- . , ' ' ' 1 . . . - .- -- . ' , - .. . " ' ' -, ' ' ' , . , . ' ... , . ' W. WAGEWSELLEB, MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA, THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 1897. VOL 34. NO. 43. itot itorand Proprietor. MDDLBUBCH WIT IS A PMCK88WE HEW8PAFB CWIHC -TEE LMBT MEWS. FWi THE COUMTY. STAT Local News. pttst- V Yeariek is the new at Kratzervillc. bier Thompson spenjt Sunday parents at Mexico. I ir ci - i.:..i nor A. -I-, ouira iuun, a i-n-tiv Selinsgrove on Sunday. Jik receipts put up 23 and 50 Vtk for sale at this office, tf. Lr and Pawling, attorneys, Vve a phone iu their office. Billhardt and F. S. Keigle tSlinmokin Dam on Satur- Sinith of Globe Mills prcach le U. B. churcli on Sunday G. A. Sehoeh and wife spent days in Philadelphia during week. Engle, one of Beavcrtown's tors, was at Middleburg on Thursday. Swineford has moved to ille into the residence of !atc Boyer. jyour stationery printed at IhT printing-office. Litho- suecessfully imitated. kival meeting is in progress new Hummel'8 United ii church nortli-east of town, illner and wife, of Kantz, flying trip to Baltimore- Saturday and Sunday lou again on Saturday at G. ilia's. Clothing will be a lire of stock that will be S. Miller sold three and 1th acres of land in Penn to Charles Krouse at? 100 da Wagenseller of Sclins- hi week was the guest of icr, the Editor of the Post, Dagel and wife of 'or land on Sunday were the her parents, Gabriel Bca kife. . Arbogast, one of the merchants of Selinsgrove, Je county seat on Wednes- et week. 1. r .. . it i .i r unssmger anu nooeri Jiger, wheelmen of Sclins- led on some of our young punday. if Middleburgh's former got married last week k'f one skipped the coun Jft his wife. floyer will sell personal Jour miles West of Mid' n Tuesday, Nov. lGth. pt the date. pion Spangler has been Ji8 week. Mr. Spangler, Ken at Waynesboro, was W for on Monday. 3rubakerof Port Trever I G. Ilerrold of Chapman pat this office Saturday fd the Sheriffs sale. three and four hundred Wound secreted in Mrs. learner's house, 5 J miles place after her death. B. McWilliams returned y from a visit to McVey- J understand she expects TV i i i cywwn ner nome in John Krcamer returned from Oklahoma to attend the funeral of his mother on Sunday. C. M. Brubaker, of Port Trever- ton and 15. G. Stall 1, of Chapman, were county scat visitors on Satur day. F. W. Spec-lit, Wm. P. Shelley, John J. liolcndcr and Harry Grimm drove to Frceburg on Sunday after noon. Henry Riegel, on Tuesday mov ed into the house recently vacated by J. C. Swineford, on North Su gar street. Some one who has the land and and the money should put up eight or ten rent houses in Middlchurgh or Swineford. If you need anything in the line of Hardware, J. L. Varncr is the place to get the best and cheapest in the market. Druggist Sjtangler has moved his drug store into the Post Office room of the Bank building and has ar ranged the room and the contents very tastily. If you want the best and latest style Ranges in the market, you can get just what you want by calling on W. E. Stahlnecker, opposite the jail at Middlchurgh. tf. At the sheriff's sale Saturday J. C. W. Bassler bought the Shotz berger tract for $500. The sale ot tne Harrison otaiu tract was postponed to Nov. 18th. The Centre Hall Reporter says that Frank Adams is now near Loganton, Clinton county and among the Seven Mountains a great hiding place for criminals. BniCKH for Sam:. I have on hand 200,000 bricks. Any person in need of bricks can get them at any tune. J", r. JIakk, tf. Middleburgh, Pa. William E. Stahlnecker is prepar ed to keep you from freezing this winter. He has on hand a full sup ply of the latest style of Heaters, Call and see his stock opposite the jail. tf. A. D. Krcamer of Sinithgrove and John A. Duck shot four wild turkeys, 3 gobblers and an old hen, and some smaller game in one day last week making a total of nine this season. Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Cajies and Coats for sale at bar gains at M. Millner's, Kantz, Pa. Here is a nice assortment. Come one, come all and see the bargains and take advantage of them. tf. Misses Eflie Aurand, Annie Felk er, Myrtle Klose and Mame Mecht- ly of Beaver Springs and Suie Rine and Marcia App of Mahantongo, Juniata county, were plwisant callers at this office on Saturday morning. If you want a new coat or cape, now is the time to get it, also a nice assortment of children's coats. They are cheap and arc the latest style. Misses Ulbich & Osmax, Next door to Wagcnscller's Drug Store, Selinsgrove, Pa. 10-28-2t. Country Editor "I think I shall stop publication of the Vindicator." Assistant "Good gracious ! Why, things are prosperous." Country Editor "Yes; but I have a cheaper way to disseminate the news, and save paper and ink. I'll just .tell the news to my wife, General Election Returns of November 2nd, 1897. A NEW BUILDING. '.State Treasurer. ,; j. I 7-i DISTRICTS. I.Hm sr 5 Adams Beaver Beaver, W.... (.enter Chapman. . . . Franklin Jackson Middleburgh. Middleereek. , Monroe Penn Perry Perry, W. ... Selinsgrove.., Spring Union Washington.. , ""SI 1 7Sj : loli ! 111! ' 148! 1 120! ! 50j (17 ! 74! i ... .).); . P.! Ill: C.lii oo! 117! 102! ssi ion! ! 12! 11! !)! lsj 481 2l! 2! 24! S 24! 14i ro! 38! 20 20 41 81 Auditor General, i AssK'iate jProthon- j Judge; otary: 21 17 :5o 37 sr,i 18; 27! its! 72 r7 t! ti )4 47 4ti 78 1 0ij 118! lf"! 23! 134: .p)i 7i 78! 74! 12!)! ()8! o2; 14l! 110! 104! 118! i -1 j ini 14! 13j 2i 52: 2a! 40j 00: 00; 4a! 03! 28! 54! 3l! 45! 34! 52j 3 r- 3 i 1 si 3! 80; ll! 11 '! 122! !! 18l 20! 2( 15; 150 (i! (il 4! 82 7i 78! 23! 80 2!l; 141 1 li (i!; 2 44: 4.; 231 121 c 13 S5i 1! 1 i 114 114 3 . ' a! r rM i ! 7r- r 17; 74; 15; 112; 12 120! lo! 170 71! 44i 25; 157! 4t! C2: 35; 118! 48; 83! (ili! 00; 41! 14()! 54! 74! 54: 52! 5ti! l()i! 44; 100; 54! 119! 81): 127i 21 20! Register & Dis. j.Iury Coin Recorder.! At'v. niissioner r- J P 7!; 118! 15 122! 20! 105! 57l 33 23! 155! r lit! 14 14 -! Si r r ! ' i 78 41! 20! )0j 45; 4Ui 40 57 07 55 78 Olt; 88! 83 H7j 145! OOj 50! 203! 123! 117! 125! 81: 121j 115; 110! 121! 108 107! 31; 28! 1581 irvi! 01! il 84 i SOi 82! 82! 8i! 12! 31 140! 141! 55! on! 04! 42! 5l 53! 21 i! 173! 170! 43j 12!i 124! 53; 117! 113! 83; 110! 122 1 ' t;i;! 23! 42 . !! 48! 5(i! 20 15 14 2!t 08 25 41 3!l 411 57 30 58 44 48 20 54 84 Total. 1474! 484. 5581020; 050! 2101730; 731:1797; 027:1835; 083;1783;1774 j 705 The Penn Telephone line will probably be extended to McClure this fall yet if the proper encourage ment is given. Frank Thomas, the genial land lord at Kreamcr, had a shooting match Saturday last of over 100 birds. The marksmen rejiorted by phone are C. L. Middleswarth, F. W. Thomas. A. C. Smith, C. O. Lenig and Ralph Mitchell. Mrs. IIcuIh'H Kreamcr died at her home in Beaver township on Friday at the good old age of 77 years. Her husband preceded her to the eternal world 23 years ago. She was hurried Sunday iu the old cemetery at Zion's church. Revs. Hertz and Boiightcr officiated. The NovciuIht ihuiiIkt of Me Clure's Magazine will contain the first of three pajM-rs by Ferdinand Brunetiere, the French critic and the editor of the Heme tie deux Monde, giving his impressions of America. America found not a lit tle to say of M. Brunetiere during his recent visit, and it will now lie interesting to sec what he, in his turn, has to say of America. C. O. Mover, of Selinsgrove, was a county seat visitor on Tuesday. Mr. Moyer is putting in the electric light plant for H. D. Schnure's mill and residence and was at Mid dleburgh interviewing some citi zens aliout Market square in regard to erwting a small electric light plant large enough to light sever al buildings aliout the square. Mr. Moyer is a good workman and we trust he will succeed. Some of the subscrilcrs to the bi ographical history of the Juniata Valley, published by J. M. Runk & Co., of Chambersburg, contend they have been imposed upon,claim ing that they subscribed for only one volume, whereas the publishers insist upon them taking the two volumes, price $15. Eleven suits have been brought before a Bloom field justice of the peace by J. M. Runk & Co., to compel payment of the above amount for the two books. Judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiffs in all but one case, in which judgment was given in favor of the defendant Two of the de fendants against whom were ren dered have taken appeals Newport Newt. John Stuck, the efficient clerk at the Central Hotel, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents ai McClure. ' A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barlcr Shop, iu Witteiiniyer'8 building, opposite Post office." . Go to Soles and you will make no mistake, shaving soap, face cream, hair oil and egt;-shain-poo for sale. A. E. Soi.ks. The Ockcr School, under the in struction of J. C. Bowersox, regis tered 21 pupils torthc first month 10 of which have attended every day during the month. They had Arlxtr Day Exercises on Frit lay, consisting of HjM-echcs, songs and recitations suitable for the occasion. Dr. II. S. Braucht of Milcsburg, who practiced so successfully a year ago at this place, on the lTtli inst. was married to Miss Madge Allison of Spring Mills. They were mar ried at high noon. The doctor is a most successful practitioner and his many friends here join the Post in wishing the Doctor and his bride a happy future. "That the richest and largest de jKjsits of gold that the earth has ev er produced up to the present time have Ix'cn found in the Alaska Klondyke country is now 1111 es tablished fact. We call your at tention to the advertisement of the Alaska Klondyke Gold Mining Co. in another column." 10-7-0m. On and after Oct. 21st, E. B. Weidinan will be ready for all her many customers, with a full and well selected stock of Winter Millinery Goods. Also the liest line ot In dies' and Children's Jackets and Caps that you will find anywhere all come and see. No trouble to show goods whether you buy or not. 10-21-4t. Beaver Springs, Pa. Why not start a knitting factory in Middleburgh? The room we will vacate is larger than the room now used by the New Berlin Knitt ing factory, which employs 30 people. A knitting factory, a cap factory and a hundred and one other little industries can be started. A few thousand dollars is all the capital needed. There is always plenty demand for such articles. At lrl?ste Halt). The farm of the late Dr. T. B. Bibighaus, dee'd, situate East of Middleburgh about one mile is of fered at private sale. For further particulars inquiro of Mrs. j Einnia Bibighaus, Executrix, Mifillnburg, Penn'a. 8-2G-tf. New Store I New Ooocls i i I have ltought the hardware store of Mr. Minium at Mt. Pleas ant Mills and have renovated it and am placing new goods upon the shelves and putting everything in shajH1 to suit my customers. My (iiHxls are right and my prices are low. J. L. V.MlXKIt, Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. Thousands for a Church. licwisburg, Oct. 29, The public Itcqiiests of William D. Himmcl rcieh, who was buried here this week, have just Urn announced. They are as follows: 15,000 for a library building for the Presbyterian Sunday .School of this place, $ 15,000 for the endowment of the same, 2, 000 to fresco and repair the Pres byterian churcli, Ijcwisburg; $1,000 to the Lutheran Sunday School, Iicwishurg, and $500 to the Chris tian Sunday .School, I'wisburg. Several years ago Mr. Himmclrcich donated about $3000 worth of liooks to the Presbyterian Sunday School as a nucleus for the library which will lie established hcrebythenliovc generous gift. Long Distance Telephong for Mid dleburgh. The Central Penn'a Telephone and Supply Co., of WilliainsjHirt, have just written the Post that dur ing the coming season the Iiong Distance Telephone will lie run from Ixjwistownto Sunbury by way of Middleburg. As Ix'wistowu and Sunbury have Long Distance Phones, Middleburg will be placed in talking distance with every important city and town from the Alantic to the Pacific, from Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes. We should say here that the Sun bury and Iicwistown connection of .1 -r . 1. Ml 1. tne ijong instance line win no in terfere with the local line as the latter accommodates only the local needs while the other extends to foreign territory. T R Krcrlcd ml Onn Iter the "Peat" Printing- Katnbllnhnirnl. Iast week the directors of the First National Bank met and decid ed to erect a large two-story struc ture in the rear of the IniiiIv build ing for the use of the Post printing office. It will be built entirely in harmony with designs suggested by the writer as the needs of the oilier require. The building will Im 33 feet by 18 feet. On the first floor will 1h a room for business and edi torial purpscs 12x18 fect. The balance of first floor will lie used for cylinder press, folder, large job press and an extra division for the engine. The second floor will lie used for type cases, stands, imposing stones, the small jobber, type cabi nets, etc The contract tor erecting the structure has locn awarded to Bcnneville Smith. Work will soon commence in order to get the build ing completed k'fore extreme cold weather sets in. By April 1st we will occupy our new quarters, or R'rhaps sooner if some one will take the room we now occupy off our hands. When completed and occu pied it will lie the only building in this section of the state that is used exclusively for printing purjioses and newspajM-r business. The edi fice will be placed facing Sugar bteVii the corner of the lot next to the county jail. HURT IN A KUNAWAT. 1'hitlp 'Aowj lhid His lliijht Arm Broken. Philip Zong, of Second street, was knocked down and quite se riously hurt by a runaway team attout half-past twelve o'clock this afternoon. Mr. Zonir was assisting iu removing his household goods from his late home on Second street to his new place of residence on Hepburn street. He was standing lictween the w heels of a wagon with the lines iu his hands and was alntut to get on when a lox of glass ware fell from the rear of the wag on and frightened the horse. The horse dashed suddenly forward throwing Mr. Zong down and the rear wheels passed over his right arm breaking it above the c11mw. The horses were stopped near ding er's planing mill and no damage was done to the vehicle or contents. Milton Reeord. Prosperity in Eansas lleringtoii, Kans., Oct. 23, "J7. El). Post. Enclosed plase find $1.50 for another year's subscrip tion. We have the finest kind of weather, no frost yet. Best times for years, work for everylxsly, plenty money, and gMid prices for everything, especially sUwk and grain. All feel good and happy. From yours truly, J. W. DltKK.SK. Snyder county is now forty-two years old ; Union county was forty two years old when a division of its territory took place, hence it is eighty-four years since the portion now called Union and Snyder coun ties were severed from Northum berland. The latter was forty years in existence before that portion of it lying west of the Susquehanna was named Union county. 1 TJVt'"'1'-F',"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers