Absolutely Pure. tonus o' wlnliePHi Inn roinmon to the 'is KOYAL ISAKINU I'OW KKK CO., SEVi num. Brief Fum Hawsa Barnck. I iever Kernel Hakder: SuMer lios icn my leusiuer oiwi i .. '-,H.ifrra tlfkh hiiV ifll ILI1V- ta iK'i n """" iioweu Jatzent brief RreHknd fuu wndos inicli c'frogt hn far nucli hri i. A oiat tuaiuei uui mien '.froct fir eu brief ttlirivn uiF hira, wile it'll tlounti nwrriiM omit l,n lift "line sitwif Kern tsu nix r.ll ii'b hroveeut dere my Kiidonku -Hill llflMe Slll.Jt'Ct Hi) BOOt OS It'll iu. I'n doll B'llts ut erkoiMir:ivvd loos. Hint is e snuiH os wore en Lmert yob. tzuriok, nwver es wurdt jiurays) feel truilon os we sella iiukls. woru on tzeit os yudei ooeti iiuetier Kowl hut g'hot, eu ioiiuIh ni'i hutjsi.v, mi ollu Soinsh :wjowt nmurh os si woch's urw.it tnln'b wore hut are si fees iiu wulm-tlroke s'lveshu, hut si beshte lit Kentucky jemis mv .id mi is ileniu oi) s shtiirt fur siue iimi'tcl en le L'i'vvii ivver un wartzln un kMo.imha in dd doJtikelsht.i ecka jiii township wake. Daruo siu so , tit i'i . i i iinwMin we tie ouuft ion, im omi t3r;i but are so kiimisoiiied. "Hiinm in dor kusli Ga-dichtieh." Ollawile is es niiuiny so. De ris Uwako spiiuiiu ollu eck, uu pick cks sin de shtile. Der boo spend I hi eeld fur tickets uu won de keit coomed fur hira hut are net ga- lunk geld f;r eo porra batzawla un tjr nix fur en week kawfa. De maid eo oU de oldta hussa uff g'schniddu ire wilts raaucha. Now doom se Ira tzeit tsu bringa on "shams" un throws" un "tidies" maucha far uff la abteel room henka bis mer sich niiurny onnu hucka con. Un roo mer sich setzed uu Lucked not jo erawd os en gips-bub dou henked bfardibenkared ga-gramousel eni Iff em buckel won mer uff shtuid. Im slitettle is es nudi feel shlim per. i)ou wierut h uiratny gu kur- iscereJ. Ieh hob ols g'niaiied mer n on niaidel bukont wara eb mer sfl Ired. Uu der iinsicht wake far se Jtrna kenim is he by era si uu se ilii'btich dricka. Olhiwiio is es nix "fashionable calk" En. holb tzcnt g;ciia t.oiuiiia, shpeelu cor . schwetza doom odder hucka iu wku uu gooku ationncr aw ot we wwr kotza uff der frorda fonse. Ks ciiied se wissa nix fuu da goota iila woo ieh un du hen g"hot we li cmisra bin inv l'ollv s;eii!i un du Malinda. Un de result is se lin- i nix ous fuu leeb bis se tsu oldt , uu demo won so hira doona is far "convenience sake," uu wile He maid net feci fuuera "couveni- ie" fin tsu anicher ebber missa se I'hhtie un uff-drickla we de wolla ti niji'l uff der fire-shtrc rich. I'f fact is, Kernel, de yunca leit Ha beitzadawgs amused si. Se ka net ahead awer sitza uu worda ,.1.1 IV V i-uui's uu may a os se suit. Dei ova wella oil lawyer un duckter un ofessioiml menner si. De maid pendu era tzeit on fashion plates pmiilia un lussa de moiumv os pa do. Se wella lsuva ooney pa. un won en juaidel net eu fm mon fonga con odder en boo reu h muidel hira con don raiena wniatsu awrem far Lira. Un N wiinicklich wore. Won's mnid- fit wase os music un donsa don ts en dreckicho kich, un won der nixwaso os corda shpeelu un f rcttes "chmoke don cebla illnni I'li-waisht. Eu fodder os si f. h seller wake ulT bringt is net fit T tsu llOVVll. UU won SO Hinn Ivv''1 '"aucha is es si ngeny shoold. " BHtcllelor 08 hired nnnnh .loin pefaitzie.hyohroldt is set gii- " Ifd si, uu es weipsmensch os lured set mich ein nnrr l.nnun Pifked si. Ich glawb on yung hira. po leit sin we ghenaebbel banie. "JBsnt so tzoinmii binna un urn- r'f r roo" wickla un so voxa uff Uawm. BlOVeer 'innM n f haiiie tzomma os fartzich yohr o un se brecha in der mifc ob "laiind druwel un divorce. Pr- so olla tswm furhoonsn.l vn os fartzich yohr room lawfacon fc V 601 Bl)lrna maid findt k n i B.el eu,er en corset I ouaer set en hewel aw-henk. wi. De maid ai.. V uw VOU blamt. Es doot m farleicht neziond frog. Ei tin dale os worda wella bis se en inon finna ob ken faler hzt, awTer ae finna ona in goote tzeit os de goote boova oil g'shtarva sin wt se gons jung wora, un dos engel ken hussa wara. )01s widder, GOTDLIEB BOONASTIEL. Tbe Ideal Piiim. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chi cago, says: "I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as an Ideal lVneca for Coughs. Colds and Lung Com plaints, having used it iu my family for the lust five years, to the exclus ion of physician's prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John fiurgtiH, Keokuk, Iowa, writes : "I have been a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church for 50 years or more, and have never found auything so beuehcial or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bo', ties Free at Uraybill, Garmau Si Co.'h Store, Richfield, Pa., and all druggists. Selmsgrove Base Ball. The SehiiHgrovH base ball club for the .season of lH'.l" will be composed as follows : , Yon, cant.. :U ; C Rolig, asst. capt., 2b ; S.diroyor, lb; Bevier, c; Bolig, L., p and ss ; Gair, ss and cf ; Ileider, i f and c ; U'eist, cf and p; Smith, If and p ; Doeblcr, If and ss. There will be several substitutes added to the team in a very short tin To The games scheduled for May are as follows : On the 1st, the opeui ig gmiie, 1 n ti ciiu ii n i;t Selinsgrove ontlieS;h, ISlooiusburg Normal at Bliioinsburg ; on the 10th, Sliamokiii UetiM'al Jjcaguo ut Miamokiu : ou the l.jth, Lewisburg Ht Srliusgrove ; on the 22d, Noi thinuberland at Si liusgrove ; ou the 2iith, Montgomery at Selinsgrove. K KKAM Kit, ueorge uorili-n was Lome over Sunday Miss Edna Smith of Se linsgrove was visitiug in our town on Saturday Reuben Hummel who is working b the mines ut Ad amsburg, was home over Sunday. . Calvin Stetlor, son and daughter of Middleburgh were iu towu Thurs day. . . . Mrs. A. C. hmith was iu Se linsgrove last Wednesday . . .Grover Smith is a studeut of the Freeburg Acudemy. ADAMSHl'HU. Miss Eutella Rom ig spent Sunday in Midilleburg Mrs. Weideiisaul and daughter, Grace, of New Colum bia are spending a week with friends in this vicinity. ... Hiram Siegfried of Selinsgrove aud Harry lioehueor of Lewistown spent Sunday iu town William Keller and J no. Haines went to Freeburg on their wheels on Monday. . . Reuben Felker spout last week in Juuiata county Sidney Ulsh of Lewistown visited his best girl on Sunday Chas. Decker of McClure spent some time in town last week liiickli-ii'N Ariilcii Mnlw. The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts, Jiruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kneiim, ! ever Sores. letter. Cuann- ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures l lies, or no pay reiiuiteil. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. l'i ice 25 cents per box. For sale by Graybill, Garman & Co., Richlield and al Druggists. Throat Coughs Is there a tickling in tha throat? Do you cough a neat deal, especially when lying down? Are you hoarse at .times? Does nearly every cold you take settle in your throat? These "throat coughs" are very deceptive. Don't neglect them. Troches, or cough syrups won't touch the spot. You must take remedies that will enrich the blood, tone up the nerves; and heal the in flamed membranes. SCOTTS EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos- fihites contains such remedies, t has. wonderful nourishing and healing power. 1 he cause of the cough is removed; the whole system is given new life and vigor; and the danger from threatening lung trouble 13 swept away. Book about it free. For uU by all drugguti at 50c and S1.00. SCOTT A BOWNE, New York. W. H. PALMER, WATERLOO, IOWA. "Saved From the Horrors of Nervou Pros tration" by Dr, Miles' Nervine. it Complete AND How to Attain It.' A Wonili-rfiil Xctv Mmlinil Hunk, written for Mir i (Inly, omi copy may lr liml frri koiiIimI, in ilnltniivi l- 0K', UU Bi plil'llliilll. ERIE MEDICAL CO., 66 Niagara St., BUFFALO. N. V. An Important IuhIoii. If your irlenilH or nli;lilKr un mihTitIiik- from t'liiitfliK. iilils. More throat, or any tliroiil or Iiiiiu iiimmsi' (iiii'iiMini; onsiiinptlon), nk lli' in II tliry luiw ever uwil mtn's t'tire. Tlim Imnoiis i.rriniin n-ini'iiv I' iiaviinr a l.iri;i sali-hiTi- anil it ii'riortnin' soini' uoniirrlul iiivm hi tliroiil nun iiiiil' illwasi s. w. II Sn.uiirli'r. M ill liurir M. HotliriN k. M. 11.. Ml. I'll a hi Mills, Hill five Von a hhiiiiiIp Imttli- nve No malliT whnt oiIht nicilii'ini's navi' lalli'il to t.o, try otto's euro. ltrt' Ml' anu suets. Mercantile Appraisement. ! The waiters of rorolifn and Domestic Mer-' dutudlae In Snyder Uoumy will take notice that i Uiry are apprlel anil claaiuMl bv the uuder stvrnnl appraiser of nixrvaaUle aail other taxes 1 for the your iw as follows : Name a Bcsldcnoe. I.li-onso Class. Tax. 1 ADAMS TOWNSHIP. I i uuirswariu a, JiauiTn. ren store is W U Uerman. do U BEAVEK TOWNSHIP. W B Wlney A Uro (fi'ncral aU)re li A II Bowitwh do l j I houiaa KoUUr do 1 4 J I' Shirk hardware More 14 W H Wravrr eoufwllimery s W M Ki'lkT do s MKAVKIt W. TOWNSHIP. Mid .h-Kwarth I'NIi, gt-n store 13 lli ilisi. rx Ki'lki-r ,!o u C honker do 11 J 11 ShrlliMilKTKPr do 11 K I Wak'tifr do 14 M 1) Ji'hklus do II 1'KSTKK TOWN-.IIIP- J T Herman iffiiiT.il sloro 14 W A Napp do 11 C M Showers do 11 I'HAI'MANTWP. A 11 Tnmtmiin ifi'iieral stop1 (i S Kim- do J S Kim- tin A J IIU111111, 1 d 1 KKANKI.INT Wl" k-raln 14 T Ki'hi ral sturi1 1 t ! lo do vraln nnd roul J M a ; 11 sti'iuinp'r do C W (ira hill mnfi rtloncry JAOKsoN TWP. II M lkrk Ki-niTiil ston I II ItoiiUK A Co do A U Haul l'i 111 ill ' 1I0 M11U.1.K1U Kl.ll llultol ll. Itunkl,& Waller vni'ial slon W W Wltti'iiinvcr 1I0 W II HniviT iio K liunshiTtfiT cli'tldiiK tun (I l OiilrlliiH do W I (iiirmau stmc stop I II Howrrsox roiilri lioiirrv, ('to I! II NValtir do" W K St 1I1 liici'kiT hanlvtaii' -.inn' F li'-lK If lll L'aliS. I ll' Win II spaimti'r nniif sii,:i. MIDKI.KCKKKK TWP, SO l lrlcli k'''iu'ral slun1 ACSuillh do .1 F. M iifi-i' do J .N Mi'lsor do V0NH0KTWP. K It llotti-nstclh i M dross .1 .1 Fovi' (icu Srlioi'li in an T 00 : is ,v) l i ,M 1 7 tw 7 ; h IKI s rw 10 mi ; iu VII 10 no ' 1 in no li vi ' IS Mi 7 im I A II I'lNli t CO H 11 'tist)r David Wi-Uiil elms lloji'r w h vin'y M MIII111T I M luui r I It Hoiiiik I'lirral slon' do to k'raln I'KNN TWP. k'i'tii'ral ston k'i'iii'ial sioiv ,v I'oa ifi'iii'ial sinro I'KllKV TWI'. Ki'tii'l'al Molt 1I0 do 1I0 slioi' storo k'riKoi hs Shcrill's Sule of REAL ESTATE! By vlnui' of a writ of K. Kii. Issued out of the oiirt of ( oiiiiiimii I'li'as of MivdiT ronniv. Pa and lo me dlrei'ti'd I will rxpoHe to 111111110 sale ai run ouri. uonse, yi loilli'ouru, ra, on Saturday, May 1st, 1.SH7, at 1 o'clock, p. m. Til" following desiTltii'd Keiil Ks'nte lo wii . A I'l'italn lot nr Irarl or land -IMiale IU IM' llorufli of Mlddleliiirifh oh Norlh su.-iir s ri -t iiou ninl on the Norih lv lot of Kr. derlk It h. mi the Kast and South iiy lahiiH 01 Milton Moat, aiiilon the West hy siik'ar St., I'liiiiaiiiinif (iiie-i'imrili Ai re nmre nr Irsa on wtnrii is erei'l.iil a I'wo Story Dwelllnif House ami oilier out imtliil iiu-s. Seled, taken Ihtoi'Xi'i'Utloii ami to he sold as the property of J. C, Swltiefonl. P. S. KITTKH, Sherirr. Sherlfl'somi e, Mi.idii hurirli. Pn,. April:, isr. Kxenitor's Sale of Yalta! Real Estate! The uiHleislirneil Kxi enlor of Hie Inst will and tesliillli'lll ol MalllOa Falls!, late of Mlililleereek l' p., Snyder ( o., I'a., will sell 011 I he premises Silt ill la.v, June 12th, 11117, Hie lullovviiu; ileserllieil Keal Kslaln lo wit : All ' lial II' n't el lainl situate In Mldilleereek I'wn. Snyder Co., I'a , ulioiit mile noil heasl 01 (il'ilie Mills and Is tunneled as lollons : Norl h hy lands ol 1 .. W. Uaui'h, West hv liituls 01 I'lill ip Zellier alel heirs of lieort.'!' Soul li hy laiiil'iiisoiianoii iiiinmiel anil ii. w. Ilaueli, iiel K.isl hy lands ol .1 1 1 1 1 Kereainer ami lino I. I'ont loiis. eei. !auiln:r 77 lrr'. 111111; nr less. whereon are envied a Dwelling House, Bank Barn. anil ol her oiiiliullilinvs. Sale I uiinieiiee at lo.-k a in. ttln n i' in," will he inn, i,- known hy .liHIS IIII.IIF.KT. K itnr Nllt'lifl's Sail' of REAL ESTATE! A F Selinee II A Khrlk'ht I'eler lleriuiin Minium .v Siiinee .loiin Kreilihnmii 1; F Hover PKHIi Y W. TWI SliStratlti k'eneral store SI'.I.I.NSliUoV l: lli)nl'(;ll. (I ' Wiik'enscller dnik' slore 1 c Kessier ioiiai eoa jevM'lry A Marhurk'er J Howard I Ish II Oppelihelliit r II K Miller Keelev A Soil .1 (i l.'shlndel M s seliroyer S Wels II F (lakes (i H lienilrli'ks A N (leinlierlftuf A U Ki'i k II FCharles N .1 I.UIiik'sIoii .1 K Hums M u Snvder II 1 N Iniiite o W Meek W A Arlxafust A D Carey Kdwaril Tavlor Wallaee llaker II F Tanner .1 W Siieeht Manlieek A Manheek Klose x II10 A A Ulsli A s Seehnsl K (' Willlains W M Buyer lloih'r lltiik'aman W Kt.lk'hts Mrs D li I.I11I1I N T lmndori! tieork'e F Flaliih rs J (i Snvder tninltuei (,-HK ery store ill n slore elothliik store kTocerj slore 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 j tf stole dnik' si ore ahiH' slore Keimral store Kroeery store hardware sltiM's ele shoe store Hlov esete fiirnliure (friH'ery slore eoal Hour and tfralu Ifi-iieral stor do do imIHic lions,' lilryele slore one jiool tattle SPIIINU TWP. i."'tieral store do !o do I'NION TWI'. k'eneral slore do do k'laln ele k'eneral slore no do II II 1:1 1.1 II II II II IS IS INI on no 1 la ill in u.i Hi un 7 on STARTLING BUT TRUE! That the Cheapest, Best & Newest Goods For Sale in New Herlin, I'a, are to be found at the NOVELTY CASH STORE 7 on I 7 on ! no I JOSEPH D. WINTERS, i miuu'i m ijiot-K, uorner ol l'lont uiul Uniou Streets. New Store! New Goods'! New Prices '!! 1 Z l'r.1.ll,!;,i,nH Unl1 h,im1 M" tt 1 1,llV1' j"' '"'l"".'.l from I'l.ila.l.'lpl.i.i : ; itli a LaiktH an.! well se'e,'l(.,l s,(.k f rv (j,,,,, ,, Full(.v x'0 'i tl()I,m- U,,'",s ,'"Kw,i" " speeiHUv. Prie s finiii 2ets. ti I.I els. Hi .'.a l i IM IS Ml Coine, See, liml Huv llinl every week will .11 v Miuvv Wiih iiws me I'linii.oi'.l li new iiinl 1 1 1 1 . t iv.. .,,,,..1 .,,.,..1.1.. lor Hie seiiH.ui. No lioiihl,. ,, sl'.o.v vo'u inv i."oiN Itll.l Kive von my CASH pi ieei, :is I ,1111 Ii. mi ilo EU8IM ESS, 111 IKI In no 7 im Ill IKI 1 IKI li' hardware WASHINGTON TWI'. k'eneral sloie 1 1 u U M II 7 IKI I lie 7 IKI I CM 7 (H. 7 IMI I'.' 11 7 IKI 7 mi 7 no 7 IMI 7 IKI 7 IKI 7 is 7 tu hi ini I .' .V) 7 IKI 7 uu uu 7 iki :m iki 7 IMI l'i Ml HI IKI MY MOTTO IS : tilers- t : 1 1 Is. hio- ol'llle litse.' on triiil, 11111-I l.iil HI Let The lio.'iMel's lint lie who woiilil ii'iis,.' UM.( cmilv iiii'siir Sinn 1 1 priilits ;,, .;,,., .Nev I x l'liii never s:iv I lit- ( l Wllllt I No (ear Imt Ol la.l ' ; 111:111 v Wllell I'iooiil lioin olir eliean I las lookeil so yoiithf 'ill that .Inst tnnieil ol t weiitv-lotii'. Iniv have to s . 1 tlic lain lair, or In an ancient now v take 111 ; liaehelnr, stul'e, lie si -el 111 'i act" 1 '-.u i.Kiie eonie linv I ir new c lean il's -e :is Kloi'e Tlic more you l.uy, I'm very sure, you'll wish to l.uv the more Hero s aheoaiHl (unchains rare, ami ( 'hintzes Silks ami L l-oict things in all the world, except ymir lovely laei 11 any a laded maiden, Not younger than three semre, Has passiil hei-sell lor eighteen hen dressed from onr cheap store : And many a lovely youthful lace JiiMiks lovlier than hclorc, Uccaiise the wearer oave a call At. I. I). Winter's Slur... ; iki r iki '1 Oil rued It I' wrawi k'eneral sloie 1 1 .l.'iei harh s do u P I. II Halm s tiirnlliitesiure 11 W P Mover driiif store 1 1 II F Hurley Kehi ial store 1 1 Calvm Shot herder l onli etlonery s Take Nollee All persons tt'10 are eniiei III this aiiii,.lseiueiit that an anneal will he m id al the Coininlssioie is'iiiiii r. in Un Court House. IU I li.- It. ooiiirii it Mtddleliuru' Moinln. May I. ill. is'j,. niivMi'ii tin hours of 11 u. in. and I n. ln .wlM iiai.il win le all who 1, i 4 'i.i, i,.,i 1,, heir rlassiihailon may alieml ihry mink pf"er. .1. . l.l.slll.H. St. tvahtlle Appralssr. XKCl TtiK'S NOTICI). -N.iti,.,. is Jliereliv iriven tlmt l.i'li.'rs Tesi,.. liii nliiry uu the estate ol Matilda Fans', late of Mldilleeri'el;, p.. . snvder ConnH, I'a.. Have lieen Issued to the unders,;nei residing III sal, I dainty. All persons, tllerelore, Imlehleil Iu said estate will plea-e make limn, dial,. p ,v Inenl. and those h ivlu f ,1.11ms against II w ill present llll'ln for yelllelnelil to JOHN IIII.IIKUT. April 24. '!I7. lAerlllor. A DM IMS THA T'lK'S MTH'K Hy vlrl.it: of eerlaln writs of Fl. Fa. Issued out of the Court 01 Common pleas ol snvder Co.. Pa., ami to me illreeted. I will exnose to iiilll- sale at the Court House, MlilillehurL'h. Pa., on Suturihiv. Muv Kth. IS1I7. at I o i loek. P. M . Ihe lollowint; descrllied rea eslati to wl! : I'lnet No. 1 A traet of liioiinlaln land sltuale In West Heaver township. Snyder eeuntv, I'a., iHHiuiled oh Ihe North hv laiuis of Jos. kiienn. ou t lie Kast hy lands of I'lirilei', oil the smith oyiiinilori.n iiarrltiL'toii ami on Ihe West hy the Mlllllu enillily line, cniilalnli if uhoiil lio ai res more or less. Trai t No l sltuale 111 Sprlntf township. Snvder cnuiit v. Pa., nearliy or nil)olnnk' the vllliik'o of Heaver spritiifs, 1, nun, 11 ii on the South hv puhlle road and laud nl Harrr Molern. on the Cast tiv Hinds selves Imlehleil in .i.i ,.si,,i.. ,.r. .11 mis iiin-nniie. .sorui ny isiinoury .cwis-1 make in Ineil a e luiv oiei.i w oil. o.i,s, vi.. Let ters uf Ailinin im nit ion in the Ks- lale n! Henry II. Seehrlsl. lad' ot I nlon Town ship. SnyperCo., Pa., dee d, having hi L-ranl- 1 III the Uhleileni.i. uu ihtm.iis known, u themselves llideliled lo said estate are n i.i. i d lo make Immediate payment, while those liavlni; elalms will present them duly aulheli tli aleil to the llllderslmied. .viaren sti. A. S. SF.citlHST, Adm r. Vc sons of Saint Patrick I'm trying my liest to give I've silks, cloth-: and satins As the Shamrock that irrow Walk in my hearty Iris 'P.. trad. For we've You evi come : give us a call pleasure to all ; ; of colors as cheering in your dear native r. mi. We hec c even I ilil.'lll, 1 1 oi in agree, leanest stuck ol ( im yet did si e ; ling that ymi can want. 1 little nmre. iiu 1,1,. I Dn And even ( '.due iu, or von wi 1 oil passed hv our rlli liliell I )i'Utchen, K 1 'I im 11 I lali ein warincs deutsehes elltschcn I'elin- Ivailieli, the ,'ips ore, ' 1 I) .M I N I s'l" H A 'l'i I s N ( ) r I ( -A isrtaln lot or pareel of land XV ters of Ailiiiinistriitioii l.i't- I11 M10 IU. tale of Dr. IIkh. Itol lirM-k. late ol W.lle.iver Tw p., Snyder Co., Pa., dee'd, ImvliiL' I n ifranted In iinilerslneil, nil iM'tsons kiiowini' them. li'Ollested lo the 7 COI'lill dues hut always Imlli'uto A eotisiiinptlon. Mr. W. II. Palmer, of Waterloo, Iowa, writes: "I win tuUen with a nervous strleturo of t ho lirnut'hlul tubes, whli'h developed Into nervous pros tration, I was so weal; I could not sit up. I got uo sleep for dnys except when under tlio lriflucni'O of opiates. For four months I suf fered uk'ouics and prayed that I ruinhtdlu. and Do at rest, "tie ..!.! T 1...I jA" rr r4. I pnysician saiu 1 imu St . .. ... ..1 1....1 Kii- Al consuinpuo". io . rm a rnuen mat kiivu mi-- nervino 51 no rest, nut a D..w. -J I old iihyslcl.'iu whose rwoivi u . ti ... v 1 metllrlMO Itaa r;LHta, advised me to uso Pr. Miles' Rcntoratl ve Nntfln nn.l I ihflnll Hrul (hat It lias lirllTht' ened my days, lcnpthencd my life and saved mo from the horrorsof nervous prostration." Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Bool: on Heart and Nerves sent f rco to all applicants. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. town II. II. and West hv lands of Mrs. v Me- I'.lrath I'onlalti'Mi sipiare rods more or less on w Mi ll are erecini a Dwelling House, Ae, M'leii. laKi'ti ill evei'tiiion 11111! to he sold ns the property of A. Sliik'lv. P. S. KITTKK. Sherirr, Sheriff's Olllei Mldillehurk', Ph., Apr. II. isv7. A Sliorl ' tti llenllli. To try tn c ire const Ipatlon hy lakln;' pills Is ilke k'ohik' round In 11 circle. You will never reach Ihe point souiait, nut only k'cl nuck to (lie stall Ink' point. A perfis-t iianiral laxative Is llai ons' Celery Kink', lliecelehraleii remedy fnrall nerve hlood, htomaelin, liver and ludney illseasen. It ri'k'Ulales the Imwels. W. II. Npank'ler, .Middle buik'h ; M. HotliriK'k, M. Ik. Ml. Pleasant Mills, will if ve you a sample package freo. I.nrue size Wi and 6K'la. NOTICE TO HEIRS. IN IIK-i;STATi: OF S0I.0M0N I.ONli. I.ATK OKIlEAVKUTttP.,.SNYDKKCO., I'A. DIX'l). To Annie l.onk'. KHuhelh Serensmi, nee Iuik', lot t . mill 1 li-il to SamiielSevensoii of .MIIIIIiiIiiiik', I'uhiii Co., Pa , Mary Stahl. uen 1,ik, Inter miirrh d w Ith (1. S. stahl, of Kami, I'nlon Co., Pa.. 1'rniiH l.onif nf Klktoti, Hlckurv Co., ,Mls hoiii I. nnd tleo. lihk'. who has k'laiited his 111 ten'st In said Ileal F.stale lo your petloner, Heiihen Cramer. I.lheal ileeendiihtM uf inorke l,onk'. lain of the townshi'i id Heaver, Snyder comity, deceiis d. You are herein, cited In he and appear liefore llie.liulk'eHoroiir orphans' Courl, at. an or phans' Court In he held at, Middle burifh, on the 1 1 1st Monday ol June. A. I)., 1U7. nl 10 o'lllsk In the forenoon. llVn and there to neeept r ri'fiise to take the Heal Kstale of mild (ieo. I.otiif, diM''d, at the aipralsed valuation put UM.n II bv an in quest dulv awarded hy the said court, iiiul re turned hy the SherlD of H Id coiinlv. nr show piiiihh why Oinsumu nhould hot be sold, und uereoi mil noi. Witness the llnnorihln II. M, McClure, presi dent J ihik! of our aald conrf at MlddlebtirK, this imrd day of April, A. D IS117. J. (J. sell OC 11, Clerk O. C. eialins will present them duly authenticated lu 1 ne unuersi),.iei. MA KAN II KOTIIItOCK. AdinT. Man li ai. Ml. Pleasant Mills, stivdcrco.. Pa. ll.Ml.M.M . TDK Si MITK'K. I.et- Alters of A.linlnisf nttioii in tho K late nf Mary l.inlensiiik'er. late nf Sellnsrov mi.viiit. 0,. 1 a., deed, htvintf lieeti irranled in tne iinuersii,'iieii, mi persons know ing tlu ui helvesliidehleil to said estate are reipiesied to make Hniiiedlale paviiietil, while llioe havltiL' lialms will present I hem duly nut hehl h aled to 1 ne niHicrsiKucii, Apill 1. M. K. KIU.KY. Admr, heir ; Koniu all das Koiiiiiien Kami ; I let lei' jeiletl deHt-clien Mailll ; war it-li ncu j.,s oi lioren. K'oin Inch und kaul' t ia-li r. ieh in uiisercn iiein n St i uhivu W'ir halieii Seidell und Katun I ltd il'les n liles TlH'll, I 'ml Allesdas man hratii heii kaim. I 'lis I l:l I II '1 1 wif gelllHr, hruiii kominet, lii Ins dci.t-elii s Vol!. : Icll vill elleh nieht yel l lilii en : Audi handle mil keim' aniln n Maim. Sollsl weld' ihr ( ield Vcrliel'en. K .in 11 i t K lein und (ii'oss. uir Ii ilteiiiiti di r l'i,, iii imi l'i.:,,i. sj,.... ,. hooks and eves, that. Hies ; lollL's, I ve Aud I've And ss, u ir h ilteiiou 1I1 r knives and fori shot to kill each pots and griddles ks ami prone thino' Charter Application Notico. NOTICK IS IIKKF.HY IIIVKN. Tilat an .'ippllea lion will he made lo the leivermu of the stale ol pennsy Ivanla on salurdav. the First da vol Mac lsirr, hy C. M. Cle'iiehl, c. II. Savld'e. A'. W. Pol. ter, C. P. rirleh, U. K. Ileiidtieks, II. F. Wau'en sidler (1 (' VI . s,. II, .r k 11 1. . Smllli ami W. W . Wllteti'tnver under the Ai I oi rtssriinii.v ill 1 111: . .Ollllllllll w call II III lellllsvlva- nla, enlllh'd "All Act to iirovide for the h 1. porallonahd Kimlallon otceilaln Cnrpora lions", npproveil April .". ". ls7 ,, and the suppir. Iilenlii therefn for the I'lmrl r ,.r ,.n 1 ............ 1 Corporation, to he calleil "The Penh Tele phone .'ompaiiy." the charaelir 11ml ol,,,i whereof Is to const met, innlnlalii and lease lines of 'I'eleeriitih for nrlval.. ii.,il o..ln,..i - ....... . .. , , i,, I,, in?, unit corporations, tor irenerul l.iislness ami tor the Irausaellnti or anv luisiness In whic h elec tricity over nr Ihioiiifli wires muv lie applied to any useful purpose. The counties In this state w Herein II, Is proposed lo cai rv on hiisliiess are NorllnillllM.rlalnl. Nnvilt.r i.i.il Mini,,. ....a . - :, - - " 1.111 101 I lies" purposes, to have, possess and enlov all the rlL'hls. In.111.t1is 111.1. nriv-n..,rj.u ,.i ..... ..... . , . , : ." " ' in" .saio Act uf Assembly and lis Kiiipleuu'hls. A.W . POTTKU A' C. P. 11.111111. Solli Hors. each inn , sIlllV. iteh-lorks with clastu I've cverv soi l of hardware From iron hars to golden ring ; I've cloth of every kind and hue, llrown, fancy colors, Mack and lilue; I've ctillerv ol every kind, As good as iu the world you'll liml; I've silks and satins, riMmns, lace, All that the linest form can grace ; I've herring, inaeketel, sliad and cmlti-h ; And to conclude, two very odd fish ; All curious people who would love To see them, call to see ,1. I ). Winters. I It A II. I.F.IIKICIIKK and WAIN WKH.IIT M. WINI'KKS, Salesiueti. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND CHINA. T. K. Anl.liiinv .'y.l.,iiti,inuiii ... , V7 1,1 i-ii iiiiish City, Iowa, says : "I Imiik'M onn hot lie of ..mVh- d 1 ore' uir iciieutniitisin, and two doses of It 1 . " K'o, any medicine I ever lolc," Hold by all DrugBlsts, MlddlebttrgU. s. tUiHJJJ. 1 "" 11 V' 1 1 .'tiM,iiiy -:0:- I 'rinlit new lesions look out from v. ry nook uiul coiner of our Store Slinpes nnd Si ylcs in wliicli nf muv vou sec your it leu I . Couches. CAKI'I.TS, Kl liS, AKTSgt AUS ami I'KJTl'KKS at prices so low tli;:l oth er merchants run nut compote. :(): Yours Uespijct fully, . H. FELIX, Lewi.bwi;. !';
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers