The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 16, 1896, Image 15

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Freak Willing Leach Announcel
That Ho Is a Candidate.
Ihmu Why the Freseat Cttalrmaa ef the
IWpabllraa Male Ki?rnHve Committee
ftkeald be I'rnmnteil ills Abilities as e
Polltlrsl Tert Irian and Organiser.
rmtitiF.l.rillA. March 17. Krnnk Will
tog lacb. Unlay announced himself at a
candidate for chairman of the Punnsyl
TatiU Republican state ootnntltteo, to suo
Ntd Senntur Quay, who will not accent a
re-eleotloa. Mr. iieach 1 now tha chair
man of tha etcouttve committee of tha
Mat eoratulttee. After having made tha
announcement ha wa askeit whether or
out rVnittor Quay favored hi candidacy,
and to this liuiulr? ba replied:
Lal autnmer, when Senator Qua
made known the fact that he was In the
eld for the chairmanship, 1 resigned tha
office I then held In thli city, and at one
took charitu of lils campaign, devoting the
entire suiutitr to it.
"Where U It likely that Honator Quay
would be In tho present contest for etate
chairman? He 1 not the kind of man
to eshlblt the Ingratitude which he baa to
rigorously denounced In other. Wall Z
do not expect him to resign any offloe, or
4evote two iiinnth to the work, In order
to secure tho chairmanship for ine," said
Mr. Leaih uood huuiortdlv, "I of course
look for his cordial support.
"It I uol my desire, however, to he
made state chairman (Imply because of
my friendship for hi in or devotion to hi
polllloaJ fortune. If the olllco Is given to
am It roust be solely because of fitness, by
experience and otherwise, for the work of
erg sulfation, and because o. a desire on
the part of active party worker through
out the etate, whose wishes should be con
sulted and followed, that I should be
plaoed at the head of the nt.ire organlia
ion. Unles that fitness and the exUtenoe
f such a desire shall be mada manifest I
will not ask for or accept the oRlce."
"What apeolal object have you In view,
Mr. Ijeaoh wu asked, "In desiring the
state chairmanship?"
"Hlinply to bring the state urbanization
In this Important presidential year, to the
highest possible state of p.irfr tlon. In the
eatupaign of 1KSS, whnu I 'Irst became
Identified with the state ooiiiiaittee as first
assistant secretary, our organization com
. ,prUud 15,01)0 voters that Is we eor-
respondiHl with that number or people.
The work wits considered quite stupen
dous. In the following year, when I be
cuma chief secret itrr, our list embraced
80,000 voters. Vrom time to time the scope
of our work has been bruaduued, until lust
fall, when we gatherod the names and ad
dresses of over 4)'),IX.K) Ilepubllcan In
fact, every single ltepubllcan voter la tha
state, exoept In three oountle. During
that campaign we spent for postage alone
Su.tJSt, of which muiu $ri,000, representing
400,000 two cent stikiups, was speut within
a period of forty-eight hours. I am satis
fied thl line of work added from 00,000 to
100.000 to our majority of 174,000.
"I shall not consider the perfection of
organization to have been attained, how
ever, until the itato committee has In It
archive the name, address, politics and
vooatlou of every one of the 1,000,000 voter
In Pennsylvania. If made chairman of
the state committee I would (tart In within
twenty-four hours after the adjournment
of the state convention to gather the data
In question, with the hope of carrying the
Stute by the largest majority ever given In
a presidential year. While, during tha
past ten years, great advance In the line
of organisation have been made by the
stato committee, I want to muku tho effort
to broadou It yet further before I give up
tho work of political development."
"Hut could you not do this as chairman
f the executive committee?"
"Possibly, but I will not. Under no cir
cumstance will I continue In my present
There I no man In Pennsylvania better
known than Frank Willing luach a a
ysteuiBtlu, thorough orguulzer. Front
185 to 1803 ho was secretary of the state
committee, being associated with Chair
men Cooper, Andrews, Wat res and Reader.
JTrom 1S68 to 1804 be was ulso assistant
-sut-rvtury of the ltepubllcan national com
'inltteat, under Chairmen Quay and Clark
sou. Last August, Immediately after the
lU convention, Chairman Quay selected
him as chairman of the executive com
mittee. That the enormous majority given tha
state ticket lust fall, 174,000, was largely
due to Mr. Ijeach's shrewd and effective
work was generously oonoeded by Chair
man Quay himself. A day or two before
the elect luu a party had gathered In tha
.senator's room at the Hotel Metropole,
when one of the party, a newspaper man,
"Senator, now that you are through
with tho hard work, what do you think
the majority will be?"
"Why," was the quick reply, "you will
have to ask Leach that question. He Is
the man who has done the bard work, and
he ought to have the knowledgo. He has
Iki u running the campaign."
In 1888, acting upon behalf of the na
tional committee, Mr. Leach spent. two
months In North Carolina, and conducted
tho slate campaign there. He made an
effective still hunt. His mission wo only
discovered a fow day before tha election.
Although his life was threatened, ho held
hi ground until the close of the polls. II
perfected an organization such as hod
never been known In an southern tate
before. Mr. Leach hod the satisfaction of
kuowlng that, though the stale wo lost,
throe Republican congressmen were elec
ted, which really saved the house of tha
Fifty-first congress to the Republican
party, for despite the Demooratlo whole
sale couutlng-lu tactics the Republicans
attired the house by a majority of five. A
hangs of three vote would have given
the Democrats a majority of one.
As a result of tha method of organlxftr
t'on In rod need In 18 by Mr. Leach
North Carolina Is now n Republican stnta.
the ;tr-sent legislature havlnj a largj Uj-
publican majority.
Probably nothing over gave Mr. ieann
r-et r ppiminurioo. nr gained hint si fully
'i r-spect of the public, a- hi a-" Ion lift
,ii inner In rilgnln afAOW offlu -that
f r.-il )nrj d i uty flinriff In orl-r to
liar.i of S.'ii.-itor Q lay's c.itn;ml3tl
. h sratit c.h irm insiil, the mllci for
i i .i Mr. I.n-!i In ii.wnaHilra:i'. i'n:t m Miior.ililo C.tltl ) llrf l,
i i ;i !)'(.! Iiri ler sne'.i a lvorS'i cirennl-ur-.-.
w.n l.i goly diM til thn sysUmi t to,
, ri ivurk of Mr. liOaeh, at I)l4 I'i.ltf
ir.--t Itu l.jltrtr, I eoncodod b those
rti' wl h the development if that
treat political oontest.
If chosen to the chairmanship of the
ttaie committee he would bring tit the
wit, a wider experience a an organizer
than 1 possessed by any one In Pennsyl
vania outside of Senator Quay himself.
Senator W. H. And rows, who was chair
man of the state coiumltleo In 18'JQ, dur
ing the Delamittcr campaign, Is also spoken
of as a possible candidate for the chair
manship this year.
once asked for in opnaoir,'
Given Graphic Description of III
Ideal Woman. Mother 1'lcase Note.
trrit To vi s tin essniss J
In rcione to a question asked by ft
lady, the creat Napoleon replied,
" My ideal woman is
not the beautiful-featured
society belle, whose phy
sician tries In vain to
keep her in repair, nor
the fragile butterfly of
fashion, who gilds
the torture of dis
ease with a forced
" Not my Ideal Is
a woman who has
accepted her being
a a sacred trust,
and who obeys the
laws of nature for
the preservation of
her body and soul.
"Do you know,
my knee Involunta
rily bends in homage
when I meet the
matron ho reaches
middle ape In com
plete preservation.
" That woman is
rendered beautiful bv perfect
health, and the stalwart children
by ber aide are her reward. That't my
Ideal woman."
To grow to ideal womanhood the girl
hood should be carefully guarded.
Mothers owe a duty to their daughters
that in too many case is neglected.
Nature ha provided a Ijnie for purifi
cation; and if the channels are obstructed
the entire system is poisoned, and mis
ery comes.
At a mothers' meeting the wife of a
noted New York divine said to her lis
teners: "Watch carefully your daugh
ters' physical development.
" Mothers should see that Nature it
! I vtjtrf Ami If a lift .
a do teep Cfteif (laughters iv a-Aj.1iiju '
as to matters concerning tucmscive.
Irregularities, from whatever cause, are
sure indications of organic trouble. With
irregularities romo disturbance of tho
stomach and kidneys.
Violent headaches often attack the
victim; pains
shoot every
where. Ex
treme irrita
bility follows
quickly, and
then uttei
the already
over- bur
dened life.
ITnless the
obstruction is removed at once, youi
daughter's whole future will be darkened.
Lydia E. Pinkhain't Vegetable Com
pound will accomplish the work speedily
It is the most effective remedy for irregu
lar or suspended action known.
w m-K mm mm mm mm mm I A
Headache, fool l.r-"'. ' stomach, heart
burn, paiiiln liiH'.'lv'-vi. coiiniiatkn.
Poor :wslioii
Dlstre aft-r e iiv?, jmi i mid Moating In the
stoiD8ch.siiiittn.-i-f tn-ii. pHinlnthe heart.
Loss or .appetite
A splendid f"'llii'f tkdii- ami a depressed one
to-morrow, nothing sm-uis to taste good, tired.
Sleepless and nil unstrung, weakness, debility.
Swantlt builds up quickly a rundown
eotsullutiim and makes the weak strong.
At Druggists 50 rents and 1.00 slae.
1mmUls' Holds lo nllh" fnw-Cnesultssfcsi trss.
Da. Kii.Mn it Co., nmoHAJiTon, N. T.
A Q11 -a Damarli r
t a uui wilikUJ'
, in every case ana every
uina 01 tiemorrnoids or
Piles is
This statement can't be
made too strong or too
It Is a simple, certain,
speedy cure for
Rhiumttltm, Ecumi,
ss. mm mm.m
uonvuitunt, caUBiaint,
Sin UuicUi, Burnt,
Tutkiohi, Cuts,
Ficneki, Sprilntt
uriljli, Bills,
Sin Thrill, Uleiri
Two siies, a aad jo cents.
At druggists, or by nail.
Ths BANsrra Co., s; Camal St,, N. Y.
kss Mnrd eonstul Mlrmise for orsr
intr r" II Is wons-rfulij saioartow la all
BalaTul surk M
Rkmilln, f.esksti
4 starrh, T-lkak,
llMnlilt, HavkMka
snil ottsr sUiasnis rla Is sa stwnil
n Try It. At lni stnrW. or by BU oo
nrslpt of aaass, sddrsss snS St esnM.
nsitiBsrs, us., r. a. a.
Bri&Ws Purdoii's Digest
IN 0.
8 vol". Itoynl K to. 1'rlce 111
L'ontlniu-u ii) u iiinieiiii-tit.-i tiiiiu.c t r imw,
run- f 1 mi
lly I'll AN U K. llliltillTI.V, Ks .
Bin's Justice. 101b Eiitioi.
(I-sued In Mav. !-. )
Ilelng tliornnglily retl.sed Willi references to tin1
IDtli editiim of I'liidou's lL'i-Ft. 1 Vol. svo.
lly V. K. HUllillTLY. Kt l-rlce H 00
(IhmuM In January. m(.)
Kcvlwd to, wtili rwcri'iirc lo the lath cdl
tt 11 i f I'urdon'H I) gext. 1 vol. nvo.
y EUWli. V. I Loll. Km. ITUe tJ.00
'n flriTtnlrt rilri'
Contnlidtiif forms Htid full directions ai to tlielr
duties, Willi the Kew Hill, undertliu Act ufltlM.
1 vol. tsy 11. r. HAllKll, l'rlce fl.fru.
Swidge on the Law of Boroughs.
Showing their Uianner of liii uiporutl-ir, ri-tfiilsv-tlon.
rlKlils. anil llsi'lllilut, niid die Kiivi-rM
and dm les ot t heir office. 1 vol .
My if. It. SAV1IM.K. i;mj. l'r.ce li to.
The abote tooks scut rciuld uu recelp; ul pi ice.
KAY & BROTHER, t ub ishcrs.
In the K t.'ttenf f In t'.i- O : ' ijonrt
K. C. .Mai Ih fki. dee'd . (Mi'.'.i i rounty.
The iiiiiliTHlui d. AU'llinr n til ill il In tin-OrplmlM-
frui I of Hiiiiler I'll.. I'.i. to Olst rilillte
ill'-Ii.ilulli i' In tin-hiui.N ot Mrs. '1'lllle K. Msll-Ix-i'k.
AillnliiNlr.itrll of Hi-INIrtK' of K l1. Mull
lieck, Uie of West ll' wr Townhl. sn der Co..
IM , deceastid, will Hit for Hie nnrin lie of lili iin
IKilhtnii iit ul his office In Mldd eiii.rgU. In said
t'oiinty. os TliuiHiliiv, Apll ia I - ui lOoVlmk
A. M., when und wlicre all ien.on liiti-te-t-l
are notini'd to preM-nt their cl.iiiii-. or lie forever
Ueburred from coining In for autism of the fund
.Match U. lHufl. F. K. HO W Kit. Auditor.
U. A. C. Sl'ANUI.KU.
Uits AilinliiiBtereil.
Oowii notl UriiltreworW, Kte,
Ofllot me ilnur north of Wets' Sture,
SelinsirroVH, Pa.
I keep coiiHtnntly on IiaiiiIhii I uiuii
u fact u re to order all kitnl of
Marble and Granite
Oil Stonoa Cleaned and Repaired
I have one of the beet MhtIiIm f!i,f.
ters ill tll St ut HUil coiiHequntly
turn out kooiI work.
tv)r('oiiiH ami He my worktt' prices.
; l nniiKfiii ine iihhi fuvorit i most re
....ii i. i
)rci i uii,r na a vuni iiiiiauce oi same,
Mm Deiarient.
Our Entiro Stock of Furni
ture and Betiding will be
closed out in the following
months at
ClinmlxT Suits, 8 l'iivc, marked
down from $ 10.00 to $25.00.
L'urlor SiiiL. tnurkctl down from
$10 to $2.-.
SMulxiardii marked down from $0
to $15.
Ijewtatown, l'tt.
P. S. All good packed and d!
liverttl in j;kh1 tinier V. O. II.
CoiielieH murketl down from $5 to
Ijoiinp'ri murketl down fron$2 to$8.
Fine Upholstered Koekers marked
down from $3 to $S.
iVtlsteails marked down from $2
Cano nnd Wkh1 Suted ChairH
marked down from $1 to $G.
Hull lloekers marked down from
$1 to $10.
IjudieH' l'urlor Desks marked down
from $:) to $10.
l'urlor TuhleH inarkeil down Ironi
$1 to $5.
Ijooking (iIuhsi l'!uselfl, I'ieturcs
und 1'ieturc rrames, Statuary, Huu-
HtM-ks, lluttan, Cunc Seat and liack
und W'tHxl Seat IttK-ken, Extension
TuhlM,CtiplM)ards,Uml)relIu Stands,
Tea Tu!)ie, (ommodex, ChifToniers,
I'nreunx, Poiijrlitrays, Wardrglxw,
SUinds, Mattresses, lied Spring,
& Our sttK-k of C'arjH'ts, Rugs,
Art Sjuares, Matting and (,'ticoa
Door Mat -i U the largest of any
house in the county, and all price
on these gotnl.s are murketl down in
plain figures, and will lie sold at a
liig reduction during the Closing
Out Furniture. Sale. I am deter
mined to eloso out the Furniture
Department of my business, and
terms on the alxvc goods are prices
named will lie cush or nouj with ap
proved security.. . .
cDufitice of the e&ce
f kave au4s I1.M0 elear aiener la r 4art mmt
MUsM te Bf houeeaetd duUee bestiest aa4 1
talok thle la dolus; spleadld for a woasaa iateo
BerleDe4 la busism. Aayeae eaa asll wkat
everyone wanu to bur. aud every famllr waau
a blsa Waaber. I don't oaavae at all i peonla
eome or eeod for the washers, ana every
washer that (oe out sells two or three mora,
as they do the work to perfection. You eaa
wssh and dry the dlshee In two minutes. I am
touts; to devote my whole time to this business
now. and I sin sure I osjt clear IVUO this year.
My sister end brother have started In the bust.
Dens nnd are doing splendid. V ou can let ooas
ti'rie Instructions and hundreds of tastlmoolakl
iy aiurjMnp the Iron city lilskj Washer C
140 S. Hlbland Ave., btatloa A, Pittsburg, Pa,
and If you doo't l&ake lota Of money It'e yeaf
owo fault. ' JaJaV
By Rev. T. Dewitt Talmage, D. 0.
A Latnl, OrtaUttand Stmt WonJtrul Hook fcy
(As irurM't moff eeltbrattd Vrtachtr,
' Author and Traetlrr.
Vi T,lr31V1 1' V Hrlu'ht men and women
iVJilOirji are eitrnlnir $.w to I7&
t ' j 'T 1,1 1 uer week. You call do
' 11' the mine. The .por-
tui.tty of a life-time. Kxeluxlve control of
lei rlniry If . von npply In time. Travel, adventure,
illwotery, mtsifry, wonrterful revelutloim. elo
iiueiit deserlplloiiH. put him. humor, tragedy.
'1 lie tlrHiiilest and MohI Iti'iiiurkitlile Itixik of the
ivnuiiy, einlirui'liiK Atnerlrit, I lie HiuiilwtrU lit
liiiidH. AtiMtralla. New .eHliiml, South Sea la.
litmtH, Inillit, Kf)i. 1'iili'Nlliii', oreeee, llhtly,
KuroH, KimhlH, Etinliinil. MritnKH Adventures
In Miruiiife IiuiiIm I ANUiiiiiilliiir eunloms ami su
liertitlnnsof wild anil burlmroiiH races I Ovet
no original phnioraiihsof curious people, for
elitn scenery and celelirateil historic places. The
world's rellKlmm mmlliil. expoHed, und eompar
ed wlthchrlKilunliy. Oraphlc word-palntliiKaoT
the deplorable elTecfa prisluced iiniu nations
and peoples by a licllef In Mohammedanism,
lllniliKilKin, HiiiliniitnlMii), lludilhlsm, LuiiiIiiImiii.
Confuclanl-iiii. r'eilKhlHin, Hui barimu, camillia
IIhiii ami huvitifery. Hlarlllnic revelations of i he
iicliil nnd ilomi'Mtic ciinilltlon of the women ami
rhllilren of the Kuwl. KliHiieiit OewTlpllons of
m-enery. people itml places In nil the natliiim ot
llieeiirlh mid the IhIiiiiiIn oftheaea. The world's
wonders mid mvMcrlea photographed and de
wrllu'd by the ifreutesl living writer and lisvel
er. No mlirr bunk like It rslslruee.
Send for lllust rated circulars and full particulars
free, to the
IiCOIM:' t'lll.lSIIINU CO.,
HUH Markri f4reet,
I I. i-lt. IMillailrlphla, r.
Cancer I Caucer I
Ciincer cured on thelircuHl, head, face. Up
liuii'l or anywhere on the external aurfaue of
thn body (la elht dnys) without tho loan of a
drop of blood. No knife used. Terms very roa
sonahlo. ('all at my ofllce oritddrimH
I). K. KOTIIIKK K. M. 1).. New ll-rlltl. I'a.
P. 8.- Kindly Bak your driiKKlNt or merchant
whether lie keeps Dr. 1. It. Id t brock s rente
illfsvli! Two-dny CoiiKh Cure, Itlieuniailo Llnl
ment. KlectrtcNeuritlu'lu Cure, Liver Pills, Head
ache Powders, Vegetable ((inttltln Potcder for
nil domestic anltnals, Khk. Pepperinlnf, (lolden
Tincture. Perfeclo Vutilllu, I.uuiluiiiiiii, Purv
gorlc and Cantor Oil. If not, tell him to order
them at once uu they are Hold and used every,
where. I).K. KOTIIIloi K. M. It., Physician and
Pharmacist, Now Berlin, Pa.
yV Write to T. 8. Qvincbt,
Jp' t. Drawer 130, Chicago, Becre
tary of the 6tab Accident
1 4 COMSAMV tnr InfnrmatlnM
I 5 Com r any, for information
c regarding Accident Insur-
HiiiMl knee. Mention this paper.
By so doing you can save
membership fee. Hat paid over 1000,000.00 for
accidental tujuries.
Be your own Agent.
fruuillttukS Us)
MZ8T5ftrJTIi6 Post $1.50 a yr,
I T psr tninittibi a hsrat-
MSB tnatllMIlt hv liru.
tlcln phrsldsn of no tsars' siperlcuns,
Nubail sffdcuiirdstsulfua Irwin uualues. i
.wiiuii wnniii ur oaooiiieas. I ml t.ji ii
fnirmt (irl hsaiih aud U-suiinsiuplil,4i. i fii
(tslaas a4 soeislf Udlss ludorss Ik 1 inin ll eursd.
ssnldsutlsllr. For perilculan sddrsas, with sump,
ni? QNVrtPP vhwTsMw,eBii-ee, itL,
t . , . .
, ; Lpsurarjcc.
Snyder S; dld, and reliaule
It surance Agency,
XDlm W . Snydor, Agon
Success -to the late William II. SnydJ
The rar-Eicflleccj bf Reliable Insurance Is represented J
K " mauuaru tiuipauiB, irom wnicD to mate a selew
llAAe I Vi A Wrvrl.l m,.... ' n
NAMK, yv- f.K'ATIO!t,
Hartford, of ffartfortl, Conn., (oldest American Co)
l'hoenix, 1 Uarl ford. Conn.
Continent al, New York,
German Americau, New York,
LIFE Mutual Life iW Co. New York, f
Avvii;r,.i i i-.,mpioyprB ijirtoiiity Aniturance Corporation
Accident Inn. Co. Nubncribed Capital of
TirA- T.ifa anil A.i.1ntit rtulsn .nniiniA.1 I i .
tilied by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims tj
satisfactorily adjuttted. Information in relatinu to all clasg
ance promptly lurnntueu. KLiilKH W. SNYDEU, M
urnce on Aim net Mtreet, ,S
Snecial Reduction
I desire to reduce my stocl
ynll offer a special reduction
20, and 30 per cent, on all
bought of me. A full and coi
uneof Clothing is always b
Gents' Furnishing Go
m Don't fail to tree the bestba
in the county.
C-.C. (jPTELIDS. Cloi
Great Reduction Sale o
B tf IT Wl Ii!
For Ninety Days I J
The Undersigned Offer The Public TK
TTPTs? QTsnir fn rrrm trrrrrrrn tl
' uvr v vi s
V. tp. nrkf lIII.i. t. . i .1.1 I
'"i wu uo una 10 increase our sales a
u .u "ii Kive u lw OI I lit prioea ms rollows :
Soft Vool Chaiuber Suits iU.OO Cfnr. T,.r, mu.
?.r,d I CJmb"p..?uiu W.00 ! Woven Wire Mattress.'."."
... . .7 cum", o riecee lif.UV.Hea Sprioirs
wU"hi r.'.r. Sl,it" JW 00: Drop Tables, pr ft....'".!
Wotxleu Cbulrs per set S.OOiHatforiu Kocaers..........
Iu stock, every liiliiK i the furuitiire line, Including Mirrors
ifn Cul,bourJ,,H. (utr Tables. Fancy Rockers.
feather I'illntva Liinmui I t i.a .',i. . ..
n, n,,.r -p."". v,..,rii, j'uuKiuruyn, oiiiks, liaill
Beat Cliairs flne, tnediuiu and cheap furniture, to suit all olasf
os vzii, .v'"-r,y our stock
' w v ier cent, on every dollar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking & E
I have in stock a full and
plete line of
Furniture of all Kin
At all tunes you can see tlio latest sty
Parlor and HBd-Rnam
In short everythinir asuallv found in :i irr
turo Store. I make a specialty of repairing
1 tilt llllil ItHllltlllist sj'.a si, . a 4-..
iniulo a hiMiciulty ut lowest jiricea. No churges for l
Xou will save money by calling on ine Mom pureliu
KKKLKYo J1UILDING Market St, Selinsgrove, Pa
delight' strain
rnbbinir BeliixH.
1 fursll v..bir,rio5a.dy.risvii.t
ll'MOlMRHi All 'ssJsBUSiMS.s4ruil'
M2r J 3J,."(Ild 8L0RY,,;
' VClUJDDyy,'''swfwi. wiii .. t
4 Still Hisssas I ' I k.ta f' SUalll timtfi t frv
I VtUstUV . IL X iw4, Alraefeeil'
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