rr Li. y r i me and ivaiie iruu iu.inh: Katie Seesholtz and Mabel Shipc, f Sunbury, spent Sunday with Mrs. Seesholtz Quite a number ot our young folks attended pro tracted meeting at Shamokin Dam Marie Snyder, ot Selinsgrove, pent Sunday with Martha Schoch. KREAMER. Wei lie Heintzelman was visiting lis brother, Anion, at Ixwistown, last week John lields is con fined to his Ixxl with a severe at tack of sickness A. C. Smith and family were visiting friends in Selinsgrove over Sunday...... The Sunday school of this place has de nied to hold their Christmas enter tainment on Friday evening pre ceding Christmas. .. .Oliver Sny der, of Mahantongo, was the guest of Win. Snyder over Sunday.... Ralph Heintzeliiian, who had been working in Northumberland coun ty during the siunmer, returned home for the winter Howard Iicitzel, was out at Fremont last week, where he has rented a farm .Michael Stnckler, ot Juniata county, was the guest ot Jacob Heintzelman several days last week. Map of Middleburgh. C. Stetler, who does an extensive and successful insurance business, has drawn a map of Middlcburgh, showing every building fronting on the several streets of town. It is drawn to a true scale, both build ing and space between, of 50 feet to the inch, making a map 2 feet and 6 inches by 5 feet. The Map is in colors indicating the materials of which the buildings are con structed. The completion of this map has taken close- work audy skill but Mr. Stetler has done it ably and well, and has forwarded the map to Philadelphia where copies will be taken. This may when printed will be a great convenience to him as well as the insurance companies. Nexes Bern. ' : nted to dowrltlntrai r.ncloM Rtaruii Kinplre .ovelty Co., Aialone, H. i I WUU home. Oood Day, for par. WONDKKFUL! Tlie Little Acrobatlo Bug, causes more fun than anythinK else, R cU Fielder A MoutHong.lllli Jefferson St., Jefferson City, Mo. It. Matrimonial Journal? - CAiitk.iu CI .11 . la imUu m. utu.iI7T V '" ATtt With fciMAr Woao ImnhitMi... MONTrCILLO O AGENTS Poliihlnir Iron WANTKO eviirywhere to ell Noxall SelMleotlng Irons. The most uspful mo dern household Inrentlon, nnd a ready seller for (ff nU at bin prollts. Workers can easily make V to 1 10 daily. Write for particulars. JOHNSTON 4CO., tiulncy, III LOOK!) LOOK 1 1 Si.oo Fountain PEN FOR 25c, If an. write well, and use our beautiful aim hanay rounutin i-en. i lie great po you write est chance to buy an up-to-date pen, for Hinull money. These Pens are the finest (trade of Fountain Pens ever put. on the market, they are cheap in price only. The only reaxon we are Bellini; them at this price Is that we are going out of business. Ho it you have not a Fountain Pen. and wish to got one ot ours, send uh your name and address with ic In stamps, and wa will aAnil von nna nostnald. Wrlgtita Novelty Co., 2M0 K. Clearfield St., Philadelphia, Hta. E. PILES OUR HOME TREATMENT sent on receipt of lOo silver. L.TKAVIH, M. D.. s Rockefeller, 1U. After the War." at 2&c. Sendaoe MM;i,r Ooaney, Goddard, Kansas. i.i Di "After the War." The latest sons mill Uli DA tor 2&c. Send 30c for 28 Copies. Address It MAIL OKDtR ADVERTISERS ; Place your ad's." In The Home Vlaltor, LovlnKton, ills.. It you wIhu latlsfactory results . Clr- ciilai n n 10,000 1 sc per ltnn ; 60 c pnr lnce. (xtt 1 will send atonceanneioovui. wuim live Hi i.ih A. (Mr wit:, Lee, III. 3, Itrlfinfilkf rKKfU-wE of beat 14 IUI1UIKC odor and froaen. m 10c silver for a cike. Klondike 3 Co., vat franklin Av., St. Loiiia, Mo. beautiful Send Munf. ifcl sJasisfl aarttW. ran ' - r' invrDTKro? vx' idnw. minois DU I LXlllOLUU farmers, K.Uuper thousand, cash or exchange circulars mulled, 11.00 per tliousand. KMing Star Co., Uornerville, Ills, fl Dew of EdenmT'Jia'ilCg Idc silver. Order quick. Accord, la. P. A. Altmaier, Ron It BF.HT INK. Full pint package, any colo sent Doatuaid for lOo. Airanta v.nLi.,1 ffvnrv where, Slf Circulars free; Address. 8. P. Seswell, Ueusalro, N. C, Ifflondyke-KilrW; "airenta. Samnle and terms 10c. 7. Hpoerl. 1521 W. York St., Philadelphia. Greatest Oame on money for Dt'OL'tWO I00 All Tested. Any one of them llLbLiri 0t 11.00 with 1000 labels to put on oomea. uo to wora to-aay. 7 Herb Itemed Co., Forreston. Ill Dew of Eden .A1ZT?& 22? 10c for sample and particulars. Chas. Pose, e Fiedler St., Jersey City, N. J. ini C AND BOYS, send your name WVaU if you want an Elegant Ring lor a lime fit, IIMIA wwb and good present by return niall er, North Uorbam, Me. Everything necessary W. Warn- II 1 nVPDrntaPDo your ad. UUTulAl 1UUUU for 10 cts a line. n 4 papers 4 times line. The four oa peis neve a circulation 01 over juu eacn issue. Send for sample copies- Hustler Publishing Co. Forreston, 111. 7 A D02UIJ UAPrtl.'w r.JI tTM 1 4utn uriMlM S.u4i ful 4wlnfc bawW.if.iMNi, ,n-l ... mvi.ii I i.i I fliror'p DnfiVQfro"w,,t'ro,nln3r mvr under LUfCl a rdblfJl'IJ parlor door." Escort and Look! Look It Look at yourself when you bo. clothing at my store. I keep com Btantly in stock the best and fines! line of Hats and Gents' ClothiD Furnishing Goods, Underwear nj Caps. Call to Bee my stock. I itt n nnmifilT annanrninsftn nnnnrf SCNBCRY, - - - PbNA. A GOOD MAN WANTED. A good ODDortanltv for the rlnht Wanted, a man well and favorably knots (practical man preferred) to sell on commi sion. Hillings, King S Co.'s High Urade Pali and Varnishes in the eounties of Snyder. Cnin Centre and Mifflin. Apply, with referent snd particulars of qualification, to HiM.INd H.111U a cu.t a reari ot., new York city, W ANTED Trustworthy and Active genl v T man or ladies to travel for responsible, I tablished house In Snyder County. Monlj tU.OO and expenses. Position steady. R ence.- Enclose self-addressed stamped en' lope. The Dominion Company. Depl Chicago, Illinois. 9-lti Write as smooth as gold pen. The pei nervous people. Will not blot paper, or corrode. A curiosity. A delight to all l writers, clerks and book-keeDers. Postuaid 8 for 23c- silver. O. P. Parker, Fairmont, Moj comic cards. Many mysterious tlilmrs. Sen post-paid, 12c. (stamps) Western Nov. Co., Dopj m. t maraet ., Man rranclsco, cel. LiUUC Mall Order Advertisers Monthly pa A. lULi per 3 months and a SO word ad. in terted 8 times for 81.80. Don't miss this Brand oiler this may not appear again. Circulation, 10,0110. The X Star Pub. Co., Ieouard, Tex. 7 E?6rl8uliu2 POuto. Ps'llasV'ahuost aMife time. Is good for all kinds of timber. Recipe for making this paint, 1 50c. Write to-day. Ad dress, D. U. Iluck, Kreamer, Pa. . 5tf (JkECash pair) for the neatest reply to this ad Oil Sena lite with reply for big prize package Hiii est perfumes, diamonds, books. 500 prizes. Catalogue for stamp. Trv us. J. DETWJLKlt A CO., North Wales, Pa. I BALLOONS The Wonder of the Age: 1 The Shooting Star Balloon. These wonderful balloons combine all tlie merits ol former similar Inventions and have many new and interesting features. They rise in the air, discharging Wonderful Fire Balls and Brilliant Shooting Stars, which thrill with delight every beholder. They come packed, 10 large baloons, "each measuring over 7 inches long," in an enveloping case, and can be hand led with perfect safety, as the only absolutely safe Interior Firework, giving a satisfactory display, ever invented. It Is pronounced by the press as the greatest wonder In safe fire works yet produced. They are wanted every where for home amusement, parlor and church entertainments, fairs, etc. Sample envelope containing 10 balloons with full directions.only 10 cents, 8 for 25. Agents this is a hot seller. Send for prices. Address, EMPIRE NOVELTY CO., MALONE. N. Y. T-rlf INTINO OUTFIT 10c. Sets any -aTPrlntH too cards In one hour. Contains three m alphabets of type. Indeblble Ink, type hold er, Inkpad and tweezers- Beat linen murker. Mailed for 10c. CUAS. POSE, 63 Sledler St,, Jersey CI iy, N. J. Rubber Hand Stamps, With Name and Address and Self-inking Pad, 50c cents, or Self-inking Stamp any wording Ink, etc., ready for use Sue., 75o., $1.00 and tl .25. Fifty cent font of Rubber Type, 8 Alpha- !... I.L D.J .nrf IIJ.I.. IK .k. M- ' wan, , . . " - -. "...'., " i w , w, ,11V JV. I kind for 13c. Stencils, Steel Stamps, Seals, Ink, J Pads, etc., at equally low prices. All work Uuaranteed. Call on oraddrrss t It. OEOHUE H. LEWIS. ;513 & 51S North St., Harrisburg, Pa. MP $4 PER DAY SUR Salary or CommisiIJ DO you nam heiorabtt. stttdf imptcjf Hit year round, ct good wagts, at ycut homt or lo tramlf If so, stnd4c. in J for our maltsait pnct-iist end para Wifkriuih bttt of bank rtftrtnets. AMERICAN TEA CO. OITROIT. MlCHM Makes $150 Per Month A "I31I'T'C cln ea""y make VS. VJ Cl 1 3 fio.oo per day sellini Latest Improved Liirhtning Fire Kii which starts Ares without the useof otberl lino-. Lasts for vears and sells for a small J. Fl Warren. Lafavette. Ind. writes tha mode 817.(0 in one day selling them J. X Neeland, Vineland, Minn, writes that be f at the rate of $2 00 per hour. J. R. Hul Dickson, Tenn. writes that he is mnkinfj per month. Ladies or gentlemen eitbuj sell them. One vood agent wanted in i town. Write to-day for particulars. Sand mall 10 cents. 5 tfx D. F. WALLACE. Smithville, AN ANCHOR ELECTRIC BELT. AGENTS WANTED, BOTffl floods sent le w. 11. fanner, . Conn., has sold 1. these Belts, and as 20 in one da; electricity from tnrlaa will turn S tbroush your toll nand. No one but what can wear tnemj Rheumatism, Liver A Kidney Diseaw, w IjtmM Hiu.lr nd nlhar itlajHUM. PrerenM Feet and takins Cold. Gives a cooM glow of warmth all over the body, whlcn th&l II ia ullni, on tha lnila.tinn. For tising purpose we will give one belt M amy c oal to one person In eacn locamj E. J. 8MEAD A CO., Dept 45, Vineland. Quarterly Conference. The First Quarterly Conference of the Middleburgh Circuit, United Brethren church will convene in Hummel's church, about 2 J miles North-east of Middleburgh, Satur day, Nov. 27, 1897. at 2 o'clock, p. m. All conference members are re quested to be present. Communion A . a a a . services will be held at the same place, Sunday morning, Nov. 28th. Tl " J au are lnviteu. Rfpana Tabule core bllionmest. Rlptns TkDolet cure bad breath. - RiuuTabalta:A gives wlltt V A NEW . . ENTERPRISE AT OPPBNHEIMEE'I Glole&SioiiGiorii. Sow is tha time to make Bare in Boys'. Youths' andM Shoes. As we bought stock before the late advl we can cive our custol the benefit of same. PATX Aim WINTER BEADY HADE CLOTH Vnr YftTifha. Ttnva' anH IvTnn rflr.fiivfid dn.ilv. T&Q . --;- n' ber we are Head-quarters for (ientsv Jfurnisning ;yi Hftta. TrnnkH. Rfttrhela Umbrellas. Ktc. YOU i i . . money by buying of Lap Bobes II, Qpp3nii3imcr, Market I Selinsg0, all improving. i 1 J, f, t:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers