i !, ' . , I i 'i : "m ;!k LE spoil gg MA Y 1897. YOL. 34 llfll THE LEABEB I51F CTMMTBY JWBMAUM, THE ADOCOTflPfljlE KMT UM itiMkmrn n m'rss T i B - m m " -- - W W If II IIVI I II I L I AWftNTCIi TTT Tiff luTTTTiT TTTOfl. IVI M t at sm ia , . 1 . tan, i " , m i-i.jiiunir.ii, - TOWN NEWS Vicbeil with Interesting terns from Middle creek Valley. L b4 sWUMF Crwatlelel far U, eay aad tha Orr. E. a Aurand on Sunday was it MifBinburg. Row of Selinsgrove has been ,n increase of pension. A R. and P. O. S. of A. at iDmna services last Sunday I Smith. Editor of the Eliza t Echo, spent a few days in , n i - ir:n:-u.. loan uaunt ui juiuiiuuuix bostmaster Bunkle's family jrt Herman and sister of ViUt was visiting relatives in Jndir. ISmiih of Troxelville on Sat lis the guest of bis brother It See, Soaid. the Satanio Majesty and Lis mother were at Sunday. j der County Sunday School kin will be held in Middle- lit May. Ireeger and Miss Libbie trger wheeled to Ereamer h Sunday. oasht and wife of Beaver guests at B. H. Ouster's night. titer is still buying calves hat. Highest cash prices lor them. tf. wling and wife on Sunday JtUiued by Hon. G. Alfred id wife. i. Orwig and wife visited tMifflinburgand Mazeppa T to Monday. C Stall of Reading in vis- Vents, Daniel MillhouBe in Swineford. Vlter and wife (nee May vt) oi Mifflinburg were Ire. Aurand's Sunday. Mover of this nlace is f highest cash price for 5-20 at. Vget to put out your flags K on Saturday. Deoorate t ana business places. lit Smith nt vmi sAfeuu 1 Stease of Adama. Hr8. C. C. RnaVmU t Iriwinger of Selinsgrove m entertained bv Oak W having ridden up on UurgbaBeballteam de- by a score of 19 to pot sent in by the New Artist A E. Snloo PUne of the compoBi- r -wee, visited Mifflih- ptning struok Henrv Pwidence on Sunday IMS 11,. Ir . . I memorial Bar P cold stroke. fr. irthnv I11...J r II Ham n.,t.i: jBullSelinsgrove B uwyatSelinaarn truck in T1 J.1 rr. -owineiordonMon- Quite a number of amoved from the (or O n ,wooncentrat- V71 Kenteel fjtjiorud work, is tL,80168' Barber - uiuuig, on- lie iJiV vu naegg. OOLU, For Time the Entire Tawn Wu Tkreittntd With OtslnwtioBj. At half past one o'clock Saturday afternoon fire broke oat at the North West corner of Frank Bachmaa's barn at the West end of town. In scarcely an instant the flames were oommunicated to Allen lloyer's barn on the West and to W. P. Feese's barn on the East So thick and font did these flames arise that the three buildings were honelesslv filled with flames that seemed to vie with each other in a mad and frantic effort to destroy everr thin within renrh The alarm of fire arouse the citizens of the town who responded nobly to the necessities of the hour. Sparks of fire were carried for mora than square and dropped on other build- ings and at one time woven different buildings were on fire including dwellings and stables. Every roof in the neighborhood of the fire was watched and the fire extinguished as soon as any drooDed tiDon the roofs At this time it was feared that the entire town would be totally de stroyed leaving nothing but the ruins as a remnant of the town a fearful aod woefully eiDensive ire minder of the fact that the citizens of Middleburg have failed to do their duty in providing ample pro tection against fire. By carefully watching vvery house rooiand every stable, by tearing down fences and bv a deanerata fight at Postmaster Bunkle's stable tna snread or tna hibim wu avArtad and the town saved with the loss of Allen Mover's stable, W. F. Feese's stable, Frank Baohman's table, and 4 hogs belonging' to Newton ach man, a nogs 01 -airs, jsaenman ana small nos? Of A W. BoweraOx and and quite a number of chickens were roasted to death in tne flames. A. W. Bowersoi's hog would have been saved had it been left in its Den. but fearins that the flames would reach the pen the hog was liberated when it made a straight rush lor the fare and was roasted alive. In, Baehinu Bumd. Mrs. Newt Baehman narrowly es caped with her life. Upon discover ing the fire she determined to nave her oow and rushed into the burning stable to release the cow. The ani mal was exoited and would not hold still. She rushed about and fasten ed Mrs. Baehman. It was only by a miracle that Mrs. Baehman extrica ted herself and ruahinir throutrh the flames and leaping aoross a five-foot fence she saved her life but the cow perished. Mrs. Baehman a hands arms and face were badly burned and it reauired the attention of Dr. iJriBbin to appease the intense sur fenng caused by the burning. It was now considered necessary to send for heln. Tha Serinacrova Engine was asked for but word came immediately that the engine did not work. As we had men here of the same stripe we knew that such an engine was no good. The Sunbury engine was asked for and offered Hunt. Wierman wan naked tnr 1 special train to bring the Sunbury eneine. Mr. v airman flam na wis willing to grant the request but sug gested that they could send help from Lewistown in less time. Mean while all the buckets, dish pans, tnha mimna nana, etn . ware nut in use, fences were torn down and by the Mmnl and cttarrnnl aamatanna or the large foroe pump on wheels be longing to otetler a planing mill and a larva fnrnn niimn of D.. A. Kern the fire was brought under control and no outside assistance was need ed, but the people of Middleburgh are srateful for offers of assistance from our sister towns. W. Y. Feaaa had no insurance on his barn. Frank Baehman and Al len Moyer had a small insurance. Ui.. ir... J t 1.1. I... 1...- ani juiuu xkuuajv, nuv um unu ill with pneumonia, was carried out 01 uie uouse ana piaoea 1a ao.ru. a. 0. Aurand's care. It is not known how the flre orisr- wnnii wu mm ivtus ihiuuiui nviv playing about the barn it may be that tU.H jnwAMMll mmAmm 4fiA jtarta of tha eonflagration. , Our Oountry'a Defendere Bur ied in Snyder County- J On Saturday of thia weak tha ait. vivina comrades of tha lata War mtk pay the annual tribute to the mer- ory or the dead soldiers lying buried !n cemeteries all over this land. For years we have felt the necessity - of having a list of the dead soldiers buried iu this county. With the aid of a number of veteraus we have compiled the following list of dead soldiers whose grave will be dec orated on Saturday. This list is not as complete as we wouid like to have it, but we have doue the beat wa could with the d.la at hand. We would like to have the name, hranoh of service and date of death of ev ery soldier baried iu this county. In many cases we have only tha nam in others only name and branch of service. If any friends ran aunnl the desired information, we shall be under obligations if the facts are sent in at onoe. The list ia a. fol. lows: Gap! Mlchaal Smith Port, Vo. S, O. A. B. of mciiiw decorate, the following gtavca of oom radea al Ilia tallowing oamatataa: (Iiittur- niiaad by If. & HlddlMwarth.) n. rAUL'a. Jonathan Ockar, Jaoob Martin, John Wagner, C U, 172 P M Win HtMlr. Co K, 108 e V Aaron Moyer Co H, M " . rr. JoHM'scEarrair Daniel Uerbeter, Co O, IU P V Daniel Snook I. lit " JoeepbSmitb " I. lie " . Blnton Uruea " f lm Tbomaa Youngtnao, war of ISU do do CoF.lSf P Y " A 14 " ." OfUT " r tin's " O.ITJPM " o, in a. in OeornOoM Peter Oom Wm D Horbeter, Wm Kntelter UrlJBoalg HearyTfetUSar , Amoa Snook Henry O Ooa aloeee Weader liUl'l CKMBTKBV. Jaekion Manbeok Wm Baker. war ol 1HU Henry Brainlnjrer do AHUKL'a CBMBTUV, UBCAT08 TWr., airfj CO. ibgod 11 spigeluiyer Co 1, 134 V V Andrew J Orwlir du Aaron Ouee do Moeee Yetter do Lewis Treaater do Iamac Auraud Co K, 20) P V JubnUook " U, i " Samuel Kager JnhnKoIk waroflHM Bernbart Eberbart do Sauiuol KneuD do Joeeph Huook Co C, 07 P V iiuury Hook is Jeremlab Mobney 1M ' LWTIUl B CKMVTKBT. (Mlflllll fV, t Simon Snook CoK,203PV John I Smith " K, Ui " KKHBBRLINU CHAfBL 1'KHETlrBV fulmi. c V Kobert Keiuberling Benjamin Thonuu 48 P V MCCXl'BB I'BHBTBBV. Henry SSplKelmyer Co L. P V CTlry Roawell Kolhrock " C. " DMIIBTUHNBD DBiD. I.iet furulebed bv N. B. MWI.II....h 1 .... j jacoo tvagner Co 1, 4 P V U I Jacob Lash Jacob Urower Henry Herbster Roawell Kline Reuben Weader Harrison Herbster Samuel Koch Ell Trevster Wm Weader Isaac Houilg Jacob DSteinlnger Oeo I'Unk Jesse Splgelmyer WmSplgelmyer John Krlck Frank Peter Samuel Welrlok John Hook WmUroas Isaac Arnold Lewis Snook F, 184 P V do do do do do do do do do Co 1, 1H4 P V do do do do 49 P V do do do Co K, 90 Pa. Cavalry K.20SPV Andrew Snook do Simon Goes Co K. 61 " Augustus Snook Auoi Shank Peter Truckamlllar Wm (1111 Mai. Wm. II. Byers Post. No. 811 al Ari.m burg will decorate soldiers' graves as follows: IThis ust was furnished by W. J. Kloee. ADABSIIUBO CBBBTSBV (Old.) Henry D Specht Co O, 8th Bert Pa. Reewvet, VC.died Mav 10.1878 S J Oundrum Co B Mb Regt Pa Reserve, VGA vo r ivi Hogt ra Vol Inft, died Nov 7lh. lwl Reuben Kloee, Co H, Soth Regt Pa MIlIHa and u n zm Kegi pa Vol, died Mar 14th 1N1 W H Smith, Independent Co, Pa Stat Militia, died Mar, 1S7S H I Baehman, Co H, SOS Regt P V died Dm IStbv 1H7B David Get. Co P, Ul Regt P V, died Sept 3M. law from wounds received la the battle ol Fredericksburg. Va. Dee 18th. lau David Ksompfer, Co F, 111 Regt p V, dial June ja, mm . ASAMBBWaO CBUmv. I new Joseph Sbannon, Co D,T4 Regt P. T, died Jan Nth. in baa Wetsel, Co I, Ul Regt P V, died May 1Mb, , ueo, rrom mum ol wound received la , , , action In front of Petersburg, Va, Oct 4th 1M4. Mllp J Manbeck, Cj 1, 1 Rogt P Vi and Co O Wwejd JuaaU, HNS. htPaBBoairry.CoD.RegtP V. died 4 via, levt rump v Manbeck, Co D, 74 Regt P V died Oct II tb, UN laaae Unangse, Independent Co, Pa Bute Mlllt- ia, uiea - Jeeeaoa Thomas, Independent Co, Pa State MlllUa, dUl BAVBBTOWK. Uy Hon. 8. A. Wetsel. Bon. Ner iliddleswarlh. ii.iajn imi oenjamiD auier, MivaU do Adaiatpeeht, do Wb U Kepaer, Meiiean war (War Of tha Uebelllnn Aaron Feeae Co D, 71 P V died In hospital In Md rieuer Co u 271 Ueai fUMI Ella Hpeelit du Keubeo Aiglet do Wm Beaver do J J Ualne do CuuMiuel Welrick Co B. Sth I'm Henry Klcbiager Co D, 7lh Hugt P V 1 Hose Mtddleawarih r.r pi 1 .1. u W ui Ullbert Co II. Iim H. P V 1 Wm U Kerbster " 0. 147 il J F Btoeaman n. F, 147 do 8 Freed Co 1 184 do Michael. Weland " do TaoXKLVIlXE caaUTBBV. (Bv Ner M. Ml,l,ll....rii. t Frederlek Itingaman died Oct SO, WW, aged SO r. a aad 14 d. U was a Revolutionary .soldier and took part In In battle of Brandy- winei UsnlelS warts, died Ag 14, 1S42, wa a soldier In lb war of lull and waa a member of Capt Ner Middles werth's company and wa aiiovna as uuneio. Airnd sn v o m a a ooo miss, atd Jan 5, 1M3, wa in the war of d a Lieut, in Cap! Me Middleswarth'a t.o. aaeatitveare. ,1 m. . . nevenn oingaman K Kegt V V I died July S. WW' Tost Henry Blngsman dld Nov 15, 1831, aged ew year ana JO day, was a member of Capt "er aiauiewann-a ramnan Oeorg Good, Co 0, 11 Regt, P D bT. died .New aarl New. Va. Lmm 11. IM) William Wngawaa, Co I. 49 Reg, P V t, died . Wat, 'h Fcaderlck Huflnagle, Co I, 49 Reg, F V " died Feb W, 1879. John A Arnold, Co K. 491b P V I. - corporal Hlcuon Zechman, Co F, Do Reg, p V I oiea uci 24, 1HS7. Abramans Lspley, Co 0, 172 Keg, P D M, died Hay 13, IWO. William Ettlnger. Co 0, 171 P D X, died at Har- risoura. jmo j. Joliatban Bowersos, Co II, M Keg P V I. died Apr 10, IHH1. lvl uill, old Co II new Co A, 49 P V I, died May 18 1M92. Samuel Brelninger, Co I, SO Keg, P V I, died May 18, 18H9. jbcoo nernooi, lo (1, 147 P V I, died Hepl X IMS. Abraham nauRuutn, Co U. 172 P D M, died June 8, 1889. Michael Kwlg, Co 0, 1S2 Keg, P D M, died Nov ZV, IH70. Post 407, Pt Treverton decorates the following List by J. C. SchaonVr 1 BKBBOLD'lBCrKBV-r. JOHN'S U. B. t'UUBLU. Nam Solomon Bender Kerlin Peter Amos Kelclionbevh Henry J H btraub Lieut Philip llerrold Co, B U A D 208 P V I war of 1811 '64 Xmanuel Neita Jacob U Uouts Jeremiah Stroup Franklin Uvea Frank ' Charles Ludwig Mulliner IIOV'S UIUBL'II CKMKrBBV. Kvgt. Died. SFeKus Dec 27. aiHP VI June 11, '79 272dPM Aug 20. '91 Nov 16,'93 Mar 16, '53 6 I'a Kee 208 P V I do 172 PM Mar 29, '80 Mar 8, '94 June 3, '61 21 Pa Cav Muy 27, ' 51 P V 1 Feb 19. -90 WITBBB'H OIIL BCU CBBKTEU V. A 298 P V I A do U 11 I'a Cav C do Pa Cav A 172 P II 28P V I April 30, ' Oct5,' May 27, ' Nov IS, ' bcpl 29, Apr'JS," Wm C Snyder Thomas C Snyder Wm Michael J Ueo Shaffer Uriah KrelM Michael Sholly Col M L Helnlselman Daniel Neita BBIKEU'S C'Ul'UCU CBBICTlcav JohnKlegel B OthPaKes Feb 27,' JohnAuman B MP VI " Thomas Thursby warollHI5 Jacob We! born do - BTAvrrKBs cuubch cbbktkbv. Aaron btauffer , ivi, ia . Perclval NelU 1st Pa Cav, died In Andersuuvlll mson. AaronHouser,CoI49P V I, Loel In action- Cold Harbor. June 9. '64. Wm llerrold Co 1 49 P V I, lost in aotlon Wild- derness, '64. Jno C Arnold Co 149 P V L killed at Sailors' Creek. Aor 6. 'AS. Oeo Walborn Co A 172 P M, died al Baltimore, uiy. low. Wm Carwell Co B 184 P V, Andersonvllle Prison MM, Thsfollowlngar buried In North'd Cn. hut wltbln lb territory of Post 407 09 Nam. Peter Reubendall Henry Zerb Wm Otto Wm Longedorf Nicholas Drumheller David Snyder Dan'l Keed JobnKlock i.i Seswai Mart Faahrr Th!U. A. & Poet Co. C Kegi 74PVI do do do 171PM 139P VI 171 FM 171 149 P V I , Juniata No. 818 at Oriental apoatjr, wUldeeoraie graves In Snyder county a lataiwii pun iBrbJihed T. J. Nlchol 1 BALL'm OBBBTBBT. DBF Welser Co 1 1st Pa Cay and Co K 83 Pa Inft. died Jan SL 1888. Wm Heaelflnger Co K 83 Pa Inft, died Apr 17, UST. T W Walla Co H 14T died Xar IS, 1868. r u nelt Co 1 49 P. David Frte Co Lit Cav. Hnry K Hheaff.r 00 1 SS Pa Mar SI, '67. rOBTIUBB CBM. Silas Portalln Co B. T Pa Reserve. ABBOUirr's CBB. Abaolom doodling Co I 171 Pa V. Unknown eoldler, have no record of him. OBCBl't CBL'BC'H CBB, Benry B Snyder Co F, 174 P. Jan 8. Samuel H HtrawserCo A 171 Pa, Aug 1, -86. rrederlck Troup Co and Regt not marked, Apr J, V4 Jacob Kelcbenbaeh, unmarked . Christian Darr Co 1 172. An. a iwu Peter Arnold Co 1 271, ttept 8, 10 John Fieber Co A 171 April 9, 18(13 oeveo soiuiers ol the war of 1811 burle'l In tb cemetery, of wbloh we have no reeord) i only know Ibey were soldiers. apt C. 8. Davis Post. Sellniirrove will W oraieuieioiiowlng: Ust furnUhed by M. Al lemaa, Keq.j OLD LITTHRBAM i r. Uov Simon Snyder, war of 181 Jaoob Uuminel do John Uagarly, war of the Uebellloa winiam NtlUer, Co I 49 Inf Lewis C Sobroyer Co U 147 P V BBruBMBO rt. lolin Helm war 1811 Jeorg F Keller Co D 108 P V 'aul Ueutberlliia Co D 208 I'a Inf Mlchai-I Hehn Samuel Long Co F 171 Keg BV. LITVU lM Capt Anthony Selln war of the Revoleiion Cap! John Snyder war of 1813 Jobu Ulrlch do William iiaugler do 'olin App riu Cait Kov O L Hall Co O 147 K-.t Cap! C 8 llavl Co O 147 Regt Nathan Crlaainger malltla 62 Oeorga (lushman MaJ Henry W Snyder pay master V S army Mamuel Seeshults Co D 298 Kegt Kelgla Co U 147 P V Cbas B Miller Co D 108 P V John B Karick Co B 8 F Res Bdward J Haupt Co D 208 P V Caeper D Forgy Co It Regt Car oamuel Bho waller Co 07S ., Uriah P Uafely Co Q147 FV AKBB CBM. U William H Schroyer Co O MI died at Annua Creak Landlna Mav IT. IBM - .' omii,M aUary BoligOD308Hg I Wilson Rathloa John Wenrleb Co D 998k- , I Jolui !hrawder Solomon Gregory teamster ' I Jeremiah Martin Lot Clrteh Co 1 147 Kegt . .lnucl Uarman ur uebrky surireon I II..,.. m... -uses r uner muilla 03 Isaac llime CNIOM I'KM. m I Aliralnim K...J.. nenry 4 Miller Co U 6 Pa Res J.mu llnr... John W Mcllay Co f 181 Henry W Baker Co U 147 Frank W Keller 1st Lieut Co Did Til a A n 108 Itfi John Walborn Co I 49lh I'a Inf ('apt Win Byers 40 P V II II Pine Missouri Vol I SI Itrg Lewis Bohb Co F 131 Keg Michael Shaffer Co U 147 Jacob Burns Co A 172 David St-soltz Culviu B Parks Co (1 147 P V Win Lochniaii (colored ) Co (1 M Heir Miu Inf Jacob Keller Co O 49 Keg Casper llaliia Co D 208 P V BonJ I) Fry Co D .1 Keir Pa Rex Josephs (J lover Co F 1:11 Keg Jacob S Wagner t'o K 298 Keg John Spahr Co F 131 Keg 0 F VanBusklrk Co D 18 P V I Joseph Springer Co F 172 lies William Kinney Oo D78 Keir Simon II Teck Co D 7H Kig Isaac D KomlgCo F 172 Keg William J Vngeiisellr Co D 208 Reg died Aug 2, '99 HAI.RM flttf. Jacob K Smith prlvalo Co D 71 Keg William K Miller Heavy Arlllory Co D 1S2 Kog William Jarrett Co I) 6 Kes I P Wairnar killed at MlAlTonl lllll ViCr i n Keg Martin Kow killed at Frederlckburg Co F 131 Keg John .MililioiT Co (1 117 I'a Inf Lewis Auruiid Co D20 P V Daniul Brouso o F 172 Keir Jacob P Snyder Co F 131 Ilea- J J Pawling Co F 172 P Malitia Francis Krdlcy Co F 131 Keir Jacob Jurrvtt war ol 1812 Wm U Snyder Corp of Co F 209 Keg Kli Uvmberling killed In army John Uurducr killed at Fredericksburg Co F 101 Heir Reuben Miller died In armv John MuMclinan killed at Fair Oak Joe Muuelmnn killed at Chancellorville Co U 147 Reg Frank Kumrr " ' (I- n n Henry Sip Co F 181 Reg killed at Frederick Md na sent nome to oennsgrove Henry Wbeiuer killed In the arm Co F M Ho- jaoou nuiKicmsn to r 1UI Hegt Joel Krdley killed In the army FBKKHU&U CKMBTBBIBS. Christian Boyer Revolutionary war Oeorge Wood ling do Honry Ullblsh war of 1811 Jacob Bassler do Oeorg Duke Henry Maurer Henry Woodllng John Keeler, Isaac Waller C Hollenbuah Keg army Peter MlllbolT William Koush William Arbogaht do MaJ W H Dill War of Rebellion Francis A Boyer Nathaniel Keeler John M Dauberman H Frank Reigel do Ja W Knight do Qustavus rlnmyer do Joel Scbaffer do Frederick Hendrlck do Capt. O. W. Ryan Pom No. 864 of Middleburgh will decorst gra,r follows : (Ual futaltb 4 by D. T. Rhoads and other. MiDtiLnraon caa. Albright Swineford war of 1U Jacob Fryer j James Barbl n do Tbeophllus Swineford died Jan 1. 1887 Oo F W Regt P V Abncr Aurand Co D 76 Regt P V died Aug 9 18SB of a wound Clias W Smith Co D T6 Regt "June 16. IS rtilllp Smith died Sept 6, '78 "nfyjtechnuin Oo D 74 Regt P V died Nov 17 Aaron Stctler Co O 173 Kegt P V died April 8, 9 K L Bunington Co F 131 and Co D 74 Regt P V died Nov 29, 1892 John A Muiner died May 28, '9B David W Hpald died Nov 8, '64 Henry Hare died Jan 9. Ol llnry rShamuerh Co O 120 Regt Ohio Vol died Feb 2, lHfiS (1LODB Hll.ia nM Simon Brdley died Sept 12, 189 Wm Mueser Co (1 172 Kegt P V I Abraham Kennlngcr, died Jan 3, 1808 of a wound reccivea si me battle of Prederlckabunr. V 131 Kegt P V Rmanuel Blckhart Co fl in u. Jas H Diemcr Co 1 149 Kegt P V killed Bpt 19, '" in name near Winchester Va Wm Huminrl Co I 49 Ken Conrad Stuck war of 1813-14 died May 13, UW UeoDlohl ri.i -t w UArislMllKu'ttf-aw Hoiiry Ilarhln l:il U. Charle Snyder Sepharea Uill Roawell Ulft 173 do BenJMclelsn f4 do UJ Smith so rl Jackson Howal 74 da Hiram Sebwenk 7S d. Charles Mitchell 173 do Ilunry Steinlngor 131 do Howard Walter Benjamin Watraore Jacob (1 liber I war of 1812 PAXTOMVtt-ff.M nr.. Reuben Bowersos Corn (in n li u. .. Tho Hollan Co H 81 Kegt John Howell Co F 131 Kg P y KIOK'b CMlTBUn n.u Tho Shlpton, 81b Minn aames Derr WBHT BASBIvnsa rvu Alfred DobaOn Co I 49 P V riBaoNT OMM. Oo J 171 4M,B 6th " F I 173 173 172 172 S3 172 172 KegtP V do do do do do do do do Jacob Hath fon died In I.ll.liv l.un John Katbfon do CKNTKIVII.IJC I'BU. Aaron Henry Corioral Co V 173 Kegt Pa John Bli lor Kill do I J cauinsel " K i io .1,. lu.i.. Abraham Kuhu ivi .1.. k-li.ii John Kelclienbacli " C 172 do Pa Koiibeu Klinghir 173 ,0 " Daniel Boyer 4a .1,, Henry MnrtB " (J 17'i .1,, " Henry Snyder " F 81 do " Interr ed on Kvamrulical rimrlarv William limner Wm Welriek Bdward Weirlck John Koiiiih Jacob Long Jacob (Irulil, Jacob Shaffer Daniel Devoro Ludwick Young John Napp (leorgo Weirlck war of 1812 do do do do do do do FHY'8 tIM, Ueorgo Moyer wor of Kuvoluliuu John Fry " " 1HI2 Henry iVulter " " " Ueorgo Kuhus Oo II 181 Kegt Civil Wor AI.KB CI1UKCII-CKNTRI TWP. Oeorgo Moyer 1812 John Fry " Ludwig Young " Oeorge Kuhns IWiS Daniel P Waller " The lists of several ilHTorent graveyards liave not bean received as we go to press. do do do do do Volunteer do do do do Corner-Ntene laying at Hnlrm. Dr. Spieker of Mt. Airv Theologi cal Seminary will preach tho main sermon in the uiorniuer. W. K. Mil. ler will read an historical discourse. In the afternoon a sermon will be preaohed bv Rev. Kohlnr of Van Berlin, an address delivered by Rev. Oehenford, D. D.. and the corner stone services performed by Revs. Haas and Snable. Geo. R. TJlrich, D. D. S. of Philadelphia will have charge of the large Union chorus. Services in the morninir at 10 o'clock and in the afternoon at two o'clock. Sons Of America. The Ninth Annual Covontion of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, Snyder District will be held in Mid dlebureh. on Saturday. June fi. 1R97 The parade will take place at 1 O'clock. Jr. M. State President A. J. Colborn, Jr., of Scranton will be present and make an address at S P M Thia ia tha. nn4..1 1- which the county has had pleasure of securing a state officer upon suoh an AAntfiinn an1 It. to ll - Un J the Committee of Arrangement that au wiiu mu wm avail tnemseivea oi the onnortunttw in tiam kin. a oratorical contests will take place in uw oveuuigT. ! j i 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers