The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 19, 1896, Image 6

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Published every Thursday.
Geo W. Wagcnseller,
Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription 1.50 per year.
Ulch m'iMt Ih- pnM In nilrnnrf when Sent out-
Hiiic ine ruiiiiiy.)
Ail tr.m-el'-nt nilvi-r!! m 'till not nthcrwl
coniriu'ifl lor w III ! rlnirifi-it hi Hip rt- of IB
rnt per line (nuneiirlel iiiciiKiin-i fur UN inner
lion mut per Urn- for e-vi-rv siiliseniii-tit
Insert Ion.
f"i'A niiUrtt piihlithf! frtr t r-hituary pntriy,
'ritmtti tif rtivefi, iff4., thrrfcrntu a Itnf.
Thursday, Nov. 1!), 1890.
In 1900.
Mr. llryati miyn that h in going to
continuo t ho light for Froo Silver,
ami expect to win in l!s1. Mr.
liryan's pndictions always fail to be
verified. The Xntionnl 'Iribnne't
almost invariably comes true. We
will now nay in answer to liim:
1. Tho Fre-o Silver questiou will
never In- an issue in another Nation
al campaign.
li.v I'M) t tli l're Silver aJvo
eaten will be ho few that they will
hardly yi-t out ff the "scattering"
Our reason.- for this are that tho
Free Silver issue is ho radically
w roii! that it could only hope to
.succeed by rapturing men at tho
outset before they gave tho matter
Miflicieiit consideration. As noon us
the advocate of sound money wak
ened up to t he danger menacing tho
country, an 1 began to present tho
arguments against it, the evangeli
zation win; very rapid, and Free Sil
ver hst enormously every day tho
discussion was coiitivued. Theroiis
no doubt that as late as August Free
Silver had a majoiily anions tho
voters of the country, where as in
November there? was record- d
against it tho astonishing majority
of more than l.non.ono votes. Had
the campaign lasted another month
this would probably have doubled.
The discussion will now bo continu
ed as long the Free Silverites mako
any stir.
The general resumption of pros
perity, and the satisfactory condi
tion our National li nances will as
sume under tho new management,
will takeaway from tho Freo Silver
ites tho support they got from tho
lipanciaJ situation of tbo Govern
ment and tho people.
Tho rapid increaHO in the world's
production of Gold will produce
monetary changes in another direc
tion, which will demand attention.
There will in all likelihood bo a
number of issues develop beforo
li'oo in regard to domestic, and for
eign policy, which will bo ho absorb
ing that Free Silver will be forgot t-
Undoubtedly Mr. Divan's .splen
did st uiiipin:,' ability will be in de
mand in I'.'uo, but it will be for the
v.Ti im side of honicthini; else than
1)'e lUOUeV tplestioll.
Chatter About Clnmjiny the Term.
As generally the case ufte r a
Presidential campaign, the reform
ers who always want to be reform
ing our institutions are talking
about tho desirability of a change in
the term of the President from four
years to nix, seven, or even eight.
Tlio disturbance to business is the
reason otl'eied.
No doubt business has been great
ly disturbetl during the past three
months. No doubt business HiiflVrs
to some extent ill every Presidential
year. 15ut if this is a good reason
for h-ngthe-niiig tho intervals be
tween elections from four years to
six, seven or even eight years, it is a
better argument for lengthening
them to fifteen years or twenty, or
twenty-live. If tho Presidential
election with its demand upon tho
people for their earnest attention to
political alluirs is uu evil to bo avoid
ed as far as possible, tho ideal ar
rangement would bo a lifo tenure of
that otlice. Kvon then thcro would
bo a season of btrens and unscttle
mot.t whenever a President died;
but that could bo avoided ulso by
making tho office hereditury.
As between four years und nix
years there is this to Lo Kaid : Sup
posing that Pryan had been elected
last week. If that stupendous mis
fortune had occurred, would tho
business interests of tho United
States have regretted tho Constitu
tion provision limiting his term to
four years ? Would they havo been
happier if tho country had been
doomed t six, seven or eight years
of poor Uryaii beforo the first op
portunity to hhake oil' tho incubus?
There is always tho chance that a
bad President, a dangerous Presi
dent, or a fool President may got in- j
to tho White House. In such na '
event, the business interests of the j
country are docidodly better oil' with
four years' term.
Better let the Constitution alone,
gentlemen! The minute you begin
to tinker it you open the door to im
measurable evils to ibis republic
X. Y. Sun.
The Senate of the 55th Congress.
Speculation is rife as to the com
nlexiou of the next Senate. With a
Republican President nnd n Kepub
lican House, what will the Senate
bet The 64th Congress, which dies
March 4, IH'J", numbered 89 members
Delaware lucked one owing to the
Dupont contest and of these 44
were llepublicaos, 3D Democrhts,
and six Independents, The llopub
licans lacked only one of n majority,
but the nix Independent Senators,
aided by six or neu-n bolting Re
publicans, .bo wcro looking long
ingly toward silver, succ.-eded in
locking every iiupoitunt measure
by hangiug a silver amendment 1 3 it,
and refusing to vote for any bill that
did not includo u silver measure.
When tho With Congress convei o-
in the Senate there will bo 20 "hold
overs," liH out-and-out Kopubli-iu.s
who will vote for gold and a taiiir.
Of the 31 remaining, six are Inde
pendents, including Shoup, Carte r,
Mantle.and Cannon. Of these Shoup
ef Idaho, and Caller of Montana,
promise tariff votes.
Of tho lit new Senateirs. 15 are
straight lb-publicans, H Democrats,
4 Silver, ami 4 straight Populists.
This makes the straight ltepubli
can vote; HI.
On all eiuestieins of finance! the
Democratic sound mone-y vote will
be large- probably bringing the
number up to -r-. On questions of
tariff the vote will probably stand
t.'i including Shoup and Carter
with scattering approval fr( m Inelc
pcudcnts and Democrats.
If there-are no contests there is
Home danger in Kentucky then1
will be1 a coniph-to Senate "JO mem
be t s and -li) votes w ill bo necessary
to carry a measure. In wise of a tie
the Vice-President casts tho decid
ing vote and there is no nee d to say
where Hobatt stands on questions
of tariff and linanco.
Pocket Book Taken.
On Friday evening of last week as
Mr. Isaac Kocher of this place wa
in the post ollice to mail several let
ters, his pocket book containing
about $30 in cash, several checks,
orders and notes, was taken. He
had laid it down at the writing desk
and had gone to tho gonoral delivery
window fer stamps, and when ho re
turned to the) stand the pocket book
was gone. Them were a number of
pe rsons in tho office at tho time, and
although he has pretty fair suspicion
as to where it went, as yet he has no
sutisfai'tsry information on which te
procei-d. The thief should at le-ast
ii'turn the wallet with the papers, a1-the1-
tiro worthless to hiin, and are
valuable1 te Mr. Kocher. '(oVr
('i)iiii(i Trihiine.
Write to T. S. QiiNcr.v,
Drawer 1 VI, Chicago, Store
tuiy ef the Star Alciui nt
Cumi-anv, for iuli.rma-.iM!
nunrdinir Accident liiur
mice. Muutiou this
I!y so tloitnr yoi cuii tr. .c
membership foe. Has p.iij over iA),iX.w Kr
acdUcntat injuries.
Be your own Agent.
3' :
2 Issish
lava J
KIpans Tnbulee cure dizziness.
Rlpans Tabulcs: gentle cathartic.
KIpans Tabtiles cure constipation.
Rlpana Tabules: for sour stomach.
Hip&ns Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Rlpans Tabules cure liver troubles.
Bad Mot rrepanxl For Such Tov
rvnt of Qnvatlona.
IIoxlo bad never in his lifo been
on the witness stand, but be made
it bis boast that if be ovor chanood
to bo thus situatod bo'd just liko to
aoe tho lawyer who could rattle bin)
in bis testimony. , lie fanciod, did
iloxio, that bo would prove more
than n match for the lawyer who
chanced to tacklo him. Tho otbor
day Iloxle bad A cbanoo to utterly
rout and defeat one of those "little
nbystor lawyers, "as ho oallod them,
for Iloxio was oallod to testify.
"What is your namo, sir?" tbun
dorod tbo big, oaglo eyed lawyer
who was to quostion Iloxio.
"William Uonry Hoxio."
"What? Spoakupso you can be
beard four foot from tho witnetu
stand, can't you?"
"William Henry Iloxio."
"What is your business, sir?"
"I am a bookkeeper.
"A what?"
"Book keeper. "
"Well, now, Mr. William Henry
Ho.xlo, bookkeeper, I want to know
what you know about this caso.
want you bat wait a moment,
Havo you over served ft scntouco in
tho statu prison?"
"No, sir!"
"Well, aro you tho William Henry
Hoxio who was tarrodand feathered
and run out of tho statu of Ohio six
years ago next month? Now think
beforo you answer, lto careful, be
"No, sir; I'm not."
"Didn't you, William Henry
Iloxio didn t you elopo from la
dian.t in tho spring of lii'JO with an-
other man s wife?"
"Iltoll you"
"Bo careful, ho careful now. Re
member that you'ro under oath and
a stenographer is taking down every
worel you say. Havo n caro!"
"I never clope-d with any man '
wife, gasped out Hoxio.
"Didn't oh? And you novoi
served n sentence in ther Iowa peni
tentiary for perjury? Bo careful,
careful. Just say yea or no."
"I I oh I"
"There, tlmro, my good friend;
don't leiso your head. You didn't
havo to loavo tho town of Pokoville
in Illinois in I860 for beating your
wtfo anel cruolly abusing your chil
dren, did you? Thoro, now; just
koop cool. Will sonio ono band the
witness a glass of wator? Ho sooms
to bo choking. Now, my good man,
will you say yes or no to my last
quostion, not forgetting that you
are under oath to toll tho whole
truth and nothing but tho truth?
Now, how is it about that wifo boat
ing business?"
"It ain't truo, and I"
"That will dej, that will do. Now
will you havo tho kindness, my gooel
follow, to faco tho jury and tell
thorn if you were not arrested and
convicted as a bigamist in tho east
ern part of Pennsylvania a fow years
ago? Kumomber that much depends
on your reply and havo a caro, havo
a caro. Peirjury, my friotid, is a
ve-ry seriou.s olTonso and you aro un
der oath. Nothing but truth will
do hero. Uu very careful or why,
tho man has fainted. Could more
conclusive ovidoneo of his guilt bo
askeul? Anil is tho word of a con
fessed bigamist of any value in this
eir in any other court? I ask tho
court if this man's tostimony is
worthy of any weight whatever.
Ne), it is not. And as ho is tho chiuf
witness against my client, tho de
fendant in this ease, I ask and do
mand that tho caso bo dismissed at
onoo." Detroit True Press.
Ono Tivmhatuno l or Four.
Last winter, while wandering
through tho rural districts of south
Uoorgia, I chanooel upon a family
graveyard, in Telfair county, of
unique charaotor. Thoro woro thrco
graves side by side. Tho central ono
was marked by a head and foot
board, inado of thin nlabs of marble.
Tho headboard, divided into throe
divisions, was engraved as followa:
Tho first, or top, division, "John
Allen, a Just Man."
Tho soooud division wasongravod,
"First Wifo."
Tho third division was similar to
tho second, only tho hand pointed to
tho grave on John's right, and was
engraved, "Second Wifo."
Theso three completed tho logonds
on tho headboard immortalizing
John Allon as a just man. Tho hasty
roador may think John Allon bad
better written "a frugal man."
Again, tho footboard for tho father
la mado a headboard for tho son bv
t-ngraving on it, "Son." I havo
given things as thoy actually exist,
excont that tho namo of .Teihn Allen
is substituted for tho real Nash-
villo Banner.
in ?
Ikwt t'uutfb ttyrup. TtaiM GooO. 17m f
in lima, hoin nr driitruiMA.
Marrow With Cher.
Beof marrow is approoiatod by
fow cooks save tbo English, and still
it may ho put to various uses in
making palatablo dishos. Cut into
slices, boil iu salted water, drain and
dip in grated choose and bread
crumbs, plaooon a tin plato and put
in tuo oven until tho chooso is molt
ed. Serve on slices of toast or on
boated plates with slices of lemon.
Pittsburg Dispatoh. '
rinn Ha lerrrlrrn Soma Very Eiorllcnt
A. 1 vice from 111 Frlrnd, tha Fat I'o
Herman, and Onrs llnma Fnll of Sorrow,
Not All 14 ;!, I Tliat Ollttrn.
Tim fut polico iorRpitiit otdod in the
(lour ( f t tin Rtntiiin linnxn urnfohlna
Koat which waft hungrily devouring an
old iiarnxoii iiat winch nemo one had
kicked into the utioct, when Mr. Dnn-dt-rennie
around tho corner and cheerily
railed out :
"Hellei, iprgeantl I huRt happened
In onio arondt el is vhay, mid I gness I
shtnp a luinnte to ceo if you vhiM all
"I thought yrm had gono back toOer
iii any," Raid the sergeant m he con
tinues! to wntoh th goat.
"liack to Shermauyl I eloau' see vhy
I tdiemld go back to Shcritiany. Nottlngn
vha two tiiue-s alike iu dis country, but
t g-t URcd to dot. It vhan a nice day.
" V-c-s. Havo you had a guardiun ap.
peiiliti-d yet?"
"Vhy hIiduM I hat nemo gnardians?"
replied Mr. Dundcr with consiih-roblc
npirit. "If yiui lie licf I eloau' kneiw how
to take euro of mynelf you vhan ruin
tiHiken. A Ktl vliilo Bgo, vhe-li I vine"
uri e'iihorns, munebody cau shwiudlo lue,
tmt I like to m-e 'em try it em now. If
yeui my frie-ndt ynu dean' Mipeak
like dnt to me-. "
"Then iiotliiii( Jia-e happened?" que
ried the re-rgi-ant as the K"at worrie.-d
down his third piece ef hat,
"Nnttitigs ha." happe-ned. Dot i, no
beidy lias tried hciw guiiigaiiicfl on me.
If he did, h1 vhas a dead man in two
minute-H. MiuFt one man remie along."
"Oh, a man came ule'iig, did he?"
"I said a man came) along. Vhas dnt
fennel ini: to mnk you shmile? Ser
gcmit, I doan' like deit vhay you shpeak
to me. Vhas I a boy? Doan' I know
Nnllie iK'aili:?"
".Mr. Dundcr," raid the sorgi'iuit us
the jjont gut away with the Iact n in
li.iute f hat and hxikcd hoj't fully around
11 Vt" "plied tha sergeant, he gave
it a heave through the operf window.
"Bnt vhy yo' do dot? Let me pick
him nop quickl"
"Mr. Dander," mid the sergeant as
he laid m detaining hand ou him, "I
ean buy yon all the brass you want at
$1 a pound. I feel norry for yon."
"flow vhas I sorry feir you? Do you
belhf dot man vhas a shwindler?"
"Of course I da You hnve plenty of
water at tho house, haven't you?"
"Vhas has dot wanser got to do mlt
him? How you know dot man vhas
some shwindlcrs?"
"When yon go home, Mr. Duudrr,
draw a tub of water, put 10 pounds of
comuical into it, and then soak your
head for 34 hours. If yon can't soak it
off your neck, got somebody to knock it
off with a club."
"Sergeant, vhas vhas I tookcu in
again?" gasped Mr. Dundcr as lie got
so weak in tho kuce-s that ho had to ait
"Yes, you have been played again.
That fellow knew you to be tho biggest
sucker in thee state. Which idiot asylum
had you rather go to?"
"So so I vhas boat?"
Tho serge-ant lifted him to his fee t
and Jed him to the eloeir and dropped
him oil tho strp. Then he pointed down
the street and said:
"If you think you enn't find yemr
way heuiio, I'll send a small beiy with
yem or write1 your address on a card."
"De-n den she vhas brans?" mur
mured Mr. Dimdor.
"Yes, she1 vhas brass!" replied tho
se-rjieunt. "(to home, Mr. Dnndi-r, ami
bo sure- and have- the water heit and put
iu plenty eif bran. "
And Mr. Dundcr crept away, with
his fee t elriipKing and his back htuupe-d,
and he turn-til the ceirne-r and vuniflied
from sight without enu-e oeking buck.
M. yiAU
In l.nt k.
She Dear me! Whydcn't they teach
chomes to sing inte lligibly? It is so
aKRravating te t o unable to distinguish
the) weirds.
He You elem't know yeiur hick. I
have read the libretto. Iiieliauapolit
for an edd boot, "we) will go inside.
Aeiv, then, what havo yem git to eav
to me?"
"Nettings. "
"Yi's, you have. A man camo along.
WJmt did ho want?"
"Ho doan' vhant Hotting. lie vhas a
poor, unfortunati) man, but ho elemn'
beg eif 1)U. "
"I sec. You aro a great friend of the
peior, Mr. Duude-r. Ho called on you
and what?"
"Vhcll, Jin camo in mv place und
faiel vhas I Carl Dunder. I vhas. Dot
vhas all right. Ho sliust liko to ga.o en
iio lu causo Jio reads of mo iu der pa
pel's. I can't he lp it if ho liko to gazo
on me, can I? Ho look so palo und seek
deit I pity him. "
"Of ceiurso. do on. "
"I ask him if ho doan' half some
HcokncBS, and he cries liko a shilel. By
and ly he says dot his houso in Buffalo
Ki ts on firo vhen ho vhas away und his
wifo und shildren burn nop. His wifo
vhas a blond, und his children vhas an-
ge-ls, und ho fuels so bad dot ho doan'
caro to livo no more."
"Poor man!" sighed tho scrgnunt.
How much money did you givo him?"
"I eloau' gif him two cents. Dot vhas
too bad, but I can' gif him no money.
Ho knows dot, und so ho doan' usk me.
Via n det house burns nop, it burns all
der shcwclry mit it. Dot showelry melts
alteigethcr in ono lump, you know, und
ho hunts arounilt und fliuls dot lump."
"Exactly, Mr. Duudur. . He had tho
lump with him?"
"And ho wants to raise mouey on
" Vhcll. ho likes to raise a fe w dol
lars to buy tombstones, but ho vhas no
ueueibe at. II 1 (loan tako dot lump oi
gold, ho doan take no money."
"Just set, You havo thu lump with
you, I suppeiso?"
"Vhcll, I shust rut it in mv nocker.
you know. Here slio vhas. Dero vhas
moro ash five hooncrcd dollar iu dot
lump, mit diamonds inside. She weighs
shust liulf a pound."
"I seo, " said thu serceant as ho re
ceived und inspected tbo lumn. "no
didn't wuiit ovur did he?"
"Vhcll. ho likes to i:ct i30. D
makes a tiavmeut on llvo ininhHtoinvH.
Ho vhill come around t in two wmeit
und pay me back. If he don' do it, ehW
I shall soil nor lor nvo hexmcred duller.
Here, vhas you do mit dat lump?" I
"I was just towing it out into tin
A Labored i:iilniktluu.
Two young husbands wcro comparing
notes on infantilo woes.
"That kid of miuo," said ono, "nev
er seems to holler except when I'm at
hemi"1. "
"Then," said tho other, "I suppose
ho doesn't commence until tho early
morning hours. Now, our baby yells at
uny and all times. I wish to thunder
there was seimo way of stopping him."
The n the third young husband chip-pe-d
in tho best ho could. Ho stuttered.
"A-a-at our he-house-, " ho laborious
ly ri iiiaikod, "we h-havo just gug-gug-got
a f-fresh p-pair of "
"What I Twins?" yelled both tho oth
er young husbands.
"N-n-uo, not t-t-twius ric. P-p-parageirio.
P-pms tho bub bub-baby
right to sl-sh-e p. Ciig-gig-get some and
tut-tct-try it "-Cleveland Plain Deal
er. Thn Football Hroiinn.
First Colle gian I hoar that Bullott,
tho great half back, has been killed.
Hete-emd Collegian Great Scott I How?
First Colle-giau A brick house foil
on him.
Second Collegian And that's tho re
sult of letting him go homo for vaca
tion and get out of training. New
York Press.
llo foiililn't It'in Anny.
"The-ro has bee-n another burglar
caught ly a Chicago woman."
"Is thtit so?"
"Yes, sho married him in jail. "
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
It Iti-uilndf l liim.
Hoax Why did (Jouldbuggo move
from his Broad stree t Iioukc?
Joax Thu liumber wus 1C-2-1.
Philadelphia Kecord.
I'uyliiB t'j.
T' Ix't, or lint to bet
That wu tlio riiliilu.
Cut, liuvlllK (liilli'cil.
I nvuds inuat my tlio flildla.
Bcnit .limes an ovi-rcoat
(Tlmt'a twenty iliilliim),
Ji-nkiiiH u but iiml llrowit
bix ahirta unit collurit.
To Bmitlii ra hciiJ
Tlio suit 1 eluHlKiintcil ;
To Unt il tlio bouts
i'ur which hu's not mo kluUtd.
I'm very tiv no more
Tha voter's yolltng.
(Colonul Jlra Jumi'i will oall
' And got iny elwellinR.)
Atlanta Constltnttoa.
TURF Topics,
Uandolin, :!, hasb.,
ai L. a . rl
lunil, vj DtrBTOS, rectB,).
Alvifl, fill, inRuMia.
Bob Riley. :10, l tb, w
tion to the extreme list. 1
TnoVillaBo f arm horstt .
racing until next siirii1B
Onset holds the Juck,n (t
tocord trotting, at 8:2jf.
The old mare Mill OirL 1 I
olel fe.r 80 wi'ek before h M
aniui wauei, a:lfli , ilBfJ.
jonn arun mnv ...:. .
Jones of Portsmouth, K n 1
voru comes irom 8t Lu,, .
uuno uiia ucconio a comply ;
L-..l..l- n.aa
n-iuuwuc, n,j
inger, Vienna. ,fcf
Tho 8-year-oleJ filly Mia
Boxwood, son of Nutwexik!
. ...II.. I. n.nii Mi
u ujiiu iu m
Sandy Boy, 4, 2; a. ,.
almost as great a fligbt a il
11VU tut mm) UUl'IH.
W. W. Ilubbinuer h,.
handsome Onward tnur
3:10t4', for f 3,600. l1
The pacing stallion W,
recemiy we nt arar.,.1
witnout a Lit in bis month.
Tho late Colonel H. p Tr,n...
a largo estate, inclu.liinj ,
acres oi xno cuoicest blue pu, .
v i nioLi,,.,,,. .., ...
..... ( 1,;-
up ie-auiy, uie li im ,f
Kri-m o icur-iuu ILU'liu s rl
2:11, at auction laM "j,r:i.rf
Iustcad of be ing i u a nr.
me e-asi, ns nas i u r,. ,i
Tell, 2:18, is bein eln.n
uy nis owner, utlmr Ins;.,-cago.
Alio urn K'ove i,.j,ir, ,
UMiy (innniwl it, I......1. ..
Tho original stanriarl vm.
exact length of the una : j
i ui cugiauei.
A substitute for n:ik, to t.-.i
deceive tho most exjrt (,r, j 1
iroui woou puip.
Messrs. Teiinant's chitit
gow is tho talle st cliiiiiii7iia
una stands 4'iO feet Inh.
Edith, the wifo ef Tkocs)
iv : 1 . .. 1. 1 i'....i ....
ui " iiuuiiv, j-iiKinin, m ej
birth to seven children at uxt
Tho authorities of the Jthsi s
hospital of Baltimore hm
storago room in which d n!b
bo kept for the uso ef wt:xi
in winter.
There aro few unrrark. wi.1
sen, Germany. The Utuin
guns mauufacturvd by Knots
en the foundatieni cf dcs
houses and keep glazim b:r.
Tho Duko of NV.stmin.'wr'i i
in Cheshire is L'aton tt!i 1 1
was ouoo taken to u cumi!ort:.1
tho wholo breailtli cf tb J
"How far is it to the othtfol
inquired, and the tvplrwui':
Ceiuntry ronds in Chisi rl
bounded by fences, tutnrtrri
defined. Whilo the f.irmtt Ul
to plow up any mad j-.i-
his laud drivers of v. 1..4 j
equal right and tli y n-rA
traverse anv t art i f V.:- crJ
Thomas I-l Shea e-nfi'M U
New York shortly witiiac 'J
"Mv Lord uihl Hem- Lj'
to be put into n lii :ir il Wl'-'
J. K. Km mi t int- n.l W'r
McKe-e Rankin i
new play, ' Jule Xci."1-'
New York.
Re.-n KvtiiiL"1 U r.wl
member of "The Cinat dM
be-ry" cast.
John FowliT'H li'-wk!V.
moter," will bi-iTLitoidii'
bv M. II. Curtis
Charles Frohinitn kMBM
of $10,000 for uu Amine..'
bio for Maud Adami
Tho noHtoiiia!ihavid:H
iu jMexicc r
with tho results inp'''4
It a r,id that "TtJ l""
west" wlllresiiiut-itB";:
a now outfit und
M r Putter mill K.Vt'f
to mako an Aim rinw I1"
Applicatiou has Li 'ii '
tho principal tiVai'T
a ii iui.... t.r amlt1
new melodrama km
W. A. Brady. wh' l"""J
duction beforu the id0"
For trave leM coro?
flasks resting in
rativo silve r tej (
HouKewivts on tlw"
dent effect patreiuiw?f;
either tho priucesH ft M"
. i .,i Dim
itair ciinius r
and sold in sets.
some of tentuuu ' .
to suit tho color eu
Tho blue I"1"J
for un fxtciiHion
ful plaque-s, jar-, tray
maelo to re-tail at
Miniature toy" tJl
iu precious uit'tw
minutest detail W L,
day lifo. such at
forte, find eaor F"1" ,.
ors of curios uinl
t i.. Plronlaf.