mm. aN - . - ! i- j '- i s u'j .. . l i j i.i v ii ...-I- T. II. II AllTKH. IIo that wi? ot reason is a bigot ; ho that cannot is a fool ; he that dare not is a slave. KDlTOIt and PHOFKIETOlt VOL. XXIII M1DDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PENN'A, SEPTEMBER 23, 188G. NO 38 .I'OKTttY: EES MUISCHK'3 KAZXtf Jiliere vas vot jrou call a maxim Dot I hear 1r oderday, Und I wrld K in "T album. So Id don'd eonid got away; Und I dell" u,,Mt ledle Yaweob He inoost mind vot lie's aboudt; Tin too litte to lock der slit able Vhen der horse lie vas gone oudt." Vlion I ubon der corners Off der shtreets most efry night Der loafers and dr hoodlums, Who do nix but shvear uod fight, I says to mine Katrina; "Let us make home bright und gay; Ve had potter look der shtable, So our colts don'd got away." Vhen you see tlhoso leedle urchins, Jlot mooch ofer knee-high tall, gltniup righdt into der melon patch, Khnst owf der garden vail, Und vatch each leedltt rashkell Vhen he eoouis paok mit been "boodle," Look out und look your shtable, So your own nag don'd shkydoodle! Vhen der yonog man at der counter Vants to shpecnUte In shtocks, Und buys bees girl soiuo timond rings, Und piles rigliJt oup der rocks, Look oudt for dot young feller; Id vas safe enulT to say Dot der shtable Id vas empty, Und der horse vas gone avay. Don dako Tliu by der fetlock; Don'd hurry droo life's courses, Ilememper vot der poet says, "Life's but a shpan" off horses; Ptir poy he vn der comin' mnu; He careful vhlle you may; tiliust keep der shtable bolted, Und der horse don'd got away. Hunter's Mmjiuine. A DUEL IN A BALLOON. M. Godard bad taken witb him one day, m hid cmnpifjnon tit voy af,tk wealthy goutlamsio, who p-iJ one thousand francs for the privi lege of sharing tho peril of the ex pedition. The weather could not Lave been inoro propitious, and the balloon shot np rapidly to a can siderablo altitude. ''What offoct does it produce up on you 1" asked M. Qodard of W cotnpuuiou. ''None," said the latter, laoonical Jy. "My compliments toroa," return ed M. O dard. "You aro tbe first whom I have ever seen arrive at such au altitiulo without betraying some caioliou.'1 "Koop on mounting,'' said the traveller, with supremo gravity. M, Gjdird threw out some bal last, oud the bulloon asceudod eoiue v : hunro I feut higher. "And now," asked M. Godard, "does your heart 1 e it ?" "Not yet," replied his companion, with an air wbioli approucbed im patienco. "The deuoe 1" exclaimed M. God ard. "you bavo really, my dear air, the most perfect qualification for an aerouaat." The balloon still ascended ; when one thousand feet higher, M. Godard interrogated a third time bis com panion, ''And now 1" "Nbiog, nothing ; not tbo shad ow of a fear,'' answered the traveller, with a tone positively discontented, and like a man who had experienced a profound deception. "Goodness me," answered the aeronaut smiliug, "bat I must re nounoe all hope of making, yon afraid. The balloon is high enough. We are going to descend." "To descend V "Certainly ; there would be dang er in mounting higher." "That does not make the slight- eat difference to mo, 1 do not wish to descend." ' What r asked M. Qodard. . "I said I wished to ascend higher, keep on mounting. I have given one thousand francs in order to experience some emotion ; I must do so, and will not dosoond until I Lave bad my money' worth " M. Qodard began to laugh Le believod that it waa all a joke. "Once more, will you ascend," de manded the traveller, seizing him by the throat and shaking him with vi olence. M. Godard folt himself ;st. A andden and dreadful revelation broke opon Lis mind, as he regard., ed tba strangely d. luted eye) of bis compauiou. lie Lad to do with a madman Had the unfortunate aeronaut had a defeOMtro weapon he would bavo been capable cf defending Lhisilf, but it j tiok iisuhI for people Iq fur JiUh themselves with pidlojU fvr a voyage in a balloon, and certainly one would not dream of meeting with a warlike encounter in the atars. The earth was five thousand feet below most horrible depth and the least movement of the now furious man might cauae the ear to capsize M. Godard, with tbepres enoe of mind acquired by him in so many of Lis daring aorial expedi tions, made all these reflections in the space of a second. "Ah 1 ba 1 you are mocking mj fine fellow," continued tho madman, without losing his grip "Ah ! you think to rob me of one thousand francs, as well as of my . emotion, Very well ! Be quiet 1 It's my turn to langb. It's you now who are go ing to cut a capor." The madman was possessed of prodigi ns strength. M. Godard did not even make an attempt to defend bimsolf. "What do yoa wish from mo I" asked be, in a calm tone and sub missive voice. "Simply amuse myself in seeing you turn a summersault," said the madman, with a ferocious smile. ''But first" (the madman appoured to betbiuk himself), "I Lave my idea. I wish to see if I can't find some emotion np there I must put myself astride of the somi- circle." The uiadinaa indicated with his finger the upper part of the balloon. M. Godurd, who Lad not before trembled for himself, was forced to tremble now for the madman. "Miserable mau I" he cried. "You are going to kill yoursolf, You will be seized with vertigo" "No remarks ! ' hissed tho mad man, "or I will at once i'pitch you into the abyss." "At leant," observed M. God ml. "allow me to pot this cord nrotiuJ your body, so that you may remain uttnehod to the balloon " "Bo it so," said tho madman, who appeared to comprehend the utility of the precaution. Furnished with his cord of safely, the umdiaan commenced to climb Among the ropes witb the agility of i squirrel. IIo reached the balloon and placed bimsolf aBtrido the temi-circle as ho he bad said. Once i here he rout the air with a shout of triumph, and drew his knife from his pocket, "What aro you going to do ?" asked M. Gjdord, who feared that he might have the idea of ripping open the baloon. "To make myself comfortable." Uttering these words, tbe mad man out slowly tho cord of safety which M. Godard had attached to bis body. With a single puff of wind to shake tho bulloon tbe mis erable creaturo must fall into the abyss ! M. Godard shut Lis eyes io order not to soe. The m iJiuua clasped Lis Lands ; be could not contain himself witb delight. He spurred balloon with his heel, as if on horseback. "And now," yelled the madman, brandishing his knife, "we are going to laugh. Ah ! robber, you thought to make roe descend I Very well ! It is you who are going to tumble down in a momont," M. Godard had uot time to make a moment or put in a single word. Before he was able to divine the in tentions of the madman, tho latter, still astride of tbe semi-circle, bad cut Lorror four of tbe cords which suspended the car to tbe bal loon I The car inolined horribly ; it was only held by two cords. It would Lave boeu all over witb Mr Godard if Le Lad not grasped des perately at those remaiuiog. The knife of tho madman approaohod the last cords. "A word a siugle word," criod M. Godard. "No pardon," vociferated tbe madman. "I do not ask for pardon on the contrary." "What is it you wish?" inquired tbe madman. "At this moment," continued the aeronaut hurriedly, "wo are at Leigbt of five thousand feet." "Stop," the roadman, "that will be charming to tumble down from such a height. "It U too low," added IX. Qodard. "How so," asked the madman stnpified. "Yes," said M. Godard, "my expe. rieuce as an aeronaut Las taught me that death is not oertaio from a fall at I hi elevation. Tumble for turn ble, I rouoh prefor to fall from such it, Lui'U and to be killed outright, rather than to be only lamed; Lave the charily to precipitate me from a height of nine thousand feel.' "Ah, that will do!" said the mad-, roan, whom tbe mention of a more horrible fall charmed amazingly. M. Godard followed heroically Lis pur pose, and threw over an enormous quantity of ballast- Tho balloou made a powerful bound, and mount ed five hundred feet in a few mom ents. Only and while the madman surveyed tbe operation witb a men ancing nir the aorouant conceived another plan; Tbe quick eye of M. Qodard Lad remarked that among the cords spared by the madman, figured the one loading to tbe valve. His plan is taken. He draws bis oord, it opons the valve placed iu the npper part of the b.illton for the purpose of allowing any excess of thi hydrogen gas to escape, uud tbe result which be Lopes for is not long in miking itsolf apparent Littlo by little tbo madman beoomos nsphyxiotod by tbe vapors of tho gas which surround him. Tho madman being sufficient!.)' stnpefiod for his purpose, SI Godard allowed tbe balloon slowly to de- soeud to tbe earth. The drama was fiuished. Arrived on terra firm a M Godard, tearing no hatred to tbe author of bis perilous voyage, hastened to re store Lim to animation and had him couveved, bauds and feet bonud. to tbe neurest police station. lil.JUU. A BAT IN HER STOMACH. Boston, Mam., Aug. 2. The medical fruternity of Cambridge are deeply interested in the case of Mrs, Mary Powers, residing at 21 Grant Street, Cambridge, who sevon years ago swallowed a bat while drinking water pumpod from a well. The creature has lived iu her stomach ind bowels until last Monday, when it waa emitted. Mrs. Towers sub itantiatns the report very positively, and gives the following aooouot of the manner io which sheet me to swallow the animal and of tbo trou ble it has caused her. Seven year? ago she lived in Arlington, and one evening wont to tbo pump for ft drink It was dark, and ehe drank tho water without examination. She was conscious, however, that she had swallowed something which she thought might be a fish or a toad A week or two afterward sbo wan uken sink and Lad a phvsiejun. He iltended her several times, but could not understand her case. Her body dd limbs became swollen, and she was iu great distress iu her bowels She finally got better for a time,ouly to bo taken with auothor similar at tack. Alternate periods of siclnest. aud good health have followed from that time to this, and she has tried numberless physicians, even bjiug sent to tbe Massachusetts General Hospital at one time, but uobod.t could ouderstand her case or give her relief. She graduully lost the use of Lor limbs, and Lad been given up as incurable Last Mouduy she felt much worse.aud tbe paius io Lei bowles were worse thau ever. She was greatly relieved when the b.i passed away from ber and Las since picked np rapidly in Loalth. The bat is oow quite a large on, metis oriog from tip to tip about six inch es. Its head is the most peculiar feature about it, but slightly' resem bling an ordinary bat iu that regard. It has a large mouth and nostrils, which look more like those of a ruin- iture ihinocerous. The Lead is near ly an inch in length, from the lower jaw of which bangs several tufts of long hair. The eyes and nostrils ure very clearly marked, as is also the snout The rest of tbe body is like a bat, with booked wings and other characteristics. Tbe animal is still alive and very active. Mrs. l'owers has it ootifiood io a large fruit jtr, and has exhibited it to more than 300 curious callorb. Visitor "Well, Jones bus paid the debt of nature." Merchant "Why, when was Le bung r Visitor "Hung. 1 What do you mean f Ha died a natural death." Merohaut "Oh, I supposed that nature must have gotten ber debt as the rest of os always did by execu tion." Twelve old ladies 'at a Parma Miob., quilting, aggregated 012 years,. "OfCsursoXLa; Don't X, Joe T A romantio little scene took place in the First Precinct Police Court io Jereoy City on Thursday. Joseph Able, a oook io a restaorant, bad been convicted of disorderly oondnot and finod $10. Not Laviog the money to pay bis fine be was sent down stairs witb a number of other unfortunates like himself. Hardly Lad be disappeared when a remark' ably good lookiog and modest girl onme into the oonrt room. She stepped op to Judge Stilsing and asked him whether Joseph had been allowed to go borne. Oa being in formed of his sentence she began to cry bitterly. Tbo Jndge stepped down from his desk and asked ber what was the matter and why she thought so much of Josoph. "Ob, sir, he's my cousin, and oh, dear, good, kind Judgo, please don't send him to j lil. All I've got is (5 ; please let him go for that." The Judge questioned her closely, but she persisted that tbe man was her cousin. Joseph was then called np stairs and askod if he bad any relatives in tho court room. He rcpliod that Le Lad nono, "Who U that girl f" asked the Judge, pointing to the alleged cousin. "That girl, Judgo, is my girl 1 wo're going to got mar ried as soon as I got steady work." The young woman was then called up The momont sbo saw Joseph sho scronmod with delight and ran to his arms. Tears that yet stood in the young woman s oyea were brushed away, and a smile took their place. Tbe girl's faoe was aglow with joy, and aftor the Judge coiigh- d a littlo, ho asked : "Joe Able, do yoa want to marry that girl !" "I do, Judgo,'' was tho reply. "Young woman, do yoa wnnt to marry Joseph T ' "Of course, I do. Don't I, Joe T" "Joseph Able, yonr fine is remit ted ; join Lands and' I will marry you. It was done, and the coo pie wont iwoy band in band. N, Y. Star, . GOOD AND BAD HABITS If ony ofou Lave over paid n vis it to a dentist h office, and hud n tooth drawn, you kuow it is a puiu ful operation. It hns been growing aud rooting there deep in tho socket from jour childhood up, and it in 1 severing it from its ultach- iii outs. Justus hard nnl sometimes tnoie iiiiiifnl is it to break np bad habits. I'bey huvo grown with your growth. und become a purt cf yourself, but hey must bo rooted out or they will destroy you. "Bemembcr," said Lord Colling- wood to young man he loved, "that before yon are -five and twenty yon must e stablish a character that will crve you all your life." Dr. Johnson says that "tho Labit of looking at tbe bright side of nny thing is waith more than a thousand pounds a year." Tbcro are othei habits, even more valuable, which be young should most carefully cul tivate. Tbe habit of temperance in all things, of curbing the temper, of love aud kinduess to all, of diligence iu business these are a jw of the gjod habits we can not place too high a value upon. It is us ttrungc us sad that bad habits are far ruoie enacions. Kven Lut is at first distasteful may become at length a necessary, I never Leard yet of a person who enjoyed his first quid of tobaooo Young J'coM Jh Ipt r . l.. i i. .u They got along fast in Dukota, and to prove it a story is told of a recently elected Judge. He Lad boon a sort of free lance iu his pro fession, and Lad inoarrod tbo enmity of a certain lawyer. This lawyer came before tbe Judgo the other duy with an ordinary motion which should have been granted in due ooarsooflaw. Bat it wasn't. ".Mo tion denieJ.yelled the Judgo. "But, your Honor" "Motion dodod, I say.' "Your Honor, one word, if yoa please" "Not a word, sir." "Your Honor seems to have a preju dice against me." "You're d d right I bave, said the Judge. "I've been laying for y a for tbe past throe years, and yoa don't get any motions in this oonrt. A man-in Campbell county. Qa. bad twenty-three sons killed io the A VESY EOT DAY. "Hot enough for yoa to-day, Bro ther Andrews " said Deacon Willis as be edtered tbe store. It was a oonntry store, and tbe nsnal cronies were eitliog around on boxes.barrels and lame backed chairs. 'Yes," answered Aodrews, "its pretty hot, bnt nothing to nbat I've through down south." "Tell as about it. Si." "Well, it was down in Alabama, just aftor the battle of Gettysburg was fongbt, I was in a volunteer regiment fighting the rebs, end it was datned hot work, I can tell yoa The first bot day, about Jaly 12, the thermometer rouched 112 in tbe shade, and tho second day it burst from boat, so that I cannot sny bow it was and still it got hotter and hotter. One day tho report came into camp that the robs were coming to attack ns, and the drums beat to arms. Pretty soon wo could see thorn coming through a corn field, and wo met them half wav. We woro about a huodrod yards apart when tho firing commooced. At the first volley I looked for tho robs to drop, but nary a drop. Christopher Columbus, I thought, didn't a one of us hit a ret ! Au othor round was fired, and still an other, and yet noJohnuy full ; what in thunder could it mean T A charge' was now ordered, an 1 wo n lvuocod doublo quick with fixod bayonets When wo got half way wo stopped The bullets from both sides had gone sbont half way, and tbeu sno oombod to tbo heat, had melted and ormed a small creek of rucuing loud Tho rebs had retreated, leaving three dead, the victims of sun stroke. We shoveled tho hot lend iuto pots, and afterwards used it to muko '' But brother Andrews was alone, and, taking udvuntngo of an open apple-barrel, he also wufted himself bonce. k'n Sun. ' Pbew !" said a strungor in New York tbe other day, pinching Lis nose with his thumb and forefinger ; "is there a bono-bniling establish raent so near your City Hull f" "Oh no, explained biscity friend, "yon smell our polities that's nil" There aro only 1,00' people nu t women find child) en in nil of (Uilii county, Ky., yet the mnrders nixi nxsnRsinntions during th ynr out numbered the births two to ih. A tin ciin, holding !?'J,i'() in "nl.l hiii beeu foiiud 011 it Mnliui.i'i, O fir iu, Tho nut fiim of ('iilif.ntiiit ntill vi brates with th i trend of l.'l'M) puiitnl beitrs. Sxdteacnt in Tozas- Great excitement bos been caused ia tbo vicinity of Paris, Tex, by tbe remarkablo recovery 01 Mr. J, . JS, Corley, who was so helpless he conld not turn in bed, or raiso bis bead ; everybody said bo was dying of Consumption. A trial bottlo of Dr. King's Mew Discovery was sent bim. Finding rolief, Ln bonght a largo bottlo and a bos of Dr. King's New Life Pills by tho time lie bad taken two boxes of Tills and two bottles of tbe Discovery, ho was well and Lad gained in flobh thirty-six pounds. Trial Bottles of this Groat Dis covery for Consumption froo at U. PI. Shindol'a Drug store. What Can Bo IDcno. Dy trying again and keeping np co or ago many things seemingly im poesiblo may bo attained, linn dreds ot hopeless cases of Kidney and Jjiver Complaint bave been cur ed by Eloctrio iiitters, after every thing else bad beon tried in vain. So, don't think thore is no euro for yon, bnt try Eloctrio Iiitters. Thoro Is no modioina to safe, so pnre, and so perfect a Blood Purifier. Eleo-. trio Bitters will enre Dyspepsia, Diabetes and all Diseases of the Kidneys. Invaluable in affections of Stomach and Liver, and over comes all Urinary Difficulties. Large Bottloa only 50oU. at O. M. Shindol's. The Winchester Letter predict? an early wintor bocausu migrstory birds are going -outb a month ear tier than usual. A Boston professor is lecturing on the "Usolessness of Profanity." Did he ever bit Lis thumb-mil witb a hammer t "Wo more than hold our own, ays an exchange. Yes that's why yoor neighbors bavo locked np their chicken coops. for Infants and Children. "CaatorU ii to wttl sdaptod toebndrea thai I CaatArta enm CWIe. OowstjmUrm, ' I recommend It m superior Io any pnwrluUon I Sour Stomach, Uiarrha, KnirtaUon, kaowa loma.' It A. Aantit. II. D., I uu" WorT". K" slorp, aid uvtuotuS U Ul Bo. Oxford 8k, Urookljm, N. T. WuEmMtajurious awdicatioo. Tom Ctomva Colpaut, is Fulton Street, N. V. J)H MAU AND ROTHUOCK, Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. (r.1nlof lUIMmnr OnttouB nf IMininlnni ml Sain. oftern M t rnfe.nii1 nrrTlo to ibt piibllo. Spkt tnnlUU ami uermno. March, IT, E. W. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Frecbmrg, I'a. rinrl Ml iirnft.n1 ncrvln.-n In lim nudlln I nnnr.nt In liaih KiikIIkIi and Herman Ufflo on Main r-traet. p K. VAN BU3KIKK, a'ltaiCAL MECHANICAL' DENTlSf clinsgrovo, I'onn JU. J. W. 8KII. Krcamcr. Snyder County Pa. Orriri Ilorss : To a t M., from U t 'J P. M and after a I'. M. 41'EA.KS NOT It KNUMSII ANDOKRMAK. May 1, W. ftUKNKKY. RKV.U. W. WAIjTEU. Salesman for t'linf.. V .'Stewart i (V.. Nur.ery Nnwark, N York, will he IK'4 to ropiiro order for mpolar firm, lor anything In lb Nurforf lino. (Iholoe nnl N. w Varlettxa a iei-liMy. I'o.itlrnly oiiikii any other In irlre and quality . .allntartinn KUranloed. In will rail on all wirtle that a.lilnm liliu at I'enn Crook, Snyder Dou Dty, I'a. in. m, 'mi. Thl rtorjNa alr, tha National emblem of an tiw ItuimlaM, aipoan lit tola conuvctlou aa Uw aiaial tradouiark of Uio RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE which le wnrkinv anrh wondcra wltli an IthooniatU uflornra lu hareei-r;trlil It, iv i.uMVi.r.TKLY rritKn 1. 1. Kim, SIS llroadaay, Canidrii, N J, TOio M): " I km m ri-ly Mill' U. I with rVtima tlMii that 1 liwl to carry my uno in a rWu. My littiulM won, Hwolb-n, my tliorf-rrt MtHT mid tlm tn ro InteiiHo that for Hovontcon fivhtu I hum iinatilo to nlot-p. Jlo,-tor did too nu k!- I tritt rvorrlbioii; nolhioii lii-li.-.! mo. A fru-nd iiKn'J,t''.ltho Hum.imi IthrntimtiMin t'ltro. I thml It. lioiido of oho w.v k I had loll iim' of ami aud hand, aud bavo Ixvll wi ll over nwr " Tt haa annul pvi ry m ulUlctod iUi rlioumatUm Tho Iim mvoii It a f-ilr Irinl. ok mix nor. tiii: iu sinhss. ttrn rrr If iimili 'lbv a'ldltlonal. . PrlCO S2.DO.I If r..-1-i.r l I'v. tiiont. Aa yi It 1 not to l found at tlm tfotn. lint ran only I- hail liy rio'loaiiiir tin' amount aa abuti , aud adilriMiooi' tho Ann in nil it. i-r .. torn, PFAELZER BROS. & CO. aibVSItl .lluxkcl Street, I'bUudtlphla. For Kouraigia For Neuralgia For Neuralgia For Neuralgia For Rheumatism For Rheumatism For Rheumatism For Rheumatism For a Lamo Back For a Lams Back For a Lamo Back For a Lamo Back Doctor Thomas' Ecfectric Oil Doctor Thomas' Echctrio Oil Doctor Thomas' Ec'.jctrio Oil Doctor Thomas' Eclectrio Oil SOLD EV ALL DRUOOIBTa PRICE BOO. an SI.CO. nsrix nms co.. rrt't i'tim. v. t. vTII5 LlitUT Ki'K".!;:C. xr,-f7 r EVll!QMAOHIHB HAS IIO ECJAL. PERFECT SATlSFACTIOtA M Ucmo SstIbi Mm Co. O.TANOC, MAQG. . 30 Uale Square, K.V. CMcoJiL Ct. loi.ll, Vo. AltoJ. C. n'.i, T:x. tin FroKUco, Cat. I .JVt'l mew " r mfc. . ..i.'l . , ., Allow ci js-A I -La w. J M. STKKSR, AUORNEY-ATLAW, MMlhvryh, 'iuiV,, Tlera kl profea.lotial rervlren to ILe uHI0 (loo.nliiatleni In l.rllh or (.. rmaii. ( ollee promptly attended Io. Ullloo lew tloora ul tbe I'oit olllce. J AMISS 0. CHOUSE, ATTOBNEV-AT-LAW, MiDDLEiJi'Hoii, yk All biiMlnei minuted to Ma rare wlilrn eme prompt atteotlun. 1'ilhj1ibU n in Oar man nd hnKllnh. 3.1 J ACOB (ULUEHT, " Attorutif mid Coinmrlor at La) alllHM.KIIt IMJII, IM, Collection, and all mur Luilrrx 1 rrtt p ; . vuu o 1 ia 1 1 n id imiiij an yM. E. IIOUSWEKTH, ATT0RNEY-AT LAW, Ski,,hovk. IM. Collection, and allolhrr leiial Limine prompt ly attondod to Herman. vureiiaiiuiii in I.Ui,ll,b aau June l, II. DILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,, I.rwi.iliurit, Penn'a. All !ulne entrnatiwl to hi ear will It promptly attended lo.'au. (1. DKITHICli, 'attoki:y ir.i.m. Mm kit St., Srlinisirovf. let Allprofelnnal r.uine promptly atiettfcd to. IJoDKUluiluni In Knallub and M.rn... . ''.,j't. IS. BOWEH, " ATTORNEYAT-LAW, AND DISTKUT ATTKUNF.Y. Midillvburg, fa 'ollertloni made, tnd Herman. nnniultatlona In Fntllft, Juue I, '71. if. QIIAS P ULRICII, Attorney & Counsellor.At.T.a. (tn?eln App'a Hull lltitf nnn dori North In KHVaTliNH lluTKL Nt'llliai m (-. Pen It it. lolKtlon and all. other an l.aal - - r N .oiflted and all) recl.eo refalara rompt aitvntlon. I ro J- SMITH. -O- 1 TTnn , rw . w. . . .... n j. y. MIDI.I.rill K.I.SN Vt);) lrr!, rfc,ytnili v...,. ..... " Consultatloni U I.Dlill.h and (lermat.. A. V. Vi TTr,K, .i nohXf; .: .Air. Solinsgrovo, Ta'., Allien ll,u-oe.eiiiro. (ed to their rare wll ' : J u lVV ' Vi' " ',au-n,1'"' 'Nlcon Main s" JJ II. (iiU.MM, Attornpy-nt-Iaxr. .1IH!ill.iljfl. ln. Conanllatlun In bulb l.a ii h n K a. KDnllrb enil'rnarwa Oil. e, Imi. JUUN II. AKNOI.P, , . MIUDLKia'UO. rA I rrreMoiil I in Inn. rntmrtrd t hi, rare will bo pnii.p.lj aitrnded to. yAMUKLII. OIJWIO, ATTOIiXKY A T I.ATT, I.CU la'.lli . ' f, (',,, rt r"n n';:.""1"' Mriei lec..o, ;, f OILS' K. Ill (JIli:s, JVSTICE OF THE PEACE, A'.it?. Su,fr Ci., Ks, f-n''ili'cll,,n roiuptly iniJ,jg Physicians, $o. JOHN v. riUKi:. m. d. Mi'UVbnicb. Prinn'ia. A icrainat" of the fi I varai ,y of penvtilre nla, olleia hn prorvai' na oi MiddiHligrgh I.i kII .I, and t. no. ii 'iioOi,'a b ild.n. il lriOo l the elli. Soar. i) nwe in Mr i. Al'raj July Ml, to. J-J J. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, Hiuvtr Springs, Snyder Cnmtp, tfori bli piolenlonal larvleei to lb Baku Ottl'-e oo ilalnalreat.-J JsbsIS'Jijv J W. SAMrSUIi, " PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON. ''i.trovllle, lVnn'eV (Jflen bli proreiilnnal errce loth ellteatM ul ii, niruirllia and vlelnliy. Aug. S,). cTlIER UAuillEli, " PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, WIiLUliurKh, Peun'ei. Olf ra hUprjIcaaknal arlra tke rplteoej rd MlddUbwra and tlelulty. unio,. a fee, da . W..t ar the Court Houae. In A ra,..'a ljll Mj4r IjiI'ltBga opatltt 0il I'oaf liliMi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers