7 tf giDlltburgli osl. -UY-- T. II. llAHTKlt. SnWriplion 1.50 IVr Year. RATES OF ADVERTISING : rwj. tloiamn, On Year , ,..Ao Tia.bA.ll Viome One User,... Oeaionh loiumn. o, Veer f ml. etloaal I rd, nee Aadltnr. KiMiitnr. AamtnlMratt-f, end IKhnH Nutle.1 trl't : I . irnim WKB nn aiiAAlAl am,.......,! . ma .l all 1 ' H'Hifllmnnn . Inmrt-d fur lose than I months, we ctn H 1 rr meti orfl-s Insenloo In. nf tt.e end Insertion and IJ eeats lur .vib Wbeeqeenl Inserthta. Anew Look ou pjnJlry-koepintf iiifikr (Le startling and humiliating NDDOUUCOtDAUt that out of a total of fire luitiJitd nnJ thirty-four million eggs received in New York during lb year 18S3 boiiio fjnr million flinfi hnudrud and itt v.niiTril llimina ?! . - .. .' -v aoi ti iuduj were impoitca from Mvcryb.jdy says it is a shame and everywhere tbe indig nant iminiry is repeating iteolf, whr-ro in the Aineriu.tu boil am' n hut is sue doing 7 Ata thorn not etioiigu of bor t Is tbo Average brtcd poor f Ijo3 she- not got ouongli to eit or doos b!jo eat bor own eggs f Timo hIoiiu can auiwer nil tboso ioijoirivK j but it is very clear that komelbing or sonvjbly ii wrou. With a continent that stretches from ocean to ocean witb land aud wraps and coru and buck boat enough to raiso and feed chickens for tbe tinman rnco tbe idea of im porting eggH ! Meing comparative ly a new county, witb loti of more raw woik to do, tboro is sowo ex cuse fur tbo lark warrfness of Ligb guttle Amoricnu stool and iron and dry goods nnd litcrntnro, but any oM bun enn luy aa egg. llosidos, tbero is no d'lty on eggs j bo tbo Kuri'pean hen as well as tbo farmer hvery lady who was a candidate is getting tl.o Utter of our native for county Sctiool Superintendent in bird and our nalivo agriculture iu ncuDi i iwuonu oa turn mmo t niLn.r Dn.h;n n,i KojuiMuai. Ticket. Tor CongreH, LOUIS K. ATKINSON, ot J it i) in I n county. Fur Aeeinllv. O. AI.FRKI) SCIIOCII, if MiiMitfimrgli. J-'nr KlurifT, MiUH. MIDKbF.SNVAUTlI, vt W'tnt HfHvrr. For TrvH-uror, VHAltl.KS A. Hol.K.NDF.U, of Franklin. For Ooimuitmioiiern, JOHN MOIIN ut IVutre and JAMKS Ilol SKU ( l iiioii. Kur Auditor, A1AM SMITH of IWver nnd (1 PIF.UKIlt.f Wi'Kt lVrry. For L'oroner Du. V.. V. TOOLF, t'f Fivetiiirg. V. was defeated. California farniera raiao sixty two bunbt'ls of aitnfl jwers seed to tbo Acre, aud after grinding a g.dlou of oil from encli bushel food tbo refuse to tbe cbickeus and cows. Tbo anumtl ro union of tbo Penn sylvania Uoservo asHociutinn will bo beld iu 1'biludeliilii;), July 1st, this year, ou tbo occasion of tbe nnveil iug of tbo mouument eroded to tbo memory of Geuial Jobu F. lloy-colda. Tbo spoke, wheel and bending works of F. Seidlo & Sons, Mocliau icbburg. wero dtbtroyed by a sup posed incondiary tiro .Saturday night. Loss $50,000 Fifty iuod aro thrown out of employment. It mnst be eitremely gratifying to tbo pnblio to find that tbo gamblers' pauio in Wall street baa been con lin ed to tbo gamblers, and tbat nobody Las beoo seriously hurt but tlioxe sho deserved to be, titber for their disbcnenty or their folly, Now let tbe world movo on. A lurgo gun wan cat at tbe Sonlb !oton Iron WoiLs, iu fulfillment of r contraot with tlio 1'iiitod States Government, of nbat is said to be tbe largest gun ever cunt iu tbis conntry. NVbeu completed it will be about 30 feet in lcDgtb, of 12 iDcb ritle bore, and will weigh -l--000 ponods. It will throw a pro jectile tlx tuilofi. suspicion the American lien is not to blame. l'erbnps our farmers aro too proud to raise eggs. It is so easy Pel baps wo rat too many npiiop chickens; but then tbo supply ought to equal tbo demand when tbe field is so free and Ibe feed so abun dant. Witb our usual dosiro for show, perhaps wo set tho bona iu tbo day time. It should be done at night. That is a good bint, anyway Of course, tho real difficulty is in the fuel that in this, like so many in dustries, ve are bimply neglecting them, while trying to crowd Ameri can capital and American industry into a few channels and into gamb ling speculation, instead of castiug about tbo woild to find cut what it needed and tben supplying tbe demand. Edison gives it as bis opinion that eleetiioal pcienco will within the next fifty years ruako marvelous progress. It will not only light tbi intetior and exterior of the oui bouses, but it will replaca steam as n motive power. It will tako the place, bo thiuks, of borna aud otbor mutual power iu propelling vehicles over common streets and roada. It will solve also tbo problem of tbe cavij iti .n of tbe air. Some of our readers are probably rot awaio that six conventions will bo held this year for the uocnination of President and Vice-l'iesidetit. They are tin Ant'wMonopoly, in (."i.iiMgo, May 1!; tho (Jrecubackers, iu ledianapobi, May 2S ; tbo Ke publican iu Cliicagj, .J u no :l ; tbe American party, in Chicago, Juue 19; tbo Democratic, iu Chicago, iu July 8, and tho ProLil ition, PitUburg, July 23, tlo date of the latter having bteu postij'jiio d from May 21. r 1 11 " P. T. liarnuta says bo expect to make A million, dollar this coming If Mr Arthur cannot reach the Pi evidential persimmon, bo should console himself witb tbo uflectioi tbat bo has roosted higher on tbi political treo than bo bad auy rea son to bopo wheu bo received tbt Vice Presi1IeutiaI noroinatiou. Ut 1uh occupied a higher position, b a great deal, than talents entitled him to. IIo tdionld not fly in the f.tco of Providonco too promiscuous ly, by asking to be kept peimauent'y in tbo Whilo House. WLon it cotuet to business, he lacks a great deal ol being a thunderbolt. Tbero is no proFpeet of Lis startling tho country with au earllnpiiiko, but bo Las beet, very dignified. His strong poiut b that bo is a very safo man, and if Le ivcivcs the nomination, which is not impossible, muny voters will break tl r 'Ugh tbo party lines, and vole f ifliin. Another thing that is it favor of Arthur is tho dinreputabb mub that opposed him iu New York II o bud to contond agaiust such di verse slid stroakod elements as 11 if Infallible Superciliousness, fiord llotcoe, "Mo Too'' l'latt, liliud Pool Cornell, mid that great coming America!) Uirtinarck, Miller, When tho voter takes a bird s eyo view ol tbis piebald combination, it makou him wish tbat Arthur bud cocno out J ahead, in spite of bis swollow tailed coat, aud ombroideied nightgown with a fiiil ou its lower horizon. Cousolo thyself, Chester ! He member that Grant was a bigger mao than vou, aud ho, too, had to step do a q au J out into the hallowed oblivion of prvata life. It may be mcLtined incidentally that be didu't relir.li it very much, either. Tex is Si tiny. (nay be of benefit to them in tbe event of logialtion io, the future, einailnr iu terms to tbe proposed Eqntllzo tion of llonnty kct. Nearly alt bounties payable under existing laws have already been paid. Tbe Hen- oud Auditor suggest as ono method of preventing these frauds that claimants who suppose they are eo titled to additional bounty write lirectly to Lis office for infoimation on the subject 'i ii j W II Kit K IT TOI'I'll KS TIIK SIIOHKS AX1) TIIKU11KAT (HII.MSDIX M II)-STIIKAM. "W'lirl it boiiitlfiil lirlJir holweoii n, n, .mil liil'lli'i I i" rMulon. llnw Ititiilllvrlv Itir hill lwfint- Willi mjrir ftiirl won-hlii nn ruHT .nil Mir. mi now inniiiivi iv. mi iii:ion 1 1 in, tin ill limn lnrn l"k In rr:ivr urn! worOrp, iul Inn lil tn "t-lt uin l o ly l ! Willi llio liilnni,' 'nml fir K. Iliilirrr Ixvl t n, In lilt "M range .inrv. Yp. lull ltnorn It ii'int n'mlmonH tli "rllii i.l Urn h mnnv liuii una mrltil nrrhfi OirotiKh wlilrl- lln' wll J mrr i:h mnl ronrln wrath "il l il""iili!l"ii. TriyiT mi I wnrh!i dnnr m ti"i iin lin e, fmturi' t nuiu rn 'K iihi.i lir ntiKh ikrn Ix'iii Mlli. it il liminn nrtun.l nkni ini-t p ' nnil nllilllv tlio ttrucliirv m crlic.nl ' ..! mil i li, l -a .-iiii.t i nrxt In th Ih llr Iih uiiiilf ur Inn rrvAlurcfi whom tin hMii Ma',! iihilxr tliolr c ritnl. Ni-'tlir tlic rhlll'it tni'tllil "i nir l utlicr." nnr the r ll iinin r "I'urvi t tnc nnl in tlm ml!'' '1 mini' hirntiilllo," will alter th.li hv lie Wfluht ul tingl nr.iui. Si lain-- nnl n rt llrl th.-n rultlt ni tiMyefli till nnnr f llrivin 1 1.- 1 1. Ilit lliltv ' hcdtf throiiifh it- nirrtiL.. ninl Hiot ntpiit- nrp (Tin lli iitvi'rli'P nl nian i not thn viiuihi miiiMiiriMitrnt ol trnihi't or "i'i r. I lllo it luicli ii In jroit t d mi. 8 tlr.ni ? Is your wiwpr t om wlili lllo'i jironii'm iiihi it.nios wivtKi'iioii 7 imi nrr not m il. 1 nr IiIimiI Ii plittfKi-h unit lai iiloif . ht tmitf : or 4iinn Iiiiihi tuDt oruiin I" tnri.t.l nroifr ivorkol. I h'ti tiinv Iiiivp tiikmi (he lorin of . I v ci i 1 h . r Ion inn I i-in. limit, ttiitlnrln. Iinltm In tlm ntoiiiui'h, I'lironif hi'Militrlir, or mty ol n ilon uthi rlllK. V MIKi:KS'S TOMf will lnvlirortr vou, m lri'h mr liii-liromtrii tlmro wlm nave hion liul ti iu .In in , nl rcllw. It Is iowi'rliil. nir li'lii'loiii, pi'iitlililic, SMii'irin Krypton? ul iii Tinri a-vii ui I nu nrniKt in imp. F0H RAISING PI'MTINO. Pt;i!IPT I Nil mil t'oolln Wrll nr 'ltrn wiiler. It In lh only Elaitior (or runi.) mat win iienrnjr winr ncr iiri wil'ifllra nil It II lh only motni lywLlohell orrli-ttro water cig ! mail nura. Wawiil I rfaltSauiur any Instance wbera -r ul clxtern pammt be n ilayi (li'icrlptlra m llf ..I...... -a.-yi ,:TKiry -i r.initor anil ru. -:J?-tJr'-.i 3 rmer :o . ruth Ave and 51- n M-'l'son sr. Pitishtirir. ri, AUb.113 nMllllD t li w, The evl J. nro In lie world of lh runty aud eiotaivtue of lilackwoU'a 11 j11 liurliain Huioklnv Tobvoo In fnnml In th t Uiat tlie fnuo of llu tuliacco IncniaMv from j rar to year. 1 Ills roulj not be tiie caw If Uw. ro merely "irotteu uptoaUl." or bail any dubtoua or ilmiirnroui Inrrtv dluita lu le Auiumr uailUHiaof uionof all lutlouiUitlin.. ninly eome nna wmild fllxl out If it worn llni'lir. Injurious or iihfiustMil. Korli yrars tlila toliaceo hil baru ackium ImUrnl In Im Hie Ut iA rorfj, eml ery yuar tlia Hull liurhiru braud kbim mom Miular, tlio demand for It wiiipr, and suinkm mom entli ii slant la over Its delicious natural ftnvor. Ak your d.-sh r for It. Ort tin K'iiulno traib tuark nf I Us UulL I I InomeidliiislaMllaoverltH I I delicious natural ftnvor. I VTj I Ak your d.-sh r for It. I 4v rJr I K'iiulno traib I rxf I Uiark of lue llulL I Thwel'aoniis-'Vi'f-f .tnn where tt I Hlar.knUI'a Hull l,irl:t'u KSn Huiuiiiif Tobaovu Is uwt Jri in)ia)aa(ni(iijiiQ - til . m uwiiifi to ill iicnitn I would an onuco to my pntrotis nnd citizens of tlic surrounding community that I Iiavo to disbandon the mercan tile business, till improvement 01 health. Would extend this time six months to my patrons to settle up their accounts nnd would say that 1 will keep a full stock ofmer chandico for the next IO days and will positively sell cheaper than any other store in the county. Very Respectfully J. W. SPECHT. Beaver Spriogs, May 1, '81 11 . ram ljpre'ifitvl KhS"h-21( A OPCCIFIC for nnl BLOOD, Positivtrffure FOR RHEMUTISlIj Nenraljft, SCIATICA, LL1IDAC0 Alt tnfttlllblc rf melT for an niaoMt-e or me aain nnd Blow!, lucb aa Tettr, llln(iworm, Krrotnia, r.rtsMla. t! r lllntrhra and fa the ticut Rrnicly T"0 not lulTowr DniRflat psn-ruade yuu Utake I som.uiing riae, ent lr h ta not rot it. Mid willnotaondlbf It, writs to OS and we trill lend It In you by exprm, prepaid, oil receipt of priee. ,i.(rne to three tinttlM nf Tlheumettft frrnn trill clear the eystprn rf Mite, and mm any ram of In flammatory or Acuta tlheumatlsin, i r Neuralgia. Three la Ore txittlct will euro r.ryslpclaj In IU woral furnit Fotirto tit 1 -on let are wamuiteJ to owe corrupt aud running L' leers. Fotir to si bottlai aro wamuite4 to tare cy caae of Salt Khoum. ..Ptro to elsht bottle will euro tbo woral oaao of rk rulula. Fmm fwo In four nionlhs' use of ftheumaMi- vyrup will mm any rnsc of t.hroiilo Kueutnallam of twenty yean' MntiUlns. If you liarobcen atufrtrer ftir ycara, nl have used all the remedies you could hear of, with no aval), flo not be dlacuuragixl, for hbeumallc tmeses, it hna eurciliSTrup win euro yon. liseaae r.f the Mvr pi,a. mt.OO ne bntllei A WUaa fnr tn.no. Bend for our pamphlet of TeatlinooUli, etc. RHKVMATICBYKCPCO.. llochcit.r, N. Y. lor nil tVmaln Vnm plaint, and Wtak- and KUIneyawhen all other rumeUlea bawl failed. FUR BALK 11 V DHL'titjIleJTS frice l.OOper Uottel orO llottleit tor t.si THE POPULAR Flora oft aa sre !HIras OF MIFFLIN COUNTY. Every depart runt full and ready for bufiinesc. Tbe T-nrfrest nod most Carefully Selected Stock of WALNUT & PAINTED CII A MHEU SUITS, ever shown in Lewistown. Sixty Chamber Suits, prices from $25.00 to 125,00, being twenty-five suits more than ever on band at any one time boforo Those suits are all gotten op in Rood style, rnako and fin ish. None J5ctter, and will be sold low for cash. Call and inspect poods and bear prices. I1KDS, CIIAIU3, UUREAUS, SINKS, SAFES, TA BLES all kinds MATR15SSK3 of all kiuds. FORTY LOUNOKS from ..7f np. Reps, Brupsols, Terry's Hair Cloth, and Velvet covers. We take the lead in these poods. SIDEBOARDS, handsome and elegant. Our own make. All Prices low for Cash. Our desire is to plcoso, Ocn Motto Good floods. Low Prices, and No Trouble to Show Goods PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, etc., for tho million. W. H. FELIX, Pro. SPRING Notico is SellDiKrov. Ii irouKh Mlddlohitrkh " lltavor loanibli . i. ii Monro. " f TCEXSE NOTICE l-J lii'toi y Klveu tbat lolin V II. lit 1. Wlllluui Jloltiworlll, V. ii M in II ion, lull ii 11 Kinkier Uamol linleiiiler, lus s Sixokt. i litnrxe Htnltn Kobert nllddieswartn llonry S oil .1 Dlcklo .lol.n Wen. It, Simon l.nntf, Josetdi Mins'i Havl l Ilerruld, Catherine Kothartnel, .1 N liouser. Samuel Kuinbaeh Y. Hyrun llanmao Kl'al.etli Kepler Kill i (' Sclinve have mod tlielr l'tltlnnt lur Tavorn, llennst wlili the t.'lerk of ((uarter hetalnni nl 8ny0er ooiiniy.nnd the same will lie presented lorap nroval on .Mon.liiv. tlio '.rtili doy ol Sly rxt. An t now, .lanusry lth, 1V7, It Is ordered that the t lerk ol the court lusort In t lie pulill cittlon ol i'.ivern 1.1,-ensii hrea(ter a notlot tl.at all Licenses xraoled by the t'ourt will br nu l and void, mile. s the apiilliMnt shall lilt Ibe same within tilteen ditys alier the saint shall have bevu uranied. by Ibe production nl racelnt I nun the oounty Tren-urer to the Clerk ol said Court, that lue License fi e baa been i, aid. iiHiiKiii.il, ' J.tKOt'SE.Uleratl. Chapman, t'nlun Mlddlecroek I.'.-nir. Terry Washington eCSCZXVXXtt Z2-50135IS53. It in learned at the oflice of Sic lon.l Auditor of the Treasury that - eoAHon. A committoe of merchant! UoMiera aro being extonaivoly swiit called upon hitu aud asko I him to roduco hi budiooss cxporionco iu wiiting for tho benefit of pontority. BIr. Rarnura oreod to do so aud it will bo printed in book form. One thincr. however," he said he would tell them : "You do not. any of you advertise enough. You oujjbt to iu- ve6t iu priutor's ink every Jay. You aro asleep and waut your hubinoss to run itself. Standing advurtisu iimnts command conQJuueo. Tho man who for a year iei Joa in a com inanity and leads a reputablo lifo, even tho' he be of moderate ability, will grow io confidence and esteem of bis fellows. On the same prin ciple a newspaper adveitiewoot be comes familiar in the eyes of the readeri and its presence iu the c&N umila of ft newspaper Inspires con- fidoncein tho etftbility of tb adver aTTI 4 aaiaa aai.ii . .-.LI S. 0PPENI1EIMER; SEUNSGROVE, PA. Wider Fona Draw. Wou der Audam ua do Afe obes gawiet hedda f urn Solly Oppenheimer seim store we eio im gor di gawost wora don hottu siesich net gaboddurcd mid lanb blotter, for soe hetta gl.t.lor grog.i kaonn do? son net ma gakust holla und ware n wee bissness gawest. Are but gluder for bova for $1 3") de suit, un fer menner goos wcuich mair. In Lt tu rner beat are ollas dos ich mi luvn gnsunaa hep Wisoe Lcmmer fer Sundog, un oily sotta fer wor tlot,'. Hi goodH is alfurt ust waare rogt dos es 'a, tin ich li n fciboflcihor not sana wee de l.teseo to wollile mocha kena. Are hut no aw hols dioher, I'niniriliing goods, Salchels.Truuks, Revolvers un nn lot onera socha dos ich not wubo weo moro cs doitch bast, over ich waso dos sco wolfilo sin. iob hop ene gafroght was are will wit so feel etrow h?ot, uohnt are es moul uf garissa dos emu der huto op gafolln is uo hut gaiogbt i "Doso will be all sold boforo do season closes or I am a liar ! 1 SEEBOLD & RUNKLE Having just opened a magnificent stock of General Merchandise desire to call the attention of bujors to a few facts that will not only pleaso but Astonish the Public ! They are now offoring goqJ brown Sugar 4 pounds for 25 cents and all other Groceries at corresponding prices. In DRY GOODS they have an unlimited variety of everything. Womeub' Hose at 5 cts a pair. 100 PIECES OF DEESS GOODS lariging in price from 8 to To cents per yard. 100 Pieces of Cottonades at from 8 to 25 cents per yaid. They havo also tho finest lot of Stone Iron Ohinaware in tho county, while tboir stock of Glassware is Simply Immense. OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS A CAPS, Ac, in fact everythicg in tho line of Goueral Merchandise found in Great Va riety aud at Bottom Prices. Follow tho crowd ucJ yiu will fiml t122.KOIiU& KUKM; MlDDLEUlUUiu. rA, THE iMlDDLEBUllGH i . i a taaiaaea A"rilPIIIAIII W I FAMOUS inTOEcTsiiJEUAl ILcSUr lntUI1Lll. I.Vi aiXfT O.a. a. tlTUV ritOM TIIK "ATTI.r.ril-l.n. h.wl h.tj NtUM. kaM a.! l..r,, I. .4.T. ' Faiasur llisuur hsl tsranaaini. un n. i.,n in " " :7i ..T I , Writ, at esss fsr lail a.MiifUua aa. twau. . AMreae 4. C ateCtUBT .. rauaaaaia, I- , fJE IMv (lit old Tost oflico room). DR. I. GRIBR BARBER Prop'r. Always keeps onHiand a full line of pare Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumes and other miscellaneous goods generally found in a first class Dru Store. Also a full lino of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. A DMI N IS TRATOR S NOTICE- rpRlAL LIST-MAY TEUM, 1SS1- 1 Letters af Admlnlstrallun on the eatattN X il lin. el llasjltiKsr, late l We't Ilea ft owualiin. ndof t ountv, ra., nerM, aavin.t lieon granted to the undersigned, all irioni kntiwlau then Ives lndoht.it to uld estate air requested lo ninke luiinedialo payment, Hhlli ibnsu lisvlnn olaluii will preieut theinduiy u tbeutlcaied to II A I h i. II. HASSIMIKK.'v llt.NHV Al. Ii AMMNUF.n. May 1, 'HI. fl Adnilnlstraton ISITirB.AItW I'.aily ( 'tutlit witti Liirkwooil tv On; tt-r it mf i,ii'riri5 iturgiar v New V.leetr'.t' full. 7s-.i New AnnunnlaW Knob, 71m- , New Sounder, l.bOl New Su1I-c1miuk liuv, 7i.: 1'iish llintons. art, t.reald : Hmji Vn'nuiieialiir. LuiiinU'to. 4 Ud. Aaunis tsjiitvil. heioi money mm jour orui'ts. nimu i . . .fit...... . ,. . j. 1. I linn I ., 21 r'ark Ho He York. idled lur. John frulkKlmnk. rt al vsl W Klaee, et. al Ann Kllrit Kovvus, s in It uka an, i i. K I' llohbiiek, vs. I W taiiKlur. A ll.l W.. ... tVlil 11 l.llsll. I runkllii ami Nowton I'lrieh. Teiiiints in rom moil vs Tho Kuroiitfli nl Sclliinirrove. isiiiicnud Miirv Ziminiriuiin, vt Abr und t Inir lotto Krnl-hiT. ... Jiireuiliih nn l KiniBaSnyder, vsjaooD uud .tmry HcndrleU. , tfiniueJ Hurmun, now Helm, Sum ami Ooo. itoruiMii. lohn Wand Surli MSii-ike, v. DavM Kelohly nn I W It ll.iokus. buries Kinuse. v llnnlel Holender. Suuie, vs Jobu Wolf Saino, vs t leorice R Hendrleks. Icihn MnUlw-ry is " ituinui.i. 1'lioH 1 SkvIiik and Hiilldln Aswlatlon, vs HK llovnr, etal. Darlluxbin ti Kulp, et al vi Kamuel Bowen et al. I no SIMIts rn.l'1 III SI in.. ii i". ...I.IW. Mu Term 1HM. ' J. t Hlll'SK, I'rotliy. I'mthva. Office April tl, lHht. Hod by LIho representations on tht- purt of attorneys as to monoy al logo 1 to bo 'bio them nnder the now laws, on account of bounty, etc Xuarly five hundred letters aro re ceived daily from soldiers inqiring into tho status of claims, which they have been induced to tlio under a pretense that they wero entitled to additional bounty undor tho allcgod now laws. They are portmadod iu this wuyto pay an advanoo feo of from to $5 to attorneys to pros t-cute their claims. Claims are re jeetod, of course, and claimants tiev or hear of it until they apply to the depnrtmbnt. Attorneys pay no at tention to the coses aftor reoeiving an advanoo, as they know they are without merit. Soldiers aro also in doocd to send tboir discharge pa pcrs (i these attorneys, who refuse t. .Aiiipit ilta-itai in Iii-.iau air II k a a. i VVJ I Villi I 1)111.1. III ,m4Vrj UM J OTIPES OUT OF 10 Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil CinES RheumatliM tnS Nttirtlala. 99 TIMES CUT OF 100 Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil CURES A Cold r s Hoaritnut. 19 TIMES OUT OF 20 Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil CVRES Althata and Diphtheria. 49 TIMES OUT OF 50 Dr. Thomas' Ecltct.lc Oil CURES , Croup an. ASeclleai .1 the TareaL Price 50 cents and $1.00. SOLO EVERYWHERE. List of Grand Jur:r3 NOTICE is hereby giveu that the fnllnwlnii Wlilowa A niirslsemsnls nnder Ike luo Liw, hvf h.en Bled wllU the t'lerk of the Oruuaue' Court of Snyder eonntjr, for eon nrmatlou ou Monday, Ibe 'Jdtb day of May neit. Appmlsment o I.ydla liousli widow nf Simon Uou.ll, late ol Wiithliixtuu townslii,doeeasi'd. ApiKiilsenient ol Henry Muiiiinel and Murta HuiiiiiihI. rhlldrru and helm ol William lluiu- in. I late ol t'haiiiiHti lownslili. deoeaaed. AiiralselnTit 01 piirry Anil now, wmow oi.iovi Row. lule ol j'diddlooti-ek uushlp, deceased. Aiiiirnla'tnent ol falharl. Hrouse widow ol Duiilt'l Hrouse, late of I'cnu lownshlp,looened. Ainral-iiieiit of Hlaauotb Trouu widow of John 1. ruuji iui wi iiiiihuim aeeeaseii. ,k May 1, al. J. vnuusb.tiiin.u, j. The (treat Kventi of Illitory In Due Volume. I'rawn fur Rrtcnliir Term eotnm.oolng Mon day, may m ib, Adams lohn V. Zechinan Ueaver-r'. 11. Kn.nu, I'harai Uoml(f. It- aver West I'hoinas Herhslor. t'haninan Janiee K. Itobrer. l II. eon Hollir. ileiira. rDTder. laekaon Jeiemlah MpaoiiUr, tt.orK. F. I'ruitiuan. Mt.i.ilohuriih ileormi M. Bhlndel, John M. Moata. Mlddlecrsek John Fields, Jaeob IlollDKer. Daniel uunkaineraer. Monroe leae Klshr, Kdward riiimmel. I'enns Slinun Harmon. Selinsicrnve .lames A. Il.irrett, John T. Mark. I'nlon laano llrlll, Pete Auker WaiblDk'tun I'avld ArhOKait, Joho StclflO, ueoton etrauu. List of Petit Jurors. dsms (Miarlel Vauuell. eaver .lolut Walker ( lurlei Lloyd. An tin Hinusmin. A. N. Horner, Edoti l I ree l Hearer West Henry Kruln. i'lilllp .1 .nisliOerk Tuhiaa K. Itolta, ueore Mnyaer, jaoot, blink. Chapiusn K. W. Wallla, John t. Kereletter. John ). Kr'Uz.r. rantr Heuben I'es.lar. Joha E. Shenkal. frauklln Henry ttam-li, Aiarisn creegur, n.w'Oo s. oai-nwati. 1ai-ks.ni ll.rnliart Kline. Jam.. R. Rllter Mlddl.crtwk O. (i. etlebar, ferry Kit, Hubert Keller. . . . Monroe .lerom lab App, Samuel L. App I all lArUa c ilu.tir. tlharloa llHiifer. ferry Mlcbael Womer, John Purler, Joa.ph l.eutu, iieury uaruiuei rerr muiiu, a. urevDill. Peer Weal J. II. Willi!. bello-wrove Allh Welaal, J. O, I.. Hhlndel, II. K Mi-Knlver. UUarlea u Mover A u Keek, Waller Uuuiuiel, Edward fisher, It J uui k Tlnion-.lereiuiah Hlraub Weeblniitir Henry J Sehnee, Blmoa Beoulug. er W U Urlniui, Nalheu IMIUI S AND LIQUORS for medical purposes. Physicians fuo- scriptions carefully compounded at all hours and at reasonablo rates. I. GRIER BARBER. Residence on corner, opposite U. B. Church, Midtllebnrgh, 1'it. . 1 1 i "i J. B. REED HUIVI JUltY, xv. JJeater in Oi' THE WORM). Ut Vavt. Kmi, 1IISTOHY KROM TUK I1AT1XK I IEM, kii,n. how n.iiiois liava heon made or destroy' ..i i.. .i,.vli,,w 1'iinii or Itlsiulnr lias titruod on a (luulo eonlest. A Ore nil Hunk ItirOldor Yoiiiik reaves Time Aids the MoinorvOlvei fleasuro and Initruetloa Mapa and I lue 111 us- I r.1 ltn. AOENT9 WANTED KVERY WHERE. Send lor full description and terms. Add reus. 4-U.siu. J. O. McC'uiiuy a. Co., I'hila SALESMEN WANTED Oood reliable men toeell.arNEW I'Kt'lTS aNii kHVHIAl.TlLS. OOU11 SALARY nald bonest. toilte, i.oseeafol Aienta. for i (e-ini ad Ite.s, alvloe; age, and referenees. HOOHEtt. UKOlUEtt . TllOSIA. Walt tbtr,l'. -H'w, & Muzzle Loadif.a Shot Guns. i. " Llrnn SHELLS Brass Shot SMIs & Ammnnition. CARTRIDGE BELTS & LOADING IMPLEMENTS. CALL 4m SICE M 3 1 STOCK. Breech 1MXK and 11 LAG1 lv ISufced WADS. SHOT GUNS, COIV HrlVlV TLY OIV llVIVD; A DM JNI8TRATORS' NOTICE .fiaVirArtr. line of PISTOLS, CARTIiWGESft REVOLVERS Snyd.r Oo., Pa., .laeeeied, batlnv been ureal-1 ' ( .. tV....inT:;.du;.di:r J. U. RUED is also cmo of tlio largest STOVE AID b.;?oY..i DKALKUS in tliis iscction of tho State. tieatea to Ua I M. NATWAK A F BOO AST, Administrator. A DM IN I STR ATOR'S NOTICE. J Latl.rt of adnitulstratlon on th. eitate of Kred. Troup, law of ferry tp., Hnyder Oo., fa. deoeaaed, DavinK neen grenieuio me uou.i, atuaad. all o.rsoDB knoalnK th.uiteltel Iu dallied to aald estate ar. requeue, to mak. Immediate payment, while tbos. bavin alalia! will p,....t be- d.iy Admlniitratr. M.y li. iistiii ICLEV'S EEDS MM. 'VOU ALL OUMATKis, A Us BOlLaJ. AIX C'UOf. innA (iatai fiRMF raw I M W ay fa B nieVWWai I 1 1 Ba Ba ttH MIU. I HIRAM SIBLEY & CO.Rochetter.N.Y. Chicafo.llC v. .v J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers