IT PlTf v T. H. HAKTIllt. Ho Unit will reason U a bigot ; lie that cnniipt is u tool ; ho that dan? not is a slave. KDITOK ami PKOIMUKTOil VOL. XXtll MIDDLE BURGH, SNYDER CO., PENN'A, JULY !, 188(1. Art M 3 rr W- . :lOKTHY: THE FARMER'S WIFE- )1T l.Al'RA K. AM.K.V. I-Yoiu out the rony land of tlmiini &Uo floinet at eurly iiioniIiik'; Tlioib'W upon tin nifiitlow rltnm, Fiilr as a bride ndurnln. Aronui from th wnvhifc pint's, Am! tU'UU of blooming Hover: The noisiy brook tlmf ttingaiiiid olihuiH, With willows bemlinijover; Tlx eastern fky Iowm all nrt.inie, An tlioiiyb, to one beholding, The koM ""(I nuiipliiro cloud tlmt euiim Were heaven's gute mtfoldin. Jtut nil till; lory utiiiuls njmrt, Tor rliunti her with her beauty, Tor euro r-itu heavy on her heart, Where fall the. lino of duty. Tin' cow await thu milking tinm With Huft ami patient lowing: The xtiirdy farmer, in Ids prime, Muht liuntcn to hiit mowing. His w ife imi-t speed the morn's repast And work with nimble finnis, For farmers all, from tlrd to last, Muke hay while minsliiuu lingers. Ami when the nwat is o'er, the pail Of foaming milk are waiting, With fraraneo eauyht from Minny vales, To future joys relating. The cream lies thick, liku cloths of K"ld, Where hliitiin' pans are brimming, Their riches pithered fold on fold, All ready far the rkliuinhi. Then, later, as in old .'ii days, With inueh of t-t ii and lluttcr, Hy weary hands the dasher plays, And wins the golden butter. And so th" day goes on, and on, No time for re.-t or pleasure; "A woman's work is iitverdone,'' Is true in f ullest measure. And as the sun sinks in thu west, An.l day jjrowi-Jinto even. Weary and worn she icoiuto rest, And ulmot longs for heaven. ( 1 mm I Jlmet. krt 1 in. TERRIBLE TIME ON THE CAES Thoro is something about tlio av erno Chicago y-jun m;m that tx l0He9 Liiu. mill oxpoHo nnylol.v that gels in with him. Ho in full of ptucticiil jokca. List week Mr. Kpponoliw Hoyt, of Fouil du L:io, wout to Chicago on ft visit. llo is a pious gentloimn, nuJ Lis prcseuce nnywhcio is un ovi douco tbut everything will bo con ductoJ ou tbo B(iiaro. Mr. Ilojrt know a young mm limned Johnny Dulling, who was ftttuuding Ituuli MoJicil Collogo, nod through bitu was poruiitted to visit tbo dissecting room, uud gave upon tho work being done- tbero, Mr. Hojt was introduced to a Dum ber of tho wicked young won who were carviug tho lato lamented, and ofter he got accustomed to tho cli mate he rather enjoyed the porfor tnnnco. What jonng Mr. Darliug told tho boys about Mr. Hoyt will, perhaps, never bo known ; but, as Mr. Hoyt passed around tho blabs wboro they were at work, oaou uiudo a coutii bution from tbo "stiff' La was at work upon to Mr, Hoyt's coat pock ets unbeknown to Lim. While ono was calling his attontion to a limb that bo was dissecting, another would cat off an oar, or a uose, or dig out an eye, and drop the samo into Mr. Hoyt's overcoat pockets. Finally ho bid tbo boys good-by, thanked thorn for their courtesies in showing Lim around, told thorn if they ever cume to Fond da Lao bis pew in church was at their disposal, and be skipped for tho train and got on board. The seats were all occupied, and a middle-aged lady, with a slim fuce and spectacles, and evidently an old maid, allowed him to sit boBido her. The car was warm, and it was not long before tbo "romaiua" began to be beard from. Ho was talking to the lady npoo eorious matters, wbon be smelled somntbiog. Tho lady had been eiuelling it for some miles tack, and sbo bud got bor eye on Mr. Hoyt, and bad put bor band kerchief to her uose. He took a long breath and said to tho lady. "Tbo air seems sort p' (hod bore in this car, does it not f" and be looked up at tho transom. "Yes," said tho ludy, and she tamed pale and asked him to let ber out of the seat, "it is very innou fixed, and I believe that you are the man that fixed it t and sbo took her Butohl sad weul to tbo rear of the cur, where sbo glared at him as though be was a fat renderiog es tablishment. Mr. Hoyt devoted a few moments to meditatio o.nnd then his attentiou was callod to a new nmrio 1 cjnplo, iu tbo sent ahond of him. Tiioy had boon having their hoi li cloao to gether, when suddunly tho bride snid : "Hennery, Lave you boou drink- ing r He votod by nil that was great mid glorious that ho had not, wlieu she. told l.iiu there wan something about hi breutu that rouiiudod her of strong di iuk, or a picking bouse Ho all )wod that it w.n not him, but a Imittod that ho bad noticed thoro was somothin wrong, though ho didn't know but it wai boiuu of bor tooth that noo led tilling. Thoy wero botii mi l at tho in sinuations of the other, and tho bride leanod on tho window; an 1 criod, while tho groom looked the otht r way, and uclod cross. Mr. Il'jyt win very m uh auuoyo 1 at tho Htnoll. Tho siuoll remained, and pooplo all around him got up au 1 wont to tbo forward oud of tho u- or to tho roar, aud thoro wero a dozon empty seats when tho conductor camo iu. aud lots of pooplo -ntandiog up. Tho conductor got ono enilT and said : "Whoovor bai got that pieco of limborgor chooio in his pockot will have to go iu tho emigrant cur !'' They looked at Hoyt, and the conductor went up to hitii and ask ed him if ho didn't know any botlor than to bo carrying around nuch chceso n that. Hoyt said ho "hadu't got uo o bee so."' Tbo conductor insislo I that ho hart, nnd tol l him to turn hiu pack ets wrong tide out. II yt j ibbed bis baud into his pockets, and folt something cold uu 1 clammy. He diow bis baud out ompty, turned pale, aud said be didn't have any cbueso, Tiio conductor iusistol on his fooling again, and ho brought to tho surfaco a couplu of bum m ear, a tiugnr and a thumb. "What in tho nam' of tho Apos tloa have you got thoro says tho couductor. "I.i you belong to any canuiug cstablishuunt that hjihU canned missionary to tho ho ithou cannibals?'' Hoyt toll tho couductor to como iu tbo baggagecar, and ho would explain all ; nud an he p issed by the passougors, with both hands full of the remains, tho paasongors wore ready to lynch Hoyt. Ho told th) conductor whore bo had boou, uud tbo boys had played it on him, and tbe fingers and things wore thrown beside tho track, whero some one will find them aud thiuk a murdor has boou commitlod. Aftorward Hoyt went into tho car and tried to apologize to tbe old maid, but she would scream. Hoyt would always rather go away tbau have a womau 6cream. Ho is trying to think of some way to get ovon with tho boys of Hash Medicai College. I'eck'e Soi. Tho Dutchman's Speech. A blunt old Goruiau mombor of tho Illinois Legislature, Mr l'lotke, was ono of tbo Committee appoint ed to investigate tho Stato pouileu tiary at Chester. Whilo thoro bo was callod on for a speech. It was cortainly speaking uudor difficulties. He Baid : "I hardly know what to say to you. I caunot cull you shou tlemons, and again I can't call you friends, because dot might gif min self avuy. Vot shall I call you don ? I will call you mombers of tho Illi uois penitentiary, shoost the same as we are members of the Illinois Shoneral Assembly. You have boon unanimously elootod to fill the phioo you bave widiu doso walls sbust tbe same as wo members of the Shoneral Assembly bavo been elected, I can not Bay dot I am glad you is bore, because dot might mako you feel bad, and don again, I caunot Bay dot I is sorry dot you is hero, be cause 1 dink it was goot dot you was here now bocauso you is bere, acd I hopes you will do your duty ebooBt do same as we do our duty for do term for which you is olocted." "Th doctor said bo'd put tue oc. my feet again in two weoks.' "Well didn't be do it 7" "u did, indeod. I bad to sail my borso and baggy to , foot' hi m-'1' the height of sublimity. I kan sell for eightooa hundred aud thirty nine dollars, a palla a swocl aud pensive retirement, locat ed ou tho virgin banks ov the II u I son, (containing 8 " ados. Tho I m l is luxuriously divided by the baud ofuaturand urt, into pistor aud tillngo, into pliin deklivity, into stern abruptness and tho dilliansc ov moss-tufted meddor atrouniH of sparkling gladness (thick with Iron!) daii80 through this wildurnoss of buty, to. tho low iu tik . of the tho krickot and grasshopper. Tho evorgreeu higln iu tin evening zephir tlits through it.t shadowy, and tho inpeu trcu.bloi liko tho lovo-sniitteu hirto ov a dunttll. Fruits f tho tropicks on goldou buty, molt ou tho bows, and I ho le in go heavy au 1 swoot from the fields to their garnering hives. Tbo stabl. . ai'i worthy cf tho ntcods of Nimrod or tho nluds of Akillos, and its beuory wAs bilt expressly for tho l iidi of pa:':i, .vhilosombor iu tho distance, liko tho civo of a hers mif, glimpses aro caught ov the, II rj poets havo come au 1 warble 1 tlejir li.o, hor scalp, tors havo cut huro piiotui's h.ivii iobod tho Hi'ono ov dieamy land skap's, iiu.l hero tho philosopher diskoviiol the stu'i which tuadu him tho ft'kiuiist ov nitur As tho young tnoou hangs likfl a c irting ov silver from tho Mo btoast of tho ski, ar, angel iu ay bo soen each night d inning with g.l IjU tip toes on tho grass. (V. It.--Tho angel goes with the plaeo ) hot u:edjTo r?.AVi:;3. I hoard a very amusing story the other d ay in c muecliou with tho recent hull ic.iuo'i. A geuthman, piito well k:iovn iu this city, was hurrying uloug to roach his home, when tho storm burst upon tho city with all its fnrv. Ho sought rifim in a houso whoio there ivero n num ber of ladies congregated, all of whom were frantic with terror. Af ter ii littlo the titorm increased in fury, tho house rocked and swayed boforo tho furious windn, Keveral win lows wore blovn in, an 1 it look- el as llioll Ml l HO Whoio 1U1KH IILT ivoul 1 bo dostroyeil. Tho women ruslio 1 around wringiug their hands crying aud boinoauing their f ito, whou suddenly ono rtlnhi d up to the gentleman aud frantically besought him to oll'ir up n prayer Iu a m -mout ho was surrounded by the other women, who clung to him aud begged him to pray. Ho was not by any means colloctod himself, and be sides he was not up at all in prayers, but thoro was uo oscapo for him, so ho prepared to comply with their request. Uo knelt down, but owing tho excited condition of his miud and to tho fact that ho had not prayed for bumo time, ho found himself utterly uuoipial to tho occa sion, llo could not thiuk of any thing, lie was dumb. Soon ho became dopporutc, uu I without a thought as to tho nppropriatoutss ho prououueed tho following brief exhortation, which he roiueiubniod to buvo formed a part of tbo grace bis father used to suy many years ago : ' Oh Lord mako in thankful for tbut which wo aro about to re ceive." Just thou three or four windows blow lu, a couple of chim neys blew over, uud tho pruyer meeting broke up iu confusion. Lawyers Net AlMgoths: Bai- A lawyer up in tho country was callod to dtfjnd a Mexican for sjiuo serious crime, and ho got him olF. "Whut foo did you gotf Borne body asked him. "Well, tbo follow was vory grutos ful--very grateful, Aftor tho trial ha camo to mo aud emptied bis pockets. He bad twenty dollars, and a watch, and a j ickskoifo." "And you"' "I took tbo twenty dollars aud tbe watch. I gave him back the jaok kuife. D o it, you didn't expoct me to rob tho poor dovil They list by Chanca- No word was spoken when they met, Uy either sad or tray, And yet one badly mnitteu was, As was remarked next day, They met by ehunue this autumn eve, With neither (rhince aor bow, They ofteu eauie together so A freight train and a oow. HEART SEATS Dr. N. It. Kicbarifsoo? of Loudon, tho noted physician, sajs be was re- ceutly able to convey ewnsiderable smonutof conviction Wtointelligentl 'h '';!.: ;' , , , . , . 1 hey l. ft the ptow-li.u-e in the iik.I.I, scholar by a aimplo extjmcnt 1 hoiT,lir tIl., ,, ,,,.,,, xviIll,lllt a fMi scholar ns MOging ibo praiHis of The sickle iu the uii-lmn, -rain, tbo "ruddy bumper," un saying that The corn Inlfgui ncrM on the plain, ho coul J not got thrbhgll I'" I """sterM in tln-ir simpl.- Ircff. without it, when Dr.IleLu1.ion aid !.,i;,r wr""-'M " ""' " Ir. - i.i:... vi:n r . L'. i i o rUht tlnv-e wrong.-, eome weal, to him : 1 1 1 you feel My pulse ns ' eoiin woe, iHtandhoroT llo did, o. I baid : T ,M.rMl ,,.,.,..,..;, f. Ootint it cirt'lully t wliattloos it taj, Your pulso is sovouty.-fjur. I then sat down in a chair a',.V ukod l"m to count ng ii:i. Ho did so.aud said: Vonr pulso has gouo J wn to seven- ty. 1 then lay down u'tbe loun-'e. and taid : Will you Uko it again llo replied, why, it is oidj ixty-foui : j hat an extraordinary tiling! I then' cant : N hen you ho Uo, at niylit j hw to which ho retin s h. n his w lhat is tho wuy nutuiev gives yonrjcoiiiiuonees hnu cleaning. heart a rest. You know nothing about it, but that boating 'or,: an is resting to that cxtout r and if yon reckon it up it is a greatvdcal of nt, because in lying dewa ithe heart is lining ton strokes li s a minulo. Multiply that by (JO and it is ti'HI ; multiply it by S hours,; And within ft fraction it is o.OOO Btrtls dill'-ieiit ; ..! ,.j ii,.. i i :.. h.t ,uu u,;iti b ia tin on iuj o ooiiui n "I blood at every Btroke, it makes a difference of ol),OOD ouuoos of lifiing during tho night. When I lie down without any alcohol, Hint' i:i tho rest .1 . . , , . i . take your wino or croi Vou do not all. iw that rest, for tho iullueiieo of alcohol is to increase the number of Btiokes, aud iustoud of getting this rest you put ou it something li!;o lo.OOd extra btiokes, and tho result is you liso up vory soedy and unfit for the next d iv's work, till vou have a littlo more of tbo "ruddy bumper' which you say is tbo soul of man bo low, .v, !,. n tl lie A mTic.ut, Cho V7ar.tcdt) bo i Christian- a inj 4i.; nuiuuj , i o riti n.v. power of tho Spirit aud had boon covertod, and she iippoared before tho Bessiou to pass tbo preliminary examination, "llavo you oxporiouced a change of heart?" asked tho older, gently. "Yos, Bit, I boliovo 1 have." "Ami ; ou want to livo n new life!" "Yos, nr, I hopo I do.'' "Aro you willing to renounce tho world, tho llesh aud tho dovil " "Do I bavo to do that!" "(oiiainly, if you would bo a con sistent Cbristiuu." "Cau't I givo up two of thorn uud still go into tbe church I ' "No, thu reuunciatiou mur,t bo coiuploto." "Well, then, you must excuse mo. I want to bo a Christian, 1 want to givo up tho world and tho duvil, but if a woman, as thin olioady as I am, has to givo up any more llesh, bhe might as well give up wauling to be a Christian, hod go uo l j iiu u tido show us the grout American ouly living bkolotou. Gentlomou, you will have to excuse mo. I want to join tho church, but I'm not prepar ed to join u aide-show this buuimor." The Dritiiiim;r, Champion Kiss of tho Cjuntty. A SpringlielbboliO was visiting iu this city not long ago, and received a largo share of respectable homage from tho loudiug society youiig gen tlemen. Sho commauds attention not only for her pi taonul charms and gracoH, but for her mental cul turo aud vivacious couvctBiition. inai my neari gets. Jiutwli. n oui, , , , , , . , . J i l.ibi led vuioticiiiil Heforo louviog tbo I'uion depot in j to play at tho funeral of a Omneei.i this city for tho State capitol Iho lent deacon. They worn playing a young lady was doseiibiug to u friend of initio, with whom she hu 1 visited, tho "Uloomingtnu kiss," us sbo was pleased to Urui the saluta tions which some fortunate but bold admirer was poimittcd to give, She said "the 1'nst timo she was kissed by a Hloomiugtoui iu bho felt like a big tub of loses swimming in honey, co I'jgno, uutmogs aud crunbcriios. She ulso felt us if somothiug was run niug through bor uervos ou foot of diamouds, escorted by angel', shad ed by honeysuckles aud tbe whole spreid with melted rainbows." llurlinytoii (III ) Eye. Did i yoa ever tbiuk what vou , , , , 111 UO II JOU lllli YuUlU'lblU would do if you income 1 XorrMow Jio q I e t e r. Well, no i but we bavo often won dered fthat Viudorbilt would do if he bad our inootne.-.iw4lrfM Sentlnt ' ' -t -. i Tho Men who Won Our Indcpondcnco. ), few and weak their number were, A handful of brave men; Itut to Uud they gave their prayer, J lieL e niscietU'e givi;s ipuct hlecp. "It is more blessed to givo than to ,....:,.. -' ,.i... i (i. i ., A bank e.sln,.r goes oil' j n,,tl' 'u' load--d,iuid then ho nmK( H u r'I" t Western mm has a ed- ife V Lou u iiiiiii i- linn bi t n eaten b i n eaten b . ... , ., . . , " ' ' "" ""T ' Z T ,; TK! ui linn hi in iii: u i in i i leu iu liju o III When you i-tiike . i 1 t'cp te.iii M ll,.V "'" I'iih bored e.e.ii. thioiign j11"'! ' 1 lll, utl 11,11 out at tho bottom J'.vm married man chould ioin ' Ho:i.o irood nociet v. and as oood as my is the sjcioty of his wifo and chil lieu I'verv m in who cu ties a t i-t 1 ought to bu olillged by la.v to Weal .t ;., .. I...I, ., i i.;., . ; i 1 t ifc in il im-ii, ui nn rnii', lliei li.ltu II uisaiiity. A new p ist olicu iu tho South i culled fjingtry. It is hoped that it will not bo 1 1 1 in to its name, and cause the mails to goiibtray. ('fining homo at two A. M , he found his Wife dussed iu ih-ep black and iiniiii ed the reason. "Mourn ing for my lato husban 1."' "John, I fear you are forgetting mo," Slid a bright-eyed cupietto t i her sweetheart, the other diy. "Yi Sue, I bavo b en fjigetliug you those tio Yearn.'' It is a mean wretch who will hl)h drop a hair switch iu a car loaded with women, and then smile as he set s every woman in ike a grab foi tho back of her hea l when bho no tices it. Mrighum Y mug's grave is utterly tleglteted, and bis widows lieVer visit it. They wont there unco to cry over his rum. tins, but it mule tho ground so sloppy that they ull caught cold M ij'f ilit llaoh man his a limited ri0'hl tu tho good things of this world ; tun) tbo natural al lowed way by which lit is to compass the possession of these tilings is by his owi industiious ac ipiiiitijn of them. iSobby was very much imprtHHt il by thu remark of tho u.i .ii-t ' r n church that man wto' in.i.le of diint ".Ma," he b.ii 1, ufu r a Ih uightful ilelie.o, "v.'iis I III l lil . f iKlHt too ?'" "Yes," hho rt'i'lied- "Well, how is it, then, tlctmy birthday rtotnes in d.mnaiy ? 'I'tiore ain't no dust in danu iry." A toauher reipiesto 1 a pup 1 to parse tho following s intend) ; "Sim played on th) piano." The p ijiii began thusly ; "S:io 'p is a com u u noun ; third p irson ; pl iral num ber Mill on," crio 1 tho to iclier "Who said anything ib .it sheep "She played ou tho pi mo," w h tin seiiicnco," "Oil, I thought it wu "Slieep 1 lid on Iho piano," au 1 I Woliderod what tho mil' too heads wanted to lay hhoop there f o ."' A new rival brass band was l.iied slow uud Holcinu diroo at tlio grave when hu Idenly the trombona ioud shot out a blio-t that htultieil tho bcai'HO hoix-.-i nnd bi i'i ) up tho en 'ire proFessi hi The h ad-'f tuiniig upo'i hini ,11-t.ed bin) what be ens doing that for. 1 1 un-wet-ed with a s nile: "') ia!i. a thought it una a noto, and it wa i a Ii s l'y ; but I played it." ISAAC ItlOAVtilt, iii-oiM)!! Dentist ! Miauloburg, Snyifcr County, Pa. (IprirK IM t'HAMKLIN KB a TIIH IlKfOT I? vnr.vtbiR bclnnniiiK to tbo folou done In tha b(ml inHDnar. All jrrntoJ. Triinm.iirt. pro wur Ua will al-ii utter. I In inmlnei'i avrry tar Keuka t tloutrvvllla IrovelHlle, licavor owuAi1auiii.uri.iDil 1'uxionvlll i 324 and S2ii Pearl tt.,(oww York. tk r JB., for infants nnd Children. "ruMorl.npowctlmlrtptHtorhlMrrnthnt I Cantoris rtiTrg rntlr. Coottlrwl-n. I f' ':nm ;U it aa uk nor Ui an r. w-i iitiou I Hour FUimarli, In irrli iM,, kjiuwu totui' ' It. A. Aacltrii. M I., I w"r,n-i ki si" Pi ruuotos di- 1.1 Bo. Oi.'jrJ CU, LruvUju, M. Y. WilLuul'mjuriouj mrUicalko. Tut (.tiTit u Cuui'MT, l"i rultrn Eitvct, N. Y. y V. A HAND IIOTIH'.OCK, Frcnioid. Snyder county Pa. Ilr.lmtnf Itnlr Itni.rf. t'..ll"i-.i .,f IMiv. .' ""' s" k,,-'"i. "lU't- I l r...""l -mil 'orvl - tu Hie . Oill". Si'. ilii Kim Mh mill '.itiiiud. ' MiiuMi, IT, l" 1. 1. I "VI! I' V. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND rUKCEON. l'recbiiii g. Pa. Mor lil iM-i f---1 n n I r v t. In tl ttMli- I r.,in. r-n t In I. nili Mil(l., nn.1 tl. rtimti lilt" in i ii n -tri'iit . 15." VAN r.l'SKIKK. 'LT.iilO I. , MlVIl ", ! t, M:Ttr u-gruve, l'eiiii I)"- J. w. s i : 1 1 Krcnttur. S ; i y ; ! r r Co'lnly P.i, i 'in. i: 11 I Ii . : I'-. I in I : I . M r. m mi i tie it ii r. I'KAliS Kill K I.Niil.l-,,1 Mil) 1, In Ml. A Mi 'I Kit M IS. r.Y?. W. W A I. I KK. S-il..m in , ' w :i r i. . w i 'i k, will i. i It hk. a I'i muM.ri .r.lrrn i .r IM- ..i. non. I mun in : in tie- Nur-i.ry I In... t'linn-n . .1 ,'..- Viirlntlns a hi. 1 1. iy !' -1 ( I v ii I v .Hi i . i in,,- in Lor- III i i ri.-n mi l n.uilin. uu.imntKii.1. i Hi will mil mi nil i :u lip- Hut .-ii l im it I'niiti" t r -fh, Snyiiiir I mi tit). I'n i '.l.'-i. I O TIMES OUT OF 10 Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil (thoumaliim and Nouralgla, t Tisuico out or too Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil CI' lies A Cold or Haoraoncs. 19 TIMES CUT OF 20 Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil CL'Ki:s Atthma and Diphtheria. 49 TIMES OUT OF 50 Dr. Thomas' Etlectjic Oil CLHIiS Croup and Affections ot tha Throat Trice 50 cents and fti.oo. SOLD EVERYWHERE. oh! m mm Lier) kt rut n nr rulil iitlnrt.s tint Lurk nte l ip-ari) ii.kiiuiii j,iu. BESTTQHIC F Siroiifillu'ni Iho .lJuTlrMt sifintli'fi tlii .Tr, llnrlrlipH tin i:inm1. IIv m lur. Vn .1. I .Myfi:h. K.irtif!ti. . wn, t a : " iimn lr.ii liiin-rt ih tfn. I t-t It u iM--ti-i I Ii la ti '-Ail in niv :ai )' its' i rr:. 1 1- 1 I .- fi.i.-i.l C fcti 't -ami t"-inrirint iti m i vn'Jt l" pli vr-c al uliinti'.ii, Aud in it.l lit'tiiitli-tiin tuliut'iitrt tl. ii l"r i" ii"mly vu Him mitt in '4- h Jtc. in ir. n tt ftm !.'' Mil. VV. I. I'.nnv.'N. M7 .Vni i S . Coini(i it Ky Ktt: "1 "HH I'uf.tfill'tl lv l-lxk'-Tt 1 Vtl It hi! I) Mi'l triiitllinl nith iiiuit nt in Iu k I'ruwuj l;n lijltuii -utififly ii'tturt-l uiu to li.'iitli." itwuiini linn ftIniTTriii Mnfk nn-l fr'1 r'.11in (ill Mlft' r 'I'ltlal llll Oilier, Mri.l-i fill) I y linuv;. lULilicAL wv., ;iAl Ti.uoi;i , ii:. IS SURE TO WIN. Ct UK li ri'ul, KiMiuliii' iiiitii. It l-i tltif Initli wlilrli lum li'il iih to 1 . 1 1 1 our t)iiiiii'-lulu it m iiirmi!;. wciiiivenitiiinri;iii(ii illinium. imy I'lilni-il liy Iwctity J'i-iik ill liiii.nriililu liii'ini--! iiiiiiii C'iiiiii inn liny uiu mil 11 iniu vii. linn Ui-ailMK rli.'iil lii-runii .Mat ui.-l i'liiliiiK-iiliiii, ami yvl mntn-ut inour l.uili in tin- Lii-'uiii Klau tiiiitiitiii t 'ii re thul we 111 o i ill ini; to siukii uur re- minium on it 111 a nnl", HMTily uml iK-riimiii'iit euro ro luriill lllu'iiiiuii tniuiiliit. I'imlil w nili-r y ImltiT tuiiriiuty of itimi fultliT tUliiri lie- r.-(ilirOlVU. llllVU tl stCil IIH Illiritl, Hlld Uljil tiny hill lln-ir In-ill ly nml iinoniilvoriil i'inliirtiiiiL'iil. M'u Htinil Uiull whii uk It ii tiiuiii.lilut cuntiiiti lim imit'li nf hiii-li ii'stlninny. Ami vim II' yon liuvii KliLMiiniaUiu viliy milli-r niif idiy liiiui-r IIiiiii Is n,.tv.urv., mill wliiliiyiiiiiui) iniikliiir up your UiiuJ to tiy It VU UllHt llll IIIIIUU tll'll, 1IIO RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM lUKL hna aaved pvnry KliouiiiHiio mlTiTcr who hna Kivrn ll u fnlr trial. It U fur yyu t. iktMo until "wrL , n.l.o tbr r? ( If nimlixl. lin. xMillonnl. rllvv CXiDllil It, lw, u..m. None (Jiuiiifn wit limit Una Trauo-Mwk. ! lyi.tit t lit iu iv i.iii iu ai iiiu auwr. nut ran iiy lis liail by wh-IikIik tlio amount u ubulo,ui4 i,frelucUioAiiirtutu.r..iri..U.ns iraciTBD nana . rr .... I I I 1 11 ' . PFAELZER BROS. & CO. mm i 5 i mm iriiUiSlANa;7l P RHEUMATISM CUWe I .11 torn r.v-.'- Law. gJ M. STKCsi:, A1T0RNEYAT-LAW, l. .. i, ,,,!,, i; ,!.. I Hlir r.ili-t. . nnl inrvl. ti' ilifiniltn I'. n..ri iilioin in I n., r i f u hi ( i.iur t..iii tu Mtr-n if I n. nflii'i. n lew r,iiiin im I tiio ivt...rn .-o Ja.mi:s:. ciiorsi:, ATTOUNKY-AT-tAW. M I f l 1 . ! . i; t in ; 11, i A I b p.. . tlir. ,ir,i t,i ,, ClM, iu.. im t ri tn t iiin-titi.i,. i i, . ii i t h 1 1 ii 1 1. or IIIIIU ti.l I 'i ii l. I, . I JAl'tM! (ill.liKlir, .llh'l')!.- .! (',,! ,,,, ,,! a ,,,. .ii iiuu. i :ut in ii im, "llrotl-tm iili.l nil ,t!,r Ir iu,n. , i.M-',n V it r,.,,.!c..I . , ,,, , l.tull.t, , 1.1 J. M. K. HOI SU KKTH," AnORNEY AT LAW, Si- i i n ii in i t- P. . IIkci. nn i, mi ntlii-r liKiil I urinrt. rr.itnt.t IV ttt.o.l Id CniKUltittlui.t) in I.hkIIMi du 1 1' nn nn. June 2, Jl. DILI., ATTOHfJfYAT-LAVV. A-1- .'. my, IU IU All ltiKlue nnlriiKti i In M, , ar, le uttPtnl, .1 iu. s. .t. :n-,'j). c. DKi rnicii, 'lTIOIti:i 11.1,41V. Jl.irk, I SI. , ,V, lhix;ii;,vr. V; All rrirMlitil husine rrnmi tlv nttrrrir.t 10. ColiKulUtluD.ln Ln.ll l.., .1 dC'1 tfU.ZZ '(0. jj K. liOWKH," AnORNEY-AT-LAW. AMi JUSTKH T ATTdlt.NKY, Milltt l,irj, '(. ('Ilni't inn Him), 'nnnuluili ri In Kmlliib .lui.t a ,';.t. an.l i Irrnimi. "1HAS V I LKICH," I Attorney k Ooiinsf IIur-At-Law iimwin ai.j.'i. ft it 1 1. lr,if O..01 North lo K n h hink Muti:l. litlil ttt IT li ii ii. 'ollrctlnnn n l ml other im I. ml n(.. . m.lii-lti.,1 ami will rec,-lfi,. rn,t, I'Mihm mtrntlnu. Arf ll.'.ll. J. .MITI1. - A T Tl I R N r Y AT t.A V, MlIIir.KlU'ii,SNYr:ii(lti.,A 'I'frM.U l'r..tiili, Krivlio imu iBt (h.uiiulutiiiMi is l.nnll.t, ui (lotuian. A. V. I'OITKU. .1 7 0..VA .: ' .. W. IndiiiKjri ovo. T.i , t'-l. ril.iilr.r. I.. IhiuIm hI, ,.. , ,,,,,,,, I. l-i: :t. i ii-1 .. i-ni r-i-'u.l 1. tl rii nr x ' (l'r.'.."' t "ue"H' li- I'SiiHiu .Multi N. H. lilli.M.M, Attopiioy-.ii r,:w, Muhlit'liiii !;n. I' i i i.l.'iiltiiil. r. In ! tli I. K!. i, imi i:.,.,. I.MIK i1' t , 1 r.). II. AKNOJ,!-, V i (unify ii f S ,n yXf MlM'i.i nri;u N I .,K I i.,li.,,. ,.i, , t rule J h-i r. ii. j. I) u 1 1 ri. il.-.l l.i. M VDL If. OKWWi, f rroj;x;:y.,i 7 la ir, I'I ll llH-. liM.f CJtrt vl Vnttx I joilN 1;. HI (iin;s, JUSTICE CK THE PEACE, J';., . v- r t 'it., J',t, ' -i I 'nil. rti.uir. nruiiiptly luml.'.ji.j -1 . 1 . - . . 1 1 iiii.,, isici an v, ,r. . . . . il i Pliicilm t. c , ' " in atirorfp, I i'ltli i' 1,11, ,i ,,,.,,,,, 1 p ' - .it. 1 Hloi . Ii f 1 -1 . mil 1, hi vlrrr ii- . . i 'Iti. 1. .,.1 .Mftlmtraci. , JuoaU 'T I s iMI'Vl'l l Jl ' 1 ' I rllt,... . ritisitiA, AMI SURGEON, I ( ' lit ri-l ill.., 'i titi',v ' ( m,.r, (J . .,. . . . ' . ., ' ." V " "' ' ' r, ' '"" l""" "Hina n 1 v"-1"") u. !!, . iiixiAit ii.ssi(ii:i:, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Miil.llt lniiiilt, I'ri.n'M, ii , r. I i i.r..(, l,,n ii .,ti,,. ,..,i. .,, , , J 'ir 'h , i, .1 ..,H ii. . h ""t" ,w.i!.c "" ' ai. ( HAKHKH, rHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Mi.lill..lir,l. 1. K", .... o tiii.-m ii. pralejulcoil iarvlovi ni t, l.l,i,,, , ..i , i,,ii, , ui...l., . wt.,""Pt'lur " rrlovr- In Iba rlilaau i iinoa a raw ilimra I rilltlll1,, I IlllJIn llaal-laaoa oiinoflla otmutlta l'i f,iuttJ . Ulurkel Mint, l'mi(idlphlu. Kja ' . Jt .
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