The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 29, 1886, Image 3

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    published every Thursday.
...... tvrMfnTr Covst. fhs Court! ef
;fcy ofDoooinber.
eakXIer frl-M thromth"l tn eonMy will
MM mnto$ u. the ttatlr "Mi"-
? Hep'., tlluio a I Ihorhoo.lJ. svciii
' . Ob. Owe eoi ,mn will !? '"-"
!?1U wfc Mi to .pea lho.a therans
fclwlo loeU ou-Hm of rabllo ltrel
KTTtl1 oT hoVl o.rMll wpoaslble for Ut
Loot a i Augiw oti the label of
mt pair. Ttnxw rUrures tell you
UOaT n PAU. Within S weeks after
NwnM l mi ee if date In changed.
o Qtlitt reotnpt is neoeiwary. .
Saturday, May 1, Win. Shamhach, ad
ndnlntrator of Jowpu Eby, will
ell personal property near Zlon
Saturday, May 1. Ann Moyer adtnrx.
of the entat of Win. M. Moyer,
deo'tl. will nell personal property
near Fremont.
Coamittoo Hocting-
The members of the Republican
Standing; Coumilstee ore requested to
MiubU at lilddluhiirgh, on Batur
day, nay Int. at 1 o'clock p. in., for
the purpose of flzliifc a time for hold -log
the Trluiary election.
J. II. Willis, Chairman.
mini (Ml uau Tt tikis' law, n' Hill IT
IliBt 'CI."
See If, Harvey 8chocU"a Insurance
card In this Issue.
A drought about June 1st and dry
hot harvest Is predicted.
Jut received A oar-load of plaster
at 10 per ton. W. H. WIKKY.
All men are created equal, but the
majority will not take the trouble to
live up to it
Artist 8. F. Dolbort hae again re
turned to MlddMiurgh and la now
ready for business.
Iir. J. W. SoId. of K reamer, greet
the public with his professional card
In this Issue.
Theos. Swlneford, wife and "little
liiir returned from their western trip
on Wednesday.
H. II. Grimm' Law office Is now In
Wltttnuiyer's building, first door east
of tbe Washington House.
Al. Cleelan has the contract for dig
ging a well at the new jull at $1.60
per foot, walling aud all.
The Republican Standing Commit
tee will meet at Middleburgh, on Sat'
urday, May 1, at 1 o'clock p. ui.
John Hummel of Washington last
week lost two fine yearling Norman
Feroheron colts from distemper.
The bones of an average man only
weigh about twenty-four pounds, aud
yet some people put on airs and step
around as though they weighed a ton.
Turn. Ellen C. Aurand has Just re
''ivcdaflne lot of Millinery roods.
w Ih the time to buy your Spring
'nets. She returned from the city
. week.
v'Hbry'e comet will reach its great
t brilliancy May 2. At that time it
nl probaly bo a very conspicuous
.!'ict in the western ky for some
hours after sunset.
The National Hotel, Sellnsgrove, Is
supplied with water works U being
repaired and repainted and general
ly renovated. A new parlor has been
added. Mr. Holtzworth solicits local
fanners' trade. All woloome.
We are pleased to learn that John
Bweigert, who was confined In our
oounty jail several weeka upon the
charge of Insanity, Is at home In his
blacksmith shop and apparently all
right again.
A barn on the farm of Dr. Backns,
In ttbaproan township, with a Mr.
Stab! as tenant, was burned to the
ground on Monday night with all Its
contents. Including 5 horses, 23 sheep
and a lot of eattle. It is supposed to
have been the work of an incendiary.
Ex-Sheriff Bolender and H. II.
Grimm were on llower's dam fishing
on Monday Bight They had caught
five eels when they lost control of the
beat and went down over the chute
where they oaught somethiug else
that wouldn't look well In print
Last week the Supreme Court of
this State declared the fee bill, which
was passed In 1878 cutting down tbe
fees of eonuty officers, to be unconsti
tutional. By this decision the old
law of 1868 will be reinstated, the fees
being increased.
Mrs. Louisa Smith the leading Mil
liner of Sellnsgrove la going to tbe
city on next Mouday, tbe 8rd of May,
to buy In a large stock of Summer
Millinery and Straw goods. Ladles
Klre her a call and buy your Hats and
Bonueta at Louisa Smith's store and
aave from 13 to 90 cents on the dollar.
The Sixteenth Annual Convention
of the Sunday fiobo! Association of
Bnyder county fill be held at Adam,
burg, commencing Jfonday evening.
May n aU continuing until Wednes
day afternoon. An Interesting pro
gram ba been arranged for discus
sion and speoial effort Is being made
to have a suooessful and profitable
eonvention. K, Payton Porter, Esq.,
oi Philadelphia, State S. 8. Secretary,
has announoed his Intention to be
present and will render valuable as
Manes. Other prominent Sunday
School workers are expeeted. Let
very Sunday School lu tbe county
a proper Interest la this good
ork and send delegate to the con
vention, so that new life) and energy
"y be imputed to the eunday school
5ue In, So-T
f See new adv. of Sohch Pro., 8e-
linsgrove, In this lasuo.
That cold wave predicted by the
Western weather prophet did not
reach us.
The organ of the body most given
to shirking their regular work are the
stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys.
A medicine that stimulates these or
gans into healthy action Is Invaluable.
VlNKOAR HlTTKIlfl CORDIAL does this,
and does Its work permanently. Thk
Cordial ha a delicious taste, and Is
most grateful healing remedy for
I M porta rt Notick. Having rs
turned, I will yet remain at Middle
burgh, until after May Conrt After
which time I will take down my gal
lery preparatory to moving to anoth
er town. Don't delay your opportn
Ity while you may rain or shine.
Pictures taken at very moderate pri
oes. Yonrs Respectfully,
Middleburgh, Pet., April 28, 'SO.
C. W. Derstine'a Photograph Gal
lery is still growing In popularity as
his fume spread as an artist. It Is
said by artists to he a difficult task to
paint u Illy, but tho best looking of
our glrli can detect Improvements in
their looks from Derstlne'a pictures.
Wo would therefore advise all who
want to see an improvement on the
common mirror to g to Lowistown
and have their pictures taken at his
Tom Murty, Sunhury's enterprising
clothier makes his politest bow to the
people of Snyder county In the sup
nlement accompanying this issue of
the Post. He holds forth opposite
the Central Hotel, and vhrotigh his
honesty and fair dealing Is rapidly
raking In the trade of Northumber
land aud adjoining counties. When
you go to Sunbury to buy call on him
aud you will be sure to get just what
you ti&rgalned for at price lower than
at any other house in the town.
The Harry Sisters, aged reflective
ly 8, 8 and and 13 years, will give one
of their wonderful Musical ami Liter
ary Entertainment at Middleburgh,
on Friday eveniug, May 14th, and at
Adamsburg on the 13th. Thev come
here highly recommend as giving a
most remarkable and pleuxim; enter
tainment. They are pronounced the
best educated children In tho world
and are expert violinists, vocallbt and
elocutionists. They appear here uu
der the auspices of G rand Army of
the Republic and deserve a good
house. Admission 2-1 and 15 ceuts.
Thk kisd wb likk. The folio
Ing from B. P. Edmonds of Golden
Corners, Ohio, explalos itself :
Ed. Pomt: As my subscription has
expired I herewith remit you a check
for f 2 for which please continue my
suuscripuon to ine 1'oht. The 1'oht
is always a welcome friend with uh
as it is from our old home. It gives
us a great deal of interesting news for
wnton we are eager to obtain it as soon
as Its arrival is announced. We are
living in a pleasant a well as a nice
part of Ohio, mid are within the reach
oi tnree uilrere nt railroads.
1 remaiu yours truly,
U. II. Edmonds.
C. W. Derstlne has placed an entire
uew line of photographs In his show
case in Dr. Hasslnger'a office. They
show great artistic skill and are uni
versally pronounced superior In every
respect to any photograph work pro
dueed by auy artut this side of Phil
adolphia where Mr. D. learned the
art, and where $12 per doz. is charged,
while his prices are less than half that
amount. Should you want good work
uearer at home than yon wlil ever get
it again, call on liliu near Odd Fel
low's Corner, Lewtstown, Pa.
C. Howard, the jolly Irish peddler
shook the boys by the hand this week
and had a jolly good time all by him
self. He is among the few pack -ped
dlers that deals In straight goods,
while he himself la a yard wide and
all wool but the buttons, lie says
Snyder county is the best place he
ever was In, and he hopes that the
first man he runs against in heaven
will be the editor of the Post. He
hadhlc pictures taken by Mr. Delbert
on Monday and the "girrella are near
ly goiu' woild over them, and sure its
no wonder, when its himself that's al
most distracted wid 'em." Long live
Charley, the Irish peddler.
D. T. Rhoades.last week while hunt
ing through a basketful of old rubblnh
belonging to our old friend Albright
Swlneford, found the following ticket:
.No. 2U8. i
j This ticket will entitle the bear-!
er to such prize as may be drawn!
'.against its number in the dlstrl-:
button of property at Mlddleburg.!
Husky Hkaciikl. j
I J"?.-8'..?.?.:. . I
Another card reads:
Albrioht Swinkkord, Sir: You
are hereby summoned to attend at the
Court House. In the town of New Iter
lin. at 10 o'clock a.m. on Mouday, the
lUth day of February, next, as a petit
Juror. P. Ukkuui.u,
Sheriff's offlce.Nsw Berlin, Sheriff.
Jan. 13, 1837. (
A band of Gypsies camped on Bow
er's Island on Monday. They had
six wagons, a number of trading
horses, iio., &o. We could not ascer
tain the number of tbe band, as two
wagon-loads of children had not yet
beea unpacked when we were over.
Soma time on Monday night they
Tasked their Unts like the Arabs,
And silently stole away,"
and are now looated In the grove a
few hundred yards north of Middle
burgh, where they will hold them
selves In readiness to uuravel the
tangled threads of the mysterious fu
ture at ten cent a skein, If their
story be true half of the people of
Middleburgh will iuberlt big fortunes
from distant lauds, get bundles of let
ters across big waters that will break
the namel's baek that carries the
Unltsd States malls. All the girts
will get married to good kusband
and their ohlldren be as numerous as
rrv, end J wlll be r-rvt v""-
On Tuesday we visited Yoder' new
Roller Flouring Mill at Globe Mill.
We were pleasantly surprised to find
tt one of the finest mill in the State,
equipped with all the latest milling
Improvements. The mill I built of
brick. Is 60x00 feet.and has four floor.
It capacity Is 100 barrel per day,
with a storage of 10,000 bushels. The
machinery which was built by Mor
dyke, Marmon & Co., of Indianapolis,
Ind., Is propelled by two of l.e fie It's
lmpioved special water wheels, one of
S3 and the other of 44 Inches. It has
19 set of chilled Iron rollers. Win.
Iloush, one of the most expert millers
In the State ha the management of
the concern and I very popular with
his customers. His flour Is pronounc
ed flrst-olas In every respect. Mr.
Yoder deserve great credit for the
enterprise he ban manifested In this
veuture expending a great deal of
money on a new thing which, fortn proving a wonderful suocess.
unintentionally, have aggrieved ynn'irn.AM1ll!1A ru
and your teacher, and I hereby pb- MUflMfl AUU fl UU M
Ckntrkvillk. Dr. D. tt. Rothrock
and wife of Three Springs, Pa., visit
ed here recently. He claim having
a good paying practice.
The farmers have finished the oat
seeding and will now turn their at
tention to the planting of corn.
Prof. I). S. Hoycr took a peep at
Cent rev llle on theS'Jd.
Dr. Mohii of Lmirelton, paid us a
friendly visit on Friday.
Easter was on hand bright and ear
ly on Sunday mornlng.but tho Easter
egg and the small boy had boeu on
hand for a week or so.
Straw hats have mode their ap
pearance. Whitewash artists have been very
busy the past week.
W. H. Hartman and wife of Middle
burgh, Miss E. May Shiukel a teacher
of Beayer Spring, and II. II. Baker
and wife were In town over Sunday.
Communion services were held at
thl plaoo on Sunday, by Rev. Dlotz
of the Reformrd church. The sermon
for the ocosslon was preached by the
Rev. F. Aurand of New Berlin.
The ooruar stone of the Lutheran
and Reformed church will be laid on
Sunday, May Oth. Services to com
mence at 10 o'clock. Eminent minis
ters from adfstance will be present
and the public is cordially Invited to
Troxklvim.k. The weather has
been beautiful during the past ten
days and I hope it may continue so.
We had a tine refreshing shower on
Saturday evening, accompanied by
vivid lightning and heavy thunder.
Tbe mueU needed and anxiously wish
ed for rain contiuuod nearly all night.
Nature has doffed her sombre gar
ments aud donned her most beautiful,
pleasant and comfortable robes.
Most of our farmers have flnishod
sowing oats. Most of the oorn ground
was plowed in the fall and forepart of
the winter and tho farmers are now
busily engaged in preparing it for
planting. The growing wheat looks
as promising as I have ever seen it at
this season of the year, and a plenti
ful harvest may be expected.
Old, young and middle-aged men go
out in the mountain every day,except
Sunday, trout Ashing. Some meet
with good, some with middling am
others with poor success; ami again
others with general "Fishermen'
luck" Sio. A party started out this
morning with a t wo horse team loud
ed wltn provender, provisions, camp
equipments and fishing tackle, bound
for Truster's Vall.'y, intending to re
muin out a week. The party Is com
posed of the following gentlemen
Archibald, John F. and Rob. Middles
wartli, Rob. Beaver, Ephruiui Howell
aud others.
Owen Gobs has been to the city lay
ing in a heavy stock of splendid, cheap
and substantial goods. On his return
he took a stroll over tbe "Uettybburg
John Zechman has raised his house
three feet or more aud put a uew wall
under it. He is also building a kltcu
on to the rear of his house. After it
Is finished Jean will have a nice home
and a pleasant place for the enter
tainment of the traveling publio.
They are "house cleaning" all over
Everybody had plenty of "Easter"
eggs in our illago.
James Mattern, one of Troxelvilie's
fine and Intelligent young men, left
our little village aud went to Adams
burg to clerk for A. S. Helfrioh.
James is an honest and trustworthy
young man.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that
In referring to the dosing exercises of
the McClure sohool, I stirred up a
hornets nest. A feller under cover of
the nom uVume "Ego," takes me to
task. He should have added another
syllable, theu the name would truly
represent his oharaoter. He thinks It
quite olever to oall another correspon
dent a fooL I need not soil my paper
to call blm by that name, for his own
words betray him. He puts me In
mind of tbe Ass la the "Fable" who
put on a Liou's skin, roamed about
frightening all tbe silly animals be
met, and, seelog a fox, he tried to
alarm him also. But Iieyuard, hav
ing beard bis voice, said, "Well, to
be sure! and I should have been
frightened too, If I had not beard you
bray." I will just say In passing by,
that I think it beneath the dignity of
a geutleman to waste amunitlon on a
brainless Ass. To "Minnie" and Mr.
Howell I, perhaps, owe an appology,
I should have remembered the adage,
If you cannot consistently commend
thing do not censure." But my
dear Minnie, I assure you I meant no
unktndness toward you. My motive
was to do you a kindness. Please do
not Impugn my motive. Remember:
"It is better to hear the rebuke of the
wise, than to hear tbe song of a fool."
Bat, if yon think as your oi kuU
defender, that I am a "fool," then re-
licly ask your pardon
friends. Au-rtvotr.
Let us be
"Have nsed Dr. Thomas' F.rlertrln
Oil for croup and colds, nod declare
It n positive cure." Contributed by
Win. Kay, 670 Plymouth Ave., BufTa
lo, N. Y.
Lookout fob Baroaui. a New
Store will be opened by Fridiuati &
Getf.on Aaron MlddUswarth's corner,
Beavertown, Pa., ou May 1st. Where
they will keep a full line of Notions
and Dry goods, Clothing, &e. (Jive
them a oall.
Persons wishing to secure Cucum
ber pumps can do so by calling on N.
P. Hare, Middleburgh, who will furn
Ish.tbcin for wall SO feet deep at $'1.00
The only reliable catarrh remedy on
the market to-day is Ely's Cream
liuhu.being free from polsonousdriigs
and offensive odors. It lias cure.)
thousands of acuto anil chronic oases
where all other remedies have failed.
It quickly cures rold in the head and
catarrhal headache, l'riee llffy cent
Hmsor.Ks! SniJf.i!.K.-!-r!fty Thou
sand 'o. 2, lfj inch Shingles at $I.r0
per thousand. Inquire at this office.
Many persons have catarrh In its
first stages who suppose themelves
to ln troubled with nothing more
serious than a severe and stubborn
cold In the head. Elys' Cream Balm
gives instant retlef from cold In the
head, and a through treatment will
cure rutarrh. For sale by every
druggist in the land. April.
"Dozen of letters a Day pour in up
on Dr. David Kennedy, of Uondout,
N. Y., from people who Imve been
benefitted by using his popular prep
aration called Kennedy's 'Favorite
Remedy." And they often Illustrate
what thl remarkable medicine, ac
complishes In some new and hitherto
untried field of operation. Not in
frequently patients come long dis
tance to grasp the Doctor by the
hand aud express their gratituli) for
deliverance form pain." Troy (N. V.)!
Ihii'.y 7im. April
I Itnra 1
The venders of foreign and domes
tic merehnudise, hotel keepers, distil
lers, &c, in Snyder county, will take
notice that they are appraised and
classified by the by the undersigned
appraiser of mercantile and other II
oenso tax for the year ItJbd, us follows,
to wit:
Adams towtif lilp
(Iroenhoc h !. Do:
Beaver township.
Hwirt, A. It. Ooulttum lj
Sirvht, Mne 0e u
Miltk.J. V. .storwan l U
Beaver West towiodilp.
Shnllonbiirgcr, K. Uttn'l nWro U
rrRlxuo, Jw,ib do
t'lnli, H. W. Jo
W(tier, Win (I. da
Centre township.
IUrt'nn a Ci. Uan'lttur
Hcnnmi, A. I(. il l
Sliuwtri,U. M. Jo
Chapman township.
Hnrnilit, Ihirld iln
M lmr, It S. .In
Ulni-..l .in H. it.i
Uliio, iIpuw S. iti
Franklin township.
ll'ijriT, Clmrlr s J i
'l.ti'-, II. II kC. i.
li i.ikl Tit t.C. II. i )rln vM I'.ml
I; oil i, .1 V. f arm I uiI iti'nlii
wim j,v. n. Hi i
Jackson townslilp.
Ili'urvr, llnnr) S. ilnn'l ft n
lli nfi r k Cn. ,l
DiiuIh'Mu.ici, .1 . M. ilu
Midiili'httrgh Borough
(liitMtiK, it C. "itliliir, rt,
SrrtNiM a It'inklii, ll. n'lM"")
S.'li,li,U Allrat i.i
SitIxiI.i, C. C. Si-win M u-hln-
Shln.M, O. M. I iritis
WUti-ntnji'r a Son U.'ii'l niors
Mddlecreek township,
HstTJiiirl. Jwuh
-Smith, J. A.
Sollur, l. !.
Vixlir a MMlmir,
Hunt K'it
Mill Slid Osl
Mouroe township.
Corral, J. R. Ciisl,
KuMlar, T, M. k Co. Ura'l (tore
KsMlnr, ll. O. do
Traitsr. A. K. do
Wend t, I)vl.l iliwi
l'elin township.
Itoover.Chsilui Milt
MIIIiht, M. (loiri ftorn
Soluwh, ltrtfn J. Unl'i
Winner, l.orm1 M.'l M"NJ
I'erry township,
i Ixpnm, I'eler l.nri ,t. r"
Minium i Ar!'.'t:iit, Jo
Si'linne, A I'k.i luni J.)
.Spring township.
liellrli-h, A. H. J ,
Iloin jciiU, J. K. DrujA
KlofB h Smith, (Ivn'l Muro
iSinoliU J, VS. du
lUli, A.I1. do
Helinsgrove borough.
Loaruod by a Prominent Hudson Odd
(rmm the Hudson (N. Y.) K'vIfnv )
Mr.JulinKltlnir.arulthrulii.i l I , !., MHui
OmnJ. l.liidi-nwiiM, No. 412) mil nieiuhnr uf App, lllntni Cm I
the lini.liKi Churi'h, iiyn "I hive liwn, s Csrer, A. M. lnsvr
uiot ut my scuualnUncc In IIu.Imhi htinw, ,, ,
miltort-r Inim Jy-pop! lor tti imin. n,.K. i -nrle, U. r. Nturr
tilKK Uh lii.lni'Hli.n, tour tini:i!li an 1 tlatii. Prclfaw a (luuilieiref, fry Ouudi
Wae, I heciine n wank Hint my hdl.r tw'Mine fc im. ihi..
Liiiorli k, KM l.'
hurrinn too lieitrj lo carry mul my tut ml ttss 1
wrlKl.uJ duwu liy n (tloomr iliii..nili'ni:y. After
rutin n I lelt ut it I iiM s Imll l ulowinir Iron In
my nloiimrh j my sbdoineu would hlout n, I
wiuislllliilud sluumt cnnaUiitly with s ,'k hcud
aiJie. A Wily, Irumlng l my condition, ml-vIim-.I
me lo uxe l!. 1)AVII KKNNKliY'S FA
VOKlTfc IIKMKliY, telllnn mo wliatsn InAnlto
del ol K"uil II had dnno hur mid othem whom
he knew. 1 hevan Inking It In llielnlUir psrt or
A ilffuit. anil lined altoiitliir ulily throo liottlm,
whon It adiierud lu uiu tbe iiimI won Jorful in,.
ptovemeat. 1 bare now galut j II. uh, ami fio l
Mniniier, hettor and hiit'ph'r I hara In ton
veiirs. KAVU1UTK Kf.MKI'Y cured my Irl.-nd
K. t". Ileruiutm. ol tthuut. uf the Mnir ,.rlnir rn.
inaliiiol maUriul lorir and of lilllouxims. Mr. ' HhroTtr, M
Harvey Thomas, tho irrocur on Warren Hniet, ' Shin. tin J (I 1.
lu.lhfllowtho Worth lluueo, inys that II hue ! n ,. ' ' , .
had wnndoriully Kood e!lr-ti uimn Mm. Sonrra l Ilor"i '
lllo'or, Norton Motrhaut t'allor
Iuinhtirllni4. A. N. Hloveo
lluinuiol. WiJlor i,
Keek, A. It.
Miller, H. C
; Mi Krlvty, II. R
tipprnhkliner Sol,
' yok 8. H.
, I'otter, Inalth
8 tore
!.. thing
Dnots a Khor
Hill and Coal 11
ol myaeiiitnliitawwii eat tint. Iiuvliig onie tried Schtinre. (. a H. 1. Mill
It, Uiey wimld Dover KiilD lo without It. 1 ii,i,K iu,o... ... i u
have Klvn It to my rhlldr-n and round It tho hrh0fh wnr Cln..rl
Im'H mod hil ne 1 have over kni wn ror rfgiilatlmj Hi hnee, I'hlllp S. "
their tmwoli and plirUvil if tln'lr hlood. Tli ; Slom fc HrntiluK (IrKani
w.i.m .miKO .IMP IIIVUH-IUC A UOVIU IHQ U TOail'l . T .
IiihU.ii 111 lilmalMul III.. I IU
A IlKKIe'awd lie Vlrtory.-"I carried the
liurileii ol d.VK.iopsiaahout nil mv lite," nald Mm.
rii n'o. a ihiIv elifhly yrurt ol.l, ronMlng at j
iiH-uvf ut. r,. i ., -uiiiii h u inrue youri aKo 1
hrsmi Uklr.K Dr. I'avld Kontiedy'a 'favorite
Itemed' ol Uondout. you know and It ban
given me more amhltliin and tretiB-tu U.uii 1
have bail lluco 1 wag jouii.'1
Whoa Daby waa dak, w her Cartnrla,
When alio a a ChilO, (he cried for CaeUirU,
When ati baoeoi Hi, tlio oluiig lo CaeUiria,
Wkai ab iiatl CUIdru, ah gare Uiem CaatorU,
Ps?Puro Kyc, Conner Din
tilled Mountain Dow Wilis-
koy at 2.00 nor gallon or 60
cents per quart.
Eaglo Uotol, Vranklin, V
J. Iloaard
Wauiltni'ller, dec O
Wiiii, K. lry diKids
WaKiisi Iter, W.J. (I'urral siorn
Union Towmliin.
Moycr. W. rt. d.-:iiral Htoro
lioiTimiu k Mr. IVi
Wiliiii.r A Pnn.loto "
Will lama, K. tJ. '
Washington township.
ArhogMt, T. K.
ltawiliT A Strayor,
tlhurl. 4 A Hh'k. 1,
Mojr, d.A T O.
Moyer, W. U.
Moyir, Oo. E .
Strati!., P. II.
Wcavor, d. w.
OiD'l Store
lieaver township.
KelinsL'rove. April IU. Ksther. wife
of Frederlek Hare, uged C'J yvun. 0
moniiiH ana iu iluys.
Aurll 17. In IV nn two.. Chnrles Htet
lor, son of John II. ami Henrietta
Hoover, aged 8 year and 'J days.
'it ted cherries
Unoitted "
liluek berries H
KuspberrieH 20
Onions 4Q
thickens Der lb
1 urkeyv rJiiiU
Ham lo
Grain Market.
No. 1 Red wheat f .60
" 3 Fults and mixed 83
" 8 whit 68
Ityt 66
Corn 4(1
Oati to 8
Potatoes 40(49
ILJ.U1JUUII . J. . . J...tlL.J J-- HI
Sheriffs Sale!
Wherea by virtu ol Sundry Writs Issued out
of tli Court ol Douiimin I'loea ol Huyder ouuuty,
I'a.. and to ne dlreotad. 1 will eiiiow to iiuttllo
ule, al UioCourt llouio, la UlUdluburti, on
Friday, May 14, 1880,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., th lollowlnj real mUU),
Ui-wlt I
Urlmia. - . Von. tlx.
Dolus all that ootiaui lot or rronn dtnauia
lo U"
li )
l'i W
7 uo
r oo
lu an
19 to
10 Ol
1 1..
T ii
10 00
7 no
U ii
Our Immenie new Spring stock of
Dry Goods, lions, Fancy Goads. Calls, hi, hi,
Every want supplied!
Every taste gratified I
Every buyer delighted!
The widest range for selection!
The most RELIABLE Goods!
By far the LOWEST Prices!
riiKsr: auk f.uth. on: noons and pkiceh pi:ovn i m:if.
Call and See.
I 00
7 uo
7 00
111 Oil
7 ou
7 Wi
lo IV
7 no
7 w
7 oo
7 in
7 00
11 So
7 oo
7 00
7 00
7 011
T 00
f 0-)
7 00
T oo
7 00
7 Oo
lii a
7 wo
T 00
I 00
7 0
16 0"
14 00
II i
7 0
4 "0
t HO
7 Oil
10 00
7 00
7 00
l'l 00
III uu I !
7 uu
Wo wonld annonucA lo tho nl lin that wo have now ojionod in tho er
oral donartuiotitii of onr tulutiliubniont full and completa aftortui6nta of
nil tbo latest and bent tl.irn in tho u.niket. In DIIY (iOnnS, Pills,
CBshmorfH, Lulling t'lotliU, Fnnry Camliricrt anil tiintflnunn, Culirod, ('he
fiot, (Jonts CaHHiniiTH and Stiititi?K Cottoiinilen, Sltihlins ami ShcotingF.
wo hnvo largo aud vaiie l amorttucntu of etiiinluid kooJh. Iiuo if
Notiou3 and Fancy Novelties
(ibhrnrcH all tho liidnt at! met imin. Of (SiociiioH, ,:iornwnrc tvtoi ClliKrj
wuio wo c:in mIiow full huvs containing all tho uinHt dohirablo thiiif'a.
Hardware in its several branches
we e'ndonver lo rnnko n n.ociulty curry inR uf. nil tiuioH full nfnnrlmcnts
of Saddlery aud Condi Triintninjrw. IIdiimo l'mil Kth mul heavy Haul ware.
Iron, Stftl, Nails, Horeo Shoes, Foucu Wine, etc. lu
Paints, Oils and Glass,
we think wo aro lleailcjuartorp, alwaya carrying hoavy etoclcn of While
Load, Ready Mixtxl Fuititi and IWusa in nil hicp, and aro rotnly at all
times to rivo rocli-hottoiu fiurpa. WALL I'Al'KUS nnd Ilonso I)cos
ratiutia oomprine a aoparnto dojiartmont iu which wo can show you Lost
UHHorliuoiit iu tho county.
Our pneos ut all times you will find as low ns honoat roliahlo gooJa
dare be sold. Give us a call or writo for prices-
SCH0CH BROS., Solinsgrova
10 Oil
10 00
r mi
10 uo
7 00
f 00
7 oo
to uu
60 00
t.' k...... B...J
bounded Dortk by New Market Blreut, aaat br
tb town ef
ACUtl uiureor whnrvoa ara ereetad a two-
Willo8tr4.uuUIr au alley
lot ol Ltfdl FUkoT, ooatWulruf lINK-rOUilT
Mury frame UKlMilMI MtU'wK. WI.AUK
SMITH 8HOf,aad other wa'ToiitbullilluMt,
SpKl.t, Moael
lj0Uaeir, W. n.
leaver Wft.
Ullltr, Jacok
Cvntre towuHblp,
Dtrtmao, E H.
Chapman towiiHhlp.
llarroM, Darl l
I.onn, Mlmon
Molai r,
Franklin townnhlp.
(jwlueforil, 1 but.
MiddlfhurKh borough.
It. lender, 1).
NuillU, J. .
Aflddlocrot'k towushlp.
KuiobkUKli, .1.
.Wonroe to.iiHh'r.
Aurand, E.
Ulokel, A. J.
HotlenatelD, J. F.
Terry township.
Rolr, I.erl
Statu, A. H.
Spring townuhlp.
Mlddlotwartb, R.
Belitistroro borough.
Fraln, 8. T.
t'ooklor, J. fl.
llolnworlh, Wm.
Uotbarioel, Mrs.O.
Union township.
llrownorer, Jobu
HeirolJ, t. B.
Wabhlutou towushlp.
EobDta, li.
Washington township.
oim, r. o. m oo
Bttllnsgrovi borough.
Mllohel, S.O. MOO
Washington township.
IIoitrmn h Urlmui, I SO 00
Adaius towushlp.
Bbswr,Joba 16 00
Franklin township.
Oronso, J. U oo
Take notioe, all who are eonoornod
In this appralsoiuent, that an appeal
111 be held at the Commissioner's
Office In tbe borough of Middleburgh,
on tbe 82d day of MAT, A. D. 1880, be
tweeu the boar of 9 a, m. and 4
o'clock, p. ax, when and where you
way attend it yoo think proper.
a wm aim
Ml Oil
60 00
Ml 00
to oo
Oil or.
60 00
to 00
60 00
50 00
60 00
SO 00
(0 00
0 0V
(0 00
Onr new pprinp Block ia now roiuly. It l i uo of tho grniulont If ora of
Komi yu Iihvo ever in'iit'M, JNoiiiinu ima Ijloii i rtn in ttio way ol
noil and dcHiriililo hIvIuh. and uh lo iiiiuldy iiud low pn'ivH, o foir no
coinpiditor Onr motto hnn tihvii) lni-n tn ttntiiituin tlio Inid by ofl'crio
tho bent goods for tho loitut money. Wo ollbr for your cou.sidoiution :
Dry Goods, Clot&ing, Boots and Shoe;
i'U TL K 11 Y, CARVE T. '. 1 U'ti'f CUA L V , II A 11 D,
QUi:i.S, (! LASS, TfX EAHTlltiN, WOOD
AM) u jiLuinrA:h a, .jc, sc.
These- goods are neurit all new, of the choicest mat'
rials and latest styles. The trices we ask for them iviit
astonish io tt as lie aro unquistiouablyiltc rock bottom
for retail trade- pay the highest tricii for all kinds
ofcouxTJi v rnohtra:.
Judging from our trade xcc anticipate E.XTEJVSIfB
SALES this season and hare prepared to meet alt
demands- CALL Yours in. teat tin $,
11. fi3 CUSTI.I! A. CO.,
Near Middlcbnrg Depot-
Selinsgrove, Pa.
Tbo undemiijril, (Itfairo to announce to tlio public that thoy Iito Inst
openoil a NEW DltY UOODS d 10 it H iu uliurovo, and are now tx
hibitiiir the
Grandest line of Good3
yon ever bobelj Nothing boa boen forgottdu io the wajof gooJ and do
nimble stylos, and as to quality aad low tricus,
Wo fear no Competition.
Onr motto will alwuys be to maintain tho lead by offering tbo
Best Goods for the Least Money.
We ask yon to come and Bee on, And wo will do our rnrt to make it cot
only pleasant but bonificial to yon. Couo 1 Cornel Como l
Dreifuss & Gunsburger,
Keoly's Building-, North ol National Hotel, :
Latter ol Ailmlnlltratloa an tka eataia
Uata UeluMB. lata ol Adaiba laaal.l.
HuTdor Oo , I'., .iMoaead, having aooa itraat
d to tho udrlanod all Mtaui.e W..ln
miirini ,0 aoia e,ia r rrfloa.l-
..-4-wtaMw.,,!A... i.aoi lifi. ' I,')
IVtten ol adalalitrottoa oa Ik atata t
JMOt'B Kby latool rrwutlM lp, Ha)drC3 r
Pa., 4oM, aelau kaaa yasntoa. t ih
Uaod, all aareoB kao taialf I )
Oil to ol t oeleto ro ro td to . V-',